OcrOBER, 1938 The .American Horticult9ral Society


OFFICERS President, Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Washington, D. C. First Vice-President, Mrs. Charles Walcott, Waship.pon, D. C. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Fairfax Harrison, Belvoir, Fauquier Co., Va. Secretary, Miss AlUle E. Sweeney, Washington, D. · C. Treaswrer, Mr. Henry Parsons Erwin, Washingtop., D. C. DIRECTORS Terms Expiring in 1939 T~rms Expiring ~n 1940 Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss, Washington, D.C. Mrs. Walter Douglas, Mexico, D. F. Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Gladwyne, Pa. Dr. J. Horace McFarland, Harrisburg, Pa. Mrs. Oement S. Houghton, Chestnut Hill, Mrs. Chester Welles, Washington, D. C. Mass. Mrs. William Holland WHmer, Washing- Mr. Alfred Maclay, Tallahassee, Fla. ton, D. C. Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pa.

HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Mr. James H . Porter, Pres., Mrs. Oement Houghton, American Azalea & Camellia Socrety, American Rock Garden Society, Macon, Ga. 152 · Suffolk Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Mr. Tom H. Smith, Pres., Dr. Alan Kirk, Pres., American Begonia Society, American Society, 1732 Temple Ave., R~oke, Va. Long Beach, Calif. Mr. Wm. T. Marshall, Pres., Cactus & Succulent Society of America, P. O. Box 101, Dr. Edgar T. Wherry, Pres., Pasadena, Calif. Amerka,!1 Fern Society, University of Pennsylvania, Col. Edward Steichen, Pres., Philadelphia, Pa. Delphinium Society, Ridgefield, Conn. Dr. H. H. Everett, Pres., Mrs. John H. CulUlingharn, Pres., AmericalJ. Iris Society, Herb Society of America, 417 Woodmen Accident Bldg., 53 Seaver St., Lincoln, Nebr. Brooklirre, Mass. Mrs. Frank C. Lambert, Pres., Mr. Chas. F. Wassenberg, Pres., Midwest Horticultural Society, Americ,an Peony Society, 100 North Central Park Blvd. , Van Wert, Ohio. Chicago, 111.

SOCIETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1938 Alexandria, Virginia, Garden Club, American Fuchsia Society, Mrs. Charles Holden, Miss Aiice Eastwood, Secretary, Rosemont, California Academy of Sciences, Alexandria, Va. Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Calif. American Amaryllis Society, Bethesda Community Garden Oub, Mr. R. H. Gore, Seey., Mrs. George Pariseau, c/o Governor's Club Hotel, 514 Maple Ridge Road, Ft. Lauderda!le, Fla. Bethesda, Md. American Begonia Society, California Garden Oub Federation, Tom H. Smith, President, Miss E. Marlow, Lib., 1732 Temple Ave., 992 S. Oakland, Long Beach, Calif. Pasadena, Cali!.

Publication Office, B2rul St. and Elm Ave., Baltimore, Md. Entered 8S s8condl-class matter January 27, 1982, at the Post Office at B altimore, Md., nnder the Act of August 24, 1912. California H orticultural Society, National Capital Dahlia Society, Miss Cora R. Brandt, Secretary, John L. Bishop, Pres., 485 California St., 1512 Lawrence St., N. E., San Francisco, Calif. Washington, D. C. Chestnut Hill Garden Club, New England Gladiolus Society, George Baldwin, Lib., James H . Odell, Chairman Ex. Comm., Heath St., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Chestnut Hill, Mass. North Carolina Garden ·CIMb, Chevy Chase (D. C.) Garden Club, Mrs. C. S. Black, Mrs. Paul S. Anderson, Wake Forest, N. C. 6319 Delaware St., Chevy Chase, D. C. Northern Nut Growers Association, Chevy Chase (Md.) Garden Club, ]. F. Wilkinson, Pres., Mrs. Robert Fleming, Rockport, Ill. Fairfax Road & Wilson Lane, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Bethesda, Md. Mrs. Silas B. Waters, Cleveland Garden Center, 2005 Edg.ecliff P oint, East Boulevard at Euclid Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. Rock Garden Society of Ohio, Dayto1'l Garden Center, Mrs. Frank Garry, c/o Dayton Art I1'lstitute, 5800 Wyatt Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Kenn~dy Heights, Fau<'} uier and Loudoun Garden Club, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. W. F. Rust, Severn River Garden Club, Le~sbu r g, Va. Mrs. Herbert Beatson, Pres., Pederated Garden Clubs of Maryland, 6 Paddington C0urt, Mrs. Harry R. Slack, Jr., Pres., Baltimore, Md. Room 300, The Belvedere, Takoma Horticultural Club, Baltimore, Md. Takoma Park, D. C. Fort Belvoir Garden Club, Th ~ Neighborhood Garden Club, Mrs. E. M. Parker, Secy., Mrs. E. H. Coulson, Secy., Fort Belvoir, Va. 4423 15th St., Garden Center Institute of Buffalo, Arlington, Va. Sta. H~ Box B, The Federated Garden Clubs of Cincinnati Buffalo, New York. and Vicinity, Garden Centre, Mrs. Car~y-Pratt McCord, % Iveys, Glendale, Ohio. Ash'ev ille, N . C. The Little Garden Club of Sandy Spring, Garden Club of Kentucky, Mrs. Mahlon Kirke IV, Mrs. Earl P . Rarold, Pres., Rockville, Ind. Bowling Green, Ky. The Pittsburgh Garden Center, Garden Club of Virginia, Schenley Park, Mrs. Daniel C. Sands, Pres., Pittsb urgh, Pa. Middlebury, Va. The San Francisco Garden Club, Georgetown Garden Cl ub, Room 133, Fairmont H otel, Mrs. Loui s Mackall, San Francisco, Calif. 3044 0 St., N. W., Trowel Club, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Dion S. Birney, Lake Washington Garden Club, 4435 Cathedral Ave., N . W., Mrs. ]. M. Blackford, Washington, D. C. Room 4422, White-Henry-Stuart Bldg., Washington Garden Club, Seattle, Wash. Mrs. R. McClelland Baldwin, 1526 J ohnson St. , Michigan Horticultural Society, Arlington, Va. Paul R. Krone, Secy., Horticultural Building, Woodridge Garden Club, East Lansing, Mich. Woodridge Branch Library, Washington, D. C. l\I( idwest Horticultural Society, Mr. O. V. Morgan, Secy., vVo rcester County Horticultural Society, 100 North Central P ark Blvd., 30 Elm Street, Chicago, Ill. vVorcester, Mass. ( i ] The National Horticultural Magazine

VOL. 17 Copyright, 1938, by THE A'WRrCAN HORIl'ICULTURAL SOCIETY No. 4



Color in the \i\,Tinter Garden. H ELEN M. Fox ______243

A Few of the Californian Lupines. LESTER ROW NTREE ______255

Trilliums. ANNIE LEE R. CLEMENT. ______.. ______. __ . ______._. _____ ... ______263

Spanish Moss. FRA NCES H AN NA Y ______._ ... ______. ______271

Rhododendron Notes: Growth Substances and the Propagation of Rhododendrons and Azaleas by Cuttings. HENRY T. SKINNER ______. ______273

A Book or Two. ______.______... ______. ______. 275

The Gardener's Pocketbook: V emtnt1n nigrum. MARY G . HENRY ____ . ______. ______. ______280 Crinodendron. ERIC W ALTHER ______. ______. __ . ______.___ 282 The Altadena Christmas . ADELINE CLARK NEVI N__ . ______284 Calc eola.1'ia gmcilis. CLAUDE HOPE .______284 Colchicum and other autumn notes. F. E. McILVAINE.____ .______286 Rosa gigantea. EMMET RIXFORD, M.D ..______288 Hippeastru1,n aWLbiguu1n ______.______.______289 New York Botanical Garden Courses ______.. ______._. ______290 Marsh Marigold. H. H. EVERETT.. ___ .______._. ______.._ 293

Published quarterly by The American H01'nicultural Society. Publication office, 32nd St. and E lm Ave., Baltimore, Md. Editorial offi ce, Room 821, Washington Loan and Trust Building, Wash· ington, D . C. Contributions from all member s are co·rdially invited and should be sent to the Editorial office. A subscription to the magazine is included in the annual dues to all members; to n on·members the price is seventy-five cents the copy, three dollars a y ea~ . [ii J Walte?' B. Wilder The Birch Walk Color in the Winter Garden • HELEN M. Fox

EVERY year it is· a fresh surprise, Although there is actually much after the have fallen, to see less color in Winter than in Summer, how .full of interest the garden is every note, every tint is emphasized, through December, January, Febru­ and stands out distinctly in the land­ ary and into March, months supposed scape. to be bleak and dormant. When the Winter rains come and The trunks and branches of the a thick fog floats low to the ground, trees stand revealed in patterns against the trees through the mists seem like the sky and the scene is drawn as if shadows of themselves and one can with pen and ink or an etching tool. understand how fairy stories and in contrast to the lush textures of ghost stories originated in the Ork~ Summer which seem to be rendered neys, m Ireland and Wales where with oil paints. fogs are frequent and of long dura­ Yet in Winter the lines are all not tion. In the immediate foreground of black nor even brown and gray. On the mists, the colors stand out bril­ the contrary, many of the branches liantly, more so than at any other and twigs are vividly colored. The time. The leaves lying on the ground canes of some of the dogwoods are are more intense henna, dark maroon, magenta, maroon or yellow, and the orange and burnt sienna than when twigs of the willows are brilliant yel­ they first dropped off of the trees. low or orange. The broad-leaved Again when the snow covers the <::vergreens such as the holly, laurel, ground and has settled on the branches rhododendron, pieris and leucothoe and leaves, the effect is of sharp con­ have glossy fo liage and the coniferous trasts and the wet limbs seem black ones, yew, Arbor-vitae, hemlock and against the whiteness. pine are dark with slender leaves Since we have grown intelligent thickly arranged on their branches. about gardening, our planning. is a The berries remaining on the far more complicated affair than it was seem more like remnants of Autumn in the days when the only phase of than part of the Winter picture. Yet, the ' appearance to be consid­ some remaining in January and a few ered was the color of the . in March are yellow, red or grey. N ow, in our maturity as gardeners, The meadows are colored a tannish we must perforce bear in mind the pink or yellow ocpre mixed with rose di rection of the branches and the madder where the Virginia Bear­ color and quality of the leaves in or­ grass (A nd1'opogon vi1 'gi nic~~s) grows, der to have attractive compositions and the twiggy tips of the blue berries, during the forty odd weeks of the year some of the spiraeas, myricas and when their flowers are not in bloom. other shrubs are tinged henna, ma­ \iV'hen we are planning for winter genta or maroon. The trunks of the effects with shrubs and trees it is par­ trees cast shadows so blue as to be ticularly important to bear in mind almost purple across the lawn now their outlines, their habit of growth straw-colored mingled with green. or what the French women in de- [ 243) 244 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938

Walte1' B . Wilder E~wny11l/,us alatus scribing their hats, call, "Ie move­ short period of calm, preceding the ment." Weeping plants looK better c:rrival of the family from town. So 5tanding in front of and not behind I went out of doors to see how many upright ones, whi le plants with a fan plants I could find with color this fhaped habit of growth should prefer- 'Winter day. 8.bly be behind those with a dome­ At either side of the house, two like spread. Too many upright grow­ Ta:nls cuspida,ta atwesccl'Is have spread ing plants grouped together wi ll look wider every year so that now they like a thicket or a forest, and the alone suffice to furnish the "founda­ shapes of the individuals will be lost, tion planting." The branches have a instead of emphasized as they are horizontal movement and are very when the different sha·pes are carefully dark green and with a faint tinge of placed, each to its best advantage. yellow. The little round cinnamon During the Winter every now and colored buds of next year's bloom then it is warm enough to stroll in on the male plants are thickly clustered the garden with a pencil and notebook on the under sides of the new growth. and take notes. Such a day came In front of the wall holding up the this past Christmas Eve. All my terrace is a planting of flex glabra. chores had been done, the house deco­ The flowers in Summer are incon­ rated, the packages all wrapped and spicuous and greenish white, and the piled beside the and there was a berries black. The value of the Oct. , 1938 T H E NATIONAL HORT ICULTURAL MAGAZINE 245

Waite?' B. W~ l de?' C ot01'/;eas ter lactea is not in the bloom but in the fluffy weeks longer. T he blossoms vary, much branched habit of growth and some being whiter. and others more the evergreen glossy and so mewhat tinged with rose and green. Mine are leathery leaves. At Christmas and on a creamy whi te with numerous yel­ until Spring, the leaves are shaded low stamens and from the very centre, brow n verging on maroon. Some are rises a pinkish pistil with spi ral lines redder and others greener. on it. The leaves are coarse, palm­ U nder the ilex and in the shade, ately di vided and last all year, so the is a clump of H ellebon(,s nige1' (Chri st­ should be placed where their mas Rose) now in fl ower and a little presence will not inte rfe re in a Sum­ further along clumps of H eUebonf,s mer or Spri ng effect. T he helle­ Vi1'idis with greeni sh fl owers coming bo res like shade and dampness and in very early Spring. T he Christmas in crease slowly. Sometimes a plant Rose has been in bloom since mid­ will take two years after it has been Novembe r and will keep on a few Ill oved, before fl owering. I picked a 246 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938

few blossoms to show my city rela­ on Aronia G1'butifolia, orange on Eu­ tives, but like the little Snow Prin­ onY111,US alatus, white round ones on cess in the fairy story, the heat of SY111,phoricarpus albus (Snowberry), the room was fatal to them. grey on Myrica caroliniensis (Bay­ I am not one of those gardeners berry) and purple ones, much shrunk­ who boasts about having bloom all the en and harried by Winter weather on year around, for the very good reason C allica1'pa purpu1'ea. If any of them that . I cannot substantiate it with are brought indoors, however, their fact. However, on Christmas Eve, shabbiness is much more apparent there were some blossoms on the than when left out of doors. There is Erica ca;rnea and I read somewhere one exception as there always is, in the that if the shrubs are covered lightly cerise berries of B erbe1'is T hunbergii with salt hay, they will bloom once which are still stunning both outside in a while all Winter. The plants and indoors, where they are being used develop a rusty note in Winter, but as part of the Christmas decorations bloom very early in Spring. with branches of hemlock. The fruits Hamamelis 111,oliis sometimes flowers of the multiflora and polyantha in January and at other years in Feb­ still persist and are a quite brilliant ruary. It is not really pretty and can orange. only claim a place in the garden be­ On the shrubs, just now, maroon cause of its time of bloom and it is seems to be the strongest color note. doubtful if that claim is justifiable. The foliage on many of the broad­ The young stems are covered with leaved evergreens is tinted maroon down and the old ones are dingy during the winter. The leaves of looking. The flowers are a dull yel­ Leucothoe Catesbaei, a native shrub low with slightly twisted petals, while spreading by suckers, and with ' ra­ the fragrance so frequently extolled is cemes of lily-of-the-valley-like blossoms !lot apparent to my nose out of doors, in early Spring have become a reddish while indoors the flowers smell like maroon as are the buds of next year's bitter almond. Iris 'Vtng'Vl.icularis will blossoms. Stva"/'l.Vaesia Davl:diana, an in February. Except for Emn­ evergreen of the rose family, intro­ th'is hye111.alis (Winter aconite) a low duced from China thirty years ago and yellow plant with buttercup like blos­ highly decorative with white flowers, soms, and the snowdrops both coming followed by scarlet fruits, has its leaves in March, these are my only Winter now dyed a rich maroon. \!\Then cut flowering plants. For I do not count and brought indoors, the branches last a stray out of season effort like a pre­ all winter. I have some standing in mature violet or pansy. old hyacinth glasses, the color of egg­ The fruits remaining, are the tiny plant, and think them so stunning that apples on the Manchurian crabs, still I have selfishly brought them up to thickly clustered and amaranth col­ my own room where I can admire ored, but very soon a sleet freezing them for longer hours than I can over them will break them up, and downstairs. the shells falling onto the snow under The leaves -of Cotoneaster Franchetti the trees will paint it crimson. There are green, shaded brown; later they are still a few black frui ts on C oton­ will turn a less attractive brown, while easter acutifolia, bright red ones on those of Cotoneaste1' lactea have ma­ the hawthorns, dull dark red ones roon blended in with the green. One Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 247

