Print ISSN 1815-4018 Online ISSN 2410-5422

ABSTRACTS ICME - 2019 October 19 - 22, 2019 ,

September 2019, Vol.14, Supplement

Indexed in: WHO-Index Medicus (IMEMR) Index Copernicus-ICI Journals Master List JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC JIIMC INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE Print ISSN 1815-4018 PMDC No. IP/0059 Recognized by PMDC & HEC Online ISSN 2410-5422

PATRON-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR Mr. Hassan Muhammad Khan Prof. Muhammad Nadim Akbar Khan Chancellor Riphah International University EDITORS PATRON Prof. Ulfat Bashir Prof. Dr. Anis Ahmed Prof. M. Ayyaz Bhatti Vice Chancellor Riphah International University Brig. (R) Prof. Maqsood ul Hassan

ADVISOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS Maj.Gen. (Retd.) Masood Anwar, HI (M) Prof. Saadia Sultana Dean RARE/Director ORIC Prof. Raheela Yasmeen Riphah International University Dr. Shazia Qayyum Dr. Owais Khalid Durrani CHIEF EDITOR Lt. Gen. Azhar Rashid (Retd.) HI (M) ASSISTANT EDITOR Dean Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences Dr. Fakhra Noureen Principal Islamic International Medical College Riphah International University TYPE SETTING EDITOR Muhammad Naveed Anjum

EDITORIAL BOARD NATIONAL Brig. (R) Prof. Muhammad Farooq Brig. (R) Prof. M. Salim Brig. (R) Prof. Sher Muhammad Malik Prof. Tariq Saeed Mufti (Peshawar) Brig. (R) Shafaq Ahmed Prof. Muhammad Umar-SI (Rawalpindi) Dr. Huma Iftikhar Qureshi T.I. (Islamabad) INTERNATIONAL Maj. Gen. (R) Prof. Suhaib Ahmed Dr. Samina Afzal, Nova Scotia, Canada Maj. Gen. (R) Prof. Abdul khaliq Naveed (Lahore) Prof. Dr. Nor Hayati Othman, Malaysia Prof. Fareesa Waqar Dr. Adil Irfan Khan, Philadelphia, USA Prof. Sohail Iqbal Sheikh Dr. Samina Nur, New York, USA Prof. Muhammad Tahir Dr. Naseem Mahmood, Liverpool, UK Prof. Aneeq Ullah Baig Mirza Prof. Khalid Farooq Danish Prof. Yawar Hayat Khan Prof. Aliya Ahmed Prof. Shazia Ali Brig. (R) Prof. Tariq Butt SI(M)

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ii Journal of Islamic International Medical College Print ISSN: 1815-4018 Quarterly Online ISSN: 2410-5422


“Journal of Islamic International Medical College (JIIMC)” is the official journal of Islamic International Medical College. The college is affiliated with Riphah International University and located in Rawalpindi (Punjab) Pakistan. JIIMC is a peer reviewed journal and follows the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical journals, is updated on JIIMC has a large readership that includes faculty of medical colleges, other healthcare professionals and researchers. It is distributed to medical colleges, universities and libraries throughout Pakistan. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, (electronic, mechanical, photocopying) except for internal or personal use, without the prior permission of the publisher. The publisher and the members of the editorial board cannot be held responsible for errors or for any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in this journal. For Online Submission Visit: Published by IIMC, Riphah International University Islamabad, Pakistan Web Site:

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ii JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19-22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

CONTENTS PLENARY SESSIONS 01 Plenary 01: Title: The changing role of the student in the health professions 01 Plenary 02: Title: Achieving our Outcomes: Aligning Curriculum and Assessment in Medical Educaon 01 Plenary 03: Title: Leading organizaonal cultural change during health professions educaon reforms 01 Plenary 04: Title: Jusfied entrustment with health care tasks: the ulmate goal of medical educaon 02

SYMPOSIUM 03 Symposium 1: Student Assessment Title: A fresh look at Miller's pyramid: Assessment at the 'Is' and 'Do' level 03 Title: Current assessment systems in Pakistan and their challenges 03 Title: Comparing Pakistani Assessment system to the Internaonal standards (WFME, GMC etc) Where we stand today? 03 Title: Soluons to the Challenges of Assessment 04

Symposium 2: Role of Islamic Ethics in Health Professional Educaon Title: Role of Islamic Ethical Principles in Medical Educaon 04 Title: How to teach Islamic medical ethics in medical school 05 Title: Learning and Teaching of Islamic Medical Ethics 06 Title: Islamic Principles of Ethics and their comparison with Western Principles 07

Symposium 3: Connuing Professional Development Title: The need for developing a naonal connuing professional development programme for doctors in Pakistan 08 Title: CPD, standards by different bodies (WFME, GMC etc.), validaon and recerficaon of praconers and its importance 08 Title: Formal & Informal Connuing Professional Development-The link between the Past, Present and Future of Health Professions Educaon. 09 Title: Connuous Professional development: Research within the field (exisng/ future) 09

Symposium 4: Interprofessional Educaon Title: What is interprofessional educaon (IPE) for 21st century healthcare delivery? 09 Title: Is personality profiling affects specialty choices 10 Title: Inter Professional Educaon; Bridging the Chasm-If not now then when, if not us then who? 10 Title: Opportunies and challenges for inter Professional health educaon in rehabilitaon sciences 11 Title: The future of IPE in dental educaon “adopng a modern approach for the 21st century 11

Symposium 5: Paent Safety Title: Experience of launching Undergraduate Paent Safety Curriculum for MBBS and BDS Pharmacy and Rehabilitaon Sciences colleges 11

iii JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Title: Applying FOCUS PDCA on Medical Internship Program 12 Title: Role of IHI open school for online learning of Paent safety 13

WHAT THE EXPERT SAYS 14 Ronald M Harden Title: Further Developments in Medical Educaon 14 Trudie Roberts Title: Professionalism and Integrity: challenges and consequences of modern medical training 14 Mohamed Al-Eraky Title: Medical Professionalism in Arabian context: The Four Gates Model 14 Ahsan Sethi Title: Failure to Fail: The p of the iceberg 15 Brekhna Jamil Title: The Shi from Engaging Students to Empowering Learners 15 Muhammad Nadeem Akbar Khan Title: Plagiarism in Scienfic Wrings 15 Masood Jawaid Title: Are we preparing our HPEs to teach Generaon Z? 16 Rehan Ahmed Khan Title: Curriculum Viability: Evaluang a Sick Curriculum 16 Usman Mahboob Title: Mind your mind: Cognive biases of medical educators 17 Rizwan Hashim Title: Role of simulaon in Clinical training 17 Mahwish Uzair Title: Winning the Golden Ticket; Student Selecon in Medical College 17 Saadia Sultana Title: The Role of Simulaon Based Medical Educaon and Skill Lab in teaching and learning 18 Lubna Baig Title: Challenges for on the job training and Mentor ship for graduates of MHPE/MMEd programs 19 Khalid Farooq Danish Title: Integraon in the medical curriculum; another perspecve 19 Sonia Haider Title: Humanisc care– Have we lost it? 20 Shahid Malik Title: Organizaonal change, how to lead your team 20 Shaukat Ali Jawaid Title: How to get published in an Impact Factor Journal 20 Shoaleh Bigdeli Title: e-Professionalism: the emerging need of the 21st century Medical Educaon Curriculum 21 Azim Mirzazadeh Title: Accreditaon in Health Professions Educaon: What, Why and How? 21 Shagua Feroz Title: Lifestyle Medicine an Emerging Speciality 22

iv JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Irfan Shukr Title: 21 st century challenges to Pakistani health profession in teaching and learning, ethics and professionalism in Medical Educaon 22

COURSES 24 Course 1 Title: Educaonal Leadership Strategies for Health Professionals in Developing Countries 24 Course 2 Title: Research in Health Profession Educaon 24 Course 3 Title: Essenal Tools in Medical Educaon (ETIME) for development and assessment of an online course 24 Course 4 Title: (Extended PCW Master Class): Understanding Entrustable Professional Acvies 25 PRE CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS 26 PCW 01: MCQ designing 26 PCW 02: All about Mentoring-Developing a Mentoring Program at your instute 26 PCW 03: Teachers communicaon and development of students 26 PCW 04: Developing Tutorials for higher cognion 27 PCW 05: IPA (Interpretave Phenomenological Analysis) 27 PCW 06: Program Evaluaon 27 PCW 07: Paent Safety Curriculum Implementaon: Challenges and Opportunies 27 PCW 08: Basic skills for Examiners 28 PCW 09: Curriculum and Assessment Alignment 28 PCW 10: Teaching Professionalism 28 PCW 11: Structured Clinical Examinaons: Standard Seng Made Easy 29 PCW 12: Modelling to become role model 29 PCW 13: Leading change in Medical Educaon by Emoonal Intelligence and Leadership skills 29 PCW 14: Facilitate your students using OMP. Time Efficient Teaching in Clinical Pracce 30 PCW 15: Effecve feedback: an essenal skill 30 PCW 16: How to Conduct Self-Study Based on Accreditaon Standards 30 PCW 17: Qualitave Research: Beyond interviews and focus groups 31 PCW 18: Time management 31 PCW 19: Team Based Learning 31 PCW 20: Arficial Intelligence in Health Professions Educaon: Technology Development to Applicaon - Virtual Paent Learning (VPL) 31 PCW 21: Quantave Research in Medical Educaon-Choosing the Right Design and the Test. 32 PCW 22: 21st Century Medical Curriculum for Millennial Students of Medical Educaon 32 PCW 23: Scienfic Wring & Publishing 32 PCW 24: Developing OSCE Staons 32 PCW 25: Medical Students, Social Accountability and the Role of the Teacher 33 PCW 26: Developing Virtual Paents (VPs) 33 PCW 27: Teaching and Assessing Professionalism and Ethics in Medical Educaon 34

v JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS 35 Title: Principles and process of Breaking Bad News in clinical pracce 35 Title: Digital Professionalism for Medical Teachers 35 Title: Let's Play Moral Games as Teaching Tool in Medical Educaon 35 Title: Effecve strategies for developing Jedi (Junior Ethical Doctors): “May the FORCE be with you 35 Title: Workshop on Workshop Designing 36 Title: How to improve crical thinking skills in student centered learning environment with Team Based Learning (TBL) 36 Title: Effecve Literature Search: Tips and Tricks 36 Title: Construcon of case cluster MCQs: what, why and how 37 Title: Designing case scenario for CBL session: A hands on acvity 37 Title: Construcon of Objecves Structured Clinical/Praccal Examinaon (OSCE) for the Heath Profession Educaon of Psychomotor Skills Assessment Hands-on Workshop 37 Title: Blended Learning: Engage your students on Campus and outside the campus using Instruconal design for designing online learning experiences 38

ORAL PRESENTATIONS 39 Title: Social accountability: Mirror, Mirror on the wall 39 Title: Learning in Clinical Skill Lab (CSL): The User Perspecve 39 Title: Internet addicon among social networking sites users: Emerging mental health concern among medical undergraduates of 39 Title: The Effects of Teaching Professionalism in a Private Medical College of Pakistan 40 Title: Mini-CEX: Feasibility, acceptability and effecveness of its use in the learning of post graduate residents 40 Title: Assessment of paent safety culture in Pakistani Hospitals: A Baseline study for development of paent safety framework 41 Title: Comparison of Stress, anxiety and depression in low and high achieving medical students 42 Title: Significance of Actually Drawing Microscopic Images And Its Impact On Students' Understanding Of Histology 42 Title: Value of Students' Engagements in Curricular Reforms 43 Title: Reflecve pracce tool development; preliminary findings from pilot tesng 43 Title: Paent Safety Pracces in Denstry A Top Priority 43 Title: Factors causing failure in final Examinaon among the Medical students 44 Title: Paent safety awareness among future health professionals in a Pakistani Medical College of Military set up 44 Title: Levels of Empathy Among Undergraduate Medical Sudents 45 Title: Percepon of mentoring among medical students of Islamic Internaonal Medical College 46 Title: Evaluang the effecveness of 'MCQ Development using cognive model framework' workshop 46 Title: Self and Peer Assessment of Teachers' Atude towards Teaching 47 Title: Evaluaon of procedure-based assessment for assessing trainees' skills in the operang theatre 47 Title: Cultural Competency in health care; A qualitave Study 48 Title: Associaon between empathy and emoonal intelligence of doctors 48 Title: Knowledge, Atude And Pracces Of Physical Therapists Regarding Evidence Based Pracce 49 vi JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Title: Applicaon of Community Oriented Medical Educaon in controlling outbreak of Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) : Abboabad 2018 50 Title: Staging of major mood disorders 50 Title: Atude of Medical Students towards Paent Safety – A comparison between Annual and Module System 51 Title: Concept assessment about core values of professionalism in Doctor of Physical Therapy students by Exploratory Factor Analysis 51 Title: Changes required for the Contemporary Dental Curriculum 52 Title: “Cognive Peer Coaching” A workplace based faculty development approach”: A Qualitave study 52 Title: Gender-wise differences in percepons of first year MBBS students regarding their instuonal learning environment in integrated vs. tradional curriculum by using DREEM 53 Title: Exploring the digital divide between medical students and medical teachers 54 Title: Characteriscs of learner's associated with creavity and roles of teachers; Time to move from past to future by making present creave: A Scoping review 54 Title: Necessity of Accreditaon Standards for Quality Assurance of Doctor of Physical Therapy Educaon Program in Pakistan 55 Title: Different Concepts and Pracces of Feedback in Undergraduate Dental Educaon in Pakistan 55 Title: Problems faced by female Surgeons during training and Consultancy 56 Title: EPAs for Radiology Clerkship; a modified Delphi study 56 Title: The importance of Post hoc item analysis in assessing quality of an exam 57 Title: The Reflecon of Mentoring on Dental Students for Their Personal and Professional Development 57 Title: Do We Need To Care: Emoonal Intelligence And Empathy Of Medical And Dental Students 58 Title: Doping Knowledge, Beliefs and Pracces among Physiotherapists 59 Title: Challenges to Medical Educaon Accreditaon System affecng quality of under-graduate medical educaon in Pakistan 59 Title: Effecveness of Team based learning with High fidelity simulaon on test performance of postgraduate students in clinical pharmacology module 60 Title: Anatomy & Surgery: A love hate relaonship 61 Title: Connuing Medical Educaon in Cantonment General Hospital: Hurdling the first fence 61 Title: De'Javu: Relevance, Feasibility, Reliability and Validity of Islamic Perspecves in Medical Educaon of Modern Times 62 Title: Percepons of Muslim parents and teachers towards sex educaon in Pakistan 62 Title: How a Journal Club Course Changed Learners' Approach in a Medical Doctorate Program- an Analysis of the PhD Scholars' Perspecve 63 Title: Pharmacy Students' Percepon from their current Hospital Wards Rotaons (HWR) 63 Title: Determinants of Post Graduate Percepon of Educaonal Environment at Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad/Jamshoro 64 Title: Design, development & validaon of an assessment tool for undergraduate medical students in Community Healkth Sciences rotaon 64 Title: Determining the Quality of Educaonal Climate across four Undergraduate Dental Colleges in Rawalpindi/Islamabad using The Dreem Inventory 65 Title: Movaon, cognive and resource management skills: Associaon of self-regulated learning domains with gender, clinical transion and academic performance of undergraduate medical students 65

