Calendar of Documents

Documents purchased by the Family History Society for donation to the Berkshire Record Office.

Information extracted by Peter Francis and prepared for presentation by Colin Liebenrood.

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Calendar of Documents in Box 1

Bundle 1, Cat. No. 152 Indenture re sale of property in Fifield Lane, Bray, Brks dated 1641. parties to the sale Mathew PETEFER, gent of, Chipping Wiccombe, Co. Bkm Thomas LANE, yeo. of, Marlow, Bkm Richard HOBBS, yeo. of, West Wiccombe, Brks Randolf PAGE, gent of, Bray, Brks owners of adjoining land John MILLS John PEETERS Robert CURTIS solicitor John WHITFIELD witnesses Bartholomew MONTAGUE Henrie OSBORNE John TURNER Edmun ROSE Hugh DARRELL

Bundle 2, Cat. No. 153 Indenture re release of property in Fifield, Bray, Brks dated 1679. parties to the agreement Wm CURTIS, gent of, St Paul, Covent Garden, Mdx Richd CURTIS, of, St Dunstan in the West, Ldn Wm LOVELL, butcher of, Bray, Brks former owner Simon PETERS, of, Fifield Tything, Bray past and present owners of adjoining land William SMITH, gent. Robert CURTIS, father of William CURTIS John CHAMBERS Widow MILLS Thomas SOUTHEY Thomas FLETCHER Thomas TENDALL, shoemaker George KEENE, bricklayer of, Fifield Street, Bray Bartholomew MONTAGUE Thomas BENELL, bricklayer John PASMORE, milwright Robert PASMORE John PAGE

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Bundle 3, Cat. No. 154 Counterpart lease for 7 years, for house and land in Sulhampstead Bannister, Brks dated 1707. parties to agreement Francis LODER, carpenter of, Faccombe, Co. Southampton Thos ASTRIDGE, yeoman of, Sulhampstead Bannister, Brks witnesses Samll BEVER John HONEYWELL J HUDSON

Bundle 4, Cat. No. 155 Renewal of lease for 10 years, for house and land in Eaton Hastings, Brks (previous lease dated 1703) dated 1710. parties to agreement Thomas HORDE, Esq of, Coate, Bampton, Oxf Mary HORDE, his wife Wm TRINDER, yeo. of, Eaton Hastings, Brks Daniel TRINDER, his father, yeo. of, Eaton Hastings, Brks Mary TRINDER, his wife

Bundle 5, Cat. No. 156 Land not included in purchase above, already sold.

Bundle 6, Cat. No. 157 Copy of Bishop of Court Roll, Brightwell Manor, Brk dated 1747. parties to agreement Henry FLUDGER, the elder, gentleman, Brightwell and Sotwell, Brks Mary MATHEWS, widow William TOOVEY, gentleman, her attorney Blackall KERBY, otherwise Lirlin, deceased James KERBY former owners William READ Walter BECKINSALL executed by John CHOLWELL, clerk to Bishop of Linton

Bundle 7, Cat. No. 158 Copy of Court Roll, Brightwell manor, Brks dated 1754.

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 parties to agreement William FLUDGER John COX George KEANE Richard TOOVEY, gentleman Elizabeth LEAVER, widow James LEAVER past and present owners of adjoining land John ELDRIDGE Zachariah KEANE executed by John CHOLWELL, clerk to Bishop of Linton

Bundle 8, Cat. No. 159 Indenture to assign land south side of Ort Lane, now called Ort Street, Reading dated 1793. parties to the agreement Robt MICKLEM, (Mayor of Reading), Reading John PERREY, bricklayer, Reading Edward EDGERLEY, carpenter, Hurley, Brks Peter William FRENCH, chymist, Reading witnesses Edward LAYTON Richard LAYTON

Bundle 9, Cat. No. 160 Release and conveyance of sale , Brks dated 1821. George CLEARE, cyder merchant, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks John ROBERTS, gent. trustee for Joseph HORWOOD yeo. Of Shottesbrook, Brks, Wokingham, Brks former owner William NEWBURY, uncle of Elizabeth BAILEY, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Robert NEWBURY, his brother owners of adjoining land John MILWARD William BECKFORD Francis WIGHTWICK William BAILEY witnesses W B TRICKEY B G WALKER, Wokingham, Brks

Bundle 10, Cat. No. 161 2nd copy of 160, not purchased.

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Bundle 11, Cat. No. 162 Agreement in Kings Court, Westminster relating to Waltham St Lawrence, Brks dated 1832. Edward BISHOP, plaintiff, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks George CHANDLER Ann CHANDLER, wife of George Samuel GROVES William GROVES Eliz. GROVES, wife of William

Bundle 12, Cat. No. 163 conveyance of sale of land bordering Road, Southlake Row, Waltham St Lawrence dated 1854. parties to agreement Charles STEPHENS, Esq, Earley Court, Reading, Brks Richard DARVALL, baker, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks George DARVALL, baker, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks parties to earlier indenture Jane WATLING Thomas William GODDARD William GODDARD Charles STEPHENS John Jackson BLANDY parties earlier agreements (1st Schedule) indenture 1 William MARTIN William BURRETT David GREENER William GODDARD Charles BROWN parties earlier agreements (1st Schedule) indenture 2 William GODDARD Elizabeth BALL parties earlier agreements (1st Schedule) indenture 3 William GODDARD Elizabeth BALL Jane WATLING parties earlier agreements (1st Schedule) indenture 4 Jane WATLING Thomas William GODDARD William GODDARD Charles STEPHENS John Jackson BLANDY copy of court roll parties William GODDARD Francis SOAMES, his attorney Charles STEPHENS

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 parties to earlier agreements (2nd Schedule) indenture 1 Mary DORRELL John NEALE William MARTIN James SMITH parties to earlier agreements (2nd Schedule) indenture 2 William STEPHENS William CANDELL William GODDARD Francis SOAMES parties to earlier agreements (2nd Schedule) indenture 3 James WHITFIELD Elizabeth WHITFIELD George WHITFIELD William WHITFIELD Thomas HALFACRE Sarah HALFACRE, wife of Thomas Leonard KEYS William GODDARD James SMITH Charles BROWN copy of court roll - parties William GODDARD indenture - parties Mary Ann PHILLIPS William Gray Hyndman WHISH William GODDARD John Henry MICKLEM William GODDARD James SMITH George CROCKFORD Sarah CROCKFORD Thomas William GODDARD Francis SOAMES James HORWOOD John SHARP William GODDARD Samuel LORD copy of court roll - parties William GODDARD indenture - parties James CANDELL Thomas William GODDARD Francis SOAMES copy of court roll - parties Thomas William GODDARD James CANDELL witnesses W J BLANDY, solr., Reading, Berks.

