The 10th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Services Computing (APSCC 2016)


16 – 18 November 2016 , Province,

Copyright © Trusted Computing Institute, , China

Introduction to Central South University

Central South University (CSU) is a comprehensive and national key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education in China. CSU is among the first group of top universities in China admitted into “Project 211”, which is a project of building national key universities and colleges for the 21st century, and “Project 985”, which is a joint constructive project of building world-class universities co-sponsored by the Chinese central government and the local governments, and “Project 2011”, which is targeted for promoting the capability and capacity of cooperative creativity in top universities in China. Mr. Zhang Yaoxue, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the inventor of Transparent Computing (TC), is the President of CSU.

Approved by the State Council, CSU was established on April 29, 2000, by merging three separate universities, including Hunan Medical University (HMU), Railway University (CRU), and Central South University of Technology (CSUT). CSU covers an area of around 5,117 mu (341 hectares).

CSU boasts a high-quality group of faculty, comprising of many famous scholars and experts with great influence both at home and abroad. Among them, there are 2 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 15 academicians who are members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 9 are members of the Discipline Assessment Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, 47 scientific and technological experts have been recognized as “Thousand Talents Program” professor for their outstanding achievements, 549 experts have been awarded special subsidies from the Government, 7 national distinguished teaching masters, professors and corresponding senior staff of more than 1500 people, 19 are chief scientist of 973 program and 36 are Special-term Professors funded by the Changjiang Scholar Program. In addition, CSU has appointed a number of well-known Chinese and international scholars as honorary professors, visiting professors, or adjunct professors.

CSU covers 11 fields of study, including engineering, science, medicine, management, literature, law, economics, philosophy, education, history and agriculture, and offers military science as well. It consists of 31 colleges offering 103 programs for bachelors’ degrees, and a graduate school comprising a number of national key disciplines, including 6 at first-level (ranking 8thin China), 12 at second-level and one in development. 30 first-level disciplines are authorized to confer masters and doctoral degrees. 191 programs are offered for doctoral degrees, 307 programs for masters’ degrees and 19 programs for professional masters’ degrees.CSU also has 24 post-doctoral exchange centers, ranking 9th among Chinese universities and colleges in term of the numbers.

At present, more than 55,739 full-time students are studying at CSU, including 34133 graduate students and 746 foreign students, from 31 provinces and municipalities of the mainland China, as well as 80 countries and regions of the rest of the world. CSU is a leading and top ranking Chinese university in the following aspects: one of the universities first starting an eight-year medical program ( M.D.), the first university running a pilot class for training innovation-oriented senior engineering talents, the first civilian university offering master degree in military command and technique for officers, boasting 5 national talents training and teaching bases, 6 national centers for experimental teaching, 57 national exemplary courses, 8 bilingual national exemplary courses, 7 “excellent teachers” and 8 teaching teams highly recognized by the state, 15 National Top 100 Doctoral Dissertations produced by its graduates since 2000. CSU also possesses 3 national first-class affiliated hospitals equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities.

2 Introduction to University

Guangzhou University (GU) is a comprehensive and key public university dually affiliated to Guangzhou Municipal Government and Guangdong Provincial Government with a history of over 70 years. The university has two campuses covering a total area of 153.3 hectares. The major campus is located in the south western part of Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center (Xiao Gu Wei Island) and the other one is located in downtown (Gui Hua Gang) of Guangzhou.

GU has a teaching and research staff of 2400 people, including three academicians and 7 double-hired academicians. It has approximately 1400 full-time faculty members, including 351 professors. The number of the current full-time undergraduates of GU is over 30000. The University has 27 colleges, offering 81undergraduate majors, doctoral degree programs in 3 Level-I disciplines, master degree programs in 26 Level-I and 95 Level-II disciplines as well as 9 professional Master’s degree programs, and is authorized to run 3 Post-Doctoral programs. All of its majors require students’ scores to be above the one for entering first-class universities in college entrance examination.