vii JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Title: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunies, and Threats Analysis of Integrang the World Health Organizaon Paent Safety Curriculum into Undergraduate Medical Educaon in Pakistan: A Qualitave Case Study. 66 Title: Empowering the students in Curriculum development 66 Title: Assessment of professionalism in the local context: systemac literature review of assessment tools 67 Title: The relaonship between undergraduate teaching sengs and MRCP outcomes 68 Title: Determining entrustable professional acvies for Dental graduates: The Treasure Hunt 68 Title: Learning to construct Case Cluster MCQ through Faculty Development workshop 68 Title: Impact of Video Session in Clarificaon of Concepts of Physiology 69 Title: Associaon of Body Mass Index, Dietary behaviour And Physical acvity on Bone Health among Undergraduate Students 69 Title: Comparave study of hand hygiene behavior between doctor and nurses in terary care hospital : a survey to know knowledge , atude and pracce of hand hygiene behavior in health care workers 70 Title: Comparison of Depression, Anxiety and Performance Scales of the Medical Students who Opted Medicine on their Own and those who Opted under Parental Pressure 71 Title: Establishing Construct Validity of AMEET Inventory 71 Title: Invesgang the sasfacon with life of cancer paents suffering with stress and depression along with the moderang role of counseling 72 Title: Scoping Review/ Connecvism 72 Title: Ability of students to apply basic sciences in clinical sengs 73 Title: Aributes of an Effecve Speech Pathology Research Supervisor; A Pakistani Perspecve 73 Title: Student's percepons regarding effects of mentoring program on professional development at Islamic Internaonal Medical College 74 Title: Incidence of Demena in Parkinson's Disease in the Scosh PINE Study 74 Title: Concern of doctors about their own healthcare 75 Title: Effecveness of Praccal Lab Classes of Basic Sciences for Clinical Pracce; Medical Doctors' Experiences 75 Title: Comparave Evaluaon of Peer Assisted Learning with Teacher Assisted Learning using Small Group Discussions 76 Title: The pseudoscience of Non Speech Oral Motor Exercise in SLP clinical pracce; A fact check at grad school 77 Title: Probing in the complexies of the integrated undergraduate medical curriculum 77 Title: “Mirror Mirror on the wall , am I a refraconist is that all ?”: establishing the professional identy of Optometry students” 78 Title: I'm no superman: invesgang the effects of the hidden curriculum on resilience pre and post the MentorR programme in students of Optometry 78 Title: 'Doctor, teacher, translator': Internaonal medical students' experiences of clinical teaching on an English-language undergraduate medical course in China 79 Title: Exploring the challenges faced by MHPE graduates at their workplace by implemenng theory into pracce 79 Title: Islamic Medical Educaon: Indonesia Experience 80 Title: Adopon of Dundee Ready Educaonal Environment Measure (DREEM) a generic instrument to assess under graduate medical students' percepons of educaonal environment 80 Title: Exploring Employee Performance through Depression and Ethnicity Harassment with Moderang Role of Ethical Leadership in Public Healthcare Sector 81 viii JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Title: Associaon between duraon of sleep and sleeping in complete darkness with memory funconing 81 Title: Effecveness of Assisted autogenic drainage and chest physical therapy on children suffering from pneumonia 82 Title: CME status in South-East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean region – Progress towards mandatory CME linked to physician re-registraon 83 Title: The Parcipaon Assurance Test (Pat): A new teaching strategy to ensure student parcipaon in learning 83 Title: Porolio Development: Addressing Deep Informaon Processing Skills 84 Title: Survey on Learning Style Preference among Undergraduate Dpt Students at The University of Faisalabad 85 Title: Employment Status and Income Sasfacon of DPT Alumni of RCRS (Islamabad) 85 Title: Peer Review of Teaching Process and Procedures: A Review of Canadian and Australian Universies 86 Title: Interplay of cognive strategies used by teachers and extraneous load of medical students 86 Title: Role of different learning styles influencing learning of biochemistry in first year MBBS students 87 Title: Assessing Diabec Paents health related quality of life and their sasfacon with treatment 87 Title: Faculty Members Movaon 88 Title: Use of porolio as a tool to improve cognive learning; Scopic review of literature 88 Title: Health for All: Comparing Apprenceship with Tradional Classroom Learning in Community Oriented Medical Educaon (COME) 89 Title: Beliefs, Atudes, Knowledge and Behaviors of Speech Language Pathologist/Therapist towards Evidence-Based Pracce 90 Title: A study to explore Medical students' percepon of Scienfic Research in a Public Sector Medical Instuon 90 Title: Scopic review of connecvism (Virtual community of pracce) 91 Title: Development and Introducon of Objecve and Structured Methods of Assessment in Chemical Pathology: A Case Study 92 Title: Illness Acceptance, Diabetes Specific Distress and Quality of Life in Adolescents with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 92 Title: Assessment of funconal independence in Traumac Spinal cord injury 93 Title: Assessment of pre-requisites for fourth year surgery clerkship 93 Title: Visual Fague through the Colour Blue: It's Utlisaon in the News Bullen 94 Title: Essenal inspiraon fulfills human requirements for proficiency, independence, and connecon 94 Title: Pakistani Medical Journals: A despairing situaon 95 Title: Scoping Review of theories of cognavism 95 Title: Metacognion - The Mind Connecon between Medical Teacher & Students 96 Title: Opmal number of opons in mulple choice quesons in undergraduate medical assessment 96 Title: Muldisciplinary Research in Pakistan 97 Title: Use of e-Learning in Integrated Clinical Biochemistry 97 Title: An analysis of current trends of intervenons in the field of Medical Educaon 98 Title: Drop in performance of Medical students in summave assessments in the middle of an academic year 98

ix JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Title: Paent Simulator in Medical Teaching: Ethical Challenges 99 Title: Healthcare Needs of the Muslim Paent community in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum 99 Title: Career choices for post-graduaon by Pakistani medical students 100 Title: Can clinical competencies be learned by behaviorist approach? A Scoping Review 100 Title: Assessing Effecveness of Student-Centered Acve Learning Classroom Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement and Learning 101 Title: Ostracism and its Effect on Psychological Distress in Students; Gender Differences on the Effects of Ignorance and Exclusion 102 Title: Item Analysis of One-Best Type MCQ's 102 Title: The Need for Implementaon of Inter Professional Educaon in Undergraduate Health Professions Colleges in Pakistan 102 Title: Predicng the strugglers: a case control study at a private medical college in Islamabad 103 Title: Role of supervisors as mentor in the academic performance of post graduate doctors in a public sector hospital of Karachi 103 Title: A study of student and teacher understanding and experience of feedback on knowledge based assessment, and its effects on learning, with implicaons for future design 104 Title: Cognive Processes in Bedside Teaching that Foster Clinical Reasoning in Medical Students 104 Title: Awareness of the students towards inter-professional educaon at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Taylor's university, Malaysia 105 Title: Students' Self Perceived Teamwork during Community Based Interprofessional Educaon 106 Title: Factor Analysis Correlated to Job Sasfacon of Doctors Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology in Seco Caesarea Acon on the Naonal Health Insurance System 106 Title: Faculty development programs (FDP) improve the quality of Short Answer Quesons (SAQ) items' 107 Title: Assessment of research methodology concepts through crical appraisal among undergraduate medical students and their percepon: A Single Centre Study 107 Title: Unprofessional behaviors of physicians, as perceived by paents 108 Title: Percepon of Plasc Surgery residents about Reflecve pracce in their training 108 Title: Evaluaon of Blocks Implementaon: Levels of Student Sasfacon on Learning Processes and achieved Learning Outcomes 109 Title: Could Students' Assess Themselves? Comparing Students' Self-Assessment and Tutors' Assessment 109 Title: Evaluaon of effecveness of teaching physiology by video session 110 Title: Academic stress and menstrual disorders among female medical students in Lahore 110 Title: a step towards social inclusion for persons with special needs- Medical Student's Perspecve 111 Title: Impact of Chronotype on sleep quality and dayme sleepiness in medical and dental students 111 Title: Knowledge of use of Miswak (Chewing Sck) in medical and dental students in private medical and dental college of Pakistan 112 Title: Awareness of acquiring clinical communicaon skills in first year medical and dental students in private medical and dental college of Pakistan 112 Title: Crical Care Entrustable Professional Acvies of Undergraduate Nurses 113 Title: The frequency and reasons of burnout among public sector medical students of Faisalabad, Pakistan 113 Title: Burnout during Pathology Residency training: A cross seconal instuon wide study 114 x JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Title: Learning Style Preference of DPT Undergraduate Students 115 Title: How a Journal Club Course Changed Learners' Approach in a Medical Doctorate Program- an Analysis of the PhD Scholars' Perspecve 115 Title: Comparison of learning styles among post graduate residents and full me specialty clinicians pursuing higher educaonal degree 116 Title: Innovaon with Integraon of different Disciplines through Electronic Poster 116 Title: Post graduate Research Supervision: Knowledge and Pracce among Supervisors 117 Title: Aribuon to success and failure among Medical students experience 117 Title: Does reflecon write effects the knowledge, atude and skills of house officers? 118 Title: Undergraduate Student's Percepon of their assessment method; A cross-seconal survey 118 Title: Backwash effect of formave assessment on learning strategies of undergraduate dental students 119 Title: Developing the Core Learning Outcomes of Cerficate Programs in Health Professions Educaon 119 Title: Barrier faced by undergraduate medical students to become self-regulated learner 120 Title: Implementaon of Islamic Medical Discipline (IDIK) for Students in Clinical Phase: Using Case Reflecon in Small Group Learning 121 Title: Awareness of Dental Surgeons regarding management of psychoc paents aending Dental Teachings Hospitals of Karachi 121 Title: Knowledge atude and perceived confidence in handling medical emergencies among dental praconers in Karachi Pakistan 122 Title: Idenficaon of threshold concepts in endodoncs in undergraduate dental educaon: A Modified Delphi study 122 Title: The Challenges Faced by Internaonal Medical Students 123 Title: Efficacy of Reflecon as a Tool for Outcome Based Learning in Basic Medical Sciences 124 Title: Standards for the Accreditaon of Physical Therapy Educaon Program in Pakistan 124 Title: Exploring the journey of educaonal leaders as a change agent in bringing curricular reform in medical educaon in Pakistan 125 Title: Evaluaon of self-awareness of teaching skills of medical teachers: Development and Validaon of "SATS 125 Title: Comparison of the Educaonal environment at a medical college under two different universies: Student percepons of the paradigm shi 126 Title: SLICE effecveness as a formave assessment tool in Clinical Clerkship; Medical Student's perspecve 126 Title: Understanding Impact of inter-professional Collaboraon on quality of Paent care: A case study from a resource limited Secondary healthcare setup of South Punjab 127 Title: Comparison of teaching by convenonal method and by using cognive load theory of mulmedia to post graduate FCPS students, a comparave study 127 Title: Nurturing Grit among Medical Students 127

POSTER PRESENTATIONS 129 Title: Determine the health care requirements of small towns for moving toward accountable educaonal system 129 Title: Student Engagement and Leadership roles inside medical college: The Students' Perspecve 129

xi JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Title: The effecveness of deep breathing exercises and incenve spirometry on arterial blood gases of inhalaon burn paents 130 Title: Anxiety among Nursing Students Regarding Clinical Experiences 130 Title: Prevalence of Calcium Deficiency Among Students Enrolled In A Private Sector University In Islamabad; A Cross Seconal Study 131 Title: The effecveness of applying for formave Assessment Objecve Structured Clinical Examinaon (OSCE) for Undergraduate students in Faculty of Medicine 131 Title: Comparing the assessment quality of trained versus untrained peer examiners in Obstetrics /Gynecology OSCE 132 Title: Is behaviourism really dead? A scoping review to document the presence of Behaviourism in current medical educaon 133 Title: Coping strategies to combat procrasnaon in undergraduate medical students 133 Title: Developmental assignments shaping experience-driven acquision of leadership competencies in clinicians 134 Title: Percepons of fourth year medical Students regarding Temporal Integraon 134 Title: What is the role of connecvism in medical educaon 135 Title: Effect of BMI and body fat rao on summave assessment of medical students 135 Title: How students learn in medical by MOOC? a scoping review 136 Title: Idenficaon of Entrustable Professional Acvies for undergraduate endodoncs 136 Title: Flipped class with online dose calculaon: Health sciences student's achievements and sasfacon in Clinical pharmacology module 137 Title: A cross-seconal study of the sasfacon level of students and house officers with the learning environment of a private dental college in Islamabad using the European Dental Clinical Learning Environment Instrument (DECLEI) 137 Title: Percepons of inferlity and its treatment among married couples 138 Title: To access diabetes paent health related quality of life and sasfacon with treatment 138 Title: The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven 139 Title: To be a good doctor 140 Title: A Mulcentre Comparave Study of the Management and Outcomes of Paents with Sepsis 140 Title: e learning in IIMC - the state of affairs 141 Title: Knowledge, Atude and Pracces regarding premenstrual syndrome among 1st and 2nd year medical students 141 Title: Atude, Intenon and pracce of college students towards water conservaon; slow the flow save H20: a baseline intervenon study 142 Title: The Relaonship Between Poverty and Late-life Intelligence and Widening Parcipaon for Higher-Educaon 142 Title: ROSPE-Reverse engineering of the OSPE to facilitate crical thinking and reinforcing core concepts in undergraduate physiology for dental students 143 Title: Oral Health Disparies in 6-9 years old Pakistani School Going Children 144 Title: Comparison of Outcomes of Aorc Valve Replacement between Sutureless and Sutured Valves 144 Title: Pharmacy Students' Percepon From Their Current Hospital Wards Rotaons (Hwr) 145 Title: Survey 145 Title: Do adolescents who overuse mobile phones suffer more from anxiety and depression? 145 Title: Measurement of Professionalism at Undergraduate level of Denstry in University of Lahore using Arabian LAMPS Scale 146 xii JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Title: Prevalence of methylphenidate misuse in medical colleges of Pakistan 146 Title: Outcomes of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitaon (CPR) in Emergency Department of AFIC & NIHD. Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Vs Witnessed-Cardiac Arrest: A Comparave Study 147 Title: A student-iniated formave Objecve Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) in preparaon for Clerkship OSCE 147 Title: Knowledge, atude and pracces among diabec paents regarding foot care 148 Title: Developing Meta Cognive Skills In Medical Students 149 Title: Scoping Review on Cognive Paradigm 149 Title: Anchoring error in emergency medicine residents and facules 150 Title: Restricted access medical journals as a barrier for learning environment in medical instuons of Pakistan 150 Title: Impact of learnig styles and the percepon of Educaonal environment among first year medical students of Federal Medical and Dental College, Islamabad 151 Title: Percepons of inferlity and its treatment among married couples 152 Title: The effect of posive thinking training on resilience and social adjustment of students 152 Title: The effecveness of apply formave assessment objecve structured clinical examinaon (OSCE) for undergraduate in Faculty of medicine 153 Title: Prevalence of Calcium Deficiency among Students enrolled in a Private Sector University in Islamabad; A Cross Seconal Study 153


xi JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan Journal of Islamic International Medical College Procedure for online submission of manuscript

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acceptance of the need for life-long learning. PLENARY SESSIONS This changing role of the student is not just a Plenary Session 01: dream for the future but is already becoming a Title: The changing role of the student in the reality. health professions Ronald M Harden Plenary Session 02: Abstract: There are dramatic changes taking Title: Achieving our Outcomes: Aligning place in education in the health professions Curriculum and Assessment in Medical with integrated authentic curricula, new Education teaching approaches including the use of M. Brownell Anderson technology, and developments in assessment. Abstract: Medical schools and faculty invest The changing role of the teacher has been tremendous resources to educate future described (Harden and Lilley 2018). This physicians. Every educational program has presentation looks at the changing role of the defined outcomes and a curriculum to achieve student. There is a move from the student as a those outcomes, but how can we be certain we client, from the student as a customer or are assessing the outcomes we have defined consumer to the student as a partner in the for the students? Ultimately, assessment is education programme. about communication and influences As an information processor there is a switch of curriculum development. If we agree that emphasis for the student from just-in-case assessment serves many purposes including: learning and the memorising of facts to just-in- feedback to students; setting standards time learning with the student having the ( s u m m a t i v e a s s e s s m e n t ) ; r a n k ability to ask the right question, to identify ordering/benchmarking/grading; motivation sources of information, and to evaluate the for students; quality control for the public; answers. There is a move to directed self- evaluating teaching; and evaluating the learning with the student facilitating their own curriculum, how might medical educators learning. approach the challenge of improving medical Students are increasingly engaged with the education through assessment? curriculum planning and delivery, serving on the curriculum committee and engaging in Plenary Session 03: peer teaching. Students will be encouraged to Title: Leading organizational cultural change serve as self and peer assessors, assessing their during health professions education reforms own competence and that of their peers. Role Hossam Hamdy models are important with students trained to Abstract: Medical education is a complex type identify the features of good and bad role of education. It is inseparable from the health models. Students will contribute to decisions care system, embedded in the culture of two about management of the education organizations, education and health care. programme and to the implementation of In the 21st century, changes have been rapidly aspects of it. They will develop skills in influenced by many disruptive forces, education and will reflect on their learning and demographic, technology etc. These changes on the teaching and will evaluate the have affected all aspects of our life including curriculum. Development of their professional major culture changes in Healthcare and identity will include professionalism and Health Professions Educational organizations.