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Chas. STEVENS Joseph WHATLEY, solicitor, Reading Thos. CHANDLER, clerk to Messers Whatley and Dryland, Reading

Bundle 13, Cat. No. 164 conveyance of sale of ” Fullers”, Waltham St Lawrence dated 1860. parties to the agreement John SMITHIES, gentleman, widower, 3 Perkins Street, Coventry, County of Warwick Frederick BAILEY, builder, Waltham St Lawrence, Berks former owners Timothy DAFTER John KENTFIELD James DODD Richard SHURMAN John CANDELL James LUNN Edward BISHOP, deceased no right of dower witnesses J W SMITH, solr., John SMITHIES Wm SPARROW, clerk to Mr Jas.Wn. SMITH

Bundle 14, Cat. No. 165 Indenture of sale of land between GWR and river Kennet, east of Theale station, Brks dated 1888. parties to agreement Philip Lybbe Powys LYBBE, Esquire, Hardwick House, Oxf Samuel DRAKE, watchmaker, Reading, Brks owners of adjoining land John Henry BLAGRAVE, Esquire F HOLMDEN witness Hamilton FULLER[?], Sol., Salisbury

Bundle 15, Cat. No. 166.1 Will extract from PCC Canterbury dated 1800/1802. John WADE, yeoman, of Nunhead, Camberwell, Surrey bequests to Samual WADE, nephew of John WADE Giles WADE, nephew of John WADE, left property in South Street, Peckham Richard WADE, nephew of John WADE, left the ”Green dragon” in Peckham Rye William WADE, nephew of John WADE, left property in North Row, Middlesex James WADE, nephew of John WADE Giles WINCH, nephew of John WADE, of Waltham St Lawrence, Brks

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 John WINCH, of Nunhead, Camberwell, Surrey Charles SUTTON, of Nunhead, Camberwell, Surrey Sarah SHIRLEY, child of the late Henry SHIRLEY, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Henry SHIRLEY, child of the late Henry SHIRLEY, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Giles SHIRLEY, child of the late Henry SHIRLEY, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Ann SHIRLEY, child of the late Henry SHIRLEY, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Alice GRAY, wife of William GRAY, of Meeting House Lane Ann DAY, of Peckham, Surrey Mary WILKS, her sister John DEPROSE John WADE, son of nephew John WADE, born 3/1/1800, left property in Nunhead, Camberwell, Surrey (executor) John WADE, nephew of John WADE

Bundle 16, Cat. No. 166.2 Lease (for one year) dated 1824. Charlotte FOSTER, widow, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks James FOSTER, gentleman, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks William FISHER, Thavies Inn, City of John James Joseph SUDLOW, Thavies Inn, City of London John BIGGS, gentleman, Reading also mentioned John FOSTER, deceased Lord BRAYBROOKE Richard GREENER, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Joseph WADE, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks

Bundle 17, Cat. No. 166.3 Deed of Release in fee to make a tenant dated 1824. Charlotte FOSTER, nee RODD, widow of James FOSTER, see line below, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks James FOSTER, gentleman, born c.1796, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks William FISHER, gentleman, Thavies Inn, City of London John James Joseph SUDLOW, gentleman, Thavies Inn, City of London John BIGGS, gentleman, Reading parties to an earlier marriage agreement James FOSTER, yeoman, deceased (died 1796), father of James, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks James FOSTER, married Charlotte RODD December 1793 Charlotte RODD, married James FOSTER December 1793 William FOSTER, yeoman, deceased, father of James, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks; Shottesbrook Mary FOSTER, wife of William, deceased, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Constance FOSTER, deceased, mother of James, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks John MILLER, yeoman, father of Constance, deceased, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Sarah FOSTER, wife of James FOSTER, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks John FOSTER, yeoman, son of James FOSTER, died c. 1824, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks Jenny PARSLOW, spinster, intended wife of John FOSTER, Sonning, Berks Charles ROUND, yeoman, deceased, Henley on Thames, Oxford Henry BENWELL, yeoman, Caversham, Oxford

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 previous land owners Richard FINCHER, Esquire Robert WINCH John SHANK William HOLLOWAY John GREENER William BAKER Patience BAKER Jane HUTTLE Thomas MATTINGLEY William MATTINGLEY William MILLER

Bundle 18, Cat. No. 166.4 Lease for 1 year dated 1826. Mrs Charlotte FOSTER, widow, late of Waltham St Lawrence, now of Chelsea James FOSTER, gentleman, late of Waltham St Lawrence, now of Whitley, Reading David ROBERTSON, Esq. doctor of physics, late of Winchester Place, Pentonville, now of Pembroke, Wales current and previous owners of this and adjacent land John FOSTER, grandfather of James FOSTER Lord BRAYBROOKE Richard GREENER John WADE Elizabeth KNIGHT Joseph SMITH Charles CALVERLY Henry SMITH William COLLISON William HATCH Thomas HERBERT Richard KNIFE Peter WHITFIELD

Bundle 19, Cat. No. 166.5 Abstract of title - Waltham St Lawrence dated 1829. parties to the title Mrs C FOSTER Mr James FOSTER, her son previous owners of land Constance FOSTER, who died in 1740 Jane FIELD, her daughter, a widow, John RICKARDS, keeper, Warfield Jane RICKARDS, his wife, daughter of Jane FIELD John FOSTER, gent., Waltham St Lawrence James FOSTER, gent., only son of William FOSTER and Constance, and grandson of William FOSTER, Waltham St Lawrence

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Bundle 20, Cat. No. 167.1 167.1 Schedule of title deeds, Waltham St Lawrence, Brks dated 1818. parties to the agreement John KING, Winkfield Row, Brks Joseph HORWOOD, conducted in the manor court of , by Rt Hon Richard Aldworth GRIFFIN, Lord Braybrooke, Lord of the Manor Isaac Samuel CLAMTREE, steward of the manor parties to deed of covenant James HORWOOD, Golders Farm, Henley on Thames Anna Margaret Hester VOWE, Cranford Rise, Maidenhead the land occupied by Henry HEWETT, South Lake, Waltham St Lawrence parties to deed of covenant James HORWOOD William Isaac PALMER deed of enfranchisemant made by Rt Hon Lord WENLOCK Hugh NEVILLE Rt Hon Charles CORNWALLIS, Lord Braybrooke James HORWOOD parties to indenture of conveyance James HORWOOD Lansdowne BEALE

Bundle 21, Cat. No. 167.2 Copy of court roll of manor of Wargrave, tything of Southlake dated 1818. James HORWOOD, yeoman, Shottesbrook in place of John KING conducted in the manor court of Wargrave, by Rt Hon Richard Aldworth GRIFFIN, Lord Braybrooke, Lord of the manor Isaac Samuel CLAMTREE, Esq., Steward of the manor

Bundle 22, Cat. No. 167.3 Copy of court roll of manor of Wargrave, at the same sitting as the above dated 1818. James HORWOOD, yeoman conducted in the manor court of Wargrave, by Rt Hon Richard Aldworth GRIFFIN, Lord Braybrooke, Lord of the manor Isaac Samuel CLAMTREE, Esq., Steward of the manor

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Bundle 23, Cat. No. 167.4 Deed of covenant and mortgage. James HORWOOD, Golder’s farm, Henley on Thames Anna Margaret Hester VOWE, spinster, Cranford Rise , Maidenhead property occupied by Henry HEWITT, Tything of Southlake

Bundle 24, Cat. No. 167.5 copy of court roll of manor of Waltham St Lawrence dated 1879. James HORWOOD, gentleman, who died 17th June 1876, Waltham St Lawrence Richard HORWOOD, son of the above James HORWOOD James HORWOOD, son of the above James HORWOOD property occupied by Henry HEWITT, Southlake admittance as tenant James HORWOOD, Golder’s, Henley on Thames