In the new age, the university is engaged in making a contribution to the community. The goal of the university is to mold itself as a comprehensive university with a characteristic and ranks in a leading position among the universities of similar type.

3 Introduction to University

Jishou University (JSU) is a public university in the western part of Hunan Province and the only comprehensive university in the border area of Hunan, Hubei, and Guizhou provinces. Founded in September 1958, the University is composed of two campuses in Jishou and Zhangjiajie cities, with the main campus in Jishou City, the capital city of Xiangxi .

In 2003, the university was entitled the right to confer master’s degrees. In October 2006, the university successfully passed the undergraduate education evaluation on regular institutions of higher learning organized by the Ministry of Education with a comment of “Excellent”. The year of 2012 saw the university rank among “universities of capacity construction project in mid-west”. At the same year, the university was approved to carry out “Ph. D program catering for special demands of our country”.

The university covers an area of 1.29 million square meters with the total building area of 600,000 square meters. Presently, the university has been equipped with various teaching and scientific researching instruments and equipments with a total value of over RMB 170 million as well as a book and literature collection of over 2.3million volumes. The university currently has over 1000 full-time teachers, of which 86% are provided with doctor’s or master’s degree.

At present, there are 70 undergraduate majors offered by the university, among which 3 are national characteristic majors, 8 are provincial characteristic majors. The university is now operating 1 Ph.D program catering for special demands of our county, 14 first-grade disciplines for master’ a degree, 1 professional master degree program and 1characteristic, advanced and key discipline, covering 11 main disciplines. In addition, there are 14 provincial and ministerial level key research bases, 1 national experimental teaching demonstration center, 5 provincial practice teaching demonstration centers.

The total number of students of various types is over 30,000, of which over 19,000 are full-time undergraduate students, over 800 are graduate students. The number of undergraduates in the independent college is almost 8,000, and that of adult diploma education students is over 7,000.

Over half a century, the university adheres to the educational philosophy of “Populace University”, regards it as its own duty to serve for the regional economic and social development, fulfills irreplaceable educational function in the west of Hunan and in the border area of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Guizhou provinces, forming distinguished schooling-running characteristics and being widely approved by all sectors of the society.

4 Introduction to North China University of Technology

North China University of Technology (NCUT), located on the western side of , is a multi-disciplinary university that combines the natural sciences and engineering with liberal arts, economics, management and law. Growing out of the former state-run Peking Advanced Vocational School of Technology, founded in1946, NCUT has undergone dramatic changes ever since. In 1978, with the approval of the State Council, NCUT began to offer full undergraduate degree programs. In 1985, it was renamed as the North China University of Technology. NCUT targets the development of qualified, high-level, application-oriented professionals with solid basic theoretical knowledge and strong practical skills and creative abilities. The university currently includes 8 colleges with an enrollment of over 10,200 undergraduate students, 1500 graduate students, 200 international students, and 2400 students studying at the College of Continuing Education. Within these colleges there are 32 undergraduate degree programs, 19 Primary Discipline Master Degree programs which focus on academic research with three years study, and 11 Professional Master Programs which focus on practice and application with two years study. NCUT has 1260 faculty and staff, which include 748 teaching faculty of whom 85% hold Master’s and Doctoral degrees.

A quality education is the university’s lifeline. Teaching is a primary focus at NCUT and the center of its activities, while the university also emphasizes the importance of research and the contribution research can make both to the educational environment and to address local and national needs. The undergraduate program offers a full range of undergraduate degrees; there are also numerous graduate degree programs, as well as continuing education programs. The academic education is complemented with moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic training in order to build well-rounded students prepared to meet the challenges of modern society.

To support its on-going research efforts, NCUT has established numerous research institutes, including a Computer Application Institute, Electrical Engineering Institute,Automation Control Institute,Intelligent Traffic Institute,Economic Law Institute,Management Institute, Jurisprudence Institute,Language and Culture Research Center, and an Architecture Design Institute. Professors associated with these institutes undertake many important national and international projects and have achieved national recognition and outstanding awards.