Walte1' B. Wilder Cotoneaster salicifolia fioccosa 248 J:HE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 of the handsomest shrubs in Winter the under surface, they are tinged is Cotoneaster salicifolia fioccosa. The with violet and dull surfaced. Berberis branches are maroon as are the wil­ Sa1'gentiae carries lush green leaves low-shaped leaves. There is something shaded slightly with red or yellow most satisfying in the graceful upward stems having pale yellow thorns. and outward spread of the branches The leaves of Myrica caroliniensis and the angles at which the leaves are dark red against the grey of the are set upon them. So often I stand berries, and those of M ahonia aqui­ alongside of a group of shrubs all or foliu1n are brown-maroon, but in my one family, and try to analyze why garden they are always affected by one is appealing when another frost and when Spring comes present almost like it, appears clumsy. The a much weather-worn appearance. The presence or absence of one-eighth of dwarfer IVI ahonia ne1'vosa seems to an inch, as with a woman at the withstand the buffeting experience or end of her nose, . is enough to make alternate thawing and freezing better. the difference between beauty and The leaves of Galax aphylla stand the lack of it. in colonies on stems six inches high, Another broad leaved evergreen IS and are glossy and of a reddish bronze the Bu.'¥us mic'l'oph'ylla var. japom:ca just now. Leiophyllum buxifohu1n, a~wea which seems to be the correct if a native of our Southern and Central somewhat lengthy name of a dwarfish States of the East, has crimson stems spreading plant given to me as Korean and the leaves colored maroon; while box. It is hardier than most box last year's flowers, which should have and the leaves in Summer have a yel­ ueen removed, but are still adhering, lowish cast which in Winter comes are now a soft yellow. The flowers forth out of its green hiding and in are whitish pink when in bloom. spots is quite definitely yellow. The The evergreen azalea hybrids are leaves of Bux'Us se11~pervi1'e1~s have a stunning in Winter. Their branches bronzy cast to them. grow low and spread parallel to the The' foliage of the evergreen bar­ ground in a full wide expression. The berries are brighter colored thali~ that glossy leaves on some are a true of other shrubs. On B e1'beris v e1'1'~£C~(­ bronze blended with reddish, while losa a low shrub with yellow flowers on others they have a deep ochre tone. in Spring, the prickly glossy leaves ~T hen the branches are laden with are more effective in Winter than at snow the clustered leaves stand out other seasons for they are colored in star-like shapes. scarlet shading to dark red. The The catkins on Alnus v'ulga1"is leaves appear even darker than they (black alder) hang in fours, and their are, because of the contrast with the scales are marked as with frosting. light yellow stalks. They are born The branches lean far over the ice on straw-colored branches with thorns when we skate along the pond, and of golden yellow, and altogether make are maroon, N ow the catkins are a gay color combination. stiff and waiting for Spring to length­ The glossy leaves of the dwarf Be'r­ en them, and make them pliable, and beris Chenault'ii are arranged in star­ unloose their golden pollen to be dis­ like dusters and subtended by two or persed with the wind. Last year's tluee thorns, and are now painted feminine flowers are brown, stiff and maroon on the upper surface. On empty. Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 249

Walter B . Wilder Laurel and Rhododendron 250 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938

In addition to the bronze, scarlet bronze and they remain almost until and maroon, there is a good deal of Spring. green color. The leaves of Daphne In the herb garden the savory keeps cneorU111, are still green, but touched a its leaves green and so do the hyssops bit with yellow, especially at the tips. although both die back considerably Daphne laureola is a fine shrub for within the next two months. The new Winter effect for its leaves are quite leaves at the tips of the Satureia 11~on­ green but hang down, perhaps due to tana (Vvinter savory) are touchgd the cold. In addition to these two with brown and those on Satu1'eia al­ foreigners, there are many native I,ina with yellow. Thymus serpyllum American Evergreen plants. Kal111,ia var. splendens which has magenta tatifolia (Mountain laurel) has glossy flowers, turns dark maroon, while the leaves, pliant and green all Winter, creeping thyme with white flowers and those of Kalmia augustifolia turns yellow and Thymus se1·pyll~£11t (Sheep laurel) are pale green on the var. lan'££ginosus, which has grey fo· upper surfaces while the under sur· liage in Summer, is now a marvelous faces are tinted faintly with maroon. shade of plum, and Golden Thyme is Kal111,ia polifol·ial, a dainty shrub with very yellow. It is as if the frost tiny leaves, stays green too. I wish brought out the hidden colors in the someone would try to breed these leaves. The grey leaves of lavender Kalmias, for they seem to have pos­ are shaded with violet, and the leaves sibilities for being developed into more of Te~(.C1' iu1n cha1'1'wed1'Ys are shining widely varied forms. green with here and there a brighten· The rhododendrons have the cu· ing of red. The leaves of Dianthus rious habit of curling in the margins species are a silvery grey, always love· of their l·eaves when it becomes very ly, but especially so in a snowfall. cold. The colder it gets the tighter Grey against white is such a delicate they roll their leaves, a protective contrast in tones. device. Leucothoe acu111.inata is new There are several handsome ever· in our garden, and the leaves have green ground covers and nothing remained bright green into January. makes the gardens appear greener in The new leaves at the tips of the Winter than stretches of Vinca 111:ino1', branches are glossy and a light yel­ pachysandra, or A1'ctostaphyllos Uva­ low·green. ~!1'si, (Bearberry). The only objec­ Pie1'is jap01~ica has lush· looking tion to ground covers is that where green leaves shad·ed with bronze, on they grow it is not possible to spade magenta stalks, and pendant magenta the ground, and this to me is one es· flower stalks with green buds ready ~ential for good gardening. Another to open white in early Spring. Pie1"is ground cover, green all Winter, is fioribunda is not as pretty but the M 'itchella 1'epens (Partridge berry), leaves are also green. The leaves of with tiny leaves and twin white flow­ Lonicera f1'ag1'antissima stay on into ers turning to brilliant scarlet berries. January and when it snows their yel­ It requires a shaded location. English low green looks attractive against the ivy is the classical ground cover used whiteness. Lonicem Pe1'ily11l1,e1~u111 in old French gardens, and where it trained on the trellis and with de­ is hardy, is hard to beat. In Winter liciously fragrant blossoms all Sum­ the leaves turn bronze. mer, has its leaves darkened with Standing above the mulch of manure Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 251

Walte'l" B, Wdder H ybn'd A zaleas 252 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 and decayed leaves are many green in the stems and branches of some remnants of last Summer or perhaps, plants. Many of the rose species to use a nJore optimistic expression, have scarlet or orange canes. This portents of future flowers. There are year's canes of the blackberries, close the leaves of the candid~b11~ lilies, now relatives of the roses, are a startling having a purplish tone spread over electric blue. The best advertised of them, green leaves of Campanula ca1'­ \i\Tinter stem coloring, that of the C or- patica and Campanula pe1'sicifolia, of 1n£S stolonifem , the Red Osier Dog­ Dmba alpina, Sweet \i\Tilliams, of Di­ wood, has truly red branches. The anthus deltoicies. The clumps of the branches of C Or1~US sanguinea (Blood­ muscari leaves have flopped over onto twig) and of C ornus A 111,011lf,U1n, less the ground, but those of the Ibe1'is frequently mentioned, are maroon, sempe1'vi1'ens, the perennial candytuft, while those of C 01'1~US stolon:ifera var. are green and lush. fiavimmea are mustard yellow on this The buds on the maples, the lindens. year's growth and dull yellow on last the birches and on countless shrubs year's. are either tinted magenta or altogether The coniferous evergreens come magenta. The buds on the lilacs are last, for they are the usual plants ex­ yellow green and have the most alarm­ pected to furnish color in Winter. ing way of appearing ready to burst Conventional members of the garden open any moment. This happens now scene and conventional happenings are and then and makes one tremble for never on the front page of the news. fear the flower buds will be frozen. Most men like evergreens, perhaps be­ Azalea n1,£difiom loses its leaves, but cause they seem more masculine, the flower buds are a satiny pale ochre virile and lusty, than deciduous trees. yellow and the stems a dark grey. A I like them too but not nearly as much lovely combination that of yellow and as the masculine members of our part­ grey, which is repeated in the beeches nership. Too many tall and spread­ in Spring, only that their buds are a ing evergreens in a small space take deeper ochre than those of the azaleas the place of plants I prefer to have. and the bark of the Lady of the \i\T oods Moreover, where pines, hemlocks and is almost silky, it is so smooth. spruce grow, almost nothing else will, Cercis canadensis, with its pinkish for they make the soil sour and shade lavender irradiation of bloom, is the it deeply all the year around. They glory of the garden in May, and some­ elbow out the flowering dog.voods, how there 'is a reddish magenta cast the cercis, the apples, cherries, and over it in \i\Tinter, as if the blossoms spiraeas, if allowed to spread accord­ had left a visible remnant of their ing to their natures. A hedge of beauty, like a song echoing behind hemlock neatly trimmed and kept thin, them, especially when seen through will outline the garden in a healthy the windows of the house. \i\Then I green all year and is a fine substitute go close to the shrub to see where for Box in parts of the country where the color comes from, I find that the that is not hardy. Hemlock and pine, twigs are grey and there is no red too, make fine hedges when sheared, in the fruits, so perhaps the color is and their top roots do not interfere a mirage. with the growth of their close neigh­ Besides the color in the leaves, buds bors. Cedars make accents in our and berries, there is brilliant coloring gardens as fine as the cypress in those Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 253

Waite?' B. W ilde?' Garden Roses 254 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 of Italy, and in early Spring they ethereal in the snow, or when the clothe the garden when the late bloom­ frost glistens on the fluffy tips of ers still show naked limbs over the their branches. The green s·peCles ground covered with narcissi, early look cheerful, make good accents, and tulips, crocuses and hyacinths. maintain the outlines of the garden during the Winter. Cha111.,aecype1-us Some j uni pers lie qui te close to the phmwsa is quite golden in \iVinter and ground and are satisfactory in certain makes a shrub twenty feet high with situations, such as on banks or plumy tips to its branches. amongst rocks. Their variety seems My notes have been taken, the sun almost infinite. Junipe1-us depressa is beginning to go down, and it has phtmosa turns a rusty color, henna­ grown very cold. It is time to go in tinged in Winter. Juniperus chinensis and light the fir·e for my guests. As I Sa1-gentii is even more rusty and with open the door of the house I think, a dull green showing too, while hmi­ after all, what fun it is to live in the pe1-~tS Douglasii is tinted with ma­ country and be able to watch one's genta. plants all the year around, and see Taxus canadensis too makes a fine how their colors change, and their cover for banks. It is flatter and has shapes. thinner tips to its branches than the If we only knew our gardens in Japanese yews. Spring and Summer, it is like meet­ The retinosporas are particularly ing people at parties. Seeing them susceptible to being sheared into balls, in Winter is really being intimate pyramids or cones. Some of them with them and knowing every phase of 3re tipped silvery and are almost their life cycles. A Few of the Californian Lupines


LAST May when I was driving The two flowers, L~tpinus nan~ts hither and yon over the state, I de­ and Eschscholtzia californiw, often cided that this present screed should grown together, sometimes mingled be about lupine. L ~lpinu.s namts but more frequently splashing the decided me. There is never a year countryside with parallel drifts of when Lupinu.s nanus and its varieties color. As landscape features there is fail to do something heavenly to the much to be said for both of them. Californian landscape, especially to but L. 'nanus needs a champion, while that part of it lying not far from the poppy has a well-established fol­ the coast between Santa Barbara and lowing. L. 11.G//1US does for California a point 100 miles or so north of San what the very similar Blue Bonnet Francisco. But this year more peo­ (Lupinus tpxe'l7s·is) does for Texas, ple than usual were going about say­ but our Lupin has not yet evolved its ing "Isn't it a grand lupine year?" own personal common ·name. So their voices growing louder and louder when you ask "vVhich lupine?" peo­ as each strove to explain to the rest ple wave their hands and say, "Oh. where the most superlative stands you know. The little blue one yOt! were growmg. see everywhere." vVhen I went south from Carmel L. na17US is an annual with light early in February, L. nanus was al­ green stems and leaves of a grayer ready making a very few very light and darker green. When affairs are blue patches on the landscape of the to its liking it can be a plant twelve Monterey Peninsula. When I came inches tall and more than that across, home for a few days at the ·end of but it is usually smaller, especially April, it was spreading itself like when growing in close masses. The pieces of fallen sky over green hill­ flower spike is three to six inches sides and on coastal sands where small tall and the usual color is a pure daisy-like Baeria sheeted the ground bright blue, though in Sonoma and with gold. In May, when I turned northern Mendocino Counties it is north, I found Marin and Sonoma more purple, while some varieties run Counties still flecked generously with to powder blue. There is more white large splotches of blue, deeper now in the buds than in the opened flowers, and more purplish, but unmistakably which is why the stands are light sky L. nanus. Across all the 5,000 miles blue in the early stages. The broad which I traveled during those months, stripe down the center of the banner L. namtS stood out more than any is at first white, dotted with very other flower species-even more than dark blue; when the flower matures Eschscholtz'ia califoT1~ica, California's this white stripe turns to a deep shade much vaunted poppy. And in late of lilac. At this later stage the enti re June, when I landed in Carmel High­ stand gives a darker blue, purplish­ lands again, there was L. namts, still tinged effect and develops an over­ touching up the now yellowing grass poweringly strong fragrance-if you with spots of blue. can call it a fragrance. [2551 256 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZI NE Oct., 1938

