
1 Trends in global abundance and : A community-driven

2 systematic map protocol

3 Eliza M. Grames1*, Graham A. Montgomery2*, Neal R. Haddaway3,4 Lynn V. Dicks5, Chris S.

4 Elphick1,6, Tanner A. Matson1, Shinichi Nakagawa7, Manu E. Saunders8,9, Morgan W. Tingley1,

5 Thomas E. White10, Paul Woodcock11 and David L. Wagner1

6 1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA

7 2Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

8 3Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

9 4Africa Centre for Evidence, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

10 5Conservation Science Group, Department of , University of Cambridge, UK; School of Biological Science,

11 University of East Anglia, Norwich UK

12 6Center of Biological Risk, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA

13 7Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of New South

14 Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

15 8UNE Business School, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia

16 9School of Environmental and Rural Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia

17 10School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

18 11Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, UK


20 * These authors contributed equally to this work.

21 Abstract

22 Background: In recent decades, there has been growing concern about reported declines in insect

23 diversity and abundance, including sharp declines in some regions. These concerns have peaked

24 in the past two years with extensive media coverage and public attention focused on the potential Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

25 economic, social, and biological ramifications of reduced insect populations. The geographic

26 scope, rates, and magnitude of declines, however, are still largely unknown because insect

27 diversity and populations are subject to large inter-annual fluctuations, reports are scattered

28 throughout the literature in many languages, and much insect demographic data is unpublished.

29 These challenges make it difficult to understand the nature of declines, identify principal drivers,

30 and recommend conservation actions that will reap the largest benefits.

31 Methods: Using a community approach to evidence synthesis, we will assemble a dynamic

32 database of studies and datasets, both published and unpublished, that contain evidence regarding

33 long-term trends in insect populations and biodiversity. This database will be used to build a

34 living systematic map that identifies clusters of knowledge and gaps in the evidence base, which

35 will facilitate synthesis of existing knowledge clusters and will enable researchers in

36 and conservation biology to prioritize future research efforts. This collaborative effort will

37 provide a comprehensive knowledge base with which researchers can begin to provide answers

38 to the important unanswered questions about global insect population and biodiversity trends.

39 1. Background

40 Recent studies documenting declines in insect abundance and biodiversity, especially from

41 Western Europe (e.g., Conrad et al. 2006, Shortall et al. 2009, Schuch et al. 2012, Hallman et al.

42 2017, Powney et al. 2019) and North America (Forister et al. 2010a, 2010b, 2016, 2018, Karban

43 & Huntzinger 2019, Mathiasson & Rehan 2019, Wepprich et al. 2019), have raised concerns of a

44 global insect conservation crisis with potentially dire consequences. The estimated 5.5 million

45 insect globally (Stork 2018) play diverse, critical roles in their communities; are

46 essential pollinators, play key roles in nutrient cycling, are integral to food webs of terrestrial and

47 freshwater , and regulate the populations of many plant and pests. From


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

48 greater than 75% declines in insect biomass over three decades at sites in Germany (Hallman et

49 al. 2017), to range contractions in in the United Kingdom (Thomas et al. 2004), to

50 diversity and abundance declines in North America (Young et al. 2017, Loboda et al. 2018, and

51 references above) as well as reports from the Neotropics (Janzen and Hallwachs 2019, Lister and

52 Garcia 2018), insect abundance and biodiversity may be in decline at rates commensurate or

53 exceeding those of vertebrates (Dirzo et al. 2014).

54 Recent calls for more primary study data (Thomas et al. 2019, Wagner 2017, Montgomery et

55 al. in review), however, have brought attention to the relatively limited conclusions we can draw

56 from available primary studies because they are usually conducted at local or regional scales,

57 often proximate to areas of high human activity, across only a few years. Only a small fraction of

58 described insect species have any population monitoring programs, and the widespread lack of

59 baseline data for insect populations, high inter-annual variation in insect population levels,

60 potential publication biases, and the limited geographic scope of current findings are all obstacles

61 to interpretation of reported insect declines (Wagner 2020). Moreover, the relative contributions

62 of the diverse drivers of declines in abundance and biodiversity remain unclear. To better

63 understand the insect decline phenomenon, there is an urgent need to conduct rigorous synthesis

64 of existing data while working to identify and fill data and knowledge gaps.

65 Evidence synthesis incorporates information from multiple sources to inform decisions on a

66 specific issue. Systematic reviews and meta-analytical statistical tools are commonly employed

67 in evidence synthesis, and are valuable for the study of insect declines because of their ability to

68 identify and comprehensively synthesize large bodies of primary literature. Systematic mapping

69 is a relatively recently developed form of evidence synthesis (Peersman 1996, Clapton et al.

70 2009, James et al. 2016). Unlike systematic reviews, which typically aim to provide answers to


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

71 specific questions related to impacts and effectiveness, systematic maps aim to describe the

72 nature of evidence bases, producing searchable databases of studies on a broad subject,

73 commonly acting as the first step in the evidence synthesis pathway (e.g. Haddaway et al. 2015).

74 Systematic maps are especially useful in their ability to highlight knowledge gaps and

75 knowledge clusters, helping to direct funding and guide needed primary research, whilst also

76 facilitating rapid synthesis of areas of similar studies, for example using meta-analysis. Here, we

77 aim to provide the first community-driven systematic map which will engage large numbers of

78 participants and stakeholders to synthesize literature on a topic requiring urgent attention: global

79 insect population and biodiversity trends.

80 1.1. Stakeholder engagement

81 This topic was suggested by a group of subject and evidence synthesis experts in response to

82 growing concern within the community about insect conservation, recently published papers, and

83 public discussion of insect declines. In order to develop a well-designed protocol, screen and

84 extract data from an expansive volume of evidence, and include a global body of literature

85 published in a multitude of languages, we will recruit a large group of worldwide community

86 members to drive the effort. We will develop a database of potentially interested community

87 members and organizations and request suggestions from community members for additional

88 stakeholders, and actively seek participants from underrepresented areas and disciplines. The full

89 stakeholder engagement and identification plan for this project is outlined in a supporting

90 document (Grames and Montgomery 2019).


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

91 2. Objective of the review

92 We aim to assemble a thorough set of evidence, including both published and unpublished

93 studies and datasets, relating to global insect population trends, which will be used to populate a

94 detailed, interrogable systematic map database. We will visualize this database using interactive

95 evidence atlases, heat maps and other diagnostic plots along with a narrative synthesis. Our

96 systematic map will address the following review questions:

97  Where are knowledge clusters and gaps in temporal trends of insect abundance,

98 biomass, diversity, and geographic range?

99  What knowledge clusters exist that are amenable to quantitative analysis?

100  What knowledge gaps warrant further funding and attention in the form of primary

101 research studies?

102 2.3. Question components: POCS statement

103 Population: We will include studies of native, naturalized, and invasive insects in all

104 terrestrial and freshwater globally.

105 Outcomes: We are interested in studies that test for changes in four outcome measurements

106 for insects: 1) geographic range 2) species occurrence or abundance 3) species richness and other

107 diversity indices, and 4) biomass.

108 Comparator: The comparator will be the previous year(s) in the study. We will not place any

109 restrictions on the time the study was conducted or on the timeframe over which observations

110 were made other than that data collection must span multiple years; the minimum time series

111 length for a study to be included is two years. To account for differences in comparator

112 timeframes, we will code for continuous versus snapshot surveys with the length and time steps

113 included in the time series (section 3.3).


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

114 Space: We are only interested in field studies conducted in a natural setting (i.e. not

115 simulations, mesocosms, greenhouse, or laboratory studies), but make no restrictions on the

116 geographic space in which a study was conducted.

117 3. Methods

118 3.1. Searching for articles

119 We will use a search strategy that targets bibliographic databases, organizational and

120 governmental websites, thesis databases, and other grey literature sources to capture as much of

121 the global evidence base as possible. In lieu of searching trial registries, which are rare in

122 ecology and conservation biology, we will search pre-print servers that house ecological and

123 environmental studies. Because we are designing this review as a community-driven systematic

124 map, we will accept suggestions of studies or datasets we may have missed from any

125 stakeholders interested in the review and we will also contact expert researchers and decision-

126 makers (including policy-makers and practitioners) in the field for their suggestions. We will use

127 listservs to solicit unpublished studies. For studies that meet inclusion criteria, we will extract the

128 reference lists and cross-reference them with studies returned by our search using the R package

129 litsearchr (Grames et al. 2019a, 2019b); new studies retrieved in this manner will be added to the

130 dataset of articles retrieved through electronic searching.

131 Because the databases that we are searching have different rules for truncation, search string

132 length, and formatting, we will adapt our main search to develop specific search strings that

133 match the formatting of each search system. For the English searches in large bibliographic

134 databases with known search rules (e.g. BIOSIS Citation Index, Scopus, etc.), we will use a full

135 Boolean search string with truncation to word stems if stems are at least four letters long. For

136 non-English searches, we will not use truncation and instead will search with complete words


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

137 and phrases. For databases or websites that have limited search capabilities (e.g. JSTOR), we

138 will develop a shorter search string that contains only the most critical search elements. For each

139 database or website searched, we will record the version of the search string used.

140 3.1.1. Search term identification and selection

141 We used the method implemented in litsearchr (Grames et al. 2019a, 2019b) to identify

142 search terms. We used the naive search terms (Appendix, Table 1) to search the titles, abstract,

143 and keywords to capture a highly relevant set of articles from BIOSIS Citation Index (1926-

144 2019), Zoological Record (1864-2019), and Scopus (1788-2019). We then used litsearchr to

145 build keyword co-occurrence networks and extract potential search terms. All terms suggested

146 by litsearchr were reviewed in duplicate by EMG and GAM to select relevant terms.

147 Additional terms not identified by litsearchr were added manually to the group of search

148 terms based on consultation with experts and feedback from the community. Because we

149 anticipate that some studies will not include higher-order taxa in their title, abstract, and

150 keywords, EMG built a list of insect taxa at the family level or above by compiling scientific and

151 common names, along with taxonomic synonyms and out-of-use names, from BugGuide.net, the

152 Entomological Society of America Common Names Database, and the

153 Information Facility backbone (GBIF Secretariat 2017). Terms from iNaturalist, Encyclopedia of

154 Life, and the Catalogue of Life were not used because of substantial overlap with GBIF. This list

155 was added to the group of insect search terms.