01 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Changing existing organization culture is supervision. It provides a road map for difficult. It is a “Wicked problem”. training in the clinical workplace This presentation focuses on experience in · EPAs are useful for clinical educators, changing organizational culture over the last curriculum developers and even 40 years in four universities public and private professional organizations. Defining EPAs is in the Middle East. much more than applying a tool. It often is It links organizational culture and modern redefining a profession in very practical leadership theories to practice. Reflecting on terms. the future of medical education and leadership · EPAs are meant to serve quality and safety roles in a rapidly changing world of Healthcare in patient care that is provided, both during and education. and after training. By determining a level of supervision that learners require and by Plenary Session 04: certifying learners after adequate Title: Justified entrustment with health care assessment, both learners, supervisors, HP tasks: the ultimate goal of medical education colleagues and patients should have Olle ten Cate (more) clarity about what trainees should Abstract: Entrustable professional activities do and should be allowed to do (EPAs) have become a popular approach to · EPAs can bridge boundaries across workplace learning and assessment in medical components of an educational continuum education. They are the units of professional (such as undergraduate and postgraduate practice that clinicians are trusted to do as training) and between siloed clinical daily work and were conceived with the disciplines purpose to fill a gap between the elaborate · EPAs can serve the maintenance of competency-frameworks and the everyday competence. Certification may drop after a practice of clinical health care, i.e. the context period non-use of skills; and new EPAs may of clinical training. EPAs may seem just a new be added after training, to establish a method or framework. However, the potential dynamic portfolio of valid EPAs, reflecting significance of using EPAs is much wider. clinical competence at any time · EPAs are useful for learners to clarify what The ultimate goal of medical training is to have tasks HP trainees must be able to do at the a health care system in which collaborators, end of training (a postgraduate or patients and the public can have a justified undergraduate program, a year, a trust that doctors will perform well. rotation), at a designated level of

02 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

SYMPOSIUM to screen medical school applicants and filter not only those who wish, but also those who SYMPOSIUM 1: Student Assessment can be (good) doctors. Title: A fresh look at Miller's pyramid: Assessment at the 'Is' and 'Do' level Title: Current assessment systems in Pakistan Mohamed Al-Eraky and their challenges Institute: Imam Abdulrehman Bin Faisal Junaid Sarfraz (ex.Dammam) University Saudi Arabia Institute: CMH, Lahore Abstarct: Abstarct: Can anyone be a doctor, a soldier or an artist? The talk focuses on the assessment systems What are the personal assets and merits for currently in practice in Medical Education in each career that need to be explored early on? Pakistan and the challenges not just in their There's a growing literature that acknowledge implementation and quality assurance but also the value of assessment of personal qualities in inherent challenges of lack of alignment medical education. The current assessment between learning objectives / outcomes and systems measure what an individual medical assessment blue-prints, the lack in alignment student Knows, Shows and Does, as per the of assessment with teaching methodologies, iconic assessment framework of George Miller. the role of the hidden curriculum in Yet, with the increasingly sophisticated undermining effective assessment and a lack practice of assessment, can Miller's pyramid of use of technology and standard setting fulfill the unmet needs of assessors to measure techniques to ensure high fidelity assessment. those evolving constructs in health professions Absence of qualified staff and functional education? This talk presents a fresh look at departments of medical education in most Miller's pyramid and advocate a novel institutions contribute to these challenges. framework: 'Assessment Orbits' that The competitive race for better results not incorporates new dimensions of assessment, necessarily the result of better education particularly related to personal qualities and compounds these challenges. This talk shall set collaborative work. Literature identifies more the stage for the presentations by experts than 80 different personal qualities relevant to following this who shal shed light on how to the practice of medicine. First, we need to overcome these challenges. shortlist the most salient and measurable qualities, bearing in mind that some can be Title: Comparing Pakistani Assessment taught or acquired in the process of system to the International standards socialization across the continuum of medical (WFME, GMC etc) Where we stand today? education, while others are not. Then a Muhammad Tariq comprehensive assessment system has to be Institute: , Karachi developed using valid and cost-effective tools Abstarct: to measure those qualities on admission and “Assessment plays a central role in medical again on specialization. This has to be education as no curriculum is complete supplemented with a strong coaching and without a well-structured assessment system mentoring program for both assessors and in place. Assessment is multifaceted, which students. In short, we need a more robust drives and stimulates learning. It incorporates triage-like (as in emergency) admission system testing, measuring, collecting, combining information and providing feedback. The

03 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

assessment criteria provide framework and specifications, map assessment against the basis for judgments or decisions. (Norcini outcomes, ensure construct validity and et al., 2011). Over the past decade various improve the authenticity of results by innovative efforts and measures are done to developing results based on post exam enhance the quality of assessment in medical analyses. Technology can be used to augment education to make it more accurate, reliable, the process of assessment, thereby supporting and timely (Epstein, 2007). Assessment for fair decision making. Pakistan needs to start learning as compared to assessment of working towards a system of standard setting. learning is emphasized in recent literature The obtained cut off score can easily be (Schuwirth & Van der Vleuten, 2011). calibrated to match the university Assessment for learning is an approach in requirements. Constant faculty development which the assessment process is embedded and empowerment in improving the within the educational process to guide and assessment process is an absolute necessity. promote the learning of each individual The talk will also focus on helping students learner to the maximum of his/her ability learn how to attempt an examination; student (Epstein, 2007; Schuwirth & van der Vleuten, development is as important as faculty 2011). As per Norcini et al, (2011), development. Formative assessment is such a development of wide range of assessment great help in improving learning. This must be instruments and methods directed towards instituted to help promote learning. Research different dimensions of competency, in assessment is needed so that decision application and development of new teaching makers can rely on local authentic data instead and learning approaches, enhanced quality of depending on decisions made in alien and sophistication of psychometrics and its context. application and the growing use of computers in assessment have been major developments SYMPOSIUM 2: Role of Islamic Ethics in in assessment over the past 50 years. Are we Health Professional Education keeping pace with the international standards Title: Role of Islamic Ethical Principles in on assessment in Pakistan? What should be the Medical Education way forward?'’ Anis Ahmed Institute: Riphah International University, Title: Solutions to the Challenges of Islamabad Assessment Abstarct: Syed Moyn Aly Most of medical schools established after Institute: Jinnah Medical University creation of Pakistan inherited conventional Abstarct: curriculum used in the Sub-continent. The talk focuses on solution to assessment However, with change of time and problems faced in undergraduate and development in medical education it was graduate examinations in Pakistan. The noticed that certain important areas were not presenter will brief the audience about how given their due place. Medical ethics has been departments of medical education can play a one such area. During past three decades, a key role by working in collaboration with global awareness on medical ethics has examination departments. These DMEs should emerged. In the specific case of Riphah help subject experts develop tables of International University the very mission

04 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

statement refers to “Inculcation of Islamic scholars have explained that attaining ethical values” in curriculum and co-curricular knowledge about four components is activities. Islamic ethics principles are not faith obligatory for all Muslims i.e. Faith, Worships, specific but carry universal application. Basic human right and practicing one's Protection and promotion of life, protection of profession in line with Islamic principles. It is dignity and honor of all human beings and therefore obligatory for Muslim physician to confidentiality are some of these universal practice their profession in line with Shariaah foundational principles of Islamic ethics. The guidance. university's objective is to produce holistic Medical Education and Health care system: personality of our graduates which is only The quality of health care of a country reflects possible when ethical principles are inculcated its medical education system. The quality of in not only curriculum and teaching Medical Education cannot be better than the methodology but are fully reflected in the quality of its teachers. The graduate must be personality of student and academic professionally and ethically competent. To environment. This presentation makes an achieve this objective It is imperative that the effort to highlight universal Islamic ethical teachers are well versed with knowledge and values which help in building holistic skills and trained on teaching Islamic ethics. personality of a medical professional. The The Islamic ethics can be divided in two major presentation recommends intellectual as well parts; as applied dimensions of this objective. 1. The first part relates directly to Islamic Faith and includes; a. Subjects related to Title: How to teach Islamic medical ethics in Faith with implication on Medicine / medical school? Medical Ethics e.g. Tauheed, Akhirah and Najib ul Haq Risalat etc.b. Common but specific issues Institute: Peshawar Medical College of Muslims (including patients and Abstarct: doctors) e.g. the concept of allowed (Halal) Islamic is not a religion in its traditional and forbidden ( Haram), Fasting meaning but is a Deen i.e. a complete code of (Ramadhan), Salah (prayers) and Taharah life. It has two primary components i.e. rights (the minimum required cleanliness before of Allah and rights of human beings. The an act of worship) etc second part includes the rights of both 2. The second part relates to areas that are Muslims and Non Muslims. There are two shred with medical subjects, views about role of religion/spirituality in a. Topic where Islamic ethics may also be Health care and Medical Education. One incorporated e.g. confidentiality, considers medical care and medical education consent, autonomy, communication as “value neutral” with more or less no role of skill, abortion, organ transplant and religion, while others consider it important to doctor Pharma relations, end of life incorporate religion/belief. Inspite of this basic care and genetics research etc. b. difference there is general agreement to adopt Purely medical subject where a “culture sensitive” approach and care for the incorporation of relevant Islamic value beliefs of patients. / notion may also be incorporated e.g. Acquiring knowledge (Ilm) is obligatory on all prescribing for peptic ulcer and its Muslim. Elaborating this Hadith Islamic relevance to fasting / Ramadhan or

05 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

ponder on excellence in Allah's felt in the modern world. This voiced due to creation while describing some points dwindling professional conducts in medical like action potential and structure of practice. Learning and teachings of medical DNA etc. This will strengthen the ethics is decisive for preferred behavior of overall concept of faith / Islamic ethics medics. Empathy and passion for excellent The Islamic ethics may be taught at two comportment can only become a lifestyle, if levels. The first part may be taught profession of medicine is living up to its own primarily in the foundation years and standards and expectations. Therefore, the second part later (clinical years). learning and teaching of medical ethics is Two methodologies may be used to mandatory at undergraduate and graduate teach these subjects l e v e l m e d i c a l e d u c a t i o n . T h o u g h A- As independent subjects - e.g. Professionalism and ethics were very recently subjects mentioned in 1 introduced in the curricula of the medical B- As part of medical subjects - e.g. sciences, but is becoming an important part of subjects mentioned in 2 medic's life today. Traditionally medical ethics Any “Teaching Learning Method” may be used remained a part of hidden curriculum and was to teach Islamic ethics and these include LGF, learnt through apprenticeship model and SGDs, PBL, CBS and Bed side teaching. Few passively taught by role models & mentors. examples are; Faith related subjects like Several studies revealed, there is no single, Tauheed – (I am being watched by Allah) and best modality for learning and teaching the concept o Akhirah – (accountability for all medical ethics. Literature lacks, an integrated deeds) may be taught in LGF. Internalization of model of teaching medical ethics, despite, these two concepts can make a real difference several studies revealed, that ethical practices in one's life and attitude towards others are crucial for provision of finest quality health including the patients. Issues of fasting (Soam) care. Literature also revealed the student's may be discussed and taught in SGD and profound enthusiasm in learning ethical values Bedside teaching while discussing peptic ulcer in medical practice. A contextual medical or renal failure. The opportunity may also be curriculum must be addressing the needs of utilized for value of life in Islam. Halal and learner and bridging of gaps in knowledge, Haram – Issues like doctor-pharmaceutical skills and behaviors and devise mechanism for relations and abortion, organ transplant and effective learning to achieve intended learning “exposure of private parts of the body in case outcomes. Medical Ethics, being considered as of necessity” may be discussed in PBL, Bed side one of the basic competence in health care clinical teaching and CBS. All these areas may management system, involves the be evaluated in OSCE, SEQs and MCQs etc. understanding and execution of ethical dilemmas in a passable, virtuously responsible Title: Learning and Teaching of Islamic manner. Medical Ethics Islamic medical ethics refers to Islamic Muhammad Iqbal Khan guidance on ethical and moral issues related to Institute: Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, medical practice and research. Islamic Islamabad teachings hold that ethics and morality cannot Abstarct: be separated, rather Islamic jurisprudence is The paucity of virtuous physicians is strongly compendium of ethical legal principles. Islamic

06 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

medical ethics complements the secular from place to place and at times, from person ethical values rather it strongly empowers the to person thus it is crucial to make exact learner with effective learning tools and judgment therefore we have to rely on our own necessary characteristics of a virtuous conscience. In western literature the key physician. principles of ethics are; As ethics are essential components of Islamic 1. Autonomy (Voluntas aegroti suprema lex). practice as emphasized at various places in the 2. Beneficence (Salus aegroti suprema lex). primary sources (Quran & Sunnah) like: “And 3. Non-maleficence & quot; first, do no surely you have sublime (Great) morals” and harm" (primum non nocere). “You are the best of peoples, evolved for 4. Justice (fairness and equality). mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding 5. Dignity (Respect for person). what is wrong and believing in Allah”. Also 6. Truthfulness and honesty (the concept of hadith “The believers whose faith is most informed consent). perfect are those who have the best On the other hand “Islam” is Ethics. It is an character”. The desired personality depicted in embodiment of ethics and righteousness. It Quran and Sunnah were exemplified by the encompasses a set of demeanors that Prophet of Islam human trait par excellence safeguards the welfare of not only individuals, and are characters of any Muslim physician. but also of whole society. The principles of The ethical values and professional characters Islamic ethics are adopted from extensive being taught and evaluated in a modern literature search from Quran and Hadith. medical institution must reflect the conduct of Islamic ethics defined as "good the Prophet Mohammad (PUH). The guiding character," started with Prophet Hood of It is based on Qur'anic .ﷺ principles are: Protection of an individual's Muhammad freedom of belief, Protection and maintenance teachings, the teachings of the Sunnah of of life, preservation of honor, integrity and Muhammad, the precedents of Islamic jurists property, maintaining the intellect and (see Sharia and Fiqh). preservation of progeny. The principals of Islamic ethics are; 1. Taqwa (fear of Allah) Title: Islamic Principles of Ethics and their 2. Hadood Allah (limits of Allah) comparison with Western Principles. 3. Haqooq ul ebad (rights of people) Idrees Anwar 4. Ahsan (Perfection or excellence) Institute: Rawalpindi Medical University 5. Adal (justice) Abstarct: 6. Ikhaq e husna (nice manners) Medical ethics is a system of moral principles 7. Ikhlas (sincerety) that apply values and judgments to the 8. Ayadat (visit the Sick) practice of medicine. Medical ethics delves at These principals have not been transcribed our everyday behavior in patient care, research from any source but are the result of my and evaluates whether these behaviors are in untiring efforts as a novice of ethics and accordance with moral and ethical principles. professionalism. This study not only describes We assess our actions in terms of being morally these principles which are very close to our and ethically correct or incorrect, fair or unfair. social, cultural, and religious beliefs but also These principles are formulated by our social, compares the two systems of ethics with a cultural and religious values. Since values vary quick review of historical perspectives.

07 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Symposium 3: Continuing Professional clear need or reason for the particular CPD Development activities to be undertaken; (b) learning based Title: The need for developing a national on such an identified need or reason and; (c) continuing professional development follow up CPD activities to reinforce the programme for doctors in Pakistan learning accomplished. Gohar Wajid There have been several attempts by the Institute: World Health Organization EMRO- PMDC in the past to introduce formal CPD Cairo programmes formedical doctors, with limited Abstarct: success. This presents reviews the history of Medical doctors get their professional development of CPD systems by the PMDC, certifications, after meeting minimum criteria analyzes the reasons for their failure and established by their respective national suggests a way forward to introducing an regulatory bodies. Continuing advancements evidence based CPD programme to meet the in their fields of specializations require that the needs of doctors on the PMDC register. regulatory bodies and professional associations develop formal mechanisms to Title: CPD, standards by different bodies ensure that the minimum competencies of (WFME, GMC etc.), validation and medical doctors are maintained at all times. If recertification of practitioners and its the doctors are not provided with importance opportunities to update their knowledge and Rahila Yasmeen skills, it is likely that they will not be able to Institute: Riphah International University, transfer the benefits of advancements in Islamabad medicine to the population they serve. Hence, Abstarct: there is a global consensus on the need for This talk will acquaint the participants with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD), standards and guidelines provided by various of the professional development of all health international accreditation bodies about. professionals. Various international accreditation bodies Many countries have already introduced have emphasized the importance of CME/CPD formal CPD programmes, with few even for health professions. According to WFME introducing it as prerequisite for Life-long learning is the professional recertification. Although, CPD has always responsibility of health professionals to keep existed in Pakistan, as an informal entity with up to date in knowledge and skills in response primary educational responsibility on the user, to the needs of their patients. This can be done there is increasing realization that the system through appraisal, audit, reflection or should be introduced formally. Traditional recognised continuing professional approaches of CPD based on voluntary self- development (CPD)/continuing medical learning and self-assessment have proved education (CME) activities. CPD is a broader inadequate and ineffective; they often do not concept than CME, which describes continuing cover the demands of a changing practice. As education in the knowledge and skills of such, an organized and well-regulated system medical practice. Every licensed doctor who of lifelong learning must be developed. The practises medicine must revalidate. best available evidence suggests that effective Revalidation supports us to develop our CPD is characterized by the presence of: (a) a practice, drives improvements in clinical

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governance and gives our patients confidence Title: Continuous Professional development: that you're up to date. Research within the field (existing/ future) Madiha Sajjad Title: Formal & Informal Continuing Institute: Riphah International University, Professional Development-The link Islamabad betweenthe Past, Present and Future of Abstract: Health Professions Education Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is Ayesha Abdullah one of the critical components in an array of Institute: Health Professions Education & interventions needed to strengthen healthcare Research, PMC service delivery. In many parts of the world Abstarct: significant progress has been done in “I have a dream”, is the slogan of all health formalization of CPD systems, however, these professions 'educators. Every educator is a systems vary considerably in their structure dreamer, a dreamer who know show to and transparency. The impact of CPD programs transform dreams into reality. Continuing remains largely unknown due to insufficient professional development (CPD)is the tool that evaluation and research done in this field. enables educators to envision the future, Therefore, there is a great need to examine dream for it and then equip themselves with CPD programs to identify challenges and the skills to make dreams come true. CPD is effective solutions to strengthen CPD. There is hence the link between the past, present and also a need for research within the field, future of health professions education. The especially regarding the outcomes of CPD in role of the educator has radically transformed relation to the quality of health care delivery. and substantially diversified over the past few This talk will highlight the research done on decades. The growing complexity of the CPD in literature and how CPD has informed healthcare systems, socio-economic improvement in medical teaching and in challenges in the provision of equitable clinical practice. healthcare, increasing risks to patient safety and quantum leap in research following Symposium 4: Interprofessional genome project has posed immense Education challenges for the educators across the Title: What is interprofessional education c o n t i n u u m o f u n d e r g ra d u a t e a n d (IPE) for 21st century healthcare delivery postgraduate education. To keep pace with the Trudie Roberts futuristic dreams and to equip themselves for Institute: Lead Institute of Medical Education, such dreams requires a lot of hard work and University of Leads, UK innovative thinking. Various models have been Abstract: tested to accomplish the tri-dimensional goal Medicine is undergoing a revolutionary of CPD for health care educators i.e. change. The rise of AI, robotics, genomics and intellectual growth, Skills enhancement and digital technologies means that the workforce affective development through formal and to deliver healthcare in the future will not just informal methods. This talk presents a review be doctors, nurses and therapist but much of what works and what doesn't. The talk more broadly based. What does these changes concludes with a vision of how CPD is likely to mean for education and training in the future? transform in future and how can we prepare So far, the introduction and embracement of for it today.

