Culinary Academy Possibilty Eyed a Culinary Academy May Board President Bill Equipment and Supplies

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Culinary Academy Possibilty Eyed a Culinary Academy May Board President Bill Equipment and Supplies VOLUME L, NUMBER 16 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING DUBLIN • LIVERMORE • PLEASANTON • SUNOL THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2013 Culinary Academy Possibilty Eyed A culinary academy may Board president Bill equipment and supplies. include the Livermore High deal with basic equipment be on the menu for students Dunlop wondered how it Del Valle and Phoenix School agriculture depart- use and clean-up such as ba- in Livermore. would interface with regular High Schools Principal Dar- ment, which grows produce sic knife skills, standardized The Livermore Board of course work. rel Avilla; Barbara Lee, Di- in a greenhouse and com- recipes and conversions, Education heard a proposal The reply was that stu- rector of Campus Catering munity gardeners, who may label reading, vegetable gar- on plans to establish the Del dents would stay beyond for the district; and Diane have excess crops. The goal, dening and use of vegetables Find Out What's Valle Culinary Academy. the end of the regular school Russell, a culinary instructo, said Avilla, would be to de- in cooking, and career op- Board members were sup- day. presented the idea for the velop into a catering service portunities. Happening portive of the idea, giving The Del Valle Culinary culinary academy. whereby the program could A second, a class in hos- the go-ahead to develop Academy is a career and Avilla noted that the acad- become self-sustaining by pitality, would include food Check Out Section A more specifics. technical education (CTE) emy would provide students selling a product. Section A is filled with safety and a cafeteria service information about arts, Kate Runyon declared, program that would incorpo- with entry level job skills, as Russell said that stu- internship along with such people, entertainment and "It is a great idea. I hope rate four previously Board- well as college ready skills dents would graduate with subjects as portion control, special events. There are we can pull it all together. approved culinary art class- should they choose to take real world skills. Included money handling, market- education stories, a variety I would love to provide this es. Preliminary research has more advanced courses. would be a food handlers ing, business operations, of features, and the arts and program." been undertaken regarding The program would be a certification, required by the and laws and conditions of entertainment and bulletin Chuck Rogge added, "I possible funding sources, hands-on class that would state. Two classes would be employment. board. like it. You can't go wrong grant opportunities, partner- include a variety of part- offered the first year. A third, Culinary Arts I, with a good chef." ships, architectural concepts, nerships. Partners could One class, Foods, would (See CULINARY, page 12) Program for Spanish Speaking County Residents Slated Panel Aprendiendo a Triunfar (Learning to Triumph), a Focuses on community outreach pro- gram to the Spanish speaking Tesla Road community in Livermore, Dublin and Pleasanton, will be held this Sat., April 20 at and Dublin Las Positas College. This event is intended Canyon for Spanish speaking fami- The Alameda County lies of all age. This is an Supervisors Planning and opportunity for the Span- Transportation Committee is ish speaking community to recommending that the full learn about the process of board approve $11 million higher education and other of improvements to Tesla issues that impact the Latino community. Parents and stu- Road to make it safer. dents are able to experience Committee members su- workshops in a variety of pervisors Scott Haggerty areas such as, English as a and Nate Miley met April Second Language. 11. The day begins at 9 a.m. The county has no money with a welcome and keynote right now to carry out the address from Livermore Tesla project but wants to Mayor John Marchand and have it shovel-ready in case Arnoldo Avalos, Global grant money can be found. Compensation Manager The affected road seg- with Facebook. Parents and ment is a three-mile stretch students then break into between South Livermore groups for various work- Photo - Doug Jorgensen Avenue and Greenville shops that address access to The first Race for Education hit the road last weekend in Pleasanton. The event was a fundraiser for Pleasanton Road. There are wineries, a higher education, prepara- few residences, and 17,600 tion for higher education, Partnerships in Education Foundation (PPIE), a foundation that supports all schools in the Pleasanton Unified School District. Since 1987, PPIE has raised over $4 million dollars for Pleasanton schools. vehicles per day. academic and vocational Much of the traffic is programs available at Las comprised of commuters Positas College, and other from South Tracy and the topics that are of concern in the Latino community. Pleasanton School Trustees Central Valley, who use The program