•• THE EVENING*3TAR, Washington, D. C- | it# regular opponents. 285-68. [When it defected Nebraska, C-2 TMVKBDAT. NCIMMBJM.JMT in winning nine of 10. Tba 34-7. The Blue Devil* hawe c SoonersHeavy averaged Favorites Sooners 28.6 points 2-2 bowl record.

per game. - re* it • v it I This will be Oklahoma's ¦ • But Wilkinson Disagrees eighth bowl appearance and MIAMI,Fla.. Dm. 26 UP)— ing the Sooner* can be handled. fourth trip to the Orange Bowl. II I f'\ Oklahoma, highly ratad by tile Oklahoma bounced back from The Sooners have won five r-SNOW TIRE SALE-, oddsmakers, Duke, highly the defeat whip bowl games, including victories DE LUXE 100% COLD and Notre Dame to 'here in 1964 regarded by rival Coach Bud Nebraska, 32-7, and Oklahoma and 1966, and RUIIER WAU-TO- Wilkinson, arrived today to State. 88-fl: loat two. WALL FULL RECAPS! played start preparations for their After a successful first half, Duke here in 1959 I msk V i Orange Bowl clash New Year’s Guarante# II MtNtfca LI HLma I Duke waa tied by Navy, 6-6. Day. lost to Oeorgia Tqch, 18-0. beat Tires Mounted Free Oklahoma is a 13- fa- Clemaon, 7-6, and loat to North vorite but Wilkinson, as usual, Carolina. 21-12, In the aeaaon 7.50x14 »*.»s the finale. refuses to go along with __ 8 m_ 00x14 10.95 crowd. This will be the 24th anni- 8.50x14 11.95 versary of the Orange Bowl. \fflQn “Duke has played a difficult T||W 9.00x14 12.95 most successfully,” The game will cap a week of §¦%¦ •* schedule 3SF - r \ H|elo iflfti Wilkinson said. "They are an (ports fare for visitors to Mi- Uw 0.70x13 exeepttynally sound, strong big ami’s Orange Bowl Festival. Did You Know? 7*0x15 9.95 football team, excellently The Junior Invitational tennis The Alt-New 1959 3-HOUt 8.00x15 1 1.95 coached by BUI Murray.” tournament and nine days of Recap Service 6.40x15 6.95 international competition in in- No activity was elated today JAGUAR 6.00x16 8.95 for either team, but tomorrow board and outboard power boat XK 150 COUPE Murray wUI start twlce-a-day races start today. Als* mt Bmto Prlcei Three-Tear Contract Ends ii tlx ultimate I* Sport drills at Miami Stadium and Cert. Desigaod, on- REGULAR TREADS AT Wilkinson willsend the Sooners The game marks the end of pintered styled three-year between end For $2.00 LESS PER TIRE %"Hl \ ¦ gettHfl H^V through a workout at the Uni- a contract a very specie! kind of versity Orange Bowl, the Big All price, apply to recap pour lira of Miami field In subur- the owner, cost only or recappabla ban Coral Gables. Eight Conference and the At- etchanoe Coast Conference. Hope Kegala lantic *4475 JMB to Fora* The Big Eight has signed a SERVICE CO. V Fully Equipped at AIL TIRE Murray wUI try to return hie new contract to supply teams Delivered 4 Location Blue Devils to the form they for the next three years against 3234 winning straight GA. AVI. N.W., RA 6-8150 Vs.. ] ( showed in five 'opposition to be picked from 110(1 VIERS MILLROAD IHUN games In the first half of the the field fl g iMmomrmm ***• WHEATON TRIANGLE season. After North Carolina In winning six, losing two WHEATON, MD State tied Duke. 14-14, the and tying two. Duke averaged L 0 5-4448 4726 ANNAROLIS ROAD Blue Devils went on to another 16.1 points per game. The Blue # WASHINGTON BCTMCRDA I MD WA. 7 (699 • ILADENSBURG. tie, lost twice and scored a Devils outscored their rivals, ALEXANDRIA • FAIRFAX I narrow victory. Encouraging 161-87. 2044 LEE HWY., ARL., VA. HO. 4 VISIONS OF SUGAR PLUMS —Frank Leahy where Texas A&M’soffer was attractive enough to Duke Is Notre Dame's 7-0 Oklahoma, perennial cham- 2-7000 JA. 4182 opens presents from his bed in St. Anthony’s to get him out of coaching retirement. Leahy victory over Oklahoma, show- pion of the Big Eight, outscored Hospital in Michigan City, Ind., but his suffered a fractured ankle when he slipped in 1 thoughts probably were in College Station, Tex., front of his home.