PERSHINGS STILL OBSTACLE IN MEDIUM-RANGE TALKS GENEV A (AP) - Soviet Foreign terntones, and the SOVIet U nlOn MinIster Eduard Shevardnadze srud could meet therr request" today that U S nuclear warheads on But that would result In an agree­ West German Pershing I-A mIssiles ment that was "truncated, emasculated remained the major obstacle to a su­ and anemIC," saId Shevardnadze, perpower agreement on ehmInatIng who was to meet dunng hIS two-day mtermediate-range nuclear ffilssdes stay with chIef U S arms control "Seventy-two US nuclear war­ negouator Max Kampelman heads stand between us and an arms MedIUm-range mIssIles have a agreement on Intermediate-range and range of 600 to 3,000 ffilleS shorter-range mIssiles," S hevar­ In a WIde-rangIng speech, dnadze told the 40-natlon Geneva Shevardnadze also appeared to make Conference on DIsarmament an Important concesslOn In the con­ He saId that If the Umted States ference's negotiations on a chemical refused to gIve up the warheads, weapons ban SovIet alhes "could ask for the sta­ He saId the Soviets would tioning of SImIlar systems on thelT "proceed from the need to make legally bmdIng" the Idea of mandatory PaIauans Reject Inspections The Undisputed Leader PreVIOusly, the Soviets had em­ ARTEMIS, Cuba - Cuban PreSident Fidei Castro delivers hiS 34th braced so-called challenge inSpectIOns anniversary speech of the start of hiS revolution In the city of Artemlsa Anti-Nuclear Law In pnnclple but said they would re­ approximately thirty miles east of Havana ThiS anniversary COinCides With By Howard Graves serve the nght to refuse one on na­ the 25th anniversary later thiS October of the Cuban miSSile cnsls In 1962 Wnter tIOnal secunty grounds (AP LaserPhoto) KOROR, Palau - Palauans have Contra-Versy overwhelmingly renounced an anti­ Kuwait Offered nuclear proviSlOn In theIr COnStitutlOn Appeals Court Weighs North's WIth about 2,000 votes to be Secret Deal To counted from a constitutlOnal amendment referendum on Tuesday, Attempt To Block Investigation Stop Reflagging unoffiClal returns showed nearly 72 By James Rowley dence to the grand JUry because they LONDON (AP) - A London percent of the voters approved a flrst­ ASSOCIated Press Wnter dId not take the proper JustIce newspaper saId today that Iran has ever change In the 7-year-old Department oath of office appealed secretly to Kuwait to sus­ consUtutlOn WASHINGTON - A court IS "There are 26 staff members ­ pend the reflaggIng of ItS tanker fleet In a reglOn of the world where nu­ consldenng whether the JustIce nmg around purportIng to be repre­ by the Uruted States In exchange for a clear-free-zones have grown In recent Department's backup appointment of sentatIves of the Umted States" who guarantee Its ships would not be years, the people of Palau apparently Independent counsel Lawrence E dIdn't take the oath, SImon told the attacked chose to change theIr constItUtiOn In Walsh blunts Lt Col Oliver L three-Judge panel The Independent quoted unnamed order to achIeve econOffilC survIval North's constltutlOnal challenge to Circuit Judge Stephen F WillIams, sources as sayIng an IranIan delega­ Assured that the referendum was Walsh's authonty to Investigate the however, suggested Walsh had only tIon has been In Kuwrut thIS week for successful, PreSIdent Lazarus Salll Iran-Contra affrur Ignored technIcalIties "by not fIlhng discusslOns on the offer turned hiS efforts to flghtIng off legal A three-Judge panel of the U S a lot of SIlly new papers" It quoted the sources as sayIng the challenges and prepanng for a SIxth CIrCuit Court of Appeals heard In other developments In the Iran­ Iraman government, despIte ItS ag­ nationwIde vote on a new pohtical lengthy arguments on the Issue at a Contra affrur greSSIve publIc stance toward the and economIC pact wIth the Umted heanng Wednesday that was attended • The House and Senate InVestIgatIng UnIted States, IS alarmed at the States on Aug 21 by the former NatIOnal Secunty cOffiffilttees contInued to questIon CIA prospect of a drrect confrontatIOn WIth "I should be looked upon as a hero CounCIl aIde wItnesses behInd closed doors the Amencans to take the steps that are necessary to North, a target of the cnmInal In­ Witnesses Included Alan Flers, chIef The paper saId Iran fears an open maIntam and Improve our standard of vestigatlOn mto the secret sale of of the agency's Central Amencan conflIct would lead to the destruction hVlng," Salll srud In an IntervIew weapons to Iran and the dIverSIOn of Task Force, who was questioned of ItS coastal mlhtary bases and leave yesterday concernIng the referendum funds to the Nicaraguan Contras, IS about hIS role In a Contra rud aIrlIft It vulnerable to a large scale attack by "Small Paclflc Island natlOns, such challengIng Walsh's authonty as a run from the NatIOnal Secunty Iraq, Its enemy In the 7-year-old gulf as Palau, don't have the economy to federal prosecutor Councli dunng a penod when war support theIr people I belIeve I have He wore hIS Manne UnIform and, Congress had banned U S mIlItary The paper, which takes an Inde­ gIven an example for other PaCIfIC flanked by plamclothes Navy secunty aId to the rebels pendent pohtlcal lIne, saId KuwaIt's leaders to follow" agents, sat In the front row dunng the • The House speaker JIm Wnght, D­ response to the offer was not known ElectlOn commisslOner DaIZlTO heanng that lasted more than two Texas, saId congressIOnal leaders "The Iramans were said to have Nakamaura estimated nearly 75 hours have gIVen no guarantees about future offered a face-saving formula where­ percent of Palau's regIstered voters Defense attorney Barry Simon ar­ aId to the NIcaraguan Contra rebels by Kuwait would thank the cast ballots gued that Walsh IS operatmg under an should the peace plan announced Amencans for their aSSIstance but The Incomplete results showed InvalId JustIce Department appoInt­ Wednesday fall PreSIdent Reagan would tell WashIngton that the 3,751 persons votIng for the conSti­ ment as well as an unconstitutIonal satd that under the plan, he Will hold refiaggIng operation was no longer tutlOnal change and 1,471 agamst Independent counsel statute under off on seekIng further mIlItary aId for requrred," the paper's correspondent The strong vote bolstered Saill's which he was named by a speCial the rebels If Nicaragua's government Harvey Moms srud III the report from attempts to get a proposed Compact court agrees certain conceSSIOns Manama, the capital of Bahram of Free ASSOCIatiOn passed by the "If the act IS unconstitutiOnal, If the • VIce PreSIdent George Bush srud he "ThIS would gIve the Amencans Palauans regulation IS mvalId, then the grand may have obJecteo to the Iran arms the opportumty to withdraw honor­ In five preVIOUS compact referen­ JUry IS taInted," Simon argued sales but he wasn't at the Army-Navy ably from therr commItment to escort da, the voter approval ranged from 62 He also claimed Walsh's assistants football game on Dec 7,1985 when a reflagged KuwaItI tankers, "the percent to 72 percent lack legal authonty to present eVI- key meetIng was held report saId Reagan's Central American Peace Plan Receives Wary Welcome

By Jim Dnnkard Ramrrez as saymg vltes the government of the Umted war among Nicaraguans" ASSOCIated Press Wrtter "It's a very pOSItive response to States to Immediately ImtIate negotIa­ "I think theIr purpose IS probably our InItiative I should think we'd tlOns In Washmgton, Managua or In a to delay as much as pOSSIble but not WASHINGTON'- House Speak­ say, 'Hurray, fme, let's get gomg - thIrd country to have an uncondItIonal be blamed for turnIng down the er 11m Wnght today greeted as "very the sooner the better,'" Wnght saId dIalogue to dISCUSS the saId preSIdent's plan," he Said pOSItive" the early responses of NIcaraguan PreSIdent DanIel (Amencan) InItiative," Ortega srud But Wnght srud today that Abrams NIcaraguan offICIals to the Central Ortega, who was meetmg with other That response, with Its reference to had not been present In any of the Amencan peace InItiative he and Central Amencan heads of state today "unCOnditIOnal dialogue," drew cntl­ dISCUSSIons on the peace plan and PreSIdent Reagan deVIsed, but the In Guatemala City to dISCUSS regIOnal Clsm from ASSistant Secretary of State was not representing the adminIstra­ plan was beIng Viewed wanly In peace, saId Wednesday he was EllIott Abrams, who saId late tlOn's pOSItlOn Congress wIlhng to dISCUSS the peace plan, Wednesday that Ortega seemed to be He called Abrams' comments Wnght told reporters he already WhICh would ask hIS government to wantIng to aVOId negotiations WIth the "counterproductIve," and added "In had receIved a letter from NIcaraguan restore democratIC freedoms, shun Contras my VIew, that would constitute bad VIce PreSIdent SergIO RamIrez re­ SOVIet bloc mIlItary aId and agree to a "What they'd like to do apparently fatth In the begInnIng" portIng that the Managua govern­ cease-fire In return for a suspensIOn IS to delay more and try to make It out Contra pohtlcalleaders announced ment's fust reactIon was pOSitIve of U S mIlitary aId to the Contra as If thIS were a US-NIcaraguan that they were wIllIng to negotIate a "All the POInts are worthy to be diS­ rebels battlIng hIS Sanrnmsta regIme struggle," Abrams satd on ABC's cease-fIre but would have reserva­ cussed In a postlve way," he quoted "The government of Nicaragua Ill- "Nlghthne" program "It Isn't It's a tIOns about speCIfic pomts LOCAL NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1987 KAPS Gets Bang Out Of EC Blasting Drills By Megan Stegmann Hourglass Feature Wnter

