1980 AGO National Convention St Paul
Thomas Murray is one of the relatively few organists in this country with a concert career of ever widening scope ... Louise Kenngotr, in the MILWAUKEE JOURNAL, November 7, 1977 Recitals for A.G.O. chapters during the last five years: Atlanta, May 11, 1976 St. Louis (return engagement), 1\ov. 8, 1977 Boston (N::J.tion<JI Convention), June 24-25, 1976 Boulder, Feb. 10, 1978 Syracuse, Oct. 11, 1976 Portland Main, March 13, 1978 North Shore (with Northwestern University, Jan. 25, 1977 Richmond, Oct. 24, 1978 Cleveland, Jan. 30, 1977 Jacksonville, Oct. 29, 1978 \Vashington, D.C., Feb. 14, 1977 Providence, Nov. 5, 1978 St. Louio,, March 15, 1977 Albany (Regional Convention), June 27, 1979 Cape Cod, March 21, 1977 Buffalo, Sept. 18, 1979 Boston, May 1, 1977 Springfield, Mass. (with Smith College), Nov. 11, 1979 ue. Hartford (Regional Convention), June 26, 1977 Baton Rouge, Jan. 21, 1980 Mihvaukce (with Carroll College), Nov. 6, 1977 Cincinnati (with Christ Church), Feb. 29, 1980 . ',[VI!,? ailsw,~rs, una'""· TheRodgers 200. AI1d theRodgers 205. ....•... Murray is the consummate musician . his towering technique negotiates the most difficult passages with ease, but u.:;ou.Lv early 17th andJ8th century organ designs, with their· alwa:ys serving the mwic rather than drm.ving attention to itself. •.el!ij'liJiiSlSOilurlity, uru'""'"' ;.uJd(JptillhUJ:n performance. Both offer suchfeatures as lighted John Ogasapian, in THE AMERICAN ORGANIST, Septemher 1979 wooden optional Tracker Touch. Yetsince both combine pipes with electronic voices, neither costs anywhere near whatrul-plpe organs with the same.capabilities would. And their sound is breathtaking.
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