—AP Wirephoto. SHOP TONIGHT TO 9 S.'X'.Sl'Sr LEAHY STORE HOURS: Mondoyi, 12:30 to 9; Tuesdoys, Wednesday* ond Saturdays, 10 to 6; Thursdays ond Fridays, 10 to 9. Free Parking! Lions' Coach Pleased NBA Leaders with him. But he added that the house the college would furnish him was too small for With his family of eight children, Team's Leahy Condition Upsefs five at home. added that DETROIT. Dec 26 uTV—- ¦ tickets got Arst call and stood Suffer he didn't know when he would Coach George Wilson of the ¦ in a three- long line Mon- By the AuocUted Pt*m move to College Station. Detroit Lions predicted today r day and Tuesday to claim The underdogs of the Na- Leahy said he hoped to go, his team, “with the exception i, their grandstand spots. tional Basketball AssociaUon to Chicago today but the trip of Bobby Layne. will be in its ! What's left of Briggs Sta- presented Christmas presents would depend on the condition beat over-all shape of the sea- diums 52.555 seats and 4.000 to their long-suffering fans of his ankle, which was in- 1 son” for ita battle with the “ standing roam tickets will go last night. Jured when he slipped on a Cleveland Browns here Sunday r on public sale tomorrow. Minneapolis, the doormat of sidewalk while carrying pack-! for the National Football 1 The stadium is scaled to pro- the league so far this year, ages from his car to his home League championship. duce a gate of 5380.000 at $lO. knocked off Detroit. 106-104. ' Tuesday night. Wilson didn't knock the wood 1 $7.50, $5 and $4 rates. With for its seventh win In 28 starts, Leahy quit coaching at the off luck, to ward a reversal of $200,000 thrown in from tele- while Philadelphia defeated height of his career, giving his but did take an anxious glance vision and radio tNBC> fees.' 'Boston for the first time this health as the determining fac- in the direction of Charley i the game likely will result in year, 115-105. tor. He had compiled a record Ane. star offensive tackle, hob- the biggest player pool in NFL game. of 87 victories. 11 losses and 9 bling injured knee, In the other scheduled about on an ¦history with the winners get- Syracuse defeated New York, ties, including four national and Defensive Halfback Jim ting possibly $4,200 Syra- championships and six unde- baking -1 to $4,400 134-130. in overtime at j David an ankle injury | each in a 60-40 split. feated teams, in his 11-year under a sun lamp. David cuse. AUTOMATIC GAS The Lakers withstood a tenure at Notre Dame. again t stressed that he would by play despite Browns Put Stress fourth ‘quarter drive the When Leahy quit Notre Dame, the hurt. Pistons, being There outscored 28-16 he said he was physically ex- are an assortment of On Good during time, gain bruises and pulled : Defense this to their hausted and wanted to spend muscles ii victory. Harry scattered about and CLEVELAND. Dec. 26 UP)— Gallatin's basket more time with his family. He WATER HEATERS Halfback 1 with 25 seconds the Qene Oedman may be slowed Coach Paul E. Brown concen- was went into the public relations - by a shoulder separation, but trates his Cleveland Browns' clincher. business and had other busi- the rest expect to play. practice today on defense. I led the Lakers ness interests. Layne, the Lions' No. l quar- And never in 10 championship with 24 points, while George Leahy first grabbed national terback. suffered a broken leg playoffs over the last 11 years Yardley took