The KwaJaleIn Atoll Preschool traded In itS SWings and slIdes for a romping ground that offered a slIghtly dIfferent recess aCtIVIty The kids from Lt Bill Waugh KAPS attended the small arms quahfICatIOnS held directs the penodtcally for officers wlth EC ServIces children's attention To begin the presentatIon, a 12-gauge shotgun to officer Rich Ward, was blasted at close range In the drrectIon of the who shows them standing target5 The explosIve power of the 12- the damage caused gauge, whIch holds 6 bullets ill a shell, could be seen as the 12-gauge as the bullets passing through the paper targets nco­ shotgun was fired at cheted off the dIrt mound behInd the targets Performmg a legmmate qualIficatIons routIne, EC (Photos By Larry offIcers RIch Ward and newcomer Kelly Shafer Allen, PRC Kentron demonstrated theIr skills WIth the finng of a 38-cal­ Photo Lab) Iber pIstol at the Small Arms Range The dnlls, con­ ducted by EC ServIces' Lt WIlham Waugh, Intend to Improve the offIcers accuracy as therr number of shots IS tImed and accuracy Judged In thIS yearly quallficatIons exerCIse, the two offI­ cers frred ~IX rounds In 15-second mtervals at three-, seven- and I5-yard markers never pull thIS tngger If you see Mom and Dad's Next, the two set up behmd barncades and fIred As the bullets passed through the silhouette boards 25 yards away, the 3- and 4-year-olds held thelf gun, tell them to move It becaus~ It'S too close " 12 rounds mto the targets Another newcomer, EC patrolman Randy Thur­ MeanwhIle, other EC employees assIsted the hands tlghtly over theIr ears, keepmg theIr eyes man, warned of the dangers m handlmg ammUnItIon nursery s('hool chIldren In keepmg the yellow adult­ opened WIde and added that If they saw any that they should "call ~lze ear plugs where they belonged After the completlon of the dnlls, the chIldren were led out to the target to see the damage the bul­ someone bIg" lets caused to the targets At that tIme, both empty and full shells were dts­ "We only fire," saId Lt Waugh as the young au­ played and the dIfferences and dangers were ex­ dIence gathered around the stlhouettes, "at bad guys plamed "What would you do?" he asked The tnp to the arms range concluded an EC Ser­ One httle grrl Jumped up and saId, "If I see one (a VIces tour that mcluded a meetIng wIth Buck the drug bad guy), I'll run as fast as I can " dog and a mock lock-up m the "0" cell at pollce Waugh contInued, "Never pomt at anyone and headquarters

Though all had earplugs, the initial firings caused the youngsters to flinch, and cover their ears Patrolman Randy Thurman puts earphones on one nursery child after the disposable earplugs kept popping out and blOWing away In the Wind

Take Readng to Heart atyolurb LI ra~ wea __1______An Island Welcome - Kimij Kararik Tok Kom STARCII2- STARCH - STARCH LongtIme reSIdents of KwaJalem know that the Randy betrays hIS MIdwest roots by asking, "Where Do sOme of your laundry gannentsseem words KmuJ Karartk Tok Kom herald the amval of are the corn fields?" to have lost their original crispness? Do you new people to the Island The words hterally mean, Lastly we have Jack B Mauldm, who comes from Gulf Shores, Alabama Upon arnval, he noted that miss that new clothin~ feel? "We make you no longer strangers" Could your military shirts use those No longer strangers to us today are four new K waJalem was "wonderful' ThIS place IS beautIful " extra sharp creases') patrol officers WIth EC ServIces None of the four Does your cotton shin look a little limp? have ever been to KwaJalem before .The USAKA laundry announces me­ Don L. Haegen hatls from RIchland, Washmgton At All Times diumstarch service for its customers. Sim­ Here bachelor status, hke the the other three, Don Keep Kwa]aleln A Spotless ply circle "medium starch" on yOll! laundry finds the Island hot and beautiful ticket otnd we'll do the n:st. SImtlar sentIments are expressed by Kelly G Shafer, who called KwaJ "beautIful, warm and Atoll USAKA Laundry frIendly" Kelly comes from Decatur, llhnols Also from lllmOlS IS Randy J Thurman of Peona r------, BUS NO. 9 Takmg a trep? Macy's-PDR/Comm /Transmttter/BCB SURF AND SUN (Sunday thru Saturday) AS OF 1201 am Wlhy not buy'msurance' Thursday, August 6, 1987 nUS STQPS READQ()WN Datly ramfall 0 00 for your money? ReefBQ 2315 Monthly ratnfall 0 22 Buy travellers cheques Macy's 720* 1520 Yearly total 4382 The) are Pactfic Dmmg Room 2320 TOMORROW ON KW AJALEIN CommUnICatIOns Bldg 725 1525 2325 Sunnse 641 am III Refundnble m case of loss Transmttters/BCB 728 1528 2328 Sunset 7 08 P m ", Acctpted allover the world Transmttters/BCB 735 1535 2335 Moonnse 6 07 P m CommunIcatIons Bldg 738 1538 2338 Moonset 4 57 a m lTI ", Are negottable defmrtely Macy's 1543 HIgh TIde 321 am 58'- 3 54 pm 4 6' EnJOY your trtp - ReefBQ 743 2343 Low TIde 9 57 a m 0 7' - 9 41 P m 0 9' L ______~ FOR TOTAL FORECAST CAll. 4700 Buy Travellers Cheques * Sunday only

