Semiclassical Limits for the Hyperbolic Plane
Semi-classical limits for the hyperbolic plane Scott A. Wolpert∗ July 19, 1999 1 Introduction The correspondence principle of quantum mechanics provides that high-energy eigenfunc- tions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator concentrate along geodesics. The nature of the concentration for automorphic eigenfunctions and ergodic geodesic flow is of particular interest [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 20, 27, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]. For Γ a cofinite, non-cocompact, subgroup of SL(2; R) a cuspidal automorphic eigenfunction for the hyperbolic Laplacian D has a Fourier series expansion 1/2 2πinx (1.1) ϕ(z)=X an(y sinh πr) Kir(2π|n|y)e n=06 − − 1 2 for z = x+iy, y > 0, the variable for the upper half plane H, eigenvalue λ = ( 4 +r ) < − 1 4 and Kir the Macdonald-Bessel function [42, 45]. Also associated to an eigenfunction ϕ are the coefficient sums −1 1/2 2πinxˆ Sϕ(t, xˆ)=(πr ) X ane ; 1≤|n|≤rt(2π)−1 the sums are of independent interest [8, 10, 14, 29, 41]. A theme of our investigations is that at high-energy the concentration measure on the space of geodesics is approximately 2 given in terms of |Sϕ| . Our results have applications for general cofinite, non-cocompact subgroups, as well as, for congruence subgroups of SL(2; Z). The first application concerns a congru- ence subgroup Γ and unit-norm eigenfunctions; the spectral average of the sum squares ∗Research supported in part by NSF Grants DMS-9504176 and DMS-9800701 2 2 −1 |Sϕ(t, xˆ)| weak* converges inx ˆ to 8t(Area(Γ\H)) .
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