E1022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 2, 2011 most importantly, the students themselves. He to work as an oil-field roughneck, no doubt tradesmen. These graduates are outstanding served as the District’s representative in staff shaping him into the legendary man and gov- examples of each. They have mastered their contract negotiations, oversaw budget deci- ernor would come to know and love. trade and have demonstrated their loyalty to sions, coordinated the recruitment, selection Working his way from roughneck to CEO, the both the union and the community through and assignment of teachers, principals and invaluable lessons he learned along the way their hard work and selfless dedication. other personnel and put his imprint on every led him to the as deputy sec- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other aspect of life and learning in the Jefferson Ele- retary of defense for Presidents Nixon and distinguished colleagues join me in congratu- mentary School District. Ford. lating these dedicated and hardworking indi- As is the case in school districts across our In 1978, he came home to a Texas politi- viduals. Along with the other men and women country, Superintendent Rizzo was asked to cally dominated by the Democrat party to run of Northwest Indiana’s unions, these individ- do the impossible—educate a diverse student for governor and, in an upset victory, he be- uals have committed themselves to making a population in an environment of dwindling fi- came the first Republican elected since Re- significant contribution to the growth and de- nancial resources, all the while staying fo- construction. Bringing this experience to the velopment of the economy of the First Con- cused on preparing them to achieve to their office, Governor Clements changed business gressional District, and I am very proud to rep- utmost ability in an increasingly competitive as usual in the state by demanding sound resent them in Washington, D.C. world. budgeting and management policies, taking a f tough stance on crime and working toward To do this, Matteo relied heavily on the TRIBUTE TO MR. SYLVAN SIEGAL skills he gained as an Assistant Super- education improvements. After losing his first intendent, Principal, Vice-Principal and teach- re-election bid in 1982, Clements returned to er—all within the Jefferson Elementary School the Governor’s Mansion four years later for his HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ District. His unsurpassed institutional knowl- second and final term. Governor Clements’ OF TEXAS edge and commitment to bettering the lives of hard work and dedication built a firm founda- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES young people will be sorely missed and not tion for Texas’s future, and is the reason Thursday, June 2, 2011 easily replaced. Fortunately, he leaves his Texas has remained the successful economic Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today successor with a legacy of excellence and model it is today. to honor Mr. Sylvan Siegal, a San Antonio na- community involvement that can be built upon After retiring from public life, Governor tive who bravely fought in the front lines of in future years. Clements made his home in where he World War II. Last month, I had the honor of Mr. Speaker, Matteo Rizzo is a living exam- spent his days supporting the Texas treasures presenting the Bronze Star Medal to Mr. ple of the benefits of public education and the he loved so much. He was an avid supporter Siegal’s brother—64 years after Sylvan Siegal fruits of hard work. A product of local schools, of the Boy Scouts and contributed generously should have received it for his combat service he is a graduate of San Francisco State Uni- to the organization. Perhaps one of his most as an Army infantryman in World War II. versity, where he received a Bachelor of Arts significant contributions was the land he and During World War II, Sylvan Siegal served in Mathematics, his Teaching Cre- others worked hard to obtain for the Scouts in in Rifle Co. ‘‘B’’ of the 406th Regiment of the dential and two Masters of Arts—one in Edu- Henderson County—known today as ‘‘The 102nd Infantry ‘‘Ozark’’ Division which helped cation and another in Educational Administra- Clements Scout Ranch.’’ As an Eagle Scout obliterate the Nazi army in central Germany. tion. He has been honored at every step of his and Representative of Henderson County, I After Sylvan died this past September, his career, including earning a ‘‘California Distin- am especially thankful for Governor Clements’ brother, Ben Siegal, found his brother’s Army guished School’’ award for Fernando Rivera dedication to Scouting. I know that, because documents among his belongings. It showed. Middle School in 2001, while serving as the of his time and effort, generations of Scouts in Mr. Siegal had earned the Combat Infantry school’s principal. and around Henderson County will enjoy Badge and was awarded the EAME Campaign Mr. Speaker, Superintendent Rizzo has cer- many summers filled with camping, fishing, Ribbon with 2 Bronze Stars, the Victory Rib- tainly earned his retirement. On behalf of the hiking and horseback riding. bon, 2 Overseas Service Bars, Army Occupa- Congress of the of America, I We will always remember his infectious love tion Ribbon and the Good Conduct Medal. wish to thank him for his exceptional service for Texas. Bill Clements truly embodied the Mr. Siegal passed away this past Sep- to our nation and wish him only the best as he Lone Star spirit. While he will be missed, his tember, at the age 84. He is buried next to his now has time to travel with his amazing wife, legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of beloved parents, Louis and Bluma Kagan Clydie, play a lot more golf, do a little more all Texans. Siegal. duck hunting and, as rumor has it, learn to f Because Mr. Sylvan Siegal was proud of play the guitar. both his Jewish heritage and his service to our Matteo Rizzo, simply put, is a good man PLUMMERS LOCAL UNION 210 AN- country, Ben Siegal chose his synagogue, who spent his entire professional career doing NUAL APPRENTICE GRADUATION Rodfei Sholom, for the medal presentation good for his community. There’s no need to BANQUET where Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg delivered the tell that to the thousands of children he edu- following remarks: cated, or his son, Matthew, and daughter-in- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor law, Jill, but the rest of America can benefit OF INDIANA on December 7, 1941, and the United States IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES declared war on Japan and Germany, Amer- from knowing that extremely capable and ican Jewish men and women responded to committed professionals like Matteo Rizzo Thursday, June 2, 2011 their country’s call for the armed forces. show up at school districts across this country Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with During the course of World War II, 550,000 every day with no other goal than to move our great sincerity and respect that I offer con- men and women of Jewish faith served in country forward, one student at a time. every branch of the armed forces of the gratulations to several of Northwest Indiana’s United States. It is for these reasons and more that I ask most talented, dedicated, and hardworking in- my colleagues to join me in thanking Super- Twenty-two Jews attained senior rank in dividuals. On Friday, June 3, 2011, the Plumb- the Armed Forces—18 were generals, 6 were intendent Matteo Rizzo for his service. ers Local Union 210 will honor the graduating major generals, 12 were brigadier generals, 1 f class of 2011 at the Annual Apprentice Grad- was vice admiral, 2 were rear admirals, and uation Banquet, which will be held at Tiebel’s 1 was a commodore. HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY The total number of Jewish war casualties OF FORMER TEXAS GOVERNOR Restaurant in Schererville, Indiana. was 38,338; 11,000 Jews were killed, 7,000 in BILL CLEMENTS At this year’s banquet, the Plumbers Local combat. Union 210 will recognize and honor the 2011 Approximately 26,000 Jewish men and Apprentice Graduates. The individuals who women in uniform received citations for HON. JEB HENSARLING have completed their apprentice training in valor and merit. The number of awards to- OF TEXAS 2011 are: Bruce Bigbie, Christopher Dodrill, taled 49,315, including 3 Congressional Med- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jacob Fredericks, Derek Gatlin, Robert Gorka, als of Honor, 66 Distinguished Service Thursday, June 2, 2011 Travis Hamilton, Mario Hodalj, Joseph Hull, Crosses, 28 Nag Crosses, 41 Distinguished Service Medals, 244 Legions of Merit, 1,434 Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, today I Brian Juris, Robert Piekarczyk, William Silver Stars, 2,047 Distinguished Flying wish to pay tribute to a true Texas trailblazer, Schuitema, Eric J. Smith, Jacob Wellsand, Crosses, 191 Soldier’s Medals, 28 Navy and Governor William ‘‘Bill’’ Clements. and Daniel Wydro, Jr. Marine Corps Medals, 4,641 Bronze Star Med- After the loss of his family farm during the Northwest Indiana has a rich history of ex- als, 13,212 Air Medals, and 14,550 Purple , a young Bill Clements went cellence in its craftsmanship and loyalty by its Hearts.