CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E612 HON
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E612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 2, 2000 academic achievement in schools, and the ceptions and hospital events. I believe that Some of them have been held for over 15 freedom of individuals to select their future any American who has ever been cared for by years. This is unacceptable. occupations. a nurse should join in the celebration of Na- America is the bastion of freedom in the CLINTON''S PLAN FOR EDUCATION AND THE tional Nurses Week. world. It is our responsibility to do what we ECONOMY Modern nursing has been traced to Florence can to ensure freedom for all people. We The following graphic, distributed by the Nightingale's efforts during the Crimean War should cut off India's aid until it learns to re- Minnesota Department of Children, Families of the mid-19th century. Exactly 100 years spect human rights. The government must and Learning (DCFL), explains how School- stop killing religious and ethnic minorities. It to-Work is a government plan to interlock after Nightingale's methods were first used, public school ``reform'' of curriculum with National Nurses Week was first observed from must also punish strongly those who kill and workforce preparation (job training) and eco- October 11±16, 1954. National Nurses Day do other acts of violence in the government's nomic development (national economic plan- and Week was eventually moved to May to in- behalf. Amnesty International, which has not ning). This official state publication states clude Florence Nightingale's birthday, which is been allowed to enter India to investigate that the School-to-Work mission is ``to cre- May 12th. human rights abuses since 1978, must be al- ate a seamless system of education and Using this year's theme: ``NursesÐKeeping lowed to come into the country. Until then, no workforce preparation for all learners, tied the Care in Health Care,'' the American American money should go to India. to the needs of a competitive marketplace.'' Nurses Association (ANA) and its 53 con- We should also put this Congress on record School-to-Work means that the mission of the public schools is no longer to educate stituent associations will highlight the diverse in support of democracy in South Asia by call- children to be all they can be, but instead to ways in which registered nurses, the largest ing for a free and fair plebiscite, under inter- train students to take entry-level jobs as health care profession, are working to improve national supervision, to decide the political fu- needed by the global economy. The different health care for Americans. Thankfully, the ef- ture of Khalistan, Kashmir, Nagaland, and all motivations of several special interests per- forts of nurses are being widely acknowl- the other nations occupied by India. These fectly mesh in School-to-Work: the Clinton edged. According to the Gallup Poll's 1999 steps are the best way to bring freedom to all Administration economic gurus (Marc Tuck- ``Honesty and Ethics'' survey, nursing ranked the people of South Asia. er, Ira Magaziner and Robert Reich) who say #1 of 45 among the most respected profes- Mr. Speaker, I would like to submit the they want America to imitate the German Newsroom article into the RECORD. I urge my school-to-workforce system, the Clinton Ad- sions. ministration education activists (particu- Mr. Speaker, I will salute America's nurses colleagues to read it. larly the teachers unions and Education De- during the week of May 6±12, 2000. I encour- BAJRANG DAL BAN SOUGHT AFTER PRE- partment bureaucrats) who want to control age my colleagues to do the same. EASTER ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS IN INDIA the school system, and the multinational f NEW DELHI, 25 April 2000 (Newsroom)ÐAl- corporations that seek a poorly-educated but lies of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), well-trained labor force willing to work for END RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION IN which leads India's coalition government, low wages to compete with low-paid workers INDIA this week demanded that the BJP ban a mili- in the Third World. tant group of Hindu nationalists and dismiss The master plan to federalize education the BJP-led Uttar Pradesh state government and tie it into the workforce originated with HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS in the wake of recent attacks against Chris- the now infamous ``Dear Hillary'' letter writ- OF NEW YORK tians. ten on November 11, 1992 by Marc Tucker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The call by the Trinamool Congress, an president of the National Center on Edu- Tuesday, May 2, 2000 ally in the BJP-led National Democratic Al- cation and the Economy (NCEE). It lays out liance headed by Prime Minister Atal Bihari a plan ``to remold the entire American sys- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, the persecution Vajpayee, to ban the Bajrang Dal and dis- tem'' into ``a seamless web that literally ex- of Christians and other religious minorities in miss Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ram