This habit which lupines have of ping to enj oy the color harmony of darkening or even changing the color purples, lavenders and blues. of their banners accounts for the many This was a banner year too for different shades the same stand can L u pinus succulentus, the rain came assume. You can see a stretch of just when the lupine was ready fo r lupine in the changi ng lights of a it. Succulent~ts will grow in almost single day, alter to gray blue, powder any spot where its craving for moist­ blu e, bright light blue or cobalt blue. ure can be satisfi ed. It sways about But at diff erent stages of its life­ in damp depressions, fi lls roadside ditches and covers banks where water cycle it may be, first blue, then laven­ i" seeping through in spring. It runs der-blue, then purple. a good deal to fo liage, deep rich green L. namts is a good mixer with all foliage, very lush and rather coarse; sorts of other fl owers, which at a di s­ but it is very dependable (so long as tance affect the general color of the it can get water ) and quite universal. stand s. \tVhen it riots about with Lupine enthusiasts allude to it calmly RU11~ e x acetosella~ t he Sheep Sorrel as "Good old s~£cc~ tl entMs , )) but would hated by fa rmers-in red bloom, the greatly regret its absence. combination makes a quite stunning It blooms as early as L. nan us but red-purple sheet which, unless you is a larger, taller plant. T he fl owers have met something of the so rt be­ are a deep rich blue purple which fo re, will set you guessing its make-up. looks qui te blue in some lights and W ith Cream Cups (Platystemon) and a true purple in others. In years white Owl's Clover (01, t hoca1-P~fS) when they really get their fill of the effect is very li ght blue; with water the very light yellow banner magenta C aland1-i11ia and the purple center (whi ch, lupineli ke, turns purple Owl's Clover it is again red purple, as the fl ower ages) is more pro­ and so on. no unced, sometimes pure whi te in­ L. nam£s is lovely with yellows­ stead of yellow, and conspicuous wi th sulphur-yellow wild mustard enough to lighten the color of large waving above it and round its edges­ stands. with Tidy tips ( L ayia platyglossa) A nyone who makes a habit of going among its blue spiking, or wi th the into the southern Sierra foothills in deep gold madias whi ch take posses­ spri ng, looks forward to seeing the sion of the land just as the lupine white vari ety of L upimfs densifio'l"tfS begins to go off . A nd one of the in bloom, the eight-inch fl ower spikes color combinations which I have es­ leaning out and up in a characteristic pecially extolled this year is that of manner of their own from the smooth L. nanus in full bloom between and si des of li ttle canons, or covering in front of blossom-laden shrubs of slopes in the cattle country, where lemon-yellow bush lupine. Also in lichened outcroppings of rock and one rural town lavender and purple scattered groups of oaks and buckeyes Lin(}Jria nwroccana had escaped from make pleasant rural scenes. Often a garden and invaded an adjoining there are splashes of blue N emophila empty lot which was blue with L. insig11is and white Popcorn F lower 1Wmts. Any bit of space not fill ed (a Plag1:oboth1-,)JS species) with per­ with Lupin was occupied by Linaria haps a little coppice of Blue Oak (Q. and I could not pass by without stop- douglasii) near by, while behind in Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 257

Leste1' Rowl1 i1'ee Lupinus de11siflor~£s the distance are the snow-capped Sier­ type, which is light pink or deeper ras,-though you can't always see pink, soft shell pink or lavender pink, them for the foothills. The fields are as well as for the variety M enzi·esii still green when this L. densiflorus which is a soft primrose yellow, and var. lacteus comes out, the orioles are for a white form not identical with building their nests, the warblers have v. lacteus. In April and May they come back to the mountains, and from all cover the bare steep banks of the tree-tops ash-throated fly-catchers newly-made roads, edge the roadsides, scold one another in harsh voices. spill across the fences into the farm­ The rains are not yet over and the er's fields, and are sociable enough nights are still cold. But there is to establish themselves in huge stands something abroad in the lower moun­ beside many of the highways, where tains in the early Californian spring all who pass may see them. which reminds one who has loved The most striking variety of L. eastern springs of the thrill which goes dens'iflor1'£s is v. crinitus. It confines through that countryside when the itself, as far as I know, to one section first fl owers begin to bloom. of Sonoma County, where in April In the Tehachapi Mountains there and May it makes merry with pale is a rich deep blue-purple variety of pink, yellow and white Owl's Clover L. de11siflorus (v. palust?'is) which (0 rthocarpus) , with succulent-looking grows on half-shaded slopes with blue enormous-flowered yellow clovers and delphinium and creeping violet-blue flat-growing, yellow-flowered lotus, N e11'Lophila a~w ·ita . Marin and Sonoma and shows a strong liking for ditches Counties are headquarters for the and banks which are very wet in spring 258 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 and which dry out in summer. It spreads across coastal swards, makes bounces happily along through late blotches on the lower fl anks of coastal winter and early spring, but as soon mountain ranges and masses itself in as the dry hot days set in to burn April in the Tehachapi Mountains, away the fog which is characteristic where it covers acres and acres of of that coastal region, it makes haste high steep slopes and rounded hill­ to finish its cycle and spill its seeds. sides with soft dull blue. For al­ The plants, like all L. densifio1'US though the fl owers themselves are a plants, are quite symmetrical when good rich bright color without much they have room to be, sending up a white marking, they are small in pro­ fairly erect central stem ringed evenly portion to the amount of gray-green round with side branches and all of foliage, which dilutes their azure, in them tipped with fl ower spikes, the mass and at a distance, to a lovely blossoms on the central spike larger green-blue shade. and earlier blooming than those at the On the slopes above L. bicolor, or sides. The gray-green leaves are very sometimes close beside it, the best of hairy and so are the thick stems. The all California's annual lupines makes flowers are set along the stems in patches of indescribable blue. After large, regularly spaced whorls and you learn to know Lup£nus Benthamii below each whorl is a ring of poi nted you can identify it by its color as far bri ght breen, silver-haired bracts, away as you can see it, because its which show conspicuously before the pure blue, especially at a distance, buds unfold and give a rather over­ has a peculiar and exquisite tinge of balanced look to the spike. When the its own. It is beautiful when it makes fog settles down the heavy spikes bend batiks with golden amsinckias and low with their load, the hai rs of lighter, brighter yellow composites leaves and stems holding crystal-like (sometimes as high as 4,000 feet) moisture; a fog-drenched bank or it fills the spaces between huge·us is very lovely. gray boulders, looking li ke blue pools. The color varies in depth but is In the hand it looks like a greatly generally a shade of lilac, parti-col­ glorified L. na',-taller, more fl ow· ored with white, though some plants ery, and with intenser color. This is have flowers of rich red purple or t'he large lupine which tourists rave dark lilac with no whi te whatever. about when they come back from one Or the banner may be a pale lilac of those tri ps known as "going to the and the wings a deeper shade. desert to see the fl owers,"-trips All along the coast and from one which generally take them, not to end of California to the other appear ei ther of the Californian deserts, but little Lupim£s bicolo1' and its varieties. to the region near and particularly t o It makes its largest display in south­ the east of Bakersfield. ern California, where it is a gray­ I love Lup£nus varicolor most when leaved annual of barely fo ur inches; I am away from home, because, like further north, where it gets more rain, the blue bush lupine, L. a.lbif'ro11s, it it is larger, greener and more lush. is native to my coastal hillside and Considered as an indi vidual, L. bicolor keeps intruding on my garden. L. is not arresting; its effects are made Va1'iCO/01' is at its best on Point Reyes, when it grows in large quantities. It that very pleasant and very fl owery skirts round the edge of deserts, hammer- shaped peninsula north of San Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZI NE 259

Frasher Lupi'l1us Bentha111 ,ii 260 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZI NE Oct., 1938

Francisco, which shoots out to the of little country roads where wild southwest from the middle of Marin plants can come down close to the nar­ County's coastline. It is a low-growing row way - and it makes alleys here perennial, quite prostrate in exposed pleasant to pass through. Or it may places, making fl at round mats over invade spots where the yellow bush eighteen inches wide and fringed with lupine is growing and push up laven­ ascending stems which end in four­ der spikes among the deep cream and inch flower spikes. Its name is ap­ soft or bright yellow ones. Cattle propriate, though probably meant to wander about in fields of it, carefully convey the idea of a many-hued avoiding it, leaving it for wayfarers to panicle. This is perfectly correct, for admire and farmers to curse. It makes the usual form is tipped with cream­ colonies in front of groupings of blue­ white buds, the just-opened fl owers be­ flowered C eanot h ~~s thyrsifiorus which low them have pale yellow banners look like fat blue clouds, or beside and pale lavender wings, while the pink wild roses pierced by English flowers in the lower whorls, beginning foxgloves which, like the Ox-eye dai­ to age, have dark red-purple banners sies among the lupine, have naturalized and deep lavender-blue wings. But themselves in this moister part of the different plants may also differ great­ state. ly in color,-this is particularly true This Lupim~s rivula1'is is a loose­ on Point Reyes and along the coasts growing plant and unless it gets all of the counties north of San Fran­ the moisture it wants it may be a CISCO. Some have all-white fl owers, rather nondescript thing, though it others are pale blue, others lemon­ sometimes goes quaint and piling yellow, sti ll others have bright yellow closely into itself makes a neat, plump banners and cream wings; some bear and formal sugarloaf. I never thought fl owers which are pure white in bud much of it until I saw it burgeoning and uniformly red-purple when open forth one spring after several feet of except for a white stripe down the winter rain. Its vigorous beauty spread banner and the fl ower spikes on these over the countryside in complete aban­ plants have a bi -colored purple and don. Gas station men, not always white effect. A coastal slope of these ali ve to this kind of loveliness, re­ lupi nes among rose-pink Sidalcea ferred admiringly to "them tall blue malvaefiora and pale pink thrift fl owers." Farmers' wives decorated (A1'1neria. vulgaris), yellow leyias their homes with them and children and baerias, with rich deep blue-pur­ lugged them by the armfuls to teacher. ple his D01. ~glasia11a standing up be­ You fi nd L. 1'iv~~laris growi ng at the tween the lupine's straggling branches, foot of a bank of deep buff-yellow is a pleasant sight. _Mi11'l,ulus aurantiacus, or with brighter Up in Humboldt County, where they yellow Mimulus guttatus, while down get several feet of rain in winter with below it are very probably some pur­ some summer showers thrown in for ple-blue Viola adumca and a rift of good measure, a perennial lupine with Engli sh daisies (once escapes but now long lavender and light purple and quite established in the country). Or white flower spikes bands itself into you find it coping sturdily with wild mounds and hedges and covers banks blackberries or fl ourishing on equal with lush growth. It stands hi gh terms with a clump of Calla lilies along the roadsides,-along the sides which has leaped the garden fence and Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 261

Lewis .T osse'Yln Dupinus a;rb01'ens

settled down cosily to live in a ditch. flowered L. a1'boreus to work. Finding It borders moist meadows and edges that their sand dunes, - sand dune streams and takes over for itself river fas hi on-had taken to moving about, beds which are wet in winter and bare­ they made experimental sowings of ly moist in summer. It does good the lupine seed to anchor down the se rvice too in tethering loose roadside shifting masses and found that it banks which floods might wash away. worked. More recently, up north on It may be a five-foot plant, three or the Samoa Peninsula,-that thin little . four feet across, with a foot and a Humboldt County strip of coastal land half of bloom on its yellow-green flow­ or sand which curves south toward ering stems. The general effect is of Eureka, a Coast Guard's wife decided lavender and red-purple tones, some­ that something should be done to sta­ times shell pink and occasionally pure bili ze the sands on which she was li v­ white, but when you look at it closely ing. So she inveigled the county or you find almost-white buds, newly the Government or somebody into se­ opened flowers with white or pink curing yellow bush lupine seed from banners and purple wings, and aged Mendocino County. Then she rounded fl owers whose banners are red purple. up a group of women. T ogether they Lu,pi1'lus arbo1'eus is a willing worker descended on one mile of sand dunes as well as a lovely decoration, and and sowed the seed. N ext year the people who live beside the sea are resultant bushes blossomed and pro­ beginning to realize it. It was the duced more seed. The Coast Guard's San Franciscans who first put yellow- wife rounded up her group of women 262 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 again to collect that seed and with it fornia, L. polyphyllus fl ourishes all sow another mile of sand dunes. I the way up to British Columbia. It beli eve that she and they and the lu­ likes heavy soil which stays wet well pines are still keeping up the work. into the spring, but will grow in drier Everyone likes the yellow bush lu­ soil as well . It is one of the most con­ pine. It is a neat bush until it becomes spicuous lupines because of its color spent,-which on my hillside generally and because so much of the fl owering happens at the end of its third year,­ stem is covered with bloom,- often and its fl owers, usually a soft lemon two fee t of a fo ur and a half foot stem. yellow, are sometimes much brighter These stems are straight, thick and and sometimes deep cream. It is a hollow, the rich green leaves are large weed in my garden and I like it best and hairy and the fl ower is a dark rose on other people's property, especially red or red crimson, often a red pur­ on a wind-blown dune or seaside bluff ple or a pure purple. In Oregon the where it has been pressed low and fl owers are often lighter in color in wide and shelters in its fl at out flung their early stages, but as they age they arms such plants as pi nk or yellow always turn a dark red brown. A sand verbena, creamy coastal wall­ large colony of this rather stiff, un­ fl ower (Erysimum capitatu111) and the compromi sing-looking lupine is qui te wandering, large-flowered pink beach a surpri sing sight, especially if you convolvulus (c. solda11.ella). have recently been associati ng with After a rainy winter some bushes the dwarf or fl oppy species. It is par­ will reach over six feet in height, will ticularly striking when it grows with be twelve feet across, and will cover H emcleum lanatu1n; both are large themselves with hundreds and hun­ and imposing and the tall cow par­ dreds of yellow fl ower spikes, often snip wi th its wide umbels of white over a foot long, all leaning out and bloom and large dark green compound up at the same angle. A bush may leaves, towering above the lupine, stand out alone, bold and beautiful. or gi ves just the right touch to soften several may huddle together in a dense the latter's formali ty. clump, abandoning indiv iduality or T he Californian lupi ne species nU111 - form for the protecti on of a commu­ ber about seventy. Among them are nal li fe . Mingled with the yellow those which ·want wetness and those bushes you will occasionally fin d some which want dryness, some whi ch are bearing lavender pink, or parti-colored happy in lime soil and many whi ch lavender and white fl owers. A lw a~ prefer a ri ch acid humus, some which there is fragrance, a scent so strong like heavy soil and some which like that it drifts through the ·car window , li ght soil , species whi ch enjoy cold, as you drive past. snowy winters and species whi ch want L ~£p ·inus poly phyllus is, I suppose, no winter whatever. All of which the species which has achi eved the goes to prove that we can never rise greatest horticultural importance, be­ to announce with authority that all cause it is one of the parents of those lupines need a certain kind of soil, and spectacular lupines which American . should do something to cool the bloo d tourists covet in the gardens of the of those lupine growers who argue so Engli sh and try so hard to grow in heatedly about the merits of lime Ameri ca. Beginning in central Cali- ve rsus acid. Trilliums


