BRAC 95 Installation Assessment Narratives (Data Call U4)
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE Of THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY DCN 1267 WASHINOTON,DC 30310-0101 DACS-TABS 18 April 1994 KEMORANDUH FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: BRAC 95 Installation Assessment Narratives (Data Call U4) 1. Reference: Memorandum, The &my Basing Study, 6 April 1994, Subject: BRAC 95 Installation Assessment (U)Program. 2. Installation Assessment Narratives are an irportrnt part of tho Array's BRAC 95 rocrwndation ruhirrioa. tb'e nrrrativo f provides a brief ruaury of an in8tallatlon'r lo~atlon,hirtory, mirsion, joint rynergy, and unique facilitier and, location. mi8 t .,'. , , information ir used by the collllirsion ataft in tboir proparation t...., , *.. for briefings and viaitr. i 0 - , 3. Zhir =raachm prorider inrtructionr to rction rddra8"rr on the proparation and rubrirrlon of the Arry'a BMC 95 Inrtallatioa Asror-t krrativer. Annex A lists the inrtallations included .. in thir roquort. Anaox B idontitior, tho mrrativo olrwntr rquirmd tor oach iartallation. , ..$ ' ., .a,% 4. Data will be ruhittod in threo printod copier with wordprocessing diskettes. The susmnse for this data all la 15 June 1994. 1,:; .* 5. OSD has determined that blank data -118 will not bo ro1~8.d to the public until the Socrotary or Dofume forwar& a11 . :L. -. recamendations to the Comirrion on 1 Urch 1995. Shiluly, inforution rubmitted in rorpomo to ruch data calls must ruofve carparable protection from dirclorure. Accordingly, p.r#onnel that hand10 this info~tionrhould be rrindd to protoct it from premature dirclorure by marking and Wingdocumontr aa CWSE HOLD. 6. The Defense Base Closure and Realignnent Act of 1990, 8s ..mended, requires certification of the accuracy and corplateness of a11 information provided to the Commission and the Secretary of Defense.
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