.. 4" ; s c C()MMENTARY HOURGLASS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1987, PAGE 3 A Good Job - Great Opportunity At Wit's End By Art Buchwald can be blamed for everythmg " "What about the Glpper?" An Adventure In Orderliness Olhe North's recent Job m the "Don't expect hIm to remember By Erma Bombeck You are creatmg chIldren filled WIth WhIte House has been one of the anythmg If you get caught" SUspICIon and dIstrust Th~y don't most sought after m the country Ev­ "If I can't go to Tehran, where do On a vacatIon recently, I saw a beheve m anythmg anymore ery heutenant colonel m the UnIted you want me to go?" woman take her lIttle camera out of States wants It, and mtensive mter­ "We want you to go to Country the case, and as she focused It, a lIttle VlyWS are now bemg held by the NSC No 2 and pIck up money for Country booklet wrapped m plastIc and hang­ to fill Olhe's shoes No I, but don't talk to Country No mg from a leather thong dangled "OK, who IS next?" 3 unless It'S absolutely necessary aImlessly She took a deep breath and "I am, srr I love my country and When you dehver the money to a our eyes met "My husband's Idea," wIll do anythmg legally to protect It, bank m SWItzerland, be sure to use she saId "So I wouldn't lose the even If It turns out later that It'S Ille­ Gen Secord's number But don't manual and I'd have It WIth me all the gal I'll go up the hIll and down WIth touch Albert HakIm's account or that tIme" anyone m the ExecutIve Branch of of the Ayatollah's" "Courage, SIster," I saId and government" "Who gets the money?" walked away "Now, colonel, thIS Job reqUIres "Everybody, but It has to be kept a We've all been there It began for somebody who IS brave, strong, un­ secret from the Israeh Chamber of me the day I mamed the keeper of relentIng and WIlhng to be the fall guy Commerce" Camelot who promIsed to love and on televlSlon How does that grab "I get It - you want me to he hke chensh and bnng order to my kitchen "You're exaggeratmg," he SaId you?" an officer and a gentleman " cupboards, refngerator and closets "I am not exaggeratIng Ever smce "Who do I have to be a fall guy "We don't want you to he, but that for as long as I was wIllIng to go on they scaled to the top shelf of the for?" IS the only way to run the country hvmg kItchen cupboard to get a tIn marked "Anybody who ranks over you or Don't worry about the consequences I don't thmk I'll ever forget the day PEANUT BRITTLE and dIscovered under you We expect you to follow OllIe hed and he's now ill clover" I opened a large box of corn flakes, you had stored luggage keys mIt, orders or not follow them, whIchever "I know I'll never be another Olhe and ralSIn bran, wheat squares and they don't even belIeve m MIster IS most convenIent to the PresIdent" North, but I pray I can keep my trav­ puffs of sugar fell mto my bowl My Rogers anymore" "Does thIS mean I should conSIder eler's checks m as good an order as husband smIled and saId, "No sense He saId there IS no reason In the myself a loose cannon on the deck of he dId" havmg four boxes sIttmg around tak­ world why hIS home should not have the ShIp?" "Now, colonel, let's get down to mg up space I condensed them" the same effiCIency as hIS office "ThIS IS one of the most Important the senous busmess How good are From that day forward, hvmg be­ "FaIr enough," I saId "Tomorrow parts of the Job" you at shreddmg classIfied docu­ came an adventure He dIscovered I am cOmIng down and attachmg a "I can do that, SIr When do you ments?" when an Ice cream or sherbet wasn't whIsk broom from a thumbtack by want me to go to Tehran?" "I won my letter m It at the Naval "movmg," he could layer It m a pop­ your door so that If you bnng sand m 'Tehran IS off hmIts smce we sold Academy" ular carton m such a way that you had on your feet, you can WIpe It off be­ them arms WhICh they now have an­ "Here's a shredder SIt down over to eat through three mches of frost to fore you get to your desk Next, I'll nounced they would shoot at our there and start shreddIng Don't qUIt get to the good stuff It's not pleasant bnng m 500 empty marganne con­ ShIPS" untIl I tell you to stop" gettmg a spoonful of lemon sherbet taIners and stuff them WIth paper "Selhng arms to Iran was a dumb "Hey, thIS IS fun What do I do and peanut butter supreme m the same chps, tape, pencIl stubs, loose change thIng to do Who IS the Jerk who beSIdes shred?" bIte It may take away the need for all labels and stamps and Jam them m thought of that one?" "In case you get subpoenaed by those half-filled Ice cream boxes m your refrtgerator wIthout a clue as to "We have to assume It came from Congress, take thIS pOlson pIll " the freezer, but It also ehmmates your what they con tam " the top" paSSIOn for Ice cream "You have gIven me a great Idea'" "You mean Bdl Casey?" Copyright 1987 Crackers were another favonte he saId bnghtly "Of course _He's dead, so he now Los Angeles Times Syndicate You never knew when you put your No wonder I don't sleep nIghts hand m a box what you would fmd I COPYright 1986 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• told hIm one day, "ThIS has to stop' Los Angeles Times Syndicate Ji~my And Rosalynn Carter: Life After The White House Pnvate Llves Washmgton, but theIr peanut ware­ SIdes, he added, "I thInk the housmg busmess had run aground fI­ cus, Ga, and volunteers from 28 Democrats have some fme prospec­ states and Canada came to work on By W Dale Nelson nanCIally whIle they were away tIve candIdates to put forward" ASSOCiated Press Wnter "We dIdn't know that we gomg to the homes Both of the Carters, who were m­ Rosalynn Carter Jomed her hus­ do," Mrs Carter saId "We got home tervlewed In an eIghth-floor hotel WASHINGTON - More than SIX and we were deeply m debt We had band at the Charlotte SIte later, Carter SUIte lookIng out across Lafayette saId HabItat offiCIals saId she was years after the hIghly publIc ordeal our last chIld leavmg home faIrly Park to the WhIte Hose, were asked If that lost them the WhIte House, JIm­ soon We were together m the house delayed because theIr daughter, Amy, they had any adVIce for PreSIdent and was 111 my and Rosalynn Carter say they all the tIme, WhIch retIred people are Mrs Reagan as they near retIrement have carved out a pnvate hfe they We had the same kind of sItuatIOnS" The Carters have preVIOusly Both SmIled worked on HabItat constructIon pro­ hope can help others cope WIth Now, however, the former preSI­ "They can read our book," Mrs troubles dent has Just finIshed hIS fIfth year of Jects m New York and Carter saId "Rosalynn and I really enJoy It," The former preSIdent and first lady teachmg at Emory UniverSIty and the Then, more senously, the former gave a ghmpse of theIr tnals and tn­ two of them have wntten a total of saId Carter, who donned blue Jeans preSIdent saId, "RetaInIng some de­ and a carpenter's apron "Each former umphs smce leavmg 1600 Pennsyl­ five books smce leavmg the WhIte gree of pubhc mfluence IS both excIt­ vanIa Avenue m an mtervlew m House Carter IS workmg on a SIxth, preSIdent has a dIfferent set of pnon­ mg and gratIfymg to the person and tIes TIus happens to be one of ours " Washmgton as they made promotIon­ about hIS hfe as an outdoorsman may also be helpful to others" al rounds for theIr new book, Carter and 19 other volunteers be­ They sold the peanut warehouse, * • • * * * * * * * "Everythmg to Gam " although they sull keep therr land and gan workmg on House No 3 at 7 30 "We deCIded to wnte about losmg tImber holdmgs New Homes For Poor a m after a prayer By noon, most of the electIon and how we dealt WIth the 14 homes had walls and at least Therr daughter, Amy, IS a student By Paul Nowell that cnSIS, because so many people part of a roof at Brown UnIversIty and was recently ASSOCiated Press Wnter have cnses m theIr hves and thIS was acqUItted of charges ansIng out of As the day wore on, the ther­ a cnSIS that was very pubhc and was demonstratIons agamst the CIA The mometer crept up Into the mId-90s, very well known," Mrs Carter saId CHARLOTTE, N C - Former and Carter's shIrt was drenched In Carters say they are proud of her, but PreSIdent JImmy Carter took up a sweat "We came through that although It glad she didn't have to go to JaIl hammer and endured temperatures m "You have to remember I'm from was very dIfficult - It was very dIf­ In addItIon, both travel WIdely, or­ the upper 90s recently lou to have somethmg happen m preSIdentIal lIbrary, and help a vol­ HabItat receIves no government your hfe that's unpleasant you can for the needy support for Its constructIon projects unteer organIzatIon called HabItat for The project IS part of a house-raIs­ come through It, and we somehow HumanIty that bUIlds homes for poor The people who hve m the homes thought If we told our story, that mg bhtz by HabItat for HumanIty, a help pay for them and are expected to people non-profit organIZatIOn By the end of mIght be helpful to others faCIng a "We have got a very challengmg put m hundreds of hours workmg on cnSlS of some kmd m therr lIves," she that week, HabItat affIlIates m several theIr own and neIghbors' house~ _ and excItmg hfe carved out for our­ U S CItIes and foreIgn countnes plan saId selves," the former preSIdent saId Each WIll have three bedrooms and When the Carters went home, they to con '>truct more than 200 new one bathroom and cost between Would he ever run for preSIdent homes for the workmg poor found they not only were out of a Job, agam? $25,000 and $28,000 had been rejected by the voters and The 14 homes gomg up here are The local HabItat for HumanIty af­ "In the fIrst place, I don't thmk I the most ever attempted m one week were In PlainS, Ga, Instead 0 f flhate has already bUIlt 16 homes could get elected," Carter saId Be- by the organIZatIOn based m Amen- here