"FOOLS rush in where angels fear a dark maroon color, smelling profuse­ to tread" is no doubt true in this case, ly of crushed fruits. They grow six since botanists, scientists and many to eighteen inches high. amateurs realize how badly the tril­ Following closely wi ll be T. simile liutn family is mixed and how much with its large white petals surrounding it needs further study, but I am only a dark ovary, which varies in color giving a few of my observations and from brown to black. The anthers not posing as an authority. are large and cream colored but the I have grown twelve species of our dark ovary is the point of interest. southern trilliums at Nik-Nar for a The flowers are held well above the number of years and collected all of large rhombic foliage. No odor is them except T. sessile which was sent found in these showy flowers. me from Virginia. I have recently Before these are gone the majority added two more species to my garden, of species are in flower. T. erectU11t TT. p'btsillu1n and Ul1derwoodii, but has stately stems and long pedicels since I have not checked them in my carrying maroon flowers with dark garden I will omit them, even though ovaries and cream stamens. There are I have seen them elsewhere. many discolors among this species va­ Trilliums are easily grown and make rying from greenish purple to pure very satisfactory plants for woodland white. This trillium seems to "clus­ gardens. They should be used more ter" more than any of the others, frequently. Their requirements seem sometimes six or eight flowers coming to be shade and leafmold. I grow from one rhizome. them in an acid soil, under a varietv Trillium, luteum, has been classed as of deciduous trees, which is very dry a discolor of T. Hugeri, but I feel that at times. The deeper the humus the Prof. Harbison was right and it is an­ better trilliums one will have. They other species. There is a marked dif­ like moist but well drained soil, but ference, even to a layman, when they 110t wet. I find Trillium lute~t11't in are seen together. T. luteum, ' is at alkaline soil but it grows equally well least two weeks earlier; the odor is in acid conditions. If trilliums are to different, T. luteu111, having a decided be used in beds it's well to plant some lemon fragrance; the marbling of the ground cover with them such as ferns, foliage is in two tones of green; the Sedu1n te1'11at~£m, hepaticas, etc., as arrangement of the pollen is unlike the trillium foliage dies down before and many more minor differences. summer is over and this practice pre­ Then, too, I have never seen a discolor vents bare spots. in lute'.t111[, but there are discolors in Our first blooms appear in March H ugeri, even to golden yellows. One or early April. T1'illiu1'l'/' I-h£ge'ri opens disappointing feature of T . luteum is the season with stout stems carrying that when grown in the north it is a handsome marbled foliage of a pur­ sickly green. Here in the south it is a plish color blended with two shades of clear lemon yellow. green. The flowers are sessile and of The snow trillium, T. g1'andiftoruln, [ 263] 264 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 265

T1"illiu111, H uge1'i T1'illiu111, sessile

Tn:thu1n lutewJlI1 T1'illi~t11~ discolor (All photog'raphs by E. L. Fishel') 266 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938

GeOI'ge i\lJassa Tri lli~£1n c ernUU11,/. Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 267


T1'illi'um Catesbei (E L Fishe1' ) T 1'illiu111, Si11~i le (E. L F d~n ) Trillium undulat%11'1 (Geo'rge Massa) A speci11'ten with four part plan. Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 269

E. L. Fishc1' T1'iUium Vaseyi 270 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 has the widest range of any of the color is very dwarf but effective with specIes, extending from Quebec to its marbled green foliage. The cream­ Florida. The large blossoms of colored petals are rounded at the apex pure white are very beautiful sur­ and when fully opened stand apart, rounding a cluster of cream stamens. showing the dark stamens near the It never opens out flat but stays tubu­ ovary. This trillium is very rare but lar in shape. When it ages it fades seeds freely and is easily propagated. to pink or even rose. Some claim a The "Pink Trillium of the Carolina pink fo rm, but all darken with age. Mountains," T. Catesbaei (stylos'll£1n) , While T. sessile has chocolate-col­ is a dainty little plant. It is of the ored fl owers, and as the name implies nodding type, has bright pink fl owers has sessile fl owers, they are quite dif­ and crisped recurved petals and cream ferent from T. H ugeri. The fl owers anthers. It fades a deep rose color. are much smaller with broad rounded The foliage is usually bronze and at petals. The foliage is almost a plain times appears red. green and the odor is not pleasing. The largest of our trilliums is T. An interesting species but perhaps Vaseyi. The slightly recurved maroon the least appealing. petals are a good background for the T. cernWU1n, the nodding trillium, is tan-colored anthers. I have found this white with recurved petals and dark trillium in deep moist woods more anthers. The fl owers hang just be­ than two feet high and with blossoms neath the leaves and are not so easily more than four inches across. The seen as others. most interesting one I ever saw was The Painted Lady, T. undulat~£111., is no doubt a hybrid. It was checkered, the most difficult to grow in my gar­ maroon and white, like a piece of den. They come from our high moun­ gingham. tains and I feel that they require more There are many freaks among tril­ moisture than I am able to give them. liUlns as well as other fl owers. One Perhaps this is the most beautiful tril­ is fortunate to find a double form as lium and surely the most easi ly identi­ well as ones with four, six or other fied. No other has the red lines at the unusual number of petals. To me base of the petals and it is the only trilliums, even as nature intended one that has petioled leaves. The them, are among the most fascinating fruits are a bright red. of our native plants. They are de­ T. alb~£1n is found on our high pendable, can be transplanted at any mountains also and it is best described time; will not only li ve but usually as a white form of e1'ectum. bloom the following year, even though The latest trilliums to bloom are the fl owers have been removed. discolo?', Catesba.ei and Vascyi. T. dis- Asheville, N. C. Spanish Moss


T HE most characteri sti c native of an inch across, and glve out a plant of the tropical Gulf Coast re­ most delightful and unusual fragrance. gion is the Spanish Moss. T hi s cu­ During the bloo ming season, a hand­ rious but picturesque silvery-grey ful of the moss, when brought into plant is know n locally by several the house, will perfume an entire room names-Southern Moss, Long Moss, fo r one or two days. Spani sh Moss and Florida Moss. The botani cal is used very generally for holiday name, T illa11dsia, usneoides, was given decoration, particularly in combina­ ti on with the various native greens. to the plant by Linnaeus in honor By some people, Spani sh Moss is of E lias Tillands, a professor of considered extremely gloomy and medi cine at the U niversity of Sweden, somber. But the majority love it fo r and for the plant's resemblance to the its picturesqueness and to them the li chen Usnea. Spanish Moss is a graceful festoons, hanging from huge member of the Bromeliaceae and is live oaks, suggest the beauty and related to the pineapple and bi llbergia. di gnity of a massive cathedral. Contrary to the general impression, Spanish Moss has a number of Spani sh Moss is classifi ed as an air commercial uses which make it a defi­ plant (epiphyte), and is not destruc­ nite source of revenue. It makes an tive to trees unless it exists 1n un­ ideal packing material and is used ex­ usually large quanti ties and becomes tensively fo r upholstery purposes and too dense. The fa llacy that this plant mattresses. Special preparation is is a harmful parasite has been largely necessary fo r this latter use; the moss responsi ble for its exclusion in some is gathered in great quantities and communities . buried for a ce rtain length of time. Spanish Moss is greatly beloved \V h ~ n unearthed, the soft grey cover­ throughout the deep South where it ing has rotted away, leaving the adds interest to the tropical land­ black,., hairy, skeleton threads which scape by draping itself from the are used fo r the stuffi ng. branches of the li ve oaks, mesquites In some parts of the deep South, and elms. Occasionally one fin ds it moss is used to cover newly planted festooned from telephone wires, but trees tb prevent their drying out. A it is more plentiful in river bottoms, layer of moss about an inch thick is ravines and valleys than in open loca­ ti ed around the trunk and branches tions. with twine and ocqsionally, when Close inspection of the plant reveals the season is advanced, the roots are the branching of the silvery, string­ covered also. Moss is co mmonly used like stems in a twining fo rmati on by fa rmers to line hen's nests, as somewhat resembling the coils of a bedding for domes tic ani mals, or as spnng. During the spri ng and early fodder for cattle duri ng certain summer, countless tiny, pale green seasons. In pioneer days, moss, blossoms appear at the short stem mixed with mud, was used for chink­ ends. T hese infinitesimal and incon­ ing log houses, and the Indians made spicuous fl owers have three refl exed a soft warm cloth of it whi ch they petals, measuring less than a fo urth used for clothing and blankets. [ 271 1 272 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938

[S ee page 271 ] S pa11ish Moss Rhododendron Notes

Growth Substances amd the P1'opaga­ preparatiol1 s, has generally been found tion of Rhododel1d"OI1S a17d as eff ective as any of the vari ous com­ Azaleas by C u,ttings pounds in use; napthaleneacetic acid runs it a close second. In the tests THE use of growth substances has mentioned water solutions of these already become a general practice in acids have generally been used. Cer­ the propagation of certain groups ?f tain of the more recent dust prepara­ plants by cuttings. \ iV hether theIr ti ons have given very fair results al­ use is warranted with plants which though, with these plants, they do not root easily is questionable. It is cer­ seem as effective as the solution treat­ tain that they are not so effective as it ment. The reason probably lies in the was hoped that they would be upon fact that hardy rhododendrons and plants which, untreated, seem gener­ azaleas respond best to a fairly con­ ally incapable of producing roots. But centrated solution-8 to as high as 12 rhododendrons and azaleas are not milligrams per 100 cubic centimeters quite in this class. ·Cuttings of many of water. This is undoubtedly a hardy types are at least capable of stronger treatment than can be given producing roots when carefully han­ bv the dust preparations which have dled. With ordinary cuttings, how­ at present appeared. It is interesting ever, the resulting root system is usu­ that these plants show little or no ally so weak that this mode of propa­ stem injury when treated with acids O"ation is not profitable, except in the b . d at concentrations which would be far case of a few recognized specIes an too strong for cuttings of most ordi­ varieties such as Rhododendron ob­ nary ornamental shrubs. tu.sum, R. race11'LOSu,1n, R . viscosu,11'I', Cuttings are usually soaked. for etc., to which the remarks in this col­ about 16 hours in the acid solutIOns. umn do not refer. Recognition of the Within a ranO"e of 8 to 24 hours the above facts places rhododendrons and b . difference of a few hours' soakll1g azaleas in the position of likely sub­ either way does not seem of much im- jects for treatment with growth sub­ portance in rooting. . stances and has led the writer to test Typical half-ripe wood cuttll1gs seem them out fairly extensively. During to be the most sati sfactory. These are the past three years some 65 species taken during late June and .early July. and varieties have been treated with The cuttings are handled 111 outdoor indolebutyric acid and other root­ frames or in closed cases in the propa­ inducing chemicals. A report of these C"atino' greenhouse. The latter method experiments has been made elsewh~re* b b is perhaps to be preferre d , f or!l1 . cases but the menti on of a few observatIOns it is a simpler matter to secure a and conclusions may be of interest careful control of temperature and here. moisture. The peat and quartz sand Indolebutyric acid, the active agent rooting medium must never be allo~ed of A uxilin, Hormodin and similar to become too wet, fo r azalea cuttll1 gs are easily suffocated. A bottom tem­ *Rooting responses of azaleas and other erica­ ceous plants to auxin treatments. Proe. Am er. perature of 70 to 73 degrees F. seel:1 s Society for Hort. Scien ce, pp. 830-838, 1937. (By I-I. T. S.) to be about right. It can be readIly [ 273] 274 THE NATlONAL HORTIeUL TURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 maintained by the use of electric cables bud cuttings of several R. ca.tGIWbiense and a thermostat. varieties root extremely well. This Under these conditions a wide va­ propagation method is worthy of fu­ riety of azaleas and rhododendrons ture attention, for if the cuttings will give very satisfactory rooting in can be made to produce satisfactory <:. matter of six weeks to three months. plants it would seem to have very defi­ Slowness seems rather characteristic nite possibilities. of this group of plants but apparently At the present stage in the propaga­ cannot be avoided, for it is a strange tion of rhododendrons and azaleas by fact that, while acid treatment gives a cuttings the most serious problem ap­ better root system in most plants, it pears to lie, not so much in the root­ only markedly speeds rooting in those ing of the cuttings, as in securing a varieties which, without treatment, are satisfactory development of the cutting the quickest. The chief value of the after potting; for it has been found growth substances seems to lie in the that, even though the cutting may con­ production of a greater number of tinue to develop roots after potting, roots and functionally stronger root unless some top growth is secured systems. The great disadvantage of before winter the losses of such plants the untreated cutting is its tendency during the dormant season are apt to to produce a root system from but one be very high. Closer attention given or two roots which readily become de­ to earliness of propagation, quick pot­ tached on handling. ting, fertilizing and very possibly the Such varieties of the Ghent and use of a slightly increased daylength Mollis azaleas as Bouquet de Flore, may perhaps be likely approaches to Domenico Scassi, Frere Orban, Gen­ a solution of this particular difficulty. eral Brailmont, Gloria Mundi, Gran­ The advantages of producing own­ deur Triomphant, Mignon and Unique root plants by a rapid method such as have been found to produce roots cuttings are too evident to need dis­ readily. In spite of growth substances, cussion here. It is at least encouraging however, there are still a number of to feel that, with the advent of growth extremely recalcitrant forms, such as substances, the economic production of R. 1'oseU7n, which seldom give more own-root azaleas and rhododendrons, than a low percentage rooting. The of the types which are hardy in our varieties Altaclarense (of Veitch) and northern regions, shows evidence of Compte de Gomer have not yet been becoming a possibility. More testing rooted at all. and experimental work will still be re­ Amongst the rhododendrons, R. quired, however, before it can be defi­ ponticu1% and R. decon£11'1, are exam­ nitely proven that this spirit of op­ ples of species which respond readily timism is indeed well founded. to acid treatment. R. catawbie11se gives fair response; R . 11'I.axi mu.1n is HENRY T. SKINNER. very poor. It is interesting that leaf- Cornell University. A Book or Two

