
Directorate-General for the Presidency


Political Groups

PPE-DE Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats PSE Group of the Party of European Socialists ELDR Group of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party Verts/ALE Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance GUE/NGL Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left UEN Union for Europe of the Nations group TDI Technical Group of Independent Members - mixed group EDD Group for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities NI Non-attached Members


AFET Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy BUDG Committee on Budgets CONT Committee on Budgetary Control LIBE Committee on Citizens’ Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs JURI Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market ITRE Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy EMPL Committee on Employment and Social Affairs ENVI Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy AGRI Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development PECH Committee on Fisheries RETT Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism CULT Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport DEVE Committee on Development and Cooperation AFCO Committee on Constitutional Affairs FEMM Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities PETI Committee on Petitions ENQU Temporary Committee of Inquiry


Closed on : 12.10.2001 CONTENTS 3


Answers to questions to the Presidency (Rule 28 (2))...... 6 Main decisions of the College of Quaestors ...... 7


Appointments/resignations/end of Members' terms of office...... 10 Membership of the political groups ...... 11


Written questions ...... 12 Question Time (B5-0333/2001)...... 24 Summary of Questions time - October I/2001...... 26 Written declarations...... 27


Meetings of committees to which the power of decision has been delegated (Rule 62/4 of the Rule of Procedure)...... 30

Appointment of rapporteurs and draftsmen ...... 31


Commission documents...... 36


Common Foreign and Security Policy

Declaration concerning East Timor ...... 38 Declaration on talks between the government of Nepal and thw Maoist insurgents ...... 38 Declaration on the inter-Korean ministerial meeting from 15 to 18 September 2001 ...... 39 Declaration concerning the development of the situation in the Mano River Union Countries ...... 39 Declaration on the elections in Fiji ...... 40 Declaration on Eritrea ...... 40 Declaration concerning the elections in Bangladesh ...... 41 Declaration condemning the murder of Ms Araujo Noguera, former Minister for Culture of Colombia ...... 41 Declaration upon the nomination of the new Prime Minister of Belarus ...... 42

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 4 CONTENTS


Part-session from 3 to 6 September and from 19 to 20 September 2001

Post-session.view ...... 46 Post-session.leg Legislative Procedures ...... 52 Post-session.budg Budget work ...... 69 Post-session.ctrl Political scrutiny ...... 72 Miscellanoeus decisions ...... 94 Post-session.impact Action taken by the Commission ...... 97


Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 PRESIDENCY 5


Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 6 PRESIDENCY

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS TO PRESIDENCY (Rule 28(2) of the Rules of Procedure)

Question N° 01/2001 by Mr Richard CORBETΤ (PSE)

Subject : Bureau decision on the publication on the Internet of MEPs' Financial Interests

Following the Bureau decision of 04.04.01 measures have been set in motion for the publication of Members' declaration of financial interests on the internet.

However, Members have been invited (Quaestors' circular 18/01) to "object" to the publication of their interests.

If any Member were to objet, what would be the procedure for dealing with such an objection ? Who would decide whether the reasons given are sufficient to allow a derogation from publication ? Has the Bureau laid down any criteria for evaluating objections ? Have there been any cases already ?


In line with the decision taken by the Bureau at its meeting of 2 & 4 April 2001, communicated to Members by means of Quaestors' Communication 18/01, Members were entitled to lodge express individual objections to the publication of their declarations of financial interests on the Internet. Members who lodged such objections were not requested to give reasons since, pursuant to the current rules, Members draw up their declarations of financial interests under their own responsibility. The issue of a procedure to deal with objections, and the existence of any cases as a result of that procedure, does not, therefore, arise.


Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 PRESIDENCY 7


The Chairmen-in-Office of the College of Quaestors, have circulated the following communications to the Members of the European Parliament:

No 28/2001 : Security measures at the European Parliament;

No 30/2001 : Utilisation of secretarial assistance allowance appropriations (item 3910) in respect of the 2001 financial year;

No 32/2001 : Strengthened security measures and changes in practices affecting visitors invited by Members in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Further information may be obtained from the Secretariat of the College of Quaestors in:

Strasbourg : Salvador de Madariaga (SDM) Building, 6/20 Tel. 74195

Brussels : Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) Building, 8b/66 Tel. 43722


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Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 10 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES



At its sitting of 1 October 2001 Parliament took note of the election of:

Véronique DE KEYSER to replace Jacques SANTKIN (PSE/BE) with effect from 25 September 2001.


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The President wishes to announce the judgment by the Court of First Instance, given in open court in Luxembourg on 2 October 2001, which rejected the applications by Members of the European Parliament, the Front National and the Lista Bonino against the European Parliament’s act of 14 September 1999 which stated that the Technical Group of Independent Members does not exist.

Consequently the suspension ordered by the President of the Court of First Instance on 25 November 1999 ceased to have effect from the date of judgment, 2 October 2001, in accordance with Article 107(3) of the Court’s Rules of Procedure.

Therefore the European Parliament’s act of 14 September 1999 again has full effect.


At its sitting of 3 October 2001 Parliament took note that:

Roberto Felice BIGLIARDO had joined the UEN Group with effect from 1 October 2001.


At its sitting of 1 October 2001 Parliament took note that:

Mrs Ilka SCHRÖDER had joined the GUE/NGL Group with effect from 28 September 2001.


Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 12 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES

WRITTEN QUESTIONS (Situation at 15.10.2001)

Author Subject No

Graham Watson Threat to Christian Community in Indonesia E-2545/01 Graham Watson The dangers posed by plastic toys inside chocolate eggs E-2546/01 Olle Schmidt Directive on agency work E-2547/01 Laura González Álvarez Restructuring of the banks of the river Duero in Zamora (Spain) E-2548/01 Jorge Hernández Mollar Community solidarity in restoring the Sierra de Mijas E-2549/01 Jorge Hernández Mollar Complaint regarding the discrimination suffered by foreign E-2550/01 prisoners in Community prisons Jorge Hernández Mollar First agreement on the creation of a fishing venture between E-2551/01 Spain and Tunisia Salvador Garriga Polledo Communication between the Commission and the public E-2552/01 Salvador Garriga Polledo Action to bring Community citizens closer to the European E-2553/01 institutions Salvador Garriga Polledo EU's waiving of demands for the United States to be penalised E-2554/01 in the Foreign Sales Corporation case Luciana Sbarbati GMO and wine-growing P-2555/01 Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou European law enforcement unit P-2556/01 Olivier Dupuis Arrest of the pro-democracy militants Mu Chuanheng and Yan P-2557/01 Peng in the People's Republic of China Gabriele Stauner Health risks resulting from a lack of checks on butterfat E-2558/01 María Sornosa Martínez EU's contribution to the problem of waiting lists in national E-2559/01 health systems Luis Berenguer Fuster Electricity shortages in Spain - market regulation and E-2560/01 consequences for consumers Michiel van Hulten Problems detected in connection with implementation of the E-2561/01 ESF during the periods 1994-1996 and 1996-1999 Alexandros Alavanos Continuation of a national cadastral survey in Greece P-2562/01 Mihail Papayannakis National cadastral survey P-2563/01 Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou European riot police force E-2564/01 Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou EU drugs policy and the situation in Greece E-2565/01 Konstantinos Hatzidakis Appalling hygiene in the Rendi central meat market in Greece E-2566/01

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Antonios Trakatellis Delay in liberalising the internal market in electricity and E-2567/01 distortion of competition in Greece Richard Corbett EU assistance for hydrological projects in Spain E-2568/01 Richard Corbett The Alqueva dam project (Portugal) E-2569/01 Phillip Whitehead EU funding for experiments on non-human primates in the E-2570/01 Netherlands Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna European Research Advisory Board E-2571/01 Paulo Casaca Protection of designations of origin outside Community E-2572/01 territory Robert Goebbels Europe by Satellite invitation to tender P-2573/01 Giovanni Pittella Organisation of strategies for developing regional economic E-2574/01 competitiveness Bart Staes Coordination of the Sensus project E-2575/01 Dominique Vlasto Contribution of tourism to employment and growth E-2576/01 Dominique Vlasto Quality initiatives for the hotel sector E-2577/01 Mario Borghezio Immigration from Morocco E-2578/01 Jules Maaten Environmentally harmful subsidies, with particular reference to E-2579/01 road transport and energy Jules Maaten Environmentally harmful subsidies, with particular reference to E-2580/01 the Rio+10 Conference and agriculture and fisheries Torben Lund Chlorpropham P-2581/01 Hartmut Nassauer Accession of Poland and the Czech Republic to the EU and its P-2582/01 effects on the German Federal government's funding of German associations in the former German territories in these countries Feleknas Uca Police brutality in Turkey on World Peace Day E-2583/01 Stavros Xarchakos Risk of losing resources from the third CSF in Greece E-2584/01 Juan Ojeda Sanz Direct relations between citizens and the Union E-2585/01 Juan Naranjo Escobar Community provisions to facilitate the movement of patients to E-2586/01 help cut waiting-lists Juan Naranjo Escobar European information campaign on the European Code against E-2587/01 Cancer Laura González Álvarez Filling work at the Ría de Vigo (Galicia, Spain) E-2588/01 Laura González Álvarez Environmental assault on the Los Tilos nature reserve (Gran E-2589/01 Canaria, Spain) Luciano Caveri Wine growing in mountain areas E-2590/01 Benedetto Della Vedova Private negotiation of a contract for the supply of a 'call centre' E-2591/01 service between the INPDAP and Telelcom Italian S.p.A.

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Mario Borghezio European checks on irregular visas and residence permits issued P-2592/01 by Mario Borghezio European checks on irregularities in the issuing of visas and E-2593/01 residence permits in Italy Erik Meijer Statement made by a Member of the European Commission in E-2594/01 favour of the model of capitalism developed in Europe being replaced by the American model Erik Meijer Pressure on Member States to harmonise their tax rates by E-2595/01 reducing the price of petrol and diesel fuel Erik Meijer Conduct of a transfrontier supermarket chain in breach of the E-2596/01 rules on competition - collective wage agreements and general standards of propriety Erik Meijer American administration of the European town of Brcko and E-2597/01 how that town might be reintegrated into its administrative environment Erik Meijer Introduction of legislation requiring drivers of motor vehicles to E-2598/01 drive with their headlights switched on during daylight hours and the implications for the safety of cyclists and pedestrians in densely-populated areas Antonios Trakatellis Operation of Olympic Airways: privatisation and State aid P-2599/01 Wolfgang Ilgenfritz Turnover tax on occupational medical services P-2600/01 Hiltrud Breyer Risk to consumers caused by germ contamination of meat E-2601/01 Reinhard Rack German Regulation on packaging - inadequate protection for the E-2602/01 free movement of goods and beverage importers Paul Rübig German Regulation on packaging - barrier to trade for importers E-2603/01 of beverages Paul Rübig German Regulation on packaging - discrimination relating to E-2604/01 packaging for beverages Caroline Lucas Transport of animals from accession countries to the European E-2605/01 Union María Rodríguez Ramos and Luis Milk marketing in France E-2606/01 Berenguer Fuster Ilda Figueiredo Double taxation of labour E-2607/01 Paulo Casaca Encouragement by the Commission to ignore international E-2608/01 aviation agreements Cancelled question E-2609/01 Christopher Huhne Council procedures P-2610/01 Torben Lund Sellafield and radioactivity E-2611/01 Bernd Lange The EU institutions' own energy policy E-2612/01

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Lousewies van der Laan and Bob van Arrest of 52 homosexuals in Egypt - consequences for the E-2613/01 den Bos EuroMed Agreement María Sornosa Martínez and others Illegality of the Spanish NHP under Community law and need E-2614/01 for urgent action by the Commission María Sornosa Martínez and Joan Commission's response to the citizens' movement against the E-2615/01 Colom i Naval Spanish NHP María Sornosa Martínez State of affairs concerning bottling plant in La Gomera E-2616/01 (Canaries) Bartho Pronk The Netherlands' problems with the ESF record-keeping system E-2617/01 in 1994-1999 Alexandros Alavanos Dangers associated with anti-cholesterol drug E-2618/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 25/26 June 2001 E-2619/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 25/26 June 2001 E-2620/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 27/28 June 2001 E-2621/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 27/28 June 2001 E-2622/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 10 July 2001 E-2623/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 10 July 2001 E-2624/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 16/17 July 2001 E-2625/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 16/17 July 2001 E-2626/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 20 July 2001 E-2627/01 Christopher Huhne Council meeting of 20 July 2001 E-2628/01 Concepció Ferrer Distribution of Spanish milk in France E-2629/01 Elly Plooij-van Gorsel and Jules Internet domain names E-2630/01 Maaten Cecilia Malmström Year of Languages 2001 E-2631/01 Hans Karlsson Employees' right to information E-2632/01 Gian Gobbo Displays of hostility to the West in Turkey P-2633/01 Hiltrud Breyer Arrangements for replacing the ECSC Consultative Committee E-2634/01 Jillian Evans and Eurig Wyn Protection of minorities - closure of the Sorbian school in E-2635/01 Crostwitz Margrietus van den Berg A European approach to trafficking in young footballers E-2636/01 Toine Manders Banking secrecy P-2637/01 Bartho Pronk Further questions concerning case law in relation to the Belgian P-2638/01 State Pensions Service Alexandros Alavanos Information on the euro E-2639/01

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Anna Karamanou Arrest of eight foreign nationals by the Taliban in Afghanistan E-2640/01 Anna Karamanou Arrest of eight foreign nationals by the Taliban in Afghanistan E-2641/01 Encarnación Redondo Jiménez European mushroom sector E-2642/01 Yasmine Boudjenah Geneva Convention on the status of refugees E-2643/01 Luciana Sbarbati European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products E-2644/01 Luciana Sbarbati Euro and consumers E-2645/01 Jan Mulder Restrictions on trade in pig fat E-2646/01 Charles Tannock The anomalous situation of non-EU nationals permitted to vote E-2647/01 in UK elections Charles Tannock The legality of the Commission's discrimination directives E-2648/01 Frank Vanhecke Problems in Zimbabwe E-2649/01 Frank Vanhecke Combating terrorism in Europe E-2650/01 Frank Vanhecke European arrest warrant E-2651/01 Frank Vanhecke European arrest warrant E-2652/01 Frank Vanhecke Combating terrorism E-2653/01 Mario Mauro Rice surpluses P-2654/01 Stavros Xarchakos Reconsideration of the EU's foreign policy E-2655/01 Stavros Xarchakos Reconsideration of the EU's foreign policy E-2656/01 Graham Watson EU-Algeria Association Agreement E-2657/01 Graham Watson TETRA radio masts E-2658/01 Graham Watson African children orphaned by AIDS E-2659/01 Charles Tannock Fines imposed on Member States and the destination of the E-2660/01 monies collected Charles Tannock The effectiveness of the European Community's no-vaccination E-2661/01 policy as a solution to foot-and-mouth disease Mario Borghezio Threat of attacks on the European institutions E-2662/01 Armando Cossutta Public service contracts and the Mafia in Italy E-2663/01 Sérgio Marques Objective 1 programmes E-2664/01 Brice Hortefeux Air transport safety P-2665/01 Maurizio Turco Collaboration between the UNDCP and the European P-2666/01 Commission Cancelled question P-2667/01 Michl Ebner Protection of minorities in Hungary E-2668/01