NCUT is also active internationally through over 30 cooperative partnerships and exchanges. Partnerships had been established with universities in the USA, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Australia and New Zealand and elsewhere. NCUT is qualified to accept international students, who may choose to study in short-term and long-term Chinese language programs or in undergraduate or master degree programs. NCUT students participate in study abroad programs with partner universities through exchange programs or degree-seeking programs.

In athletics, NCUT has award-winning baseball and softball teams. Since 1998, the baseball team has won championships for 5 years and visited Japan in 2000. The Softball team has won 2 championships. In addition, the male basketball team, male volleyball team, and female Ping Pong team have always been in top 3 among universities in Beijing.

The continuing trend toward globalization in higher education challenges NCUT, its faculty, staff, administrators, and students, to become even more attractive to the educational environment, through both teaching and research. The demands of globally competitive job markets, emerging technologies, and human factors demand that NCUT remain at the leading edge of developments in the sciences, technology, the arts, business, and the many other areas in which the university has built its reputation and expertise. The challenge is real but so are the commitment and the resources at NCUT to meet those challenges.



Cover Introduction to Central South University (CSU) Page 02 Cover Introduction to Guangzhou University (GU) Page 03 Cover Introduction to (JSU) Page 04 Introduction to North China University of Technology Cover (NCUT) Page 05 Final Program at a Glance Page 01 Quick Guide to Rooms for Keynote / Technical Page 02 Sessions Keynote Speeches Page 03

Technical Sessions and Papers Page 06

Conference Venue Page 08

Sponsors, Organizers, and Publishers Page 09



The 10th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Services Computing (APSCC 2016) Nov. 16-18, 2016

Zhangjiajie International Hotel No. 145, Sanjiaoping, Yongding District, Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China

Nov. 15 14:00-18:00 Registration, Reception 08:30-18:00 Opening, Keynote (1), Paper Presentation Nov. 16 12:30-14:00 Lunch 18:30-20:30 Dinner

08:30-17:30 Paper Presentation

Nov. 17 12:30-14:00 Lunch 18:30-20:30 Banquet 08:30-12:00 Keynote (2,3) Nov. 18 12:00-14:00 Lunch

Organized by: Central South University, Guangzhou University, Jishou University, North China University of Technology


Quick Guide to Rooms for Keynote/Technical Sessions

Room Number Room Name Floor

Grand Hall Room 1 2 (多功能厅) Guoyan Hall Room 2 2 (国宴厅) Xiangjiang Hall Room 3 2 (湘江厅) Zijiang Hall Room 4 2 (资江厅) Lishui Hall Room 5 2 (澧水厅)


The 10th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Services Computing (APSCC 2016)

Keynote 1: Services Computing - A Research Agenda for the Next 10 Years

Speaker: Prof. Schahram Dustdar, The TU Wien, Austria Chair: Yanbo Han, North China University of Technology, China 09:00-10:00, November 16, 2016 (Wednesday)

About the Keynote Speaker

Prof. Schahram Dustdar is Full Professor of Computer Science and head of The Distributed Systems Group at the TU Wien, Austria. From 2004-2010 he was Honorary Professor of Information Systems at the Department of Computing Science at the University of Groningen (RuG), The Netherlands. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, ACM Transactions on the Web, and ACM Transactions on Internet Technology and on the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing and IEEE Computer. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Computing (Springer). Dustdar is recipient of the ACM Distinguished Scientist award (2009), the IBM Faculty Award (2012), a member of the Academia Europaea: The Academy of Europe, and an IEEE Fellow (2016).


In this talk I will discuss challenges ahead in the field of Services Computing. I will explore the major obstacles that hinder the development and potential realization of Services Computing in the real world, propose research directions, and discuss a roadmap guiding advancement in Services Computing, Social computing, and the Internet of Things.