156 3.1.2. Evaluating the comprehensiveness of the search

157 To estimate the comprehensiveness of our search strategy, we asked for community input on

158 our proposal to generate a benchmark list of articles that should be returned by our search. We


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

159 supplemented the community-generated list with the articles mentioned by recent articles on

160 insect declines (Cardoso and Leather 2019, Komonen et al. 2019, Mupepele et al. 2019,

161 Simmons et al. 2019, Thomas et al. 2019, Wagner 2019), and a subset of the studies included in

162 a non-systematic review (Sanchez-Bayo and Wyckhuys 2019) identified as assessing population

163 trends by Saunders et al. (2019); see Appendix 2 for the full list of benchmark titles.

164 After checking to see if our search terms retrieved the benchmark articles, we added in five

165 additional terms that imply long-term studies (“baseline data”, historical, “year survey”, “years

166 apart”, and “change”) and increased the nearness of the outcome and time terms to be within 15

167 words. All benchmark articles were recovered by the updated search string.

168 3.1.3. Platforms, databases, and websites

169 We generated a list of platforms, databases, and websites to search that may include relevant

170 studies. Because this is a community-driven map, we will accept suggestions from the

171 community for additional platforms or databases to search. For databases that the review team

172 does not have access to, we will request search results from community members who do have

173 access. The current list of platforms, databases, and websites to search is in Appendix 3.

174 3.1.4. Languages

175 For the electronic search, we will search bibliographic databases in English and non-English

176 languages and search organizational and regional databases or websites in English and applicable

177 regional languages. For example, we will search the Serbian Citation Index in English and

178 Serbian, but not in Korean. Searches will be translated using Google Translate or by requesting

179 translations from community members who are native speakers of the language. For insect

180 common names, we will use translations listed on iNaturalist.


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

181 To identify non-English language articles on our review topic, we used get_language_data()

182 in litsearchr to query a dataset based on Ulrich’s global serials directory. The function estimates

183 a count of non-English academic journals that are tagged as being about topics related to the

184 review; we used it to estimate the number of journals related to , biology, crop

185 science, entomology, conservation, ecology, forestry, and environmental science. We will search

186 bibliographic sources in all languages returned that have at least ten non-English language

187 journals potentially related to the topic of insect population and biodiversity trends (Table 1).

Table 1. Counts of journals published in non-English languages. This list indicates which non-English languages should be searched to retrieve published and unpublished data because the journal counts can be used as a proxy for the volume of studies available in a language.

Total Journals Languages

100+ Russian (247)

50 - 100 Mandarin (89), Spanish (75), Indonesian (66)

25 - 50 Portuguese (48), German (38) French (34), Korean (34), Polish (33), Ukrainian (33)

10 - 25 Persian (17), Japanese (14), Czech (13), Serbian (11), Turkish (11)

5 - 10 Slovak (7), Croatian (6), Italian (6), Belorussian (5), Hungarian (5)

< 5 Slovenian (4), Danish (3), Dutch (3), Norwegian (3), Arabic (2), Bosnian (2), Finnish (2), Lithuanian (2), Swedish (2), Estonian (1), Icelandic (1), Latvian (1), Malay (1)

188 3.1.5. Assembling search results

189 For bibliographic databases, we will export results in .bib or .ris format and import them

190 using revtools (Westgate 2019). For grey literature, EMG will write web scraping functions to

191 assemble results into a database and convert them to .bib files. We will use a combination of

192 revtools and custom deduplication functions that are in development by EMG to deduplicate all

193 search results and write the library to a .bib file. We will import the full library to Zotero, which

194 we will use to convert the library to an EndNote XML file. This xml file can then be uploaded to


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

195 SysRev (https://sysrev.com/)—a state-of-the-art review management and task allocation

196 technology—to make the inclusion and exclusion process open to the community.

197 3.1.6. Search update

198 Because we are building a living systematic map, we will regularly update the search to

199 retrieve newly published studies. We will repeat the searches in bibliographic databases monthly

200 and will add new studies to the dataset of articles to screen for eligibility.

201 3.1.7. Supplementary searches

202 We will screen the bibliographies of all relevant review articles that we find during screening

203 to identify additional studies that we missed during our searches. Further, we will encourage all

204 community participants to submit articles that were not retrieved by the other search methods,

205 and, as necessary, modify our search strategy and carry out additional searches.

206 3.2. Article screening and study eligibility criteria

207 3.2.1. Screening strategy

208 To determine if articles are relevant to the systematic map, we will first pre-screen articles by

209 title. We will use topic modeling (Blei et al. 2003) to identify terms appearing in the titles of

210 articles which are not likely to be relevant to the review and pre-screen titles identified as

211 irrelevant in this manner. EMG and GAM will screen 350 of the likely irrelevant titles in

212 duplicate; if an intercoder reliability, as measured by a kappa statistic, of 0.85 is reached, we can

213 be confident that the lower bound on intercoder reliability is 0.75 based on analysis conducted

214 using the R package kappaSize (Rotondi 2018). If EMG and GAM do not reach intercoder

215 reliability of 0.85, we will resolve discrepancies and repeat the process until intercoder reliability

216 of 0.85 is achieved. We will then pre-screen likely irrelevant titles without duplication of effort


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

217 to exclude studies that are clearly irrelevant and were retrieved due to broad search terms. The

218 purpose of completing title screening in this manner is to reduce the burden on community

219 members during the screening process. To make the process open and transparent, we will

220 upload the decisions made during title pre-screening to a publicly accessible spreadsheet and will

221 revisit any decisions that members of the community question. Titles that do not convey

222 sufficient information to tell if the study meets inclusion criteria will be retained to the abstract

223 screening stage.

224 For screening abstracts in this review, we will make use of the Open Access review

225 management tool SysRev. Articles that meet inclusion criteria or that do not provide sufficient

226 information to tell if they meet inclusion criteria will be retained to the next stage and reviewed

227 at the full text stage if it is still unclear whether they meet criteria. Articles for which the abstract

228 or full text is not available but that may be relevant based on the title will be requested through

229 the community members working on the review or through interlibrary loan. Unobtainable

230 articles will be described in a database with reasons given for their unavailability.

231 3.2.2. Consistency checking and procedural independence

232 Prior to screening articles, community members will complete a brief training module to

233 assess their agreement with a set of articles screened by the core review team for inclusion or

234 exclusion at the title and abstract level. Community members whose application of eligibility

235 standards is not in agreement with the pre-screened articles will be given automated feedback on

236 discrepancies in their coding compared to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and prompted to

237 repeat the training module with a different set of articles. After completing training, community

238 members will be added to the review project on SysRev.


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

239 All articles will be screened in duplicate at all stages after the title screening stage. Any

240 discrepancies will be resolved by a third party. Authors or community members will be

241 disallowed from making screening decisions for any paper that represents a conflict of interest. If

242 community members screening articles on SysRev come across a paper on which they are a co-

243 author or have another conflict of interest (e.g. it is written by a close colleague), they will be

244 required to pass on screening that article, and leave a note declaring their conflict of interest.

245 3.2.3. Eligibility criteria

246 To meet our eligibility criteria, a study must match, at a minimum, the population, outcome,

247 comparator, and study design elements of our question components. This means that the study

248 must include measures of non-managed insect population trends and must be a time series with

249 data points from at least two years, though years do not need to be consecutive. The way in

250 which insect population trends are measured is not important so long as the measured outcome is

251 geographic range, species occurrence or abundance, species richness or other diversity indices,

252 or biomass. Because we are only interested in non-managed insect populations, experimental

253 studies of effectiveness or conservation interventions specifically designed to alter

254 insect populations will not be included unless they have control plots in which management did

255 not take place. We will not restrict included studies by study design or perform critical appraisal,

256 which is an optional component of systematic maps (James et al. 2016) and will be the focus of

257 follow-up studies once the systematic map has been created and knowledge clusters are

258 identified. Additionally, studies must include primary research that presents data; this criterion

259 excludes perspectives and commentaries with no original data, reviews and prior meta-analyses,

260 and purely theoretical papers.


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

261 3.2.4. Reasons for exclusion

262 We will provide at least one reason for exclusion for all articles, regardless of the stage at

263 which they are excluded. To save time, at the title and abstract screening stages, the reason

264 marked may be simply "not relevant" for studies that clearly do not match our POCS statement

265 (e.g. because they are byproducts of broad search terms). If it is not readily apparent why a study

266 does not match our POCS statement, a more-detailed reason must be given at the abstract stage.

267 At the full-text stage, a more detailed reason must be given for exclusion, though only one reason

268 needs to be given if a study does not meet multiple criteria.

269 3.3. Data extraction and coding

270 All studies will be coded for a predefined list of variables; if a study does not report some of

271 this information or it is otherwise unobtainable, those fields should be filled in with "not

272 reported." Doing this will ensure that each study is coded for all variables and that variables are

273 not inadvertently omitted.

274 For each included study, we will describe the population, the timeframe of the data

275 collection, the location, the outcome variables measured, and other predefined variables. We will

276 also record additional reporting measures from studies to assess the state of the literature (e.g.

277 whether biomass measures are reported to family for at least the largest 50% of biomass, etc.).

278 3.3.1 Variables to code:

279 ● Response/outcome type. We will record which of the four outcome types the study

280 measures: 1) geographic range 2) species occurrence or abundance, 3) species richness or

281 other diversity indices, and 4) biomass. Studies of community biomass that include non-


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

282 insects among the sample (e.g. leaf litter communities that include spiders) will

283 be included in the systematic map.

284 ● Geographic location. We will record the most detailed geographic location possible,

285 ideally latitude and longitude, but in cases where that information is not provided, we will

286 record less precise locations (e.g., town or region). We will also record the standardized

287 geographic unit according to the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant

288 Distributions (Brummitt 2001). For studies that include more than one site, we will use

289 the point and radius method (Wieczorek et al. 2004), in which both a central point and a

290 minimum radius that covers all sampled points are identified. We will use the magnitude

291 of the circle’s radius to identify the spatial scale of the study as one of the following

292 categories: local, landscape, regional, or continental. Finally, we will record the number

293 of sampling sites per study.

294 ● Time-series length. We will record the first year of the study, last year of the study, and

295 number of years during which sampling took place.

296 ● Seasonal duration. We will record if the study period includes the entire length of the

297 growing season or calendar year, rather than a subset.

298 ● Timing of study. We will record the season in which the study was conducted (e.g., wet,

299 dry, fall, summer, spring), as it is reported in the study.

300 ● type and gradients. We will classify the habitat type into one of the fourteen

301 terrestrial biomes in Olson et al. (2001) or one of three freshwater ecosystems: lentic,

302 lotic or wetlands. We will also record if any ecotones or gradients were part of the study

303 design.


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

304 ● Number of taxa studied. We will record the number of taxa included in each study at the

305 taxonomic level it is reported at in the study. For example, a study that identified 50

306 species of to the species level (including morphospecies) would be coded as 50

307 species, whereas a study reporting insects identified to twelve families would be coded as

308 12 family.