Bundle 25, Cat. No. 167.6 Copy of court roll of manor of Waltham St Lawrence dated 1879. James HORWOOD, farmer, Golder’s farm, Henley on Thames steward of the manor Madgwick Spicer DAVIDSON, gentleman purchaser of land Anna Margaret Hester VOWE, spinster, Cranford Rise , Maidenhead land occupied by Henry HEWITT

Bundle 26, Cat. No. 167.7 Request for entry into the court roll of the manor of Waltham St Lawrence, Tything of Southlake dated 1880. reversion of conditional surrender by Anna Margaret Hester VOWE, spinster, Cranford Rise , Maidenhead to James HORWOOD, Golder’s Farm, Henley on Thames solicitor F A JONES, Maidenhead

Bundle 27, Cat. No. 167.8 Mortgage, Tything of Southlake dated 1880. loan of £1000 to James HORWOOD, Golder’s Farm, Henley on Thames

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 from William Isaac PALMER, gentleman, Reading tenant Henry HEWITT

Bundle 28, Cat. No. 167.9 Copy of court roll of manor of Waltham St Lawrence, Tything of Southlake dated 1880. conditional surrender by James HORWOOD, Golder’s Farm, Henley on Thames to William Isaac PALMER, gentleman, Reading tenant Henry HEWITT, Tything of Southlake steward of the manor Madgwick Spicer DAVIDSON

Bundle 29, Cat. No. 167.1 Request for entry into the court roll of the manor of Waltham St Lawrence dated 1891. William Isaac PALMER, gentleman, Reading to James HORWOOD, Golder’s Farm, Henley on Thames witnessed by John DODD, solicitor, Reading enrolled by Arthur DAVIDSON, deputy steward, 29 Spring Gardens

Bundle 30, Cat. No. 167.11 Deed of Enfranchisement of the copyholds of the manor of Waltham St Lawrence dated 1891. Rt Hon BEILBY, Baron Wenlock, Wenlock, Salop Hugh NEVILLE, Esquire, Butleigh Court, Glastonbury, Somerset Rt Hon Charles CORNWALLIS, Baron Braybrooke, Braybrooke, Northamptonshire James HORWOOD, farmer, Wingfield Row, Bracknell tenant Henry HEWITT, Tything of Southlake witness for Braybrooke Henry C WEBB, steward, Audley End, Saffron Walden, Essex William Lincoln BUTLER, Audley End, Saffron Walden, Essex witness for Wenlock J D REES, Madras Civil Service, L.D.V.S. Club, 16 St James Square, SW Richard T LAWLEY, Captain 7th Hussars, Army and Navy Club, London SW

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 witness for Neville R Donne HANCOCK, barrister at law, 1 Ham Court, Temple J I G HAMILTON, barrister at law, 5 Pump Court, Temple

Bundle 31, Cat. No. 168.1 Copy of probate of Charles Geach dated 1854. Charles GEACH, Member of Parliament, Park Street, Westminster bequests to Eliza Lucy GEACH, wife Charles Skally GEACH, son, executor and trustee Samuel BEALE, friend, merchant, executor and trustee, Russell Square, Westminster George GEACH, brother Grace G GEACH, sister Sarah SANDERS, sister Ann Maria Patience GEACH, sister Sophia GEACH, sister Caroline GEACH, daughter Robert Garland GEACH, son, (trustee) William John BEALE, gentleman (trustee), Birmingham Howard GEACH, son John SKALLY, father in law Caroline SKALLY, sister in law witnesses William SWAIN, Queens Square, Westminster W. John BEALE, solicitor, Birmingham

Bundle 32, Cat. No. 168.2 Extract from court roll of manor of Waltham St Lawrence dated 1864. admission of Honourable Mrs Frances Elizabeth Henley TUCKER, widow, Waltham St. Lawrence, Berks her attorney William RACE, gentleman, 8 John Street, Bedford Row, Middlesex steward of the manor Madgwick Spicer DAVIDSON, gentleman, 18 Spring Gardens, Westminster land bounded by land held by Charles SIMMONDS William SMITH William MARTIN surrendered by William BEARD, (held since 1846)

Bundle 33, Cat. No. 168.3 Copyhold Commision record, Benhams Heath, Waltham St. Lawrence dated 1870. purchaser William Lansdowne BEALE, Waltham St Lawrence, Berks.

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Bundle 34, Cat. No. 168.4 Indenture dated 1871. Charles GEACH, MP, Park Street, Westminster parties to agreements Eliza Lucy GEACH, (widow of Charles GEACH), Binfield Lodge, Berkshire Samuel BEALE, Esquire (trustee of the estate), Warfield Grove William John BEALE, gentleman, Birmingham Howard GEACH, Esquire (groom, son of Charles GEACH), New University club, St James Street, Westminster Emily Ann PRICE, spinster (bride), Binfield Lodge, Binfield, Berkshire trustee of the estate Charles Skally GEACH, (son of Charles GEACH) witness James L BEALE, sol., 28 Great George Street, Westminster C M PAYNE, clerk to Messrs Beale & Co., 28 Great George Street, Westminster

Bundle 35, Cat. No. 168.5 Indenture dated 1875. Charles GEACH, MP, Park Street, Westminster dated October 1854, concerning changes in the trustees Eliza Lucy GEACH, (widow of Charles GEACH), Binfield Lodge, Berkshire William John BEALE, Esquire, previous trustee, who resigned the charge, ex Birmingham, now Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater William Lansdowne BEALE, Esquire, new trustee, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire Robert Gichard GEACH, Esquire (son of Charles GEACH), new trustee of the estate, Crag Wood, Rawdon, West Riding of Yorkshire Charles Skally GEACH, (son of Charles GEACH), died 1864 Samuel BEALE, (friend of Charles GEACH and previous trustee of the estate) died 1874 Caroline GEACH, (daughter of Charles GEACH), who later married William Lansdowne BEALE in 1857 Howard GEACH, (son of Charles Geach) Emily Ann PRICE, spinster (wife of Howard Geach)

Bundle 36, Cat. No. 168.6 Rough calculations re estate of Charles GEACH dated 1877. Charles GEACH, Park Street, Westminster widow [unreadable] Mrs SANDERS Miss Anna GEACH R G GEACH, trustee of Mrs W L BEALE and of Howard GEACH Henry SARGENT I WATNEY, jun. Esquire, MP, executor of C S GEACH W L BEALE, executor of C S GEACH, trustee of Howard GEACH

Bundle 37, Cat. No. 168.7 Agreement for sale and purchase of landin Binhams Heath, Waltham St Lawrence dated 1877.

