TIUBUXE, SUNDAY. MARCH 22, 1008. c r-vEW-'fORK DAILY OBITUARY. TENOEBLODf OX GRILL. OILTRIsrS\V\Ti:i?.PIPE r It- To-Morrow and Through This Week MRS. FANNY BOND. "the Sys- Vjreenhui Padden Finds One Without (Cy Telesrraph to The I Midnight Investigation of Colonel ; Tribune. I'lainfleM.- N. -i. March .2l.-Mrs. Fanny Bond. Building. Bond, years Bingham. Metier in the Standard's wife of the Rev. Lewta for thirty-eight tem" Held -by]Mr. died last nißht Display and missionary in Monnstir. Bulgaria, Introductory Register, cam? a Itn and Michael Clarence X'adden. Water P-Hinman, r.lainciothc- ny n. two captains and in- ' home of her dai^iter. O. Kirn The ill?; day at the Bmghaai close io realizing the ambition of "latter dls- spector were called before Commissioner of Kensington avenue, from a complication of •;\u25a0 yesterday, -when lie sent a letter to the daugh- midnight night, and although positive in- tru!»t .•.-. .-. - She leaves, besides her husband, two at last «»jj-« :.«•.-- to send some one . obtained, it is said that the '.."\u25a0• asking -Kennedy, Sr. xvi »n. it ters, one "of whom, Mrs:' P. B. is now formation could not be Company Days of hap- f to explain »n ur.metered pipe work, bob, began to Investigate the evi- Sale to Ms offi how and one A. Commissioner has ' eavaced in foreign mission by c. luto the bic building at No. 2 > dence of a system of police graft obtained "The • l>cns to mr.nJnß freely, Jl'ussell Bond, of this « it . Dry Goods. Broadway, delivering, if allowed to run New York World. "The World" for some time the K.imhllnp: No. *!.'•\u25a0.;; S&.OOO wo::!. Of \u25a0!•\u25a0•\u25a0« year, for which . MARIA SNOW, operated a fully equipped house at ' year. MRS. O. of Commissioner city receive? Jess r.ian J..<»">« Maria Snow, widow of Michael Snow 123 Sixth avenue wtth the consent staff, ran ilis. r>. co-operation of the District At- Inspector Guertin. of Colonel P.iGden's of Henry Snow, the defaulting Bfngham and the SeaSOn and mother Sander Spring At several wit- First last week. torney's office. Receipts, papers and Our across the unmetered four-incH rip* treasurer of the New York and New Jersey Tele- but a No. nesses to the. truth of the charges. hr. did not Bjaaw that it was unmetered. phone Company, died yesterday at her home. attest Millinery mm s opened on 11 with a com- I earrful Investigation showed" be say?, that th«« .114 Lafayette avenue. Brooklyn. Mrs. Snow The house was March Featuring leading layout for all kinds of gambling, 11 w;ts Occasion, Especially is no rector on it. Th.-r* are four ripe? health had been gradually tailing sine- the death plete A Display Worthy ofthe . <•• but Colonel years ago. and her death yes- operated for six days to obtain]the necessary evi- from Th' city* main* the hafiasa« of her husband six Kraft, - is burial complete system of police and nC IViddtn the unmetered pipe what known terday occurred on the anniversary of the dence of the asm is agreed tin- District Attorney thai fron, for Women. a bypass pipe. It runs around the meter and of her husband. it was with charac !cnsncp ro S Ready-to-Wear Garments sis eighty-two planned the plan .-hmijd S delivery pipe ahead of the meter. Mrs. Snow was born ill Truro. Mass.. those who and carried out fastened to the punishment. Lewis, pipe is larpe enough years ago. She was married at the ace of 24. sine* be Immune from Caroline Reboux, and Misses "That four-inch unn»«"tered many the precincts in the neigh- \ entire buildinp." Colonel Padden which time abe had lived '\u25a0 Brooklyn. For Excitement ran high in CarHer, to f.*ed the said " Brooklyn early the evening when Georgette, any one would need to do years. Mrs. Snow was a trustee of the borhood of the Tenderloin in • yeneniay. ".Ml that men and Berthe,SuzanneTalbot -mm metered pipes Orphan Asylum., and had always been active in there were calls for certain plain clothes Paillette et • Map the flow of water through the Headquarters. Deputy *11 * supply for the buildins to so churcii and charitable work. She leaves two sis- commanding officers from Modistes, to- and allow the full made And other great Parisian be to '"'*' and several Commissioners Hanson and Wood mysterious l\ii111111 .through unm-tcred rip* would ters children. l/\SIfit"*/ tiv^ between the Tenderloin ami with a superb exhibition of AFJL sV4VI'»V# valves or the metered pipe* and turn and spectacular tripe nether Jf down th« DANIEL POPE. Deputy Commissioner Hanson our own designs. • • flow through the unmetered pipe. That DR. JOSEPH Hcadqaartei'S. . m on ill* 21.