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Index 7Ps 301–2 agency 319 marketing mix for Takaful 303–4 Wakalah 47–8, 64, 304 agents 3, 15, 21, 23, 75 Abduh, Muhammad 7, 59, 194 licensing to market Takaful products absolute beneficiary versus trustee 15, 179–80 24–5, 75, 211–19, 237–8, 251, payments in life insurance 238, 251 252 regulatory framework 76–8 absolute power of Allah 317 alcohol, sanction against 317 Abu Ishaq, blessing of 31 Ali, M.M. 37, 40 acceptance Allah conventional insurance 152–3 absolute power of 317 Qabul 143, 145, 147–8 attributes of 319 accidental death, see quantum of death determined by 68, 317–18 damages putting trust in 68, 71, 241, 245, 251, accountability 299, 320–21 317, 324 accounting 338 will of 69, 240 issues for Takaful institutions allies (Hilf) 28 307–10 of al-Ahlaf 28 treatment for recognition of income of al-Fidul 29 and expenses for operators of al-Mutaibin 28 200–201 Allis-Chakners Co. v. Fidelity and Accounting and Auditing Organization Deposite Co. of Maryland 153 for Islamic Financial Institutions Amanah (trust) 18, 45, 215 (AAOIFI) 39, 263–5, 270–71, 291, ambiguity 345 297, 308 Amtul Habeeb vs. Musarrat Parveen accounts 338 218, 237 accrual basis accounting 200–201, ancient Arab tribes 4–5, 136 203–4 annulment of a policy 109, 167–8 Acts of Parliament 61 anti-selection 39 advisory Shari’ah task force, suggested ‘Aqd (principles of contract) 1, 20, 26, 277 42, 48, 62–3 Africa 262, 285 ‘Aqd Ta’min Muaqqat (issuance of age cover note) 145, 148–9 of a contract 20 ‘Aqilah (kinsmen or payees of blood impediment to taking out a policy money) 5–6, 29–30, 60, 70–71, 17, 88–90 136, 140, 248, 368 legal capacity 63, 157–60 Arab tribes 116 of majority 157–8, 160 ancient 4–5, 136 Rushd 20, 88, 89, 189–90 Arabesque Asset Management 313 of maturity 319 Asia 262, 285 of puberty 20, 88, 89, 189–90, 319 Southeast 262, 275, 285 403 Mohd M.
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