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Vendors William James COLLIER, Esquire, Petworth, Sussex Richard HADGATE, Esquire, Addlestone, Surrey (devisees in trust under will of ) Thomas Blake LABOSTE, deceased, Chertsey, Surrey Purchaser Alfred HORWOOD, farmer, Beenham Farm, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire adjacent land owners Francis WIGHTWICH, Esquire, on the east Lord BRAYBROOKE, on the south and west

Bundle 38, Cat. No. 168.8 Legacy receipts, Inland Revenue (2 copies), two years apart dated 1877, 1879. Charles GEACH, Park Street, Westminster executors Robert Gichard GEACH, manufacturer, Bradford, Yorks. Henry SARGENT, barrister at law, 2 Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn legatees Charles Skally GEACH, son, deceased Caroline BEALE, daughter Howard GEACH, son Robert Gichard GEACH, son Miss Anna GEACH, age 63 Mrs SANDERS, age 72

Bundle 39, Cat. No. 168.9 Legacy receipt, Inland Revenue dated 1877. Charles GEACH, Park Street, Westminster executors Robert Gichard GEACH, manufacturer, Bradford, Yorks. Henry SARGENT, barrister at law, 2 Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn legatees Charles Skally GEACH, son, deceased Caroline BEALE, daughter Howard GEACH, son Robert Gichard GEACH, son Miss Anna GEACH, (attached letter gives her age as 62 and abode), 12 Cheltenham Place, Plymouth Mrs Sarah GEACH, sister of Anna GEACH (attached letter gives her age as 71 and abode), St Austell, Cornwell

Bundle 40, Cat. No. 168.1 Conveyance dated 1878. vendor Alfred HORWOOD, farmer, Beenham Farm, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 purchaser Arthur Geach BEALE, gentleman, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire adjacent land owners Francis WIGHTWICH, Esquire, on the east Lord BRAYBROOKE, on the south and west

Bundle 41, Cat. No. 168.11 Memorandum of agreement for lease of land - Chipps Meadow, Dukes Meadow & Allotment Meadow, Waltham St Lawrence dated 1878. parties to agreement William Lansdowne BEALE, Esquire, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire The Honorable Frances Elizabeth Henley TUCKER, widow, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire

Bundle 42, Cat. No. 168.12 Declaration of right of ownership, free of encumberance of land near Hammonds Wood dated 1878. declarer The Honorable Frances Elizabeth Henley TUCKER, widow, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire previous owners James LOADER, who surrendered ownership to her, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire previous tenants and owners James ALLEN, and Anna Ledway ALLEN Robert Benjamin HICKEY adjacent land owners William TICKNER, on the east and in part to the south George HEWITT, in part to the south Lord BRAYBROOKE, on the west Commisioner of Oath Thos H STRANGEWAYS, (Supreme Court of Justice), 8 John Street, Bedford Row, Middlesex

Bundle 43, Cat. No. 168.13 Appointment of new trustee dated 1880. Robert Gichard GEACH, manufacturer, late of Crag Wood Royden, near Leeds, now of 2 Edinburgh Terrace, Kensington William Lansdowne BEALE, Esquire, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire testator Charles GEACH, Esquire, late of Park Street, Westminster trustees named Charles Skally GEACH, son of Charles GEACH Esquire, and a trustee, who died 18 August 1864 Samuel BEALE, friend of Charles GEACH and a trustee who died 11 September 1874 Robert Gichard GEACH, appointed as a new trustee 31 January 1866 Henry SARGENT, barrister at law, appointed as a new trustee 4 April 1875, died 6 April 1880, Lincolns Inn William Lansdowne BEALE, appointed new trustee 1 October 1880

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 witnesses C M PAYNE, accountant, 28 Gt. George Street, Westminster James S BEALE, solicitor, 28 Gt. George Street, Westminster

Bundle 44, Cat. No. 168.14 Notes re marriage settlement (2 copies) dated 3/11/1886. Robert Gichard GEACH William Lansdowne BEALE testator Charles GEACH, deceased parties to indenture Arthur Geach BEALE Constance Edmonstone EDMONSTONE MONTGOMERIE Charles Henry SARGENT Willam Edmonstone EDMONSTONE MONTGOMERIE

Bundle 45, Cat. No. 168.15 Copy of letter re Land Tax dated 7/2/1893. W L BEALE, Esquire, Manor House

Bundle 46, Cat. No. 168.16 Indenture re transfer of documents dated 4/10/1893. parties to agreements Henry HEWETT, brewer, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire William Lansdowne BEALE, Esquire, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire refers to a previous indenture dated 2/10/1893 reference to a previous indenture dated 2/10/1893: parties concerned Laura HORE William Lansdowne BEALE conveyance parties Charles STEPHENS, conveyance dated 2 May 1857 and Susannah PIERCE, conveyance dated 2 May 1857 & 3 May 1872 Robert PIERCE, conveyance dated 3 May 1872 & 1 May 1885 Laura TRAFFORD, conveyance dated 1 May 1885 witnessed by Arthur Gordon DEANE, brewer’s clerk, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire

Bundle 47, Cat. No. 168.17 Indenture for conveyance of land in Bentham Heath and Spinning Wheel Lane, in the parish of Binfield (map attached) dated 12/7/1895.

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 parties to indenture Louisa Harriett CHAMPION, Nettlebed House, near Henley on Thames William Lansdowne BEALE, Esq., Manor House, Waltham St Lawrence occupied by Robert NOLLIS witnessed by Elizabeth Deborah DICON, spinster, Nettlebed, Oxon

Bundle 48, Cat. No. 168.18 Indenture re release of bequests dated 20/10/1896.

Bundle 49, Cat. No. 168.18 Indenture re release of bequests dated 20/10/1896. Charles GEACH, duely made and executed his will dated 11/10/1854 and bequeathed a pecuniary legacy to his wife, and bequeathed unto his son Charles Skally LEACH and friend Samuel BEALE as trustees of his estate, and also left bequests to his brother and four sisters., formerly of Park Street, Westminster the parties concerned Arthur Geach BEALE, solicitor, 28 Great George Street, Westminster Charles Henry SARGENT, barrister at law, who died 6/4/1880, Lincolns Inn William Edmonstone EDMONSTONE MONTGOMERIE, gent., 36 Gracechurch Street, London Constance Emma BEALE, spinster, Waltham St Lawrence, Berks. Oliver YOUNG, Commander, R.N., Hare Hatch House, Twyford Mabel Ann YOUNG, his wife Arthur Geach BEALE Sidney Edward JONES, solicitor, St Mildred’s Court, London Bertram Robert BEALE, civil engineer, 66 Victoria Street, Westminster Olive Mary BEALE, spinster, Waltham St Lawrence, Berks. Stanley Leonard BEALE, gentleman, Waltham St Lawrence, Berks. Harold Lansdowne BEALE, age 17, gentleman, Waltham St Lawrence, Berks. Robert Gichard GEACH, gentleman, 2 Edinburgh Terrace, Kensington Eliza Lucy GEACH, widow of Charles GEACH Charles Skally GEACH, son of Charles GEACH Samuel BEALE, friend of Charles GEACH, who died 11/9/1874 George GEACH, brother of Charles GEACH Grace GEACH, sister of Charles GEACH Sarah SANDERS, sister of Charles GEACH Ann Maria Patience GEACH, sister of Charles GEACH Sophia GEACH, sister of Charles GEACH Caroline GEACH, daughter of Charles GEACH, who later married William Lansdowne BEALE in 1857. Robert Gichard GEACH, son of Charles GEACH Howard GEACH, son of Charles GEACH William John BEALE Caroline BEALE, nee GEACH, after her death in August 1878 her nine children became inheritors (two of which had predeceased her in infancy) inheritors following the death of Caroline BEALE Arthur Geach BEALE, (married C E E MONTGOMERIE), reached twenty one 29/12/1878 Constance Emma BEALE, reached twenty one 21/6/1880

