List of Abbreviations

AATSIHS Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ACAT Aged Care Assessment Teams ACHA Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged ACSA Aged and Community Services ACSD Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions ACSWA Aged and Community Services WA ADL Activities of Daily Living AF Atrial Fibrillation AHLO Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer AHURI Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIHW Australian Institute of Health and Welfare AMA Australian Medical Association AMS Aboriginal Medical Services AON Area of Need ARBI Alcohol Related Brain Injury ASR Age Standardised Rates ATAPS Access to Allied Psychological Services ATSI Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander CAHS Child and Adolescent Health Service CALD Culturally and Linguistically Diverse CCC Clinical Commissioning Committee CCSS Care Coordination and Supplementary Services CEC Community Engagement Committee CHD Coronary Heart Disease CKD Chronic Kidney Disease CNA Comprehensive Needs Assessment CPFS Child Protection and Family Services CPOP Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy CPSMP Chronic Pain Self-Management Program CSC Community Support Centre CVD Cardiovascular Disease DAFNE Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating DAHAG District Aboriginal Health Action Group DCS Department of Corrective Services DESMOND Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed DIDO Drive in Drive out DRG Diagnostic Related Groups DSC Disability Services Commission DTC Day Therapy Centres DVA Department of Veterans' Affairs DWS District of Work Force Shortage ED Emergency department ERRCD Electronic Reporting and Recording of Controlled Drugs ETS Emergency Telehealth Service FIFO Fly in, Fly out FSH FTE Full-time equivalent GP General Practitioner HACC Home and Community Care HI Service Healthcare Identifiers Service HIV Human immunodeficiency virus HMDS Hospital Morbidity Data System HPI Health Price Index IASP International Association for the Study of Pain ICT Information and Communications Technology IHD Ischaemic (Coronary) Heart Disease IHPA Independent Hospital Pricing Authority IIAMPC Improved Indigenous Access to Mainstream Primary Care IPHCS Indigenous Primary Health Care Services IRSD Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage LGA Local Government Area LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex MBS Medicare Benefits Schedule MHNIP Mental Health Nurse Incentive Programme ML Medicare Local NBCSP National Bowel Cancer Screening Program NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme NDSS National Diabetes Services Scheme NEAT National Emergency Access Target NHF National Heart Foundation NMHS North Metropolitan Health Service NP Nurse Practitioner NRCP National Respite for Carers Program NSMHW National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing NSMHW National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing NSO Network Support Officer NVDPA National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance OBA Outcome Based Accountability OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OT Occupational Therapist OTD Overseas Trained Doctor PaRK Peel and Rockingham Kwinana PATS Patient Assisted Travel Subsidies PBMA Program Budgeting Marginal Analysis PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme PCEHR Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record PCMH Patient Centred Medical Home PHaMS Personal Helpers and Mentors Service PHIDU Public Health Information Development Unit PHN Primary Health Network PIP Practice Incentive Program PMH Princess Margaret Hospital PPH Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations PTE Part-time equivalent PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease RACF Residential Aged Care Facilities RACGP Royal Australian College of General Practitioners RAS Regional Assessment Service RBA Results Based Accountability RCO Regional Coordinator Officer RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease SEIFA Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas SES Socioeconomic Status SMHS South Metropolitan Health Service STEPS Self-Training Educative Pain Session SWMPF South West Metropolitan Partnership Forum VHC Veterans' Home Care WACHS WA Country Health Service WAPHA Primary Health Alliance WHO World Health Organization YLL Years of life lost AKMH Armadale Kelmscott Health Service BHS Bentley Health Service FHHS Hospital and Health Service FSH Fiona Stanley Hospital GDM Gestational Diabetes Mellitus IIAMPC Improved Indigenous Access to Mainstream Primary Care RPH Royal Hospital RGH Rockingham General Hospital