309 ● Species/taxonomic group. We will record the taxonomic rank of insects included in a

310 study at the most specific taxonomic level that includes all insect species in a study. For

311 example, a study of pollinators from multiple insect orders would be coded as Insecta, a

312 study of and butterflies would be coded as , and a study of monarch

313 butterflies would be coded as Danaus plexippus.

314 ● Insect sampling method. Because the type of trap or sampling method used determines

315 the insect community sampled, we will record how insects were sampled. Common

316 methods include sampling by: sweep net, dip net, branch-beating, flight-intercept trap,

317 Berlese funnel, Lindgren trap, malaise trap, and pitfall trap. If multiple sampling methods

318 are used, each data set will be treated separately. Because site-selection bias can affect

319 population estimates (Fournier et al. 2019), we will record how sampling sites were

320 selected (randomized, systematic, opportunistic, other, or unknown).

321 ● Causes proposed. We will record what cause(s) the authors propose (if any) for any

322 observed trends.

323 ● Causes tested. We will record what the authors test (if any) as the proposed cause(s) for

324 any observed trends.


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

325 ● Focus of the study. We will record whether trends in insect populations or diversity were

326 the focus of the study, or whether insect data were collected as a byproduct of another

327 study (e.g. studies of invertebrate food availability for nesting birds).

328 ● Data availability. To facilitate potential reanalysis, we will record if the data are publicly

329 available, unavailable, or unknown.

330 3.3.2. Consistency checking and procedural independence

331 All articles will be coded in duplicate and any discrepancies will be resolved by a third party.

332 As with study screening, no one will be allowed to code an article on which they are an author or

333 have another conflict of interest.

334 3.4. Study mapping and presentation

335 The primary product of this systematic mapping process will be a detailed systematic map

336 database that describes each study across multiple variables described above. We will synthesize

337 the evidence base narratively to describe its nature, focusing on the spread of studies over

338 subjects, space and time. We will visualize the database using the following:

339 ● An evidence atlas that displays the studies in the map on cartographical space in an

340 interactive geographical information system.

341 ● A series of heat maps that cross-tabulate categorical variables to highlight evidence gaps

342 and clusters for sets of key variable pairs.

343 ● Diagnostic plots that display details of the evidence base in histograms, bar charts and

344 scatterplots.


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

345 3.4.1. Knowledge gap and cluster identification

346 We will make use of spatial, temporal and subject classifications across the evidence base in

347 the form of the visualizations above to identify subtopics, insect groups, time periods, and

348 regions for which there is an underrepresentation of evidence (evidence gaps) or for which there

349 is sufficient evidence to allow a full systematic review (evidence cluster). Evidence clusters will

350 be discussed in consultation with stakeholders that include researchers and decision-makers to

351 identify high priority topics that warrant quantitative synthesis (i.e. meta-analysis).

352 Declarations and competing interests

353 EMG is funded by a UConn Outstanding Scholars Fellowship. LVD is funded by the Natural

354 Environment Research Council (grant code NE/N014472/1).


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

355 References

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357 Learning Research, 3(1), 993-1022.

358 Brummitt, R.K. (2001). World geographical scheme for recording plant distributions, Edition 2.

359 Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG). http://www.tdwg.org/standards/109

360 Cardoso, P., & Leather, S.R. (2019). Predicting a global insect apocalypse. Insect Conservation

361 and Diversity, 12(4), 263-267. https://doi.org/10.1111/icad.12367

362 Clapton, J., Rutter, D., & Sharif, N. (2009). SCIE Systematic mapping guidance. 151.

363 Conrad, K.F., Warren, M.S., Fox, R., Parsons, M S., & Woiwod, I.P. (2006). Rapid declines of

364 common, widespread British moths provide evidence of an insect biodiversity crisis.

365 Biological Conservation, 132(3), 279–291. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2006.04.020

366 Dirzo, R., Young, H.S., Galetti, M., Ceballos, G., Isaac, N.J., & Collen, B. (2014).

367 in the Anthropocene. Science, 345(6195), 401–406.

368 https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1251817

369 Forister, M.L., Jahner, J.P., Casner, K.L., Wilson, J.S., & Shapiro, A.M. (2010a). The race is not

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372 Forister, M.L., McCall, A.C., Sanders, N.J., Fordyce, J.A., Thorne, J.H., O’Brien, J., Waetjen, D.

373 P., & Shapiro, A.M. (2010b). Compounded effects of climate change and habitat

374 alteration shift patterns of butterfly diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of

375 Sciences, 107(5), 2088-2092. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0909686107

376 Forister, M.L., Cousens, B., Harrison, J.G., Anderson, K., Thorne, J.H., Waetjen, D., Nice, C.C.,

377 De Parsia, M., Hladik, M.L., Meese, R., van Vliet, H., & Shapiro, A.M. (2016).


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

378 Increasing neonicotinoid use and the declining butterfly fauna of lowland California.

379 Biological Letters, 12(8), 1744–9561. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2016.0475

380 Forister, M.L., Fordyce, J.A., Nice, C.C., Thorne, J.H., Waetjen, D.P., & Shapiro, A.M. (2018).

381 Impacts of a millennium drought on butterfly faunal dynamics. Climate Change

382 Responses, 5, 3. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40665-018-0039-x

383 Fournier, A.M., White, E.R., & Heard, S.B. (2019). Site‐selection bias and apparent population

384 declines in long‐term studies. Conservation Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13371

385 Frankie, G.W., Opler, P.A., & Bawa, K.S. (1976). Foraging behaviour of solitary :

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Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

494 Appendix 1: Search terms

Table A1. Naive search terms. These terms will be combined into a Boolean search string to retrieve a set of highly relevant articles, from which potential search terms will be extracted using litsearchr.

Insects ("insect" OR "insects" OR "insecta" OR "" OR "" OR "Dobsonfl*" OR "Fishfl*" OR "" OR "Angel Insect*" OR "" OR "*" OR "Owlfl*" OR "Lacewing*" OR "Mantidfl*" OR "" OR "" OR "" OR "" OR "bees" OR "" OR "Sawfl*" OR "" OR "Barklice" OR "Booklice" OR "Parasitic Lice" OR "Coleoptera" OR "*" OR "Microcoryphia" OR "Bristletail*" OR "Lepidoptera" OR "Butterfl*" OR "Moths" OR "" OR "Trichoptera" OR "Caddisfl*" OR "" OR "*" OR "Termite*" OR "Odonat*" OR "Dragonfl*" OR "Damselfl*" OR "Dermaptera" OR "*" OR "Siphonaptera" OR "*" OR "Diptera" OR "" OR "fly" OR "" OR "Grasshopper*" OR "Cricket*" OR "Katydid*" OR "" OR "Ice Crawler*" OR "Rock Crawler*" OR "Mantodea" OR "Mantid*" OR "Ephemeroptera" OR "Mayfl*" OR "" OR "" OR "Scorpionfl*" OR "Hangingfl*" OR "" OR "" OR "Raphidioptera" OR "Snakefl*" OR "Phasmid*" OR "" OR "Stonefl*" OR "Thysanoptera" OR "Thrip*" OR "*" OR "True Bug*" OR "Cicada*" OR "Hopper*" OR "Aphid*" OR "" OR "Embiidina" OR "Webspinner*" OR hoverfl* OR bumblebee* OR pollinator*)


Population (("species distribution" OR "geographic distribution" OR “species range” OR "population responses dynamics" OR abundan* OR "occurrence*" OR occupanc* OR "diversity" OR "biodiversity" OR "species richness" OR "species presence" OR "biomass" OR survey* OR "population trend")


Over time (expansion* OR contraction* OR "time series" OR "over time" OR "long-term" OR "long term" OR reduction OR interannual OR "multi-year" OR temporal OR spatiotemporal OR "repeated measures" OR "long-running" OR "population trend")) 495


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

Table A2. Final search terms. Terms that were modified after running the searches for the first time are putting lice, ant, and bee in quotes with no stemming because of words like “license” and instead adding ants and bees.