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IPE has often been patchy and opportunistic. Personality and specialty choice research can Difficulties with co-ordinating curricula and improve career counselling of medical timetabling have frequently seemed students especially for these who are insurmountable. How will these issues be undecided about choosing a specialty that may addressed in the future when new be best suited to their personality. This also has professionals such as informaticians, implications for predicting the specialty engineers and computer scientists will be distribution of the future health careers. working alongside current professional groups? Title: Interprofessional Education; Bridging the Chasm-If not now then when, if not us Title: Is personality profiling affects specialty then who? choices Ayesha Abdullah Syed Imran Mehmood Institute: Health Professions Education & Institute: Dow University of Health Sciences Research, PMC Abstract: Abstract: Medical specialty selection forms the basis of Interprofessional Education (IPE) -an idea that the professional career of a doctor. However, is almost half a century old and grounded in as medicine is a diverse field, it is very likely sound theoretical perspective has been unable that distinct specialties are associated with the to find its translation into wide spread practice various characteristics, motives and in health professions education across its personality attributes displayed by doctors. undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing Research on the correlation between the education spectrum. The growing complexity personality and students' specialty choice is of modern health care practice, the greater high on agenda these days. There are several influence of economic compulsions in health important issues concerning the personality care, increasing focus on patient safety and profiling and career counselling processes systems-based practice has made the chasm which affect the choice of a specialty in a between the education of health care workers doctor's life. Selecting a medical specialty is a and their professional patient care vividly difficult and critical decision for medical visible. IPE has high “fidelity” in terms of students, which is complicated by a number of congruence with the collaborative, factors, including the number of specialties multidisciplinary, multi-professional ethos and available. Making the wrong choice can have uniprofessional organizational learning far-reaching consequences for all parties demanded of today's health care provision. involved. For the doctors themselves, Therefore it is high time that we bridge this discovering that the chosen medical specialty chasm through systematic adoption of IPE. We is not the right one could lead to dissatisfaction need to now think beyond the defining and, as a consequence, reduced wellbeing, characteristics, principles, conceptual decreased quality of care and reduced patient frameworks and perceived benefits of IPE. satisfaction. In addition, it could lead doctors Three Cochrane reviews have been done on IPE to quit their training programme or transfer to since 1999. Although this shows evidence- another specialty or subspecialty. based rationale for further investment in IPE, Since Different personality types tend to have IPE research has yet to demonstrate robust distinct preferences in their choice of careers, evidence for impact on patient outcomes, how

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the IPE processes influence and shape the Islamabad practice of those engaged init and finally how Abstract: much is the leverage in terms of cost-benefit The health issues of the 21st century span all analysis in comparison with other models of the health sciences. To address those issues all modern HPE. This paper examines theissues of the healthcare professionals including designing educational environments most students, teachers, researchers and staff must conducive and cost-effective for IPE, adopt a team based, cross discipline, certification of IPE, employability of the integrative approach towards teaching and graduates, scope of IPE in developing training refers to Inter Professional Education economies and internally displaced or refugee (IPE). Oral healthcare in the 21st century is populations, continuing professional characterized on one hand, by new development needs of IPE-graduates and technologies and knowledge that could evaluation of various IPE modelswith respect transform dentistry, increase demand for to their heterogeneity. It also develops the state-of-the-art patient care, changing disease argument for the timeliness of IPE. patterns, and aging populations; on the other, by pressure to contain costs and improve Title: Opportunities and challenges for access to care. Within this context, inter- interprofessional health education in professional collaboration and teamwork rehabilitation sciences holds a bright future and are increasingly Imran Amjad recognized as means of achieving higher Institute: Riphah International University, quality care and enhancing the effectiveness Islamabad and efficiency of services. Abstract: Rehabilitation sciences is a highly Symposium 5: Patient Safety interdisciplinary field of health and biological Title: Experience of launching Undergraduate sciences aimed at enhancing activity, function, Patient Safety Curriculum for MBBS and BDS. and participation in daily life and promoting Pharmacy and Rehabilitation Sciences health and wellness among persons with or at colleges. risk of developing disabilities. Inter- Mati ur Rehman professional education (IPE) is the active Institute: Riphah International University, participation of different health care Islamabad professionals learning with, from and about Abstract: each other to improve health outcomes. IPE Patient safety issues are quite common in could enhance the attitudes, skills and hospitals globally and it is the 3rd leading cause knowledge of students in the rehabilitation of death in USA. The situation of Patient safety professions to stimulate quality in inter- is quite alarming and a large number of professional patient and family centered unnecessary morbidity and mortality in collaborative practices. hospitals during their medical care. There is no authentic data to accept or refute this because Title: The future of IPE in dental education of non-availability of published literature “adopting a modern approach for the 21st about quality and safety in developing century” countries but certainly situation is quite Yawar Hayat Khan alarming. Institute: Riphah International University,

11 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

One of the important cause is that the makes higher education "higher". healthcare professionals are not educated The ongoing debate on quality in higher about patient safety in their professional education has shown concern in MICRO level colleges as it is not part of their curriculum. which refers to teaching / learning processes in Riphah International University, Islamabad, tertiary institutions including curriculum Pakistan has taken lead by developing and planning, the interaction between teachers implementing Patient Safety curriculum in its and students in the learning environment, and Medical College, Dental College, Institute of the development of learning communities Pharmacy and Rehabilitation sciences. among others. Among the two models The curriculum is in modular form and each considered in the quality review debate in module is of 2 hours duration and is divided in higher education, Quality enhancement places Face to face interactive session, Small group an emphasis on a range of teaching learning discussion followed by Feedback from activities across the institution from students. Practical training and assessment for curriculum development to communities of IPSG goals like Hand washing is part of the practice. It uses a formative feedback process curriculum. IHI open school basic Patient to bring about change. Safety course is being used. By improving processes we may improve the The main aim of this curriculum to Create work or performance and we may expand the awareness among the students, Faculty and capability of the process to produce high Leadership of these colleges about importance quality results in less time, at lower cost or with of Patient safety and its long term benefits. To greater positive impact on our customers. implement this curriculum Patient Safety FOCUS PDCA is among the many approaches trained faculty has been developed who are which can be used for performance and taking lead in implementing Patient Safety process improvement. curriculum. The students have received this Medical Internship of 12 months duration is an curriculum with great enthusiasm. It is important period for the future of junior recommended that all Pakistani Medical, doctors. There is a need to improve the Dental, Nursing, Pharmacy ,Rehabilitation learning procedures. Medicine and other health Professional This improvement project was conducted in a colleges should follow Riphah International tertiary care University Hospital in Saudi Arabia University to implement Quality to ensure no in coordination with the University clinical harm to the patients in all types ofhealthcare teaching staff. An attempt was made to focus settings. on internship training program applying the FOCUS PDCA cycle. Title: Applying FOCUS PDCA on Medical Internship Program Title: Role of IHI open school for online Iftikharuddin learning of Patient safety Abstract: Amatul Aisha Assuring Quality is now a days an intrusive Institute: Pakistan Institute of Rehabilitation reality in academic with an emphasis on quality Sciences , Islamabad improvement. Indeed quality, especially if Abstract: taken in its meaning, of excellence is and must The Institute of Healthcare Improvement is a be the core value in higher education it is what recognized innovator, convener, and generous

12 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan leader, a trustworthy partner, and the first Open School content into training programs, place to turn for expertise, help, and for example: Require students to complete the encouragement for anyone, anywhere who Basic Certificate in Quality and Safety, choose a wants to profoundly change health and health few of our online courses to teach specific care for the better. IHI is running an open concepts, use Open School learning activities school and has more than 800 chapters in 80 to facilitate discussion and project-based countries. learning. IHI Open School brings essential training and No matter the approach, when it comes to tools in an online, educational community to integrating Open School content into their help deliver excellent, safe care. IHI Open curricula, faculty and trainers ask for advice School consists of more than 500,000 learners and resources around many of the same from universities, organizations, and health things. systems around the world in building core skills IHI Patient Safety curriculum consisting of basic in improvement, safety, and leadership. course in Quality and Patient safety is being Institutional faculty and organizational leaders used in large number of academic and around the world rely on the Open School professional institutions internationally to courses as an easy way to bring essential improve Quality and Patient safety in their training in quality improvement and patient organizations. safety to students and staff — creating a It is high time that all Medical, Dental and other common language around improvement and healthcare colleges in Pakistan implement IHI giving learners crucial skills to become leaders Patient safety curriculum in their colleges to and agents of change in health care. produce safe healthcare professionals. There are several approaches to integrating

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WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY? would like to think. Why do students do it and how do they justify it when found out? Is Ronald M Harden cheating more morally wrong in would-be Title: Further developments in Medical doctors than in other students? Are some education types of cheating worse than others? How can Abstract we expose this type of deception and how can The future of medical education has continued we deter students from deciding to cheat in to evolve since the last ICME in line with the assessments? How blameless are Faculty when fourth industrial revolution. This is reflected in students cheat? Indeed, do they sometimes changes in curriculum planning and a more collude in cheating and why are they so authentic education programme; how reluctant to report cheating when it is students learn including the use of new discovered. In this presentation I will explore technologies and adaptive learning; greater these issues and look at the dilemma posed by collaboration, unbundling the curriculum and medical students, trainee doctors and Faculty interprofessional education; educational who are academically and professionally professionalism and changing responsibilities dishonest. of the student; and the changing roles of the teacher in the education programme, Mohamed Al-Eraky including a switch from one of information Title: Assessment of Personal Qualities at the provider to one of facilitator of learning, and 'Is' Level on Admission & Graduation manager of the learning process. Abstract Assessment in the post-psychometric era Trudie Roberts moved from pure objectivity to encompass a Title: Professionalism and Integrity: more holistic and subjective notions. New challenges and consequences of modern domains for assessment have emerged over medical training the past few years (beyond individual's Abstract knowledge and competence), that proved to It used to be thought that professionalism have a great impact on the future careers of would osmose into students merely by being at health professionals. Assessors became more medical school and in contact with clinicians in concerned to enrich their toolbox with valid the clinical workplace. The many scandals that methods and protocols to assess the personal have rocked the healthcare profession, not qualities of their candidates, not at the Knows, only in the UK but globally, have demonstrated Shows or Does, but at the 'Is' level. In this that we cannot rely on role models alone to symposium, we don't promise to offer inculcate professionalism into undergraduate conclusive answers, but rather ponder the students. Most of the fitness to practice issues following questions: that come to the notice of regulators and ! How to assess medical professionalism licensing bodies are not related to issues of beneath the shell of observable events to competence but centre around the doctor's explore multi-layers of attitudes, attributes, professionalism. Integrity is embodied within personal qualities and even personality professionalism but we know that students traits that fuel (un)professional behaviors? cheat in examinations. How common is ! What are the salient personal qualities (at cheating in medical school examinations? It the Is level) that can be taught/assessed or probably occurs more frequently than we selected in medical students on admission,

14 JJIIIIMC OTTAWA - IICME 20182019 JournalJournal ofof IslamicIslamic InInternaonal Conference on Medical Educaon InIntternaonal Medical College March 10-14,Oct ober2018 19 - Abu - 22, Dhabi 2019 Unit- Islamabad,ed Arab EmirPakisattanes

without being too judgmental? manner. Teachers spend a lot of time ! How to ensure validity and advance inter- developing lessons and content to engage their rater reliability of assessors at the 'Is' level? students. Many spend hours to find out the How and how often these qualities should right activity to get students interested. But be assessed across the continuum of what if we shifted away from engaging medical education? students by telling them what they should ! How assessment of personal qualities (at learn and instead empower learners to figure the Is level) may contribute to professional out what they want to learn? Empowering your identity formation (PIF) of our gradates? learners means letting them take some control in the learning process. Rather than guiding Ahsan Sethi them along the path of learning, let them Title: Failure to Fail: The tip of the iceberg explore and figure out their own path to Abstract understanding. Shifting students towards Society has entrusted medical universities to ownership over their own learning helps ensure that each graduate of their program is a developing creative and critical thinkers. This competent healthcare professional. talk will emphasize on how to empower Assessments against a set criterion by the learners using the peer assisted learning license awarding institutes is an integral approach and will also suggest some component for establishing the fitness to modifications in this approach. practice in any field of healthcare. 'Failure to fail' is the allocation of pass grades to students Muhammad Nadeem Akbar Khan who do not display competence at satisfactory Title: Plagiarism in Scientific Writings level. This has significant implications for Abstract: patient safety and healthcare. The literature Plagiarism refers to the act of “deliberately suggests that 'failure to fail' is a real issue in using another person's idea, work or words undergraduate medical education, with many without permission, acknowledgment or complex facets. Given the costs of medical without giving appropriate credit. ”Plagiarism education and the potential social and has different forms but can be categorized into professional costs of poor quality two general distinct categories – plagiarism of medical/dental graduates, further rigorous ideas and plagiarism of text (verbatim). research is required in this area. This talk will Reasons of Plagiarism: highlight what is currently known about ! lack of awareness. 'failure to fail' in undergraduate medical ! a person may unknowingly present the education programs. The findings of a ideas similar to those of others. qualitative multi-institutional study from ! deliberately copying part or all of somebody Pakistan will be presented as well. else's work without giving him credit. ! Personal values and ethics/attitudes Brekhna Jamil ! Multiplication of database and easy access Title: The Shift from Engaging Students to to materials on internet. Empowering Learners ! Pressure to publish in high international Abstract indexed journals for the purpose of The undergraduate learning and teaching promotion. environment should be such that the students How to avoid plagiarism: learn contextually and in an integrated ! Read the instructions for authors provided

15 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

by the journal. play a minor role in the clinical phase of ! Give credit where due. medical education. Primarily social media are ! Use of verbatim/text must be enclosed in considered unsuitable for teaching and even quotation marks. media which are viewed more favorably from ! When paraphrasing, understand the an educational stance are only rarely used in material completely and use your own classroom teaching or as learning tools. To words. accomplish this, a high level of interest on the ! When in doubt reference it! part of faculty and the provision of sufficient ! Do not slice the results. staff resources at intuitional levels are crucial. Role of Institutions: Although we have a little time to be thoughtful ! Expose students to genuine quality research about changing medical education to papers, as well as to the rules and successfully teach Generation Z physicians. methodologies of good research. The bad news is that we have only a little time ! Foster a responsible research ethic. to make these changes. Medical education has ! Explore the state of research misconduct been resistant to reform as at the end of the and discourage it. pathway are patients; we need to find the best ! Formulate guidelines for investigating and teaching tools that promote the best delivery dealing with suspected cases. of care. Apart from innovating the current ! Clear warning and punishment for all levels curriculum of HPE programs, new methods of plagiarism should also be identified to enable effective Role of Editors: teacher networks extending across universities ! Post its plagiarism on the website. so that knowledge and experience with using ! Create an open peer comment space the web-based media can be shared. journal's website Rehan Ahmed Khan Masood Jawaid Title: Curriculum Viability: Evaluating a Sick Title: Are we preparing our HPEs to teach Curriculum Generation Z? Abstract Abstract Curriculum evaluation is typically done using The present generation of medical students quality standards defined by accrediting was mostly born after 1995 and is familiar with bodies or regulatory authorities. These digital media as a matter of course. People of standards include the markers (for achieving this age are often referred to as “Generation Z”. standards) but not the inhibitors (issues that Most of Generation Z have used the Internet make it difficult to achieve the standards) of since a young age and are comfortable with curriculum quality, which may manifest technology and social media. "Generation Z" is themselves as "diseases" of the curriculum. revolutionizing the educational system in Hence to address both markers and inhibitors many aspects. According to a current meta- of curriculum quality, we have coined the new analysis, approximately 70-80% of surveyed concept of 'curriculum viability'. students use social media on a daily basis and about 20% of these use them for study purposes. Despite the rapid development of the Internet over the past decade, web-based media still

16 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

Usman Mahboob Clinical training have been sluggish to device Title: Mind your mind: Cognitive biases of teaching methodologies to innovate and medical educators design the approaches depending on various Abstract learning theories that are related to simulation Every day, we make decisions in our personal & with the aim to enhance the knowledge and family life, and in our clinical & educational skill among their trainees. The methods of context. Sometimes, we find that few of our instruction integrated in the curriculum and decisions have gone wrong. While there might the time allocations for Clinical training needs be external factors, such as environment- to be reviewed urgently specially in the present related that may not be in our control; certain era of technological advancements. As decisions go wrong because of our cognitive teachers for Clinical courses, we need to device biases. policies and training guides that provide A cognitive bias is a systematic error either in solutions for patients and trainees safety while reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other medical students are advancing their cognitive process, often occurring as a result of knowledge and skills. The currently available holding onto one's preferences and beliefs simulation techniques are: immersion in regardless of contrary information. The source Clinical situations, use of current equipment for these biases can be conscious (gender, and technologies, multiple simulation stations caste, colour, ethnicity), and sub-conscious with built in feedback mechanisms and (cognitive) mind. facilities for display of individual learning curves that encompass the practice stations Rizwan Hashim for feedback, communication skills, and Title: Role of simulation in Clinical training enhancement of skills with briefing and Abstract debriefing sessions, Virtual clinical The working of Clinical medical setups are environments with variety of simulation with becoming more and more complex by each high and low fidelity are the need of the day. passing day. The addition of many emerging Simulation as an educational tool is gaining subspecialties with complex functioning grounds and it has the capability and potential technological devices are posing challenges for to provide the learning experiences that have training of both post and undergraduates never been previously explored. It is high time medical students. It is becoming difficult to that both the trainers and the trainees gain provide hands on training using real patients awareness and learn about these innovations those have the related illnesses where these for better learning and teaching in clinical gadgets can be used. Other challenges include sciences. the integrated medical services that needs training of the medical graduates, as currently Mahwish Uzair in Pakistan the fragmentation of the medical Title: Winning the Golden Ticket; Student services is contributing negatively towards Selection in Medical College health care systems of both the private and Abstract public sectors. Moreover the advances in Every year thousands of students apply for technical expertise require learning from admission in medical colleges all over the mistakes in safe simulated environments, world. With the increased demand of rather than expecting that now mistakes will healthcare providers, it has become difficult to ever be committed. However, the educators in