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Mabel Ann BEALE, reached twenty one 23/12/1883, now wife of Oliver YOUNG Bertram Robert BEALE, reached twenty one 7/6/1885 Olive Mary BEALE, reached twenty one 4/12/1887 Stanley Leonard BEALE, reached twenty one 19/1/1893 Harold Lansdowne BEALE parties to subsequent indentures William Lansdowne BEALE, died 27/2/1896 signatories to calculation of shares of bequest Arthur G BEALE Charles Henry SARGENT W E E MONTGOMERIE Constance E BEALE Oliver YOUNG Mabel A YOUNG Sydney Edward ONES Bertram R BEALE Olive M BEALE Stanley R BEALE Harold L BEALE witnesses Geo[?] R[?] HILL, 28 Great George Street, Westminster Elizabeth T BEALE, widow, Manor House, Waltham St lawrence C E BEALE, 5 Furnlee Place, SW E GARNER, housemaid, 8 Grenville Place Alice SHREEVE, parlourmaid, Hare Hatch House, Twyford A further indenture relating to the main document parties named Harold Lansdowne BEALE, gentleman, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire Robert Gichard GEACH, Esquire, 2 Edinburgh Terrace, Kensington Arthur Geach BEALE, solicitor, 28 Great George Street, Westminster Harold Lansdowne BEALE, reached age 21 in July 1899

Bundle 50, Cat. No. 168.19 Appointment of new trustee to the indenture dated 1 October 1880 dated 28/10/1896. Robert Gichard GEACH, gentleman, 2 Edinburgh Terrace, Kensington Arthur Geach BEALE, solicitor, 28 Great George Street, Westminster William Lansdowne BEALE, died 27/2/1896 witness R N GEACH, student of medicine, 2 Edinburgh Terrace,Kensington Geo. R HILL, short hand writer, 28 Great George Street, Westminster

Bundle 51, Cat. No. 168.20 Redemption of land tax West side of . Waltham St Lawrence dated 27/5/1897. addressed to Arthur Geach BEALE, Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 lately belonging to the executors of W L BEALE, deceased

Bundle 52, Cat. No. 168.21 Appointment of a new trustee dated 27/5/1897. Robert Gichard GEACH, gentleman, 2 Edinburgh Terrace, Kensington and (as new trustee) Bertram Robert BEALE, electric engineer, Victoria Street, Westminster of the share of Howard GEACH testator Charles GEACH supplemental indenture to one dated 20/12/1871 - parties involved Eliza Lucy GEACH Samuel BEALE William John BEALE Howard GEACH Emily Ann PRICE supplemental indenture to one dated 1/7/1875 - parties involved Eliza Lucy GEACH, who died 3 January 1876 William John BEALE William Lansdowne BEALE, who died 27 February 1896 Eliza Lucy GEACH Robert Gichard GEACH witness Alan J FAIRBAIRN, student, 2 Edinburgh Terrace, Kensington

Bundle 53, Cat. No. 168.22 Copy of death certificate dated 22/11/1902. Robert Gichard GEACH, of independent means, 2 Edinburgh Terrace, Kensington witnessed by R N GEACH, son, 2 Edinburgh Terrace, Kensington

Bundle 54, Cat. No. 168.23 Appointment of a new trustee dated 31/12/1901. Bertram Robert BEALE, civil engineer, formerly of 66 Victoria Street, Westminster, but now of 37 Lime Street, City of London new trustee Stanley Leonard BEALE, gentleman, 2 Devonshire Terrace, Marylebone of the share of Howard GEACH in the will of Charles GEACH

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 supplemental indenture to one dated 20/12/1871 - parties involved Eliza Lucy GEACH Samuel BEALE William John BEALE Howard GEACH Emily Ann PRICE supplemental indenture to one dated 1/7/1875 - parties involved Eliza Lucy GEACH, who died 3 January 1876 William John BEALE William Lansdowne BEALE, who died 27 February 1896 Robert Gichard GEACH supplemental indenture to one dated 27/5/1897 - parties involved Robert Gichard GEACH, who died 22 November 1901 Bertram Robert BEALE witnesses Arthur G BEALE, solicitor, 28 Great George Street, Westminster George R STILL, short hand writer, 28 Great George Street, Westminster

Bundle 55, Cat. No. 168.24 Notice of security deed dated 20/05/1903. Bertram Robert BEALE, Esquire, Bucklands, Teddington Stanley Leonard BEALE, Esquire, 2 Devonshire Terrace, Marylebone the present trustees of the will of Mr Charles GEACH Notice of an indenture dated 20/05/1903 concerning assets in reversion expectant arising from the decease of Emily Ann GEACH or until her remarriage - parties in- volved Helen Blanche HEWITT, the wife of Captain the Honorable Archibald Robert HEWITT, R.N., Inwoods Bentley, County of Southampton Emily Ann GEACH

Bundle 56, Cat. No. 168.25 Notice of Security deed with memo dated 14/08/1906. Bertram Robert BEALE, Esquire, 62 Victoria Street Stanley Leonard BEALE, Esquire, 10 Moorgate Street, EC the present trustees of the will of Mr Charles GEACH Wilfred Charles GEACH, Esquire, (no Address) and William Henry Farr ADAMS, Esquire, Dolgelly, N. Wales Mrs Katherine GEACH, c/o Dr Robert Neville GEACH, Charlbury, Oxon the present trustees of the will of Mr Robert Gichard GEACH

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Bundle 57, Cat. No. 168.26 Notice of an indenture dated 14/08/1906 dated 14/08/1906. Robert Neville GEACH, surgeon (the mortgagor), Charlbury, Oxon Katherine GEACH Emily Ann GEACH

Bundle 58, Cat. No. 168.27 Notice of Security deed with memo (168.28) dated 14/08/1906. Stanley Leonard BEALE, Esquire, 10 Moorgate Street, London, EC Bertram Robert BEALE, Esquire, (no address) joint trustees of the will of Mr Charles GEACH parties involved Arthur Geach BEALE, Esquire, Ravenswood Humble, Hants. William Phipson BEALE, Esquire, K.C.M.P., 2 Whitehall Court the present trustees of the late William Lansdowne BEALE jointly with Bertram Robert BEALE, Esquire, engineer (the mortgagor), 82 Victoria Street, Westminster Notice of an indenture dated 28/11/1906 between Bertram Robert BEALE and Law Life Assurance Company concerning assets in reversion expectant arising from the decease of Emily Ann GEACH or until her remarriage - parties involved. Two attach- ments regarding a loan of £1000 against this security. Emily Ann GEACH

Bundle 59, Cat. No. 168.29 Notice of Mortgage (two copies) dated 23/07/1908. Bertram Robert BEALE, Esquire, 82 Victoria Street Stanley Leonard BEALE, Esquire, 10 Moorgate Street, London, EC present trustees of the will of the late Charles GEACH given notice of an indenture between Helen Blanche HEWITT, wife of Captain the Honorable Archibald Robert HEWITT, R.N., The Mount, Winchester, Hampshire assets dependent on the death of Emily Ann GEACH as held in trust for Howard GEACH, and his wife and children, son of C GEACH