tends from cradle to grave and is the same India continues. Now even an ally of the ruling Prakash Gupta and his government stunned system for everyone,'' coordinated by ``labor party has spoken out against it. BJP leaders. market boards at the local, state and federal Newsroom, a website devoted to religious Leaders from the Trinamool Congress and levels'' where curriculum and ``job match- from the opposition Congress and Samajwadi ing'' will be handled by counselors ``access- news, reported that the Trinamool Congress, a parties blasted the BJP for failing to control ing the integrated computer-based pro- party in coalition with the ruling BJP, de- the Hindu nationalist group that many gram.'' manded the banning of Bajrang Dal, a militant blame for the spate of violent incidents di- Rep. Bob Schaffer (R±CO) correctly ana- Hindu nationalist organization. The Bajrang rected toward religious minorities in the last lyzed this letter as ``a blueprint for a Ger- Dal is affiliated with the Vishwa Hindu two years. man model of education that would be forced Parishad (VHP), which in turn is part of the The Bajrang Dal, a militant Hindu organi- upon the people of America.'' He said this RSS, a Fascist organization that is the parent zation affilated with the Vishwa Hindu ``moves the country toward a government- Parishad (World Hindu Council) and linked owned centralized education system from organization of the BJP. to several attacks on Christians, believes it kindergarten past college.'' He placed this Dara Singh, the person India has arrested in has a duty to promote the Hindu religion and letter in the Congressional Record on Sep- connection with the murder of missionary HindutvaÐHindunessÐin India. Dara Singh, tember 25, 1998. It is most easily accessible Graham Staines and his two young sons, has who is accused of masterminding the mur- on Eagle Forum''s website: http// been linked to the Bajrang Dal. Christians ders of Australian missionary Graham have been subjected to three attacks in Uttar Staines and his two sons last year, has been f Pradesh in two weeks. On Good Friday, mem- linked to the Bajrang Dal, although the bers of the Bajrang Dal attacked members of group denies he is a member. Sudip Bandopadhyay of the Trinamul Con- A TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN NURSES the House of Worship, a Christian church in DURING NATIONAL NURSES WEEK gress and Yerram Naidu, Tulugu Desam Agra. Uttar Pradesh also has a law prohibiting party leader, demanded that security be pro- Muslims from building new mosques or con- vided to Christians and other religious mi- HON. WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI verting any building into a mosque without norities wherever possible, especially in OF ILLINOIS government permission. In the state of Orissa, states like Uttar Pradesh where there have been three violent attacks against Christians IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES religious conversions are banned without gov- ernment permission. in the last two weeks. Tuesday, May 2, 2000 In Haryana on April 22, three nuns were at- Madhavrao Scindia, deputy leader of the Congress Party in the Lok Sabha (the lower Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I would like to tacked by a Hindu fundamentalist. One, Sister house of Parliament), said the government pay tribute to a remarkable group of dedicated Anandi, remains in Holy Family Hospital in se- should put a stop to incidents like those re- health professionalsÐthe 2 million+ registered rious condition. No one has been arrested for ported in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana this nurses in the United States. this crime. month. He demanded a response from Home These outstanding men and women, who The militant Hindu fundamentalists who car- Affairs Minister Lal Kishen Advani, who is work hard to save lives and maintain the ried out these acts are allies of the Indian gov- considered a friend of most of India's Hindu health of millions of individuals, will celebrate ernment. The government itself has killed over nationlist groups and is the second most National Nurses Week from May 6±12, 2000. 200,000 Christians in Nagaland, over a quar- powerful man in India after Vajpayee. ``Groups close to the BJP must be reined in Registered nurses will be honored by hosting ter of a million Sikhs, more than 65,000 Kash- as they are vitiating communal peace,'' or participating in several events such as ral- miri Muslims since 1988, and tens of thou- Scindia said. lies, childhood immunizations, community sands of others. It holds tens of thousands of Opposition Samajwadi party leader health screenings, publicity efforts, dinners, re- political prisoners without charge or trial. Mulayam Singh Yadav, who once headed the VerDate 27<APR>2000 06:02 May 03, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MY8.058 pfrm04 PsN: E02PT1 May 2, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E613 defense ministry, said that militant Hindu THE SAFE AND SUCCESSFUL THE DEMOCRATIC AGENDA: DEMONSTRATING A groups pose a greater danger than the ac- SCHOOLS ACT OF 2000 NATIONAL COMMITMENT TO OUR NATION'S tions of religious minorities.