17 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan decide which students to select who can be SBME carved into competent health professionals. In FUTURE VISION: Continuum of Learning most of the countries, different selection HOW TO SELECT A SIMULATION: criteria are used such as previous academic Following Conditions Should Be Met Before scores, entrance test, aptitude test, Adopting SBME communication, personality test, letter of ! Integrated with curriculum – (Driven by - recommendation, multiple mini interviews LOs) and even lottery. ! Match – students' level Pakistani education system predominantly ! Tasks range in difficulty uses a weighted combination of 10th grade, ! Educational feedback 12th grade and MCAT scores for admission in ! Repetitive practice medical school. There is an utmost need to TYPES OF SIMILATIONS: evaluate the current selection process in order ! Screen-based/PC-based simulation to check its adequacy, reliability and predictive ! Virtual patients validity in selecting the most suitable ! Partial task trainers candidates among the pool of thousands of ! Human patient simulator applicants and to formulate a selection policy ! Standardized patients in which all essential attributes should be ! Integrated models considered to uplift the competency of ! Human cadavers for surgical skill training healthcare providers. ! Live or inert animals including isolated This talk will give an overview of the admission organs criteria used in Pakistan in comparison with COMPONENTS REQUIRED (FOR SBME) IN A other parts of the world and will also propose CLINICAL SKILLS LABORATORY the measures to improve our current selection ! Training area and lecture room criteria. ! Simulators and equipment for simulation training Saadia Sultana ! Full-time faculty, instructors, and Title: The Role of Simulation Based Medical administrative staff Education and Skill Lab in teaching and ! Educational content learning!!! ! Budget Abstract ADVANTAGES: SBME is a teaching & learning strategy as well ! SBME reduces training variability as an assessment tool. Confucius, in 450-BC (standardization) said; “Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I ! It Guarantees - individualized learning may remember. Involve me, and I will ! SMBE permits independent critical-thinking understand.” & decision-making OUTLINE: ! It helps practice of difficult skills - ! Understanding of methods (+ jargons) of experiential learning Simulation Based Medical Education ! SBME facilitates reflective learning (SBME) ! SBME Immediate feedback ! opportunities implemented with SBME ! Occurs on schedule ! Concept of skill lab ! Overcomes preceptor's shortages and lack ! Advantages & disadvantages of simulation of clinical sites ! Current practices, future and research of ! Learners engage in repetitive practice

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! The simulator is integrated into an overall aspire to be faculty in Departments of Medical curriculum Education. These graduates may or may not ! Learning outcomes are clearly defined and have previous experience of working in measured medical education departments and may lack ! Learners practice with increasing levels of practical experience. All these programs are difficulty using blended learning as the main teaching ! The simulator is adaptable to multiple learning strategy with 3-5 contact sessions. learning strategies This Contact time is generally good for instilling ! The simulator captures clinical variation academic knowledge but not enough for ! The simulator is embedded in a controlled inculcating work experience. Henceforth it is environment imperative to develop a strategic plan for ! The simulator is a valid (high-fidelity) building internships and continued approximation of clinical practice professional development programs for these BARRIERS: graduates during and after graduation. The ! Not real paper will have thought provoking revelations ! Limited realistic human interaction and discussion on some models of mentorship ! Students may not take it seriously for health professions education graduates. ! No/incomplete physiological symptoms ! High financial cost Khalid Farooq Danish ! Faculty development Title: Integration in the Medical Curriculum; ! Ongoing administrative & technical support another perspective FUTURE RESEARCH: Abstract ! Impact on competence & patient care Integration has been a subject of interest ! Cost-effectiveness among medical educationists for a long time ! Integrated models for teaching & now. Different aspects of integration have assessment been studied, suggested, practiced and ! Transfer of learning: (e.g. from a computer subjected to substantial educational research. screen-based simulator to Human Patient The prevalent argument is still in favor of Simulator) integrated learning as it is most relevant, contextual and related intimately to clinical Lubna Baig practice that is the main function of the Title: “Challenges for on the job training and physician. Presently vertical and horizontal Mentor ship for graduates of MHPE/MMEd integration of disciplines is widely practiced; programs" actual integration of disciplines being done Abstract focusing clinical situations. There are seven post graduate programs for The prevalent concept of integrated Masters and two for PhD in Medical Education curriculum involves integration by the approved by PM&DC and HEC. In addition curriculum designers and teachers. The there are graduates coming out of the MCPS- students are not shown explicitly learning to HPE the CPSP program for training in health integrate themselves. They are offered a pre- professions education. The number of post integrated knowledge, organized around graduates produced each year is growing and clinical situations and relevant to clinical ranges from 40-60 each year. Most of these practice. In this way, the students do not learn graduates particularly from Masters Program to integrate themselves but rather get used to

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receive information in an integrated form. compassion, and respect into every health care The integrated model of curriculum attempts relationship defines medical humanism and is to integrate basic sciences around clinical imbedded within the fabric of medical scenarios which do not constitute the natural professionalism. However, its degeneration is a knowledge foundation for basic sciences. An cause of concern as it can inhibit forming in-depth understanding of basic sciences therapeutic relationships and detract from cannot be achieved if they are deprived of their provision of quality of good care. In addition it intrinsic integration around their own can precipitate a culture in which both trainees perspectives and contexts. and physicians in practice experience high It is proposed that the curricular integration rates of burnout, characterized by emotional need to take into account the intrinsic exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced integration of basic sciences focused; not on sense of accomplishment, with personal and clinical situations; but normal natural professional consequences. phenomena that constitute the logical context of basic sciences. This leads us to a 3-circle Shahid Malik spiral model of curriculum. The first circle Title: Organizational change, how to lead your focuses on explanations of normal structure team and function of human organism, the second Abstract on derangements in normal structure and Curriculum renewal is an essential and functions, brought about by diseases, and third continuous process in undergraduate medical circle on restoration of normal state of school. Keeping in mind the changing needs of structure and function achieved through the society and technological advances the therapeutic interventions. medical curricula requires constant changes. This change in the curricula requires sufficient Sonia Haider groundwork and the change leader has to Title: Humanistic care– Have we lost it? address a number of issues before Abstract implementing a curriculum change in medical Rapid progress has been observed in education, and a successful curricular change healthcare. Advances in the use of technology is only possible through the steadfast and have led to early diagnosis for majority of dedicated efforts of effective change agents. d i s e a s e s , n e w t re at m e nt s , t i m e l y In order to lead and mange the change process management of patients and prolonged life. the leader should have an understanding of the Economic forces and commercial interests now change process and issues that are involved drive the healthcare industry to focus on with it. They should learn to overcome the clinical productivity, efficiency, performance difficulties and manage the issues that are metrics and regulations, pushing physicians to associated with the change process. Since, see higher volumes of patients. Despite this change is a continuous process, it is essential progress, an increasing dissociation is also for the person in charge for the change process observed between the doctor patient to record and pay attention to the issues that relationships and the culture of humanistic emerge during this process. In this way they care has significantly depreciated. will be able to avoid these in future, thus Humanism is the essence of medical practice. helping the administration system to mange Deep-seated personal commitment to the change in the best possible manner. incorporate human values like caring, Leading from the front is important but an

20 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

individual leader cannot implement change Factor which will be helpful for the authors and alone, a leader must help his employees and reduce pressure on the Impact Factor Journals. other stakeholders and build effective teams by developing new organizational structures. Shoaleh Bigdeli Such inspired and informed leadership is Title: e-Professionalism: the emerging need critical and essential for organizations to be of the 21st century Medical Education successful. Curriculum Abstract Shaukat Ali Jawaid The millennial learners of medical education as Title: How to get published in an Impact digital natives, are accustomed to the use of Factor Journal the cyber-space that greatly affects their Abstract thoughts, beliefs, values, attitudes and At present only three medical journals from behaviors. In other words, they show paradigm Pakistan enjoy an Impact Factor i.e. Pakistan shift according to the cyber-space interactions; Journal of Medical Sciences, Journal of therefore, the Identity of the learners of digital Pakistan Medical Association and Journal of era will be affected and changed. The College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan. formation of this new Identity affects their Faculty members are under pressure to publish intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships and condition of publications in an Impact and their micro and macro spheres. In this Factor Journal by the Higher Education regard, to reform medical education curricula Commission has put not only the authors but by defining e-professionalism terms, concepts also the editors of Impact Factor Journals in a a n d d e f i n i t i o n s , a d v a n t a g e s a n d dilemma. disadvantages, cultural, social and behavioral The Impact Factor Journals have their own influences and impacts on micro and macro limitations of human resource and financial spaces of medical education learners is an constraints but added to their worries is the absolute need that must be taken into account. low quality of manuscripts which are submitted for publication. Even if the quality of Azim Mirzazadeh research is good, the presentation leaves much Title: Accreditation in Health Professions to be desired which results in increased trauma Education: What, Why and How? to the manuscripts submitted by the Abstract researchers and it also prolongs the processing Accreditation is one of the oldest evaluation and publication time after internal and approaches for Quality Assurance in Higher external peer review. Education. By definition it is grant of approval This presentation will highlight some of these to an institution or program that has been problems, the current situation and offer some evaluated by a panel of experts and met a well- solutions, guidance to the prospective authors defined set of standards. Although its origin how to get published in an Impact Factor was mainly United States of America, but It has Journal. It will also offer some useful tips to the proliferated in the last 2 decades in many authors besides highlighting the role of the countries. This rapid proliferation has led to regulatory bodies which should act as several modifications in the definition and facilitator and help in professional capacity practices of new accreditation systems in building of the authors as well as the journals different contexts. Although some of these so that we can have more journals with Impact modifications are more about the

21 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

implementation of accreditation sometimes improving each time a new healthy habit is are radical manipulations in its philosophy and added. In 2004 the founders of American could lead to major deviations from its original College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) values. In this presentation, I will try to provide understood and proposed that the human an overview of: body may heal itself when proper diet and ! the accreditation and its basics from the physical activity are implemented and tobacco perspective of Evaluation practice use, alcohol misuse and stress are removed. ! its importance for Health Professions Surveys conducted in USA conclude that Education Quality Improvement and physicians believe it is their responsibility to Assurance in a globalized world educate patients on lifestyle modifications and ! the components of an accreditation system to implement prevention into routine patient and some experiences about its care, they cite lack of knowledge, clinical skills, ! implementation in different settings time, and the available resources as barriers to ! some of the most important modifications success. A 2002 survey of U.S. allopathic in accreditation and their impacts medical schools found that only 13% included ! the recognition process of accreditation physical activity and wellness in the systems and international initiatives for curriculum. their establishment The traditional curriculum of a medical college ! some words about the future of is deficient in lifestyle medicine training in pre- accreditation clinical and clinical years, in which even faculty is not lifestyle medicine trained. This will have a Shagufta Feroz gap in essential knowledge, skills, and Title: Lifestyle Medicine an Emerging attitudes needed to transition into residency. Speciality In 2010, JAMA published “Physician Abstract Competencies for Prescribing Lifestyle Lifestyle medicine is an evidence-based, Medicine,” listing categories of leadership, clinical discipline that emphasizes physician knowledge, assessment skills, management counselling on the adoption of healthy lifestyle skills, and use of office and community support behaviors and activities in patients. Lifestyle as competencies needed for graduating Medicine has six major components nutrition, medical professionals. physical activity, sleep health, emotional w e l l n e s s , d r u g a b u s e a n d s o c i a l Irfan Shukr connectedness. Extensive researches have Title: 21 st century challenges to Pakistani proven that above mentioned components are health profession in teaching and learning, root causes of non-communicable diseases ethics and professionalism in Medical (NCD). WHO says that by 2020 two third of Education chronic or non-communicable diseases will be Abstract due to poor lifestyle choices? The discipline There is no agreed-upon definition of medical gained momentum with the substantive professionalism. Chandratilake et al (2012) in a population studies demonstrate, that adopting multiregional study identified honesty, a healthy lifestyle may prevent 90% of all heart integrity, and respect for confidentiality, law- disease, 50% of strokes, 93% of diabetes and abiding behavior, and avoidance of substance, 36% of cancers and may decrease mortality in as essential elements of professionalism overweight/obese groups, with survival across Europe, North America, and Asia. In

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developing countries, the awareness to teach classmate is unable to do his homework is a medical ethics in medical colleges is growing. good and right thing”. Dishonest behaviors, PM&DC instructs “All medical and dental which are collaborative, are common. colleges may incorporate medical ethics into Cheating, plagiarism and unprofessional their curriculum”. Prevalence of self-reported behavior like doctors going on strike are seen. academic dishonesty is more in developing Students are in “proto-professional” state and countries including Pakistan. Culture has professionalism can be taught. The challenges strong influence on behaviors. Pakistan has its are of student selection, bringing appropriate own culture that is conservative, traditional, changes in curriculum, selecting appropriate group based, family valuing, less broad methods and strategies for teaching ethics and minded, less tolerant of dissent and Islamic. professionalism, and choosing correct But at the same time, one reason of lack of instruments to assess learning outcome professionalism in Pakistani students is due to related to it. But this is not the true challenge. corruption in Pakistani society as Magnus et al. Since teachers and students are sample of (2002) showed good concordance between same population of Pakistan, the greatest social corruption and cheating. Coming late is challenge is how honestly Pakistani medical acceptable in society. Children grow up in a educationist and faculty, teaches and assess its culture where helping one another, even if a students.

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COURSES Course 2 Title: Research in Health Profession Education Course 1 Title: Educational Leadership Facilitators: Usman Mahboob, Rahila Strategies for Health Professionals in Yasmeen, Ahsan Sethi Developing Countries Institute: ,Peshawar, Facilitators: Gohar Wajid, Amanullah Khan Riphah International University Islamabad. Institute: Health Workforce Development, Abstract: WHO-EMRO, Cairo, Riphah International Research is one of the areas of medical University Islamabad, Pakistan education that is continuously evolving with Abstract: addition of new philosophical approaches and The importance of leadership for health ways of thinking to solve the problems in professionals is increasingly being recognized medical education or to explore new horizons. at the global level. There is common It is also one of the most discussed, but agreement that health professionals such as neglected areas when it comes to formal physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and training in research. The aim of this workshop allied health professionals should have is to discuss the dynamics of quantitative and leadership qualities to effectively lead their qualitative research in Health Professions professions. A large number of professional Education with the study participants. The associations, regulatory bodies and participants would take away a different educational institutes are incorporating insight about research in health professions leadership as an essential attribute for the education after attending this course. The education and training of all health target participants should be working on a professionals. Few examples include research proposal that can be discussed during Tomorrow's Doctor by GME, the National the course, so they can also be guided on how Leadership Competency Framework to further improve their proposals. developed by the NHS, postgraduate competencies defined by ACGME and Course 3 Title: Essential Tools in Medical leadership competencies and standards Education (ETIME) for development and defined by Academy of Medical Educators. assessment of an online course Health Professions Education (HPE) curricula in Facilitators: Rehan Ahmed Khan, Masood developing countries mainly focus on Jawaid, Saad Zafar developing the knowledge and skills of health Institute: Riphah International University professionals in their respective fields with Islamabad, Pakistan Journal of Medical little emphasis on improving 'soft non- Sciences technical, yet core skills' such as Abstract: professionalism, communication, empathy, Teachers in the era of modern technology leadership etc. needs to be equipped with tools that can The goal of this course is to improve the facilitate their teaching. This course would knowledge of participants about the introduce participants to recent advances in significance of leadership for health digital teaching and online tools through which professionals and developing strategies to they can develop a course and its assessment incorporate leadership competencies in and execute it online. undergraduate and postgraduate health The course includes factual and conceptual professions curricula. knowledge on Flipped class room, Artificial

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Intelligence, Virtual patients and Virtual pharmacists, and veterinarians should possess Reality and course development and hands on when they graduate. The ideal competency- training on a developing an online course and profile of a professional should enable him or its assessment. her to cope with the daily tasks that must be done. But tasks and competencies are two Course 4 (Extended PCW Master Class): different things. They do not always match. Understanding Entrustable Professional Entrustable professional activities are the tasks Activities in health care we would like trainees to be Facilitators: Olle Ten Cate entrusted with as soon as they demonstrate Institute: Centre of Research and the necessary competence. EPAs usually Development of Education University Medical require several integrated competencies Centre Utrecht, Neitherland simultaneously. Abstract: This preconference workshop focuses on this Health professions education in many parts of new concept. At the end of the workshop, the world, and in several professions in the participants should be familiar with EPAs and health care domain, have embraced understand how they can be used to build competency-based education. Elaborate education and support workplace-based frameworks of competencies describe what assessment. qualities we think doctors, nurses,

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PRE CONFERENCE implementation and evaluation) Description: Mentoring is a long-term WORKSHOP relationship in which the mentees are PCW 01: MCQ designing constantly assisted in making significant Facilitator: Khalid Farooq Danish, Tauseef improvement in learning thus helping them to Fatima develop their full potential. This workshop will Institution: Riphah International University, help the participants broaden their Islamabad understanding of the steps required to Abstract: establish an effective mentoring program and Objectives: Attending the workshop will they will be trained regarding the planning, enable the participants to: Explain establishment, implementation and educational attributes of multiple-choice evaluation of a mentoring program by sharing questions Design flawless MCs Practice a the first-hand experience of the mentoring systematic process of MC designing Provide program of UCMD. effective feedback related to prepared items for quality enhancement. PCW 03: Teachers communication and Description: MCQ designing is one of the most development of students engaging activities for the teaching faculty. Facilitator: Azhar Rashid, Rahila Yasmeen Due to their superior psychometric properties Institution: Riphah International University, multiple choice questions are very popular as Islamabad an assessment modality. However, preparing Abstract: flawless MCs requires training, practice and Objectives: Understand the role of a teacher in continued engagement. The present workshop teaching Understand the importance of is designed to introduce MCs, provide communication skills of a teacher and the guidelines for preparation of flawless items development of the students. Discuss the and practice in designing good MCs. The challenges and problems in clinical teaching. workshop also addresses the issues of Dos and Donts for Teachers in communication. psychometric attributes of good MCs, D i s c u s s t h e o l e o f te c h n o l o g y i n systematic preparation of items and item communication. Discuss the students banking considerations. perceptions of a teacher as a role model. Demonstrate effective communication as a PCW 02: All about Mentoring-Developing a teacher with a low performer and depressed Mentoring Program at your institute student. Facilitator: Mahwish Arooj, Tayyaba Azhar, Description: To make teachers or would be Khadija Mukhtar teachers understand: The way to communicate Institution: University of Lahore, Lahore with low performers and depressed students Abstract: efficiently and build them. Their significance in Objectives: At the end of this workshop, the the lives of students The challenges they will participants will be able to: 1. Explain the face The importance of communication skills in purpose and key concepts of mentoring 2. developing the personality of the student. The Develop a mentoring program 3. Interpret the use of modern technology can be used working of a mentoring program (training, effectively in communication.

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PCW 04: Developing Tutorials for higher your own research because there are many cognition factors that can influence what you do (for Facilitator: Syed Moyn Aly example how many participants in your study Institution: Jinnah Sindh Medical University or how you present your findings). These must Abstract: be balanced with the core philosophy of IP. Objectives: By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: define tutorial PCW 06: Program Evaluation differentiate among various forms of tutorials Facilitator: Lubna Baig, Zaeema Ahmer develop a tutorial for higher cognitive learning Institution: JSMU Karachi (integrated/ discipline specific) develop a Abstract: tutorial evaluation form. Objectives: The participants of the workshop Description: Tutorials are commonly held will be able to: Analyze the different throughout Pakistan. There seem to be many evaluation approaches for their effective use formats and strategies being used in the name elect and justify the use of a model / approach of 'tutorials'. Through anecdotal evidence, it is for educational programme evaluation clear that most of the tutorials are either Develop a draft plan for evaluating an repetition of lectures or used for recalling educational programme. information of lectures. It is important to train Description: The workshop focuses on the faculty in developing and conducting programme evaluation approaches and tutorials which can stimulate critical thinking development of an evaluation plan. Program and problem solving among students of evaluation is a field of research and practice various levels. that informs the developers, administrators, implementers and beneficiaries of any P C W 0 5 : I P A ( I n t e r p r e t a t i v e program or project regarding its usefulness Phenomenological Analysis) and success. It also serves to answer the Facilitator: Junaid Sarfraz question of policy makers and funders to make Institution: CMH Medical College, Lahore decisions to continue or discontinue a Abstract: program. This is a hands-on workshop and the Objectives: The aim of this workshop is to participants will have to avail themselves provide an opportunity for you to learn how to throughout the workshop and develop a draft do IPA and/or to clearly and succinctly plan for evaluating an educational program. articulate what you have done in your research while providing good explanations based on PCW 07: Patient Safety Curriculum the IPA methodology and the needs of your I m p l e m e n t a t i o n : C h a l l e n g e s a n d particular study. This workshop is suitable for Opportunities research students from beginner to viva level. Facilitator: Paul Barach, Mati ur Rahman, Brig. Description: The goal of the workshop is to Rizwan Hashim, Kamran Moosa focus on each stage of the IPA research process Institution: .IIMCT Riphah International with an emphasis on the Analysis. The learning University, Fazaia Medical College, Air process in the workshop involves moving back University, PIQC and forth between 'how to do IPA at each Abstract: stage' and 'why you are doing IPA in this way Objectives: 1.To share experience of rather than that!' The emphasis is always on Curriculum Development and implementation

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process 2.simulation in Patient Safety Institution: Board Room Evacuee Trust, NBME, Education 3.Outcome Based Education and USA Academic quality Assurance Abstract: Description: Patient safety is a global problem Objectives: Are the educational outcomes of and promoting a culture of safety is the most the program clear. Is there consensus among important requirement for ensuring patient the faculty about the defined outcomes. Is the safety. The Hospital staff safety behavior educational program organized to accomplish determines the commitment of a hospitals for the outcomes. Are the outcomes compatible implementing and ensuring Patient safety in with the school's mission. How is the any hospital. There is a great need of educational program evaluated. What are introducing Patient safety as a subject and external measures of assessment. What are develop Patient safety Curriculum to produce the internal measures of assessment. How can safe Doctors and other healthcare necessary changes be made. professionals. The role of simulation based Description: Health professions schools and education and developing Patient safety faculty invest tremendous resources to educational programs with the methods, tools educate future healthcare professionals and and techniques of outcome Based Education faculty are asked often to manage curricula and Academic quality Assurance is crucial for and education programs with few resources. successful safety curriculum implementation. Every educational program has defined outcomes and a curriculum to achieve those PCW 08: Basic skills for Examiners outcomes, but how can we be certain we are Facilitator: Muhammad Idrees Anwar assessing the outcomes we have defined for Institution: Rawalpindi Medical University the students? Participants will work in small Abstract: groups during this interactive workshop with Objectives: Discuss competencies required to several activities that will focus on the be a good examiner 2. Demonstrate attitude following questions as applied to their own appropriate for a good examiner programs. Participants will apply “Appreciative Description: Most of us are involved with Inquiry” to potential change strategies and be assessments at various levels, yet we were able to apply principles of curriculum never trained to be good examiners. There are development and program evaluation to a lot of skills that an examiner must be aware of fictitious health professions school case to like developing a rubric, using check lists etc. explore mechanisms to better align desired similarly a good examiner has ability to outcomes of the educational program with the examine a student without creating undue assessments used to measure the outcomes. tension and anxiety. The purpose of exam is not just to fairly assess the student but also to PCW 10: Teaching Professionalism satisfy the student that a thorough assessment Facilitator: Mohamed Al-Eraky has been performed without undue Institution: University Of Dammam, KSA harrassement and bias. Abstract: Objectives: Medical professionalism is PCW 09: Curriculum and Assessment context-specific that has to be explicitly taught Alignment in both undergraduate and postgraduate Facilitator: Brownell Anderson medical education. This workshop will discuss

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key principles and useful tips for teaching and and challenges regarding the implementation learning medical professionalism across the of standard setting at institutional level along continuum of medical education. Participants with their solutions will also be discussed. will learn how to apply situated learning theory to incorporate elements of professionalism in PCW 12: Modelling to become role model both basic and clinical sciences. Facilitator: Usman Mahboob, Ahsan Sethi, Description: The workshop includes hands on Brekhna Jamil, Rana Zeeshan to construct and reflect on vignettes on a user- Institution: Khyber Medical University friendly template to learn about the decision Abstract: making process in professionalism dilemmas Objectives: To determine the dynamics of role and anticipate consequences for each decision modelling, and how to consciously practice it in and eventually conclude the learning teaching outcome(s) from each story/vignette. Description: Role modelling is considered to be a competence that needs to be inculcated PCW 11: Structured Clinical Examinations: by training the clinical teachers. However, Standard Setting Made Easy many of us are unaware about its dynamics Facilitator: Naveed Yousuf, Rukhsana W. and how to consciously practice it in our Zuberi, Shazia Babar teaching activities. The participants of the Institution: Aga Khan University workshop will be introduced to some of the Abstract: practical ways, how they can explicitly model Objectives: 1.Discuss standard-setting as an to become role models in a highly interactive important step to enhance the reliability and workshop. validity of pass/fail decisions on OSCE scores; 2.Describe commonly used standard-setting PCW 13: Leading change in Medical Education methods for OSCEs with their strengths and by Emotional Intelligence and Leadership limitations; 3.Differentiate between skills compensatory and conjunctive standard- Facilitator: Yawar Khan setting; 4.Identify cut-off scores at station and Institution: Riphah International University examination levels using commonly used Abstract: standard setting methods. Objectives: By the end of the workshop the Description: Ensuring competence in clinical participants will be able to: 1. Leadership and skills among graduating health professionals is its types 2. Difference between Leadership and one of the primary responsibilities of licensure Management 3. Levels of Leadership 4. awarding institutions. Identification of valid Emotional Intelligence 5. Emotional Bank and reliable cutoff scores on OSCEs, however, Account Emotional climate 6.How to bring still remains a challenge for many institutions. change in medical education using Leadership This workshop will introduce the participants and Emotional Intelligence. to the purpose and importance of standard Description: It will be an interactive session setting followed by the discussion on the students will be divided into groups. A session different standard setting methods used for for about 2 hours with various activities in OSCEs. Participants will get an opportunity to between followed by a scenario based hands practice commonly used standard setting on workshop and a small role play. methods on sample items. Common mistakes

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PCW 14: Facilitate your students using OMP. Description: Feedback is an essential Time Efficient Teaching in Clinical Practice component of personal and professional Facilitator: Saadia Sultana, Professor development. In academic environment Muhammad Nadim Akbar Khan nonjudgmental feedback forms the basis of Institution: IIMC- Riphah International formative assessment as positive relationship University . Islamabad exists between effective feedback and student Abstract: achievement. The feedback in preclinical and Objectives: Attending this workshop will clinical settings is a mode of effective enable you to: Carry out satisfactory OMP with communication between faculty and students. students in clinical teaching by applying the 5 This workshop will focus on the general micro-skills. Identify analye and practice principles of feedback and hands-on activities effective clinical teaching using the One which will help the participants to identify the Minute Preceptor. Critiue the process of OMP. challenges encountered in giving and receiving Description: Effective clinical teachers should: feedback along with the strategies to Communicate expectations explicitly. overcome them. Stimulate interest enthusiastically. Interact skillfully with patients. Involve the learner in PCW 16: How to Conduct Self-Study Based on the teaching process. Role model desired Accreditation Standards behaviors. Give feedback on performance. Facilitator: Azim Mirzazadeh OMP IS: alidated model for effective/efficient Institution: Tehran University of Medical clinical teaching. Developed initially for OPD Sciences can be used in any clinical setting. Promotes Abstract: learners active involvement in patient care. Objectives: After participation in this encourages teacher to recognize teachable workshop, the participant is expected to be moments. It allows for simultaneous care of able to: patients and learners. Workshop is designed Describe the basic concepts and process of for both clinical preceptors students/trainees accreditation and self-study in an accreditation to enhance shared responsibility for learning. system OMP is teaching methoddesigned to help Being able to conduct a self-study before a faculty to teach efficiently when otherwise formal external review of accreditation visitors pressed for time. Description In the last decades, there is increasing attention to the importance of PCW 15: Effective feedback: An essential skill quality assurance and improvement in health Facilitator: Rehmah Sarfraz, Memoona professions education. Accreditation as one of Mansoor, Ali Tayyab, Syed Shoaib Shah, Shazia the most recognized quality assurance process Imran received more attention in 5 continents. WHO Institution: Islamabad Medical and Dental and World Federation of Medical education College (IMDC) (WFME) have started a joint program for Abstract: promoting accreditation worldwide and based Objectives: By the end of this workshop the on ECFMG policy, after 2023, only those participants will be able to: 1. Outline general applicants who graduated from an accredited principles of feedback. 2. Address issues medical school could sit the licensing encountered during the process of feedback. examinations.

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Medical schools need to be more familiar with protecting the Einstein Window 6. Applying the structure and functions of accreditation Pareto Principle (80-20 rule) 7. How to change systems and the details of the process of a self- habits. study in it. In this workshop, after a brief description of PCW 19: Team Based Learning basic concepts about accreditation system, Facilitator: Faiza Kiran you have a lot of opportunity during interactive Institution: Rawalpinidi group exercise to use a simple tool for Abstract: collection and analysis of data according to Objectives: Organize TBL sessions for standards of an accreditation system. undergraduate/postgraduate medical students by appreciating TBL as an effective PCW 17: Qualitative Research: Beyond instructional strategy keeping in mind the interviews and focus groups resources required in a single session of TBL. Facilitator: Zarrin Seema Siddiqui List the basic steps of TBL. Institution: The University of Western Description: 4 steps of TBL are introduced. Australia Teams of 8-10 are made. iRAT: A single handout Abstract: of 10 MCs is given to each participant. They are Objectives: To identify new tools for data asked to brainstorm and solve each item collection in qualitative research. Experience individually. t-RAT: Team members are asked to some of the identified tools. Reflect on their solve the same set of MCs after discussion. use in research related to health professions education. PCW 20: Artificial Intelligence in Health Description: The format of the workshop is Professions Education: Technology based around experiential learning model. Development to Application - Virtual Patient After orientation to several approaches, Learning (VPL) participants will have an opportunity to discuss Facilitator: Hossam Hamdy, Guilio Tavarnesi, their research ideas and select the relevant too Andrea Laus for data collection. Institution: Gulf Medical University U.A.E Abstract: PCW 18: Time management Objectives: To introduce medical educators to Facilitator: Muhammad Alamgir Khan a major medical education innovation using Institution: Army Medical College Rawalpindi artificial intelligence and advanced Abstract: cinematographic techniques which will affect Objectives: 1. Use time management tools the implementation and future direction of more effectively 2. Differentiate between Problem Based Learning. It transform the being busy and being productive 3. Set SMART traditional PBL format to a virtual patient the objectives in professional and personal life 4. students or residents can interact with. Prioritize the activities and make them goal Description: Participants in small groups for directed 5. Learn to say no 15-20 minutes identify shortcomings related Description: 1. Time management; a to the authenticity of the paper or computer misconception 2. Why to manage time? 3. based problems used in Problem Based Strategic vision and setting goals 4. Time Learning. The Virtual Patient Learning (VPL) management matrix 5. Identifying and will be uploaded on the participant's laptops.

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They will interact with virtual patient in a way universities. 7-Revises a curriculum of choice similar to the student's interaction with a real according to the demands of 3 or 4G medical patient. Participants will be trained as PBL universities. facilitators on how to use VPL in conducting the Description: On the basis of the new PBL tutorial. Participants at the end of the movement of universities to establish new workshop will give feedback about their educational systems and the importance of experience. considering the characteristics of millennial Y and Z generations, during this workshop PCW 21: Quantitative Research in Medical participants will find opportunities to actively Education-Choosing the Right Design and the investigate curriculum key terms, concepts and Test definitions and design the curriculum of their Facilitator: Madiha Sajjad, Rehan Ahmed Khan courses by considering the emerging needs of Institution: Riphah International University their contexts and the needs, wants and Islamabad desires of their millennial audience. Abstract: Objectives: Practical guidelines in selection of PCW 23: Scientific Writing & Publishing an appropriate quantitative research design Facilitator: Shaukat Ali Jawaid and methods Institution: Pakistan Journal of Medical Description: The delivery of medical Sciences Karachi. Pakistan education. However, many clinical medical Abstract: educators lack the training and skills needed to Objectives: Basic principles of medical writing, conduct high-quality medical education different types of medical writing, latest research. This workshop aims to give practical guidelines by the International Committee of guidelines in selection of an appropriate Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) on authorship quantitative research design and methods and how to write a scientific paper discussing which are in alignment with the stated in detail as to what information has to be research question and the hypothesis included in which section of the manuscript. Description: It also involves Hands on Training PCW 22: 21st Century Medical Curriculum for exercises besides a mini Test at the end of the Millennial Students of Medical Education workshop to assess how much knowledge the Facilitator: Shoaleh Bigdeli participants of the workshops have gained. Institution: Iran University of Medical Sciences The participants will be encouraged to actively (IUMS), Tehran, Iran participate in the deliberations to make it Abstract: interactive and interesting. It is hoped that it Objectives: 1-Explains history, terms, concepts will help the participants to get published in and definitions of curriculum. 2-Explains levels high quality standard peer reviewed Impact of curriculum. 3-Describes teaching and Factor Journals minimizing trauma to their learning cycle. 4-Compares and contrasts the manuscripts during the review process. characteristics of traditional and millennial medical teachers and students. 5-Compares PCW 24: Developing OSCE Stations and contrasts traditional and millennial Facilitator: Trudie Roberts medical education cuticula. 6-Discusses Institution: University of Leeds, United features of 1st to 4th generation of medical Kingdom.

