Public Accounts of the Province Of
: : PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1976-77 OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hon. Pauline McGibbon, Lieutenant Governor DETAILS OF EXPENDITURE Voted Salaries and Wages ($52,351) Employee Benefits ($5,330) Payments to the Treasurer of Ontario re: Canada Pension Plan, 609; Group Insurance, 483; Long Term Income Protection Plan, 381; Ontario Health Insurance Plan, 844; Public Service Superannuation Fund, 2,246; Unemployment Insurance, 897; Superannuation Adjustment Fund, 394. Payments to other Ministries re : Various Benefits ($144) Ministry of the Attorney General, 48; Ministry of Housing, 96. Less : Recoveries from other Ministries re : Various Benefits ($668) Management Board of Cabinet, 535; Ministry of the Attorney General, 133. Other Payments ($34,916) Materials, Supplies, etc. ($4,916): Accounts under $10,000, 4,916. Expenses ($30,000): Her Honour Pauline McGibbon allowance for contingencies, 30,000. Total Other Payments 34,916 Summary of Expenditure Voted Salaries and Wages 52,351 Employee Benefits 5,330 Other Payments 34,916 Total Expenditure, Office of the Lieutenant Governor $92,597 : : : PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1976-77 OFFICE OF THE ASSEMBLY DETAILS OF EXPENDITURE Voted Salaries and Wages ($1,804,663) Listed below are the salary rates of those employees on staff at March 31, where the annual rate is in excess of $25,000. P. A. Brannan, 28,699; D. Cameron, 25,480; R. J. Fleming, 42,400; E. Hemphill, 25,480; J. Holtby, 32,378; R. G. Lewis, 51,590; A. Sloga, 25,480. Employee Benefits ($200,204) Payments to the Treasurer of Ontario re: Group Insurance, Long Term Income Protection, Extended Health, 21,326; Ontario Health Insurance Plan, 26,448; Public Service Superannuation Fund, 88,709; Super- annuation Adjustment Fund, 16,405.
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