Monday, 1.13.14 ON THE WEB: the midwest NEWSROOM: RESS AKOTAN
[email protected] P D PAGE 11 Tyson Workers Approve New Contract Rule Changes DAKOTA CITY, Neb. (AP) — Workers at the Tyson Fresh Bill To Recognize Tribal Rulings Meats plant in Dakota City, Neb., will be getting raises BY GRANT SCHULTE mother’s home in Oklahoma, showed that he had legal cus- Impacting Small under a new contract they approved. Associated Press where he had lived for the tody of his son and that the Members of the United Food and Commercial Workers last year. John Keen said he two were living together. Market Airports union approved the deal Saturday. The new five-year con- LINCOLN, Neb. — Ne- presented school athletics of- Velder said the association tract covers more than 3,500 workers. braska lawmakers would en- ficials with a tribal court has recognized tribal-court NORTH PLATTE, Neb. Production workers will receive raises of $1.60 per hour sure the state recognizes civil order to show that he had rulings for decades, but offi- (AP) — The airlines serving over the life of the deal. rulings made by American In- legal custody of his son, Tay- cials weren’t able to confirm small markets in Nebraska Starting pay will increase to between $13.92 and $14.10 dian tribal courts under a bill lor. right away that Taylor Keen and Iowa have had a hard per hour. “They said, ‘This isn’t a met the eligibility require- time finding enough pilots prompted by a dispute about since new rules took effect Top maintenance workers will be paid up to $19.95 an whether an athlete could par- court,”’ Keen said.