-Dr. Joseph Daniel West 37th street station during the * •Jour-irch pipe win deliver fully WM" worth of Columbia. S. C. March rushed into the The moderate crowning amount rig;-.;y-ei>:!-.t yearn. dean the Law night and left orders for Detectives Dennis Sullivan pp Trimmings mmmtr a year. Idon't know that any sucii rope, aged 0/ abri Laces and th- Brhoo: of th* University of South Carolina, and and Arthur Carmack 10- report at once to Head- R^are Dress cs^ has been delivered to ..r Milmil water signers of Is possiWo one of the three survivors of the the quarters. Captain -Barney" Kelleher. who until <=tsndar»vt MHfc " fatal to the New York woman to the last, bcins stricken with his Mueller, the old Tenderloin station, were sum- and fabrics willappeal especially average j=ome of the inspectors discovered un in harness of Starr lecturing at university on Thurs- Headquartera telephone by Dep- For her sake we have .- — illness while the moned to over the of dress exists. Colonel Tad- or critic \u0084. ... running into ?ine X than whom no more competent more merciless ,»n«on. day last. uty Commissioner Hanson. TO-MORROW den has inspectors lookins about »*• guard We have no mere show pieces, had yester- D«rhag the Civil War he was chief of the revenue Commissioner Bingham ordered a posted avoided both the commonplace and the extreme. Th'v have reported to him. he announced the currency vn- was in our style-selections, department and superintendent of at an entrances to the buildiKßJ. arid no one and the most beauti- day." that th<-y found a two-inch meter in the a writer, of attractive and salable suits the in- d*r the'Conlederate government. He was allowed to enter or leave without the sanction but we have what is undoubtedly the strongest gathering prison which registers water sent outside of South and pulilicist.and had been one cither of the Deputy Commissioners. ' redden said water measured lecturer of trimmed yet seen in city. stitution. Colonel the foremost citizens for a generation going to be Investigated to the bottom. ful assemblage millinery this next door, and at Carolina's "This is by it runs into a piano factory said the Commissioner, "and 1 want to make sure one feet the meitr Bring th<- rai"of 51 for thousand cubic PETER J. DONOHUE. that ii« re will be no leak. these men down JI.SC worth aC water mm out of the be done rrsrlst^rcd Peter J. Donohue. for half a century a resident one at a time and we'll see what can prison. and one of the best known manu- with them under our rules or with the aid of Mr. and anything delinitc about tins Mit- of wnilaiMliun Skirts know of his Costumes, "I don't Brooklyn, died at the hone Suits, Coats, Dresses " just Jerome." Id like to find nut facturers in ;trr yet he said "but daughter Mrs. William If. Masterson, No. 83 Perm While the men were before the Commissioner m-tr- MM just who st* the revenue born in in l.^ . for February a New what that for. street, last Me wpa Ireland the of tlie Tenderloin station Establish water they MB- niffbl. boy. He blotters to Styles Keyed to the Highest Fashion Note—Values from The water used and whose and came to Hip United States when \u25a0 were brought to Headquarters and delivered founded the steam boiler manufa.-turine firm of P. !><-piiiv Commissioner Hanson. Selling boiler for Early Spring .1 Doookoe A: Son?. He was a United States Standard WOMAN LOSES VALUABLE HANPBA of Presi- Suits, Worth * hißßtttur during the last admini?tration \u0084, w,t \u2666„ ec $95 1 Women's "Marquisette"n <* ~n nn BROADWAY MOVES WEST. .c.Suits Worth car$35 to $50.n ataf O~O.UU00 -_„ $du.UU dent Cleveland. Women s least j>/u Jewelry Valued at \u25a0 $600 and (PO/l r\f\ Contained OBITUARY NOTES. Women's Suits Worth $37.50 and $40, OOU.UU Dresses, Worth at freight Girls,Shore Girls, Pomes and Fancy Taffeta Silk Ciq*gn Small Amount of Money, JAMES B. HILL, of Pitt-burs. general Chorus 0 Chicago A.