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:12 Jun 03, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02JN8.001 E02JNPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS June 2, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1023 Today, we honor the heroism and patriot- of every reauthorization of IDEA, working on consideration the bill (H.R. 2017) making ap- ism posthumously of Sylvan Siegal, but we issues relating to attorneys fees, the provision propriations for the Department of Home- also pay tribute to the unsung heroism and of services to infants and toddlers, and even land Security for the fiscal year ending Sep- patriotism of the American Jewish service- the change in the name of the statute. In addi- tember 30, 2012, and for other purposes: men of World War II. tion to work during reauthorizations, Ms. Jones Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Chair, the Federal Emer- Before these men could engage the true gency Management Agency’s homeland secu- enemy, they had to battle anti-Semitism has worked with congressional staff to provide while trying to enlist and later, when con- insight regarding the implications of other stat- rity grant programs are dangerously under- fronting the prejudices of their fellow sol- utes on the education of children with disabil- funded in the legislation we are considering diers who believed Jews were cowards, poor ities. For example, she analyzed the implica- today. I rise in support of the amendment I soldiers, and poor leaders. These Jewish GIs tions of the American Recovery and Reinvest- have joined my friend and colleague from New would go on to prove themselves in battle, ment Act (ARRA) funds for these students, es- York in offering which would restore funding to but first they would be forced to fight for pecially regarding the maintenance of effort these critical programs. their comrades’ respect as soldiers. provisions in IDEA, and she has been a part When we debate and pass bills that fund Dietary restrictions presented a challenge the functions of the federal government, we to traditional Jews. They were ‘‘eating Ham of bicameral, bipartisan briefings in prepara- For Uncle Sam’’. ‘‘Uncle Sam’’ virtually ig- tion for the Elementary and Secondary Edu- have to make real decisions about what we nored the ancient dietary restrictions of cation Act (ESEA) reauthorization. believe are the priorities of our nation. In this Jews, and many had to eat ham or starve. In addition to education issues, Ms. Jones bill, we see where funding for critical home- Jewish service in World War II transformed worked on the enactment of the first major land security programs fall. In this bill, House Jewish world views. The transformation civil rights act for individuals with disabilities, Republicans have decided to cut more than $1 began during military training where many the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and billion from current funding from programs that Jews broke out of their insular ethnic world in the more recent ADA Amendments Act go toward rail security, port security, and the and discovered the diversity of America. (ADAAA). Prior to the 1990 enactment of the Urban Areas Security Initiative. In this bill, Serving in World War II made American Jewish soldiers feel both more Jewish and ADA, she participated in regular meetings with House Republicans cut $420 million for grants more American. Many anti-Semitic soldiers bipartisan staff thinking through how the ADA to firefighters and first responders. were also racist. The seeds for the Black- could be structured to best protect the rights Mr. Chair, I agree that we have to make Jewish alliance of the 1960s were sown during of individuals with disabilities while not unduly tough decisions when it comes to funding the World War II. burdening private entities. Because of her federal government. But balancing the budget Jews were fighting not just for their coun- work, she was thanked in the CONGRESSIONAL on the backs of our nation’s firefighters and try, but also for the fate of European Jewry. RECORD and was privileged to attend the first responders and at the expense of the se- Their Jewishness resonated as they searched White House ADA signing ceremony. Fol- curity of our communities is irresponsible. for European Jews while on leave and then saw their worst fears confirmed in the ema- lowing enactment, she continued to inform So, what are the Republicans’ priorities? ciated bodies at the concentration camps. Congress on the Supreme Court decisions They choose to eviscerate funding for critical Prior to the War, both Judaism and Ca- about the ADA, and the regulatory and en- homeland security programs in order to fund tholicism had been outsiders to the Amer- forcement issues under the ADA. She wrote tax cuts for big oil companies. They tell local ican dream. Judaism assumed an American numerous reports and memoranda and as- fire departments that the federal government legitimacy unanticipated at the start of the sisted staff in understanding the Supreme just can’t afford to support them anymore, but