2. Carmax Auto Superstore FEIR Part II
4.10 Hazards and Hazardous Materials Chapter 4.10 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The following documents were used in the preparation of this section and are included in their entirety in Appendix B, Appendix H, Appendix P, and Appendix Q: EnviroApplications, Inc. September 11, 2019. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report for Proposed Oceanside CarMax Facility. (Appendix B) EEI Engineering Solutions. September 6, 2019. Geotechnical Evaluation for Proposed “CarMax” Commercial Development Plaza Drive and Hacienda Drive, City of Oceanside, County of San Diego, California. (Appendix H) EnviroApplications, Inc. November 6, 2019. Summary of Berm Soil Sampling. (Appendix P) REC Consultants, Inc. March 2020. Cortese List Verification. (Appendix Q) 4.10.1 Environmental Setting The Project Site consists primarily of disturbed and vacant land. The topography of the Project Site is relatively flat, and slopes gently south towards Buena Vista Creek. Elevations range from 180 feet amsl to 220 feet amsl. The Project Site has been previously graded and crushed rock is present along the western boundary of the Project Site. No structures or roads exist onsite. The Project Site boundaries are bisected by Plaza Drive, bounded on the north by SR-78, to the east by the DMV facility and Thunder Drive, to the south by Buena Vista Creek and to the west by a shopping center. The Project Site is surrounded primarily by commercial and residential uses. The Project would be constructed in two (2) phases. The southern parcel, developed as Phase I, would provide a sales and administrative building, service building, private carwash, associated access drives, landscaped areas, presentation area, staging area, sales display area, and a customer and employee parking lot.
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