The 10th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Services Computing (APSCC 2016)

Keynote 2: Algorithmic Crowdsourcing: Current State and Future Perspective

Speaker: Prof. Jie Wu, Temple University, USA Chair: Wenjun Jiang, , China 09:00-10:00, November 18, 2016 (Friday)

About the Keynote Speaker

Prof. Jie Wu is the Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. He also serves as the Chair and Laura H. Carnell professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Prior to joining Tempe University, he was a program director at the National Science Foundation and was a distinguished professor at Florida Atlantic University. His current research interests include mobile computing and wireless networks, routing protocols, cloud and green computing, network trust and security, and social network applications. Dr. Wu regularly publishes in scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books. He serves on several editorial boards, including IEEE Transactions on Service Computing and the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Dr. Wu was general co-chair/chair for IEEE MASS 2006, IEEE IPDPS 2008, IEEE ICDCS 2013, and ACM MobiHoc 2014, as well as program co-chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2011 and CCF CNCC 2013. He was an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor, ACM Distinguished Speaker, and chair for the IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP). Dr. Wu is a CCF Distinguished Speaker and a Fellow of the IEEE. He is the recipient of the 2011 China Computer Federation (CCF) Overseas Outstanding Achievement Award.


This talk gives a survey of crowdsourcing applications, with a focus on algorithmic solutions. The recent search for Malaysia flight 370 is used first as a motivational example. Fundamental issues in crowdsourcing, in particular, incentive mechanisms for paid crowdsourcing, and algorithms and theory for crowdsourced problem-solving, are then reviewed. Several applications of algorithmic crowdsourcing applications are discussed in detail, with a focus on big data. The talk also discusses several on-going projects on crowdsourcing at Temple University.


The 10th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Services Computing (APSCC 2016)

Keynote 3: Architecture Consideration for Big Data Processing

Speaker: Dr. Hai Jin, Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Chair: Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia 10:30-11:30, November 18, 2016 (Friday)

About the Keynote Speaker

Dr. Hai Jin is a Cheung Kung Scholars Chair Professor of computer science and engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in China. Jin received his PhD in computer engineering from HUST in 1994. In 1996, he was awarded a German Academic Exchange Service fellowship to visit the Technical University of Chemnitz in Germany. Jin worked at The University of Hong Kong between 1998 and 2000, and as a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California between 1999 and 2000. He was awarded Excellent Youth Award from the National Science Foundation of China in 2001. Jin is the chief scientist of ChinaGrid, the largest grid computing project in China, and the chief scientists of National 973 Basic Research Program Project of Virtualization Technology of Computing System, and Cloud Security.Jin is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of the ACM. He has co-authored 15 books and published over 600 research papers. His research interests include computer architecture, virtualization technology, cluster computing and cloud computing, peer-to-peer computing, network storage, and network security.


With emerging of big data, the processing speed for the data is one of the key issues for big data technology. One of the efficient way to handle the velocity of data is putting all the data in the memory. But traditional memory, DRAM, consumes a large amount of energy and cost to build a large memory system. In recent years, lots of non-volatile memory devices, such as phase change memory (PCM), are studied to be part of memory. We call these storage class memory (SCM). Combing traditional memory and SCM together to build a large hybrid memory space is becoming one of the energy-efficient way to extend the traditional in-memory computing system into a new level, to handle large quality of data in real time. In this talk, we will discuss this new in-memory computing system from different aspects and some challenges in this new system. We will also report some ongoing effort in China to build this hybrid memory-based in-memory computing system, and some latest advances in this area.


A. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN APSCC 2016 The 10th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Services Computing (APSCC 2016)

Session 1: Big Data I, 10:30-12:10, November 16 (Wednesday), Room 3 Chair: Jianbin Li, Central South University, China A Data Cleaning Method on Massive Spatio-temporal Data Weilong Ding and Yaqi Cao A Lightweight Model for Stream Sensor Data Service Shen Su, Zhongmei Zhang, Chen Liu and Yanbo Han An Event Grouping Approach for Infinite Stream with Differential Privacy Mian Cheng, Yipin Sun, Baokang Zhao and Jinshu Su Mixed Interactive Environment with Collaborative Information System Charles Liu and Manolya Kavakli Exploring Body Constitution in Traditional Chinese Medicine with K-means Clustering Yinglong Dai, Yinong Long and Guojun Wang

Session 2: Mobile Services, 14:00-15:20, November 16 (Wednesday), Room 3 Chair: Kijun Han, Kyungpook National University, Korea A Fast Adaptive Frequency Hopping Scheme Mitigating the Effect of Interference in Bluetooth Low Energy Networks Yongtak Yoon, Changsu Jung, Jihun Seo, Jilong Li, Jinbae Kim, Seungpyo Jin, Nathali Silva and Kijun Han Data Cost Optimization for Wireless Data Transmission Service Providers in Virtualized Wireless Networks Yuansheng Luo and Kun Yang Spectrum allocation Based on Gaussian - Cauchy mutation Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Zhe Qin, Jiaqi Liu, Zhigang Chen, Lin Guo and Ling Huang Game Theory Based Interference Control Approach in 5G Ultra-dense Heterogeneous Networks Xin Gu, Xiaoyong Zhang, Zhuofu Zhou, Yijun Cheng and Jun Peng

Session 3: Big Data II, 16:15-17:40, November 16 (Wednesday), Room 3 Chair: Tao Peng, Central South University, China Optimizational Methods for Index Construction on Big Graphs Peiyang Li, Xia Xie, Hai Jin, Hanhua Chen and Xijiang Ke Frequent Subgraph Mining in Graph Databases based on MapReduce Kai Wang, Xia Xie, Hai Jin, Pingpeng Yuan, Feng Lu and Xijiang Ke A Distributed Algorithm for Balanced Hypergraph Partitioning Wenyin Yang, Guojun Wang, Li Ma and Shiyang Wu A Density Peak Cluster Model of High-dimensional Data Cong Jin, Xi Xie and Fei Hu An Unsupervised Method for Linking Entity Mentions In Chinese Text Xu Jing, Gan Liang, Zhou Bin and Wu Quanyuan

Session 4: Service Recommendation I, 09:00-10:00, November 17 (Thursday), Room 3 Chair: Eduard Babulak, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Combining Social Balance Theory and Collaborative Filtering for Service Recommendation in Sparse Environment Lianyong Qi Using Relational Topic Model and Factorization Machines to Recommend Web APIs for Mashup Creation Buqing Cao, Min Shi, Xiaoqing Liu, Jianxun Liu and Mingdong Tang DHMRF: A Dynamic Hybrid Movie Recommender Framework Xiangyong Liu, Guojun Wang, Wenjun Jiang and Yinong Long

Session 5: Social Service, 08:40-10:00, November 17 (Thursday), Room 5 Chair: Chunming Hu, Beihang University, China Maximizing the Spread of Positive Influence in Signed Social Networks under Multi-state Attitudes Model Feng Wang and Guojun Wang Appropriate feature selection and post-processing for the recognition of artificial pornographic images in social networks Fang-Fang Li and Jian-Bin Li COPO: a novel position-adaptive method for smartphone-based human activity recognition

6 Changhai Wang, Yuwei Xu, Jianzhong Zhang and Wenping Yu A Calibration-Free Crowdsourcing-based Indoor Localization Solution JieYin, Xinxin Zhang, Miao Lu and Ying Wu