has drawn Tesla as a shortcut to High- broad community support way 84 on the way to Sili- and includes relationships Hear Literacy Coaching Report con Valley. with St. Michael’s Church, The wineries are also the Livermore Valley Joint Teachers and administra- ited funds, the district will be other states in 2016. learn better techniques in a draw for traffic, though Unified School District, tors presented the Pleasanton funding literacy coaches, as Another advantage, say the classroom. However, the primarily on weekends. Migrant Education Program school board a detailed oral well as coaches for technical coaching backers, is that the program is also there for ex- The road improvements and others. report about the transition instruction and math. old model of pulling students perienced teachers to be able include installation of right- All activities are free. from the use of reading spe- District officials have out of class for work with a to improve their methods. turn and left-turn pockets, Minors must be accompa- cialists to literacy coaches. pointed out that the con- specialist takes them away Meredith Morgan, a 6th- under-grounding utility nied by an adult. Las Positas The board heard the dis- cept of coaching teachers from the learning environ- grade teacher at Harvest lines, and providing "rustic College is located at 3000 cussion at a study session in the teaching of reading, ment. Therefore, they miss Park Middle School, talk- shoulder areas" to accom- Campus Hill Dr., Livermore. April 9. or math, or tech is better in important instruction by the ed about her two years in modate bicycles and pedes- For additional information, The issue has been promi- several respects. It is said classroom teacher. TV/TIP. Morgan said, "My trians. It should all add up contact Gilberto Victoria nent, because some teachers to improve the teacher's Those points were reiter- coach supports me in every to a lowering of rear-end at gvictoria@laspositascol- and parents at past school instructional knowledge, ated at the study session. way. We have case study collisions on Tesla Road, ac- or 424-1477. board meetings have said therefore boosting the qual- Part of the discussion students that we focus on, cording to the public works that they wanted to see funds ity of education. focused on the Tri-Valley and we focus on resources staff. continue to be spent on the Further, it's the model of Teacher Induction Project after school, for example, The Livermore Valley Tim Sbranti (TV/TIP). The program his- counseling and a student reading specialist positions the future, to be used for the Winegrowers Association that have been standard in core curriculum, which will torically has been known for improvement plan." Announces for the past. Instead, with lim- begin in California and 46 helping beginning teachers (See POLICY, page 12) (See ROADS, page 12) Assembly Seat Dublin Mayor Tim Sbranti has announced that Trustees Hear he will seek the 16th District Committee Puts Rural Assembly seat in 2014. Report on The incumbent, Joan Bu- chanan, will be termed out in Solar Policy On Hold Common Core 2014. Buchanan and Sbranti An Alameda County ing the proposed policy draft are both Democrats. Supervisors Planning and to the full board. He said that Standards Sbranti, who teaches Transportation Committee he could not support any of economics at Dublin High delayed a recommendation the three options offered by Implementation School, has been endorsed to approve a rural solar en- staff. Haggerty rejected The Livermore Valley by state superintendent of ergy policy. Option A, which had the public instruction Tom Tor- Joint Unified School District lakson, Sen. Mark DeSaul- The discussions occurred most restrictive control over (LVJUSD) Board of Educa- nier, and Congressman Eric at the April 11 session. locating Solar Energy Facili- tion is in the process of mov- Swalwell, a former Dublin Supervisor Scott Hagger- ties (SEF). ing ahead with implementa- city councilmember. All are ty, whose district includes Option A would ban SEFs tion of California Common Democrats. Livermore, Dublin, and part from all farmland designated Core Standards (CCSS). Sbranti told The Indepen- of Sunol, chairs the meet- by the state as important. CCSS is described as a dent, "I am excited about the ings. Nate Miley, whose That would prohibit any progression of skills that stu- opportunity to run. All the district includes Pleasanton SEF from locating on the dents master as they move issues that I am passionate and the canyonlands to 3000 acres or so of irri- from transitional kinder- about are dealt with at the Castro Valley, is the other gable farmland in Mountain Photo - Doug Jorgensen garten through high school. state level, especially edu- The Standards are designed cation." member of the committee. House. Two facilities were Pleasanton City Councilmember Jerry Pentin (far left) Haggerty and Miley built there before the county to provide a consistent un- Other important issues and Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty (far derstanding of what students disagreed on the what the decided to form a policy.
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