Bundle 60, Cat. No. 168.30 Notice of charge of reversionary interest (2 copies) dated 14/11/1913. Bertram Robert BEALE, Esquire, c/o Messers Grover and Co., City Road, London N Stanley Leonard BEALE, Esquire, 3 Crown Court, Old Broad Street, London, EC

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 the trustees of the will of Charles GEACH, Park Street, Westminster given notice of a memorandum under her hand of 01/08/1913 Harriet Alice Marie GEACH, widow, Monkswell, Beaulieu, County Southampton charged with a repayment to Mrs Ada WATNEY, 20 Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W[estminster] assets dependent on the death of Mrs Emily Ann GEACH under various documents (a) will dated 11/10/1854 of the late Charles GEACH, Park Street, Westminster (b) marriage settlement dated 20/12/1871 of Howard GEACH, and Emily Ann PRICE ( c ) declaration of trust dated 1/7/1875 (d) will of 21/1/1898 of Captain Gerald Burrell GEACH

Bundle 61, Cat. No. 168.31 Inland revenue estate duty form dated 13/03/1916. Emily Ann GEACH, 34, De Vere Gardens, London property from will of Charles GEACH trustees Bertram Robert BEALE, Britannia Engineering Works, Stratford, London E Stanley Leonard BEALE, 38 Courtfield Gardens, S Kensington Beneficiaries of the estate (a) stranger in blood, but descendant of Charles GEACH Viscountess Helen Blanche LIFFORD, Court Crondall, Hants (b) stranger in blood, but descendant of Charles GEACH Captain Gerald Burrell GEACH, deceased, died 1/7/1899 Harriet Alice Marie GEACH, his widow, Monks Well, Beaulieu, County Southampton ( c ) stranger in blood, but child of Charles GEACH Caroline BEALE, deceased, died 18/8/1878 William Lansdowne BEALE, her widower, deceased, died 27/2/1896 who granted probate to Arthur Geach BEALE, since deceased Bertram Robert BEALE Sir William Phipson BEALE, Baronet their child Arthur Geach BEALE, died 06/05/1908,

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 his beneficiaries Constance Edmonstone BEALE, his widow, 13 Cromwell Road, S Kensington Edmund Lansdowne BEALE, attaining 21 years, 13 Cromwell Road, S Kensington Hugh Lansdowne BEALE, 13 Cromwell Road, S Kensington their child Constance Emma WEDDERBURN, wife of Alexander Scrymgeour WEDDERBURN, Wakefield, Hare Hatch, Twyford, Berks Mabell Ann YOUNG, widow, Highcockett, Hare Hatch, Berks Bertram Robert BEALE, Britannia engineering works, Stratford, London E Olive Mary JENKYN, wife of Reverend Cyril Walford Osborn JENKYN, Broadlands, Caversham, Oxon Stanley Leonard BEALE, 38 Courtfield Gardens, S Kensington Harold Lansdowne BEALE, Findon End, Saffron Walden (d) stranger in blood, but child of Charles GEACH Robert Gichard GEACH, deceased, died 22/11/1901 probate granted to Henry ADAMS other benficiaries were their children Margaret GEACH, 9 Clarendon Street, Nottingham Evelyn ADAMS, wife of William Henry Farr ADAMS, Dolgelly, N Wales Dr Robert Neville GEACH, King Edward VII Hospital, Grosvenor Gardens Lewis GEACH, The Meadows, Derby Wilfred Charles GEACH, 12 Wilson Street, Derby

Bundle 62, Cat. No. 168.32 Authorisation of transfer. Alice GEACH, wife of Captain G B GEACH Captain G B GEACH trustees James Sword GRAY, 35 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC Ernest Dent VAISEY, 39 Threadneedle Street, London, EC

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 Index

[unreadable], widow : bundle(s) 36

ADAMS, Evelyn : bundle(s) 61 ADAMS, Henry : bundle(s) 61 ADAMS, William Henry Farr : bundle(s) 56 ALLEN, Anna Ledway : bundle(s) 42 ALLEN, James : bundle(s) 42 ASTRIDGE, Thos : bundle(s) 3

BAILEY, Frederick : bundle(s) 13 BAILEY, William : bundle(s) 9 BAKER, Patience : bundle(s) 17 BAKER, William : bundle(s) 17 BALL, Elizabeth : bundle(s) 12, 12 BEALE, Arthur G : bundle(s) 49, 54 BEALE, Arthur Geach : bundle(s) 40, 44, 49, 49, 49, 49, 50, 51, 58, 61, 61 BEALE, Bertram R : bundle(s) 49 BEALE, Bertram Robert : bundle(s) 49, 49, 52, 54, 54, 55, 56, 58, 58, 59, 60, 61, 61, 61 BEALE, C E : bundle(s) 49 BEALE, Caroline : bundle(s) 38, 39, 49, 61 BEALE, Constance E : bundle(s) 49 BEALE, Constance Edmonstone : bundle(s) 61 BEALE, Constance Emma : bundle(s) 49, 49 BEALE, Edmund Lansdowne : bundle(s) 61 BEALE, Elizabeth T : bundle(s) 49 BEALE, Harold L : bundle(s) 49 BEALE, Harold Lansdowne : bundle(s) 49, 49, 49, 49, 61 BEALE, Hugh Lansdowne : bundle(s) 61 BEALE, James L : bundle(s) 34 BEALE, James S : bundle(s) 43 BEALE, Lansdowne : bundle(s) 20 BEALE, Mabel Ann : bundle(s) 49 BEALE, Olive M : bundle(s) 49 BEALE, Olive Mary : bundle(s) 49, 49 BEALE, Samuel : bundle(s) 31, 34, 35, 43, 49, 52, 54 BEALE, Sir William Phipson : bundle(s) 61 BEALE, Stanley Leonard : bundle(s) 49, 49, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 61 BEALE, Stanley R : bundle(s) 49 BEALE, W L : bundle(s) 36, 45, 51 BEALE, W. John : bundle(s) 31 BEALE, William John : bundle(s) 31, 34, 35, 49, 52, 52, 54, 54 BEALE, William Lansdowne : bundle(s) 33, 35, 41, 43, 43, 44, 46, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 58, 61 BEALE, William Phipson : bundle(s) 58

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 BEARD, William : bundle(s) 32 BECKFORD, William : bundle(s) 9 BECKINSALL, Walter : bundle(s) 6 BEILBY, Rt Hon : bundle(s) 30 BENELL, Thomas : bundle(s) 2 BENWELL, Henry : bundle(s) 17 BEVER, Samll : bundle(s) 3 BIGGS, John : bundle(s) 16, 17 BISHOP, Edward : bundle(s) 11, 13 BLAGRAVE, John Henry : bundle(s) 14 BLANDY, John Jackson : bundle(s) 12, 12 BLANDY, W J : bundle(s) 12 BRAYBROOKE, Lord : bundle(s) 16, 18, 37, 40, 42 BROWN, Charles : bundle(s) 12, 12 BURRETT, William : bundle(s) 12 BUTLER, William Lincoln : bundle(s) 30