The KwaJalem Hourglass IS an unoffiCIal pubhcatIOn authonzed under the provlSlons of AR 360- 81 It IS pubhshed by Global ASSOCIates Monday through Fnday (excludmg holIdays) at the direc _ Commanding Officer Col RIchard G Chapman Jr tIon of the commandmg officer, US Army KwaJalem Atoll, Marshall Islands, under contract PublIc Affarrs Officer Pat Robbms DASG60-82-C-0063 ThIS IS an offset pubhcatlon, WIth a dally crrculatIOn of 1,450 The VIews EdItor Brett Marsh and opmlons expressed herem are not necessanly those of the Department of the Army Commuru­ Copy Editor Roberta Consalvi catlOns should be addressed to the Hourglass, POBox 23, APO San FranCISCO 96555 or call Feature Wnter MIchael Todd 3539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Matenals appeanng m the Hourglass may not be repnnted without Sports Wnter the approval of the commanding offIcer, US Army KwaJalem Atoll All want ads and notIces Nancy Narleski must be submItted on GA Form 8028 R-4 by 12 30 pm the workmg day pnor to pubhcatIOn r o WORLD NEWS PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1987 Hiroshima Marks Anniversary u.s. Government Briefly Of Atomic Bomb Attack Detects Plans For NEW YORK (AP) - U S By james F SmIth urn-range fluclear weapons Terror Attacks jewIsh leaders may be more m­ Associated Press WrlIer The 45-mmute ceremony took clmed to Jom Pope John Paul II at a place near a carpet of yellow NEW YORK (AP) - Iran may be ceremony In MiamI next month after HIROSHIMA, Japan - A mo­ chrysanthemums, the flower of readYIng terronst attacks abroad and he meets wIth them m Rome to dis­ ment of SIlence enveloped HIroshima mournmg for the Japanese A flame at pOSSIbly wlthm the United States, cuss hIS meeting with Austnan and doves soared over the once-dev­ the park that IS to burn untIl all nucle­ SaId U S government offiCIals quot­ PresIdent Kurt Waldhelm, one astated CIty today as Japan recalled the ar weapons disappear from the earth ed today by leader says blmdmg flash 42 year~ ago that Jarred surged higher dunng the mInute of The FBI has aSSIgned agents to m­ The pontiff WIll meet wIth Jew­ the world mto the nucle-ar age silence vestlgate a report that Iramans m the Ish leaders m Rome pnor to hIS 10- "I hope that on thiS day, the As Nakasone spoke, protesters Umted States are lookmg for pOSSIble day VISit to the United States 1 n world's 5 bIlhon people WIll thInk unfurled a banner demandIng a new targets, the Times reported, notIng September, JewIsh leaders about what happened here," Pnme law grantmg more benefIts to the that there IS no fIrm eVidence of a announced Wednesday MInister Yasuhlro Nakasone told 350,000 Japanese deSignated as A­ planned attack *** about 55,000 people gathered at HI­ bomb survivors The valIdity of the FBI report was LOS ANGELES (AP) - Donna roshima Memonal Peace Park In other parts of the park, groups not known, and one offiCial told the RIce inSIStS she WIll not reveal m a "I pledge that we Will buIld peace of left-Wing and ultra-natIonalIst newspaper that the FBI action was teleVIsIOn mOVIe whether she on thiS earth," he added nght-wmg demonstrators chanted precautionary slept with presIdentIal hopeful At 8 15 am, the City of I millIon slogans and made speeches over Another offiCIal saId, however, Gary Hart, despIte claIms by observed a moment of sIlence, punc­ loudspeakers They, too, stopped that "there IS real cause for concern ABC-TV tured by the solemn tolhng of a bell, thelT actIvity dunng the mInute of about Iraman terronsm m the United In an mtervlew broadcast as 11 remembered the more than silence States" Wednesday on the syndIcated pro­ 140,000 Victims of the Aug 6, 1945 "It IS IncreaSIngly Important that The offICials, who were not Identl­ gram "Entertamment Torught," RIce bombmg future generatIOns be told about the fled by the Times, saId pOSSible saId she would make no deals With A U S B-29 dropped "Little horrors of nuclear war," said HI­ threats to U S Installations III Europe ABC or anyone else that would re­ Boy," the fIrst atomIC bomb used roshima Mayor Takeshl Araki He and the MIddle East are the most veal whether she was intimate WIth agaInst humans, on thl'> regIOnal mIl­ said 5 mllhon schoolchIldren VISIted worn'>ome They said ~uspected Hart Itary headquarters for southern Japan HiroshIma In the past 10 years Iraman agents had US embaSSIes "ThIS IS a perfect example of the Three days later, a second U S bomb A coalition of eight peace groups under surveIllance medIa's deSIre to sensationalIze ev­ devastated NagasakI, kIlhng an estI­ declared that the Japanese must fIght Based upon InformatIon proVided erything I do, thIS WIll not be a 'kISS mated 70,000 people not only nuclear weapons but also the by a government offICIal who was and tell' movIe," she saId The Japanese government surren­ Japanese mlhtansm "that rounded up later said to be unrelIable, U S *** dered unconditIonally on Aug 15, CItizens of Hrroshlma to go off and agencies were put on alert m 1981 to WASHINGTON CAP) - The 1945, to end World War II trample over countnes of ASia" In the defend agamst a team of Libyans who Senate has approved a bIll deSIgned Hiroshima has been rebUilt and early years of the war purportedly entered the United States to help COmmUnitIes cope WIth the "the oleanders are bloorrung now as If The Umted States entered World to attack PreSident Reagan problem of babIes abandoned 1 n nothIng happened here," Nakasone War II after Japan attacked Pearl hospitals by theIr drug-addIcted saId "But m the mInds of the people, Harbor on Dec 7, 1941 GM Announces 1.9 /0 parents the scars of the bombIng must still The coalition said It wanted to erect The measure, sponsored by Sen remaIn" a dIsplay In the peace park "showmg Financing, Rebates Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohlo, was Nakasone said the United States what Japan dId to other countnes, so By janet Braunstem passed Wednesday by vOice vote A and Soviet Ulllon had produced that we will not forget the country's AP Auto Wrtter sirrular measure IS pending m the "bnght news" with their moves to­ past aggres~lOn agaInst ASian House ward an accord on deep cuts In medl- peoples" - Lagging sales "We had better he prepared to prompted General Motors Corp to care for the mcreasmg number of Airlines Oppose Consumer Bill offer fmancIng as low as 1 9 percent mfants who are bemg abandoned m and rebates of up to $2,000 on some hospItals either because they have cars, but the company faces huge AIDS or because they have been Approved by House Panel losses because of the buyer mcen­ exposed to drugs by theIr mothers Transportation to establIsh toll-free tlve<;, an analyst said who are unable or unwIlllng to pro­ By AlanFram AssoclQced Press Wncer complrunt hotlmes The world'<; No 1 automaker, VIde the necessary care," saId The real solution IS more l.,apacIty, which once swore off buyer mcen­ Metzenbaum WASHINGTON - The aIrhnes not more restnctIons," the Air Trans­ tl\ es as too costly, allnounced the * * * are grumbhng about a bill sent to the port As<;oclatlon, which represents program Wednesday on selected 1987 HONOLULU (AP) - Formal House that would reqUIre them to re­ U S alrhnes, SaId In re<;ponse to the models charges are pending agaIn~t a 21- port monthly on their service prob­ panel's actIOn A", a result, GM probably Will ~uf­ year-old Alea man who was arrest­ lems, but ~ome lawmakers say the But some lawmakers SaId that wIth fer a thrrd-quarter 1987 operating loss ed as a suspect In the recent bomb­ measure could have been even congressIOnal and public Ire over of a "couple hundred mIllIon dollars," mgs at the Outflgger Pnnce KuhlO tougher poor airlIne service growmg In recent said mdustry analyst Michael Luckey Hotel and at the AId Moana Center, The House Pubhc Works and months, the legislation could easily of Shearson Lehman Bros Inc In polIce srud Wednesday TransportatIOn Committee approved have been harsher New York Pohce Capt Gordon Isa, who legislatIOn Wednesday that would re­ Rep James Howard, D-I\ T , He Said GM was expected to lose head,> the InVC, Igallon '>aId the qUIre the arrlInes to report such statls­ chaIrman of the publIc works p mel as much as $100 mlillon In the third <;uspect wa<; aITe <;ted Tue<;ddY mght tlcs to the Tran<;portatlon Department said he would try to havL 0 il quarter because It has cut production for mveStlgatIOn of first-degree each month The reports would detail considered on the House floor I 'J - by 18 percent smce last year cnmInal property do.lmage delayed and canceled flights, lost and a procedure that would allow no "I don't thmk these mcentlves Will Search warrant<; were obtaIned damaged baggage, passengers amendments That, he said, rmgh, Vvork as well as they lid last year, but and the smpect's CdT was searched "bumped" from overbooked flights, actually prevent the bill from bemg they WII! stimulate sales," Luckey Wednesday at the Peolfl CIty Pollce and missed connections at made stronger said StatJ(ln 1"1 '>ald E\ loence was rv aIrline hubs 'If we brought thiS up \'dth "Incentives throughout all thIS year covered, but Is.! declIned to de­ Under the measure, the govern­ amendments allowed, WIth all the Just haven't had the Impact they used scnbe It ment would place ceIllng<; on the horror stones about missed flights, to Simply because customers dTe used * * * number of flights at about 40 of the Congress would vote to close down to them and conSIder them a normal ndtlOn's largest dlrports, reqUire half the aIrlInes m the country, I way of domg busmess," he SaId Financial News carners to give free tIcket~ to thInk," he said passengers whose bags have been He saId he expected the House to Farm Credit Bailout DOLLAR CLOSING lost or delayed, and reqUIre each take up the bill after Congress returns In Tokyo was alflIne and the Department 0 f next month from ItS summer recess Heads For House 15083 yen and In Bonn Renowned Soviet Pianist Heads West By Mike Robmson 1 8820 West German marks ASSOCIated Press Wrtter CLOSING TOTALS By Mark j Porubcansky would seek U S citizenship Gold Down 1 10 at $46870 ASSOCiated Press Wncer "We are full of hope," the 35-year­ WASHINGTON - A baIlout bill Sliver Down 0 17 at $8 35 old Feltsman told reporters "I belIeve for the finanCially aIlIng Farm Credit Platmum Between $632 and MOSCOW - Plamst Vladimir It IS not a mIstake I want to belIeve System, freshly mmted by the House $638 Feltsman, who was touted as one of my family, my Wife and my dear son Agnculture CommIttee, IS headed for DOW JONES the Soviet UnIOn's great mUSical stars will be happy III theIr new country " floor debate WIth a sweepmg pro­ CLOSING AVERAGES and then ostraCized when he sought to Feltsman, the son of a composer posed overhaul of the system's 30 Industnals leave, headed to the West today after and pianist, entered Moscow's Cen­ structure Up 27 58 at 2594 23 an eight-year struggle to emigrate tral MUSIC School at age 7 and made A ~PLClfiC cash mfusIOn for the 20 TransportatIons Feltsman, hIS Wife, Anna, and 4- hIS debut WIth the Moscow State network of farm lendmg coopera­ Up 4 88 at 107403 yedT-old son Damel shared their last Philharmolllc Orchestra three tIves, however, was not contamed m 15 UtlhtIes moments m Moscow With about 25 years later the bIll, which won approval 41-2 at Up 1 90 at 204 13 family members and fnends at He began competIng mternauonally 2 15 a m today as the panel scram­ 65 Stocks Sheremetyevo Airport, then took off at age 15 and In 1971 won the Mar­ bled to draft legislation before the Up 8 31 at 956 78 on a flight to VIenna guente Long-Jacques Thlbaud inter­ summer recess Volume 191,950,000 They Said they would spend a few natIonal COmpetitIOn In Pans In'>tead of a speCifIC cash InfUSIOn, days m the Austnan capItal and then See LIstingS m Grace Sherwood Feltsman expressed hope the So­ the five-year bIll merely authonzes aId LIbrary fly to New York, where they plan to VIet Ulllon IS changIng but SaId hiS m "such sums as are necessary" to lIve Mrs Feltsman '>ald the family dtx:lSlon to leave was not polIucal keep the $70 bIllIon system afloat