game honors with attention as head coach at as Detroit thumped Cleveland. have the Browns depended 29 points for the Pistons, who l Boston College, following stints 20-7. in' their regular season more on defense than they are now have lost nine games m as line coach at Georgetown, meeting December 8. Hell be depending on it for Sunday’s 13 home starts. Michigan State and Fordham. missing from the lineup Sun- game in Detroit. The Warriors gave the Celtics His first team in 1939 won nine day. When the Browns meet the a taste of their own medicine, and lost one and played In the 1854 Game Recalled Lions for the National Football piling up a 30-12 lead in thei ¦Cotton Bowl, losing to Clemaon. quarter year Wilson isn't letting his team League championship, it will be first and a 58-44 half- 6-3. The following his forget that its triumph three , the first title contest the club time lead. The Warriors led by team marked up 11 consecutive victories, including 3undays ago against the has played without Otto Gra- as much as 25 points in the a 19-13 win quarter. Browns came the day after . ham and his prime target for second over Tennessee in the Sugar Cleveland backed into the East- . the clutch pass. End Dante Bowl. ern Division championship , Lavelll. Leahy played tackle and cen- through a defeat of Retirement ot Graham and ter at Notre Dame in the late New York. Lavelll thrust a new burden on 1920 s Capitol j—.—- ¦ I ; the traditionally fine Browns’ Card Nor is he letting his players forget 1954. when the Lions : defensive unit. In previous ascents to cham- & Mary AJQ7 beat Cleveland. 14-10, in the William regular season only to be pionship plavoff games, the Mm 0 I blasted. 56-10, in the champion- Browns averaged about four Lists 5 Bouts Group a game. This year Athletic ship contest. In fact. “Re- touchdowns A five-bout wrestling pro- ONLY member 1954” has been chalked i they won their conference title gram. headed by Edouard MU average Has Slight Balance on the dressing room black- with an of 15 points a Carpentler and John Tolos. will board. game, not counting the 77 be presented fans tonight at \ RICHMOND. Vs.. Dec. 26 points Detroit coaches are remind- Lou Orosa scored with Capitol Arena. ; UP)—The Men's Athletic Asso- ing their charges, too. that : his trusty toe. down Carpentler, who participated ciation at William At Mary Tommy O’Connell of the In spite of the somewhat ¦ ’ Browns is the league's leading for his native France in the last spept more than it took in last : lowered offensive potential, the ! Olympics, and Tolos. the Greek passer slight year up slight and that their Jim i Browns still are favorites | star via Canada, will mix it up but ended with a 20-gallon model, regularly $89.95 Brown is the top ground gainer among bettors here to win their in the opening match the balance, the college has re- the of O'Connell missed December fourth NFL championship program, scheduled for 8:30. ported to the Budget Of- game against Detroit. since they entered the league 1 State 8 This bout will not be televised. fice. Wilson called his Lions out in 1950. Another match that should Expenditures Also Available in 30 and 40 Gallon for a two-hour practice Christ- A victory Sunday would bs be battle the way brings totaled $144.