Egypt Daily Update: Low Voter Turnout Predicted in Upcoming Elections

Low Voter Turnout Predicted Mubarak’s Sons Freed from Prison Court Overturns Death Sentence Verdict Political Cartoon of the Day: The Arab Child Top Stories Low Voter Turnout Predicted in Upcoming Elections Reuters reports that a combination of suppressed opposition and “election fatigue” is likely to lead to low voter turnout of no more than 35 percent of eligible voters in the upcoming parliamentary elections. “These are not real elections and we have seen all kinds of people running, mostly former NDP people, mostly business people trying to buy themselves a seat in the next parliament,” said Khaled Dawoud, formerly of the Dostour Party. Boycotts and party infighting will likely impact the success of the few remaining opposition parties as well. Phase one of voting for living abroad will take place October 17-18, with 139 Egyptian embassies and consulates to be used as polling stations for the 700,000 registered voters. In Egypt, voting will occur October 18-19; results for the first phase will be announced on October 30 after run-offs are held between October 26-28. High Elections Commission spokesperson Omar Marwan stated that 27 million Egyptians are eligible to vote in this phase of the election. Individual candidates, parties, and coalitions continue campaigning as the allotted period for doing so continues until October 15, with For the Love of Egypt stressing its candidates’ experience and connections. The Wafd Party, which has eight candidates running with For the Love of Egypt in addition to candidates running for individual seats, is similarly emphasizing its history and past achievements. For the Love of Egypt’s spokesperson pointed out [Ar] that, as it is an electoral alliance, the list will not continue to be united once the parliament is formed. The head of the Wafd Party’s communication office said that as soon as the parliament is formed, it will be ready to present and discuss a package of draft legislation. Meanwhile, observers continue to report campaigning violations, particularly using religion and places of worship to campaign. back to top

Mubarak’s Sons Freed from Prison On Monday, the Criminal Court ordered the release of and Alaa Mubarak, former president ’s sons, who were convicted of embezzlement, along with their father, in May 2014. The two sons were released on time served. The former president, his wife, and his two sons were charged with using state money to furnish and renovate their vast private estates. They claimed that this money was being used for communication tower maintenance. Gamal, the heir apparent of the presidency under his father, and Alaa, a wealthy businessman, will also stand trial on charges including squandering public money and insider stock trading. That hearing is scheduled for October 17. back to top

Court Overturns Death Sentence Verdict The Court of Cassation overturned the death sentences of six defendants who were charged with killing 11 policemen on August 14, 2013, the same day that the pro-Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins at Rabaa al-Adaweya and Nahda Squares were violently dispersed. The defendants were charged, along with 177 others, for breaking into Kerdaza police station and killing 14 people including the sheriff, deputy, other policemen, and a passersby. They were also charged with attempted murder of 10 other policemen and damaging the police station. The court ordered a re-trial for the defendants, who were originally sentenced in absentia in December 2014 then later arrested and sentenced to death in court in May 2015. back to top

Political Cartoon of the Day: The Arab Child

Source: @fahad_khamisi, Twitter, 10/13/2015 back to top Also Worth Reading

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Why Egypt’s New Parliament Will Be Born Broken Nathan J. Brown The Washington Post Egypt’s Last Islamists Standing Offer Polite Opposition Ahmed Aboulenein Reuters




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