- F II c SPORTS HOURGLASS, THURSDAY, AUGU~L 6, 1987, PAGE 5 Basketball Local Schedule Dukes Spank Misfits; Rockets Down Joy Fastpitch Torught By Nancy Narleskl D - 5 15 GB&U vs Liberated (Lundy/Ryan) Hourglass Sports Wrtter The Dukes used theIr fast-break offense and Fnday qUickness on defense to lead the game 28-21 at half­ D- 5 15 Liberated vs Bud's & Sud's (comp of The Special Servtces-sponsored basketball league, time Dukes' Abm Jehce came up WIth 11 rebounds protested game) (NamethJAnderson) playmg under the banner of Summer Fun, got for the half, thus robbmg MisfIts of several sconng Sunday underway Wednesday mght at the CRC wIth two opportumnes D-230 ShIfters vs Bud's & Sud's (Owen/Core) games Dunng the third quarter, both teams played ag­ 400 Trop Breeze vs CS Crew (Snead/Lundy) The Dukes, a team pnmanly conslstmg of Ebeye gressive defense MisfItS' Paul Masclarell was a reSIdents and presently tied for first place m the dommant playmg force as he recorded 10 key re­ Basketball Ebeye Basketball League, dropped the Misfits 54-46 bounds m an effort to halt the Dukes ever-mountmg Torught m therr KwaJalem season-opener MisfitS, a new lead TWice commg wlthm three pomts of the lead, 600 EmtIon vs Short CirCUIt I (Anderson/Long) team on the basketball honzon, despite the loss, IS a Misfits rallied to pick up 14 thrrd-quarter pomts to 700 Danger Zone vs Bombers (Scally/Morl/omo) team to keep an eye on Dukes' 16 Fnday Early m the "B" DIVISIOn game, Dukes establIshed The Misfits picked up momentum gomg mto the 6 00 Men's Musk vs Frrepwr (Anderson/Knutson) a lead they never rehnqUlshed fourth quarter WIll Cosgrove led the dnve wIth four 7 00 Short CrrcUlt II vs Ooh, Buddy' pomts Reboundmg by Don Devore negated many a (James/NIcholson) would-be Duke pomt However, consistent shootmg Sunday by Dukes' Arua Aluka helped ensure the wm for hiS 500 Dukes vs Men's Musk (Scally/Coulon) team 600 Ltd EditIon vs Shrt CrrcUlt II (Long/Tucker) Aluka picked up a game-hIgh 13 pomts Team­ 7 00 ROl Bay Trackers vs MIghty Clouds of Joy mate Bob Muller recorded 12 (M OrllOfTUJ/Knutson) For the Misfits, Tom Meha had a team-high 10 pomts, whIle Steve Kendig and Masclarell picked up eight and seven pomts respecnvely * * * In game 2 of the evemng, Sheldon Coulon had a By The AssOCiated Press game-high 38 pomts for the Mighty Clouds of Joy, but, It wasn't enough as the Rockets won the see­ By The AssOCiated Press NEW YORK - Mmnesota Twms pItcher Joe saw "A" DIVISIOn game 78-71 Nlekro mamtams he IS mnocent, but says he may not Dunng the first-quarter, the Rockets used their appeal hiS 1O-day suspension for scuffing National League run-and-gun approach to estabhsh a 24-18 lead A couple of close calls tn and Houston because of other factors The momentum swung m the next quarter as con­ PreSident Dr Bobby Brown helped keep both Nanonal League races close sistent shoonng by Coulon stole the lead from Rock­ The escaped a bases-loaded Jam suspended Nlekro on Wednesday On Monday ets and sent Joy mto halftime With a 43-42 mght, Nelkro was ejected from a game agamst Cah­ tn the 11th tnlllng Wednesday mght and Andres fornla after umprres mscovered he had an emery advantage Galarraga's m the 13th prOVided a 2-1 Rockets' CurtIS Arrayan led th() comeback dunng ViCtOry over the St LoUIS Cardmals board and sandpaper m hiS back pocket the second half by leadmg m both SCOring and Nlekro said he may not follow through with an "It was a very Important wm for us because we appeal If a heanng date might serve to Jeopardize hiS rebounds took two out of three m a bIg senes," Galarraga said Arrayan had a team-high 24 pomts for the game Galarraga, who had four hIts, tied the game m the playoff elIgibIlIty Jon Pacheaco and Peter Landrettl picked up 16 and The suspensIOn for doctonng baseballs IS the frrst mnth With Montreal's third straight stngle after two 15 pomts, respectIvely outs smce Gaylord Perry was suspended for 10 days m The Women's DIVISIon gets underway tomght as 1982 St LoUIS' lead m the NL East was tnmmed to 41/2 * * * Llrntted <tlon meets Short CIrCUIt at 6 p m games over New York, which took advantage by INDIANAPOLIS - A $2 millIon drug-testIng routtng 13-3, and fIve over Montreal laboratory IS at the msposal of offiCials at the Pan The defendtng World Senes champlOn Mets have not American Games, who Will have results of tests Island Sports Bits been thiS close to ftrst place smce May 15 wlthm 24 hours, a faster turnaround than m the 1984 The , aided by a dIsputed call tn Racquetball Courts the mnth mmng, beat San FranCISCo 6-5 m the 11 th OlympiCS Dunng the penod August 10-17, the racquetball "We should be able to detect even shght use," Dr on Denny Walhng's pmch-stngle courts will be unavaIlable after dark due to upgradmg Ronald Blankenbaker, co-charrrnan of medical ser­ Houston remamed 31/2 games behtnd NL West­ of the hghtIng system vices for the local orgamzmg commIttee, said leadmg Cmcmnatl, a 6-3 wmner over Los Angeles Wednesday He added that he expected two percent Locker Rent Deadlme San FranCISCo fell five games back of the athletes tested to have poslnve results Deadlme for payment of golf and bowhng locker The Giants led 5-3 WIth two outs m the mnth and Nmeteen athletes from 10 countnes competmg m rent IS Monday, August 17 no one on base But the Astros loaded the bases and the 1983 Pan Am Games at Caracas, Venezuela, Golf and bowlmg eqUlpment wIll be removed from Kevtn Bass a smkmg lme dnve that nght fielder were detected havmg used banned drugs Ten were unpaId lockers on Tuesday, August 18 Chlh DaVIS dived for, and first-base Dutch stnpped of their medals by the Pan Amencan Sports Pay locker rental at the SpeCial Services office or Rennert ruled DaVIS trapped the ball Two runs Orgamzanon the ROl Global AdmtmstratlOn office weekdays from scored on the play, although pmch-runner Terry Puhl * * * 730 am -4 p m was thrown out at the plate NEW YORK - Cmcmnan Reds catcher Bo Dlaz, GIants Roger CraIg argued the call and replays appeared to mdIcate DaVIS made the who hIt 351 with fIve homers, and Montreal Expos Baseball Telecasts pItcher Floyd Youmans, who was 4-1 with a 1 13 "It was right tn the pocket It never hIt the turf," earned run average, were named the NatIOnal DaVIS said "He blew the call " League's Player and Pitcher of the Month for July, A Note To Viewers In other NL games, routed Chicago 10- the league announced From AFRTS-Los Angeles o and San Diego beat Atlanta 7-3 Dlaz was 33-for-94 with five doubles, one tnple, 23 runs batted m and 17 runs scored Youmans AFRTS SATNET outlets are probably aware of American League pitched shutouts m three of hIS five starts, allowmg the dIsproportionate number of Nattonal League Youth was served when 48-year-old PhIl Nlekro 20 hIts and five earned runs m 392/3 mnmgs He baseball games that have been teleVIsed dunng the made hIS 712th major-league start and 23-year-old struck out 25 and walked 11 current season Thus far, 25 NL games have been Brad Amsberg hiS second * * * transrmtted, whIle only mne Amencan League con­ Arnsberg, despite glYmg up four walks and seven TOKYO - Former player Bob tests have been fed hIts m SIX mmngs, didn't allow a run as he won hiS Horner, now sluggmg for a Japanese team, marked NBC has proVided 19 regular season games, 13 fIrst major-league game and the hiS 30th birthday today With a donation to a Japanese from the NL and SIX from the AL NBC also telecast aVOlded a senes sweep by Cleveland WIth a 5-2 VIC­ medIcal research foundation and the opemng of a the All-Star Game on July 27 tory Wednesday mght "Horner Corner" at a major department store ABC Monday Night telecasts have been well-bal­ "I don't thmk I walked four guys the whole tIme I Horner donated five mIlhon yen ($33,300) to the anced With four NL and three AL games transmItted was m (Class AAA) Columbus, and I pItched 150 Japan Intractable DIseases Research FoundatIon m a The Monday Night senes has concluded for thiS sea­ mntngs there," Arnsberg saId "1 struggled with my ceremony at the clubhouse of the Yakult Swallows, son, but ABC may return with Sunday afternoon curve ball, and when I threw my for stnkes, It hiS team m Japan baseball m late September or early October If the di­ was over the rntddle of the plate" "When I Jomed the Atlanta Braves m 1978, I be­ vIsIon races warrant coverage MIke Pagharulo led the Yankees with two homers gan a chanty campaign to help aId unhappy children The Imbalance of baseball coverage IS the result of off Nlekro, but he SaId neIther came off the veteran's and chIldren suffenng from Sickness I've donated to two factors fabled vanous kmds of orgamzatlOns smce then," Horner A) - games of the Atlanta Braves vIa WTBS are "The pitches I didn't hit were , and said at the ceremony available to AFRTS and have been fed on SATNET they were the nastIest pItches I've ever seen," said Homer, whose younger brother, Scott, died of on eight occasIOns through July 27 - all NL con­ Pagharulo, who now has 23 homers "The one I hit leukerma on Aug 11, 1986, at age 25, added, "I've tests out of the ballpark were smkers, or donated about $500,000 dunng the past 10 years" B) - NBC admIts to some scheduhng meqUltles and whatever" Under agreement With the Yakult team and ItS proJectlons mto the fall may result m few match­ The ViCtOry kept the Yankees, who lost the first Homer, the Takashlmaya Department store opened a ups of AL contenders due to advance scheduhng by two games of the senes 2-0 and 15-3, a half-game 66-square-foot "Bob Homer Comer" today the network ahead of Toronto m the Amencan League East T-shirts, badges, towels, shoulder bags, baseball AFRTS IS cogmzant of the problems and IS mak­ In other games, It was Toronto 3, Chicago 2, caps and other goods beanng Homer's name are on mg every effort to Improve geographical, league and Oakland 3, Seattle 1, CalIfornia 6, Mmnesota 1, msplay there, said Satoshl Ogawa of Takashlmaya diVISIOn coverage for the 1988 season, If pOSSible DetrOlt 4, Kansas City 2, 5, 1, and Texas 9, 8 FEATURES PAGE 6. HOURGLASS. THURSDAY. AUGUST 6. 