Language certificates

Language certificates are NOT compulsory for the participation to the selection process.

However, the achievement of one of the language certificates (English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish) listed in the tables below will be considered as further element of evaluation of the candidate’s profile.

Language certificates not listed in this page or with a score below the ones required will not be considered in the selection process.

These language certificates - indicated by the applicant in the online application - will be considered for the selection process ONLY if previously achieved and if uploaded in the online application by the rounds deadlines. Certificates sent after the round deadline will not be considered.


Recognized certificates Test administrator Minimum score required

CPE Cambridge Assessment English Level C1 or 180 Certificate of Proficiency in English

CAE Cambridge Assessment English 174 Certificate in Advanced English

FCE Cambridge Assessment English 174 First Certificate in English

BEC Higher Cambridge Assessment English 174 Business English Certificate Higher

BEC Vantage Cambridge Assessment English 174 Business English Certificate Vantage

ICFE International Certificate of Financial Cambridge Assessment English Pass English

ILEC International Legal English Cambridge Assessment English Pass Certificate

IPEC Executive: Pass with distinction, British Chamber of Commerce International Professional English or (Italy) Certification - Leagal English Excellence: Pass

IELTS academic British Council, IDP IELTS 6.5 International English Language Australia, Cambridge Assessment with at least 5.5 in every Testing System, academic English section

TOEFL iBT Educational Testing Service (ETS) 89 Test of English as a foreign language - internet based

GCSE / IGCSE Cambridge International Grade C English as First Language 0522 Examinations

GCSE / IGCSE Cambridge International English as Second Language Grade A Examinations 0511


Recognized certificates Test administrator DALF C1 e C2 Ministère de l'Education Nationale Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française DELF B2 Ministère de l'Education Nationale Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française DEP Affaires B2, C1 e C2 e Juidique B2 Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris Diplôme de Française Professionnel Affaires


Recognized certificates Test administrator GZ B2, C1 e C2 Goethe Institut Goethe - Zertifikat GDS Goethe Institut Großess Deutsches Sprachdiplo KDS Goethe Institut Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom ZOP Goethe Institut Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung DSD II Kultusministerkonferenz BRD Deutsches Sprachdiplom, Stufe 2 TEST DaF Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DAAD),

Goethe Institut, Punteggio minimo richiesto Hochschulrektoren-konferenz (HRK) 4 (TDN minimum 3) MD Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch (ÖSD) Mittelstufe Deutsch ZD Plus Weiterbildungs-Testsysteme (WBT) Zertifikat Deutsch Plus Goethe Institut, PWD DIHK Deutscher Industrie- und Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International Handelskammertag ZDfB Goethe Institut Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf


Recognized certificates Test administrator DUPLE Instituto Camões e Diploma Universitario de Portugues Lingua Università di Lisbona Estrangeira DAPLE Instituto Camões e Diploma Avançado de Portugues Lingua Università di Lisbona Estrangeira DIPLE Instituto Camões e Diploma Intermedio de Portugues Lingua Università di Lisbona Estrangeira


Recognized certificates Test administrator DELE B2, C1 e C2 Diploma de Español Lengua Extranjera