Insects ((bittacid* OR philopterid* OR carabid* OR staphylinid* OR coccinellid* OR silvanid* OR histerid* OR zopherid* OR monotomid* OR mordellid* OR meloid* OR chrysomelid* OR melolonthid* OR aphodiid* OR euchirid* OR dynastid* OR cetoniid* OR bolboceratid* OR scarabaeid* OR trogid* OR cerambycid* OR phengodid* OR brentid* OR curculionid* OR brachycerid* OR braconid* OR ichneumonid* OR cynipid* OR eumenid* OR vespid* OR masarid* OR formicid* OR apid* OR colletid* OR halictid* OR andrenid* OR chalcidid* OR aphelinid* OR mymarid* OR torymid* OR encyrtid* OR eulophid* OR pteromalid* OR platygastrid* OR scelionid* OR amorphoscelid* OR baetid* OR leptohyphid* OR forficulid* OR thripid* OR platystictid* OR coenagrionid* OR isostictid* OR gomphid* OR libellulid* OR corduliid* OR glossosomatid* OR hydroptilid* OR hydrobiosid* OR leptocerid* OR polycentropodid* OR ecnomid* OR limnephilid* OR chironomid* OR hybotid* OR tachinid* OR nemestrinid* OR sarcophagid* OR chloropid* OR tabanid* OR scenopinid* OR tipulid* OR limoniid* OR muscid* OR scathophagid* OR syrphid* OR phorid* OR diopsid* OR agromyzid* OR drosophilid* OR heleomyzid* OR keroplatid* OR therevid* OR rhiniid* OR lauxaniid* OR stratiomyid* OR empidid* OR sphaerocerid* OR bibionid* OR cecidomyiid* OR dolichopodid* OR bombyliid* OR mycetophilid* OR ephydrid* OR tephritid* OR ceratopogonid* OR hippoboscid* OR psychodid* OR pipunculid* OR culicid* OR asilid* OR milichiid* OR tetrigid* OR tettigoniid* OR acridid* OR lentulid* OR gryllid* OR anostostomatid* OR lasiocampid* OR tortricid* OR gracillariid* OR megalopygid* OR limacodid* OR noctuid* OR nolid* OR arctiid* OR erebid* OR notodontid* OR argyresthiid* OR plutellid* OR heliodinid* OR scythridid* OR autostichid* OR momphid* OR gelechiid* OR psychid* OR tineid* OR sphingid* OR saturniid* OR epermeniid* OR pyralid* OR crambid* OR nymphalid* OR pierid* OR riodinid* OR papilionid* OR hesperiid* OR drepanid* OR mimallonid* OR geometrid* OR ectobiid* OR capniid* OR nemourid* OR perlodid* OR gripopterygid* OR raphidiid* OR rhyparochromid* OR mirid* OR clastopterid* OR cicadellid* OR corixid* OR coreid* OR delphacid* OR cixiid* OR aphidid* OR cydnid* OR pentatomid* OR scutellerid* OR myrmeleontid* OR hemerobiid* OR chrysopid* OR berothid* OR nemopterid* OR figitid* OR archeocrypticid* OR rhopalid* OR turanodermatid* OR pygidicranid* OR elcanid* OR anobiid* OR dermestid* OR throscid* OR scydmaenid* OR leiodid* OR dasytid* OR tenebrionid* OR apionid* OR bostrichid* OR dytiscid* OR tenthredinid* OR pamphiliid* OR dryinid* OR chrysidid* OR crabronid* OR diapriid* OR pompilid* OR clerid* OR buprestid* OR oedemerid* OR laemophloeid* OR lycid* OR elmid* OR cicadid* OR derbid* OR tanyderid* OR ptychopterid* OR sciomyzid* OR rhagionid* OR fanniid* OR lygaeid* OR triozid* OR dictyopharid* OR coccid* OR hydraenid* OR cryptophagid* OR bethylid* OR rutelid* OR corydiid* OR liviid* OR elaterid* OR attelabid* OR mesoblattinid* OR pyrochroid* OR chalcodryid* OR ommatid* OR passalid* OR aradid* OR megakhosarid* OR kokiriid* OR lucanid* OR tingid* OR aleyrodid* OR cacurgid* OR scirtid* OR ptinid* OR nitidulid* OR homoiopterid* OR protopsyllidiid* OR ithonid* OR mutillid* OR skokid* OR toxodotid* OR spiloblattinid* OR nemonychid* OR mylacrid* OR ephialtitid* OR pleciofungivorid* OR blepharicerid* OR helorid* OR diprionid* OR ptilodactylid* OR hydrophilid* OR psyllid* OR simuliid* OR saldid* OR argid* OR nevrorthid* OR pseudocaeciliid* OR silphid* OR stenotrachelid* OR ciid* OR aderid* OR pleocomid* OR sphecid* OR eurytomid* OR ephemerellid* OR heptageniid* OR diapheromerid* OR pseudostigmatid* OR aeshnid* OR calamoceratid* OR cypselosomatid* OR acartophthalmid* OR acrocerid* OR ulidiid* OR chyromyid* OR mydid* OR vermileonid* OR pallopterid* OR platystomatid* OR morabid* OR eumastacid* OR corydalid* OR carposinid* OR nepticulid* OR elachistid* OR cosmopterigid* OR blastobasid* OR thyridid* OR blattid* OR taeniopterygid* OR reduviid* OR aphalarid* OR phacopteronid* OR lophopid* OR thyreocorid* OR ricinid* OR haglid* OR lampyrid* OR incurvariid* OR tiphiid* OR siphlonurid* OR hepialid* OR erotylid* OR belostomatid* OR aetalionid* OR gelastocorid* OR termitid* OR aulacid* OR glossinid* OR conopid* OR romaleid* OR brachodid* OR nepid* OR clusiid* OR dinidorid* OR oligoneuriid* OR rhombocoleid* OR cupedid* OR psephenid* OR gyrinid* OR phylloxerid* OR liomopterid* OR glaresid* OR liturgusid* OR graphiptilid* OR megalyrid* OR eulichadid* OR hylicellid* OR coleoscytid* OR


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

naucorid* OR heterophlebiid* OR cercopid* OR prosbolid* OR scytinopterid* OR dysmorphoptilid* OR nymphid* OR cimbrophlebiid* OR choreutid* OR ptiliid* OR veliid* OR uraniid* OR scoliid* OR dryophthorid* OR polyplacid* OR endomychid* OR corylophid* OR haliplid* OR belid* OR ibaliid* OR eucharitid* OR trichogrammatid* OR hymenopodid* OR metallyticid* OR ephemerid* OR lepismatid* OR megapodagrionid* OR chlorocyphid* OR philopotamid* OR beraeid* OR limnocentropodid* OR phryganeid* OR brachystomatid* OR platypezid* OR sciarid* OR ditomyiid* OR pelecorhynchid* OR canacid* OR richardiid* OR asteiid* OR sepsid* OR micropezid* OR ripipterygid* OR pyrgomorphid* OR euteliid* OR yponomeutid* OR adelid* OR bombycid* OR eupterotid* OR hyblaeid* OR blaberid* OR leuctrid* OR membracid* OR tropiduchid* OR achilid* OR margarodid* OR diaspidid* OR coniopterygid* OR kennedyid* OR clambid* OR eucnemid* OR oxycarenid* OR nabid* OR pergid* OR asthenohymenid* OR archescytinid* OR carnid* OR melittid* OR psychomyiid* OR caenid* OR lonchaeid* OR blattinopsid* OR blattulid* OR tshekardocoleid* OR melasid* OR cimbicid* OR trachypachid* OR palaeontinid* OR aspidothoracid* OR xyelydid* OR lasiosynid* OR orthophlebiid* OR pelecinid* OR dictyoneurid* OR aeschnidiid* OR oedischiid* OR gomphaeschnid* OR cuneocorid* OR tettigarctid* OR spilapterid* OR pachygronthid* OR trichodectid* OR cucujid* OR nocticolid* OR mycetophagid* OR megaspilid* OR agaonid* OR stivaliid* OR platycnemidid* OR molannid* OR mogoplistid* OR bucculatricid* OR zygaenid* OR immid* OR glyphipterigid* OR eriocottid* OR prodoxid* OR perlid* OR homotomid* OR gerrid* OR nogodinid* OR flatid* OR ascalaphid* OR alydid* OR anisolabidid* OR leiodesid* OR malachiid* OR byturid* OR proctotrupid* OR dryomyzid* OR melyrid* OR thynnid* OR trigonidiid* OR ancopterid* OR perilampid* OR lestid* OR ortheziid* OR mengeid* OR lyonetiid* OR meganeurid* OR agyrtid* OR ogmomyiid* OR xyelid* OR aetheogrammatid* OR fulgoridiid* OR sepulcid* OR orthophlebid* OR geotrupid* OR boreoscytid* OR eoscarterellid* OR issid* OR lagriid* OR philotarsid* OR hoplopleurid* OR cerylonid* OR omethid* OR ormyrid* OR thespid* OR empusid* OR phasmatid* OR ceratophyllid* OR protoneurid* OR calopterygid* OR philorheithrid* OR brachycentrid* OR oestrid* OR xylomyid* OR chamaemyiid* OR dalcerid* OR sesiid* OR castniid* OR alucitid* OR aclerdid* OR psocid* OR trogossitid* OR ampedid* OR megalodontesid* OR passandrid* OR evaniid* OR uenoid* OR psilid* OR fulgorid* OR salpingid* OR chimabachid* OR panorpid* OR stygnid* OR tintorinid* OR melandryid* OR latridiid* OR polymitarcyid* OR cossid* OR orussid* OR gasteruptiid* OR kaltanid* OR enicocephalid* OR osmylitid* OR fouqueid* OR vorkutiid* OR hadentomid* OR taldycupid* OR leptophlebiid* OR jongmansiid* OR echinophthiriid* OR limnichid* OR noterid* OR glaphyrid* OR ameletid* OR polythorid* OR apataniid* OR australimyzid* OR calophyid* OR aenictopecheid* OR pythid* OR piophilid* OR chaeteessid* OR locustopsid* OR phalacrid* OR athericid* OR scatopsid* OR tridactylid* OR pachytroctid* OR cimeliid* OR ricaniid* OR phalangopsid* OR kargalopterid* OR tanaostigmatid* OR schizocoleid* OR socialid* OR osmylid* OR permosynid* OR sericostomatid* OR liposcelidid* OR serphitid* OR lachesillid* OR scraptiid* OR aegialiid* OR hybosorid* OR nosodendrid* OR heteropterygid* OR petalurid* OR trichocerid* OR eriocraniid* OR lacturid* OR lecithocerid* OR tischeriid* OR malachiusid* OR callirhipid* OR heterocerid* OR ceraphronid* OR psychopsid* OR orphnid* OR cimicid* OR gyropid* OR euryptilonid* OR caeciliusid* OR liassophlebiid* OR ademosynid* OR spanioderid* OR embolemid* OR labidurid* OR protohymenid* OR schizopterid* OR oviparosiphid* OR sphaeriusid* OR leucospid* OR conoesucid* OR lepidostomatid* OR coelopid* OR thericleid* OR ypsolophid* OR heliozelid* OR berytid* OR pyrrhocorid* OR meenoplid* OR acanaloniid* OR eucinetid* OR rhyacophilid* OR helotid* OR asiocoleid* OR maguviopseid* OR sylvaphlebiid* OR sisyrid* OR hemiphlebiid* OR atactophlebiid* OR martynoviid* OR cercopionid* OR apatelodid* OR hydrochid* OR diathemid* OR cephid* OR caloneurid* OR asidada* OR opostegid* OR necrotauliid* OR megalopodid* OR aclopid* OR stenotritid* OR iridopterygid* OR stephanocircid* OR synthemistid* OR neminid* OR pamphagid* OR gryllotalpid* OR carsidarid* OR hebrid* OR bintoniellid* OR helotrephid* OR boopiid* OR thaumaleid* OR emphylopterid* OR anisopodid* OR kalligrammatid* OR weitschatid* OR menoponid* OR anamorphid* OR tarachodid* OR toxoderid* OR hilarimorphid* OR aidid* OR cyclotornid* OR stathmopodid* OR machaerotid* OR embiid* OR adumbratomorphid* OR siricid* OR liadytid* OR charipid* OR micropterigid* OR myopophlebiid* OR szelegiewicziid* OR cylindrotomid* OR lebanophytid* OR grammolingiid*