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Abstract: the populations they serve. The concept of Objectives: 1. Learn about the theory social accountability states that “Medical underlying the use of OSCEs. 2. Learn how to Schools have the obligation to direct their blueprint an OSCE (design the content). 3. education, research and service activities Learn the principles of writing good OSCEs towards addressing the priority health stations. 4. Experience writing OSCEs stations concerns of the community, region, and/or in groups. 5.Pilot OSCE stations. nation they have a mandate to serve”. Medical Description: For participants to gain schools carry this responsibility through the knowledge about the use of OSCEs (Objective teachers and students involved in teaching and Structured Clinical Examinations) in the learning practices in the institute. There is a assessment of clinical competence. need that the concept of social accountability is reflected clearly in the accreditation PCW 25: Medical Students, Social standards and missions of health Accountability and the Role of the Teacher professionals' education institutes and Facilitator: Gohar Wajid, Saima Rafique, Noor- teachers and students are well aware of their i-Kiran Haris role and responsibilities towards fulfilling their Institution: World Health Organization St. social accountability roles as health Egypt, University of Lahore, Aziz Fatima professionals. Medical College Abstract: PCW 26: Developing Virtual Patients (VPs) Objectives: To address the concept of social Facilitator: Zubia Masood, Masood Jawaid accountability and the role of teachers and Institution: Ziauddin University, Karachi students towards promoting social Abstract: accountability in Pakistan. Objectives: Describe virtual patients in health Description: There has been exponential care education. increase in the number of medical schools and Write storyboard of virtual patients. other health professional education institutes Develop Virtual patients using simple globally, over the past few decades. These computer software institutes incur heavy financial and other Description: The term Virtual Patient (VP) is resource investments by the governments and used to describe interactive computer private sector. These institutes have direct simulations used in health care education. impact on the quality of health workforce Virtual patients combine scientific excellence, being produced and thus the health services modern technologies and the innovative provided in a country. There are numerous concept of game-based learning. Virtual challenges facing the health professionals' patients allow the learner to take the role of a education institutes in terms of quality of health care professional and develop clinical education, relevance of education to skills such as making diagnoses and population needs, equitable distribution of therapeutic decisions. Virtual patients (VPs) these institutes in different geographical are excellent teaching tools for developing regions of the country. These institutes are clinical decision-making skills and improving thus socially accountable to produce high clinical competency, but are believed to be quality health works, relevant to the needs of very expensive and time consuming to make.

33 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

P C W 2 7 : Te a c h i n g a n d A s s e s s i n g ! Design & develop tools of assessment of Professionalism and Ethics in Medical professionalism in healthcare workers. Education Description: There has been growing interest Facilitator: Muhammad Iqbal Khan, Saeed in the instruction and assessment of Shafi professionalism. Shifa College of Medicine, Institution: Shifa Tameer e Millat University Shifa Tameer e Millat University (STMU) Abstract: introduced explicit instruction of Medical Objectives: Ethics & Professionalism longitudinally ! Distinguish between professionalism & throughout five-year MBBS integrated spiral ethics. curriculum, through Role modelling; Role ! Differentiate attributes of professionalism plays; Video demonstrations; Case studies and and how to incorporate them into Didactic instruction by regular faculty and curriculum. visiting community leaders. Professionalism is ! Compare the pros & cons of different perceived differently from one culture to teaching strategies employed in the another. This workshop will provide hands on instruction of professionalism. experience to the participants about teaching ! Distinguish unethical behavior of & assessment of professionalism in healthcare workers in different scenarios. undergraduate medical education.

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CONFERENCE shall be able to: 1. Define digital professionalism 2. Delineate importance of WORKSHOPS demonstrating professionalism at various Title: Principles and process of Breaking Bad social media sites. 3. Discuss various forms of News in clinical practice lapses in e-professionalism while using social Facilitators: Muhammad Masood Khokhar , media 4. Develop strategies to discover such Shafaq Masood lapses during online social interaction. Abstract: The workshop is intended to improve Title: Let's Play Moral Games as Teaching Tool knowledge, skills and professional attitudes of in Medical Education clinical faculty and undergraduate/ Facilitators: Sarosh Saleem Postgraduate medical students/trainees so Abstract: that they comprehend challenges, model, Healthcare providers face numerous moral steps and demonstrate skills involved in dilemmas in their personal and professional breaking bad news in clinical settings. It will be lives. Introducing moral games in medical interactive, with following outline: 1- education can be a fun way of teaching and Introduction 2- Interactive discussion of SPIKES learning. It will facilitate critical thinking, model of breaking bad news in clinical setting listening skills and value clarification of the 3- Group activity based upon clinical scenarios participants. The goal of this workshop is to 4- Feedback & discussion 5- Summary & impart knowledge and skills that can help Conclusion. assist learners in finding their own morals and By the end of this workshop the participants values in considering socio-scientific issues will be able to: 1- Comprehend challenges dealt in medicine. The participatory style of the involved in breaking bad news in clinical workshop with several moral games that can settings. 2- Comprehend steps involved in be replicated and adapted will help teach breaking bad news in clinical settings. 3. Carry ethics in a practical way to medical students out Group activity & provide/receive Feedback and trainees. At the end of the workshop, participants will be Title: Digital Professionalism for Medical able to: 1. Identify common ethical dilemmas Teachers in healthcare 2. Demonstrate structured Facilitators: Noor-i-Kiran Naeem, Ahmed approach in assessing & teaching the ethical Hassan Khan, Khadija Khan issues 3. Develop ways to incorporate ethical Abstract: imperatives in teaching healthcare This workshop aims to cover the issues of e- professionals professionalism for Health professionals' teachers while using various social media sites Title: Effective strategies for developing JEDi and is focused on applying acquired (Junior Ethical Doctors): “May the FORCE be knowledge. The instruction style combines with you! knowledge with component breakdowns, Facilitator: Muhammad Shahid Shamim specific usage scenarios, examples and hands- Institute: Dow University of Health Sciences on exercises to guide the participants in Abstract: dealing with issues related to professionalism In this workshop the rational for developing while using social media sites. focused, objectified, regulated, competence- By the end of the workshop, the participants based and ethics-oriented (FORCE) methods 35 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan for teaching ethics will be discussed using participation of the participants 5. Conduct the brainstorming and interactive discussions. designed workshop according to best Effective teaching methods for ethics will be practices. illustrated with examples. Use of reflective writing, role-play and video-clips will be Title: How to improve critical thinking skills in demonstrated and discussed. During the student centered learning environment with workshop, participants will plan their ethics Team Based Learning (TBL) course and select relevant teaching methods. Facilitators: Nusrat Bano, Uzma Asif, Surraya They will demonstrate how their course plan Qamar and teaching methods align with the FORCE. Institute: King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University The workshop facilitator will use the for health sciences, Saudi Arabia metaphors from “Star Wars” (a famous Abstract: science-fiction movie series), to maintain an TBL is a type of Flipped Class learning enjoyable highly interactive environment for technique with a highly structured in-class participants. (face to face) set of activities that are known to enhance the learning experiences in students. Title: Workshop on Workshop Designing It improves class climate and builds critical Facilitators: Khalid Rahim Khan, Ambreen thinking skills. It combines elements of Khalid individual learning with group activity in a Institute: Cantonment General Hospital, vibrant and electric self-centered learning Lahore environment. Think-Pair-Share strategy will be Abstract: used by the facilitators for introduction to TBL Conducting workshop is the in vogue activity at and critical thinking followed by a mock TBL par with the modern educational practices for activity session in second half of the workshop inspiring a new protocol, inculcate a new idea engaging participants as learners in an active and to inspire hands on activity. The class. Strengths and limitation of TBL will be educationists and doctors currently require to highlighted. effectively create their own workshops for a This workshop will introduce participants to successful transfer of idea or initiation of an the key features of Team Based Learning and activity among the participants. Current inspire them to use the technique in their proposed workshop will enable the classrooms. participants to understand as how to 'craft a workshop framework' with a backdrop of Title: Effective Literature Search: Tips and pertinent activity which aligns with the Tricks intended content transfer and also certain Facilitators: Farooq Azam Rathore, Sahibzada noteworthy points regarding the execution of Nasir Mansoor Workshop. Institute: PNS Shifa Hospital, Karachi Conduct search for an appropriate topic for a Abstract: workshop 2. Design a workshop framework 3. Literature search is an essential skill of the 21st Align the content of the workshop with the century for any healthcare professional. It is learning needs of the target audience 4. Craft not only a requirement for research and workshop activity to ensure active writing but also needed to remain updated

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about the latest advances in one's own field Institute: Riphah International University, and to decide about the best evidence to Islamabad inform treatment. With millions of articles and Abstract: dozens of databases available it becomes Case-based learning, an established difficult to remain focused and literature pedagogical method, fostering effective search for an article becomes the proverbial learning in small groups through its effect of “Needle in the haystack”. This workshop using having more engaged learners and structured a lecture and live demonstration technique will learning activities with clinical practice train the participants in effective and focused scenarios. Teachers enjoy CBL as it makes literature search. better use of their available teaching time. In health professional education learning Title: Construction of case cluster MCQs: activities are commonly based on paper-based what, why and how patient cases. A training on construction of Facilitator: Tahira Sadiq these cases will provide faculty a chance to Institute: Riphah International University, develop mature, authentic and detailed case Islamabad scenarios for a more interactive learning Abstract: strategy. Workshop will be of 1.5 hours including short Explain the process of a CBL session 2. break workshop will be delivered by two construct a case scenario along with probing facilitators through power point presentation questions aligned with learning objectives. followed by interactive discussion and frequent hands on activities Workshop will be Title: Construction of Objectives Structured divided in three sessions( 1st session on Clinical/Practical Examination (OSCE) for the importance of case clusters as assessment Heath Profession Education of Psychomotor tool, 2nd session on importance of case Skills Assessment Hands-on Workshop clusters for assessing PBLs and 3rd session on Facilitators: Hamza Abdulghani, Mahmood how to construct case clusters) At the end of Salah workshop participants will construct Case Institute: King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University Clusters according to the guidelines provided. for health sciences, Saudi Arabia Appreciate the rationale and definition of Abstract: problem based learning. Understand open and OSCE/OSPE is a common method of guided discovery approaches in PBL regarding assessment of psychomotor competencies case cluster MCQs. Discuss the anatomy of across in health education. Often, OSCE/OSPE cluster MCQs. Interpret important stations are limited to straightforward, considerations required for preparing Case standard and very easy tasks undermining the Cluster MCQs. Design Case Cluster MCQs clinical complexity of the real-life. The main according to the sample PBL theme. Evaluate aims are to discuss in depth important issues the presented Case Cluster MCQs in groups. such as, role of OSCE/OSPE in overall student psychometric skills assessment, using OSCE to Title: Designing case scenario for CBL session: test higher order clinical skills, validity and A hands on activity quality assurance of clinical assessment. Facilitators: Shabana Ali, Humaira Kamal Identify the basic principles of psychomotor

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skills assessment. 2. Discuss appropriate include Hands on activity in which participants usages and limitations of OSCE/OSPE. 3. will be provided with links to two developed Recognize how OSCE fits into broader domain online courses. Participants will be asked to of psychomotor assessment 4. Prepare assess the content as a learner and discuss in OSCE/OSPE assessment blueprint 5. Construct groups. Instructional design models and high quality relevant OSCE/OSPE stations for theories will also be discussed. Participants will different specialties assessment of be given group of learning outcomes and asked clinical/practical/procedural competency to modify, accept or reject based on suitability for online courses. Besides, hands on session Title: Blended Learning: Engage your students exploring online tools to design and develop on Campus and outside the campus using online learning experiences and how can they Instructional design for designing online be used. learning experiences The objective of the workshop is to identify the Facilitators: Hasnain Zafar Baloch, Shahid importance of instructional design in Hassan developing online learning activities/module Institute: International Medical University, and writing of instructional outcomes suitable Kuala Lumpur for online courses. Workshop will also identify Abstract: appropriate instructional strategies for Online, open, blended, and distance learning is effective course delivery and tools becoming an integral part of health appropriateness, including the assessment Professions education. The workshop will and the feedback.

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ORAL nursing students using clinical skill lab. Methods: Study Design was Basic qualitative PRESENTATIONS study. This study was carried out from 03 April Title: Social accountability: Mirror, Mirror on to 29 September 2017. One to one semi the wall structured interviews were conducted and Author: Zarrin Seema Siddiqui qualitative data was collected. Literature Institute: The University of Western Australia search was done extensively before Aims: Social accountability should be a key formulating the interview questionnaire. This element in the health professions curriculum was followed by expert validation. and requires a strong commitment from the Results: Twenty participants, 6 males and 14 institutions to bring a positive change. A females participated in the study, with number of approaches have been used by minimum of 6 to maximum 9 months of institutions to embed social accountability training in CSL . All the participants confirmed within their curricula. that the training in the CSL increased their Methods: In 2014, the University of Western motivation and confidence. Australia introduced a new four-year MD Conclusion: All the CSL trainees strongly program which has six curricular themes. MD endorsed this method of hands on training, Portfolio was introduced as a longitudinal they narrated that inspirations, motivation, assessment across four years of the curriculum training and guidance provided by the with assessments at four points in the instructors enhanced their learning in CSL. curriculum. Results: Students have been actively involved Title: Internet addiction among social in creating activities that promote social networking sites users: Emerging mental inclusion within their portfolios. In this h e a l t h c o n c e r n a m o n g m e d i c a l presentation, a sample of these activities will undergraduates of Karachi be presented which are student led and Authors: Zaeema Ahmer promote social inclusion. This presentation will Institute: APPNA Institute of Public Health, offer opportunities to discuss and reflect on Jinnah Sindh Medical University how to embed the relevant activities in the Aims: To determine the frequency and curriculum. intensity of Internet Addiction (IA) among Conclusion: Social accountability is not just medical Undergraduates, using Social preparing graduates which are "fit for Networking Sites (SNS), in Karachi purpose''. It rather requires a change in the Methods: A cross-sectional survey was philosophy and mission of the whole conducted in March-June '16 in a private and institutions and need medical educators to be government medical college of Karachi. Self- fully involved in the process. administered, Young's Internet Addiction Test was implemented by 340 medical students to Title: Learning in Clinical Skill Lab (CSL): The assess the frequency and intensity of Internet User Perspective Addiction. Authors: Rizwan Hashim Results: Internet Addiction (IA) was found in Institute: Fazaia Medical College Islamabad 85% (n=289) of all study participants. Among objectives: To explore the factors that them, 65.6% (n=223) were 'minimally enhances and hamper learning of medical addicted', 18.5% (n=63) were 'moderately

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addicted', whereas 0.9% (n=3) were found to classes considered six attributes of be 'severely addicted. professionalism as important with a Cronbach Conclusion: Internet Addiction (IA) is an alpha value of above 0.75. Mean scores emerging mental health concern affecting calculated for the elements of professionalism social behavior patterns of medical for first, second, third and fourth year students undergraduates. However, the burden of IA is was 145.66(+21.05), 130.98 (+24.67), 121.09 relatively higher among female medical (+17.13) and 151.34 (+12.28) respectively. students. There were significant differences in the mean scores among four classes (p =0.000). Role Title: The Effects of Teaching Professionalism modelling was determined to be the most in a Private Medical College of Pakistan effective and useful method to inculcate Authors: Muhammad Nadim Akbar Khan, professionalism among students. In FGDs Saadia Sultana students identified six major themes including; Institute: Islamic International Medical professionalism training, role modeling, College, Riphah International University faculty development, mentoring, student to Aims: Hospitals all over the world are striving student counselling and assessment of to implement patient safety culture to provide professionalism. safe healthcare services to patients Conclusion: A curriculum with explicit teaching throughout the continuum of services in the of professionalism brings about a significant hospitals. The emerging awareness in patient improvement in the attitudes of students safety culture in Pakistan emphasizes the need pertaining to professionalism. The students for assessing patient safety culture to be able recognize role modelling to be most effective to develop patient safety framework for method in developing professionalism. They Hospitals. perceive that teaching strategies based on role Methods: STUDY DESIGN: A two phase modelling, formal mentoring, faculty explanatory-sequential mixed method study development can improve the training. by using a quantitative survey followed by qualitative phenomenological design. Title: “Mini-CEX: Feasibility, acceptability and PLACE & DURATION: Islamic International effectiveness of its use in the learning of post Medical College Rawalpindi, from September graduate residents” 1st to December 31st, 2016. Authors: Saadia Sultana , Muhammad Nadim METHODOLOGY: The Penn State College of Akbar Khan Medicine Professionalism Questionnaire was Institute: Islamic International Medical used to gather the perceptions of MBBS College, Riphah International University s t u d e n t s a b o u t t h e e l e m e n t s o f Aims: Obstetrics/Gynecology residents have to professionalism after its formal training. undergo intense competency based training to Focused group discussions conducted to gain a vast experience. Many areas of clinical explore students understanding of the skills are not observed/assessed. There is no effectiveness of various strategies used to definitive structured method to give teach professionalism were audio recorded, constructive, formative feedback at their transcribed and analyzed by thematic analysis work-places. Mini-Cex is a structured and with the software NVivo. Quantitative data manageable formative assessment in clinical was analyzed by SPSS 21. practice. Results: The medical students of four MBBS Methods: Residents (21) and faculty members

