• 391 CARDIFF AND ~UBURBAN NAMES DIRECrrORY. WIL Willi.a.IllB Philip, 5 De Bm.,gh street, Canton Williams Samuel, coal trimmer, 58 Moy rd., Williams Philip H., 51 Burnaby street, Moors Williams Samuel, butcher, Tyla Mawr fa.rm, St. Williams R., coal merchant, 97 Orwys rd., Ctys. Mellons Williams R., engineer, 29 Brom~grove st., Gnge. Williams Samuel, 30 Surrey street, Canton Williams R., eng. driver, 3 Leckwith place, Ctn. Williams Sebal!ltian, boilermaker, 47 Paget st., WilliaiiM~ R., Evadene, Hooldon, Whitchurch Grange • Williams R. G., 17 Penywain road, Roath Williams Sidney, foreman, 68 .mifton st., Roath Williams R. K., Chatsworth house, Wihitchurch William>~ Sidney, .ooal trimmer, 1 North Luton road, Cathays pla,ce, Williams R. 0., mer,cha.nt, West Bute st., Williams Sidney R., West Dock hotel, 29 Herhert Dock·s street, Docks Wmiams R. & Son, drapers, Empo-rium, Williams Sid., ar.chitect, Rector~ rd., Caerphilly philly Williams S. R., grocer, Piccadill~ sq., Caerphilly Williams Rachel, Prisk farm, Welsh St. Donats Williams Silas, 166 Severn road, Canton IWilliams Ra~mond, Melbourne road, Llanishen Williams St. John F~a.ncis, barri&ter, 59 Queen Williams Rees, 7 Clarence place, Docks s·t.reet; res., The Downs, Sully Rev. D. Ha.rris, 1 Elm Hrove rd., Dinas \~Villi.ams T., 52 Wimborne street, Mool'ls Pcwis rWilliams T., Llwyn~On, Fidlas rd., Uanishen Williams Rev. F. E., re<,.{.QT, Lookwith W illiams T., Woodville hotel, W oodviijle rd .. Ctys. Wi~liams Rev. ]frank Ern~st. Cogan Parsonage. Williams T., foreman, 110 Cottrell rd., Roath 139 Winds~r road, Penarth Williams T., Ty Llwyd farm, St.
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