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

OR notonectid* OR languriid* OR oligotomid* OR panorpodid* OR byrrhid* OR telegeusid* OR epaphroditid* OR opomyzid* OR ommexechid* OR sialid* OR mnesarchaeid* OR adelgid* OR caliscelid* OR peloridiid* OR perlariopseid* OR boreid* OR tetratomid* OR dixid* OR acrolophid* OR dryopid* OR coptoclavid* OR ithycerid* OR lithidiid* OR radiophronid* OR pyrgotid* OR sphindid* OR austropetaliid* OR urodid* OR galacticid* OR diamphipnoid* OR asterolecaniid* OR tricorythid* OR cybocephalid* OR chaulioditid* OR meinertellid* OR urothemistid* OR psocidiid* OR kinzelbachillid* OR pemphredonid* OR breyeriid* OR eurybrachid* OR artematopodid* OR calocid* OR epipyropid* OR praydid* OR rhynchitid* OR vladipterid* OR hedylid* OR eurhynchid* OR geinitziid* OR fungivoritid* OR sieblosiid* OR vitimotauliid* OR tococladid* OR caloblattinid* OR mycterid* OR prostomid* OR ochodaeid* OR pulicid* OR heteromyzid* OR ninid* OR myerslopiid* OR pruvostitid* OR jassid* OR chrysopolomid* OR poroblattinid* OR schreckensteiniid* OR tettigometrid* OR osmylopsychopid* OR oborocoleid* OR hydrometrid* OR paoliid* OR tethepomyiid* OR epallagid* OR elmoboriid* OR synchroid* OR euphaeid* OR bolitophilid* OR apsilocephalid* OR liberiblattinid* OR ideliid* OR biphyllid* OR baissopterid* OR protomeropid* OR panfiloviid* OR alectoneurid* OR bacillid* OR odontocerid* OR aulacigastrid* OR tineodid* OR kinnarid* OR kateretid* OR coloburiscid* OR agaristid* OR tessaratomid* OR obrieniid* OR taimyrocorid* OR jacobsoniid* OR orsodacnid* OR metretopodid* OR polyctenid* OR ptiloneurid* OR locustavid* OR sapygid* OR prosbolopseid* OR mischopterid* OR myrmecophilid* OR umenocoleid* OR axymyiid* OR sciadocerid* OR gerarid* OR karabasiid* OR jurinid* OR enderleinellid* OR goerid* OR heterogastrid* OR lestoniid* OR microphysid* OR palaeoleontid* OR calvertiellid* OR bethylonymid* OR brongniartiellid* OR exaeretopterid* OR paracaeciliid* OR rhipicerid* OR trigonopterygid* OR brahmaeid* OR dilarid* OR hemimerid* OR ligavenid* OR periscelidid* OR mesocinetid* OR zorotypid* OR hypsipterygid* OR ignotalid* OR paralogid* OR odiniid* OR copromorphid* OR trogiid* OR tetracampid* OR permoneurid* OR zygophlebiid* OR mythicomyiid* OR pachymeridiid* OR paroryssid* OR camillid* OR palaephatid* OR pteronarcyid* OR pleid* OR cratomyiid* OR euxestid* OR permulid* OR valeseguyid* OR bardohymenid* OR mesosciophilid* OR permocentropid* OR venicorid* OR derodontid* OR timematid* OR batrachedrid* OR cymid* OR lygistorrhinid* OR tillyardipterid* OR sinoalid* OR diaphanopterid* OR eolepidopterigid* OR liadotypid* OR stylopid* OR bothriderid* OR baetiscid* OR corethrellid* OR pamphagodid* OR pneumorid* OR baleyopterygid* OR xiphydriid* OR heterogynid* OR cryptorhamphid* OR raphidiomimid* OR myrmecolacid* OR atelurid* OR hapalopterid* OR nicoletiid* OR oreogetonid* OR sematurid* OR ceratocombid* OR dasydemellid* OR heliconiid* OR boganiid* OR plataspid* OR nanophyeid* OR xyelotomid* OR cordulegasterid* OR phylliid* OR proscopiid* OR archaeatropid* OR teredid* OR elmoid* OR phasmomimid* OR prionoglaridid* OR halictophagid* OR diadocidiid* OR homalophlebid* OR stenocephalid* OR leptopodid* OR campterophlebiid* OR anomopterellid* OR pincombeid* OR brochocoleid* OR lymexylid* OR hesperinid* OR douglasiid* OR epicopeiid* OR discolomatid* OR chorotypid* OR rhopalosomatid* OR pseudopolycentropid* OR triassocorid* OR corioxenid* OR babinskaiid* OR mimarachnid* OR eumorbaeschnid* OR haematopinid* OR oeconesid* OR triaplid* OR herdinid* OR syntonopterid* OR maimetshid* OR lycocercid* OR choristid* OR somatiid* OR tanypezid* OR curtonotid* OR phenacoleachiid* OR protapiocerid* OR epeoromimid* OR protimaspid* OR stenoneurid* OR hexagenitid* OR ropalomerid* OR hyocephalid* OR dermapterid* OR amphientomid* OR procramptonomyiid* OR trigonalid* OR isonychiid* OR ametropodid* OR euschmidtiid* OR tcholmanvissiid* OR oniscigastrid* OR pediculid* OR stigmaphronid* OR dunstaniid* OR termopsid* OR cavognathid* OR cooloolid* OR tryonicid* OR diplatyid* OR xenopterid* OR archiprobnisid* OR tshekardominid* OR cymatophlebiid* OR tarsophlebiid* OR straeleniellid* OR meropeid* OR scolebythid* OR murmidiid* OR inbiomyiid* OR lonchopterid* OR symmocid* OR metachandid* OR sphenophlebiid* OR clothodid* OR galinthiadid* OR pisuliid* OR rangomaramid* OR simaethistid* OR endromid* OR mesotitanid* OR nanophyid* OR elodophthalmid* OR soyanopterid* OR spathiopterygid* OR nilionid* OR linognathid* OR lestoideid* OR satyrid* OR micropalentomid* OR permothemid* OR corydaloidid* OR megaptilid* OR drilid* OR cerophytid* OR aphelocheirid* OR mycetaeid* OR cordulegastrid* OR amphipterygid* OR rossianid* OR cylindrachetid* OR camptoneuritid* OR alexiid* OR eomeropid* OR karatavitid* OR


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

protomphralid* OR pereboriid* OR araripephlebiid* OR eustheniid* OR aktassiid* OR namurodiaphid* OR ochterid* OR dactylopiid* OR inkaid* OR asiopterid* OR xiphocentronid* OR neriid* OR ironomyiid* OR scaphocorid* OR saurophthirid* OR urostylidid* OR prisopodid* OR plectrotarsid* OR laemobothriid* OR baissoferid* OR tasimiid* OR paucineurid* OR blasticotomid* OR aykhalid* OR kerriid* OR euremiscid* OR phthanoxenid* OR dascillid* OR "archipanorpa* bairda*" OR palingeniid* OR mesorthopterid* OR neazoniid* OR diastatid* OR piesmatid* OR torridincolid* OR rhagophthalmid* OR stenopelmatid* OR roeslerstammiid* OR dysoneurid* OR alexarasniid* OR anchineurid* OR tritarsusid* OR teratomyzid* OR liupanshaniid* OR moravohymenid* OR bajanzhargalanid* OR regiatid* OR lalacid* OR meschiid* OR nymphomyiid* OR epimetopid* OR ansorgiid* OR pedicinid* OR misthodotid* OR neorthroblattinid* OR stenelytrid* OR liassophilid* OR batkeniid* OR serpentivenid* OR neopseustid* OR prezottophlebiid* OR havlatiid* OR probnid* OR hyperpolyneurid* OR artheneid* OR belmontiid* OR siphlaenigmatid* OR bolcathorid* OR pachytylopsid* OR megamerinid* OR saaloscytinid* OR triadophlebiid* OR paratitanid* OR agonoxenid* OR musidoromimid* OR leptid* OR petrothrincid* OR pthirid* OR geocorid* OR neurochaetid* OR permagrionid* OR trigonalyid* OR coelostomidiid* OR permophilid* OR helicophid* OR pachypodid* OR eugereonid* OR ponopterixid* OR austroniid* OR latibasaliid* OR scytohymenid* OR sphecopterid* OR carid* OR syringogastrid* OR streblid* OR kermesid* OR namurotypid* OR thaumastocorid* OR teloganodid* OR ivapterid* OR kortshakoliid* OR biarmohymenid* OR protereismatid* OR cyclopterinid* OR eucaudomyiid* OR luanpingitid* OR schizopodid* OR paruraliid* OR cryptochetid* OR sclerogibbid* OR eremochaetid* OR chelopterid* OR bardapterid* OR prosopistomatid* OR sierolomorphid* OR idelinellid* OR kalophryganid* OR glosselytrid* OR lithosiid* OR elliid* OR carbotriplurid* OR priscaenigmatid* OR deuterophlebiid* OR celyphid* OR rhaetomyiid* OR gorochoviid* OR bolbomyiid* OR ischnoneurid* OR jarmilid* OR micromalthid* OR isophlebiid* OR curvicubitid* OR lathicerid* OR eucoilid* OR eukulojid* OR madygenophlebiid* OR elytroneurid* OR limnetid* OR blattellid* OR brachypsectrid* OR callidulid* OR chelisochid* OR pachynomid* OR ameletopsid* OR lypusid* OR magnocoleid* OR tuphellid* OR nannodastiid* OR mecynostomatid* OR cecidosid* OR malcid* OR hennigmatid* OR fuziid* OR ctenostylid* OR cryptolaryngid* OR archelytrid* OR caulopterid* OR fulgorinid* OR palaeosetid* OR permarrhaphid* OR sojanoperid* OR doid* OR ulopid* OR plastocerid* OR englathaumatid* OR bradynobaenid* OR cymenophlebid* OR monomachid* OR scolytid* OR putoid* OR opetiid* OR worcestobiid* OR haematomyzid* OR tristirid* OR perlopseid* OR phloiophilid* OR epideigmatid* OR plataspidid* OR mesogereonid* OR cordulephyid* OR praelateriid* OR ulodid* OR roproniid* OR brodiopterid* OR semenoviolid* OR chelonariid* OR spercheid* OR oenosandrid* OR omalisid* OR synteliid* OR aglycyderid* OR borid* OR teloganellid* OR phyllodromiid* OR steleopterid* OR engisopterid* OR mesuropetalid* OR liopterid* OR eremiaphilid* OR mengenillid* OR bohartillid* OR heterocheilid* OR potamocorid* OR parandrexid* OR agathemerid* OR xyloryctid* OR eomyiid* OR ptismid* OR polyphagid* OR australiphemerid* OR appertiid* OR protagrionid* OR cyclothemistid* OR zhangsolvid* OR hygrobiid* OR hoploridiid* OR chathamiid* OR aulonocnemid* OR pachyneurid* OR omaliid* OR sphaeritid* OR dudgeoneid* OR triboliid* OR archoglossopterid* OR gallophlebiid* OR lutrochid* OR dicteriadid* OR heteronemiid* OR strephocladid* OR permaeschnid* OR diphyllostomatid* OR aspidohymenid* OR psoquillid* OR rotoitid* OR lophocoronid* OR nadipterid* OR mesojabloniid* OR paragonophlebiid* OR prochoropterid* OR robinjohniid* OR diechoblattinid* OR stenomicrid* OR peltosynid* OR myraboliid* OR rigattopterid* OR aphylid* OR kuwaniid* OR machadorythid* OR amarygmiid* OR archaeolepid* OR tanyderophrynid* OR burmaphlebiid* OR dermelytrid* OR tanaocerid* OR cryptocercid* OR braulid* OR aviorrhynchid* OR schizodactylid* OR trictenotomid* OR steingeliid* OR pseudonerthrid* OR elenchid* OR smicripid* OR helcomyzid* OR rachicerid* OR euchauliodid* OR kohlwaldiid* OR electrentomid* OR boholdoyid* OR syntomid* OR hageniid* OR colobathristid* OR triplosobid* OR tchirkovaeid* OR cneoglossid* OR megaridid* OR shurabellid* OR oxycorynid* OR psoropterid* OR naibiid* OR petrablattinid* OR fuyoid* OR arcioneurid* OR lepidotrichid* OR selenothemid* OR mesopolystoechotid* OR kaltanoneurid* OR eospilopteronid* OR thaumatoneurid* OR dericorythid* OR sibiriothaumatid* OR grauvogeliid* OR mystacinobiid* OR cymbopsid* OR sojanocoleid* OR hoffeinsmyiid* OR apachyid* OR