Session 6: Cloud Computing I, 10:30-11:50, November 17 (Thursday), Room 3 Chair: Qin Liu, Hunan University, China A Comparison and Improvement of Hadoop MapReduce Performance Prediction Models in the Private Cloud Nini Wang, Jian Yang, Zhihui Lu, Xiaoyan Li and Jie Wu A Novel Analysis of Big Data Platform with OpenStack and Hadoop Xiaoyan Li, Nini Wang, Zhihui Lu and Jie Wu Efficient Data Collection in Sensor-Cloud System with Multiple Mobile Sinks Yang Li, Tian Wang, Guojun Wang, Junbin Liang and Hongyu Chen Genetic Based Data Placement for Geo-distributed Data-intensive Applications in Cloud Computing Weifeng Fan, Jun Peng and Xiaoyong Zhang

Session 7: Service Recommendation II, 10:30-11:50, November 17 (Thursday), Room 5 Chair: Shen Su, North China University of Technology, China Multi-Relation based Manifold Ranking Algorithm for API Recommendation Fenfang Xie, Jianxun Liu, Mingdong Tang, Dong Zhou, Buqing Cao and Min Shi Cross-Domain Tourist Service Recommendation through Combinations of Explicit and Latent Features Mingliang Qi, Jian Cao and Yudong Tan Passenger Prediction in Shared Accounts for Flight Service Recommendation Yafeng Zhao, Jian Cao and Yudong Tan Recommending a Personalized Sequence of Pick-up Points Yizhi Liu, Jianxun Liu, Jianjun Wang, Zhuhua Liao and Mingdong Tang

Session 8: Cloud Computing II, 14:00-15:00, November 17 (Thursday), Room 3 Chair: Chen Liu, North China University of Technology, China Energy Optimization by Flow Routing Algorithm in Data Center Network Satisfying Deadline Requirement Qianqian Zhang, Xiaoyong Zhang, Jun Peng, Yeru Zhao, Kaiyang Liu and Shuo Li A Performance Study of Containers in Cloud Environment Bowen Ruan, Song Wu and Hai Jin Prediction of Virtual Networks Substrata Failures Baker Alrubaiey and Prof. Jemal Abawajy

Session 9: Service Composition, 15:30-17:10, November 17 (Thursday), Room 3 Chair: Weifeng Fan, Central South University, China Freshness-aware Data Service Mashups Guiling Wang and Shuo Zhang A Service Composition Method through Multiple User-centric Views Huayong Luo, Weilong Ding and Sheng Gui Selecting Contract-oriented Skyline Services for Service Composition Haifang Wang, Pengfei Liu, Zhongjie Wang and Xiaofei Xu A Multi-Granularity Service Composition Model Based On Granular Computing Yanmei Zhang, Yu Qiao and Zhao Liu Sufficient and necessary conditions to decide compatibility for simple circuit inter-organization workflow nets Leifeng He, Guanjun Liu and Mimi Wang


Map of Conference Venue

Zhangjiajie International Hotel, Zhangjiajie, China - A Quasi Five-Star Hotel (张家界国际大酒店) Address: 145 Sanjiao Ping, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China

Public Transportation

(1) From Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport (also called Dayong Airport, IATA code: DYG) to Zhangjiajie International Hotel: Take a taxi (around RMB40); or first take a bus #4 (get off at BIANMAO station), then take a bus #2 (get off at SANJIAOPING station), then walk around 600m to the hotel; Similar for the return trip.

张家界荷花国际机场到张家界国际大酒店:大约 8 公里,乘坐 4 路公交车到边贸,再转乘 2 路公交车到三角 坪,再步行 600 米到酒店,或乘坐的士(约 40 元);返程类似。

(2) From Zhangjiajie Railway Station to Zhangjiajie International Hotel: Take a taxi (around RMB35-40); or take a bus #6 (get off at SANJIAOPING station), then walk around 600m to the hotel; Similar for the return trip.

张家界火车站到张家界国际大酒店:大约 10 公里,乘坐 6 路公交车到三角坪,再步行 600 米到酒店,或乘 坐的士(约 35-40 元);返程类似。


APSCC 2016 Sponsors and Organizers