CALVERLY, Charles : bundle(s) 18 CANDELL, James : bundle(s) 12, 12 CANDELL, John : bundle(s) 13 CANDELL, William : bundle(s) 12 CHAMBERS, John : bundle(s) 2 CHAMPION, Louisa Harriett : bundle(s) 47 CHANDLER, Ann : bundle(s) 11 CHANDLER, George : bundle(s) 11 CHANDLER, Thos. : bundle(s) 12 CHOLWELL, John : bundle(s) 6, 7 CLAMTREE, Isaac Samuel : bundle(s) 20, 21, 22 CLEARE, George : bundle(s) 9 COLLIER, William James : bundle(s) 37 COLLISON, William : bundle(s) 18 CORNWALLIS, Rt Hon Charles : bundle(s) 20, 30 COX, John : bundle(s) 7 CROCKFORD, George : bundle(s) 12 CROCKFORD, Sarah : bundle(s) 12 CURTIS, Richd : bundle(s) 2 CURTIS, Robert : bundle(s) 1, 2 CURTIS, Wm : bundle(s) 2

DAFTER, Timothy : bundle(s) 13 DARRELL, Hugh : bundle(s) 1 DARVALL, George : bundle(s) 12 DARVALL, Richard : bundle(s) 12 DAVIDSON, Arthur : bundle(s) 29 DAVIDSON, Madgwick Spicer : bundle(s) 25, 28, 32

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 DAY, Ann : bundle(s) 15 DEANE, Arthur Gordon : bundle(s) 46 DEPROSE, John : bundle(s) 15 DICON, Elizabeth Deborah : bundle(s) 47 DODD, James : bundle(s) 13 DODD, John : bundle(s) 29 DORRELL, Mary : bundle(s) 12 DRAKE, Samuel : bundle(s) 14

EDGERLEY, Edward : bundle(s) 8 ELDRIDGE, John : bundle(s) 7

FAIRBAIRN, Alan J : bundle(s) 52 FIELD, Jane : bundle(s) 19 FINCHER, Richard : bundle(s) 17 FISHER, William : bundle(s) 16, 17 FLETCHER, Thomas : bundle(s) 2 FLUDGER, Henry : bundle(s) 6 FLUDGER, William : bundle(s) 7 FOSTER, Charlotte : bundle(s) 16, 17 FOSTER, Constance : bundle(s) 17, 19 FOSTER, James : bundle(s) 16, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19 FOSTER, John : bundle(s) 16, 17, 18, 19 FOSTER, Mary : bundle(s) 17 FOSTER, Mr James : bundle(s) 19 FOSTER, Mrs C : bundle(s) 19 FOSTER, Mrs Charlotte : bundle(s) 18 FOSTER, Sarah : bundle(s) 17 FOSTER, William : bundle(s) 17 FRENCH, Peter William : bundle(s) 8 FULLER[?], Hamilton : bundle(s) 14

GARNER, E : bundle(s) 49 GEACH, Alice : bundle(s) 62 GEACH, Ann Maria Patience : bundle(s) 31, 49 GEACH, Captain G B : bundle(s) 62 GEACH, Captain Gerald Burrell : bundle(s) 60, 61 GEACH, Caroline : bundle(s) 31, 35, 49 GEACH, Charles : bundle(s) 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 43, 44, 49, 52, 54, 59, 60, 60, 61 GEACH, Charles Skally : bundle(s) 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 43, 49 GEACH, Dr Robert Neville : bundle(s) 61 GEACH, Eliza Lucy : bundle(s) 31, 34, 35, 49, 52, 52, 52, 54, 54 GEACH, Emily Ann : bundle(s) 55, 57, 58, 59, 61 GEACH, George : bundle(s) 31, 49 GEACH, Grace : bundle(s) 49 GEACH, Grace G : bundle(s) 31

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 GEACH, Harriet Alice Marie : bundle(s) 60, 61 GEACH, Howard : bundle(s) 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 49, 52, 52, 54, 54, 59, 60 GEACH, Katherine : bundle(s) 57 GEACH, Lewis : bundle(s) 61 GEACH, Margaret : bundle(s) 61 GEACH, Miss Anna : bundle(s) 36, 38, 39 GEACH, Mr Charles : bundle(s) 55, 56, 58 GEACH, Mr Robert Gichard : bundle(s) 56 GEACH, Mrs Emily Ann : bundle(s) 60 GEACH, Mrs Katherine : bundle(s) 56 GEACH, Mrs Sarah : bundle(s) 39 GEACH, R G : bundle(s) 36 GEACH, R N : bundle(s) 50, 53 GEACH, Robert Garland : bundle(s) 31 GEACH, Robert Gichard : bundle(s) 35, 38, 38, 39, 39, 43, 43, 44, 49, 49, 49, 50, 52, 52, 53, 54, 54, 61 GEACH, Robert Neville : bundle(s) 57 GEACH, Sophia : bundle(s) 31, 49 GEACH, Wilfred Charles : bundle(s) 56, 61 GODDARD, Thomas William : bundle(s) 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 GODDARD, William : bundle(s) 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 GRAY, Alice : bundle(s) 15 GRAY, James Sword : bundle(s) 62 GREENER, David : bundle(s) 12 GREENER, John : bundle(s) 17 GREENER, Richard : bundle(s) 16, 18 GRIFFIN, Rt Hon Richard Aldworth : bundle(s) 20, 21, 22 GROVES, Eliz. : bundle(s) 11 GROVES, Samuel : bundle(s) 11 GROVES, William : bundle(s) 11

HADGATE, Richard : bundle(s) 37 HALFACRE, Sarah : bundle(s) 12 HALFACRE, Thomas : bundle(s) 12 HAMILTON, J I G : bundle(s) 30 HANCOCK, R Donne : bundle(s) 30 HATCH, William : bundle(s) 18 HERBERT, Thomas : bundle(s) 18 HEWETT, Henry : bundle(s) 20, 46 HEWITT, Captain the Honorable Archibald Robert : bundle(s) 55, 59 HEWITT, George : bundle(s) 42 HEWITT, Helen Blanche : bundle(s) 55, 59 HEWITT, Henry : bundle(s) 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30 HICKEY, Robert Benjamin : bundle(s) 42 HILL, Geo. R : bundle(s) 50

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 HILL, Geo[?] R[?] : bundle(s) 49 HOBBS, Richard : bundle(s) 1 HOLLOWAY, William : bundle(s) 17 HOLMDEN, F : bundle(s) 14 HONEYWELL, John : bundle(s) 3 HORDE, Mary : bundle(s) 4 HORDE, Thomas : bundle(s) 4 HORE, Laura : bundle(s) 46 HORWOOD, Alfred : bundle(s) 37, 40 HORWOOD, James : bundle(s) 12, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 HORWOOD, Joseph : bundle(s) 20 HORWOOD, Richard : bundle(s) 24 HUDSON, J : bundle(s) 3 HUTTLE, Jane : bundle(s) 17

JENKYN, Olive Mary : bundle(s) 61 JONES, F A : bundle(s) 26 JONES, Sidney Edward : bundle(s) 49

KEANE, George : bundle(s) 7 KEANE, Zachariah : bundle(s) 7 KEENE, George : bundle(s) 2 KENTFIELD, John : bundle(s) 13 KERBY, Blackall : bundle(s) 6 KERBY, James : bundle(s) 6 KEYS, Leonard : bundle(s) 12 KING, John : bundle(s) 20, 21 KNIFE, Richard : bundle(s) 18 KNIGHT, Elizabeth : bundle(s) 18