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

ditaxineurid* OR cratopetaliid* OR eostratiomyiid* OR dzhajloutshellid* OR daldubid* OR henicocorid* OR solenoptilid* OR stenophlebiid* OR protendipedid* OR prionocerid* OR brachycleistogastrid* OR doubraviid* OR empheriid* OR archaemiopterid* OR nothybid* OR eneopterid* OR ulyanid* OR rhagionemestriid* OR labradorocoleid* OR ctenuchid* OR volitoridid* OR othniodellithid* OR cryptovenid* OR epipygid* OR pennygullaniid* OR mesophlebiid* OR adeloneurid* OR euthemistid* OR atriplectidid* OR hadrocorid* OR gryllavid* OR labidelytrid* OR ctenoptilid* OR eopolyneurid* OR ephemerythid* OR thyatirid* OR promecheilid* OR chiliocyclid* OR baissodid* OR coleopsid* OR gerapompid* OR achilixiid* OR phloeostichid* OR mesopentacorid* OR eosagrionid* OR deinotitanid* OR permopectinid* OR eorpid* OR stenoneuritid* OR galgulid* OR mesokristenseniid* OR dictyodipterid* OR peleopodid* OR colydiid* OR peradeniid* OR sinopalaeodermatid* OR bruchid* OR eupsilobiid* OR tipulodictyid* OR hanid* OR allopetaliid* OR polytaxineurid* OR grimaldiellid* OR raymondionymid* OR mauroniscid* OR bojophlebiid* OR boleopsid* OR magnathemid* OR macropiratid* OR rhysodid* OR ichneumonomimid* OR thoronysidid* OR kuafuid* OR kobdocorid* OR tungid* OR dipteromimid* OR hydroscaphid* OR carthaeid* OR eadiid* OR tachiniscid* OR pterolonchid* OR manipulatorid* OR drepanosiphid* OR evenkid* OR homalocnemiid* OR jurapriid* OR protocoleid* OR parakseneurid* OR pterogeniid* OR tunguskapterid* OR telactinopterygid* OR parmapterid* OR edgariekiid* OR rallidentid* OR eremazid* OR neopsylloidid* OR parvaverrucosid* OR aenigmatidiid* OR rafaelid* OR lamingtoniid* OR apachelytrid* OR erichschmidtiid* OR heteroptilid* OR ebboid* OR libytheid* OR paraknightiid* OR nedubroviid* OR synarmogid* OR bouretid* OR orussusid* OR georyssid* OR danaid* OR alerollid* OR amphizoid* OR dyspolyneurid* OR sinonamuropterid* OR psychroptilid* OR mesomegaloprepid* OR alexrasnitsyniid* OR synomaloptilid* OR philolimniid* OR homothetid* OR prosechamyiid* OR laurentipterid* OR hemeroscopid* OR vanhorniid* OR torrirostratid* OR hallomenid* OR iscopinid* OR mesotrephid* OR barbarochthonid* OR nodalulaid* OR somabrachyid* OR heptamelid* OR anoecid* OR raaschiid* OR daohugoid* OR rhyphid* OR protocorid* OR idiostolid* OR nugonioneurid* OR probascanionid* OR canopid* OR megaphlebiid* OR conchaspidid* OR mirolydid* OR dictyoneurellid* OR pecaroecid* OR proneottiophilid* OR kozariid* OR macromiid* OR vosilid* OR ctenophthalmid* OR plumariid* OR apystomyiid* OR vitimiid* OR bechalid* OR epiophlebiid* OR cretamyzid* OR mutoviid* OR hebeigrammid* OR mysteromyiid* OR henrotayiid* OR agathiphagid* OR phycosecid* OR plokiophilid* OR millieriid* OR shaposhnikoviid* OR promastacid* OR ischnoptilid* OR gengid* OR piroutetiid* OR idionychid* OR magnacicadiid* OR ascalochrysid* OR velisopterid* OR prygid* OR mormotomyiid* OR eocoronid* OR aulertupid* OR oxytenid* OR electrotomid* OR heterobathmiid* OR chaetosomatid* OR marginid* OR homoeodictyid* OR prototheorid* OR aganaid* OR taymyrelectronid* OR polycreagrid* OR katerinkid* OR callimokaltaniid* OR serphid* OR colymbotethid* OR brodiid* OR behningiid* OR kukaspidid* OR mesoplectopterid* OR cratovitismid* OR arixeniid* OR namuroningxiid* OR nemuropsid* OR araripeneurid* OR gietellid* OR millierid* OR aepophilid* OR mitophlebiid* OR asyncritid* OR otitid* OR dicercomyzid* OR vietnamellid* OR epigambriid* OR hermatobatid* OR limnophilid* OR sylvabestiid* OR muchoriid* OR rudiaeschnid* OR turanothemistid* OR foririid* OR megagnathid* OR scirtesid* OR electralbertid* OR omaniid* OR xamenophlebiid* OR ethmiid* OR zacallitid* OR cycloristid* OR heterogynaid* OR passalopalpid* OR rhinorhipid* OR melizoderid* OR reculid* OR babid* OR anomosetid* OR protoblattinid* OR granulid* OR mecoptera* OR coleoptera* OR hymenoptera* OR ephemeroptera* OR dermaptera* OR thysanoptera* OR trichoptera* OR diptera* OR orthoptera* OR lepidoptera* OR plecoptera* OR raphidioptera* OR hemiptera* OR neuroptera* OR siphonaptera* OR * OR megaloptera* OR * OR strepsiptera* OR * OR * OR * OR zoraptera* OR psocod* OR blattod* OR caloneurod* OR diaphanopterod* OR cnemidolestod* OR glosselytrod* OR reculoid* OR odonat* OR phasmid* OR zygentoma* OR * OR alderfl* OR aphid* OR aulacid* OR backswimm* OR barklic* OR booklic* OR braconid* OR bristletail* OR bumblebe* OR butterfl* OR caddisfl* OR casemak* OR ceraphronid* OR cicada* OR clubtail* OR cockroach* OR cricket* OR cruiseries OR damselfl* OR darner* OR dobsonfl* OR dragonfl* OR dryinid* OR dustyw* OR earwig* OR emerald* OR encyrtid* OR ensign* OR fairyfl* OR "felt* scale*" OR firefl* OR fishfl* OR flea* OR flies OR


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

forcepfl* OR froghopp* OR gasteruptiid* OR gnat* OR grasshopp* OR "ground* pearl*" OR hangingfl* OR hemipteran* OR hornet* OR * OR ichneumon* OR katydid* OR "lac scale*" OR lacew* OR leafhopp* OR "lice" OR mayfl* OR megaspilid* OR metalmark* OR midg* OR * OR "moth" OR "moths" OR owlfl* OR "palm* scale*" OR parnassian* OR pelecinid* OR petaltail* OR "pit scale*" OR psocid* OR pteromalid* OR "rock* crawler*" OR "sand* minnow*" OR sawfl* OR scorpionfl* OR shadowdamsel* OR silverfish* OR skimmer* OR * OR snakefl* OR spiketail* OR spongillafl* OR spreadw* OR stonefl* OR swallowtail* OR termit* OR threadtail* OR thrip* OR treehopp* OR walkingstick* OR wasp* OR "water* boatmen*" OR "water measurer*" OR "water* treader*" OR waterscorpion* OR webspinn* OR weta* OR whitefl* OR wormlion* OR yellowjacket* OR zorapteran* OR "insect" OR "insects" OR "insecta" OR ("ant" NOT "ant-") OR ("bee" NOT "bee-") OR "ants" OR "bees" OR microcoryphia* OR notoptera* OR "ice crawler*" OR hopper* OR embiidina* OR hoverfl* OR pollinator* OR "aedes aegypt*" OR "aedes albopictus*" OR "culex* quinquefasciatus*" OR "pheromon* trap*" OR "stick* trap*" OR "pitfal* trap*" OR "light* trap*" OR "* species" OR borer* OR ("bug" NOT "bug-") OR * OR ("fly" NOT "fly-") OR beetle* OR leafmin* OR "" OR caterpillar* OR cutworm* OR leafrol* OR webworm* OR looper* OR maggot* OR wireworm* OR curculio* OR casebear* OR armyworm* OR budworm* OR sphinx* OR engrav* OR psyllid* OR coneworm* OR rootworm* OR skeletoni* OR adelgid* OR fruitworm* OR leaftier* OR chafer* OR ips OR sawyer* OR chalcid* OR girdler* OR seedworm* OR bollworm* OR cabbageworm* OR delphacid* OR fleahopp* OR mealworm* OR needlemin* OR oakworm* OR sharpshoot* OR carpenterworm* OR hornworm* OR kerm* OR leaffold* OR leafworm* OR phylloxera* OR spanworm* OR timberworm* OR cankerworm* OR clearwing* OR colasp* OR conenos* OR embiid* OR fireworm* OR grub* OR hairstreak* OR jointworm* OR leafcutt* OR lecanium* OR mapleworm* OR milliped* OR prionus* OR psylla* OR roseslug* OR scolytid* OR screwworm* OR sheathmin* OR strider* OR tortrix* OR trogiid* OR woollybear* OR hexapod* OR heteroptera* OR holometabola* OR hemimetabola* OR * OR * OR naiad* OR nymph* OR entomofauna* OR noctuoid* OR auchenorrhyncha* OR * OR fulgoroid* OR cicadoid* OR cercopid* OR psocoptera* OR isoptera* OR pyraloid* OR * OR "malais* trap*" OR ladybird* OR ladybug*)