1987 Black Holes Discovered At Center Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers I am a Of Two Neighboring Galaxies 17-year-old hIgh school student and preSIdent of SAD D (Students By Warren E Leary AgaInst Drunk Dnvmg) When I read AP SCIence Wrzter the letter from "Angry 10 POtoSI, WIS ," I thought your readers should WASHINGTON - Astronomers have concluded that maSSive, energy­ see some statiStiCS from 1983 U S suckmg black holes are at the centers of two of the Milky Way's nelghbormg Health & Human ServIces and 1982 galaxies, fmdmgs that mdlcate the masses could force the eventual collapse of FBI ftles these star systems ALCOHOL IS INVOLVED IN The researchers said theu conclusiOns, announced by the NatiOnal SCience 66 percent of fatal accidents FoundatIOn and other 1Ostltuuons sponsonng the work, are based upon telescope 70 percent of all murders observations and new computaUons of masses and veloCltles wlthm the galaxies 41 percent of assaults Alan Dressler of the Carnegie InsUtuuon and Douglas Rlchstone of the 53 percent of fire deaths 50 percent of rapes Umverstty of Michigan satd that the Andromeda galaxy, also known as M31, 60 percent of sex cnmes against has dark matter at ItS core that IS about 70 mIllIon times the mass of the Earth's not eXbt 10 your communIty, please chIldren contact the Explorer Scouts (part of sun 60 percent of child abuse And M32, a satellite galaxy one-tenth the size of Andromeda that revolves Boy Scouts of Amenca) and start 56 percent of fights and assaults one around It, has about a tenth as much dark matter concentrated at ItS center, they m homes Although the statIStiCS related to satd 37 percent of swcldes teenage dnnkIng and dnvmg have The astronomers satd the only known objects that could fIt their calculauons 55 percent of all arrests gone down conSIderably smce the for thiS much non-Iummous matter at the heart of galaxies are huge black holes 36 percent of pedestrian accI- start of MAD D and SAD D , our Black holes are concentratIons of matter so dense that they have collapsed dents goal IS to look to a time when these upon themselves and nothmg, not even hght, can escape thetr 10tense 22 percent of home acCIdents organizations are not needed gravitational pull 45 percent of drowrungs SAD D IN CONTRA COSTA, SCientists previOusly have suspected that black holes or some other dense 50 percent of sknng accidents CALIF bodtes are responsible for the great amounts of energy detected at the centers of More admISSIOns to mental hos- Dear Contra Costa Thanks for a the great star clusters known as galaXies However, Dressler said, these PItalS than any other cause valuable contnbutlon The only sta­ SUspICIons have been based upon cITCumstantIal eVIdence But thIS does not begm to tell tiStiC that I suspect IS mcorrect IS the "We have taken a big step from what was only a pOSSible explanatiOn to of the deaths from dnnk10g and 56 percent figure relating to the dnvmg what IS the most lIkely explanatiOn," SaId Dressler, a staff astronomer at the assaults and fights 10 homes My Carnegie Insutuuon's Mount Wilson and Las Campanas Observatones Alcohol IS mvolved 10 50 maIl suggests the percentage of "We are the fust to come up WIth eVidence of the black hole Itself," Dressler percent of all traffic aCCidents each alcohol-related domestic fights IS con­ SaId 10 a telephone mtervlew, "eVidence of the gravitatiOnal pull of the black year More than 25,000 people are SIderably hIgher About 70 percent hole on the surroundtng matter of the galaxy" kIlled, and one million senously would be my guesstimate 10jured Alcohol IS the No I killer of "These are the active engmes 10 the center of galaxies that pull 10 other stuff people under 25 In thIS day and age as fuel," he conunued Even if drmkmg IS the "m It seems dumb to have people dymg Many astronomers belIeve that black holes tlung In your crowd, It needn t crowd at galactic centers, If they are big because they could not say no to enough, can suck 10 and compress enough outside matter to give nse to quasars you out Learn the facts from Ann alcohol or Simply ask for a nde Landers' booklet, "Booze and You - - mtense objects that radIate enormous amounts of energy lIke beacons 10 the home I suggest that people look to For Teen-Agers Only" Send 50 cents heavens theu commumty for RIdes or and a self-addressed envelope to Ann Dressler used the 200-mch Hale telescope at the Palomar Observatory 10 the Ride for LIfe program Landers, POBox 11995, Clucago, Califorma to measure the mouon of stars near the centers of M31 and M32 By If one of these programs does IllznOls 60611 study 109 shifts 10 the frequency of theu electromagneuc spectra, the astronomers calculated the velOCIties of the stars and dtstances from the galactic centers to get their masses Smce M31 and M32 are otherWise rather ordmary spiral galaXies, the Your Individual sCientists satd, the presence of black holes 10 each suggests that these massive phenomena may be relatively common 10 other galaXIes, mclud10g the MIlky Way Horoscope ===== Fraaces Drake =====:::======America's Clown Laureate FOR FRIDAY, AUGUST 7,1987 By Robert Macy ARms SCORPIO Assoczated Press Wnter (Mar 21 to Apr 19) (Oct 23 to Nov 21) EducatIOnal matters are Mornmg hours are best for career hlghhghted now Attend to children's progress Some receive benefits for LAS VEGAS, Nev - Red Skelton, Amenca's claSSIC clown for fIve Interests Consult experts about work done In the past One decades, leaned forward so hIs message could be heard above the clatter of dishes career endeavors In no way mIX agreement though bears further at the swank cafe bUSiness and pleasure negotlatmg Be on your toes "Today's comICS use four-letter words as a shortcut to th1Ok1Og," Skelton TAURUS SAGITTARIUS saId, toymg With a bowl of soup "They're shooung for that bIg laugh and It (Apr 20 to May 20) (Nov 22 to Dec 21) Stram could eXist With an In-law FamIlIar locales are best for becomes a pamc th1Og, usmg four-letter words to shock people It's a poor tune to receive VISitors, travelers Some do an m-law a favor "You'll laugh, but when you leave and your dlgmty returns, you say Why?' I though domestic matters are favored Extra expenses could anse In know more dIrty jokes than any guy who ever hved But I don't do them on Deal With Insurance agents and connectIon WIth travel, but shoppmg stage I have too much respect for my audtence " mortgage brokers now proves to be a plus Skelton became a national mstitutIon on radiO 10 the 1930s and ran a record GEMINI CAPRICORN 20 consecuuve years on teleVISIon before hiS program was yanked 10 1971 (May 21 to June 20) (Dec 22 to Jan 19) Today, at 73, he IS stlll tlcklIng Amenca's funny bone WIth 75 concert dates a You II be asked to help out a You may run mto some snags WIth year plus VIdeos and TV reruns of hIS old shows partner m some way Smgles veer the dally routme at work, but dealrngs The passmg of tIme has proven Skelton's comic genIUs At a recent closer to a romantic commitment WIth hIgher ups are productive Some performance at Caesars Palace, Skelton received a stand10g ovation before he had Read between the lmes, espeCially If may be asked to take on an extra cash or credit IS ulVolved assignment even delIvered hIS first Ime - a rare occurrence 10 Las Vegas showrooms CANCER AQUARIUS Skelton mesmenzed hIS audience dunng the one-man, two-hour show He (June 21 to July 22) (Jan 20 to Feb 18) kept ask10g them If they were tIred, always drawmg a chorus of "nos" AttentIOn to bus mess now brings You'll ef\joy a get together WIth old Skelton admIts that Tuesday mghts - when hIS show ran - are stIll tough finanCial rewards ConcentratIOn IS at fnends, but there could be the on hlffi, after decades as a staple m Amenca's home entertatnment menu Its best You may have a difference of makings of a problem With a loved "Our show was never out of the Top 15 on radIO or TV," Skelton saId opmlon WIth a close tIe about a one Keep the lmes of commUnication "When CBS canceled us they satd we weren't reach10g the buymg publIc, the pOSSible purchase open college age They Said we were reach10g chIldren and the elderly, but not the LEO PISCES )otIbo buY10g power They're the ones com 109 to see me now" (July 23 to Aug 22) (Feb 19 to Mar 20) ~ Skelton was born July 18, 1913, two months after hIS father died HIS You 11 probably acomphsh more by Self diSCiplIne leads to mIXmg busmess and pleasure than mother raised four boys, workmg as a cleanmg woman and elevator operator 10 accomphsment today, but a busy you will on the Job Itself Some renew work schedule may cut Into time an IndIanapolIs offIce bUlldtng She taught hIm an appreCIatIon for art, WhICh an old relatIOnship Chlldren reqUIre Intended for SOCialIZing Don't burn evolved mto hIS second love, and she sparked hIS mterest 10 comedy by your mterest the candle at both ends tomght provIdtng tickets to vaudevIlle shows on her meager salary VIRGO IF BORN TODAY, you are perhaps At the age of 10 Skelton left home to jom a medlc10e show travelIng through (Aug 23 to Sept 22) more analytical and phIlosophical the South and MIdwest "Mom used to say I dIdn't run away from home, my Domestic responsibilIties should than the typical member of your Sign destiny Just caught up WIth me at an early age" be attended to before partlclpatmg m You should speCialIze for your Two years after hIS TV show was canceled he headed out for the college leisure events Side step a greatest success You have an abllity campuses he continues to play throughout the Umted States He often donates clandestine Involvement Home for research and SCientifiC the money he makes to student projects pleasures are best now mvestigatlOn, though you are also LmRA Last month he celebrated hIS annual bIrthday party 10 Honolulu, WhICh attracted to show busmess You'd (Sept 23 to Oct 22) make a good lawyer or busmess brought together art connOIsseurs who have patd $25,000 to $81,000 for hiS It s best to go Vlsltmg than to have adVIser When you are too CrItiCal you ongmal oIl patntmgs company over at present Stram alIenate potential chents and The pamtlngs are bIg busmess for Skelton, who began hIS art career at 5 by could eXIst between a farmly member followers StrIve to see the other pamtmg faces on old round-topped clothes pms Today, he estimates the sale of and a friend Club actiVIties are person's pomt of VIew Buthdate of hiS lIthograph reproductions alone annually tops $2 5 mIlliOn favored Billie Burke, actress, Mata HarI, spy

III liP' m I ;; •• 2 c

arry Trudeau DOONESBURY







D I k B row n e ~_WI_1H_,{OU_R_SNO_R_IN_e.... q ______---4

~----~~------, I !'sSP A51"IN6 MYGEL.F­ /?Of/'T 8e S/UY! 8AI2Wt./CJ&R! LEits HAVe Two C,.ossword By Eugene Sheller \\ 15 THI6 AL.L. THEI2E 15 ? OF COUIZGE Tr/IG MoRe FOR Me AND MY FRIeND! I~ THI~ .AL.L -rt-lEIZE IS ?" 15tJ'i A/../.. tHeRe ACROSS 40 GenetIc 58 Struggle 19 Compass IS! 1 Old black stuff to breathe pt smith s 42 Quakmg DOWN 21 Tennis work 45 Some 1 Thick call 5 - Gardens, trams cut 24 Com England 49 Ear 2 Worker s merclals 8 Cult part home? 25 Bud ::. 12 Not 50 Per'lonal 3 FInished partner recorded questIOn? 4 Come to 26 EasIly 13 Provoke 52 Word after a verdIct parodied 14 Confess wrought 5 Seafood 28 RIght 1-======:...... ::======------~----___115 Sans' or waffle chOIce angle BEE T L E B A I LEY undoer 53 LOltermg 6 Endmg 29 U nneces- 16 Society 54 . - for amp ::.ary page word Kapltal 7 Blubber 30 Meadow 17 HawaIIan 55 ShIp of 8 Afncan 31 Football cIty 14<)2 expanse 18 Ala..,Kd I 56 Hammer 9 EasIly stll I part aVOIded 20 Co,-, ter 57 Endmg 10 ~mger feltmg for heir NatalIe need or han Ark Units? 22 Yr send 11 23 Historic time 24 I canl'ot tell- 27 Open to tenants 32 Comic I------t DeLUI::.e 33 Pub quaff 34 Author DeIghton 35 Apt 38 Peruse 39 Old wash ':7.J.!:~~ day need


HOW CONI~ YOUVe:.NEVE.R.. CONSIDeRED SfRIl(/NGo WE:. c;o ENOU6I-\ of fHAI OtJIClI'JG ft-lE: 'f3AGE:BAL..t... TAt..K5'? DURIN6 ff-lSGlAMES