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Michl Ebner Széchenyi Plan in Hungary E-2669/01 Ioannis Averoff Aid for the restructuring and conversion of vineyards in Greece E-2670/01 Laura González Álvarez Environmental impact of the extension of Barcelona airport E-2671/01 Mario Borghezio Islamic terrorism in Europe E-2672/01 Anna Karamanou Measures to protect EU Muslims from racist violence P-2673/01 Raffaele Costa Fraud against the EU P-2674/01 Jorge Moreira Da Silva Agreement between Portugal and Spain on water resources P-2675/01 Raffaele Costa Patents on genetic tests E-2676/01 Raffaele Costa Remuneration of EIB employees E-2677/01 Raffaele Costa Regional grants in Italy E-2678/01 Christoph Konrad Protection of the civilian population in the EU P-2679/01 Hans-Gert Poettering Implementation of the Habitats Directive P-2680/01 Gerard Collins Premature Zinc Risk Assessment timetable P-2681/01 Maurizio Turco Statement by the Director of the UNDCP E-2682/01 Stefano Zappalà Life - Environment 2000 Programme - commune of Sabaudia E-2683/01 (Italy) Mario Mauro Funding from AGRI DG E-2684/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Enlargement DG E-2685/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Environment DG E-2686/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Trade DG E-2687/01 Mario Mauro Funding from ECHO Humanitarian Aid Office E-2688/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Energy and Transport DG E-2689/01 Mario Mauro Funding from EUROPE-AID Cooperation Office E-2690/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Justice and Home Affairs DG E-2691/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Enterprise DG E-2692/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Employment and Social Affairs DG E-2693/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Fisheries DG E-2694/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Regional Policy DG E-2695/01 Mario Mauro Funding from External Relations DG E-2696/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Research DG E-2697/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Health and Consumer Protection DG E-2698/01 Mario Mauro Funding from Information Society DG E-2699/01

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 18 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES

Mario Mauro Funding from Development DG E-2700/01 Mario Mauro Sustainable tourism policy in the European Union E-2701/01 Mario Mauro Sustainable tourism in the European Union E-2702/01 Mario Mauro G8 meeting in Genoa E-2703/01 Mario Mauro G8 meeting in Genoa E-2704/01 Ozan Ceyhun Problems frequently encountered by citizens of the Federal P-2705/01 Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey with the Bulgarian police when passing through the Republic of Bulgaria Harlem Désir Lack of progress in the negotiations on the trade and P-2706/01 cooperation agreement between the EU and South Africa Helle Thorning-Schmidt Osteoporosis E-2707/01 Hiltrud Breyer Availability of animal insulin E-2708/01 Hiltrud Breyer Definition of 'vegetarianism' and 'vegetarian' E-2709/01 Rolf Linkohr Net import requirement for cereals E-2710/01 Konstantinos Hatzidakis Operational methods of the Gastouni Agricultural Cooperative E-2711/01 Producers' Organisation Konstantinos Hatzidakis Destruction of a biotope in Elafoniso in Crete included in the E-2712/01 Natura network Konstantinos Hatzidakis Failure to recognise diplomas from the Technical and E-2713/01 Vocational Teacher Training Institute (SELETE) as university diplomas in Greece Martin Callanan Sixth VAT directive E-2714/01 Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna EU - Kingdom of Morocco relations E-2715/01 Brice Hortefeux Opening local transport markets E-2716/01 Cristiana Muscardini New unleaded petrol and consumer protection in Italy E-2717/01 Cristiana Muscardini Reasoned opinions and the situation in Sardinia E-2718/01 Marco Formentini Possible breach of Directive 92/43/EEC P-2719/01 Niels Busk Production levy in France P-2720/01 Jean Saint-Josse Natura 2000 - Habitats Directive - France - rescission by court P-2721/01 decision of the forwarding of lists of areas in France - consequences for the commitment of LIFE funds Yves Butel Natura 2000 - Habitats Directive - France - rescission by court P-2722/01 decision of the forwarding of lists of areas in France - impact on biogeographical seminars Jean-Louis Bernié Natura 2000 - Habitats Directive - France - rescission by court P-2723/01 decision of the forwarding of lists of areas in France - consultation of local people and taking account of their opinions

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Niels Busk Use of fish meal, fish pulp and fish silage E-2724/01 Niels Busk Food aid to Russia E-2725/01 Hartmut Nassauer Report of the National Commission on Terrorism to the United E-2726/01 States' Congress, submitted on 5 June 2000 Bernd Lange Waste disposal in Chalkidiki, Greece E-2727/01 Luigi Vinci Human rights in Turkey P-2728/01 Albert Maat, Reimer Böge and Dorette Export of sperm to third countries E-2729/01 Corbey Patricia McKenna Fresh details concerning the Mugardos regasification plant E-2730/01 Patricia McKenna Enlargement of the Port of Ferrol (outer port) E-2731/01 Monica Frassoni The SS 131 road linking Torres, Sassari and Cagliari E-2732/01 Sebastiano Musumeci Seizure of a motorised fishing boat in the Sicilian Channel E-2733/01 Erik Meijer Delay in introducing requirement to eliminate the blind spot in E-2734/01 truck drivers' field of vision Erik Meijer Blocking of escape routes in tall buildings and lack of E-2735/01 information for potential victims Erik Meijer Maintenance of security at airports by public rather than private E-2736/01 services Erik Meijer Extremely tall buildings and measures to reduce their E-2737/01 vulnerability in the event of fire, explosion or aircraft collision Erik Meijer Extremely tall, vulnerable buildings and standards for their E-2738/01 supporting structures and demolition Jorge Moreira Da Silva Pedestrians' rights E-2739/01 Jorge Moreira Da Silva Electromagnetic fields E-2740/01 Jorge Moreira Da Silva Next World Trade Organisation Round E-2741/01 Jorge Moreira Da Silva Internalising the environmental costs of nuclear energy E-2742/01 Anneli Hulthén Objective 3 development programme E-2743/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Saddam Hussein and the war crimes tribunal E-2744/01 Jonas Sjöstedt EU fisheries agreement with South Africa E-2745/01 Jonas Sjöstedt EU fisheries agreement with South Africa E-2746/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Loopholes in Schengen checks E-2747/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Loopholes in Schengen checks E-2748/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Antibiotics in animal feed E-2749/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Cars confiscated on the border between Finland and Sweden E-2750/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Food irradiation E-2751/01

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Jonas Sjöstedt Cost of emission tests on imported cars E-2752/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Date stamping of eggs E-2753/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Reduction of the fine on Fléchard E-2754/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Free trade with the 48 poorest countries in the world E-2755/01 Jonas Sjöstedt GM food in Swedish shops E-2756/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Classification of GHB as a narcotic E-2757/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Phasing out of import quotas for clothing E-2758/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Single and double bulkheads inside road tankers E-2759/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Mandatory local authority waste plans and noise mapping E-2760/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Barley as barley E-2761/01 Jonas Sjöstedt EU support as a competitive advantage E-2762/01 Jonas Sjöstedt VAT on exchange trips E-2763/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Patent protection at the expense of small undertakings E-2764/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Future food price increases in Estonia E-2765/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Warning to Sweden for late submission of maps E-2766/01 Jonas Sjöstedt The Commission's actions in the sickness insurance case before E-2767/01 the Court of Justice Jonas Sjöstedt Final disposal of nuclear waste E-2768/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Community School Milk Scheme E-2769/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Anti-dumping duty on fax machines from the Far East E-2770/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Ostrich farming E-2771/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Tax-free trade and EU diplomats E-2772/01 Jonas Sjöstedt Construction of external frontier posts on Poland's eastern E-2773/01 border Alexandros Alavanos Eutrophication and dangerous toxins in nine large lakes in E-2774/01 Greece Chris Davies Funding of Non-Animal Tests E-2775/01 Chris Davies Enforcement of environmental legislation (Greece) E-2776/01 Samuli Pohjamo Compliance with the additionality principle in connection with E-2777/01 the EU's structural fund policy in Finland Didier Rod, Alain Lipietz and Pierre Ownership of the euro logo E-2778/01 Jonckheer Adeline Hazan Proposal for a directive on family reunification E-2779/01

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Armando Cossutta Call to tender for the trans-European telecommunications E-2780/01 network Cristiana Muscardini New security measures at airports E-2781/01 Paulo Casaca Harmful effects of mixed strain wines E-2782/01 Glyn Ford CE standard mark P-2783/01 Herbert Bösch Possible provision of misleading information to the P-2784/01 Commission in the MED affair Adriana Poli Bortone Naming places after the Twin Towers P-2785/01 Mathieu Grosch Registration of motor vehicles in - Royal Decree of 20 P-2786/01 July 2001 Pietro-Paolo Mennea Pollution of the area around Castel del Monte P-2787/01 Hiltrud Breyer Death of migratory birds on the Øresund Bridge E-2788/01 Hiltrud Breyer Inadequate implementation of the Directive on the freedom of E-2789/01 access to information on the environment (90/313/EEC) Alexandros Alavanos Air transport problems and Olympic Airways E-2790/01 Stavros Xarchakos EuroNews agreement with the Commission E-2791/01 Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne Health implications of mobile phone masts E-2792/01 Manuel Medina Ortega Subsidies for sea transport in the Canaries E-2793/01 Laura González Álvarez Environmental transgressions in the Zuloko-Ibarreta wetlands E-2794/01 (Baracaldo, Spain) Carmen Fraga Estevez Use of "thonaille" nets to catch migratory species E-2795/01 Carmen Fraga Estevez Conversion of the "spadare" fleet to catch migratory species in E-2796/01 the Mediterranean Carmen Fraga Estevez Use of the "ferratara" E-2797/01 Theresa Zabell Air security E-2798/01 María Sornosa Martínez Environmental crime in the Sierra de Fontcalent (Alicant, E-2799/01 Spain) María Sornosa Martínez Urban development on the island of Tabarca, a site of special E-2800/01 Community interest and a special protection area for birds, in Alicante (Spain) Gian Gobbo Protection of typical foods and strategy to safeguard European E-2801/01 agriculture Erik Meijer The disconnect between the necessary elimination of E-2802/01 overcapacity in air transport and measures to support airline companies Erik Meijer Injury done to the environment and to public services by the E-2803/01 Member States' temporarily taking over airline insurance risks

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Fiorella Ghilardotti Discrimination in terms of equal opportunities in Competition P-2804/01 COM/C/01 Francesco Turchi Projects funded under the Culture 2000 Programme P-2805/01 Gabriele Stauner Charges of favouritism against the Land government in E-2806/01 Schwerin Gabriele Stauner Possible irregularities in the EQUAL assistance programme E-2807/01 Erik Meijer 46.05% structural exceeding of deadlines for replies to non- E-2808/01 priority written questions Jean Lambert Construction of a bottling plant at Taguluche, La Gomera E-2809/01 (Canary Islands) Stavros Xarchakos EU policy on cultural affairs E-2810/01 Bill Miller Artists' recorded performance remuneration E-2811/01 Glenys Kinnock Sun guns E-2812/01 Sebastiano Musumeci Shipwreck in the Sicilian Channel E-2813/01 Rijk van Dam Working conditions of crews in inland shipping E-2814/01 Giuseppe Di Lello Finuoli Afghanistan P-2815/01 Alexander de Roo Political deal between the Netherlands and Belgium over the P-2816/01 Ijzeren Rijn route Herbert Bösch Combating discrimination - criteria for support for projects E-2817/01 Jean Lambert Student loans for British students resident abroad E-2818/01 Astrid Thors The promotion of renewable energy sources E-2819/01 Claude Moraes Vietnam and effects of Agent Orange P-2820/01 Stavros Xarchakos Definition of the terms 'adult' and 'minor' E-2821/01 Glenys Kinnock Gender mainstreaming in ACP countries E-2822/01 Jaime Valdivielso de Cué Transgenic salmon E-2823/01 María Sornosa Martínez Failure to comply with Community legislation in the E-2824/01 construction of the Spanish high-speed train passing through Osera del Ebro María Sornosa Martínez Diversion of ESF funding for environmental training to the E-2825/01 Biodiversity Foundation in Spain Fernando Fernández Martín The eradication of cholera E-2826/01 Fernando Fernández Martín Protection of women's rights E-2827/01 Fernando Fernández Martín Development of national chambers of commerce and the E-2828/01 Secretariat for the chambers of commerce of the ACP countries Béatrice Patrie Access to new medicinal products E-2829/01

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Bernd Lange Implementing provisions for Directive 98/69/EC E-2830/01 Armando Cossutta Racist statements by the Italian Government P-2831/01 Alexandros Alavanos Outstanding payments to teachers in public vocational training E-2832/01 institutes and the 2nd Community Support Framework Terence Wynn French tax provisions for foreign life insurance E-2833/01 Gian Gobbo Saving the public postal service in Cadore E-2834/01 Lousewies van der Laan Poland's accession to the European Union E-2835/01 Dirk Sterckx Implementation of Directive 92/57/EEC on temporary and P-2836/01 mobile construction sites Bart Staes Distortions of competition and state aid to ailing airline P-2837/01 companies Giuseppe Nisticò and others Measures to combat potential bioterrorist attacks in Europe E-2838/01


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QUESTION TIME (B5-0333/01) on 2 and 3 October 2001

27 Questions (Rule 43)

Author Subject No


Bernd POSSELT The 'Republika Srpska' H-0689/01

Josu ORTUONDO LARREA European regions, subsidiarity and reform of the treaties H-0690/01

Bart STAES Working languages in the European Patent Office H-0691/01

Camilo NOGUEIRA ROMÁN European Maritime Safety Agency H-0696/01

Manuel MEDINA ORTEGA Illegal immigration into the European Union through Morocco H-0699/01

Antonios TRAKATELLIS Illegal conferral of Greek citizenship and a large number of H-0705/01 violations of Community law established by a formal administrative inquiry

Esko SEPPÄNEN The EU's most federalist country H-0715/01

María IZQUIERDO ROJO Cooperation agreement with Iran and legislative reforms in H-0717/01 respect of women

Niall ANDREWS Repatriating Mobotu funds H-0719/01

Mihail PAPAYANNAKIS Freedom of movement for EU citizens and legality of the Italian H-0720/01 Government's actions

Jonas SJÖSTEDT Registration in the SIS H-0724/01

Lennart SACRÉDEUS Priorities for the UN General Assembly Special Session on H-0721/01 Children

Dana SCALLON EU position on the UN World Summit for Children H-0722/01

Alexandros ALAVANOS Further judgments of the European Court of Human Rights H-0727/01 against Turkey in the case of Leyla Zana and three other Members of Parliament


Manuel MEDINA ORTEGA Illegal immigration into the European Union through Morocco H-0700/01

Olivier DUPUIS Release of Mr Albin Kurti and other Kosovars still being held H-0730/01 hostage by the Belgrade authorities