Responses (("species distribut*" OR "geograph* distribut*" OR "popul* dynam*" OR abund* OR occurr* OR occup* OR "diversity" OR "biodiversity" OR "species rich*" OR "species presenc*" OR biomass* OR survey* OR "popul* trend*" OR assemblag* OR "range" OR "ranges" OR demograph* OR "communit* composit*" OR "communit* dynam*" OR "communit* structur*" OR "distribut* pattern*" OR "distribut* within* habitat*" OR "* function*" OR "long-term monitor*" OR "popul* chang*" OR "popul* declin*" OR "popul* densit*" OR "popul* fluctuation*" OR "popul* growth*" OR "popul* size*" OR "popul* structur*" OR "spatial* distribut*" OR "spatial* pattern*" OR "species composit*" OR "species loss*" OR "local* popul*" OR "popul* level*" OR "high* densit*" OR "species turnov*" OR "popul* increas*" OR "total* species" OR "ecosystem* process*" OR "local* extinct*" OR "species number*" OR "life table")


Over time (expans* OR contract* OR "time* series" OR "over* time*" OR long-term OR "long* term" OR reduct* OR interannu* OR multi-year* OR tempor* OR "repeat* measur*" OR long-run* OR "shift" OR "shifts" OR trend* OR increase* OR decrease* OR decline* OR annual* OR monitor* OR "year* earlier*" OR "year* previous*" OR "year* prior*" OR (over NEAR/2 years) OR gain* OR "loss" OR fluctuation* OR "baselin* data*" OR "year* survey*" OR "historical" OR "change" OR "changes" OR "term popul* dynam*" OR "term survey*" OR "series analys*" OR "term data*" OR "term effect*" OR "term stud*" OR "consecut* year*" OR "year* ago" OR "previous* year*" OR "year* period*" OR "year* apart" OR "life table"))) 496

497 31

Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

498 Appendix 2: Titles used to check comprehensiveness of the search (see section 3.1.2)

499 1. Ball-Damerow et al. (2014) Changes in occurrence, richness, and biological traits of

500 and damselflies () in California and Nevada over the past century.

501 Biodiversity and Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-014-0707-5

502 2. Biesmeijer et al. (2006) Parallel declines in pollinators and insect-pollinated plants in Britain

503 and the Netherlands. Science, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1127863

504 3. Bojková J et al. (2012) Species loss of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Czech Republic during the

505 20th century. Freshwater Biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.12027

506 4. Bommarco et al. (2011) Drastic historic shifts in bumble-bee community composition in

507 Sweden. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2011.0647

508 5. Brooks et al. (2012) Large carabid beetle declines in a United Kingdom monitoring network

509 increases evidence for a widespread loss in insect biodiversity. Journal of Applied

510 Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02194.x

511 6. Burkle et al. (2013) Plant-pollinator interactions over 120 years: loss of species, co-ocurrence

512 and function. Science, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1232728

513 7. Carpaneto GM et al. (2007) Inferring species decline from collection records: roller dung

514 beetles in Italy (Coleoptera, ). Diversity and Distributions,

515 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1472-4642.2007.00397.x

516 8. Carvalheiro et al. (2013) Species richness declines and biotic homogenisation have slowed

517 down for NW‐European pollinators and plants. Ecology Letters,

518 https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.12121


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

519 9. Chen et al. (2011) Asymmetric boundary shifts of tropical montane Lepidoptera over four

520 decades of climate warming. Global Ecology and Biogeography,

521 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1466- 8238.2010.00594.x

522 10. Colla & Packer (2008) Evidence for decline in eastern North American bumblebees

523 (Hymenoptera: ), with special focus on Bombus affinis Cresson. Biodiversity and

524 Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-008-9340-5

525 11. Colla et al. (2012) Assessing declines of North American bumble bees (Bombus spp.) using

526 museum specimens. Biodiversity & Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-012-

527 0383-2

528 12. Conrad et al. (2006) Rapid declines of common, widespread British moths provide evidence

529 of an insect biodiversity crisis. Biological Conservation,

530 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2006.04.020

531 13. Desender & Turin (1989) Loss of habitats and changes in the composition of the ground and

532 tiger beetle fauna in four West European countries since 1950 (Coleoptera: Carabidae,

533 cicindelidae). Biological Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/0006-3207(89)90103-1

534 14. DeWalt et al. (2005) Just how imperiled are aquatic insects? A case study of stoneflies

535 (Plecoptera) in Illinois. Annals of the Entomological Society of America,

536 https://doi.org/10.1603/0013-8746(2005)098[0941:JHIAAI]2.0.CO;2

537 15. Dupont et al. (2011) Quantitative historical change in bumblebee (Bombus spp.) assemblages

538 of red clover fields. PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0025172

539 16. Figueroa & Bergey (2015) Bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of Oklahoma: past and

540 present biodiversity. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society,

541 https://doi.org/10.2317/0022-8567-88.4.418


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

542 17. Forister et al. (2016) Increasing neonicotinoid use and the declining butterfly fauna of

543 lowland California. Biology Letters, https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2016.0475

544 18. Fox et al. (2014) Long‐term changes to the frequency of occurrence of British moths are

545 consistent with opposing and synergistic effects of climate and land‐use changes. Journal

546 of Applied Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.12256

547 19. Frankie, G.W., Rizzardi, M., Vinson, S.B., & Griswold, T.L. (2009). Decline in bee diversity

548 and abundance from 1972-2004 on a flowering leguminous tree, Andira inermis in Costa

549 Rica at the interface of disturbed dry forest and the urban environment. Journal of the

550 Kansas Entomological Society, 82(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.2317/JKES708.23.1

551 20. Franzen & Johannesson (2007) Predicting extinction risk of butterflies and moths

552 (Macrolepidoptera) from distribution patterns and species characteristics. Journal of

553 Insect Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-006-9053-6

554 21. Gardner & Spivak (2014) A survey and historical comparison of the

555 (Hymenoptera: ) of Itasca State Park, Minnesota. Annals of the Entomological

556 Society of America, https://doi.org/10.1603/AN14023

557 22. Grixti et al. (2009) Decline of bumble bees (Bombus) in the North American Midwest.

558 Biological Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2008.09.027

559 23. Groenendijk & Ellis (2011) The state of the Dutch larger moth fauna. Journal of Insect

560 Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-010-9326-y

561 24. Hallmann et al. (2017) More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect

562 biomass in protected areas. PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0185809


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

563 25. Honek et al. (2014) Long‐term trends in the composition of aphidophagous coccinellid

564 communities in Central Europe. Insect Conservation & Diversity,

565 https://doi.org/10.1111/icad.12032

566 26. Houghton & Holzenthal (2010) Historical and contemporary biological diversity of

567 Minnesota : a case study of landscape-level species loss and trophic

568 composition shift. Journal of the North American Benthological Society,

569 https://doi.org/10.1899/09-029.1

570 27. Jacobson et al. (2018) Decline of bumble bees in northeastern North America, with special

571 focus on Bombus terricola, Biological Conservation,

572 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2017.11.026

573 28. Korkeamäki & Suhonen (2002) Distribution and habitat specialization of species affect local

574 extinction in Odonata populations. Ecography, https://doi.org/10.1034/j.1600-

575 0587.2002.250408.x

576 29. Kuussaari et al. (2007) Contrasting trends of butterfly species preferring semi-natural

577 grasslands, field margins and forest edges in northern Europe. Journal of Insect

578 Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-006-9052-7

579 30. Lindhe et al. (2011) Longhorn beetles in Sweden - changes in distribution and abundance

580 over the last two hundred years. Entomologisk Tidskrift,

581 https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20113168964

582 31. Lister & Garcia (2018) Climate-driven declines in arthropod abundance restructure a

583 rainforest food web. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,

584 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1722477115


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

585 32. Lobo (2001) Decline of the roller dung (Scarabaeinae) populations in the Iberian peninsula

586 during the 20th century. Biological Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0006-

587 3207(00)00093-8

588 33. Maes & Van Dyck (2001) Butterfly diversity loss in Flanders (north Belgium): Europe's

589 worst case scenario? Biological Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0006-

590 3207(00)00182-8

591 34. Martins et al. (2013) Changes in wild bee fauna of a grassland in Brazil reveal negative

592 effects associated with growing urbanization during the last 40 years. Zoologia

593 (Curitiba), https://doi.org/10.1590/S1984-46702013000200006

594 35. Mathiasson & Rehan (2019) Status changes in the wild bees of north‐eastern North America

595 over 125 years revealed through museum specimens. Insect Conservation and Diversity,

596 https://doi.org/10.1111/icad.12347

597 36. Nemesio (2013) Are orchid bees at risk? First comparative survey suggests declining

598 populations of forest-dependent species. Brazilian Journal of Biology,

599 https://doi.org/10.1590/S1519-69842013000200017

600 37. Ollerton et al. (2014) of aculeate pollinators in Britain and the role of large-scale

601 agricultural changes. Science, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1257259

602 38. Paukkunen et al. (2018) Species traits explain long‐term population trends of Finnish cuckoo

603 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Insect Conservation and Diversity,

604 https://doi.org/10.1111/icad.12241

605 39. Petanidou et al. (2011) diversity (Diptera: Syrphidae) in a Mediterranean scrub

606 community near Athens, Greece. Annales de la Société entomologique de France,

607 https://doi.org/10.1080/00379271.2011.10697709


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

608 40. Powney et al. (2019) Widespread losses of pollinating insects in Britain. Nature

609 Communications, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-08974-9

610 41. Schuch et al. (2011) Minor changes in orthopteran assemblages of Central European

611 protected dry grasslands during the last 40 years. Journal of Insect Conservation,

612 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-011-9379-6

613 42. Schuch et al. (2012) Long-term decline in the abundance of leafhoppers and planthoppers

614 (Auchenorrhyncha) in Central European protected dry grasslands. Biological

615 Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2012.02.006

616 43. Schuch et al. (2012) Long‐term population trends in three grassland insect groups: A

617 comparative analysis of 1951 and 2009. Journal of Applied Entomology,

618 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0418.2011.01645.x

619 44. Shortall et al. (2009) Long‐term changes in the abundance of flying insects. Insect

620 Conservation and Diversity, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1752-4598.2009.00062.x

621 45. Sorvari & Hakkarainen (2007) Wood ants are wood ants: deforestation causes population

622 declines in the polydomous wood ant Formica aquilonia. Ecological Entomology,

623 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2311.2007.00921.x

624 46. Swengel & Swengel (205) Grass-skipper (Hesperiinae) trends in midwestern USA grasslands

625 during 1988–2013. Journal of Insect Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-015-

626 9759-4

627 47. Swengel et al. (2011) Declines of prairie butterflies in the midwestern USA. Journal of Insect

628 Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-010-9323-1


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

629 48. Van Dyck et al. (2009) Declines in Common, Widespread Butterflies in a Landscape under