- St. $37.50, $25, at was J.* L. agent for th« Pittsburp, Cincinnati. Suits Worth at ... $30.00 least -r>-jr,c woman, who sv.i *h* Miss., Spear Carriers Dance Together. Misses' A reportedMrs^. teat !^,n« Railroad, died at Biloxi. yesterday, $5.00 P-bimmtirouc. of Warren. Perm.. ago a business er- at Tub Skirts. Worth and _ T^d,rl..in that she had ho went \u25a0 time on oTic a hundred persons who live in New Women's Rajah Silk Suits. Worth nf) White **'qq , . police nation where paralytic Not in A^ UU ... |IM was ill only a few days with a you offhand where the Amsterdam $45.00 j $6.50, at . -r- handbaK oaaaaaaaaaj jewels valued at rand. He Tor* could tell least $60. . . lost ' • Opera Is, you had to do last nighl was snd a Fraall amount of money. Sh? told Lieutenant attack. : House but all Miss Belle steer west in Daly thai yesterday afternoon with her sister she FRANK C. MUNSON. who was to star' from Long Acre Square, due MRS Thursday from the to of •went JO the opera a: the Metropolitan, and after suddenly on 44tii street and follow crowd the middle 1 culse Max- died Amity street. avenues, where the perfwsaaßMe -went la a eal> to the Grand Cen- at her home. No. ITS the block between Eighth and Ninth h^rt di'sL..-' i.a.ust There the Sixth Avenue, 18th to 19th Street, New York. tr?l Etatkm. iTooUr, Mr. Mtmson waa an an»teur a big electric sign read "Amsterdam."- Then Hn Schimineifouß went to the Cortlandt for several years under well flood tide <-./ f.itr girls-, little girl? and jollygirls having' Mudien abroad for \u25a0 handbag Brooklyn house" from"tlie f --\u0084 ferry, where she discovered her musicians She had mcd in all, began to flow into the "opera beside? the money and S on June 1900. stage on the Great \u25a0was missinr. It contained th. last twenty-seven yean, and doors of most of the theatres ring;.*. «*>« ... Sign Way. They eager be "in if railroad ticket two diamond solitaire were all to »*« married to Frank C. Munson. Beer SALE. and Sales. pearl si.d sapphire brooch, one pearl heart, one sadden* when the midnight inarch began at the chorus LAST OF YAMANAKA Art Exhibitions and Sales. I__^fjjExhibitions L. PACKARD died Venetian pendant and six small stickpins, a MRS. WILLIAM girls' The tide not begin flow until «-ham. at home in HomeU ball. ebb did to and set heart disease her wasn't \u25a0woman's silver watch or- -ire with three from wife of the editor ofH^T.Th _ the milkmen were doing their act. and there Vanderbilt. Jr., and Mrs. Harry verterday. She was the Mrs. W. K. pearls. Ithaca., a chorus girl who would admit that she was * Times' and -The Whitney Among Buyers. ye. Geneva old. She went to "afraid to go home, in the dark." Few had to. Payne the A thirty years Auction Rooms Tackard was Fifth Mrs. And what a ripping good time they had. these Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr.. was the largest buyer VIDAVER OUT OF KISSENA CASE. from Holyoke. Mass. (Incorporated) I.'crnell same beauties, whose songs and dances delight so at the final sale of the Yamanaka collection of art OPPOSED. many thousands each night in their respective objects, held at the. American Art Galleries yes- 333-341 Fourth Avenue, S. E. Cor. 25th St. Joseph D. Edelson. Appointed by Attorney LAW FAVORING VETERANS plays! The costumes were striking and familiar terday. She bought seven Chinese rugs, the high- in some cases. In the "affinity" lancers that fol- est price, $.">.«•«>. being paid for a large rug with HENRY A. HARTMAN. Auctioneer. General, lowed the grand march, led by Mr.* and Mrs. fawn colored ground, with an elaborate design. Appears Before Justice Garretson. Reformers Say ItWould Make Winkle, Civil Service George Duncan, there was Rip Van danc- Mrs. Vanderbilt also obtained, for $400. an antique Justice Garretson. who charred the Kisser.a Park Office Holding Class. ing with nimble Adeline Genee. Eddie Fey and the rug with an imperial yellow centre, and a similar RARE ANTIQUES ; swung on one coiner, prand jury and ordered th« Investigation into the Reform Association has issued Merry Widow' each other one for ?4.v>. NOW ON EXHIBITION. A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF GENUINE in t*o CivilService Army man" Bah of land, adjourned yesterday a beating the "^.