Lennart SACRÉDEUS Trials in Kabul H-0737/01

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Luis BERENGUER FUSTER Community trade-mark courts H-0707/01

Alexandros ALAVANOS Letter of notification concerning implementation of Directive H-0728/01 89/48/EEC in Greece

Konstantinos HATZIDAKIS Implementation of Directive 89/48/EEC in Greece H-0750/01

Ari VATANEN Illegal car taxation in Finland H-0738/01


Nelly MAES Law on the use of minority languages in Slovakia H-0695/01

Gary TITLEY Ignalina nuclear power station, Lithuania H-0714/01

Brian CROWLEY Alleged statement H-0743/01


Reinhold MESSNER Alpine Convention - the environmentally sensitive Pan-Alpine H-0710/01 region

Giuseppe DI LELLO FINUOLI Mont Blanc tunnel and operational guarantees H-0746/01

Luisa MORGANTINI Mont Blanc tunnel and 'piggyback traffic' H-0747/01


Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 26 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES


No. of No. of Questions Supplementary Lapsed Questions Questions Representatives Institution questions questions with questions questions withdrawn already on of the other tabled taken written (author by the the agenda Institutions answer absent) author

Council 26 14 9 7 2 0 1 Mrs NEYTS-UYTEBROECK

M. VITORINO Commission 56 13 37 2 5 0 1 M. BOLKESTEIN M. VERHEUGEN Mrs de PALACIO

Total 82 27 46 9 7 0 2

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES 27


No. EP No. Author Subject Tabled Closed on: Signatures

09/2001 307.175 Kathalijne BUITENWEG, A Statute for Members of the European Parliament 02.07.2001 02.10.2002 50 Christopher HEATON-HARRIS, Michiel van HULTEN, Lousewies van der LAAN and Helle THORNING-SCHMIDT

10/2001 307.534 Gian Paolo GOBBO On European Union support for a 'European motorway' 12.07.2001 12.10.2001 1 in Germany

11/2001 309.154 Armando COSSUTTA, On the Italian Government's repression of anti-G8 11.09.2001 11.12.2001 7 Gianni VATTIMO, protests in Genoa Sylvia-Yvonne KAUFMANN and Marianne ERIKSSON

1 Situation as at 04.10.2001

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Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 30 COMMITTEES


Committee Rapporteur Subject Deadline for Meeting at on tabling which a amendments decision is to be taken

ENVI SORNOSA Implementation of the directive on urban 28.11.2001 18-19.12.2001 MARTÍNEZ waste water María

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 COMMITTEES 31


(Referral: R = Responsible / O = Opinion)

Name Subject Committee Date Doc.

SWOBODA Supplementary macro-financial assistance AFET (O) 08.10.01 C5-0486/01 (PSE) to the FYROM (amendment of Decision 1999/733/EC)

PPE-DE Group Biodiversity action plans for conservation AGRI (O) 11.10.01 C5-0467/01 of natural resources, agriculture, fisheries and development

PPE-DE Group Fertilisers AGRI (O) 11.10.01 C5-0427/01

FÄRM European Agency for Reconstruction: BUDG (O) 16.10.01 C5-0477/01 (PSE) extension of assistance to the FYROM (amendment of Regulation 2666/2000/EC)

LULLING Reduced excise duty on rum and liqueurs ECON (O) 09.10.01 C5-0401/01 (PPE-DE) produced in French overseas departments, C5-0422/01 Madeira and the Azores (2003-2009)

RADWAN Employment: financial assistance for ECON (O) 09.10.01 C5-0459/01 (PPE-DE) innovative small and medium-sized enterprises

von WOGAU European governance: greater ECON (O) 09.10.01 C5-0454/01 (PPE-DE) involvement and openness (White Paper)

ELDR Group Air transport: allocation of slots at ECON (O) 09.10.01 C5-0277/01 Community airports (amendment of Regulation 95/93/EEC)

LAMBERT Entry and residence of third-country EMPL (O) 04.10.01 C5-0447/01 (VERTS/ALE) nationals for paid employment and self- employed economic activity

MANTOVANI European Research Area: activities aimed EMPL (O) 04.10.01 C5-0087/01 (PPE-DE) at contributing to its creation; multiannual framework programme

PSE Group Health and safety at work: protection EMPL (R) 09.10.01 C5-0347/01 against exposure to asbestos (amendment of Directive 83/477/EEC)

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 32 COMMITTEES

JACKSON Protocol on water and health to the 1992 ENVI (R) 08.10.01 (PPE-DE) Convention on transboundary watercourses and international lakes

PPE-DE Group Indication of the ingredients present in ENVI (R) 08.10.01 C5-0404/01 foodstuffs (amendment of Directive 2000/13/EC)

PPE-DE Group Generalised tariff preferences for the ITRE (O) 10.10.01 C5-0374/01 period 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2004

PPE-DE Group Production and development of ITRE (R) 10.10.01 C5-0392/01 Community statistics on science and technology

PPE-DE Group Rules for participation in and ITRE (R) 10.10.01 C5-0412/01 dissemination of research results for the 2002-2006 EC framework programme

PSE Group Guidelines for trans-European networks ITRE (R) 10.10.01 C5-0425/01 for electronic interchange of data between C5-0426/01 administrations (IDA)

CEDERSCHIÖLD Guidelines for trans-European networks LIBE (O) 10.10.01 C5-0425/01 (PPE-DE) for electronic interchange of data between C5-0426/01 administrations (IDA)

BANOTTI Civil judicial cooperation: recognition and LIBE (R) 10.10.01 C5-0460/01 (PPE-DE) enforcement of judgments in matters of parental responsibility

CERDEIRA Judicial cooperation: mutual recognition LIBE (R) 10.10.01 C5-0443/01 MORTERERO of financial penalties (United Kingdom (PSE) initiative)

DEPREZ Security in connection with football LIBE (R) 10.10.01 (PPE-DE) matches (Belgian initiative)

TERRÓN i CUSÍ Entry and residence of third-country LIBE (R) 10.10.01 C5-0447/01 (PSE) nationals for paid employment and self- employed economic activity

WATSON European arrest warrant and the surrender LIBE (R) 10.10.01 C5-0453/01 (ELDR) procedures between Member States (framework décision)

WATSON Combating terrorism (framework LIBE (R) 10.10.01 C5-0452/01 (ELDR) decision)

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 COMMITTEES 33

POIGNANT Generalised tariff preferences for the PECH (O) 02.10.01 C5-0374/01 (PSE) period 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2004

MIGUÉLEZ RAMOS Fishing agreement with Morocco: PECH (R) 02.10.01 C5-0407/01 (PSE) conversion of vessels and of fishermen after its ending in November 1999

LAGE Fishery products: additional costs owing PECH (R) 09.10.01 C5-0446/01 (PSE) to the remoteness of the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Réunion

PPE-DE Group GALILEO, satellite navigation RETT (O) 11.10.01 C5-0329/01 programme: development phase, establishment of undertaking


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Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 36 OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS


Reports and Communications

Subject Referral Doc.

Commission Staff Working Paper: Progress report on Benchmarking of EMPL SEC (01) 1002 national research policies ITRE final

Communication from the Commission on the impact of Enlargement on AFET COM (01) 437 regions bordering candidate countries - Community Action for Border TOUT final Regions RETT


Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 GENERAL INFORMATION 37


Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 38 GENERAL INFORMATION


148/2001 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union concerning East Timor Brussels, 31 August 2001

The European Union welcomes this historic moment for the East Timorese people, who have just taken part in the first democratic elections in their history. That crucial step paves the way for the establishment of political institutions for a new, democratic State.

The European Union is pleased to note the preliminary findings of its observer mission, reporting that elections to the East Timorese Constituent Assembly passed off calmly and peacefully on Thursday 30 August 2001.

The European Union congratulates the people of East Timor and their leaders, who have embarked upon a long independence process, now bringing its reward. The Union also applauds the United Nations, whose transitional administration of the territory enables the process to be brought to fruition.

The European Union takes this opportunity to reiterate its full support for consolidation of the path to independence and would encourage East Timor's political representatives to follow the popular will freely expressed in these elections.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.



Declaration from the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on talks between the government of Nepal and the Maoist insurgents Brussels, 13 September 2001

The European Union welcomes the cease-fire between the Government of Nepal and the CPN (Maoist), and the first round of negotiations between the two sides which took place on 30 August. The European Union encourages both sides to work seriously and constructively towards the second round of negotiations.

The EU urges the two sides to seek a peaceful resolution of the conflict within the framework of the rule of law, respect for human rights, and multi-party democracy.

The European Union notes with concern recent reports of widespread intimidation and extortion of various segments of Nepalese society, as well as demands addressed to various development projects and international agencies by the CPN (Maoist). The EU calls on those responsible to cease such coercive activities immediately, in order to create a conducive and constructive atmosphere for the dialogue process.

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 GENERAL INFORMATION 39

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration. ______

154/2001 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the inter-Korean ministerial meeting from 15 to 18 September 2001 Brussels, 20 September 2001

The European Union is pleased to note that an inter-Korean ministerial meeting was held from 15 to 18 September 2001.

The Union welcomes the encouraging results of that meeting, such as the announcement of a further reunion of families, a new round of inter-governmental talks and the resumption of some projects such as the construction of a rail link between North and South. It hopes that the inter-Korean talks will lead to a second summit as envisaged in the Joint Declaration of 15 June 2000.

The European Union hopes that the DPRK will become more fully involved with the international community. In particular, the EU would warmly welcome the rapid resumption of contacts between the DPRK and the USA.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, as fellow associated countries, and those EFTA countries which are members of the European Economic Area endorse this declaration.



Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union concerning the development of the situation in the Mano River Union countries Brussels, 24 September 2001

The European Union expresses its satisfaction at the progress made in the dialogue between the three Mano River Union countries, in particular at the recent meetings held by their Ministers for Foreign Affairs in Monrovia, Freetown and Conakry. The European Union welcomes the declarations made and the commitments entered into at those meetings concerning in particular joint action by those States against the groups involved in the events which destabilise the region, the establishment of a joint patrol at the borders between the three countries and combating the proliferation of small arms. It calls on the Mano River Union countries to make progress on those issues as quickly as possible. The European Union also welcomes the prospect of a meeting between the Heads of State of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia in January 2002 as proposed by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs.

The European Union wishes to assure the three Heads of State of its support in their search for a solution to the conflicts persisting in the sub-region. It reiterates its willingness to contribute to the dialogue between

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 40 GENERAL INFORMATION

their countries, in particular through the Presidency’s Special Representative for West Africa, Mr Hans Dahlgren.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area align themselves with this declaration.



Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the elections in Fiji Brussels, 28 September 2001

The European Union welcomes the generally free and fair elections held in Fiji, which reflect current opinion in that country.

However, the European Union notes the concerns expressed both in Fiji itself and by the international community regarding the formation of the new Government by the new Prime Minister designate, Laisenia Qarase.

The European Union calls upon all political parties in Fiji to resolve this question as rapidly as possible and to establish a Government which conforms to the provisions of the Constitution with a view to a return to national reconciliation and agreement in Fiji.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, as fellow associated countries, and those EFTA countries which are members of the European Economic Area endorse this declaration.



Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on Eritrea Brussels, 3 October 2001

The European Union deplores the decision of the Eritrean Government to declare persona non grata H.E. Antonio Bandini, Ambassador of Italy in Eritrea and Representative of the Presidency of the European Union in Asmara.

The European Union notes that this decision was notified only a few hours after a demarche was carried out by all the EU Ambassadors resident in Asmara to express the gravest concern about recent events in Eritrea which had led to the imprisonment of a number of known personalities advocating democratic reforms and to the suppression of the independent press.

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In the same demarche, the EU had underlined that the abovementioned events contradicted the declared policy of the Eritrean Government and the commitments undertaken in favour of democracy, rule of law, human rights and good governance.

The EU stresses that the expulsion of the Representative of the Presidency of the European Union seriously undermines the EU relations with Eritrea and will lead to a review of such relations in the light of the Cotonou Agreement.

The EU confirms its commitment to support the development of Eritrea, as well as peace, stability and cooperation in the region. The EU underlines that essential factors of development are the building of democratic institutions, rule of law, respect of human rights, freedom of the press and growth of a strong civil society.



Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union concerning the elections in Bangladesh Brussels, 5 October 2001

The European Union notes that the parliamentary elections held in Bangladesh on 1 October 2001 passed off smoothly.

The European Union sent an observer mission to those elections. It is pleased to see that, according to that mission's findings, the electoral process was conducted satisfactorily, freely and impartially. However, it deplores the acts of violence which marred the election campaign.

The European Union appeals to the new Prime Minister to work for the consolidation of the democratic process and for economic development in a spirit of constructive cooperation with the opposition. It would also encourage the opposition to play its part in a peaceful change of power.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration. ______


Declaration by the Presidency, on behalf of the European Union, condemning the murder of Ms Araujo Noguera, former Minister for Culture of Colombia Brussels, 8 October 2001

The European Union was dismayed by and strongly condemns the murder of Ms Consuelo Araujo Noguera, formerly Minister for Culture of the Republic of Colombia and wife of the Attorney-General. This crime is one of many acts of violence committed in recent weeks by subversive armed groups, particularly against officials or representatives of the Nation.

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 42 GENERAL INFORMATION

The European Union expresses its most sincere condolences to Ms Noguera's family and to the Colombian people and Government and reiterates its support for the efforts being made by the democratic forces in Colombian society to achieve peace.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area align themselves with this declaration.


Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union the Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey and the EFTA countries belonging to the European Economic Area upon the nomination of the new Prime Minister of Belarus Brussels, 10 October 2001

The European Union notes the nomination of Mr Gennady Novitsky to serve as Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus and wishes to take this opportunity to reiterate its expectations of the country.

The European Union would encourage the new government to make a lasting and increasingly significant commitment to the path of democracy and respect for human rights, as requirements for normalisation of relations with the EU.

The European Union would like to see Belarus in time regain its place within the international community and participate in regional stability. It does not wish Belarus to be isolated and is prepared to continue supporting its transition to democracy and a market economy, in cooperation with all the political forces in Belarus which are willing to work to that end.

The European Union looks to the new government to restore a constructive dialogue with civil society in close cooperation with the Advisory and Monitoring Group of the OSCE and to promote the existence of free, independent media.