- devoting 1 a all receipts $142,956. mas Day. It to offense something of a special person- together Verne Oagne, former 930 and The Today Included $25,000 behind closed doors. nel triumph for Brown, whose star, Steve latter a loan Sixes at Proportionately Low Prices! to defense. football and Stanlee. he turns Tomorrow teams never have won in De- one of the roughest wrestlers in A balance on hand at the both will get a going over and troit, and who brought this start of the fiscal year covered business. . i the Have all the hot water you need . . sate and sure' Saturday only a limbering up 1 year’s crew up to a 9-2-1 rec- bouts listed on Eagle vs. the excess expenditure and left tap. Other tank, Is on ord from 6-7 in 1956. Dr. Jerry Tolos a balance of $426 at the start Safety Gas Cut-Off if pilot is extinguished' Glass lined Oraham. Chris year. Biggest Payoff Doe Only reserve Joe vs. Ace Freeman and Oene of the 1958 fiscal won't rust, chip or corrode! Famous Homart quality gas The Lions box office Amstutz of Toledo, rookie Dubuque vs. Bozo Brown. Principal income included was i a you open for business Christmas, . from Indiana, won't be ready more than $57,000 in football heater gives you all the hot, clean water need at economi- too. Holders of 39.844 season i for Sunday s game. Brown said. i receipts, more than $39,500 In cal cost 1 can arrange for emergency installation by student fees and some $10,700 Sears Haynes Leads in basketball admissions. qualified installers. Largest of disburse- item (nr) I Stern ments was $42,584 in athletic Nashville Heads Feature Cage Troupe scholarships. The second high- est outlay was for $35,429 in salaries and wages for the col- As Santa Anita Opens In Game Here lege coaching staff. Player recruitment cost was ARCADIA. Dec. 28 of 32 major be Basketball on the zany side MCP to USpSsf Calif.. stakes races reported at $2,362. —Sunny a fast track will be the bill of fare tomor- Buy ell meior home improvement needs on Sears skies and run during the SS-d*v meeting. money were assured today as Santa row night at Uline Arena when i Modernizing Credit Plan. No down, up Four are 1100.000-added races Magicians f to poy! Anita race track began Its 21st i the Harlem meet the Blue-Gray Squads to 36 months winter meeting and five 950.000-added events. Boston Shamrocks at 8:30. More than 30.000 persons The meeting concludes March The Magicians will be led by : Elect Captains were expected to see IS horses. 11 with the 1100.000-added Ban , the wizard of J-year-olds up. by the dribble who left . arid led Juan Capistrano Handicap at the Harlem I MONTGOMERY. Ala Dee. Llangollen Farm's Nashville, a Globetrotters four years ago i 26 iAP>.—Yankee all-stars swift son of Nasrullah. go post- miles over the grass. to form his own barnstorming : elected two linemen and the ward In the $20,000-added Track officials predict that , troupe. Haynes will share the ¦ Southerners chose two backs Palos Verdes Handicap. more than last year's 13,567.080 i comedy with Sam as cnptalns for Saturday's with Willie Shoe- Wheeler, who is gaining repu- Blue-Gray football game. Nashville, will be doled out to horse own- maker up. has anything but a tation as one of the game's i Don Berger, Michigan State: cakewalk over the 6 furlongs. ers during this meeting, with 1 most popular clowns. center, was named captain on The Held Includes such top- $1,130,000 allotted for the 32 Frank Washington. Josh i offense and Center Nell Hablg stars as El Khobar. stakes races. Orider. Tommy Olpson, Reuban i of Purdue was elected defensive Cnklngittle Dance, Nordeskl, Bless- The classy Round Table . Oilllam, Billy McDonald. Paul I captain for the Blues. bull, Blen Host, Bequeath and heads the top horses nomi- \ Martin and Allen Davis fill out The Oary squad chose alter- Plbe Cerlitos Nashville carries nated* for some of the slakes. the Magicians’ roster. nate captains. Halfback Jimmy lop weight of 119 pounds and The entry list also Is well forti- ' Half ime entertainment WillI Orr of Oeorgia and Quarter- j spots the other sprinters from fied with foreign runners. be a floor show with two novelty ¦ bark Ken Ford of Hardin- 1 to 14 pounds. Many of the Imported stars Ijacta. Simmons. The Palos Verdes Is the first also will make their North American debuts during the pi'.' | meeting. l i,XK. Ilu'imo -nr. him- Hi 1 Ahearn Looking ism. White seot, hinge. Title Bout Set i The Weather Bureau predicts for Sawyer LONDON. Dec. 26 OP).