^1,0 bills now while. "Dave WarfieW as "a Grand A. A. Anderson, the portrait painter, bought rugs lIKFPLEVx-HITE, SHERATON AND DUTCH FURNITURE Supreme Flushing, on the motion to allow :e°st of the Spanish Blanche Bates as "the Girl of the Golden and Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney COLONIAL, Court. a^r to give to the veteransP«-J*>?£^ and aggregating $3,465, Paris Edward A. Macdougal to ex- Legislature and danced on the other corner. to high- condition, belonging to Jchn R. un War. the Philippine insurrection West" made four purchases amounting $2,630. the in the orginal and rcfinished 1 ti)- investigation. \Vhen The African over Fifty-dollar were the prizes offered by amine th* minutes of rising in China £ watches est price, 1 one being bought for $1,350. Ex-Senator No. uP presence brother officers- motion was presented Joseph D. &lelson. of Te BoTer for positions in .he etate ciyii President Michael Jacobs and his William A. Clark paid $5.400 for a large rug. He Pa., appointed civilian applicants pre- Matter, Epstein. Charles Wolf; Curran, of , \u25a0_.. Broadway, stated that he had been Mils, It said, ifpassed would Frank ".lack" also obtained, for $5,200. another large rug-. James to ice The I? most .-: deputy attorney pen"-a!. succeed Nathan Vi- "en- "Manny'' Mannheim- r and the rest— for the H. BeQmont's principal purchase wa* a rug Foot Block Front Desk. Vie Crtm Tables. Sideboard?. might bail, O. P. Consisting of a Ball and Claw t aside, the members of the grand Jury are ££ You with some of the pony RHODE ISLAND MILLS REDUCE WAGES. En^ravinjrs and Paintings, Colonial .Mirrors promotion Civil Service Reform Association "Much Obliged to So! illSilver. English Cut Historical Baueh action, and say that the results The the state Behind the Counter," and Glass.. opposed to «« protest says that there are in ballet from "The Girl and Carved "Wood Mantels. of tlie investigation may be defeated unless im- In persons eligible for when the big ballet and the stunning chorus from Knig-hts and Cut SATURDAY, twenty thousand " Goddards Will Pay 10 Per sold on THURSDAY. FRIDAY and action is taken to bring the charges made « hove in sight, soon after midnight To be TTdial* the proposed hills. This number -WO^rn^would the Hippodrome B*>rmel. president of Bor- under next five costumes and others wearing Cent. agnli.st Joseph Queens to the veterans for the some in their mermaid 27 and 28, at 2 o'clock each day. i I the appointments enough to go March 26. ough, before Governor Hughe?. their spangles,"there were not men Providence, March 21.-- Robert Knight, head of V dropped in just In time 10 Knight association points out that such 1.i.-':»- around. "Ted Marks the B- B. A It. Company, announced to- The' be dance, "Tim" Sullivan, who night -,-eneral wages amounting GET HART COMPANY RECORDI AT CIRCUS. would create an office holding class and would see the shadow and thai a reduction in COLER WOULD MANDAMUS METZ. DIDNT MME GOULD S CHILDRIN govern- came with McManus, declared he bad t'. ;'i per cent would be made in the Knight mills at variance with the spirit of American Senator gratuity." Bays the lot of pretty girls off the stage .Monday. April ti. company «ix ment "Public office is not a never Been such a on The employs *t " military service should popular air heard on Broadway Providence, Compel Certify Commissioner Mitchel Also Fails to Get Square protest -and the reward of before. Every thousand operatives in Its mills in Has Plan to Controller to Day at Madison Garden The was and to with a will by the jolly Ce&trevilie, 1-li>pi't. Point, Arc- "Kiddits" not be permitted to impair the Civil Service. played danced V/oonsocket. River Younger Hart. the promo- thoroughly enjoyed until Fourth Avenue Subway Contracts. Accounts of — preference in promotion would prevent throng, who themselves tic, Xatick. Pontiac, Jackson and "White River, t Signor Caruso at Night Performance. were morning. J. P. Mitchel. commissioner of account.*, wen: tion of deserving employes of the state who nearly time for rehearsals this R. I. and Dodgeville, Ruadville. Hebronville and Boroußh President Col*r intimated yesterday that Wj Mn.- Anna <;<\u25a0\u25a0.. id. who these yesterday to the Mayors room in the City H*:.- The three children of not veterans." Msnehaug, Mass. All mills have been run- he will Ro into court for a mandamus to compel tutor, by investigation Eoro;:="i V «rcr« accompanied by the Abbe Caymae. their The bills referred .0 are those introduced TORTURE IN OHIO PRISON? ning on thnee-quarters time for two weeks. Metz to certify Ike contracts (os the wbere tlie of the office or spec- George Senator Lamb, of To- • • Controller The Bronx is conducts!. laid a French valet, were arr.ons the interested Joseph M. Fowler, of lister County, and Columbus. Ohio, March A 18 per m reduction will also be made at the Fourth avenue suhway in case they are paaaed i\v President Haften of beins j-rfTformanee to-day by the state- Brothers, Lonsdale, of and canceßtd tators at the afternoon of Barnum £• 11. Cobb, of Watertown. ledo, created a sensation here mills of the Goddard in Berke- Hoard of Eattmaie This course, he dtclared. to take chars? the bankbooks yester- Ohio penitentiary in Btackstone, tin Hart Company, a contraet- Bailey's Circus at Madison Square Garden ment that while visiting the ky. Ashton and Hope. r. [\u0084 and Mass.. would judicially determine the borrowing capacity checks of the John 1. !*lay. party occupied arena box and the with some Toledo women he paw a pris- by Company's Globe, and concern, for th* year 10(6. which Wi'.liam H. The an IN company and the Manvllle Social Of the city. insr of J.-.y GSeaM excitedly called SPLIT THAW FAMILYDENIED. by hit wrists. "X was astounded," Ncurse mills. Woonsoeket, and ktenville mills, of Hurst, treasurer of the company, had teen aaBM flltt!e Krandch!ldr*»n oner hanging President Coler is all worked vp over what he irne another's attention to the things that inter- said the Senator, "ami soon saw that the attend- Manvllle. The Rhode Island cotton mill interests to produce. George 1. Hurst. ?on of the tr#asur»r terms unnecessary delay in acting on the subway them. During (be hippodrome races little Says Stories from trying keep me away from this man. in the employ twenty-five and employe of «"ompanv. also had been "«t»d Counsel for Mother Pitts- ants were to three states thousand contracts. "The. interests opposed to the construc- an the fflay dp CansjeSaaje stood up and clapped bis hand Iinstated on seeing him. and. the man said to me. 'I operatives. asked la brin? his skaWaaaaasßi at the s3rne ttnif- as Foundation. tion of a preat independent system, operating from It seemed at the afternoon performance if burg Are All Without banging since Thursday an.i they appeared, & lesapk««* message '» have been here " The Bronx, through and Brooklyn to Neither man but in the land were present. Little statement made yesterday eat bread and water.' to ftnt! t!is •ill hat "kiddies"* ]n an authoritative only let me down to •READING CUT BOUND TO COME." now isolated Borougn of the effect that they had not teen oWe jfollows were on the shoulders of their fa- Bartlett, counsel Cor Harry K. report the ease to the peni- Coney IslanJ and the carried Colonel Franklin Senator I^amb will yesterday, hooka In question was received. N young Richmond," he said "are makincr their Raaßßi and staid aid men were induced by the Thaw and hia mother, Mrs. William Thaw, em- tentiary investigation committee. Commissioner Mitchel directions that U« desperate fight to prevent the breaking of save r^f. i«> to run around with them. 50 that nothing phatically that there had been any disa- Voorhees Sees No last elder Hurst and Ma son should appear on MMJaBF denied Vice-President Immediate transportation monopoly." *m:M be missc-a. greement between tie numbers of the Thaw METZ TO L'RGE BILL IN ALBANY. the with the book" or with personal *vcp!anat!or;« flf Tiight performance th»» audience filled the Help ia Railway Situation. Controller M«-tz characterized with a "short and At the family. will go to Albany on Tuesday in their inability to find them. In the latter case t»w^ menagerie, and arena to overflowing. he rough Controller Metz V'oorhees, first Ugly" word any person or persona who might ac- ••The stories emanating from Pittsburg in the of his bill to have subway and doc!; Philadelphia afard M.