Postal Markings and Cancellations in Switzerland & Liechtenstein Forward Shortly after this document was completed, a separate handbook on Swiss Railway Postmarks, by Alfred Müller and Roy Christian was published in 1977. In this more recent publication, Müller and Christian list the Travelling Post Office (TPO) cancellations according to the groupings recorded in the earlier handbook of Swiss Postal Cancellations “Grosses Handbuch der Schweizer Abstemplungen”, by Andres & Emmenegger. In recent years this latter publication has become known in its abbreviated form “Abstempelungs-Werk”, or simply “AW”. Felix Ganz, the author of the edited version you are about to read, used his own numbering system to describe the various different Key Types and Sub-Types of railway post office cancellations he had encountered. For the benefit of student philatelists interested in the Swiss Travelling Post Office, I have included the corresponding AW Group and Type alongside Felix’s original recordings. These appear in parentheses, in red bold type, e.g. (AW 83C/1) Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy from the original article, with additional information inserted wherever appropriate. The Helvetia Philatelic Society would welcome comments on this and any other article published on their website Please address your correspondence to the Society’s webmaster at:
[email protected] Published by the Helvetia Philatelic Society (Great Britain) Page 1 Postal Markings and Cancellations in Switzerland & Liechtenstein RAILWAY & STATION MARKINGS By Felix Ganz A coverage of several aspects of rail cancellations in Switzerland (there are none to speak of in Liechtenstein except for the Austrian railway from Buchs in Switzerland to Feldkirch in Austria that once upon a time stopped in Liechtenstein to pick up mail posted at the three stations, and then cancelled them with the Austrian TPO marks in use at that time) has been attempted and successfully achieved, but a complete picture of ALL aspects is yet to be written.