go l I ( _ ". I

\ \ I 1(, I' " I r o CLASSIFIED PAGE 8 3 HOURGLASS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 , 1987 CLEAN-UP PATIO SALE Qtrs 204A, Fn & THE ART GUILD has supphes for your creatIve tal­ OFFICIAL NOTICES II Sat, 8 am -5 pm (no early bIrds') AmIga (Sys ents Hours are noon-3 pm Fndays For alternate 5I2K CMon Ernul IBM), queen sofa/sleeper, set hours, call 1800, If no answer call 4526 days THE ROI-NAMUR BACHELOR ADVISORY of mground outdoor lItes w/tImer, accent tables, table COUNCIL has been estabhshed m accordance WIth tenms set, shelv10g & brackets, & much more MON NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE WIll hold an USAKA RegulatiOn 15-4, to serve m an adVISOry ca­ orgamzatiOnal meetIng on Mon ,Aug 10, 7 P m at paCIty on matters pertammg to Island pohcy and reg­ TWO FAMILY PATIO SALE - Qtrs 491B, Fn ,6 the bowlmg center All those mterested m bowlIng 10 ulatIons affectmg the socIal and hvmg CondItIonS of a m -noon ChIldren's clothmg (sIze 4-8), men's 1ge thIS fun league should attend Form your teams & the bachelor resIdents resIdmg on ROl-Namur The shirts, chIldren's shoes, women's clothes (9/10), have a hst ready We need 8 teams for a good league ROl-Namur BAC WIll meet on August 11, at 10 15 toys, sheets etc am, m the Commumty Hall ROl resIdents wIshmg MIC SHOP VOLUNTEERS please call and gIve me to have mput to thIS meetmg should contact E Saun­ HILL'S FINAL PCS SALE - Tr 824, Fn & Sat, your preferred days to work m the shop It IS tIme to ders, or one of the BAC representatIves Chuck Gar­ 7 am -3 pm Everythmg must go, make us an of­ do the Sept schedule - we return to regular hours TISon, Charles Felton, Tom Kekahuna, Lmcoln Uye­ fer' Clothes, household Items, Jewelry, golf clubs, Sept 7 Call M TomlIn at 2200 da, Ken Monro, Paul Davenport, Carol Zapletul, Matt desk, radIO, many other Items Nameth, Gator Crowder, Ervm Johnston or Ted NEW ON ISLAND? Would you hke to donate 11/2 Grace TWO 13,000 BTU AIR CONDITIONERS, $300 ea hours or more of your tIme a month to the MIcrone­ ATTN ALL ISLAND RESIDENTS - USAKA Call3789after530pm sIan HandIcraft Shop? We would love to have you commUniCatiOns IS In the process of prepanng the Call MaggIe Tomhn at 2200 to fmd out more h NOW AT THE BARGAIN BAZAAR Drapes, hIgh- F aleII 987 T I ep h one D Irectory PI ease t ak e t IS op- hid bl WANT TO SCUBA DIVE? PADI Open Water & y h k t h P I L ~ chatr, bathroom s ower WIn ow curtam sets, ta e- portcumt to c ec d e ersonne belsunbgs or daccur:- clothes, all SIzes of sheers & Xmas trees Shop early Advanced courses to be offered by Paul Buchanan m cy orrectIons an c h anges may su mItte to ted al b Sept Two week Open Water cert IS lots of fun & DIrectory Clerk, (phone 1125) dunng normal duty for your tree an get a re argam N bl R hours For those who deSIre DIrectory hstmg of easy 00 IgatIOn egIstratIOn papers & more mfo quarters numbers, a Local SefVlce Request (Da Form LOST avatl Call 2334 days 3938) must be submItted m accordance WIth the m- 1!.======:dIII II AUGUST HOURS FOR BARGAIN BAZAAR are structIons on page (13-20) of the current dIrectory from 1 30-3 p m every Tuesday There IS no charge for Busmess DIrectory LIstIng, a BARRACUDA SWIM GOGGLES, probably around DIrectory Input Card may be obtamed from Admm- the Adult Pool Call Elhott at 1361 days or H2622 IstratIve OffIces All requests for DIrectory LIstmgs ONE MAN'S JUNK IS another man's treasure must be submItted to PRC Kentron, Inc, DIrectory PRESCRIPTION GLASSES lost last Fn If found Don't throw anythmg away, gIve It to the Bargam Clerk, BUIldmg 1008 For mclusIOn m the next 01- call DavId at 6335 Bazaar We take everythmg' Call Tma at 3717 or rectory mputs must be receIved no later than close of Barbara at 2769 to arrange for pIckups busmess, Aug 18 GOLD FRAME AVIATOR SUNGLASSES at Adult HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO LEARN TO Pool Sat Please return to Kurt or call 4613 or 3451 WINDSURF? Or are you restless WIth your skIll ALL RESIDENTS ARE REMINDED that USAKA after 3 p m Ordmance #3 (c) reqUIres steady emIttmg whIte lIght level? Learn to wmdsurf better at Camp Hanlliton to the front when ndmg a bIcycle dunng the hours of every Sunday 1-3 pm Expenenced mstructors DIVE MASK left on the dIve boat Sun Please call avatlable darkness or other penods of hmIted VISIbIlIty For PhIl at 2849 If you took It by mIstake or placed It m safety, please use your hghts" safe keepmg (Pohce Dept) WANTED FOOD SERVICES YOkwe yyk Club Chef James Pinner Specials FORMER KWAJ STUDENT (now m graduate Thursday Scampi Josephine school), Doug Burke has fond memones of Island hfe & would like to VISIt Do you have quarters for a Soup and Salad Bar are Included responSIble young man to watch between Dec 11- Reservations are recommended Jan 8? Contact 3649

EX LONG TERM KW AJ RESIDENTS Moya & HELP WANTED Bob KlIngler are planmng a two week VISIt & would apprecIate an opportumty to house-sit dunng the pe­ TEACHERS WANTED full or part-tIme at KAPS­ nod of Nov 16-30 Call Gerry at H4322 W3960 Ebeye Grades K-5 and nursery All mstructiOn m Enghsh WIth U S textbooks On USAKA contact ALL TYPES OF HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, toys, chll­ Wade CanfIeld or wnte KAPS, Box 5820 Ebeye, dren's clothes & any other Items which you'd lIke to 96970 get nd of Call Tma at 3717 or Barbara at 2769 for pIckups The Bargam Bazaar staff thanks you for FOR SALE your donatlons II SERVICES OFFERED II a-______... PLANTS & FLOWERS SALE - Qtrs 444A on patto, Sat, 8 am -2 p m (vanous slzes & types) ,. "l1li RESPONSIBLE PERSON would lIke to Qtr sIt Tomght On TeleVision YARD SALE - Qtrs 106B, Fn , 6 30-8 30 a m dunng Oct or Nov EnJOyS ammals & would take KwaJalem Clothes, matena1 by the yards, toys & more excellent care of plants & yard Call 1522 Channel 9 PCS SALE - Tr 724, Fn , 9 am -5 p m Clothes RESPONSIBLE TEEN-AGE BOY needs work WIll C I & household Items do almost anythmg (mow lawns etc) Call Scott at 430 General HospItal 2842 5 1{) Growmg Pams (1 52) PCS PATIO SALE - Qtrs 403A, Sat, 630 am­ 542 ABC News noon Mlsc household Items, plants, ceratnlc glazes, BABYSITTING anytIme In my home (cnb avail) 611 CNN Sports Tomght stams, mold~ etc Call Manssa at 4330 637 SolId Gold 725 MoonlIghtIng (2 18) PATIO SALE - Tr 609, Sat, 7-10 a m Men & RESPONSIBLE ADULT LOOKING FOR QTRS 8 17 "The Great Escape" (3 10) women's clothes, coffee pot/fIlters, scatter rugs & to SIt Aug -Sept -Oct Please phone 2619 11 12 Star Search lots of odds & ends 1200 CNN HeadlIne News 11 29 Tomght Show/Essence PCS PATIO SALE - Qtrs 435A, Fn , 6 30 a m - /1 noon Somethmg for everyone' Unusual Items - COMMUNITY NOTICES II don't truss thiS' I Channel 13 I MARDI GRAS - ON KW AJ' Keep your eyes on 430 CNN Sports Tomght PATIO SALE - Qtrs 438A, Fn, 7 am -1230 the paper for more detalls 500 NlghtlIne P m Baby clothes, toys, men & women's clothes, 530 CNN Headlme News "hot>" safety gate & much more ROUND DANCE CLASS IS cancelled for tomght 6 00 ShoBIZ Today only We WIll resume next Thursday 6'10 Sports LateNIght ••••••••••••••••••••••• 700 LarlY Kmg : ClIP & Save", ,ClIP & Save : KAPS PARENTS REMINDER Sept regIstratIOn IS 8 00 CNN Contmues due by COB on Aug 14 Calendars are at the 900 CNN Cross FIre • • school A 10% late charge IS assessed after the 14th 930 CNN Conttnues • **HOURS OF OPERATION** • Call 2158 10 00 CNN Day Break .. . ATOLL 8'S WIll have a Western Nlte, 12th of Sept 10 30 Busmess Mornmg • BEAUTY SHOP .. Mark your calendars and watch thIS space for further 1100 Daybreak • • detatls' 1200 Late N'ght wID aVId Letterman : MON - FRI - 1030 - 1930 : -- - - ROJ-Namur • SATURDAY 900 - 1800 .. I I • SUNDAY CLOSED • 458 General Hospital SURFWAY IS NOW ACCEPTING 543 Sonya LIve In L A • NEW SHOP HOURS EFFECTIVE .. APPLICATIONS FOR INVENTORY 638 ABC News ·.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1ST • HELP FOR SEPTEMBER 1ST CALL 708 You Agam (ends) 83607 OR STOP BY THE BACK 734 MIsfits Of SCIence .. OFFICE TO SIGN UP 825 RIptIde · p & & ·: C11 Save , ,C 11 P Save ..: I 9 16 "The Defiant Ones" -... 10 53 Tomght Show ...... - ~

$I tillllllf 41