-Theodore records of their accounts willbe Stained from iS» .e£rrs have been worn off and the show now moves Colonel Haitian,. "that there the Interests Reading Railroad, to-day ease him of trying to kill th« Fourth avenue sub- ];..-; few days." said Improvement bonds exempted from inclusion in vice-president of the bank«. precision and smoothness of clockwork. \u25a0 wages benefit of the traction trust. w:th the hap been a disagreement or controversy between who has charge of that in the rate of paid em- way lor the fln^ •* the the debt limit. Senator Page. reduction C'omniissione,r Mitchel is endeavorinsr to Oanaae attended night performance. Harry K. Thaw's family over tli- for corporation was inevitable. The, Controller will have .1 conference to-morrow MBBor ihe members of the bill, wants an amendment to provide a ployes Of that whether as not the John .1 Hart O.mpany bad »3 Evelyn to marriage to Mr give no hint as to the time morning with H. B. Seaman, engineer of the Public V» tuit of Thaw annul her sinking fund to pay the interest on such bonds Voorhees would interest in ;\ certatn contract, which was let absolutely founda- railroad company might take definite Commission, and N. P. Lewis, engineer of Harry K. Thaw are without in th« event of the Improvements not paying at When the Service the younger Hart after the company bad ttta ESCAPE IN COLLEGE FIRE. disagreement of any bui maintained that thus far there was of Estimate, preceding \u25a0\u25a0* nut.li. hear- fFRLS tion. There lias been no any time. The will agree to that. action, the Board ordered t»» abandon the work. Controller the view- kind in Mr. Thaw's family." nothing in the railroad situation from ins in th^ afternoon to be held by th»; committee in of transportation com the avenue This statement was made at the request of Mrs. REV. DR. JOHNSTON MAY GO WEST. point of those control of the Board of Kstimate on Fourth DATE DAY FIXED. forest Park University in St. Louis Ruined THE Asia, thai a revival In business of OF ARBOR— Thaw, who is now in Piltsnur?. Speaking of the After two years of missionary work in panics, to Indicate contract?. Albany. March 21. Commissioner A. IDmaaa. recently by Johnston, proportions to change the tide in favor by the Flames. opinion express- .1 the alienist Dr. the) Rev. Or. Howard Agnew the for- sufficient of the Slat* EdttratlOQ r^partmont. utnocaccd to- of the employes would occur before the order m ' that Harry K. Thaw is of the Avenue Church; has day that Arbor L»ay will observed this year oa Louis. March 21.— Forest Park University, a. Allan*'McLane Hamilton mer pastor Madison gone be Ft. Colonel Bartlett said that on accept the pastorate of the First cut wages had forth. annual, j'isi is- for ' women, with an fnro'.- a hopeless paranoiac. been asked to declared, GRAIN EXCHANGE TO BE SOLD. Friday, May IThe Arbor Pay finvate iB»ISl SMJ seen Harry Thaw at Colorado Springs. While \u25a0•it's bound lo come," Mr. Voorheea - parts of two recent occasions lie had Presbyterian Church of sued by the department, contains ciany sujjm* Tr of tkn hundrod students from all conferences with refused, it is thought that •and we might as wtl! whistle to keep up <>ur eg- Matteawan and liad held lons offers have been tioiis lor the teachers. th« country, was destroyed by fire to-day. Ail other of courage." him. Both times, he said, Thaw F^m"rt to him to Dr. Johnston will consent to take charge to Buy capd in safety, but there waj? no time to save the is of It la known that the Reading has been dropping Winnipeg Members Expected Build- be perfectly sane the Colorado Springs church, which one Wlohrlujts 1k youn? women, and they net u c lim^. NOTES. of 1 not physician alienist." organized state. men from it payrolls lor ome TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Although am a or an the best in that —Legislation Cause of Action. <;r..