630 Intense Human Use. Conservation Biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1523-

631 1739.2009.01175.x

632 49. Warren et al. (2001) Rapid responses of British butterflies to opposing forces of climate and

633 habitat change. Nature, https://doi.org/10.1038/35102054

634 50. Williams (1982) The distribution and decline of British bumble bees (Bombus Latr.). Journal

635 of Apicultural Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.1982.11100549

636 51. Willig et al. (2011) Long-term dynamics of tropical walking sticks in response to multiple

637 large-scale and intense disturbances. Oecologia, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-010-

638 1737-7

639 52. Woiwod & Hanski (1992) Patterns of density dependence in moths and aphids. Journal of

640 Animal Ecology, https://doi.org/10.2307/5617

641 53. Zedkova et al. (2015) (Ephemeroptera) as indicators of environmental changes in

642 the past five decades: a case study from the Morava and Odra River Basins (Czech

643 Republic). Aquatic Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.252


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

644 Appendix 3: Databases and sources to be searched

Bibliographic African Journals Online PSJ Online Journals (CiNii Articles) JSTOR (JSTOR) Polish Technical Journal Contents China National Knowledge JuSER (Julich Forschungszentrum) (BazTech) Infrastructure (CNKI) BioOne Complete (BioOne) DEFF Research Database (Danish KoreaScience (KoreaScience) National Research Database) CJP (CiNii Articles) Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) KPubS (KPubS) CrossRef (CiNii Articles) Agricola (EBSCO) http://find.openarchives.it/ (PLEIADI) Ichushi Web (CiNii Articles) CAB Abstracts (EBSCO) Earth Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Collect (ProQuest) Institutional Repository (CiNii CAB Abstracts Archive (EBSCO) SciElo (SciElo) Articles) IPS Digital Library (CiNii Articles) GreenFILE (EBSCO) Serbian Citation Index (SCIndeks) Japanese Agricultural Sciences OpenDissertations (EBSCO) Scopus (Scopus.com) Index (CiNii Articles) JSAI Archives (CiNii Articles) Korean Science Central (e- T-Stor (Teagasc Library Service) sciencecentral.org/) JSAP Online Journals (CiNii Agris (FAO) BIOSIS Citation Index (Web of Articles) Science) J-STAGE (CiNii Articles) BioLIS (http://biolis.ub.uni- Zoological Record (Web of Science) frankfurt.de) NDLJPI Japanese Periodicals Index ISE land economy and environment (CiNii Articles) (Index Scriptorum Estoniae) Nikkei BP Magazine Archive (CiNii ISE science (Index Scriptorum Articles) Estoniae)

Data Sources, Pre-Prints, and Repositories Data.gov (United States) Integbio Database Catalog (English) Dryad DataCite NARCIS Datasets HAL Archives European Union Open Data Portal Research Data Australia Zenodo Environmental Information Data bioRxiv Centre ICSU World Data System EcoEvoRxiv


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

Governmental Sources European Commission Joint Library of Congress State Public Technical Library of Research Centre Publications Russia Repository Federal Science Library - Canada NSF Public Access Repository USDA PubAg German National Library of Science OpenAIRE [all sources] USGS Publications Warehouse and Technology Institute of Scientific and Technical Science.gov VINITI Earth Sciences and Information of China Environmental Management Projects

Theses and Dissertations EKT National Archive of PhD Open Access Theses and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Theses Dissertations Networked Digital Library of Theses OpenThesis Wanfang Dissertations of China and Dissertations

Miscellaneous Sources Biodiversity Heritage Library I-Revues ScienceGate Socol@r (China Educational NARCIS Publications Wanfang Academic Conferences in Publications Import and Export China Corporation) Chinese Academy of Sciences Norwegian Open Research Archives Zobodat Institutional Repositories Grid Dialnet OpenGrey Programs from meetings of entomological associations


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

Organization and Society Websites Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Entomological Society of British Natural England Chile Columbia Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Entomological Society of Canada Natural Science Collections Alliance Portugal Academia de Ciencias de la Entomological Society of China Netherlands Entomological Society República Dominicana Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Entomological Society of Denmark Network of African Science Matemáticas y Naturales de Academies Venezuela Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Entomological Society of Italy New York Academy of Sciences Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala Academia Mexicana de Entomological Society of Latvia New York Entomological Society Ciencias,Mexico Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Entomological Society of Manitoba Niagara Frontier Entomological Bolivia Society Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Entomological Society of Munich Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences Peru Académie des Sciences et Entomological Society of New Nigerian Academy of Sciences Techniques du Sénégal South Wales Académie des Sciences, France Entomological Society of New North American Butterfly Zealand Association Academy of Athens Entomological Society of Ontario North American Dipterists Society Academy of Science of Entomological Society of North Carolina Entomological Mozambique Pennsylvania Society Academy of Science of South Africa Entomological Society of Québec Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters Academy of Sciences for the Entomological Society of Ohio Lepidopterists Developing World (TWAS) Saskatchewan Academy of Sciences Malaysia Entomological Society of Southern Organization of Biological Field Africa Stations Academy of Sciences of Moldova Entomological Society of Victoria Overseas Chinese Entomologists Association Academy of Sciences of the Czech Entomological Society of Pacific Coast Entomological Society Republic Washington Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Entomological Society of Zurich Pakistan Academy of Sciences Republic of Iran Academy of Scientific Research and European Academy of Sciences and Palestine Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt Arts Technology Academy of the Royal Society of European Association of Phillipine Association of New Zealand Entomologists Acadian Entomological Society European Science Foundation Polish Academy of Sciences


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

Organizations and Society Websites (continued) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Federation of American Polish Entomological Society Italy African Academy of Sciences Flemish Entomological Society Romanian Academy Albanian Academy of Sciences Florida Entomological Society Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium Amateur Entomologists' Society French Academy of Sciences Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain Amazon Environmental Research French Society of Odonatology Royal Danish Academy of Sciences Institute and Letters American Beekeeping Federation Galician Entomological Association Royal Entomological Society “Luis Iglesias" American Entomological Society Gazi Entomological Research Royal Entomological Society of Society Antwerp Arkansas Entomological Society Geological Society of America Royal Irish Academy ASEP - Repository of the Czech Geological Society of Australia Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts Academy of Sciences and Sciences Association des Lépidoptéristes de Geological Society of London Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea France Research Association for the Systematic of Georgia Entomological Society Royal Scientific Society of Jordan Stick Insects and the Study of Their Distribution Association for Tropical Lepidoptera Georgian Academy of Sciences Royal Society of Canada Association of Amateur German Academy of Natural Royal Society of Chemistry, UK Entomologists of Quebec Scientists Leopoldina Association of Applied Insect Ghana Academy of Arts and Royal Society of the United Ecologists Sciences Kingdom Association of Ecosystem Research Hellenic Entomological Society Royal Swedish Academy of Centers Sciences Association of Indian Entomologists Heterocera Sumatrana Society Russian Academy of Sciences in North America Association of Natural Biocontrol Hokkaido Odonatological Society Russian Academy of Sciences Producers Australian Academy of Science Indian Academy of Sciences Russian Entomological Society Australian Entomological Society Indian National Science Academy Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Indonesian Academy of Sciences Shetland Entomological Group Black Entomologists Institute of Ecology and Slovak Academy of Sciences Environmental Management Brazilian Academy of Sciences Institute of Scientific and Technical Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Information of China (ISTIC) Arts


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

Organizations and Society Websites (continued) British Dragonfly Society International Dragonfly Fund Society for Ecological Restoration International British Entomological and Natural International Heteropterists' Society Society for Insect Studies History Society Brooklyn Entomological Society International Society of Entomology Society for Invertebrate Pathology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences International Society of Society of Biology (UK) Hymenopterists Butterfly Conservation Islamic World Academy of Sciences Society of Overseas Nepalese Entomologists Butterfly Society of Japan Israel Academy of Sciences and Society of Southwestern Humanities Entomologists Butterfly Society of Virginia Israeli Lepidopterists Society Society of Systematic Biologists California Academy of Sciences Jaanese Society of Applied Society of the German Bee Research Entomology and Zoology Institutes Cambridge Entomological Club Japan Coleopterological Society South Carolina Entomological Society Cameroon Academy of Sciences Kansas Entomological Society Southern Lepidopterists' Society Canadian Society of Zoologists Kenya National Academy of Spanish National Research Council Sciences Caribbean Academy of Sciences King Abdullah University of Spanish Society of Applied Science and Technology Entomology Catalonian Society of Korean Academy of Science and Study Group of Hessian Lepidopterology Technology Lepidopterologists Center for Systematic Entomology Korean Society of Applied Sudan Academy of Sciences Entomology Chilean Society of Entomology Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Sudanese National Academy of Arts Science Chinese Academy of Sciences Krefeld Entomological Association Swedish Lepidoptera Colombian Academy of Exact, l'Académie des Sciences et Tanzania Academy of Sciences Physical and Natural Sciences Techniques du Sénégal Colombian Entomological Society Lancashire & Cheshire Tennessee Entomological Society Entomological Society Commonwealth Scientific and Latin American Academy of The Coleopterists Society Industrial Research Organization Sciences (CSIRO) (Australia) Connecticut Butterfly Association Latvian Academy of Sciences The Entomological Society of Japan Connecticut Entomological Society Lepidopterological Society of The Lepidopterists' Society Denmark Consultative Group on International Lepidopterological Society of Toronto Entomologists' Association Agricultural Research Finland


Trends in global insect abundance and biodiversity

Organizations and Society Websites (continued) Croatian Academy of Arts and Lepidopterological Society of Japan Turkish Academy of Sciences Sciences Croatian Entomological Society Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Uganda National Academy of Sciences Cuban Academy of Sciences Lithuanian Entomological Society Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities Dallas County Lepidopterists' Lorquin Entomological Society Utah Lepidopterists' Society Society Delegation of the Finnish Madagascar National Academy of Vermont Entomological Society Academies of Science and Letters Arts, Letters, and Sciences Dragonfly Society of the Americas Maine Entomological Society Vienna Coleopterists Society Dragonfly Society of the Americas Malloch Society Western Australian Insect Studies Society Dutch Butterfly Conservation Maryland Entomological Society Wisconsin Entomological Society Ecological Society of America Mauritius Academy of Science and Worldwide Dragonfly Association Technology Ecological Society of Australia Michigan Entomological Society Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Egyptian Entomological Society Montenegrin Academy of Sciences Zambia Academy of Sciences and Arts Entomological Livestock Group National Academy of Exact, Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina Entomological Society of Africaine National Academy of Sciences of Zoological and Botanical Society of Armenia Turku, Entomological Club Entomological Society of Alberta National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Entomological Society of America National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka Entomological Society of Austria National Academy of Sciences, United States of America Entomological Society of Brazil National Library of New Zealand 645