Plants .for the Con1'1oisse~w. By Thomas Johnson; they will not be disappoint­ Hay. Putnam & Company Limited, ed. Mr. Johnson knows how to write London, 1938. 180 pages, numerous and he also knows how to garden; he illustrations and colored frontispiece. also knows plants as only a dirt gar­ lOs. 6d. dener can : therefore any book he Mr. Hay, as the Superintendent of writes finds a place on my shelves, and Hyde Park, London, has for years ~hou ld with all gardeners, a place that been searching the globe for new IS near Bowles, Hort, Farrer and Ella­ plants fo r all types of gardenino- but combe. In the next review the name especially for use in park bed: and of Dr. Stoker wi ll be added to this list. borders. In this book he has brought In the foreword Lord Aberconway together his articles which had ap­ makes the fo llowing pertinent obser­ peared in several of the English gar­ vation: "A garden book has two essen­ dening magazines on such plants as he tial qualifications: The first is that it should be written with an accurate regards as the cream of his collectino-o · It makes a most desirable book for all knowledge of its subject. .... The adventuring gardeners who like to try second ... is that it should be read­ out new plants and are keenly inter­ able." The present volume li ves up to both. ested in the novelty's history. Almost all of the plants described are shown Since the writing of A Garden in in excellent plates. /iVales, which was the story of the au­ thor's experience with the plants he The material is alphabetically ar­ grew-or sometimes did not grow­ ranged and each plant is given a com­ the garden has been enlarged and plete description. This includes its many new plants have been added. habitat, a clear description, its culture, A Woodland Gm-den tells of this addi­ its uses and in most cases notes on its tion and of the adventures with new introduction into cultivation. The only material both in the new plot of criticism that can be made is that there ground and in the old. As the title is neither an index of the plants listed indicates, the plants considered are for nor a table of contents; therefore the the most part trees and shrubs; but busy gardener is compelled to thumb among these are sunny slopes and through the book unless he can re­ open places where sun-loving plants member the plants whi ch are treated in it. may grow. The book abounds with cultural directions, beautiful combina­ A. B. tions and keen observations both as to the plants' needs and well being and A Woodland Gardel7. By A. T. John­ their special attractions at other sea­ son. Country Life Limited, London, sons beside when in flower. Peat lov­ and Charles Scribner's Sons New ing plants, especially heaths and rho­ York. 232 pages including ind~x and dodendrons, form the larger portion of numerous illustrations. material described. Those fortunate gardeners who have More than a hundred very excellent read A Garden in Wales will know plates add to the value of the book. what to expect from the pen of A. T. They are all beautiful examples of [2751 276 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 plant photography in which the detail ing those mistakes and learning to of the flower or leaves is clearly shown know the needs of the plants and the without sacrificing or blurring the needs of his soil. It is written in a mass effect. The plates of C ycla111,en nlOst engaging manner, so pleasantly C oum and E1'ythroniu1'l1 H owellvi are in fact that a non-gardener would find a constant joy to me; and that of it a pleasing and entertaining book to Crocu,s s peciosus fairly takes one's read. He does not take either himself ureath away. It is good to find such or his garden so seriously that he excellent plates when so often fine fails to see the amusing side of gar­ garden . books are spoiled wi th poor den enthusiasm; he is able to laugh at and mediocre illustrations. himself and at all other gardeners For any gardener with a bit of when their hobby or theories ride woodland or a strip of shrubbery this them. book will be a priceless acquisition To the type of gardener who con­ both as an inspiration and a cultural stantly adheres to the theory that na­ help. ture should always be followed, the A. B. Doctor makes this pertinent remark: "In the absence of clear-cut scientific A Gardene1"s Progress. By Fred rationale, it is the habit of gardeners Stoker. Putnam, London. 1938. 457 to seek justification for their doings in pages including index; twenty-five those of nature, forgetful, maybe, that plates and forty-three figures. ISs. her activities are seldom so obvious as they seem. This unswerving faith Dr. Stoker has for a number of in her mentorship, nay, her benevo­ years been an outstanding lence, is not altogether warranted. She among English gardeners in two spe­ is just as responsible for bark-splitting cial fields, rock plants and lilies. The as for spreading a leafy mulch, and l'resent book shows that his gardening for throwing a plant out of the ground activities are not by any means con­ by means of frost as for breaking up fined to these two fields; and, it is clay with the same instrument. It pleasant to note, it also shows that a may savor of impiety, but the truth is man may be an enthusiast regarding a that the art of gardening is as much without being blind to the beau­ concerned with combating nature's ties of a thousand and one other divi­ handi work as in its emulation. For sions of the floral world. As noted in ow' estimate of good and evil she the preceding review, this reviewer cares nothing, and is as ready to throw places Dr. Stoker among the foremost her weight on the side of a disease gardening writers of the past fifty bacterium as on that of the greatest years, for he knows how to write plant alive." This extract not only pleasantly about the things he knows shows the cOl11mon sense and keen ob­ how to grow beautifully. Because these servation of the writer but also gives men possess this faculty thei r books a suggestion of his style. are not solely for the English but In the review of A Woodland Gar­ for all gardeners as an inspiration and den the plates were considered as per­ a guide. fect examples of plant photography. The book traces the author's prog­ In this book the illustrations are per­ ress as a gardener; it tells of his mis­ fect examples of drawing. They were takes and failures and of his correct- all drawn in the author's garden by Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 277

H . A. Thomerson and are as lovely to easily create a mental picture in the a.nd as true to nature as those made reader's mind. Of course all the bulbs by Mrs. G. M. Caroe for Salisbury's hardy in the author's garden will not The Living Ga1'den, which is high prove so in this country, but it would praise indeed. Would that more gar­ be great fun trying them out. The den books were as well illustrated. suggestions as to culture are all sane AB. and well fo unded; but it is regrettable that he did not see fit to give fuller ones, especially regardi ng the rarer H ardy B-"~lbs. Incl~~d£ng Half-hardy plants. That good drainage is an B~~lbs and T~~b eTous- and Fib1'OUS­ rooted Plants. By Lt. Col. C. H. essential for the bulb's well being and Grey. Williams & Norgate, London. adds to its chance of proving hardy is a point never to be forgotten. And Vol. 1. Iridaceae. 403 pages and 47 illustrations, some of which are col­ [ heartily agree with the author that ored. 36s. Vol. II. Amaryllidaceae, autumn is the best time tQ sow seeds Commelinaceae, Haemodoraceae, Or­ of bulbs-but how seldom are rare seeds to be had at that season here 111 chidaceae, Scitamineae. 366 pages America. and 47 illustrations, some of which are colored. 30s. Vol. III. Liliaceae. A few synonyms are confused, a To be issued this autumn. minor fault indeed in so comprehen­ sive a book, but rather annoying when This is indeed a monumental work the use is not made clear. Examples and can only be compared with Bean's will be dealt with under the separate T1'ees and Slwubs and Farrer's and volumes. Clay's Rock Garden Plants, for it is It is to be regretted that the illustra­ as encyclopedic in its sco·pe. The two ti ons do not measure up to the text. volumes now published show that the The colored plates are well drawn but author has been very thorough in his the coloring washed on in a rather work; an enormous amount of pains­ crude manner and the greens are all taking labor must have been expended bad. The black and white drawings in research work in regard to the li st­ are, for the most part, too much like ing of species only, not to menti on crude block prints to be of any value the translating of the original descrip­ in a technical plant book. To have ti ons and other research necessary for omitted them would have reduced the a book of this type. Then there has price of the books, which would then been the work of growing the mate­ have brought them into the hands of rial, for the author has grown most of a larger number of gardeners. the plants from imported roots and Vol. 1. As it is the duty of the re­ fr om seed. T o all gardeners inter­ viewer to find fa ult, I feel justified to ested in bulbous plants these volumes note some fl aws and vaguenesses. On will supply a long felt need. page 2 under Acidanthera bicolor, The author's style is easy to read Hochstetter, we find "Messrs. Kelway and is not encumbered with botanical have recently introduced it into com­ terms which so often worry the begin­ merce under the name of Gladiolus ner. There is a good glossary at the il1~wie lae (q.v. fo r illustration)." O n end of each volume to explain the few page 133 the fl ower is show n under its which are used. In all cases the plant synonym. It would have been very descripti ons are so clearly written as easy to have corrected the name and 278 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 placed it in the right place in the text. in every English mention of this plant, Crocus Sieheanus is not li sted, yet the yet I have never known it to flower name has been in Barr's catalog for longer than for three weeks, from late four or five years. C. Tomasim:anus September until mid-October. Could is spelled with two 111:S, although the there be a difference in the stock we writer says that "properly speaking," have? it should be spelled with one only. It is to be hoped that some adven­ Why not have done so? Iris bifiora, turous American gardeners into whose L., is a synonym for I. subbifioYa, hands these books will fall will find Brotero, as well as for I. aph.ylla, L., both the time and the money to im­ and is better known in relation to the port stocks of several of the hardier first mentioned than to the second. bulbs li sted in these books. The duty The name I. hyacinthiana does not and other expenses make them pro­ appear. It seems like baying at the hibitive when imported in small num­ moon to carp over such small items bers by the gardener in moderate cir­ when one pauses to consider the tre­ cumstances. mendous amount of work involved in A. B. the collection of synonyms only in the groups mentioned above. Flowers in House and GaJ'den. By Vol. II. Being keenly interested in Constance Spry. G. P. Putnam's the snowdrops, I am disappointed to Sons, New York, 1938. 180 pages, find the following omitted: Galanthus illus. ciliciws, Fosten:, Rachelae and­ tokii. N a1'ciss~~s moschatus var. H a­ This is a delightful book that more w01,thii is li sted under N . moschatus, or less successfully straddles a fence, L., with the comment "is really no because it really is not composed solely more than a tautology." As I read for the benefit of the armies of fl ower­ Pugsley he placed this plant as the arrangers nor yet for the gardening type of his new species alpest1'·is, re­ amateur. It is particularly not for the taining Linnaeus' name for a larger gardening amateur in the lowlier plant, as Linnaeus' herbarium speci­ ranks, for it concerns itself with gar­ mum clearly shows. The Haworthian den practices that are too elaborate name should have been referred to N. save for the es'tate owner and with alpestris, which Grey has treated ear· materials that are too tender for any lier in his text. However, he may place save a greenhouse. The one per­ have a different plant in mind, for he son who can read it with greatest refers to it as a "very difficult plant" profit and pleasure is the person, who­ and suggests growing it in "leaf­ ever he may be, who has a seeing eye mould, sand and loam in a cool posi­ and an imagination that can still be tion with underground water." Here quickened by new ideas. It should be in a hotter climate than England's it required reading for all "arrangers," has been happy for years growing because it will either confirm them in through the grass of a lawn. preferring their own methods or Again we have the tantalizing state­ startle them into variations. ment that Sternbergia lutea "com­ The illustrations are very clear. mences to flower early in September, N one of the arrangements included and remains in bloom regardless of show any indication of anemia; a few weather until November." This occurs do suggest high blood pressure. Nearly Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 279 all, shown in the settings where they happy life that has set in motion in­ were used, show clever relationship numerable valuable forces that have for the settings. been carried far from the place of their conception. The Wo1'ld Was My Garden. By Da­ vid Fairchild. Charles Scribner's P1'opagation of PlrJJnts. By M. G. Kains Sons, New York; 1938. 494 pages. and L. M. McQuesten. Orange Judd illustrated. $3.75. Publishing Co., Inc., New York. 1938. 555 pages, illustrated. $3.50. This is a most readable and enter­ The subtitle of this book reads, "A taining book, whether one has known Complete Guide for Professional and David Fairchild or not. The present Amateur Growers of Plants by Seeds, reviewer has and has read the book Layers, Grafting and Budding, with with keener interest than most since, Chapters on Nursery and Greenhouse trom the wealth of personal comment Management." This is in itself all the and remark, many bits of partial review that is needed. To all the old knowledge have been made more com· practices, so often dismissed as tracli­ plete. tional lore, are added the findings of It is not a garden book, nor is it innumerable workers of the last dec­ really a travel book, although it is ade. Everything of value has been allied to each. It is much more nearly seized upon, curtailed, edited, com­ an autobiography. From first page to pressed until one has a book about as last it records the effects upon the palatable as hardtack but just as much author of what he saw, felt, tasted, a life saver. and heard in this amazing world There will be some doubt as to why through which he has moved in such some credits have been assigned as comparative freedom, surrounded by they have and why some have been a multitude of friends from whom he omitted. There will be some surprise has gathered much. at a few current omissions and some Since much of the book involves conjecture as to how soon the current time that many of us are too young to research will require 500 more pages. know, circumstances that lie outside our life patterns, places where we shall never set foot, people whom we shall Roots, Thei1' Place in Life and Leg­ never meet, experiences that we shall end. By Vernon Quinn. Frederick never undergo, the book has much of A. Stokes Co., New York. 1938.230 wonder and of glamour, of other­ pages, illustrated. $2.00. worldliness. Except for its human This like the author's ofher books equations, its bits of history, the book is very pleasant reading and the illus­ will never be a source book, but rather trations by Marie Lawson are equally a vivid personal living. Th~ captious delightful. For the person who has may look in vain for achievements that no access to libraries of old books, this can be catalogued, ticketed and filed, will perhaps be enough, for the au­ but that will be only because the cap­ thor, here as before, does not keep tious are often short-sighted and slow close to the main issue; is not too of wit. The intelligent reader will slavishly devoted to accuracy and is know, without having to read any re­ not immune against indulgence in di­ view, that here we have a reco rd of a gressIOns and asides. ~rhe Gardener's Pocketbook

Veratru111! nig1"!£11I! [See page 281] of leafmold kept open by an admixture V e1'at1'U111! nign~m comes from north­ of coarse sand, and shade from the ern Europe and Asia. It was cultivated hot mid-clay sun. Given these condi­ by John Gerard in 1596 and was de­ tions it grows lustily. In a dry soil scribed and illustrated in Curtis Bo­ it should have frequent waterings dur­ tanical Magazine (No. 963) in 1806, ing the growing season, and then I be­ so it is a very ancient inhabitant of lieve it would stand full sun. My plant gardens. has been transplanted several times Vemt1"um nigru1n is a strikingly and it did well in each position. handsome hardy perennial of a very I first read the descri ption of this unusual type. A lili aceous plant of plant some twenty years ago and easy culture, it is just about as hardy wanted it then. After trying to obtain as the proverbial "rock," having with­ plants for some years and failing at stood without flinching a temperature that, I began a hunt for seeds. After of twenty degrees below zero at Glad­ a lapse of a few more years, my search wyne, and this with no protection of at last ended-some seeds of V eratn~m any kind, not even a few leaves. nigr·u1n were mine. That was nine A tall stout light green stem four years ago. The seeds were sown care­ to five feet high ascends from the cen­ fully in sandy peat in a cold frame on ter of several conspicuously ornamen­ May 10, 1929, and in about two tal bright green ovate leaves that are months' time there appeared a nice about a foot long. The upper part of fl ock of little seedlings that looked like the stem ends in a panicle, about a spears of fine grass. For two weeks yard long, of myriads of miniature lily­ they throve and increased in size, until like flowers colored a wonderful and one unhappy morning when but two most unusual shade of dark blackish remained. All the others had disap­ 1 ed, according to Ridgway Diamine peared overnight without a trace; a Brown. These grow so closely that cut worm or perhaps a slug may have they completely hide the stem. T hey been the depredatory creature. The open in July and remain in good con­ two remaining li ttle plants grew on dition for several weeks. for a year, still in the frame. They It grows in the same manner as were fine and stocky and I moved Vemt1'u1n vi1'ide, commonly called them outside to my experimental plot. False Hellebore, that is native to our The spring fo llowing only one plant part of the world. awoke from its deep winter's sleep. It The fact that veratrums are poison­ prospered mightily and in three more ous to eat renders them distasteful to years repaid me for all the care I had vermin, a great asset in their favor. given it by sending upwards a splendid J early every blossom forms a seed spike over three feet tall of its minia­ pod which ripens in due time, and ture lilies that are colored so like during this period it has quite a fine Liliu1111 111.(J.dagon dalmat·icu1111. No ten­ bold and dignified appearance. der weakling this, and the year after The requirements for successful cul­ that the panicle fully doubled in size tivation of this plant seem to be a soi l and number of flowers. and reached a that is not too dry, composed largely height of over four feet. The stem [ 280 1 Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTI CULTURAL MAGAZINE 281