The European Union reaffirms its expectations as regards respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It would point more particularly to its desire to see the various disappearances cleared up. In addition, without wishing to interfere in internal judicial proceedings, the European Union calls for a review of the heavy prison sentence imposed on Professor Bandazhevsky, which the Union considers disproportionate to the charges against him. ______

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 43



AA: Other acts AVC: Assent procedure avis COM: Commission opinion on Parliament's amendments to the common position of the Council

CNS: Consultation procedure CRE: Verbatim Report of Proceedings LEX-CSL: Act (final version) adopted by the Council LEX-PE: Act (final version) adopted by Parliament LEX PE-CSL: Act (final version) adopted by codecision orien CSL: Common orientation of the Council PE 1ère: Codecision procedure, Parliament, first reading PE 2ème: Codecision procedure, Parliament, second reading PE 3ème: Codecision procedure, Parliament, third reading pos CSL: Common position of the Council prop COM: Commission proposal prop CSL: Council proposal

Section produced by the Directorate-General for Committees and Delegations

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 44 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT




Summary of resolutions and decisions adopted, subjects discussed in plenary and action taken

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Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 46 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT

Session SEPTEMBRE I 2001 Strasbourg

Travaux législatifs Contrôle politique Travaux budgétairesDécisions diverses

Conseil, Commission Rapports requérant l'avis du PE codécison consultation projet de budget général 2002demande de consultation du CES Déclarations, Communications Agenda 2000 développement rural bilan intérimaire reforme des OCM bilan intérimaire

Agence européenne de la sécurité aériennestatut de la société européenne Situation au Moyen Orient information et consultation des travailleurs poids lourds transitant par l'Autriche implication des travailleurs Gouvernance européenne contrôle de l'application du droit communautaire-1999 communications électroniques dans le statut de la société Changements climatiques rôle de l'Union dans la lutte contre le terrorisme limitation de la mise sur le marché et de l'emploi du européenne Conf. de Bonn protection des passagers aériens dans l'Union pentabromodiphényléther mise en oeuvre des règles de concurrence processus d'élargissement sang humain et composants sanguins soutien financier à M-T des balances rapports par pays candidats sucres et préparations de paiements des E-M coopération culturelle au sein de l'Union destinés à l'alimentation humaine sucres et préparations destinées Echelon relevé statistique des transports par chemin de àfer l'alimentation humaine créer une société de l'information plus sûre - eEurope 2002 statistiques sur la gestion des déchets Médiateur: rapport d'activité 2000 UE Roumanie statut du Médiateur promotion du transport combiné code de bonne conduite administrative accessible au public délibérations de la commPETI 2000-2001 agriculture de montagne éducation "de base" des enfants dans les pays en développement

avis conforme

Questions orales Débat d'actualité

accord UE Roumanie transport combiné

réforme de la Commission Zimbabwe processus d'élargissement Mauritanie Togo Angola Cambodge Australie-réfugiés Afghans Mines antipersonnel Sécheresse en Amérique centrale Fièvre aphteuse

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 47

Session SEPTEMBRE II 2001 Bruxelles

Travaux législatifs Contrôle politique

codécison consultation Conseil, CommissionRapports requérant l'avis du PE Déclarations, Communications

Pollution atmosphérique en provenanceGel des avoirs ou des preuvesMesures à prendre en matièreFonds de cohésion des grandes installationsFranchissement de des frontièresde extérieures lutte contre le terrorismeFonds structurels combustion et développement de la coopérationPolitique dans de cohésion Mutilations génitales féminines Plafonds d'emission nationaux pour le cadre de Schengen Rémunération égale pour un travail égal certains polluants atmosphériquesStatut de réfugié dans les Etats membres Harcèlement sur le lieu de travail Instrument structurel de préadhésion

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 48 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT

le globe en séance Projet de budget 2002 Élargissement : rapports par pays candidats + Question orale Échelon Mesures de lutte contre le terrorisme : Déclarations de Conseil et de la Commission Bonn : Conférence sur le changement climatique

Réforme de la Commission Autriche: transit des poids lourds

Roumanie: Transport combiné - Accord Gouvernance Européenne

Moyen-Orient : état de la situation Royaume-Uni : Fièvre aphteuse

Cambodge: Droits de l’Homme Amérique Centrale: sécheresse

Australie : situation des réfugiés afghans

Mauritanie: Droits de l’Homme Zimbabwe : état de la situation Togo: Droits de l’Homme

Angola : attaque contre un train - état de la situation

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 49

Am endem ents législatifs - session de Septem bre I 2001

Gr. Pol.: nombre absolu des am. adoptés en séance PE: nombre absolu des am. adoptés en séance commPA RL A m. déposés en séance

A5-0217/2001 Lannoye 1996/0116 ENVI A5-0217/2001 Lannoye 1996/0115 ENVI

A5-0217/2001 Lannoye 1996/0114 ENVI A5-0217/2001 Lannoye 1996/0113 ENVI A5-0243/2001 M ayer 1989/0218 JURI A5-0229/2001 Evans 2000/0243 ECON A5-0269/2001 Andria 2001/0062 ECON A5-0231/2001 M enrad 1989/0219 ECON A5-0279/2001 Schm itt 2000/0246 RET T A5-0265/2001 Ojeda Sanz 2001/0048 RET T A5-0271/2001 Ries 2001/0012 ENVI A5-0272/2001 Nistico 2000/0323 ENVI

A5-0267/2001 Blokland 1999/0010 ENVI A5-0270/2001 Cappato 2000/0189 LIBE

0 1020304050607080

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 50 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT

Am endem ents législatifs - Session de Septem bre II 2001

2001/0058 CO NT A 5-0295/2001 F o lia s G r. P o l.: n o m b re ab so lu des am . A doptés en séance 2000/0238 LIBE P E : n o m b re ab so lu A 5-0291/2001 des am . A doptés Watson en séance procédure commPARL Am. Déposés en séance 2001/0803 LIBE A 5-0274/2001 M arinho

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 nom bre d'am endem ents

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 51


Legislative reports are considered and voted on in plenary in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Rules of Procedure. The table below contains information on the procedure for this consideration, the vote in plenary and an analysis of the legislative amendments adopted. The analysis is based on the structure of a legislative act as defined in the Interinstitutional Agreement on the Quality of Drafting of Community Legislation, OJ C 73 (17.3.1999) concluded in accordance with Declaration No 39 annexed to the Treaty on European Union and selected subjects to which particular attention is being devoted during the current parliamentary term. The amendments are broken down in accordance with these two analytical tables.


COD***III=conciliation; CSL=position of the Council in plenary; Titre= title; L=legal basis; COD***II=codecision 2nd reading; COM=position of the Commission in Preamb=preamble; "=Charter of Fundamental COD***I=codecision 1st reading; plenary; Objet=subject and scope; Rights; AVC***=assent; AmLEG= amendment Déf=definitions; ΑΩ=time aspects; CNS*=consultation; ΣamLEG=absolute total number of Oblig=rights and obligations; €=financial impact; nd SYN**II=cooperation 2 reading; amendments adopted in plenary; Exec=implementing powers; <=>=commitology; SYN**I=cooperation 1st reading; ΣamLEG/comPARL=total number of Proced=procedural provisions; i-PE=Parliament’s right to be committee=parliamentary committee; amendments tabled by committees in Mesures=implementing measures; informed; GrPol= political groups; plenary; Transit=transitional provisions; [X] =anti-fraud measures; ΣamLEG/GrPol.=total number of Ann=annexes; ε.a =other aspects; amendments tabled by political groups and adopted in plenary;

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 52 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT

Legislative work

Legislative procedures in progress

Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject European Parliament and Council directive concerning the processing of personal data Decision: referred back T: 0 L= 0 and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector Date: 06/09/2001 Pr: 17 "= 1 ΑΩ- 0 Rapporteur: Cappato OCA: 25 €= 0 Committee: LIBE Council: .../... < > ref.: 2000/0189 Commission: Liikanen Def: 3 = = 0 Session doc.: A5-0270/2001 05/09/2001; Fischler DrOb: 0 i-PE= 0 Procédure/stage: COD ***I 06/09/2001 CompEx: [X]= 0 1 ε.a= 47 Σ amendments DispProc: 48 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. MA: 2 52 DispTrans: Σ amendments/GrPOL: 0 7 Ann: 0

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 53

Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject European Parliament and Council directive setting standards of quality and safety for Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 the collection, testing, processing, storage, and distribution of human blood and blood Amended Pr: 12 "= 1 components and amending Council Directive 89/381/EEC Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 33 ΑΩ- 1 Def: 7 €= 0 Rapporteur: Nisticò DrOb: 0 < > Committee: ENVI Council: …/… CompEx: = = 1 ref.: 2000/0323 Commission: Byrne 3 i-PE= 0 session doc.: A5-0272/2001 05/09/2001 DispProc: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: COD ***I 0 ε.a= 67 Σ amendments MA: 14 70 DispTrans: Σ amendments/comPARL. 0 74 Ann: 1 Σ amendments/GrPOL: 0

Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 54 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT

Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject European Parliament and Council regulation on waste statistics Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 Amended Pr: 2 "= 0 Date: 04/09/2001 OCA: 9 ΑΩ- 2 Rapporteur: Blokland Def: 1 €= 0 Committee: ENVI Council: without < > ref.: 1999/0010 debate 1 = = 1 session doc.: A5-0267/2001 Commission: without debate DrOb: 0 i-PE= 0 procédure/stage: COD ***I CompEx: [X]= 0 Σ amendments 2 ε.a= 25 28 DispProc: Σ amendments/comPARL. 0 28 MA: 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: DispTrans: 0 0 Ann: 14

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject European Parliament and Council directive amending for the 24th time Council Decision: legislative prop. T: 1 L= 0 Directive 76/769/EEC relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain Amended Pr: 4 "= 0 dangerous substances and preparations (pentabromodiphenyl ether) Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 0 ΑΩ- 0 Def: 0 €= 0 Rapporteur: Ries DrOb: 0 < > Committee: ENVI Council: …/… CompEx: = = 0 ref.: 2001/0012 Commission: Byrne 0 i-PE= 0 session doc.: A5-0271/2001 05/09/ 2001 DispProc: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: COD ***I 0 ε.a= 8 Σ amendments MA: 0 8 DispTrans: Σ amendments/comPARL. 0 7 Ann: 3 Σ amendments/GrPOL: 2 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing common Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 rules in the field of civil aviation and creating a European Aviation Safety Agency Amended Pr: 5 "= 0 Date: 05/09/2001 OCA: 27 ΑΩ- 5 Rapporteur: Schmitt Def: 1 €= 1 Committee: RETT Council: …/… DrOb: 1 < > ref.: 2000/0246 Commission: de Palacio CompEx: = = 0 session doc.: A5-0279/2001 04/09/ 2001 1 i-PE= 3 procédure/stage: COD ***I DispProc: [X]= 1 Σ amendments 22 ε.a= 54 64 MA: 7 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 61 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 0 7

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject European Parliament and Council regulation amending Protocol No 9 to the Act of Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden as regards the system of ecopoints for Approved "= 0 heavy goods vehicles transiting through Austria Date: 05/09/2001 ΑΩ- 0 Pr: 0 €= 0 Rapporteur: Swoboda Council: …/… OCA: 0 < > Committee: RETT Commission: de Palacio Def: 0 = = 0 ref.: 2000/0361 04/09/2001 DrOb: 0 i-PE= 0 session doc.: A5-0266/2001 CompEx: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: COD ***I Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 0 0 DispProc: Σ amendments/comPARL. 0 0 MA: 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: DispTrans: 0 0 Ann: 0 European Parliament and Council regulation on rail transport statistics Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 Amended Pr: 1 "= 0 Date: 04/09/2001 OCA: 2 ΑΩ- 0 Rapporteur: Ojeda Sanz Def: 0 €= 0 Committee: RETT Council: without DrOb: 0 < > ref.: 2001/0048 debate CompEx: = = 0 session doc.: A5-0265/2001 Commission: without debate 0 i-PE= 0 procédure/stage: COD ***I DispProc: [X]= 0 Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 5 5 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 5 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 2 0

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject European Parliament and Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 685/2001 Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 in order to foresee for Approved "= 0 the distribution of authorizations among Member States received through the Date: 05/09/2001 ΑΩ- 0 Agreement between the European Community and Romania establishing certain Pr: 0 €= 0 conditions for the carriage of goods by road and the promotion of combined transport OCA: 0 < > Def: 0 = = 0 Rapporteur: without report DrOb: 0 i-PE= 0 Committee: RETT Council: without CompEx: [X]= 0 ref.: 2001/0138 report 0 ε.a= 0 session doc.: C5-0273/2001 Commission: without report DispProc: procédure/stage: COD ***I 0 Σ amendments MA: 0 0 DispTrans: Σ amendments/comPARL. 0 0 Ann: 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: 0

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Council directive supplementing the Statute for a European Company with regard to Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 2 the involvement of employees Amended Pr: 6 "= 0 Date: 04/09/2001 OCA: 1 ΑΩ- 0 Def: 1 €= 0 Rapporteur: Menrad Council: …/… DrOb: 0 < > Committee: ECON Commission: Bolkestein CompEx: = = 1 ref.: 1989/0219 03/09/2001 1 i-PE= 0 session doc.: A5-0231/2001 DispProc: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 7 10 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 11 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 1 0 Council regulation on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty and amending Regulations (EEC) No 1017/68, (EEC) Amended Pr: 3 "= 0 No 2988/74, (EEC) No 4056/86 and (EEC) No 3975/87 Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 26 ΑΩ- 1 Def: 0 €= 0 Rapporteur: Evans Council: …/… DrOb: 0 < > Committee: ECON Commission: Monti CompEx: = = 1 ref.: 2000/0243 05/09/2001 4 i-PE= 1 session doc.: A5-0229/2001 DispProc: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 30 33 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 26 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 0 7

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Council regulation establishing a facility providing medium-term Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 financial assistance for Member States' balances of payments Amended Pr: 2 "= 0 Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 0 ΑΩ- 0 Def: 0 €= 0 Rapporteur: Andria Council: …/… DrOb: 0 <=>= 0 Committee: ECON Commission: Sol.Mira CompEx: i-PE= 2 ref.: 2001/0062 05/09/2001 1 session doc.: A5-0269/2001 DispProc: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * Σ amendments 1 ε.a= 2 4 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 4 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 0 0 Council regulation on the Statute for a European Company (SE) Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 2 Amended Pr: 10 "= 0 Date: 04/09/2001 OCA: 7 ΑΩ- 1 Def: 0 €= 0 Rapporteur: Mayer Council: …/… DrOb: 4 < > Committee: JURI Commission: Bolkestein CompEx: = = 0 ref.: 1989/0218 03/09/2001 2 i-PE= 0 session doc.: A5-0243/2001 DispProc: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 20 23 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 9 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 0 14

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Council directive relating to certain sugars intended for human consumption Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 (reconsultation on commitology) Amended Pr: 0 "= 0 Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 0 ΑΩ- 1 rapporteur: Lannoye Def: 0 €= 0 committee: ENVI Council: …/… DrOb: 0 < > ref.: 1996/0113 Commission: Fischler CompEx: = = 0 session doc.: A5-0217/2001 06/09/2001 0 i-PE= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * DispProc: [X]= 0 Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 0 1 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 1 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 1 0 Council directive on honey (reconsultation on commitology) Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 Amended Pr: 3 "= 0 Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 5 ΑΩ- 0 Def: 0 €= 0 Rapporteur: Lannoye Council: …/… DrOb: 0 < > Committee: ENVI Commission: Fischler CompEx: = = 0 ref.: 1996/0114 06/09/2001 0 i-PE= 0 session doc.: A5-0217/2001 DispProc: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 12 12 MA: 0 DispTrans: Σ amendments/comPARL. 0 13 Ann: 4 Σ amendments/GrPOL: 1