LABOSTE, Thomas Blake : bundle(s) 37 LANE, Thomas : bundle(s) 1 LAWLEY, Richard T : bundle(s) 30 LAYTON, Edward : bundle(s) 8 LAYTON, Richard : bundle(s) 8 LEAVER, Elizabeth : bundle(s) 7 LEAVER, James : bundle(s) 7 LIFFORD, Viscountess Helen Blanche : bundle(s) 61 LOADER, James : bundle(s) 42 LODER, Francis : bundle(s) 3 LORD, Samuel : bundle(s) 12 LOVELL, Wm : bundle(s) 2 LUNN, James : bundle(s) 13 LYBBE, Philip Lybbe Powys : bundle(s) 14

MARTIN, William : bundle(s) 12, 12, 32 MATHEWS, Mary : bundle(s) 6

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 MATTINGLEY, Thomas : bundle(s) 17 MATTINGLEY, William : bundle(s) 17 MICKLEM, John Henry : bundle(s) 12 MICKLEM, Robt : bundle(s) 8 MILLER, John : bundle(s) 17 MILLER, William : bundle(s) 17 MILLS, John : bundle(s) 1 MILLS, Widow : bundle(s) 2 MILWARD, John : bundle(s) 9 MONTAGUE, Bartholomew : bundle(s) 1, 2 MONTGOMERIE, Constance Edmonstone Edmonstone : bundle(s) 44 MONTGOMERIE, W E E : bundle(s) 49 MONTGOMERIE, Willam Edmonstone Edmonstone : bundle(s) 44 MONTGOMERIE, William Edmonstone Edmonstone : bundle(s) 49

NEALE, John : bundle(s) 12 NEVILLE, Hugh : bundle(s) 20, 30 NEWBURY, Robert : bundle(s) 9 NEWBURY, William : bundle(s) 9 NOLLIS, Robert : bundle(s) 47

ONES, Sydney Edward : bundle(s) 49 OSBORNE, Henrie : bundle(s) 1

PAGE, John : bundle(s) 2 PAGE, Randolf : bundle(s) 1 PALMER, William Isaac : bundle(s) 20, 27, 28, 29 PARSLOW, Jenny : bundle(s) 17 PASMORE, John : bundle(s) 2 PASMORE, Robert : bundle(s) 2 PAYNE, C M : bundle(s) 34, 43 PEETERS, John : bundle(s) 1 PERREY, John : bundle(s) 8 PETEFER, Mathew : bundle(s) 1 PETERS, Simon : bundle(s) 2 PHILLIPS, Mary Ann : bundle(s) 12 PIERCE, Robert : bundle(s) 46 PIERCE, Susannah : bundle(s) 46 PRICE, Emily Ann : bundle(s) 34, 35, 52, 54

RACE, William : bundle(s) 32 READ, William : bundle(s) 6 REES, J D : bundle(s) 30 RICKARDS, Jane : bundle(s) 19 RICKARDS, John : bundle(s) 19 ROBERTS, John : bundle(s) 9 ROBERTSON, David : bundle(s) 18

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 RODD, Charlotte : bundle(s) 17 ROSE, Edmun : bundle(s) 1 ROUND, Charles : bundle(s) 17

SANDERS, Mrs : bundle(s) 36, 38 SANDERS, Sarah : bundle(s) 31, 49 SARGENT, Charles Henry : bundle(s) 44, 49, 49 SARGENT, Henry : bundle(s) 36, 38, 39, 43 SHANK, John : bundle(s) 17 SHARP, John : bundle(s) 12 SHIRLEY, Ann : bundle(s) 15 SHIRLEY, Giles : bundle(s) 15 SHIRLEY, Henry : bundle(s) 15 SHIRLEY, Sarah : bundle(s) 15 SHREEVE, Alice : bundle(s) 49 SHURMAN, Richard : bundle(s) 13 SIMMONDS, Charles : bundle(s) 32 SKALLY, Caroline : bundle(s) 31 SKALLY, John : bundle(s) 31 SMITH, Henry : bundle(s) 18 SMITH, J W : bundle(s) 13 SMITH, James : bundle(s) 12, 12, 12 SMITH, Joseph : bundle(s) 18 SMITH, William : bundle(s) 2, 32 SMITHIES, John : bundle(s) 13, 13 SOAMES, Francis : bundle(s) 12, 12, 12, 12 SOUTHEY, Thomas : bundle(s) 2 SPARROW, Wm : bundle(s) 13 STEPHENS, Charles : bundle(s) 12, 12, 12, 12, 46 STEPHENS, William : bundle(s) 12 STEVENS, Chas. : bundle(s) 12 STILL, George R : bundle(s) 54 STRANGEWAYS, Thos H : bundle(s) 42 SUDLOW, John James Joseph : bundle(s) 16, 17 SUTTON, Charles : bundle(s) 15 SWAIN, William : bundle(s) 31

TENDALL, Thomas : bundle(s) 2 TICKNER, William : bundle(s) 42 TOOVEY, Richard : bundle(s) 7 TOOVEY, William : bundle(s) 6 TRAFFORD, Laura : bundle(s) 46 TRICKEY, W B : bundle(s) 9 TRINDER, Daniel : bundle(s) 4 TRINDER, Mary : bundle(s) 4

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010 TRINDER, Wm : bundle(s) 4 TUCKER, Honourable Mrs Frances Elizabeth Henley : bundle(s) 32 TUCKER, The Honorable Frances Elizabeth Henley : bundle(s) 41, 42 TURNER, John : bundle(s) 1

VAISEY, Ernest Dent : bundle(s) 62 VOWE, Anna Margaret Hester : bundle(s) 20, 23, 25, 26

WADE, Giles : bundle(s) 15 WADE, James : bundle(s) 15 WADE, John : bundle(s) 15, 15, 15, 18 WADE, Joseph : bundle(s) 16 WADE, Richard : bundle(s) 15 WADE, Samual : bundle(s) 15 WADE, William : bundle(s) 15 WALKER, B G : bundle(s) 9 WATLING, Jane : bundle(s) 12, 12, 12 WATNEY, I : bundle(s) 36 WATNEY, Mrs Ada : bundle(s) 60 WEBB, Henry C : bundle(s) 30 WEDDERBURN, Constance Emma : bundle(s) 61 WENLOCK, Rt Hon Lord : bundle(s) 20 WHATLEY, Joseph : bundle(s) 12 WHISH, William Gray Hyndman : bundle(s) 12 WHITFIELD, Elizabeth : bundle(s) 12 WHITFIELD, George : bundle(s) 12 WHITFIELD, James : bundle(s) 12 WHITFIELD, John : bundle(s) 1 WHITFIELD, Peter : bundle(s) 18 WHITFIELD, William : bundle(s) 12 WIGHTWICH, Francis : bundle(s) 37, 40 WIGHTWICK, Francis : bundle(s) 9 WILKS, Mary : bundle(s) 15 WINCH, Giles : bundle(s) 15 WINCH, John : bundle(s) 15 WINCH, Robert : bundle(s) 17

YOUNG, Mabel A : bundle(s) 49 YOUNG, Mabel Ann : bundle(s) 49 YOUNG, Mabell Ann : bundle(s) 61 YOUNG, Oliver : bundle(s) 49, 49

Copyright © 2016 the Trustees of Berkshire Family History Society. Registered Charity No. 283010