REPUBLIC OF NAURU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No. 73 25th July 2007 Nauru ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G.N.No. 265 / 2007 PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 1998 SECTION 10 CREATION OF NEW POSITIONS Pursuant to the powers in that vested in me, under Section 10, subsection (1) Clause (a) of the Public Service Act 1998, I, LUDWIG SCOTTY, President and Minister responsible for the Public Service, DO HEREBY, with immediate effect, create the following new positions:- MINISTRY OF HEALTH & MEDICAL SERVICES DESIGNATION OF OFFICE NO. OF POSITIONS SALARY SCALE Project Coordinator 1 $ 7, 825 p.a (fixed rate) Project Support Officer 2 $ 5,608 p.a (fixed rate) Dated this nineteenth day of the month of July, Two Thousand and Seven. LUDWIG SCOTTY PRESIDENT & MINISTER RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE -2- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No. 73 25th July 2007 Nauru ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G.N.No. 266 / 2007 PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 1998 SECTION 15 VACANCY Applications are invited from Nauruans, inside and outside the Public Service for temporary appointment, transfer or promotion to the following position: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & MEDICAL SERVICES
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