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Council directive on fruit juices and certain similar products intended for human Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 consumption (reconsultation on commitology) Amended Pr: 0 "= 0 Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 1 ΑΩ- 0 Def: 0 €= 0 Rapporteur: Lannoye Council: …/… DrOb: 0 < > Committee: ENVI Commission: Fischler CompEx: = = 0 ref.: 1996/0115 06/09/2001 0 i-PE= 0 session doc.: A5-0217/2001 DispProc: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 3 3 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 9 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 2 1 Council directive on certain partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk for human Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 consumption (reconsultation on commitology) Amended Pr: 0 "= 0 Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 1 ΑΩ- 0 Rapporteur: Lannoye Def: 0 €= 0 Committee: ENVI Council: …/… DrOb: 0 < > ref.: 1996/0116 Commission: Fischler CompEx: = = 0 session doc.: A5-0217/2001 06/09/2001 0 i-PE= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * DispProc: [X]= 0 Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 1 1 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 1 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 0 0

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Council directive on fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and chestnut purée intended for Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 human consumption (reconsultation on commitology) Approved Pr: 0 "= 0 Date: 06/09/2001 OCA: 0 ΑΩ- 0 Rapporteur: Lannoye Def: 0 €= 0 Committee: ENVI Council: …/… DrOb: 0 < > ref.: 1996/0118 Commission: Fischler CompEx: = = 0 session doc.: A5-0217/2001 06/09/2001 0 i-PE= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * DispProc: [X]= 0 Σ amendments 0 ε.a= 0 0 MA: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. DispTrans: 0 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: Ann: 0 0 Council decision concerning the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 Community and Romania establishing certain conditions for the carriage of goods by Approved "= 0 road and the promotion of combined transport Date: 05/09/2001 ΑΩ- 0 Pr: 0 €= 0 Rapporteur: Hatzidakis OCA: 0 < > Committee: RETT Council: without Def: 0 = = 0 ref.: 2001/0032 debate DrOb: 0 i-PE= 0 session doc.: A5-0268/2001 Commission: without debate CompEx: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: AVC *** 0 ε.a= 0 Σ amendments DispProc: 0 0 Σ amendments/comPARL. MA: 0 0 DispTrans: Σ amendments/GrPOL: 0 0 Ann: 0

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Report on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee for a European Decision: joint text approved T: 0 L= 0 Parliament and Council directive on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric Date: 20/09/2001 "= 0 pollutants ΑΩ- 0 Council: .../... Pr: 0 0 Commission: Wallström €= OCA: 0 < > Rapporteur: Myller 19/09/2001 Def: 0 = = 0 Committee: DELE Σ amendments: DrOb: 0 i-PE= 0 ref.: 1999/0067 0 CompEx: [X]= 0 session doc.: A5-0292/2001 Σ amendments/comPARL: 0 ε.a= 0 procédure/stage: COD ***III 0 DispProc: Σ amendments/GrPOL: 0 0 MA: 0 DispTrans: 0 Ann: 0

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Report on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee for a European Decision: joint text approved T: 0 L= 0 Parliament and Council directive on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants Date: 20/09/2001 "= 0 into the air from large combustion plants ΑΩ- 0 Council: …/… Pr: 0 €= 0 Commission: Wallström OCA: 0 < > Rapporteur: Oomen-Ruijten 19/09/2001 Def: 0 = = 0 Committee: DELE DrOb: 0 i-PE= 0 ref.: 1998/0225 Σ amendments: CompEx: [X]= 0 session doc.: A5-0293/2001 0 0 ε.a= 0 procédure/stage: COD ***III Σ amendments/comPARL: DispProc: 0 0 Σ amendments/GrPOL: MA: 0 0 DispTrans: 0 Ann: 0

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) n° 1267/1999 establishing an Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession Amended "= 0 Date: 20/09/2001 ΑΩ- 0 Pr: 1 €= 0 Rapporteur: Folias Council: …/… < > Committee: CONT Commission: Wallström = = 0 ref.: 2001/0058 19/09/2001 OCA: 0 i-PE= 3 session doc.: A5-0295/2001 [X]= 2 procédure/stage: CNS * Σ amendments: ε.a= 1 6 Def: 0 Σ amendments/comPARL: 6 Σ amendments/GrPOL: DrOb: 0 0

CompEx: 2

DispProc: 3

MA: 0

DispTrans: 0

Ann: 0

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Council directive on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 and withdrawing refugee status Amended Pr: "= 1 Date: 20/09/2001 6 ΑΩ- 1 €= 0 Rapporteur: Watson Council: …/… OCA: < > Committee: LIBE Commission: Reding 3 = = 0 ref.: 2000/0238 20/09/2001 i-PE= 1 session doc.: A5-0291/2001 Def: [X]= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * Σ amendments: 6 ε.a= 106 109 Σ amendments/comPARL: DrOb: 111 8 Σ amendments/GrPOL: 7 CompEx: 8

DispProc: 22

MA: 45

DispTrans: 2

Ann: 9

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Proposal Vote in plenary Breakdown of amendments by

type structure target subject Initiative by the Governments of the French Republic, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Decision: legislative prop. T: 0 L= 0 Kingdom of Belgium for the adoption by the Council of a Framework Decision on the Amended "= 0 execution in the European Union of orders freezing assets or evidence Date: 20/09/2001 ΑΩ- 2 Pr: 3 €= 11 Council: …/… < > Rapporteur: Marinho Commission: Reding = = 0 Committee: LIBE 20/09/2001 OCA: 1 i-PE= 0 ref.: 2001/0803 [X]= 0 session doc.: A5-0274/2001 Σ amendments: ε.a= 0 procédure/stage: CNS * 13 Def: 1 Σ amendments/comPARL: 13 Σ amendments/GrPOL: DrOb: 0 1

CompEx: 2

DispProc: 4

MA: 2

DispTrans: 0

Ann: 0

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Proceedings in plenary take place in the sequence laid down in the final agenda. The table below contains information about statements by and communications from the other institutions and about the adoption of reports connected with work on the budget. In particular, it indicates the action to be taken on each topic, and the time-frame for that action.

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Budget Work

Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Draft budget for 2002 decision: …/… 2002 budget procedure 1st reading of date: …/… draft budget OCT II-01 author: Council Council: Vande Lanotte 05/09/2001 ref.: …/… Commission: …/… session doc.: …/… procedure/stage: BUD to whom addressed: …/…

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Proceedings in plenary take place in the sequence laid down in the final agenda. The table below contains information about statements by and communications from the other institutions and about the adoption of non-legislative reports. In particular, it indicates the action to be taken on each topic, and the time-frame for that action.

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Political Scrutiny

Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing European governance decision: …/… Presentation of white paper and consideration of five topics: greater procedure in date: …/… openness, participation, responsibility, efficiency and consistency progress author: Commission Council: …/… ref.: …/… Commission: Prodi 04/09/2001 session doc.: …/… procedure/stage: communication to whom addressed: …/…

Bonn Conference on climate change decision: Joint res. Adopted Concrete Directive proposals on the flexible mechanism (emissions trading end of 2001 date: 06/09/2001 regime) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and on the European Climate Change Programme and adoption of legislation on CO2 limits for author: Commission Council: …/… all kinds of vehicle; ref.: …/… Commission: Wallström 04/09/2001 Communication based on the European Climate Change Programme; session doc.: B5-0539/2001 deadline: as soon as possible procedure/stage: statement with to whom addressed: Commission, debate Council, governments and not stated parliaments of Member States, Secretariat of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Situation in the Middle East decision: …/… Progress report, setting out the measures taken not stated date: …/… author: Council, Commission Council: Neyts-Uytebroeck ref.: …/… 04/09/2001 session doc.: …/… Commission: Patten 4/09/2001 procedure/stage: statement to whom addressed: …/… Conclusions of the G8 meeting in decision: …/… Progress and information report on the conclusions of the Justice & Home not stated Genoa date: …/… Affairs Council of 13-07-01

Council: Neyts-Uytebroeck author: Council, Commission 05/09/2001 ref.: …/… Commission: Vitorino 5/09/2001 session doc.: …/… procedure/stage: statement to whom addressed: …/…

Estonia’s application for membership decision: resol. adopted with AM Critical assessment on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria (political, time-table for of the European Union and the state date: 05/09/2001 economic and acquis criteria); negotiations of negotiations need for greater flexibility as regards the size of projects to be financed Council: …/… under the ISPA programme; Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 vigorous opposition to any attempt to introduce any new requirements for author: commAFET applicant countries; ref.: 1997/2177 to whom addressed: Council, full participation by Estonia in the Common Foreign and Security Policy session doc.: A5-0251/2001 Commission, parliaments of Member procedure/stage: COS States, govt. & parl. of Estonia

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Latvia’s application for membership decision: resol. Adopted Critical assessment on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria (political, time-table for of the European Union and the state date: 05/09/2001 economic and acquis criteria); negotiations of negotiations Speeding-up of the implementation of the SAPARD programme; Council: …/… Careful monitoring of the implementation of the new proposals in the author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 Commission's White Paper on Food Safety; ref.: 1997/2176 Participation in the Community's new health action programme launched session doc.: A5-0252/2001 to whom addressed: Council, in 2000 procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member States, govt. & parl. of Latvia Lithuania’s application for decision: resol. Adopted Critical assessment on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria (political, time-table for membership of the European Union date: 05/09/2001 economic and acquis criteria); negotiations and the state of negotiations Speeding-up of the implementation of the SAPARD programme; Council: …/… Drawing-up of a national and regional comprehensive strategic plan for author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 restructuring of the region around the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant ref.: 1997/2178 session doc.: A5-0253/2001 to whom addressed: Council, procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member States, govt. & parl. of Lithuania Poland’s application for membership decision: resol. adopted with AM Compromise agreement to be reached on participation in the common time-table for of the European Union and the state date: 05/09/2001 agricultural policy on the basis of the proposal for a ‘phasing-in’ of direct negotiations of negotiations payments; Council: …/… Process of liberalisation of the flow of all long-term capital, including author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 money for the purchase of real estate, to be completed; ref.: 1997/2174 Implementation of the Community acquis on transport, especially in the session doc.: A5-0254/2001 to whom addressed: Council, field of market access, social and safety legislation and in the field of road procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member taxes and charges States, govt. & parl. of Poland

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing The Czech Republic’s application for decision: resol. adopted with AM Critical assessment on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria (political, time-table for membership of the European Union date: 05/09/2001 economic and acquis criteria); negotiations and the state of negotiations Participation in the LIFE programme; Council:…/… Putting into place the mechanisms necessary to link effectively to the author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 Community's Rapid Alert System – the European Food Safety Authority; ref.: 1997/2180 Consideration of zero-option, especially as problems continue to come to session doc.: A5-0255/2001 to whom addressed: Council, light over faults in the past construction of both the nuclear and non- procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member nuclear sections of the Temelin nuclear power plant States, govt. & parl. of the Czech Rep. Slovakia’s application for decision: resol. adopted with AM Critical assessment on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria (political, time-table for membership of the European Union date : 05/09/2001 economic and acquis criteria); negotiations and the state of negotiations Participation in the Community's new health action programme launched Council: …/… in 2000; author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 OLAF report concerning the suspicion of misappropriation of Community ref.: 1997/2173 funds (PHARE and ISPA) to be forwarded; assessment by the session doc.: A5-0256/2001 to whom addressed: Council, Commission and the Slovak government of any damage to the EU budget procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member and measures taken to remedy the situation; States, govt. & parl. of Slovakia Putting into place the mechanisms necessary to link effectively to the Community's Rapid Alert System – the European Food Safety Authority; Closing down and decommissioning of reactors 1 and 2 at the Bohunice V1 nuclear power station, upgrading of Bohunice V2 and the remaining upgrading safety measures scheduled for Mochovce units 1 and 2

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Hungary’s application for decision: resol. adopted with AM Revision to increase the number of Hungarian MEPs to 22; time-table for membership of the European Union date : 05/09/2001 Forceful measures to combat trafficking in human beings and child negotiations and the state of negotiations prostitution; Council: …/… Repeal of provisions of Criminal Code which discriminate against author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 homosexuals and lesbians; ref.: 1997/2175 need to complete the setting-up of the administrative structures for the session doc.: A5-0257/2001 to whom addressed: Council, implementation of the CAP, notably in the veterinary and plant health procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member subsectors States, govt. & parl. of Hungary

2000 Regular Report from the decision: resol. adopted with AM Critical assessment on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria (political, time-table for Commission on Bulgaria’s progress date: 05/09/2001 economic and acquis criteria); negotiations towards accession Putting into place the mechanisms necessary to link effectively to the Community's Rapid Alert System – the European Food Safety Authority; author: commAFET Council:…/… need to establish a national information system compliant with the ref.: 1997/2179 Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 standards of the Schengen Information System (SIS) as part of the fight session doc.: A5-0258/2001 against organised crime; procedure/stage: COS to whom addressed: Council, rapid introduction of enabling legislation for the Child Protection Act and Commission, parliaments of Member provision of information on the situation of children in Bulgarian States, govt. & parl. of Bulgaria orphanages Romania’s application for decision: resol. adopted with AM critical assessment on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria (political, time-table for membership of the European Union date: 05/09/2001 economic and acquis criteria); negotiations and the state of negotiations and with regard to the following subjects: minorities, children’s rights, Council: …/… border controls (visa restrictions and internal security), Romania’s author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 contribution to regional stability ref.: 1997/2172 session doc.: to whom addressed: Council, procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member States, govt. & parl. of Romania

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Slovenia’s application for decision: resol. adopted with AM speeding up the privatisation of the leading banks in Ljubljana and time-table for membership of the European Union date: 05/09/2001 Maribor; negotiations and the state of negotiations putting into place the mechanisms necessary to link effectively to the Council: …/… Community's Rapid Alert System – the European Food Safety Authority; author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 promotion of measures and projects within the context of Corridor V ref.: 1997/2181 aimed at the physical and socio-economic integration of the EU-Slovenia session doc.: A5-0260/2001 to whom addressed: Council, cross-border areas; procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member participation in the Community's new health action programme launched States, govt. & parl. of Slovenia in 2000; integration of the principles of equal pay for work of equal value, equal treatment of women and men in employment, occupation and vocational training, and reconciliation of work and family life into the Slovene legal framework; adoption of appropriate measures to prevent monopolies on the distribution of the printed media