Jo sephine l-I en1'Y [See page 280] 282 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 stands stiff and straight of its own ac­ ing on long stalks from the leaf-axils cord and needs no staking, unl@ss dogs of last year's growth; when open th@ are running around and likely to corolla to 1 inch long, broadly urn­ knock it over. shaped, narrowed at the mouth, each This year, 1938, it is bearing two segment with the characteristic three splendid spikes of flowers that stanel teeth at the apex, the color a bright over five feet high, and everyone who coral-red; seed often produced, borne sees it exclaims at its extraordinary in a leathery, 3- to 5-valved capsule. beauty. Owing to its dark coloring, C IJ,blture: Propagation is usually Veratni111/, nignt1Ql/, has to be seen near· most readily achieved by means of by, as at a distance its fine effect is cuttings of the half-ripe wood, in sum­ lost. As it is lwt brilliantly colored mer or fall. Subsequently the plants many would pass it by, but anyone are best grown on in pots, the potting­ who appreciates the perfection of form medium being a rich, well-drained mix­ of the flower of the lily tribe, or who ture containing an adequate amount likes flowers colored in blackish tones, of peat and leafmold to be acid at all would surely want this unusual plant. times. "V,Then planting out in a per­ And it has been in cultivation for manent location, the soil should be 342 years! similarly acid and rich in humus. Rather surprising that it is still so A shady and moist spot, or even rare. d lath-house in the drier parts of Cali­ MARY G. HENRY. fornia, will be found to suit our pres­ Gladwyne, Pa. ent item better than exposed, sunny, dry and windy spots. Watering, in­ C1'i1wdendron cluding ample syringing of the foliage, C1'inodendron Pa.tag'ua Molina. can scarcely be done too often, pro­ F a11l/,ily: . viding drainage is sufficient. Infesta­ Habitat: South Chile. tion with greedy scale is to be guarded Int1'oduc ed: Into England by Lobb against, as the plant appears sensitive in 1844; to California by Golden Gate to injury from this pest. If the syring­ Park in 1926. ing recommended proves inadequate, Litemtu1'e: Bailey , Cyclopedia, page spraying with a 20/0 oilspray may be 3377 (under T1'iotspidaria); Bean, found effective and safe. Any pruning Trees & Shrubs, Vol. 2: 601; Reiche, considered necessary should be done Flora de Chile, Vol. 1: 266; Curtis immediately after flowering, to avoid Bot. Magazine, 7160 (see this for full interference with next year's flower­ synonymy and taxonomic discussion). buds. Syno1l/,yms: Crinodendron hookeri­ RemQ.1'ks: Of Great Britain's fa­ anum Gay; Tricuspidaria lanceolata mous gardens those are considered Miq.; T. dependens Hook., not Ruiz most noteworthy which, by reason of & Pavon; T. hexapetala Turcz. favored location, skillful cultivation, D esc1'iption: Evergreen shrub, its etc., are able to grow, out-of-doors, ascending to erect branches attaining some of the many choice Chilean orna­ a height of 5 to 30 feet; leaves mental plants. Aside from the well­ many, oblong-lanceolate, acute, serrate. known Fuchsias, Escallonias, etc., . 2 to 3 inches long, about 77 inch which call for no special comment broad, dark glossy-green above, paler here, as they are quite sufficiently well­ beneath; the numerous flowers hang- known in California, the subject of our Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZI NE 283

Eric Walthe'r [See page 282] Crinodend1'on Patag~ta present illustrati on may be considered of the corolla; the peculiar three­ as one of the finest of Chile's fl owering toothed segments of the latter are al­ shrubs. Introduced into California luded to in the invalid name T1'icus­ over 10 years ago, the item still con­ p'ida1'ia. The sole other species known, tinues to be quite rare in gardens, de­ C. dependens (Ruiz & Pavon) Schnei­ spite its undeni able merit and ease of der, is also grown here, and much bet­ propagation. A nalyzing this fact, we ter suited to the dry and sunny climate find its probable cause in the failure of of California. It grows into a small local gardeners to appreciate the insis­ tree, has broader, rough and dull grey­ tence of this species of Crinodendron green leaves and a large number of on shade, ample moisture and an acid, smaller, pure white flowers. Experi­ humous soil. Given these conditions, mentally, the last has been proven this choice Chilean should prove suc­ suitable for a grafting-stock of the cessful in most gardens of the Pacific choicer, red- fl owered species. Hybrid­ Coast, as its survival in even some ization may yet prove possible, once Scotch gardens indicates a fair degree the two species can be fl owered simul­ of frost-resistance. taneously. The generic name C1'inodend'ron, ERIC WALTHER. from the Greek for "crown" and Golden Gate Park, "tree," presumably refers to the shape 284 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938

The Altade1w Chl'ist11~as T1'ees it were possible for me to see Mr. T. The article, The Christmas Tree S. Hoag, who tells of planting the Planting at Altadena, in the April, trees. 1937, number of your magazine has I remember that my father trans­ been brought to my attention by Em­ planted some well-grown evergreen ma Russell Heath of Berkeley, whose trees from his place to the Stuart familv were early-day residents of place on Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena-as was my father, Byron the late 1890's. The moving was a O. Clark. Mrs. Heath has suggested major operation, with special equip­ that it would be of interest to bring ment. out Mr. Clark's part in the Christmas In addition, I should tell you that Tree avenue. the name "Altadena" was coined by Mr. Clark established the Park my father for his own home place 011 N ursery Company in Pasadena in the Lincoln Avenue, in North Pasadena, 1880's, and had experience in growing from "Pasadena" and the Spanish nursery stock before he went to Pasa­ word "alta" (high). Our home was dena (in 1882). He introduced rare on the higher land toward the Sierra plants and trees which later beautified Madre Mountains. When the W ood­ Pasadena. Some account of his activi­ burys were developing the tract of ties may be found in histories of land now known as Altadena, they Pasadena written by Dr. Reid and J. asked permission to use this name­ W. Wood. and received it. This statement can He always stated to his family that be checked with that of J. W . VV-ood he grew the deodars for the man who in his history of Pasadena. planted them. In order to check my Hoping this will add something of mother's recollection of the matter value to your information, I am, (she is past eighty now) I recently ADELINE CLARK NEVIN. asked her for whom my father grew Palo Alto, Calif. the trees. She replied, "Why, for John and Fred Woodbury, who had a Calceolal'ia gl'acilis, an annual for a tract of land at Altadena." shady nook. We suppose that, being a nursery­ \iVhere is there among gardeners man, my father was asked by the one who does not have a shady spot W oodburys to start the seed for them. that would be improved with a group No doubt he told us where the seed of bright flowers? Too frequently one came from and who actually planted must be content with foliage plants or the trees after they were started; but shrubs. Few indeed are the annuals it all happened such a long ti me ago that can be counted upon to produce that we do not remember the details. bright flowers in satisfactory abun­ As mv father died in 1929, it is not dance in full shade. Just such a plant possible to refer the matter to him. I is Calceolm-ia gracilis H. B. K. regret that records of his plant intro­ The accompany illustration is natu­ duction and plant growing were not ral size and may be relied upon for kept. He kept catalogs and bulletins, the dimensions of the flowers and but not a diary of his own work leaves. Unfortunately, it does not It is especially interesting to me, give a proper picture of the abundance under the circumstances, to read the of flowers so typical of the plant. A account which you published. I wish well grown plant in full flower gives a Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 285

Lilil1!Jb A. Guemsey Calceolo.?'ia gracilis 286 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 very effective mass of yellow. The best to start the plants indoors and to plants attain a height of about 18 transplant after the weather is settled. inches and a diameter of about 12 Calceolaria gracilis is a native of inches. They branch very freely and Ecuador and Peru at altitudes of about by early summer form compact, sturdy 8,000 feet, where it is said to grow plants. on river banks. The inflorescence is an indetermi­ CLAUDE HOPE. nate dichotomous cyme, with flowers Washington, D. C. only on the upper side of each branch. In color, the flowers are as near a C olchic1t11'L and other autU11'/,n notes perfect match for Ridgway's Lemon The first colchicum are showing; Yellow as one could hope for. One their buds, coming up, look like small could scarcely ask for a brighter white knobs-they elongate themselves color for shady places. The original daily and gradually flush a rosy pink. description of the species states that All the early ones are C. speciosum, the flowers are dotted and flecked Bornmulleri or Gigantea, and seem with purple. In our strain, however, quite a few weeks earlier than the C. these dots are entirely lacking. The autumnale and C. autumnale alba. flowering season begins in late July The C. speciosum alba is by far the and continues without lagging until most beautiful of all, but is of a fin­ frost. icky disposition and some years the The leaves are sessile and pinnate, very few I have do not show up at with five to seven pairs of linear, all in autumn, though their big, some­ sessile leaflets. They are opposite what coarse leaves have been freely 0n the lower part of the stems but produced the preceding spring. alternate on the inflorescences. The The leaves of all colchicum make a leaves and stems are thicklv covered bold showing in April, then ripening with viscid-glandular hairs. The glan­ turn an ugly yellow brown, so most dular secretion is sticky enough that of my collection are grown under peri­ the fine seeds may be found adhering winkle, so when the leaves reach this to all parts of the plant. unattractive stage, they can be tucked Seeds are produced iN. great quan­ under the arching sprays of dark green tity and require only a few weeks from time of flowering to maturity. glossy periwinkle. It is hoped that the plant will self C. speciosu1n is the variety most sow, but, as yet, it has not had that easily procured in this country. The opportunity. flower is a soft rosy pink, the petals The cultural requirements have rounded, the effect globular. proved simple. Plants tried in full C. aut ~l11~ nal e with narrow pointed sun failed before July 1, but those petals is a deeper pink, verging on ma­ planted against the north wall of a genta, and is very telling in mass, and building in full shade have been en­ quite a week later putting in its ap­ tirely satisfactory. It has been tried pearance. C. a.ut~(. mnal e a.lba is only in acid soil only, so, of course, its pretty because such a spring-like tolerance to alkali is unknown. It bulbous flower is unexpected in Sep­ seems to want a fairly free supply of tember; it does look well, however, water in a well drained soil. As it amidst the dark green periwinkle and will not withstand frost, it is probably increases rapidly. Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 287

C. B Orn11~ u,lleri and C. Gig(J;ntea the waxy white gardenia-like stalk seem much alike and are stunning shown at the winter Flower Show. tulip-shaped flowers of a deep, deep Today trying to dig some, they rose, the long perianth being white; seemed much deeper than the remem­ some are almost white until they are bered planting, and when suddenly their full height, which is at least the fork turned out some mother bulbs twelve inches. Growing through the and their progeny, it was surprising periwinkle tends to make them taller. the size all had attained. Bulbs of Thelma, Queen of the September 15th. Having just been North, etc., planted in double rows in out, braving the rain, which always the truck-garden had been left in too comes to spoil them, I find 25 flowers long, some six years, and had almost out and several buds coming in one reached the top of the ground; the group which my notes say were re­ prolific increase had raised each bulb planted in this place in 1932, four into a family tree. bulbs bei11g put back in this spot. They The Michaelmas daisies had this usually average four flowers to a bulb, year a treatment of what English call so this would be running true. Must de-shooting and are much the better refer to old John Weathers and his for it. They also advocated de-shoot­ Bulb Book to see if he calls the col­ ing chrysanthemums and some annuals chicum a corm or a bulb. They are such as centaurea and marigolds, but of a curious shape, being like a long our American spring is so quick and fish-hook, and one plants this hook growth so fast, one would have to have part downward and the top of the a thousand helpers to do all at the creature almost at the top of the soil. right moment. This graphic word to They are covered with a sheath of de-shoot means what we call pinching; dark red-brown skin of a leathery tex­ when the growth is a few inches high, ture and as they form new corms take out many of the new shoots, just within this sheath, it gradually be­ as one would thin annuals. In the comes too tight for the new ones and case of the Michaelmas daisies, I took they split the covering and edge them­ out a great number, leaving only selves away from the parent. three or four strong ones. This is To return to September 3rd, which easier than digging and replanting is when these notes were made except pieces and seems to answer just as for the above digression Otl the colchi­ well. The colors of the Michaelmas cum's behavior--how difficult it is to daisies and other asters are a hopeless dig bulbs in autumn when their tops mass of confusion, owing to their all no longer show. Of course one should having been left to go to seed some have correct symmetrical plantings of years ago. One can recognize the na­ the rarer ones and that effort has been tives by their leaves, atld the white made. As space gave out or time to ones always stay white, the tiny dig was limited, a dozen Narcissi heather-like one from Rhode Island Cheerfulness were planted along the and the tall gray-leaved, snowy white narrow rose borders on a bank. The one from North Carolina and the soft good drainage and sheltered position gray-blue of our own hills. The Novae gave fine flowers, though there was a Angliae are descendants of Mrs. Ray­ greenish tinge to the little double flow­ nor, the first pink one, and the usual ers that gave a different effect from purple and blue. All seem to har- 288 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 moni ze with the Phlox, now in its gigantea through P rofessor Goodspeed second and third bloom, owing to the and of those I have two seedlings, but shears being kept busy on it during they curiously are anything but gigan­ July, so not a see d head remained. The tea in their two year old stage; in fact, heads are somewhat small-it needs I have had the greatest of difficulty in re-setting, but the effect is good, and keeping them alive at Los Altos. I only the salmon phlox would be out budded from one of them a number of of place, so these are segregated where plants on the Frank Meyer's odomta no asters are allowed. so-called, and these plants are doing a One white Cle11wtis v·w-ginica is at little better, but they ar·e still small its best stage and has cl imb-ed in to a and exhibit none of the features of Fringe tree (Chionanthus 1-et-b~sa) , Rosa gigantea Collett. where it reproduces the spring loveli ­ Mrs. A nson Blake of Berkeley sent ness of that best of small native trees. me three additional seeds of R osa g·i­ Clematis is also on the spruce tree gantea whi ch someone had sent her hedge along the north side of the gar­ from Burma. Of these one germi­ den, whi ch is now about 30 feet high. nated and it is growing. All the C. vvrginica is not fragrant ex­ I have a number of roses which are cept wi th a slight sweetness, but one called gigantea but whi ch I suspect early one is like honey and haunts one are hybrids of 11wschata. H owever, at night as it drapes itself beautifully the fo liage is almost identical with that over the kitchen wi ndows and the illustrated in M iss V/ illmott's book. prosaic garbage can. T he one that fo llows the description T he Heavenly Blue morning-glory most clearly I received from Mr. is an excellent climber to plant with H ugh Evans of Santa Monica, whom the clematis while the latter is young. doubtless you know, a splendid gar­ The morning-glory, being only annual, dener who has introduced many plants. may be di scontinued when the clematis H is is a wonderful rose covenng a grows strong. T he seed, soaked until great fe nce with a perfect cloud of it pops, then planted in small pots in huge whi te blooms, and with hips the house in March and April, gives which are round and red and hard. best results when not put out too T he blooms, however, have a little early. L et them miss the fi rst great tinge of yellow at the centers when heats of the early spring, then they are young. at their best in September. Otherwise I also have some plants raised from they may turn yellow and die off, iust seed sent me by M r. A li ster Clark of when their beauty is wanted. Glenara, Melbourne, Australi a, the F. E. McILVAI NE. plants which he used in hi s many gi­ Downingtown, Pa. galltea hyb ri ds such as Gwen Nash, K itty Kinninmonth, Harbinger, Fly­ Rosa gigantea ing Colours, but the seedlings I have About Rosa gigantea- we have had raised from Clark's seeds have not o merry hunt fo r that rose. Some of bloomed. the seeds I sent to E . O. Orpet of A nother strain I received from Mr. Santa Barbara, others to T. H . Good­ Orpe t of Rosa gigantea impo rted by speed and planted some myself. None the late D r. F ranchesci. That is a apparently germinated. I received magnificent grower but it has fl owers some other seed purporting to be of in co rymbs instead of in so litary ar- Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 289 rangement and has elongated yellow ther confirmed this thought. Because hips. of the long perianth tube, it was ap­ Still another I received from Father parently near H . solandrifiorU111" but, Schoener of Santa Barbara, he stating . because of the trifid stigma, it could that it came from Assam. This is one not be of that species. The trifid stig­ of the finest of the group, for its fo­ ma and the pink striping of the peri­ liage, while resembling very much that anth suggested H. vittatu,11tL, but the of gigantea (Collett) as set forth in length of the tube and size of flowers Miss Willmott's book, is of a dark excluded that species. Hence, it seems green, darker than the others, but is quite possible that our plant is a hy­ quite luminous; the leaflets are com­ brid of the two species. Fortunately, pletely glabrous on both sides, abso­ there are available several descriptions, lutely resistant to mildew and aphis; accompanied by illustrations, of hip­ in fact, I know of no disease which peastrums considered by Baker (Hand­ affects the plant. Furthermore, it is book of Amary llideae) to be repre­ apparently hardier than the rest, for it sentative of this cross, namely: Ed­ hardly shed a leaf during the compara­ ward's Botanical Register t. 876-1825 tively severe frost of last winter, al­ -Amaryllis solal1draefiora var. vittata though it grew by itself in an exposed Lind!. From Cayenne, Fr. Guiana. position. Idem t. 988--1826-A11w1-yllis vittata var. Harrisonae Lindley, from Lima. vVhen all of these seedlings have de­ Gartenflora: t. 949 and 956. 1878. veloped enough to show their bloom, A11II,aryllis solandrifiora var. C011spicJ,ta we may be able to determine which is Kunth., from Brazi!. Curtis' Botani­ the true gigantea Collett. cal Magazine t. 3542, 1837. Hippeas­ I stated that the giga11Jtea Collett tru,111t a11lLbigulJ,f.m Herb. from Lima. has solitary flowers, as it appears in Idem t. 7737, 1900. Hippeast1-u,m Hm-- England, but I read in Brandis' "Trees 1-isoni (Lind!.) Hook., from Uruguay. of " that the rose sometimes has Mrs. Edward Bury, H exandrian its inflorescence in corymbs. Plants-To 27-Amaryllis Harrisoni There is another rose which is al­ Lindley. most indistinguishable from the gigan­ Our plant agrees fairly well with all tea described by Miss Willmott and, of these except the first one, and there quoting from George Watt, which seems to be no difference in · any re­ Watt calls Rosa 11II,acrocarpa. Now I spect between ours and H. a1nbig'/,{.um am not at all sure but Alister Clark's Herb. A 111,a1-yllis soland1-ifiora var. gigantea is really 11wcrocarpa. C011spicua is much redder than any of EMMET RIXFORD, M.D. the others. Hippeastr'/,£1n H an-isoni (Lind!,) Hook and A1n(/Jrylhs vittata var. H aniso11ae Lind!. are similar but Hippeastnf1n a111,b·igu,U,111, Herb. [See smaller throughout. Of course, all page 291] may be of hybrid origin and, if so, When Hippeastn£1ln ambigu.u,111, flow­ there would be considerable variation ered at Washington, during May and in the group. It should be noted that June, it was immediately recognized the plant illustrated in Table 876, Ed­ as something quite distinct from those ward's Botanical Register, is probably previously mentioned in these pages. not to be considered with the others The first efforts at identification fur- mentioned, and is probably a form of 290 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938