war. Protestantism, Catholicism, and Juda- Court decisions which were the impetus for then turn around and make sure that oil com- ism were deemed to share common values the ADAAA and the implications of proposed panies, who could collectively make more than that made them the religions of democracy. Acceptance of the Judeo-Christian tradition legislative language. $140 billion in profits this year, are protected in the armed forces would force Protestants After Hurricane Katrina, Ms. Jones worked from paying their fair share. to share the Christian label with Catholics extensively with staff on the question of emer- Mr. Chair, those might be the priorities of and to include Jews as equal partners in gency protections for individuals with disabil- the House Republicans, but they are not the America. ities. During another emergency, the H1N1 in- priorities of the American people. I urge my For post-war generations, the experience of fluenza pandemic, she analyzed the implica- colleagues to join me in supporting this impor- the war changed the generation that fought tions of the pandemic on employment issues tant amendment and letting our nation’s fire- it and helped launch the civil rights move- for individuals with disabilities as well as fighters and first responders know that we are ment, the Great Society, and America’s rise issues regarding the provision of scarce med- to global predominance. standing up for them here in Washington while For the Jewish people, patriotism, sac- ical resources. they are standing up to protect our commu- rifice and justice were the cherished ideals of Ms. Jones has also worked extensively on nities back home. a people who seek peace, but they were ready issues relating to genetic discrimination which f and are ready today, to sacrifice and pay a ultimately resulted in the Genetic Information very great price for real peace. Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). She analyzed REVEREND PHARIS EVANS 50TH May that peace come speedily in our time. whether ADA protections extended to genetic ANNIVERSARY Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me disorders, especially those that have not mani- in honoring Mr. Sylvan Siegal for his dedica- fested, and addressed other issues unique to HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY tion to our country, the military and to his faith. GINA. OF INDIANA This June, Nancy Jones will retire from CRS f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES after 36 years of service. I commend Ms. RECOGNIZING THE CAREER OF Jones for her distinguished career and her Thursday, June 2, 2011 NANCY JONES AFTER 36 YEARS dedication to ensuring a fully-informed legisla- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with OF SERVICE TO CONGRESS tive process, especially in matters involving great pleasure and admiration that I stand be- the rights of individuals with disabilities. In any fore you today to honor and congratulate Rev- HON. GEORGE MILLER area where she was involved, the develop- erend Pharis D. Evans on his 50th Anniver- OF CALIFORNIA ment of Federal law and the effectiveness of sary as Pastor of Clark Road Missionary Bap- congressional oversight were well-served. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tist Church in Gary, Indiana. I can truly say f that throughout his many years of service, Thursday, June 2, 2011 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SE- Pastor Evans has been one of the most dedi- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. CURITY APPROPRIATIONS ACT, cated, distinguished, and committed citizens of Speaker, today, I rise to recognize and thank 2012 Indiana’s First Congressional District. He will Nancy Jones upon her retirement from the be honored at a lifetime achievement celebra- Congressional Research Service after 36 SPEECH OF tion hosted by Clark Road Missionary Baptist years of service to Congress. Ms. Jones has Church on June 10, 2011. worked with issues regarding the rights of indi- HON. STEVE ISRAEL Reverend Pharis Evans graduated from viduals with disabilities since she began her OF NEW YORK Haywood High School in Brownsville, Ten- career at CRS in 1975, the same year the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nessee. His passion and interest in theology Education for all Handicapped Children Act, Wednesday, June 1, 2011 grew from the church services he attended as now the Individuals with Disabilities Education The House in Committee of the Whole a child, and he knew from a very young age Act (IDEA), was enacted. She has been part House on the State of the Union had under that he was destined to be a preacher. He

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:12 Jun 03, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02JN8.020 E02JNPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS