THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUAEY 2, British Fisheries Society
526 THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUAEY 2, British Fisheries Society. Alexander Cuthbert, Berners-street, London. "TVTOTICE is hereby given, that there are un- J. Ramsay Cuthbert of Ednam, 4, Bulstrode- JJl claimed at this date Shares in the above street, Princes-street, London. Society standing in the Register of Shareholders James Daniell, Welbeck-street, London. in the names of the following :— Andrew Davidson, Skibo, Scotland. Robert Adair, Collector, Boglepore, East Indies. Matthew Day, East Indies, India Office, Sir Edmund Affleck, Queen Anne-street East, London. London. Captain Robert Dennis, East India Company, Philip Affleck, 23, Wimpole-street, London. India Office. Lord Alvanley, Master of the Rolls, High. Captain Samuel Dyer, Deputy Quartermaster- Court of Justice, London. General, War Office. Alexander Anderson, 57, Coleman-street, Lon- W. A. Edmondstone, Secretary, Board of don. Trade, Whitehall, S.W. Sir Joseph Andrews, Bart., St. George's Hos- Lord Eldon, 1, Hamilton-place, London, W. pital* London. John Ewin, Aberdeen. The Reverend Robert Arthur, Kirkmichael, Robert Fairfull, Jerusalem Coffee House, Cfomarty, N,B. London. Alexander Baillie, Tarrell, Ross-shire. Samuel Falconer, Nairn, N.B. James Bailie, Surgeon, First Battalion Euro- William Farqnharson, Military Paymaster- pean Infantry, India Office, London. General, War Office, London. Lord Barham, 36, Hertford-street, Mayfair, Samuel Felton, 78, Charlotte-street, Portland- London. place, London. 'Samuel Baker, Lynn, Norfolk. John Fergusson, Merchant, Calcutta. Patrick Barron, Merchant, Aberdeen. The Earl of Fife, 4, Cavendish-square, John Bayne, Merchant, Calcutta, India. London, W. John Becher, Deputy-Paymaster, Futtyghur, Lieutenant* General Henry Fletcher, Wai- India. Office, Pall Mall. John Bell, East India Company, India Office, Donald Forbes, Durores, Sutherland, N.B.
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