Court of Lost Resort Says Killer Must
■ • . a 24 - THE HERALD. Fh . March 6. 1981 I \^^pelebratifig 100 Years of Community Service! i nmE Reagan: No troops Prizeweek Puzzle East Catholic Stock market going to Salvador now worth $725 |wins hoop game closes with rally Page 3 1 Page 6 1 Page 13 Page 17 Saturday March 7, 1981 Manchester, Conn. 25 Cents SheServing the Greater Heralh Manchester Area for 100 Years Q Court of lost resort Chia-Chia t^]e London Zoo’s giant panda mate Ling-Ling and hopefully produce a Dr. Brian Bertram, curator of mammals at Chia Chia the panda on the bear’s arrival being crated up for his journey to new offspring. (DPI photo) the London Zoo, feeds bamboo shoots to from England Thursday. (UPI photo) Washington Zoo, where he will meet his new says killer must die MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. (UPI) - unrelated case, Friday upheld the as far as the Judy case is concerned, The U.S. Supreme Court and the In capital punishment statute. he said. Jobless man surrenders diana Parole Board Friday refused to The legal actions meant the execu halt the execution of Steven T. Judy, tion would go through as scheduled Humphrey said he would continue A Vernon firefighter helps another dismantle one of the fans removing the last legal barriers to unless Judy changes his mind about to fight Williams’ case before the In SATURDAY 9 to 5 his death in Indiana’s electric chair. wanting to die or Gov. Robert Orr diana Supreme Court, and “an used Friday night to ventilate the Hartmann's Supermarket changes his views supporting (he ticipating a negative decision, we’ll Judy, the killer of a young mother after plane hijack fails after a mild gas forced the evacuation of the store and sent death penalty and commutes the be taking that to the U.S.
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