Media Face Several Challenges During President Trump's First Months in Office
A PUBLICATION OF THE SILHA CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF MEDIA ETHICS AND LAW | WINTER/SPRING 2017 Media Face Several Challenges During President Trump’s First Months in Office n Jan. 20, 2017, Donald Trump was inaugurated event held earlier in 2016. “I think the political press is as the 45th president of the United States. among the most dishonest people that I have ever met, During the early months of his administration, I have to tell you. I see the stories, and I see the way President Trump took several actions that they’re couched,” Trump said, while also promising that raised concerns among journalists and press he would continue to be combative with the press if he Oadvocates. Specifically, press advocates argued that the were elected. The Trump campaign also regularly barred Trump administration was taking deliberate steps to cast news organizations from covering events when it believed doubt on the legitimacy of the American press. Additionally, that press coverage had been unfavorable. Several news President Trump stated several times that he was unhappy organizations found themselves “blacklisted” from events with the scale of government leaks, suggesting that he might when the Trump campaign refused to provide their reporters take actions to crack down on whistleblowers. However, the with press credentials, including The Washington Post, Trump administration seemed to back away quickly from The Des Moines Register, Politico, The Daily Beast, The investigations into a pseudonymous Twitter account of a Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and Univision, among others. person claiming to be a federal employee after the social (For more information on then-candidate Trump’s conflicts media company filed a lawsuit that claimed the investigation with the press, see “2016 Presidential Candidates Present was violating basic First Amendment principles.
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