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Cyprus’s application for membership decision: resol. adopted with AM the issue of missing persons to be put on the agenda for the ‘next meeting time-table for of the European Union and the state date: 05/09/2001 with Turkey’; negotiations of negotiations reduction of transition periods for full compliance with the environmental Council: …/… acquis; intermediate targets to be established; author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 participation in the Community's new health action programme launched ref.: 1997/2171 in 2000; session doc.: A5-0261/2001 to whom addressed: Council, putting into place the mechanisms necessary to link effectively to the procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member Community's Rapid Alert System – the European Food Safety Authority; States, govt. & parl. of Rep. of enhancement of administrative and judicial capacity to enable Cyprus to Cyprus, govt. & Grand National implement correctly the acquis communautaire; Assembly of Rep. of Turkey support for and development of all bi-communal activities, making funding far more easily available for appropriate projects; contact between the European Parliament, representatives of the Turkish Cypriot community, civil society, journalists and all Turkish Cypriot political parties; recognition by Turkey of UN Security Council Resolution 1354/01 concerning the six-month extension to the mandate of UNFICYP Malta’s application for membership decision: resol. adopted with AM critical assessment on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria (political, time-table for of the European Union and the state date: 05/09/2001 economic and acquis criteria); negotiations of negotiations preparation of legislation to implement fully the provisions of the Erica 1 Council: …/… and 2 packages, including in particular the installation of Voyage Data author: commAFET Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 Recorders on Maltese vessels; ref.: 1999/2029 adoption of strategies for integrating minorities; session doc.: A5-0262/2001 to whom addressed: Council, proper application of the EU acquis as regards nature protection; procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member Malta to present its negotiating position on the agriculture chapter as soon States, govt. & parl. of Malta as possible; need for financial and technical support for modernisation of public administration

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Enlargement process decision: resol. adopted with AM Commission to provide regularly updated figures on the financial costs of time-table for date: 05/09/2001 enlargement until 2006 as the accession negotiations proceed; negotiations Commission to make sufficient financial support available to help the author: commAFET Council: Neyts-Uytebroeck candidate countries to fully align their statistical procedures and ref.: …/… 04/09/2001 methodologies with EC standards; session doc.: B5-0538/2001 Commission: Verheugen 04/09/2001 special cross-border accompanying measures to alleviate the consequences procedure/stage: QUO CSL of the free movement of workers and services for the labour market; to whom addressed: Council, careful monitoring of the implementation of the new proposals contained Commission, parliaments of Member in the Commission’s white paper on food safety; States, govts. of applicant countries linking of the enlargement process to the effective deployment of instruments to prevent and combat all forms of trafficking in women 25 years’ application of Community decision: resol. adopted with AM Communication setting out the EU’s position and actions in relation to not stated legislation for hill and mountain date: 06/09/2001 2002: International Year of Mountains, proclaimed by the United Nations; farming Complete EU strategy for the sustainable development of mountain Council: …/… regions in the EU and applicant countries; author: commAGRI Commission: Fischler 06/09/2001 gradual shift in EU funding resources for agriculture towards the second ref.: 2000/2222 pillar of agricultural policy (development of rural areas) session doc.: A5-0277/2001 to whom addressed: Council, procedure/stage: Own-init. Commission, countries concerned

Cultural cooperation in the European decision: resol. adopted with AM proposal for a decision based on Article 151(5) of the Treaty; not stated Union date: 05/09/2001 report to the European Parliament and the Council on the financing of cultural activities by means of subsidies from the Structural Funds; Council: …/… setting up a European observatory to monitor cultural cooperation; author: commCULT Commission: Reding 04/09/2001 convening of a second Cultural Forum to redefine the values, objectives ref.: 2000/2323 and forms of cultural cooperation in Europe; session doc.: A5-0281/2001 to whom addressed: Council, study into the possibility of approximating at Community level the procedure/stage: Own-init. Commission, govts & parls of principles governing the tax arrangements for works of art and artistic Member States and applicant work, particularly concerning VAT countries, Council of Europe

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Basic education in developing decision: resol. Adopted launching of a Global Initiative on education, as promised at Dakar; not stated countries in the context of the United date: 06/09/2001 delivery of essential funding through aid and debt relief as a means of Nations General Assembly Special ensuring that no government which is striving to achieve free, good quality Session on Children in September primary education for all will fail through a lack of resources; 2001 proposal for a directive to break the link between aid for the education Council: …/… sector and aid intended to finance the supply of goods and the provision of author: commDEVE Commission: Fischler 6/09/2001 services within the framework of EU aid programmes ref.: 2001/2030 session doc.: A5-0278/2001 to whom addressed: Council, procedure/stage: Own-init. Commission, Co-Presidents of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, UNGASS secretariat, UNICEF, UNESCO, national delegations to the UN General Assembly, SG of the UN, World Bank, IMF State of application of the Directive decision: resol. adopted with AM revision of Directive 94/45/EC; to be performed rapidly as soon as on the establishment of a European date: 04/09/2001 penalties for undertakings which violate the obligations arising from possible works council or a procedure in Directive 94/45/EC; Community-scale undertakings and setting-up of world-wide works councils; Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees Council: …/… author: commEMPL Commission: Bolkestein 03/09/2001 ref.: 2000/2214 session doc.: A5-0282/2001 to whom addressed: Council, procedure/stage: COS Commission, two sides of industry

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Zimbabwe decision: RC adopted with AM Call on the French Government to adhere to the line taken by other EU not stated date: 06/09/2001 Member States in reducing or suspending its financial engagement in Zimbabwe; author: Political groups Council: …/… concrete steps that might be taken by EU states to bring pressure to bear on ref.: …/… Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 President Mugabe and to take joint action accordingly at the next General session doc.: B5-0549/2001 Affairs Council on 8 October 2001; procedure/stage: debate on topical to whom addressed: Council, necessary steps to suspend Zimbabwe from the Commonwealth until the subject Commission, EU Member States, rule of law is restored applicant countries, govt. & parliament of Zimbabwe, UN SG, ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, SG of the SADC, SG of the OAU, SG of the Commonwealth, President of the World Bank & Chairman of the EIB Foot-and-mouth disease decision: Joint res. Adopted Publication of a statement dealing with the following issues: not stated date: 06/09/2001 the duration of FMD in the United Kingdom; non-use of the option of ring vaccination; measures to prevent and control risks of contamination within author: Political groups Council: …/… EU territory and from the point of view of external border controls; ref.: …/… Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 progress in developing new tests and marker vaccines; the direct costs, the session doc.: B5-0548/2001 cost-benefit ratios of the various strategies for combating the epidemic and procedure/stage: debate on topical to whom addressed: Council, the impact on the budget subject Commission

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Mauritania decision: Joint res. Adopted Call for the immediate and unconditional release of Mr Melainine and the not stated date: 06/09/2001 two other MPF members; next elections to be held in the presence of international observers, author: Political groups Council: …/… including a delegation of Members of the European Parliament; ref.: …/… Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 opening of consultations with Mauritania in accordance with the procedure session doc.: B5-0545/2001 laid down in Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement procedure/stage: debate – human to whom addressed: Council, rights Commission, govt. of Mauritania, UN SG, Co-Presidents of the ACP/EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly Togo decision: Joint res. Adopted immediate and unconditional release of Mr Yawovi Agboyibo; not stated date: 06/09/2001 holding, as soon as possible, of free and transparent elections; monitoring of elections and presence of observers from the European author: Political groups Council: …/… Parliament ref.: …/… Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 session doc.: B5-0546/2001 procedure/stage: debate – human to whom addressed: Commission, rights ACP-EU Council, govt. of Togo

Cambodia decision: Joint res. Adopted immediate action to stop the violence; not stated date: 06/09/2001 extension of the period of voter registration; sending of an EU observer mission to monitor the elections; author: Political groups Council: …/… setting-up of a programme aimed at conducting voter education and ref.: …/… Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 training of electoral agents and party candidates session doc.: B5-0558/2001 procedure/stage: debate – human to whom addressed: Council, rights Commission, UN, ASEAN, govt. & parliament of Cambodia

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Afghan refugees seeking asylum in decision: RC adopted with AM necessary measures to lay down an obligation for coastal states to assist not stated Australia date: 06/09/2001 the stranded and ensure that they are treated in accordance with the procedures provided for in the International Convention on the Status of Council: …/… Refugees of 28 July 1951; author: Political groups Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 this issue to be addressed in the framework of the United Nations by ref.: …/… identifying solutions which may include some form of shared session doc.: B5-0559/2001 to whom addressed: Commission, responsibilities between States at regional and international level; procedure/stage: debate – human Council and govts of Australia, rights Norway, Nauru, New Zealand and Indonesia and the UN SG Attack on a train in Angola decision: Joint res. Adopted call on the EU Presidency (BE), the EU Foreign Ministers and the Presidency-in- date: 06/09/2001 Commission to prioritise the resolution of the continued crisis in Angola; Office (BE) of the reinforcement of action to stop supplies of land mines, air-to-air missiles Council author: Political groups Council: …/… and other weapons ref.: …/… Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 session doc.: B5-0544/2001 procedure/stage: debate – human to whom addressed: Commission, rights Council, UN SG, SG of the African Union, EU Member States & applicant states, govt. & parliament of Angola, Member States of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement & Unita

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Antipersonnel landmines decision: Joint res. Adopted increased resources to be provided for humanitarian demining and mine not stated date: 06/09/2001 awareness and landmine victim rehabilitation and assistance programmes author: Political groups Council: …/… ref.: …/… Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 session doc.: B5-0542/2001 procedure/stage: debate on topical to whom addressed: Commission, subject Council, govts of Member States, UN SG, International Committee of the Red Cross, Committee for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, ACP-EU Joint Assembly, and govts of the United States of America, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China Drought in Central America decision: Joint res. Adopted Assessment of the consequences of the drought and introduction of 2002 budget date: 06/09/2001 emergency aid mechanisms to help to alleviate the famine; procedure author: Political groups Council: …/… ref.: …/… Commission: Lamy 06/09/2001 session doc.: B5-0547/2001 procedure/stage: debate on topical to whom addressed: Council, subject Commission, govts of the Central American countries and the Central American Parliament

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Commission's seventeenth annual decision: resol. adopted with AM evaluation of statistics contained in the annual report; not stated report on monitoring the application date: 04/09/2001 simplification of Community law by means of the SLIM initiative; of Community law (1999) new rules for the consideration of petitions and re-examination of procedure for them; author: commJURI Council: …/… detailed consideration of the impact of future enlargements on the ref.: 2000/2197 Commission: Kinnock 03/09/2001 effectiveness of the present system of transposing directives and session doc.: A5-0250/2001 monitoring the application thereof; procedure/stage: COS to whom addressed: Council, putting forward of proposals for imposing automatic penalties upon Commission, Court of Justice, govts Member States which do not transpose Community legislation in the & parliaments of Member States manner prescribed; publication of a report on compliance with Community law Reform of the Commission decision: …/… progress report and list of measures adopted procedure in date: …/… progress author: commJURI, commBUDG Council: …/… ref.: …/… Commission: Kinnock 03/09/2001 session doc.: B5-0330/2001 procedure/stage: QUO COM to whom addressed: …/…

The European Union's role in decision: recommendation adopted Framework decision establishing minimum rules relating to the constituent not stated combating terrorism date: 05/09/2001 elements of criminal acts and to penalties in the field of terrorism; Framework decision abolishing formal extradition procedures and Council: …/… adopting the principle of mutual recognition of decisions on criminal author: commLIBE Commission: Vitorino 5/09/2001 matters; ref.: 2001/2016 Framework decision establishing measures governing and guaranteeing the session doc.: A5-0273/2001 to whom addressed: Council, implementation of a ‘European search and arrest warrant’; procedure/stage: recommendation Commission, govts & parliaments Appropriate legal instruments for the approximation of national legislation concerning the compensation of victims of terrorist crimes

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Strategy for Creating a Safer decision: resol. adopted with AM Recommendations on: not stated Information Society by Improving date: 06/09/2001 the direct responsibility of the Community and the Union; the Security of Information the need for an international initiative; Infrastructures and Combating the organisation of a Community Forum on Computer-related Crime; Computer-related Crime Council: …/… convening of a conference of legal experts from the Member States and Commission: Liikanen 5/09/2001 applicant countries to consider the problems caused by computer-related author: commLIBE crime and jurisdiction over offences involving use of the Internet; ref.: 2001/2070 to whom addressed: Council, assessment of the effectiveness of the existing legislative framework session doc.: A5-0284/2001 Commission provided by Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC procedure/stage: COS

Deliberations of the Committee on decision: resol. Adopted general public's right of petition to be included as a topic on the agenda for not stated Petitions during the parliamentary date: 06/09/2001 the planned Convention on future EU integration; year 2000-2001 study of amendments which must be made to Title XVII of Annex VI of Council: …/… the Rules of Procedure; author: commPETI Commission: de Palacio 6/09/2001 drafting of a new Interinstitutional Agreement to ensure that petitions are ref.: 2001/2010 processed more effectively and rapidly session doc.: A5-0236/2001 to whom addressed: Council, procedure/stage: Own-init. Commission, govts and parliaments of Member States and their petitions committees, the European Ombudsman and the national ombudsmen or similar organs in the Member States

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing European Ombudsman's Special decision: resol. Adopted Modifications to the European Ombudsman's draft; not stated Report to the European Parliament date: 06/09/2001 Appropriate proposal for a regulation containing a Code of Good following the own-initiative inquiry Administrative Behaviour based on Article 308 of the Treaty establishing into the existence and the public the European Community accessibility, in the different Community institutions and bodies, of a Code of Good Administrative Council: …/… Behaviour Commission: de Palacio 6/09/2001 author: commPETI to whom addressed: Council, ref.: 2000/2212 Commission, European Ombudsman session doc.: A5-0245/2001 procedure/stage: COS

Annual report on the activities of the decision: resol. Adopted reduction of the response-time for processing complaints; not stated European Ombudsman for the date: 06/09/2001 cooperation with Parliament in the matter of the re-drafting of the Inter- year 2000 Institutional Agreement with the European Commission and the Council Council: …/… on the processing of petitions and complaints author: commPETI Commission: de Palacio 6/09/2001 ref.: 2001/2043 session doc.: A5-0280/2001 to whom addressed: European procedure/stage: COS Ombudsman, all bodies and institutions of the EU, govts and parliaments of the Member States and national Ombudsmen or equivalent counterparts