—ln- no rain for the next week B gemar Johansson. European Sunny skies should continues at To Give Folley Tough Fight heavyweight champion, will de- least through Saturday's run- Having observed his the young fellow," aayi. *40.95! Homart *40.00 Savings on against ning of the $25.000-added 57th' l Ahearn Save fend his title Joe Er- birthday yesterday. ley, among champion, Breeders' Trial Stakes and the £1 old 1 e Fol ranked No. 2 fatlne. British Feb- concentrating heavyweight contenders, ruary 14 at either Oothenburg 126,000 Malibu Sequet Stakes, Ahearn now Is the1 Forced-Air Furnace 3-Pc. Colored Bath! on special event a week hence, has won 38 of bouts, 25 by Gas |cp”ispj| hr Stockholm. Contracts both over 7 furlongs. a I 41 for and It Isn't a New Year's cele- I knockout. The slugger from title bout have been signed. • (he I < Chandler, Arts., Regularly $254.95 • Rag. $209.95 ' bration. Is unbeaten £*% M (jSsSSSSI It will be "Jimmy Lake < through 1956 and '57. But ft9s HOCKEY SCORES • Down ®" SKI OUTLOOK' ; , Night" next Wednesday at < Goldie la touting Sawyer's! £|i a Only sl7 Down | Capitol Ooldls chances better the I EASTESN U«fiU Arena and is i as than rec- Skiers face a dismal prospect T: Ch»Hett«. 4. promoting the boxing card i ord books would reveal. lew Haven. 4: Clinton. ;t heavy- says ‘Modernizing Credit Plan gives you up to Choose from Harmony House Sunshine Yel- |Kbr the week end. Mild weather! HASH I NOTON. A. Philadelphia. S. which will feature the "That kid." Ooldle of wUUVruo*' iohnatown. to low, Shell Pink, Down Gray, Mint Green or Krevalls from Davis, W. Va., all national i.rants weight fight betwesn Zora Fol- l Sawyer, “has knocked out eight -36-months pay! Includes burner, jacket, , to the Canadian Lau- Toronto, A; Montreal. 4 ley and Oarvln Sawyer. of the 13 opponents he's blower, fiker, gas con- *••• 'e Horizon Blue. 5-ft. cast iron tub, vitreous way Chlcato, 111 New York, 1. powerful automatic gentians. Stowe, Vt.. Is the only Bouton. 4 Detroit. I Former champions like whipped1 In 17 pro fights, but Trots plenum chamber! AGA approved. Withstands high pressure. enamel finish. Vitreous china lavatory ond Urea within a thousand miles AMERICAN UAntll Jimmy Braddock. Jersey Joe he's better then that. Tom 90,000-BTU. closet Chromed fittings included Buffalo. 1: Rochester, I. manager Fiberglas insulation. H ' Which has reported passable ,1: (overtime), Walcott and Mickey Walker Tannas, former of, Vo‘"nlSl* Heraher. Cleveland. 2 Sear, store. Skiing. aprlmfleld. 4: Providence. ;l. t will be on hand to help honor Bzsard Charles, is handling the Inn I Slam Inn i Storat I VERMANT—Stowe ¦ Fair to INTERNATIONAL LEAOUk Washington's 78-year«ld fight kid and Walcott Is his trainer m Alo. Ave. at Naylor M IL (20) lUdl.w J 3100 road. T o s and wrestling "A and adviser, and they vtndu't poor on Veil LlPpperat- foWr »C>rt Jr avne. fttertlme I annotiHoer. ~ : Ing. Poor to none on lower tie) i heavy advance sale preves that have accepted this boummless SatyaSmyebmaatoojfix* efacd = SIS V - ffi WBSTBBN LEAGUE .. ¦¦ SarSG2r&S£ everybody la lining behind they boy win." ¦ f. mfe? *453 Col.ivill. M.. Silver Spring JUmeo? *-.ot# ¦lope* 1 Edmonton. ». Canary. 2. up felt their could