Hippeastl'um solandl'ifion,£11~. It has a the trumpet lilies is again borne out. trilobed stigma and the flowers are not The segments are evenly spaced, ex­ colored within. cept for the lowest inner one; it stands In Curtis' Botanical Magazine un­ apart slightly from the others. All der t. 3542, Hippeastl'u1n a11l1, big~tU1'/IL, are similarly marked, and all are about the following statement is made: " ... equal in width and shape. As may be The beard is fainter than in H. vitta­ seen in the accompanying illustration, tum, and the plant occupies an inter­ the margins of the segments, along the mediate situation between that species expanded portions, are lightly crisped. and H. solandrifiol'~tm. Whether it The color of the flowers is less strik­ be a garden production at Lima, or ing than in many hippeastrums, al­ exhibits a natural local variation of though it is quite pleasing. It con­ the genus, we have no means of ascer­ sists of a white base over which are taining; it seems principally distin­ spread two bands of mauve-pink gui shed from Tweedie's specimen gath­ stri pes (deepest along the veins) on ered on the east coast of the continent either side of the rather wide mid­ by the superior size and, perhaps, veins of each segment. At the throat paler colour. . . ." of the tube, the white and pink merge The origin of the hybrid, if it is one, into light green. Outside the tube is and the agency responsible for its dis­ green marked with purplish bands. tributi on remain to be accounted for. The peduncle is quite tall, between Our plant was collected in two loca­ 30 and 36 inches in height, and mod­ tions in Costa Rica, and in one case erately stout. It is distinctly glaucous was thought to be a native. However, ,lI1d light green in color. From six to it seems more likely that it was an eight flowers are produced, of which escape. The place of collection of the Dot more than three are open at one others is given above. Such a wide time. range, in this genus, indicates that man At the time of flowering, the leaves has been an agent in dissemination. cue not more than half matured and H. solandr'ifio1'1-mf, has been found do not reach full size until several throughout northeastern South Amer· weeks later. They eventually reach a ica. H. vittata is known only from length of 2 to 20 feet and a breadth Peru. It seems safe then to conclude of over 2 inches. They are bright that our plant is either a natural vari­ green in color and very similar to the able species, or an artificial hybrid. It leaves of H. vittatu1n. The tips are is to be hoped that a crop of seedlings noticeably obtuse and the margins are may be raised to flow ering, so that characteristically cartilaginous. additional evidence may be had. The bulb is quite short necked, or The flowers of this hippeastrum are rather without a neck. It attains a remarkably similar in form to those of diameter of 3 to 4 inches. It has the trumpet lilies; in size they are ex­ rather more than the ordinary number ceeded only by those of H. sola17dri­ of brown, papery outer coats. fiol'u111-. The perianth tube is 2 to 3 CLA UDE HOPE. inches long; above the tube, the seg­ N ew Yo'rk Botanical Garden Courses ments adhere for fo ur or five inches. The New York Botanical Garden Throughout the tubular portion, the offers courses of professional training slope or flare is uniform. In the regu­ to gardeners, nurserymen and florists. larity of the flower, the simi larity to There are grants for Student Garden- Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 29 1


H . H . Eve1'ett C aitha palust?-is

ers who must have certain qualifica­ Ma.nh Ma?'igold (Ca,ltha palust?-is) tion, for Apprentice Gardeners who [See above] must have still others, and a special Here are some pictures of Caltha Science Course fo r professional gar­ pah£stris which give a little idea of deners. In addition there is a Course thei r habitat. I followed them through in Practical Gardening designed for the Gaspe along the little streams with professional and amateur gardeners. their feet in the water at times, at Inquiries in regard to any of these others in the marsh. Their lovely color should be made at once at the Admin­ pleased me. They are as lovely as istration Building. pigmy waterlilies, both flowers and 294 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938 plant, and on the table, as a cut flower, far as Nebraska. Now if it can stand they last for days. The petals can be Nebraska drought and high tempera­ described as waxy and their color is tures why gon't we see it? If not truly luscious. I wish we had it in here, why not in the East or in more IrIS. fa vored climates. I looked up the range in Britton H. H. EVERETT. a.nd Browne and found it extended as Lincoln, N ebr.


Mr. Wyndham Hayward has pointed out that the note on Hippeastru111 equestre frGm Mr. Shull in our issue of July, 1938, pictured and described not that species, but Hippeastru11b 1'utilu11t var. crocatu1'l1. . Index to Volume 17

Figures in italics indicate illustrations

Acer ca'lnp est1'e ______, ______215, 216 Camp sis chin ensis ______20 Achi111,enes "Purity" ______, ______80, 80 radicans ______14 Act-i11ea grandiflora ______91 C a1'diosp enNU1% H alicacabul1L______11 Aesculus pa1'viflora ______134 Cassiope M ertel1sia1w ______105, 106 Akebia q ~~inata ______13 stellar'iam,a ______105 A lpines, Collecting Western, C elastr-us a1,ticulatus ______22 by Air: ______89 scandens ______21 Altadena Chri stmas Trees ______284 Claytonia 1negarrhiza ______97, 98 Amelanchie1' alnifolia ______126 Clematis A1'11'ba11dii ____ .______22, 23 asiatica ______126 ] aclmwni ______24 flO?' id a ______126 Clement, Annie Lee R. : A1,n,pelopsis aconitifoliml'L______14 Houstonias ______170 ar b 01' ea ______13 T ri Il i ums ______263 b1'evip e d~mculata ______16 Clethra all'z,ifolia ______134 And1'omeda gla1,(,cophylla ______132 Clianthus p"'~nic e",£s ______26, 27 Antignon leptopus ______13 Climbers for California, Aquilegia brevistyla ______232 Thirty More ______13 ] onesii ______99 C obaea scan de11S ______.______. ______14 scopulon£'m ______99 Colchicum ______286 Amujia sericofera ____ ..______14 C ollo11'l,ia debilis ______.______232 A1'istolochia elegans ______17, 18 Cook, O. F. : Arnold, Adelaide \ i\Ti lson : A Diminutive Palm from The Desert Lily ______158 Mayaland ______1 Aronia a1,butifolia ______.______.___ 128, 129 C01'1 %£S mas ______]6, 78, 79 Asparagus pl'b(,11WS'MS ______14 stolonifera ______252 Aste1' alpinge1VMs ______102, 104 C otoneaste9' acutifolia ______246 Bates, A lfred: Franc he tti ______246 Autumnal Crocuses ______175 lactea ______245, 246 More about Nierembergias 232 salicifolia floccosa ______247, 248 B e1'be1'is C henau.ltii ______248 Crataeg"'~s cr 'b~ - ga;lli ______124, 132 S argel1,tiae ______248 C1"inodend1'011, Patagua ______282, 283 T hU1'bb e1'gii ______. ______246 Crinu111, gvga11,t eum ______83, 84 ve1"ruculosa ______248 podo phyUu11L ______8 5, 86 B'ignonia capreolata ______19 Crinums, Two Tropical ______83 Bloom, The Order of, Hardy Crocuses, AutumnaL ____ . ______175 \ i\T oody Trees and Shrubs__ 196 Cl' 0 cus as tW'ic'b£ S ______180, 181 B O1na1'ea caldasi-a1w ______168, 169 byza111timus ______.. ______185 Caladium G-1'gY1'ites ____ ..______]7, 77 cancellatus ______186 Callica:rpa P~~1'pwr e a ______246 hadriaticus ______186 Ca,ltha palust?"is ______293, 293 hye1'lwlis ______176, 186 Call1panula lasioccwpa ______l09, 110, 11 2 i1'idijlO1'uS 175, 176, 184, 185 Pipe1"i ______108, 230, 230 ka1'd"'£chonmt ______180, 181 Piperi and Viola Fletti ______230 la evigatus Fontenayi ____ 176, 185 [2951 296 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZI NE Oct., 1938

longifio·rus ______.__ .. ______.. 181, 183 cilicicus ______173, 238 l011giftorus 11If,elitel1sis ___ .181, 183 Elwesii ______173, 238 medius ______. ______180, 181 1 ka1'iae ______240 1'mdi fiorus ______.______180, 182 laf'ifoli~ts ______173, 238 ochroleucus ______.175, 184 nivalis ______173, 238 odo rus ______.______183 var. 1'Naximus ______238 pulchellus ______.. ______179 var. Scha1'loki ______173, 240 pusillus ______179 var. Vi1'idi-apice ______240 S alz1114nnii ______.______182 plica-tus ______173, 238 S alZ1%a1111-ii Gelsemillum se·mpe1,virel1s______30 erectophyllus ______182, 184 Glo1'iosa. L eopoldii ______. ______222 sati71us __ .. 180, 186, Frontispiece P £a 11 tii ______222 sativus Elwesii ______184 "Roehrsiana"_. 31 , 218, 220, 222 specios~tL ______.___ .17 5, 178, 180 superba. ______31, 218, 220, 222 var. Aitch:is011lii ______178, 179 vwesc e 11 .I _:______222 var. albus _____ . ______177 Go r d 0 nia al ata111ah a______132 var. A1'ta bi1' ______.176, 179 H a lila 111 ehs 111 0II is ______246 var. globosuL __ 176, 179, 181 Hannay, Frances: var. Pollux ______179 Spanish Moss ______271 Tour nefortii ______183 Harkness, Bernard:$tS ______. ______177 Malva crispa ______228 D bcentm scandens ______.______.28, 29 P hy'mosea 1'e111,ota ______76 Do,1;antha ung$f,is-cati ______14 Hayward, \i\Tyndham: E1'iger011 ~treus ______101 , 101 Achime"1les "Purity" ___ .______80 co1nposit~ts ______.______94 Caladium arg)wites ______77 flmg ella,1"is _____ .______91 Gloriosa Rothschildiana sals·.tginosus ______109 and G. superba.______218 u1~named ______. ______111, 112 Psychot1'ia ne1'vosa ______158 E1'iogonu11l. Balzer-i ______~______91 S edU11f, specta,bile ______164 ~t1nb e llat'/t1n ____ .______91 Henry, Mary G.: Everett, H . H . : Stewartias ______117 Marsh Marigold ______293 Vemtrum nignl1'J'f, ______280 Everitt, S. A.: H es pei'ocallis u.ndulata. ______15 8, 161 Azaleas on Long' Island .___ __ 146 Hippeastrzl1n G7l1bigULl11'1 289, 291, 292 E~tOnY111, us alatus ______244 a u!-iOI7n ______. ______155, 157 Fatschedera Lizei -----.-_. ______81, 82 equestre ______._____ . ______227, 228 Fisher, Louise B. : orga II ______. 224, 225 Winter "Gardinage" ______59 psitta,cil1 U111 ______.168, 171 Fothergilla Ga1'deni ______126 ntfilu1n crocatbmL222, 223, 294 1%aj or ------______125, 127 H olodisc,"ls discol01' ______164, 166, 167 Fox, Helen M.: Hope, Claude : Color in the \ i\Tinter Garden 243 Calceo /aria. gracilis ______284- Some Native White F low- Hippeast1'$t1n a11'lbiguU'ln __ ___ 289 ering Shrubs ______125 au liC1>/111. ______. ______155 Some Nierembergias______157 organe11se ______.______224 Gailla1'dia, Goblin ______.______215 psittaci11U111L ______168 gm11difiom "Goblin" ___ . ______215 'rutilu111, Cl'Ocat'/;t11'/, ____ . ______222 Galanthus B'yza1'Vti11US . ____ ._. ___ _173 , 238 Morea polystach,ya____ . ______160 Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 297