-i- cvcrA'thin^. Dftiver. Starch Jt.--.rnd?:'* W WMj"^" • said Colonel Bartlett. "this view is based on ex- the trial fn ••IU The «nis <\u25a0•• equipped with fire escapes, meeting d»nifd 10-d;«y motion for a new r buiMinc from th* of hundreds Winnipeg, March "I.—At a of th* Winnt- ''•pp- Alia. sentent-eU to O^ath for the murd« wtll b^ hanpfd d-irrnl bts. -iruKchnit with in their 1 the new but of «he • mental commander and In political lif \u25a0" AT THE STORES. fit ided to sell at auction dinar I.'. made \u25a0•p*»« r--< •„ pain the open air. OFFERINGS action, th« week besinnin< July v!i» exchange. prectPd hi a cost of MMM This attempts to lonmit siii. \u25a0.!<- '««t ntgiH '-\u25a0\u25a0 peat—» Th« faculty, of which Mrs. Anna Sneed Cairns is I: was pointed out at to-dar's meetinc* was fsve«d his ha i: his cell. jjicaidrnt aaare than twenty beaChera, and THIS MASCOT HAD YELLOW STREAK O Bur- Includes h\ recent legislation s:ovcrriin»r the exchange. The K>ntor». Ohio.•• Storell 21.--V.hen m- S thr nslversttl sncilaiin in music, art and elocu- INFORMATION THE AD- said, would no longer finance the* de?te wet.t gather tft ir> tb" h^n rt>cp to-c.37 FURTHER CONSULT banks, it was •\u25a0be instantly killed in th«» emrharjc" \u25a0>' « |™ tion. It was •.••;\u25a0 university to be chartered "to FOJf was Patrolman Went Into Saloon Get Bone" nrhaaHpi as a body, though they were t\ illinjrto whl.-h sat had .-.. 1 in kill chicken tS:#VfS- !«•;.- — B«aaaußd for women in the rn:t". the B>-'»-.»» >J» place for mascot or unofficial police docs since a white igood« tioun< oil. De-en>t>er to. sr^^rnmret elaborate line ot embroideries and ligation? and buy tlie bulMlns at the sale. Btesented imihiti of honor to Captain Edc»r \u2666 M-" yellow dip mascot of th" bouse "put the skids" There will **\u25a0" which will be shown next w«*. be the A !> MATTHEWS' SONS, Fulton atreet, Brook- wlok «nd «-re» of the Uttl« Island Life und«r Patrolman MctSrath in Marcy avenue a Few many dflpartmetita Station who res.u^d. th~ men \u25a0-• th- AaraWJ* Tuesday specials In of the lyn, will ]»Kin 10-morron .\u25a0 -\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 of womeri'a suit- o? f-* nights fiRO. usual The fiftieth «»ti.' Cap««ln Wtlllum 11. ONVaI and crew , display of glaasware and ohina. in man] att.-acttve deatgns. Thete willbe .1 special IN I'ape *Rio assisted a For two months the dojj has patrolled with and a continued, ami PETITIONS BANKRUPTCY. Fals* Life Savins Station. anniversary <.f «ak« will bo <>( oUckHhs, carpets no the rescue. sergeants lieutenants, and on Bertw aale and petitions in bankruptcy filed yesterday In patrolmen, and the be a reduction of prices In every depart- The Sprinstleld. 111.. March 31— Th* Piirnond Spe- it night followed M' and aaaaesa ear tirnw A rap w.-ek of spring specials. tor fntirii imported dreas trlnwainga and Parta and J»a ac saw Sergeant McConnin approach. from nounces another dimities, -. assets. ov«-r. No on« waa •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! .-.l Train i»»«casTS Colds arc silk foulards. Irish paraaobi Imported will abw for and ihe sergeant's stick brought McGrath out on the the coming week London and novelties Involuntary petition against tfce Marcus* Ward removed the spikes In a rail. T The bl-yearly i)>- shown. Asamaasaa, March St.—A licence bill for run and charges were made. white India linons and Slclllcnnes. engaged in the printing" publishing and hiich B*£'" tapestries curtains will be held Company, tiinore »*lty was passed r>\ trie Senate to-tlar- The patrolman said that he went into the saloon clean-up of and SAKS & CO.; Broadway and .'Jtih street, an- '\u25a0* stationery hualntan at No. mj Broadway, by John MM already passed the llotitov Undrr I|r\l. for « boae for the faithful mascot, and to bear this week. nounce for to-morrow an important aata of and two others. The claims a#greg*ta ~:,.