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Protection of air passengers in the decision: resol. adopted with AM specific proposals outlining how the Charter on Passenger Rights in not stated European Union date: 05/09/2001 Europe can be disseminated more widely; review of overbooking, ticketing and seat allocation arrangements of author: commRETT Council: …/… airlines, particularly with a view to the standardisation of complaint forms ref.: 2000/2299 Commission: de Palacio 4/09/2001 across the European Union; session doc.: A5-0249/2001 legislative proposals to prohibit any European Union airline or airport procedure/stage: COS to whom addressed: Council, from charging an extra fee to persons with reduced mobility; Commission independent evaluation of the possible public health risks for air passengers who travel on long-haul flights, including carrying out a comprehensive study into the whole issue of deep vein thrombosis Existence of a global system for the decision: resol. adopted with AM measures to be taken in the context of: not stated interception of private and date: 05/09/2001 the conclusion and amendment of international agreements on the commercial communications protection of citizens and firms; (ECHELON interception system) national legislative measures to protect citizens and firms; Council: Neyts-Uytebroeck measures to combat industrial espionage; author: commTEMP 05/09/2001 the implementation of the law and the monitoring of that implementation; ref.: 2001/2098 Commission: Liikanen 5/09/2001 protection of citizens and firms session doc.: procedure/stage: Own-init. to whom addressed: Council, Commission, Secretary-General and Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, govts and parliaments of Member States and applicant countries, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Crossing external borders and the decision: resol. adopted with AM Operation of the Schengen Information System in accordance with the not stated development of Schengen date: 20/09/2001 European Charter of Fundamental Rights; cooperation Participation by the United Kingdom and Ireland in the Schengen acquis and indication of the calendar for the legal and technical modifications author: commLIBE Council: …/… required; ref.: 2000/2015 Commission: Reding 20/09/2001 Replacement of the Schengen rules on confidentiality of documents with session doc.: A5-0233/2001 rules on public access to documents; procedure/stage: COS to whom addressed: Council, annual report on measures adopted in the area of freedom, security and Commission and Schengen Joint justice; Supervisory Authority creation of a working group within the framework of COSAC with responsibility for activities relating to the area of freedom, security and justice; full participation by Parliament in the debate on measures to remedy the shortcomings in the field of police cooperation; legally binding instrument on the data protection standards to be applied in the third pillar which affords guarantees equivalent to the provisions of Directive 95/46/EC; adoption of uniform standards, procedures, powers and separate budget for the operation of the single supervisory body in respect of its activities under the three conventions (Schengen, Europol and Customs Use); Schengen Information System to be managed by a separate agency, financed from the EU budget

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Commission’s 11th Annual Report decision: resol. adopted with AM a policy priority and effect of the Funds to be participation by small not stated on the Structural Funds date: 20/09/2001 businesses; (1999) simplification of the planning of the Structural Funds and assistance to Council: …/… national authorities in adjusting to the new regulations by means of an author: commRETT Commission: Barnier 19/09/2001 active information policy; ref.: 2001/2057 stepping up of implementation of joint measures combining regional session doc.: A5-0247/2001 to whom addressed: Council, development and employment policy; procedure/stage: COS Commission, parliaments of Member joint implementation of the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund in the States interests of internal regional equality in the beneficiary states, and full analysis of their effectiveness; special measures to deal with the major problem of insecure employment, particularly in the case of women; annual reports on the Structural Funds to provide a breakdown by gender of data regarding the impact of assistance on the integration of women and men into the labour market, on education and vocational training, on the establishment of women in business and on the reconciliation of family and working life; formulation of a cohesion policy for the period after 2006; detailed report on measures financed by the Structural Funds in the field of as soon as fisheries in the period 1994-1999, and a study of the socio-economic possible situation in the Union’s fishing regions; list of measures to ensure compliance with the principle of additionality; in 2002 active involvement of Parliament in the process of assessing as soon as appropriations possible

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Commission's Annual Report 1999 decision: resol. adopted with AM Improvement of the process introduced for the purpose of simplifying the not stated on the Cohesion Fund date: 20/09/2001 Cohesion Fund; study into the causes of the varying effectiveness of, and the differing author: commRETT Council: …/… results achieved by, the Cohesion Fund in the eligible Member States; ref.: 2001/2058 Commission: Barnier 19/09/2001 active involvement of Parliament in evaluating appropriations; session doc.: A5-0248/2001 utmost rigour to be applied when assessing the environmental impact of procedure/stage: COS to whom addressed: Council, projects financed by means of the Cohesion Fund; Commission an enhanced role for Parliament with regard to compliance with the Code of Conduct on implementation of structural policies agreed with the Commission in 1999; improvements to information relating to project assessment Equal pay for work of equal value decision: resol. Adopted Formulation of an overall strategy for bridging the gender pay gap not stated date: 20/09/2001 author: commRETT ref.: 2000/2312 Council: …/… session doc.: A5-0275/2001 Commission: Diamantopoulou procedure/stage: Own-init. 19/09/2001

to whom addressed: Council, Commission, govts of Member States, two sides of industry

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Harassment at the workplace decision: resol. Adopted long-term, systematic and preventive efforts, particularly to counteract not stated date: 20/09/2001 bullying at work; inclusion of quantitative indicators relating to bullying at work in the Laeken European author: commEMPL Council: …/… indicators for the quality of work; Council ref.: 2001/2339 Commission: Diamantopoulou clarification or extension of the scope of the framework directive on health session doc.: A5-0283/2001 19/09/2001 and safety at work, or, alternatively, the drafting of a new framework procedure/stage: Own-init. directive as a legal instrument to combat bullying; to whom addressed: Council, debate on how voluntary networks or organisations against bullying can be Commission, European Foundation supported; for Living and Working Conditions, green paper providing a detailed analysis of the situation regarding the March 2002 European Agency for Health and issue of bullying at work in the various Member States; October 2002 Safety at Work action programme of measures at Community level against bullying at work; the action programme is to include a timetable; Female genital mutilation decision: resol. adopted with AM complete strategy to eliminate the practice of female genital mutilation in not stated date : 20/09/2001 the EU; awareness campaign to maximise the impact of existing legislation and, author: commFEMM Council: …/… where this does not exist, to assist in the formulation and adoption of such ref.: 2001/2035 Commission: Diamantopoulou legislation; session doc.: A5-0285/2001 19/09/2001 adoption of measures pursuant to Article 13 of the EC Treaty; procedure/stage: Own-init. measures as regards the issuing of residence permits and protection for the to whom addressed: Council, victims of this practice and recognition of the right to asylum of women Commission, govts of Member States and girls at risk of being subjected to FGM; & ACP countries all necessary steps to ensure that the topic ‘access to asylum procedures for women at risk of female genital mutilation’ is included as a priority item on the agenda for the UN General Assembly in 2002; consideration of the question of a strategy against FGM in discussions with ACP countries; 2002

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Informal Council of 21/09/2001: decision: …/… progress report and list of measures taken not stated measures against terrorism date: 19/09/2001 author: Council Council: Neyts-Uyttebroeck ref.: …/… 19/09/2001 session doc.: …/… Commission: Vitorino 19/09/2001 procedure/stage: statement to whom addressed: Council, Commission

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Miscellaneous decisions

Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Amendment of Article 3 of the decision: resol. Adopted Amendment of Article 3(2) of the decision of 9 March 1994, Article procedure in Statute of the Ombudsman date: 06/09/2001 195(4) of the ECT progress

Council: …/... author: commAFCO Commission: de Palacio 06/09/2001 ref.: 1999/2215 session doc.: A5-0240/2001 to whom addressed: Council, procedure/stage: ACI Commission

Rural development in the context of decision: consultation approved request for consultation of ECOSOC March 2002 Agenda 2000: interim review in the date: 03/09/2001 (Rule 52 of the Rules of Procedure) Union and applicant countries Council: without debate author: commAGRI Commission: without debate ref.: …/… session doc.: …/… to whom addressed: ECOSOC procedure/stage: referral to ECOSOC

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Subject Vote in plenary Action to be taken Timing Interim review of common decision: consultation approved request for consultation of ECOSOC March 2002 organisations of the market in date: 03/09/2001 (Rule 52 of the Rules of Procedure) connection with Agenda 2000 Council: without debate author: commAGRI Commission: without debate ref.: …/… session doc.: …/… to whom addressed: ECOSOC procedure/stage: referral to ECOSOC

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Legislative acts are proposed, considered and adopted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaties. In accordance with the agreement of 17 November 1994 between the European Parliament and the Commission, the latter informs Parliament of the action taken further to acts adopted in plenary. The action taken is announced in plenary.

The impact/rate of acceptance of amendments is assessed on the basis of the analytical table shown in POST-SESSION.leg. The rate of acceptance for each field to which the amendments relate ranges from 0% to 100%. A rate of 100% indicates total acceptance of Parliament’s amendments.

In view of the deadlines set to each institution involved in the legislative procedure, the table of information on the action taken by the Commission refers to the legislation adopted by Parliament in part-session n-2, whereas that relating to final texts refers to that whose adoption stage has been completed and which have been published in the L series of the OJ.

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Action Taken by the Commission

Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure European Parliament and Council directive on the Titre: 10% L= no am. General rate of acceptance organisation of the working time of persons whose Preamb:15% "= no am. of amendments: 35,25% occupation is the performance of mobile road-transport Objet:47,22% ΑΩ-= 35% activities In its opinion, the Commission will take account Déf:10% €= no am. of those of Parliament’s amendments which it Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. supports. In particular, a compromise might be committee: EMPL Exec:42% i-PE= no am. sought on the issue of self-employed drivers and ref.:1998/0319 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. night work. The possibility of a conciliation session doc.:A5-0196/2001 Mesures: no am. ε.a= 35,29% procedure cannot be excluded. procedure/stage: COD ***II Transit: no am. date of adoption: Ann: no am. Council Framework Decision on combating the sexual Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance exploitation of children and child pornography Preamb:100% "= 100% of amendments: 41,76% Objet:55,88% ΑΩ-= 10% rapporteur: The consideration of this matter by Council Déf:100% €= no am. committee: LIBE working parties which began during the SV Oblig: no am. < > ref.:2001/0025 = = no am. Presidency is continuing under the BE session doc.:A5-0206/2001 Exec:10% i-PE= no am. Presidency. At present it would not be possible to procedure/stage: CNS * Proced: no am. [X]= no am. say that conditions were favourable for agreement date of adoption: Mesures:13,75% ε.a= 40,94% to be reached. Transit: no am. Ann: no am.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council regulation on the conclusion of the Protocol Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance setting out the fishing opportunities and financial Preamb:0% "= no am. of amendments: 0% contribution provided for in the Agreement between Objet:: no am. ΑΩ-= no am. the European Economic Community and the Islamic The Commission does not intend to present an Déf: no am. €= no am. Federal Republic of the Comoros on fishing off the amended proposal. It was intended that the Oblig: no am. < > Comoros for the period from 28 February 2001 to 27 = = no am. Council should adopt the proposal as an "A" item February 2004 Exec:0% i-PE= 0% at the ECOFIN Council of 10 July 2001. Proced: no am. [X]= no am. rapporteur: Mesures: no am. ε.a= 0% committee: PECH Transit: no am. ref.:2001/0088 Ann: no am. session doc.:A5-0192/2001 procedure/stage:CNS * date of adoption: Council regulation derogating from certain provisions Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance of Council Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999 laying of amendments: 100% Preamb: no am. "= no am. down the detailed rules and arrangements regarding Objet:100% Community structural assistance in the fisheries sector ΑΩ-= 100% At the Fisheries Council of 18 June 2001, the Déf: no am. €= no am. Commission – Mr Fischler – presented its Oblig: no am. rapporteur: <=>= no am. position orally. The same Council had been Exec: no am. committee: PECH i-PE= no am. intending to adopt the proposal. Proced: no am. ref.:2001/0035 [X]= no am. session doc.:A5-0190/2001 Mesures: no am. ε.a= no am. procedure/stage: CNS * Transit: no am. date of adoption: Ann: no am.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No Titre: no am. L= 0% General rate of acceptance 2792/1999 laying down the detailed rules and Preamb:42% "= no am. of amendments: 41,88% arrangements regarding Community structural Objet:: no am. ΑΩ-= 85% assistance in the fisheries sector The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= no am. amended proposal. The Commission considers Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. that some of Parliament’s amendments – those of committee: PECH Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. which the Commission is in favour – should be ref.:2000/0310 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. considered in connection with a further proposal session doc.:A5-0189/2001 Mesures:20% ε.a= 33% for amendment of the regulation. procedure/stage: CNS * Transit:85% date of adoption: Ann:20% Council directive amending Directive 91/630/EEC Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance laying down minimum standards for the protection of Preamb:24% "= no am. of amendments: 19,68% pigs Objet:10,83% ΑΩ-= 43,57% The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf:0% €= no am. rapporteur: amended proposal. Political agreement was Oblig: no am. < > committee: AGRI = = no am. reached within the Council in June. ref.:2001/0021 Exec:32,50% i-PE= 0% session doc.:A5-0210/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. procedure/stage: CNS * Mesures:14,55% ε.a= 13,26% date of adoption: Transit:80% Ann: no am. Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance 1696/71 on the common organisation of the market in Preamb:0% "= no am. of amendments: 0% hops Objet:0% ΑΩ-= 0% The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: amended proposal. Unanimous political Oblig: no am. < > committee: AGRI = = no am. agreement has been reached within the Council. ref.:2000/0330 Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. The premium of € 480/ha was maintained. The session doc.:A5-0204/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. proposal should be adopted at a forthcoming procedure/stage: CNS * Mesures: no am. ε.a= 0% Council meeting as an "A" item. date of adoption: Transit: no am. Ann: no am.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No Titre: no am. L= 0% General rate of acceptance 1254/1999 on the common organisation of the market Preamb:10% "= no am. of amendments: 10% in beef and veal Objet:: no am. ΑΩ-= no am. The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= no am. amended proposal. The proposal was adopted by Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. the Council on 28 June 2001 as an "A" item. committee: AGRI Exec:10% i-PE= no am. ref.:2000/0317 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. session doc.:A5-0197/2001 Mesures: no am. ε.a= 13,33% procedure/stage: CNS * Transit: no am. date of adoption: Ann: no am. Council regulation introducing specific measures for Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance certain agricultural products for the Canary Islands Preamb:14,23% "= no am. of amendments: 16,25% Objet:22,86% ΑΩ-= 10% rapporteur: The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= 13,67% committee: AGRI amended proposal. The proposal was adopted by Oblig: no am. < > ref.:2000/0316 = = 10% the Council on 28 June 2001 as an "A" item. session doc.:A5-0197/2001 Exec:10% i-PE= 10% procedure/stage: CNS * Proced: no am. [X]= no am. date of adoption: Mesures:15% ε.a= 18,44% Transit: no am. Ann:10%

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council regulation introducing specific measures for Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance certain agricultural products for the Azores and Preamb:13,24% "= no am. of amendments: 12,46% Madeira Objet:13,06% ΑΩ-= 10% The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= 10% amended proposal. The proposal was adopted by Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. the Council on 28 June 2001 as an "A" item. committee: AGRI Exec:10% i-PE= no am. ref.:2000/0314 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. session doc.:A5-0197/2001 Mesures:11,90% ε.a= 14,02% procedure/stage: CNS * Transit: no am. date of adoption: Ann:10% Council regulation introducing specific measures for Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance certain agricultural products for the French overseas Preamb:10% "= no am. of amendments: 16,71% Departments Objet:20% ΑΩ-= 51,25% The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= 10% rapporteur: amended proposal. The proposal was adopted by Oblig: no am. < > committee: AGRI = = 10% the Council on 28 June 2001 as an "A" item. ref.:2000/0313 Exec:10% i-PE= 10% session doc.:A5-0197/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. procedure/stage: CNS * Mesures:21,79% ε.a= 14,40% date of adoption: Transit: no am. Ann:10% Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No Titre: no am. L= 0% General rate of acceptance 1601/92 concerning specific measures for the Canary Preamb:35% "= no am. of amendments: 53% Islands with regard to certain agricultural products as Objet: 65% ΑΩ-= 75% regards the structural measures The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= 65% amended proposal. The proposal was adopted by Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. the Council on 28 June 2001 as an "A" item. committee: AGRI Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. ref.:2000/0309 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. session doc.:A5-0195/2001 Mesures:75% ε.a= 65% procedure/stage: CNS * Transit:75% date of adoption: Ann: no am.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No Titre: no am. L= 0% General rate of acceptance 1600/92 concerning specific measures for the Azores Preamb:35% "= no am. of amendments: 53% and Madeira relating to certain agricultural products as Objet:65% ΑΩ-= 75% regards the structural measures The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= 65% amended proposal. The proposal was adopted by Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. the Council on 28 June 2001 as an "A" item. committee: AGRI Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. ref.:2000/0308 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. session doc.:A5-0195/2001 Mesures:75% ε.a= 65% procedure/stage: CNS * Transit:75% date of adoption: Ann: no am. Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No Titre: no am. L= 0% General rate of acceptance 3763/91 introducing specific measures in respect of Preamb:35% "= no am. of amendments: 53% certain agricultural products for the benefit of the Objet:65% ΑΩ-= 75% French overseas departments as regards the structural The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= 65% measures amended proposal. The proposal was adopted by Oblig: no am. < > = = no am. the Council on 28 June 2001 as an "A" item. rapporteur: Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. committee: AGRI Proced: no am. [X]= no am. ref.:2000/0307 Mesures:75% ε.a= 65% session doc.:A5-0195/2001 Transit:75% procedure/stage: CNS * Ann: no am. date of adoption:

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance 1259/1999 establishing common rules for direct Preamb:15% "= no am. of amendments: 17,50% support schemes under the Common Agricultural Objet:no am. ΑΩ-= no am. Policy The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf: no am. €= 16,67% amended proposal. On 19 June 2001 the Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. Agriculture Council unanimously adopted the committee: AGRI Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. proposal, which sets the threshold at € 1250. ref.:2000/0335 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. session doc.:A5-0184/2001 Mesures:20% ε.a= 20% procedure/stage: CNS * Transit: no am. date of adoption: Ann: no am. Council directive on Community measures for the Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance control of classical swine fever Preamb:20% "= no am. of amendments: 22,12% Objet:24,71% ΑΩ-= 10% Déf:10% €= 10% On 19 June the Presidency-in-Office (SV) rapporteur: presented to the Agriculture Council a proposal Oblig: no am. < > committee: AGRI = = 10% incorporating the Commission’s position on the ref.:2000/0214 Exec:10% i-PE= 10% amendments adopted by the EP. Political session doc.:A5-0143/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. agreement was reached on the proposed text. procedure/stage: CNS * Mesures: no am. ε.a= 24,81% Thus amended, the text will be considered as an date of adoption: Transit:10% "A" item at the Council once all the language Ann:60% versions are available.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council decision establishing a Community Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance mechanism for the coordination of civil protection Preamb:53,64% "= no am. of amendments: 54,40% intervention in the event of emergencies Objet:48,82% ΑΩ-= no am. The Commission has supported orally the Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: amendments which it accepts when appearing Oblig: no am. < > committee: ENVI = = 56,25% before the Council’s technical group. The Home ref.:2000/0248 Exec:57,50% i-PE= no am. Affairs Council of 29 May 2001 agreed a session doc.:A5-0180/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. common approach, which was to be revised on procedure/stage: CNS * Mesures: no am. ε.a= 54,21% the basis of the EP’s amendments. date of adoption: Transit: no am. Ann:72,50%

Council regulation introducing special measures to Titre: 40% L= no am. General rate of acceptance terminate the service of officials of the Commission of Preamb:33% "= no am. of amendments: 33,50% the European Communities as part of the reform of the Objet:33,75% ΑΩ-= 30% Commission The Commission intends to submit an amended Déf: no am. €= 23,33% proposal in Sept. 01. See also the debate in Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. plenary on 3 Sept. 01 in connection with committee: JURI Exec:30% i-PE= 30% consideration of the oral question tabled by the ref.:2001/0027 Proced:no am. [X]= no am. commJURI and commBUDG, doc B5- session doc.:A5-0194/2001 Mesures: no am. ε.a= 36% 0330/2001. procedure/stage: CNS * Transit: no am. date of adoption: Ann: no am.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council directive amending Directive 77/388/EEC Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance with a view to simplifying, modernising and Preamb:10% "= no am. of amendments: 10% harmonising the conditions laid down for invoicing in Objet:10% ΑΩ-= 10% respect of value added tax The Commission does not intend to submit an Déf:10% €= no am. amended proposal. As requested at the Stockholm Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = no am. European Council, it is important to reach committee: ECON Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. agreement on this proposal before the end of the ref.:2000/0289 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. year (2001). Four technical meetings have session doc.:A5-0149/2001 Mesures:10% ε.a= 10% already been held within the Council, and work is procedure/stage: CNS * Transit: no am. continuing under the Presidency-in-Office (BE). date of adoption: Ann: no am. Council framework decision on combating trafficking Titre: 0% L= no am. General rate of acceptance in human beings Preamb:100% "= 100% of amendments: 43,42% Objet:52,14% ΑΩ-= no am. On 28 May 2001 the Justice & Home Affairs Déf:10% €= no am. rapporteur: Council reached agreement in principle, pending Oblig: no am. < > committee: LIBE = = no am. the opinion of the EP. However, Mr Vitorino ref.:2001/0024 Exec:13,33% i-PE= 10% indicated in plenary that the Commission did not session doc.:A5-0183/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. intend to submit an amended proposal. The procedure/stage: CNS * Mesures: 14,44% ε.a= 42,78% Commission has nevertheless undertaken to date of adoption: Transit:no am. support some of Parliament’s amendments in the Ann: no am. remainder of the procedure. On the basis of this information it is not possible to forecast when this proposal is likely to be adopted.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Council decision on further exceptional financial Titre: 60% L= 0% General rate of acceptance assistance to Kosovo Preamb:35,71% "= no am. of amendments: 75% Objet:75% ΑΩ-= 53,33% The Commission does not intend to submit a Déf: no am. €= 20% rapporteur: formal amended proposal. It presented its Oblig: no am. < > committee: RETT = = 20% position to the Council orally on 18 June 2001. ref.:2001/0045 Exec:47,50% i-PE= no am. session doc.:A5-0209/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. procedure/stage: CNS * Mesures:33,75% ε.a= 46,11% date of adoption: Transit: no am. Ann: no am. European Parliament and Council directive Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance establishing a Community monitoring, control and Preamb:58,57% "= no am. of amendments: 48,21% information system for maritime traffic Objet:37,86% ΑΩ-= 27,50% The Commission intends to submit its amended Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: proposal in Sept. 01. It should be possible to Oblig:no am. < > committee: RETT = = no am. conclude the procedure at first reading. Rapid ref.:2000/0325 Exec:45% i-PE= 75% progress is likely under the current Presidency-in- session doc.:A5-0208/2001 Proced:75% [X]= no am. Office (BE). procedure/stage: COD ***I Mesures:66,67% ε.a= 52,86% date of adoption: Transit: no am. Ann: no am.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance Council establishing a European Maritime Safety Preamb:80% "= no am. of amendments: 59,74% Agency Objet:66% ΑΩ-= 80% In its amended proposal, which is scheduled for Déf: no am. €= 80% rapporteur: Sept. 01, the Commission intends to take account Oblig: no am. < > committee: RETT = = no am. of the amendments of which it is in favour. The ref.:2000/0327 Exec:55% i-PE= 77,50% Council began its consideration of the proposal in session doc.: A5-0205/2001 Proced:56% [X]= no am. July. The common position of the Council is said procedure/stage: COD ***I Mesures: no am. ε.a= 52,86% to be expected in December. The Presidency-in- date of adoption: Transit: no am. Office (BE) is assigning priority to the matter. Ann: no am.

European Parliament and Council directive on Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance occurrence reporting in civil aviation Preamb:90% "= no am. of amendments: 75% Objet:78,57% ΑΩ-= 20% The Commission’s amended proposal has been Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: scheduled for the beginning of September 2001 at Oblig: no am. < > committee: RETT = = no am. the latest. At present this proposal does not figure ref.:2000/0343 Exec:90% i-PE= no am. in the time-table of the Presidency-in-Office session doc.:A5-0203/2001 Proced:20% [X]= no am. (BE). However, following contact with the procedure/stage: COD ***I Mesures: no am. ε.a= 81,11% Belgian authorities, and in view of the technical date of adoption: Transit: no am. nature of the proposal, the Presidency-in-Office Ann: no am. (BE) could place the consideration of this proposal on the agenda in the hope that the Council can adopt a common position at the end of the year.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure European Parliament and Council regulation on the Titre:30% L= no am. General rate of acceptance establishment of a fund for the compensation of oil Preamb:73,50% "= no am. of amendments: 47,94% pollution damage in European waters and related Objet:34,09% ΑΩ-= 53,33% measures The Commission’s amended proposal is Déf:30% €= no am. scheduled for Sept./Oct. 2001. What course the Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = 30% procedure then takes will depend mainly on the committee: RETT Exec:65% i-PE= 90% efforts made to establish similar arrangements ref.:2000/0326 Proced:30% [X]= no am. Internationally. session doc.:A5-0201/2001 Mesures:50% ε.a= 47,14% procedure/stage: COD ***I Transit: no am. date of adoption: Ann: no am.

European Parliament and Council directive concerning Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance statistical surveys in order to determine the production Preamb: no am. "= no am. of amendments: 79,50% potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees Objet:79,50% ΑΩ-= no am. The Commission intends to submit its amended Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: proposal shortly. It will not be possible for the act Oblig: no am. < > committee: AGRI = = no am. to be adopted at 1st reading. ref.:2000/0291 Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. session doc.:A5-0182/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. procedure/stage: COD ***I Mesures: no am. ε.a= 79,50% date of adoption: Transit: no am. Ann: no am.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure European Parliament and Council directive amending Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance Council Directives 90/425/EEC and 92/118/EEC as Preamb: no am. "= no am. of amendments: 90% regards health requirements for animal by-products Objet:90% ΑΩ-= 90% The Commission’s amended proposal is Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: scheduled for Sept. 2001. On 19 June 2001 the Oblig: no am. < > committee: ENVI = = no am. Council reached political agreement by a ref.:2000/0230 Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. qualified majority. This was based on the session doc.:A5-0185/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. compromise proposal presented by the procedure/stage: COD ***I Mesures: no am. ε.a= no am. Presidency-in-Office (SV). The Commission date of adoption: Transit: no am. supported it. This agreement does not alter the Ann: no am. aims of the proposal, and it takes account of the EP’s amendments. The Council has asked COREPER, on the basis of this agreement, to prepare the common position of the Council for adoption as an "A" item at a forthcoming meeting of the Council. Its decision should be forwarded to the EP in Sept. or Oct. 01.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure European Parliament and Council regulation laying Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance down the health rules concerning animal by-products Preamb:60,77% "= no am. of amendments: 69,04% not intended for human consumption Objet:70,38% ΑΩ-= 63,75% The Commission’s amended proposal is Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: scheduled for Sept. 2001. On 19 June 2001 the Oblig: no am. < > committee: ENVI = = 50% Council reached political agreement by a ref.:2000/0259 Exec:67,50% i-PE= no am. qualified majority. This was based on the session doc.:A5-0200/2001 Proced:65% [X]= 90% compromise proposal presented by the procedure/stage: COD ***I Mesures:90% ε.a= 69,56% Presidency-in-Office (SV). The Commission date of adoption: Transit: no am. supported it. This agreement does not alter the Ann:70,50% aims of the proposal, and it takes account of the EP’s amendments. The Council has asked COREPER, on the basis of this agreement, to prepare the common position of the Council for adoption as an "A" item at a forthcoming meeting of the Council. Its decision should be forwarded to the EP in Sept. or Oct. 01. European Parliament and Council regulation laying Titre: 20% L= no am. General rate of acceptance down the general principles and requirements of food Preamb:51,09% "= no am. of amendments: 49,81% law, establishing the European Food Authority, and Objet:56,16% ΑΩ-= 57% laying down procedures in matters of food safety Déf:41,47% €= 42,50% Unanimous political agreement emerged within the Council on 27 June 2001. The Commission Oblig: no am. < > rapporteur: = = 60% was unable to subscribe to this agreement committee: ENVI Exec:30,45% i-PE= 47,67% because of its position regarding the composition ref.:2000/0286 Proced:53,75% [X]= 65% of the Management Board. session doc.:A5-0198/2001 Mesures:55,91% ε.a= 49,52% procedure/stage: COD ***I Transit:20% date of adoption: Ann: no am.

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure European Parliament and Council Regulation Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 58/97 Preamb:100% "= no am. of amendments: 100% concerning structural business statistics Objet:: no am. ΑΩ-= no am. The Commission intends to incorporate in its Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: amended proposal amendments 1 to 9. The Oblig: no am. < > committee: JURI = = no am. Commission could also accept a number of ams. ref.:2001/0023 Exec: no am. i-PE= no am. Proposed by the Council (limiting the breakdown session doc.:A5-0181/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. of environmental characteristics to NACE 2 procedure/stage: COD ***I Mesures: no am. ε.a= 100% level). It will not be possible to conclude the date of adoption: Transit: no am. procedure at first reading. Ann:100%

European Parliament and Council directive on Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance universal service and users' rights relating to electronic Preamb:54% "= no am. of amendments: 64,92% communications networks and services Objet:76,94% ΑΩ-= 10% The Commission intends to present its amended Déf:75% €= no am. rapporteur: proposal shortly. Political agreement was reached Oblig: no am. < > committee: JURI = = no am. within the Council on 27 June. The proposal ref.:2000/0183 Exec:71% i-PE= 75% should be adopted towards the end of 2001 or session doc.:A5-0202/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. early in 2002. procedure/stage: COD ***I Mesures:62,61% ε.a= 65,63% date of adoption: Transit: no am. Ann:41,25%

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Subject Breakdown of the rate of acceptance of amendments Observations on the further type structure Target subject procedure European Parliament and Council directive on ozone in Titre: no am. L= no am. General rate of acceptance ambient air Preamb:42,50% "= no am. of amendments: 59,41% Objet:64,58% ΑΩ-= 65% The Commission intends to present the amended Déf: no am. €= no am. rapporteur: proposal. The Commission does not consider it Oblig: no am. < > committee: ENVI = = no am. very likely that the Council will accept ref.:1999/0068 Exec:65% i-PE= no am. Parliament’s amendments; the possibility of a session doc.:A5-0187/2001 Proced: no am. [X]= no am. conciliation procedure cannot be excluded. procedure/stage: COD ***II Mesures: no am. ε.a= 58,67% date of adoption: Transit: no am. Ann:42,50%


Bulletin 22.10.2001 - EN - PE 305.000 New .eu Domain

Changed Web and E-Mail Addresses The introduction of the .eu domain also required the web and e-mail addresses of the European institutions to be adapted. Below please find a list of addresses found in the document at hand which have been changed after the document was created. The list shows the old and new address, a reference to the page where the address was found and the type of address: http: and https: for web addresses, mailto: for e-mail addresses etc.

Page: 2 Old: Type: http: New:

Addendum: 1