Two New Violets fo r the Moncure, Robert c.: North ______234 Notes on a Western Mani- Two Tropical Crinums ______83 toba Garden ______122 Houstonias ______170 Morrison, B . Y.: Hydrangea m-boresce11S ______133 Various Muscari ______187 que1-cifolia ______134, 135 Muscari a1'I1,phibolis ______(bulb ) 188 flex glab1-a ______'--- ______244 Argea:i albq,t11'L ______(bulb ) 188 Itea virginica ______131, 132 ar111 pnaicu7%______I72 , (bulb ) 188 J aS1%inU111, 0ffi cinale ______14 azureu11L ______(bulb ) 188 p1-imulinU111, ______14 botryoides ______172, (bulb ) 188 J ones, Katherine D.: C011wsum ______187, 188, 195 Thirty More Climbers fo r latifoliu1% ______172 California ______13 Massaya'mm/, ______.193, 195 J oyner, J. F.: 111,oschatu1n ______172, (bulb) 188 A Diminutive Palm from var. fiaV1,t1n ______(bulb ) 188 Mayaland ______1 var. majolr ______(b ulb ) 188 Juniperus chinensis Sarge17tlii ______254 neglectu7n ______172, (bulb ) 189 depressa pl~('11wsa ______254 Douglasii ______254 paradoxu-m ______(bulb ) 189 Kalmiopsis Leachia-mm'f, ______99 Pi1wrdi ______-.189, 192, 195 K ennedya rubicunda ______32, 33 phtI1WSL£111, ______.___ 187, 189, 190 L onicem albi fi01-a ------. ______.______130 var. 11w17strosu1n .__ ___ 187, 189, fragrantissi111a ______250 191 H ildebrandvana ______34, 35 polya11thq,mL ______172 japo'Plica chinensis ______36 var. alb,L£11L ______(bulb) 189 japonica H allial1,a ______36 sp, ______~ .______194, 195 japo'/1,ica auroe-1'et,ictl,la,ta ____ 37 szovitzianum ______170 Korolkowi fioribunda ______215 M uscari, Various ______187 P ericlY1'nen'u1'I'L ______37, 250 N ea11the bella ______2, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11 Se1%pe1-vi'rens ______37 New York Botanical Garden Lupines, A Few of the California __ 255 Courses ______290 Lupinus albifrons ______258 N ierembergerias, More AbouL ____ 232 m-boreus ___ . ______261, 261 N ierembergias, Some ______156 Benthamii ______258, 259 Nierembergia caen£lea ______233 bicolO1- ______258 calyc1:-na ______233 densifiorus ______256, 257 fmtesce11S ______232, 233, 234 densifior'us var. crinitus ____ 257 var. at1-o-V'/:olaa a ______232 nanq,£s ______255, 256 gmcilis ______234 po lyphyllus ______262 hippomanica = varicolor ______258 N . caerulea ______233 McIlvaine, F. E.: riVLtlaris ______232 Colchicums and other Au- V eitchii ______. ______234 tumn Notes ______286 Order of Bloom of Hardy Woody Winter Flowers ______76 Trees and Shrubs, The ______196 Malva cris pa ______228 o xyt1' 0P is s eric ea ______. ______91 M a'l'LdeviUea s~£(w e ole17s ______38 Pand01'ea pcil1dorana ______14 M aumndia entbesce-ns ______37 1'icasoliana __ .______A O, 41 M elasphaentla grG171inen. ______236, 239 PG1,thenocisstts H enryana______14 298 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938

Pas si flora cae1'ule a______42 Nuttallii ______67, 68 m,anicata ______-43 , 45 1'eticulatum ______205, 206 race11'wsa ______A6, 47 se?'r'ulatu11tL ______70 Patriarch of Trees, Thc ______137 Smirnovii, Experiences P entstemon Cra11>dalli ______232 with H ybrids oL______142 di ffu sus ______107 speciosum ______.205, 207, 209 M e11>ziesii ______104 Veitchanum ______68, 69 pro ce 1'US ______104 Rhododendrons of Golden Gate Tupic 0 la ______104- Park ______64 unilateralis ______92 Rosa giga.ntea ______288 P eTip lo ca grae ca______14 Rowntree, Lester: Phaseolus caracalla ---______A8, 49 A Few of the California coccine'us ______14 Lupines ______255 Philadelphus g-randifiorus ______130 S a,tureia alpina ______250

~ns'Lgms ______130 11wntana ______250 latifol-i'LiS ______130 Saxifraga aestivalis ______107 L e11twinei ______130 austri11'l,ontana ______93, 94 11te;;ncanus __ _"______14 B ongOlrdii ______107 1nicTOphyUus ______130 dwysantha ______97 pubescens ______130 oppositifoha ______109 Phyllodoce empet1'ifo1'1nis ______105 T ol111,iei ______103, 104 glanduhfera ------______.105, 105 Scilla a11'l,ethysti11a ______236, 241 PhY11w sia 1'emota ______76 hispanica ______172 Picea gla~ica conica ______.215, 217 Prat e1~sis ______240 Pie1'is floTibunda ______249 Seidel, J- T. Herman: japonica ______249 Experiences with Hybrids P hi111> bago cape1'liS'i-L ______14 of RhododendTon Polygonu111b A'L~b ertii -______15 Smirnovii -in Germany ______142 P?'unus a?1tLe?'icana ______125 S e'necio 1I'lilwn-ioides ______50 Rant, Norman VV_ F.: Shamel, A D_: Ca1 npanula Pipe?'i and The Patriarch of Trees ______137 Viola F lettii ______230 Shull, J- Mari on: Ranunculus adoneus ______96 Hippeastru JIll_ equestre ______228 Rhododendrons and Azaleas by Skinner, Henry T. : Cuttings ______273 Growth Substances and the Rhododendron austrinU111, ______70 Propagation of R hodo­ calendulaceu111, ______209 drons and Azaleas by canescens ______209 Cuttings ______273 cOlYo linianu?11f, ______132 Snowdrops, Notes 0 11..______238 F alrone?'i ------______147 , 148 - Solandra long-ifiora ______50, 53 fO?'?1wsum ______66, 67 S olammb jas11'Linoides ______52 indicU11tL ______~ 209 Soli'ya hete-roph'yUa ______55 linearifO'lium --______.208, 209 Spanish Moss ______271, 272 vaL 11'lacTosepalum ______209 Spruce, Dwarf Alberta ______215, 217 M addeni ------______65, 66 Stauntonia hexaphylla ______15 mucronatum ______209 Stew(wtia kOTeana ______120, 121 1nucromdat'Li1n ______205 11wilacodendTon ______121 Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 299

1'IW/1.od elphia ______121 Van Tress, Robert: pentagyna ______117, 118 Midwest Horticultural So- pse1bdoca111,ellia ______119, 121 ciety Notes ______215 Stewartias : ______117 Verat1'U11IL nignt11IL ______280, 281 Stramvaesia Davidiana ______246 Viola calcGlrata ______.234, 236 Taxodiu11'L mucronatu11't ______137, 141 C01'nuta ______234, 236 TaX1,f,S canadensis ______253 Flettii ______._ 108, 230, 231 cuspidata aU1'escens ______243 jlomiriensis ____ .______.236, 237 Munbyana ______._.234, 235, 236 Teco111/,aria capensis ______56, 57 t1'icolo'r ______.234, 236 TeUC1'iu11'L chamaedrys ______250 Violets, Two New, for the North ._ 234 Th')I1'i'//iJbS serp,)lllum lanuginosus ______250 Walther, Eric: se1'pyllum sple11dens ______250 B oma1'ea C aldasiG1'La ______168 Townsendia exsCG!pa __.______91 Crino.dendron Patagua ______281 T1'1:lMum Catesbaei ______.268, 270 Rhododendrons in Golden cermbU1n ______266 Gate Park ____ .. ______64, 147 discolor ______265 Wilson, \iVarren c.: erectum ______263, 264 Collecting Western Alpines, gmndijlO1 'U11 t ______263 by Ai r ______89 Hugeri ______.263, 265 Winter Flowers ______.______76 luteun'L ______.263, 265 Winter Garden, Color in the.______243 pusillu11IL ______262 Winter "Gardinage" ______51 sessile ______. __ 262, 264, 269 Wyman, Donald: si11'Lile ______262, 267 The Order of Bloom of Underwoodii ______263 Hardy Trees and Shrubs 196 undulatu11'L ______.268, 270 Young, Robert A. : Vaseyi ______.269, 270 Fatshedera ______82 III THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZI NE Oct., 1938

RARE and UNUSUAL PLANTS PEONY ARISTOCRATS for your yards a nd gardens. Only the best of th e old and Dew varieties, at attractive prices. Our ROCK PLANTS - PERENNIALS catalogue names best commercial cut-fl ower varie­ ties, a n d gives valuable p lanting a nd growing IVAN N. ANDERSON instructions. HARMEL PEONY COMPANY 4031 Lee Boulevard Arlington , Virginia Growers of F ine Peonies since 1911 Berlin , Maryland

FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST MENTION THE Try our Amaryllis, fine Hemerocalis, Fancy Leaved NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL Caladiums, Achimenes, CrinuJl1s, Zephyranthes a nd other rare bulbs. Give somethi ng different. In­ MAGAZINE fOl'mation free on request. WYNDHAM HAYWARD WHEN DEALING WITH Winter Par k Florida OUR ADVERTISERS A RARE BARGAIN

AT a recent meeting of the American Peony Society the Board of Directors voted to make a drastic reduction in the price of the peony manual, good until avai lable supply is exhausted or unt il the f irst of the year. Present price , $2.25, postpaid .

Every peony lover should have this manua l with supplement, bound in one book, as it is an encyclopedia of peony knowledge :Jbtainable from no other source. Manual orig;nally sold for $6 00 Present price far under cost of production I f you are looking for a rea l barga in, here's your chance. Don't hesitate, they are go ing fast at this price . Circular on request.

Membersh ip in t he American Peony Soc iety, four splend id bul letins and t he beautiful, he lpful Manual, on ly $5.00. Make remittances to the American Peony Society and mail to

w. F. CHRISTMAN , Secretary American Peony Society Northbrook, III. Oct., 1938 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE IV SEEDS OF RAREST FLOWERS Gath er ed from the four corners of th e earth. C G V T b A thousand unusu al k inds t hat w ill make your an u ergen garden differen t a nd delightful. Alpines, Wild • • flowe!'s, AquMics, Bulbs. Write Dept. B2 for most intel'estin g catalog. LIM I TED REX D. PEARCE MERCHANTVILLE, N . J . HAARLEM (HOLLAND)

NEW AND RARE Species of Rhododendron Many of these have been grown directly from seeds collected in West China, Thibet and adja­ cent territory. List on request. JOS. B. GABLE CHOICE BULBS Stewartstown Pennsylvania direct from Holland LILY YEARBOOK

The Society is contemplating the APPLY FOR CATALOGUE special publ ication of a Lily Year­ (quoting cost in Haarlem, Holland) book. The Secretary would I ike • to hear from all members who to E. J. KRUG, Sole Agent are interested in growing .lilies. I 14 Broacd Street NEW YORK CITY

THE TINGLE NURSERY FISHER FLOWERS 211 GARDEN LANE GERMANTOWN, TENNESSEE PITTSVI LLE, MD. Offers an extensive collection of HYBRID DAY LILIES new, rare and time-tested plants for ga rdeners in sea rch of the Anna Betscher ______$ .75 unusual . Bagdad ______1.50 FRANKLINIA ALATAMAHA. the rare and lovely tree. Bijou ______1.50 lost for 150 years ...... from $1.50 to $2.50 each STEWARTIA PENTAGYNA and STEWARTIA PSEUDO­ Gypsy ______50 CAMELLIA, charming additions to any garden. $1.00 and $1.25 each Hyper ion ______1 00 STYRAX JAPONICA ...... __ ...... 65c and 7Se each STYRAX OBASSI .. .. _...... 35c and 75c each I mperator ______.50 ~ ur~~~~~ble K~~~~~~ ~r A ~a~-;: 'R fODm~ :iS i~g E~}ID ~YJ'~SS J. R. Mann ______.50 AZALEA , so desirable ror vivid fall roliage. supplementing spring bloom ; ARNOLDIANA. new U.S.D .A. hardy ever­ Margaret Perry .. ______25 green AZALEAS. Mikado ______1 OAVIDIA INVOLUCRATA-(D ove tree). ,are Chines. 00 r..rec with large whit~ flow ers dangling [rom each twig. $12.50 to $20.00 each. M odesty ______1 00 OSMANTHUS AMERICANUS ...... 35c each . 3 for $1.75 Mrs. Perry ______1.50 OSMANTHUS AQUIFOLlUM ...... 65c. $1.50 and $2.00 each OSMANTHUS AQUIFOLlUM AUREA ..... _...... $1.25 tach Ophir ______.50 HARDY HEATH ER . more than 30 varieties-30e and SOc each. Radiant ______.50 OSMANTHUS FORTUNEI ...... 65c. $1.50 and $2.00 each PERENNIAL PLANTS. ROCK GARDEN PLANTS and Roya l ______.50 a great number of flow ering shrubs and trees. Seranade ______2.00 NEW CATALOGUE SENT ON REQUEST v THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1938


To solve the problem of an accumulating bulk of files and ever decreasing storage space, The American Iris Society is making a bargain offer, for a limited period, of ten BULLETINS for one dollar. Seventy bulletins have been published SInce the organization of the society in 1920, and they cover ever phase of iris growing. A few of the numbers are reserved for the central office" or out of print; but there is a plentiful supply of most issues.

Make your own choice of any ten prior to 1936, except for those off the market (Nos. 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 47, 48, 49 and 50), and we will fill your order as long the the supply lasts. Or we will make a selection for you. These bulletins usually sell at SOc a copy to members only. For the duration of thjs offer you can get them at the rate of 10c apiece - less than the cost of printing. Send your order to the Secretary, 821 Washington Loan & Trust Build· ing, Washington, D. C.

Application for Membership

I desire to be admitted to ...... membership in THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURdL

SOCIETY. Remittance of $ ...... is enclosed.

~ame ...... Annual Membership ...... $3.00 Sustaining Membership ...... 10.00 Address ...... Life Membership ...... 100.00

Special in terzst...... -......

Date ...... Recommended by:

Ohecks should be made pay"ble to The Ame?'ican Ho,·ticultw1'a

INVITES to membership all persons who are interested in the devel· opment of a great national society that shall serve as an ever growing center for the dissemination of the common knowledge of the members. There is no requirement for membership other than this and no reward beyond a share in the development of the organization. For its members the society publishes THE NATIONAL HORTICUL­ TURAL MAGAZINE, at the present time a quarterly of increasing impor· tance among ,the horticultural publications of the day and destined to fill an even larger role as the society grows. It is published during the months of January, April, July and October and is written by and for members. Under the present organization of the society with special committees appointed for the furthering of special plant projects the members will receive advance material on narcissus, tulips, lilies, rock garden plants, conifers, nuts, and rhododenckons. Membership in the society, therefore, brings one the advantages of membership in many societies. In addition to these special projects, the usual garden subjects are covered and particular attention is paid to new or little known plants that are not commonly described elsewhere. The American Horticultural Society invites not only personal memo berships but affiliations with horticultural societies and clubs. To such it offers some special inducements in memberships. Memberships are by the calendar year. The Annual Meeting of the Society is held in Washington, D. c., and members are invited to attend the special lectures that are given at that time. These are announced to the membership at the time of balloting. The annual dues are three dollars the year, payable in advance; life membership is one hundred dollars; inquiry as to affiliation should be addressed to the Secretary, 821 Washington Loan and Trust Building, Washington, D. C.