--^ .ialiNins and clubs which now p«T \u2666-•"' *?,.. l>. ihlder 1" the y'*r him out the pup ran bach to the station with a Sixth avenue and Nth women's cloaks and suits. Exclusive designs in other n>ia.lly will nay I-"-' n-xt vrnr. »::»•> '\u0084 SIMPSON-CRAWFORD. $I,C<>l<2. His assets are machinery, tools and '>'>'> The license »' bone in his mouth. It la unofficially announced many striking values in millinery, millinery and a sale of mcssaline and net waists lowinK and tl. the third y.-itr. street, offer property worth |a*.saT: accounts receivable to the then at $t.Oo(>. , that the bone and the dog willbe used at the trial willbe a special sale ii« among the many features at stt»rf remain . . gloves and net waists. There win thi'ir Hinount 01 $>»,:.(••. and orders to 1111 to the extent of NMIo^. Ml.h.. March 11. Tli.- lar«^ r-"*-' '*"'„'.'- prove , before Commissioner Baker t'< McGratb'a in- .if Brussels anil Smyrna ru«v. during the week. $2.:i«i>>. Henry Melvll. Is receiver, uml-r 13D.09U RmHanan. rl\«- hundred feel lon*. >rcrt«l In «\u25a0• you Bones, Fcrcr, Bonenc* ""•'•*li Jos. j-ii t:iv.T f..iirt.-t-ii year* »X«» «tt » 'yL,, If hare Aching Sneezing . BLOOMINGIbALKS', ;ii Third avenue and 1;i:i,k\HIT A CO., Sixth avenue and :'Mli bond. I' '"'*" ti;>-- ?::.->t\i>nO. was ..irne.l away to-«lay. Pending the trial all dog's old friends sltu.n embroideries, through 7«» Blues, you hare the Grip. street, willhave .1 dlapta) "i trimmed -u.«i. Ail the wee* al this atam there of. Henry llennmn. in th" crockery we*tk»n«". Bast 7*tli street, Rive NII.-S and South Bend. Ind. and V. seeing fevered sneezing whom he follows. • business at Charles A. Chapln. of , _. 4 ith ai,i,c(itt COM- their nrsl .-h hik .<>~<n and offer for collection 61 various weave* said to •»»• werta Black In 'rail>\ Jt-.'»". tillery in Chatham- V C 1- Mrs, Margaret lU-Hly.twenty-eight year* old, was shot |.\- Mm •>->•!• and prrharw* fatally wound" Humphreys' "Seventy- s,ifi;ii h •.> ill continue throughout the horses and inks, $...*•*>; debts due on 0|.,-if .<\u25a0\u25a0 If you will keep locked up in the East Cth atreet station la.st nisiit March •' I'- thirteenth shown. week Anii'in-' Persian carpets "i attractive ven-nKNitha-old daugh* the l>itt>>oiirc or.h^stra Glided fJ^Llja- seven" WIT, TKI 1.1:1: & CO.. No. M West SU siKn .mil a varied assortment <>r small rugs ol of th* Horan-Marshall Company show nounceroent \n male that th* fate ->f the- 'Vajjt^l yon it, Margaret. Th< arr<*st was wade at the re- BON Schedules th- puNlf. Mor it at the Srft symptom, -srill not have street, will place "ii»ale tb-morrow i«n«l Tuesday Oriental •manufacture will be shown. liabillti*'*' of »2.".."«w !>."• ami assets of $:.%:. Tiie tlon .- In law hMJSBJ of TjTsa take quest of h a.-uv business; bed at r.i^t o'clock i»-i(iji\ afternoon, in th* values m suit* ami eoatuoiaa There BTERN BROTHERS will to-morrow latter consist of slink 111 trade worth debts maintained. Emll Paur iidirector or th- , to lay out ke In showing — c- ;tn <>'\u25a0 three- price" open to amount of $7..^T. Captain "«^ in » the famil.y. at No. 177 Third avenue. The will if unusual dreues anal cial half il< of colored dress Roods and due on account the. The San Francisco. March .'I Kftjjl i appeals to bl'' people. m of , navy, \u25a0 \u25a0»*f_l.'- . this prlic? thai the baby may have >>epn a vic- jiter**suits. linens. Values In tailor-made walking .Miit^, te* unsecured claims against the alleged bunkrui>t th* imperial Japanese arrived ' J \u2666• believe ' nf--ii-. ;nr \u0084...\u25a0.•.-. en the Nippon Maru * •« ' Harhurger A.- STRAUS, Fulton itraat, Brooklyn, gowns and 1 among the q^ectel ii»n> amount to, i.«..*>.' 1* -• . \u25a0> Stcrcs, tim of. plom^in-: potsoajng. Coroner ABRAHAM T.fnil^n. t> ur.-lerstcM -t» *}}lT At Drag 25 Cent?. \u0084fi,, , department! (ii!-> wat where. It-' nirlit that lie would hold the body for hit' purchaferl 'hr 'ntire Fill-ply of Csurvoißlei In In the rrtilllnery department M. OBBBaaaats appointed receiver for \u25a0\u0084. .• vi' w*rs^ips f=r lUi :* '.--\u25a0- :; f :\<\ last ' construction «ic\ c;.le * many new- designs street wt*r may te Mta, Therry Brothers, retail grocers, in Madison try. Washington. \u25a0 •--. <-•-\u25a0\u25a0 ar.J \u25a0• \u25a0 is. aud will otfer th.n- f^r