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(10) participated. Amended mini-CEX tools Omer Awab, Shahid Sultan, Mehwish Faisal, were adapted. Residents were assessed in Nabeel, Shabbir Ahmed, Maqsood ul Hassan, different competencies. Effectiveness and Azhar Rasheed acceptability were assessed by: Scores of first Institute: IIMCT, Riphah International and final Mini CEX Perceptions of subjects University Feasibility was assessed by: 1. Time burden (by Objective: Hospitals all over the world are extrapolating mean time over a year), 2. striving to implement patient safety culture to Practical difficulties (This pilot project will provide safe healthcare services to patients prove to be helpful in reorganizing post- throughout the continuum of services in the graduate curriculum. It will simultaneously hospitals. The emerging awareness in patient augment and improve learning, owing to safety culture in Pakistan emphasizes the need immediate formative feedback during routine for assessing patient safety culture to be able work. It will be of benefit to all healthcare to develop patient safety framework for professionals involved in clinical teaching in Hospitals. the workplace including undergraduates). Method: The AHRQ's patient safety Results: Almost all residents (18/21) and assessment tool was used to measure the faculty members (8/10) were satisfied. 75% patient safety survey in two hospitals. The residents showed improvement. Average number of responses tabulated, analyzed and duration for observation: 19.51 minutes. reported in this paper. This study was Average duration for feedback: 13.08 minutes. conducted in two hospitals of Riphah Seventeen residents indicated feedback as the International University of 400 and 150 beds strongest characteristic. Most participants (19 respectively, total number of respondent residents; 8 faculty members) occasionally included 152 hospital staff. The data was experienced trouble. 27% residents felt collected from clinical, paramedical and anxious being observed. 84 sessions in 6 administrative staff; the response rate was months exhibited mini-CEX as a highly 63%. acceptable and feasible tool for WPBA. In Results: Staffing concerns (53.25%) and Pakistan, only three published studies are managers actions for promoting patient safety unable to give a clear view about the (59.85) observed as low positive responses. usefulness of WPBA of Obs/Gynae post- The patient safety culture in the hospitals was graduate residents. assessed as positive by 63% of healthcare Conclusion: Mini-CEX is an effective providers. The highest positive score were educational tool and is acceptable both to achieved as organizational learning continuous residents & faculty members. It is also feasible improvement 76.40% and the very lowest for use in busy teaching hospitals. It helps positive score 28.83% observed in frequency of faculty/institution to assess residents. It event reporting. Similarly, the other core areas provides valuable opportunity to give like handoffs during transition of care formative/constructive feedback to the (29.68%), communication openness (32.50%), residents teamwork across units (41.22%), feedback & communication (47.23%), management Title: Assessment of patient safety culture in support for patient safety (50.00%). Pakistani Hospitals: A Baseline study for Conclusion: The survey highlighted the strong development of patient safety framework and weak areas that can be helpful for the Authors: Mati ur Rahman, Manzoor Awan, hospital's management to develop an effective

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patient safety framework for their hospital. All depression, anxiety, and stress between both barriers in developing patient safety culture in groups of students. hospitals can be eliminated through training of Results: The difference between two groups staff and improving the communication among regarding DASS scores was significant. The the staff and departmental heads. This paper results revealed remarkable difference in low highlights the usefulness of patient safety and high achieving medical students in terms culture assessment of hospitals in Pakistan. of depression, anxiety, and stress. Levels of stress and depression were significantly high in Title: Comparison of Stress, anxiety and low achieving students. depression in low and high achieving medical Conclusion: In conclusion,there exists a students significant difference in levels of depression, Authors: Muhammad Masood Khokhar anxiety and stress between low and high Institute: Islamic International Medical achieving medical students. The study College, Riphah International University provides an insight into the negative effects of Aims: Depression, anxiety and stress although psychological problems on students' quite common in medical students, all over the achievement. world but to the best of our knowledge and literature search, they have not been Title: Significance of Actually Drawing compared amongst low and high achieving Microscopic Images and its Impact on medical students in Pakistan. The objective of Students' Understanding of Histology this study is to compare them. Authors: Aisha Rafi, Ayesha Rauf, Muhammad Method: The sample comprised of 160 Idrees Anwar medical students of Islamic International Institute: Shifa College of Medicine, Islamabad Medical College, Rawalpindi. Sampling was Aims: To explore the impact of drawing on done by convenient purposive technique (top students' understanding of histology. To twenty and bottom twenty students from each determine if students who draw images can of the MBBS class based upon the scores in score better than those who do not. their respective professional examination final Method: Study design: Quasi experimental. result). For the purpose of comparison, the Methods: This histological study was carried students were divided into low and high out during the Endocrinology and achieving groups. Low achieving group consists reproduction module (ENR) in January, 2017. of students who obtained lowest marks in the There students were divided into two groups, A respective professional examination and were and B of 50 students assigned by random placed at the bottom of class merit list. While sampling. During the first half of the module high achieving group refers to students who Group A drew the microscopic image of the obtained highest marks in the recent slide in the practical notebook as a normal professional examination and were placed at practice. Group B was shown images only and the top of merit list. The age range of the the task of drawing the images in the practical participants was 20 – 25 year. The Depression note book was excluded. At the end of four Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) was used to weeks MCQ paper of 50 questions of higher measure depression, anxiety, and stress. Data order thinking to check their concepts of was analyzed using SPSS-20 and independent applied histology was given to students. For sample T-test was used to find the difference in the next half of the module the groups were

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flipped over by a cross-over design and Group Conclusion: The study has emphasized the A only saw the microscopic image and Group B importance of student input in curricular drew the histological image. A second test of reforms to eliminate the existing problems in it MCQs of higher level of application of and faculty has fully valued these suggestions knowledge was given at the end of four weeks. with few reservations. Results : Analysis of data showed that there is no statistically significant difference between Title: Reflective practice tool development; the mean scores obtained by the drawing preliminary findings from pilot testing group and non-drawing group (p>0.05) in both Authors: Anbreen Aziz test I and test II. However there is a statistically Institute: Islamic International Medical significant difference in the mean scores of the College, Riphah International University same group when they draw the microscopic Aims: Reflective writing is in the process of image and when they do not (p<0.05). establishing its significance in the field of Conclusion: Drawing microscopic images has a modern medical education in Pakistan. AIM: To positive impact on learning. The traditional develop reflective practice questionnaire and teaching strategy for histology should be to evaluate if reflective writing improves explored further by research to help learning, helps in self-regulation and alters curriculum planners to include drawing of clinical behavior of house officers. images in the teaching of histology. Method: This study was conducted at Islamabad Dental Hospital Barakahu in Title: Value of Students' Engagements in November-December, 2018. Three house Curricular Reforms officers participated in cognitive interviews Authors: Muhammad Farooq and later newly formed questionnaire was Institute: Islamic International Medical distributed among sixteen house officers for College, Riphah International University pilot testing. These house officers had previous Objective: To explore the role of students' experience of reflective writing using Gibb's engagement in curricular reforms in a private reflective cycle. medical college. Results: Thirteen (81%) out of sixteen house Method: Sixteen participants, 08 students and officers agreed that reflective writing improves 08 faculty, were selected using purposeful learning, helps in self-regulation and alters homogenous sampling strategy. All the clinical behavior, two (13%) did not know selected participants were the members of the about that and one (6%) did not agree to that. college curriculum planning committee. For Conclusion: Results of this pilot study using the students 2x FGDs and for faculty in depth newly developed tool show that reflective interviews were recorded, transcribed and writing does improve learning, helps in self- imported to NVivo software for analysis. regulation and alters clinical behavior in the Thematic analysis was done to make the major selected house officers. themes. Results: Six main themes were identified. The Title: Patient Safety Practices in Dentistry “A importance of curricular reforms was Top Priority acknowledged and students' engagement was Authors: Yawar Khan valued both by the faculty and students. Some Institute: Islamic International Medical limitations in accepting these suggestions College, Riphah International University were also recognized. Objectives: Patient safety is multifaceted,

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complex and involves many key elements. In from April to October 2018, at Rawal Institute healthcare the concept of patient safety is not of Health Sciences Islamabad. Using non- new. However it is still bit immature in probability convenience sampling 100 dentistry as compared to medicine. The hostile students were interviewed by the researcher nature of the dental environment and serious myself, with the help of a close ended incidents happened makes it a top priority for questionnaire. Study was conducted after dentists. approval by ethical review board of the Method: Will provide an overview regarding Institution. Proper consent was taken from the the current practices of patient safety in students and their confidentiality was assured. dentistry along with barriers and challenges Questions were related to sixteen different posted to the dental office. Unfortunately as variables which were the factors causing compared to other health professions in this failure in final examination. Responses were regards not much attention has been paid to noted with options as "agree", "disagree" and dentistry. "neutral" and frequencies were calculated in Results: There are a lot of serious challenges percentages. being faced by the dentist in the dental office Results: Out of the total 100 respondents the including biological, physical and other percentages of students who "agreed" to the hazards. Lack of vision by the senior leadership factors causing failure in the final examination and lack of resources are a few barriers were: Poor attendance (64%), fear of failure identified which prevents the implementation (64%), poor time management (84%), of effective patient safety measures in the excessive use of social media (60%), lack of dental office. preparedness (70%), study at the eleventh Conclusion: Promotion of patient safety is an hour (36%), habit of selective study (46%), ethical obligation in any health care profession unable to review the entire syllabus (84%), especially dentistry. There is a dire need of poor peer relationship (50%), behaviour of the establishing a robust patient safety culture in teachers (86%), lack of motivation (76%), the dental eco system as a foundation of internal assessment (56%), less parent success in the clinical dental environment. involvement (50%), students' poor health (76%), non-effective teaching methods (44%), Title: Factors causing failure in final and extracurricular activities (28%). Examination among the Medical students Conclusion: The study identified multiple Authors: Uzma Hassan causes of failure in final examination among Institute: Rawal Institute of Health Sciences medical students. Importance of academic Islamabad failure of students and negative consequences Aims: Academic failure of medical students is should be given due significance. More precise one of the major problems of higher and elaborate studies should be conducted on education. Finding factors that influence their this topic so appropriate strategies be performance is essential to improve the overall implemented in the Institutes to rectify the success of students and to reduce failure problem. among them. The study aims to identify factors causing failure in final examination among the Title: Patient safety awareness among future medical students. health professionals in a Pakistani Medical Method: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional study College of Military set up was conducted over a period of six months Authors: Rizwana Kamran

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Institute: CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore Institute: Islamic International Medical Pakistan College, Riphah International University Objectives: To assess the patient safety Aims: Empathy is an important component of awareness among undergraduate medical physician patient relationship. Previous students (UGMS) in a medical college of studies show that empathy declines with military set up in Pakistan. clinical training and is also known to be gender Methods: This cross-sectional study was done dependent. Hence our study aims to analyze among the UGMS studying at “The CMH and compare the levels of empathy from all Lahore Medical College & Institute of five years of MBBS program and difference Dentistry” in 2019. Participants were asked to between male and female students. complete “APSQIII questionnaire” about Method: A cross sectional study was patient safety on 7 point Likert scale. Data was conducted at Islamic International Medical analyzed using SPSS version 22. T-test was used College from January to March 2019. Sample to compare the awareness of Patient safety. size was calculated to be 220 using Raosoft Results: A total of 166 participants including 84 taking 95% confidence interval. 44 students fourth year and 82 final year medical students from each class were selected through completed the questionnaire with a response stratified random sampling. Verbal consent of rate of 80%. 49% were female and 51% were participants was sought before data collection. male. The two out of nine domains regarding Empathy scores were tested using a pretested teamwork and long working hours scored the and validated tool, The Toronto Empathy highest 6.0 mean score. “Disclosure Questionnaire and responses were scored responsibility” scored lowest 4.4 mean score between 0 and 64.Data analysis was done followed by 'Professional incompetence as an through SPSS version 21. Empathy Scores with error cause' (4.5) and “Error inevitability” (4.7). advancing year of study were compared using Patient Safety training received and Error ANOVA. Independent sample T-test was used reporting confidence domains obtained 5.0 to see the significance of difference between mean score while “Importance of Patient male and female students. Safety in curriculum” and “Patient involvement Results: The mean empathy score was in reducing error” scored 5.5 and 5.3. 44.93.Out of 220 students,119 (54%) had Conclusion: Students showed positive attitude empathy below 45. 1st Year MBBS students towards patient safety. Most of them showed highest levels of empathy(46.46) while supported the integration of patient safety in almost equal empathy was shown by all other an undergraduate medical curriculum. classes (44.15 in 2nd Year,44.88 in 3rd Year, However there was a knowledge gap among 44.73 in 4th Year and 44.45 in Final Year). There students regarding causes and disclosure of is no statistically significant association medical errors. Due to insufficient awareness between empathy and year of study. In among future doctors, inclusion of the formal females, mean empathy score was 46.85 while patient safety. mean score in males was found to be 43.01. The results show that there is a statistically T i t l e : L e v e l s o f E m p a t h y A m o n g significant association between empathy score Undergraduate Medical Sudents and gender. Authors: Summon Basharat, Illeeyeen Khan, Conclusion: The findings of this study showed Bushra Nawaz, Namana Minhas that 1st year medical students were more

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empathetic than students in other years. useful for understanding basic beliefs and Female students exhibited higher levels of ethical values. Therefore, it is suggested to empathy than their male counter parts. Low incorporate interesting topics in mentoring empathy scores are alarming and it is sessions of preclinical and clinical students recommended that the curriculum needs to be according to their demand to get maximum revised to nurture empathetic attitude in benefit out of these. undergraduates. Title: Evaluating the effectiveness of 'MCQ Title: Perception of mentoring among medical Development using cognitive model students of Islamic International Medical framework' workshop College Authors: Rahila Ali, Amber Shamim Sultan Authors: Husna Amjad Abbasi Institute: Aga Khan University Institute: Islamic International Medical Aims: Review of Multiple choice questions College, Riphah International University (MCQ) ensures its quality. It is observed that Aims: Mentorship is a mutual relationship majority of the questions assess knowledge at between the mentor and the mentee. Our recall level and do not follow the National study purpose was to compare the perception Board of Medical Examiners guidelines. Our of students regarding mentoring between aim was to develop skills of constructing MCQs preclinical and clinical years and to highlight assessing higher cognitive levels using the improvements suggested by the students cognitive model framework. for these sessions at Islamic International Method: It is a quasi-experimental Medical College. pretest–posttest study with Faculty of health Method: A cross-sectional study was sciences from Aga Khan University and other conducted among medical students of IIMC academic institutes. Participant satisfaction rawalpindi from January to March 2019. was evaluated using a 16 item questionnaire Sample size was 220, calculated by using which was administered to faculty who Raosoft. Sampling technique used was participated in the workshop. Pretest–posttest stratified random which included 44 students was used to assess learning from the workshop (32 girls, 12 boys) from each year of MBBS. A participants. All candidates who sat the pre- self-constructed questionnaire approved by test and post-test and participated in the entire supervisors and ERC was used. It included workshop were included in the study. Data was questions on demographic details, perception, analyzed using SPSS version 19. Frequency and suggestions on improvements, preference of standard deviations were computed. Pre and discussion topics and achievements of posttest scores were compared using students after attending mentoring sessions. independent sample and Paired sample t-test. The data was analyzed by using SPSS (Version Results: There was significant difference in the 21) and results were expressed in frequency overall pre-posttest scores of the participants tables and pie charts. with mean difference (-4.176 ± 4.83). A Results: Significant number of students were significant difference was observed in the interested to attend mentoring sessions and mean pre-post test scores of junior faculty (- considered them beneficial 6.350 ± 4.5829; P value = 0.02). There was Conclusion: Majority of students have positive insignificant difference in the mean pre- perception and believe that mentoring is posttest scores of senior faculty (P value =

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0.666). The mean for pretest scores among average attitude (score 70-85). junior faculty were significantly lower 4.950 ± Results: Out of the 150 (100 MT and 50 SST) 2.83 as compared to the senior faculty 10.417 ± questionnaires distributed, 91 teachers (53 MT 1.56 (P value 0.001). There was no significant and 38 SST) returned (61% response rate) the difference in post test scores of junior vs. questionnaire on self-assessment of their senior faculty (p value > 0.05). attitudes. The same questionnaire was Conclusion: Active participation in faculty distributed to 150 teachers with the name of development workshops would ultimately the peer to be reviewed by him/her from the lead to enhancing skills of constructing one- same department for a peer assessment, out best MCQs based on international guidelines. of which 59 (31 MT and 28 SST) were returned There is a need of conducting such workshops (39.3% response rate). The mean attitude on a large scale so that we can compare the score of all the teachers was 91.7 +11.6 which, difference in pre-post test scores of faculty according to operational definition, falls in from diverse health sciences discipline. averageattitude category. No significant difference was found in teachers' attitudes. Title: Self and Peer Assessment of Conclusion: S e l f - e n h a n c e m e n t a n d Teacher’sAttitude towards Teaching fortification phenomenon was present in MT, Authors: Ambreen Ansar especially if they were females and juniors Institute: Islamic International Medical which provide a room of improvement for the College, Riphah International University MT to work upon. They need to reflect upon Aims: Teachers should assess various aspects their daily activities honestly and establish a within themselves and in the environment that more efficient communication with students. influence their teaching, and determine obstacles impeding efforts to inculcate Title: Evaluation of procedure-based knowledge and skills among the recipients of assessment for assessing trainees' skills in the education. Feedbacks from trusted observers operating theatre are very useful to overcome shortcomings, 8, 9 Authors: Fareesa Waqar, Wajiha Shadab and would also help to check the element of Institute: Riphah International University self-enhancement IIMCT Pakistan Railway Hospital Rawalpindi Method: The attitude was assessed on the Aims: PBA has been used for the first time basis of 32 Likert-scale questions, which were during operation theater procedures to assess constructed in the light of the literature review OBS/GYN post graduate residents' surgical and input from the supervisor. Cronbach's procedural skills in performing elective alpha calculated was 0.832 after the data caesarean section in the operating theatre. collection. A paper and pencil version of the The aims were to evaluate the validity, scale was distributed to 12 medical reliability and acceptability of PBA. departments, i.e. 100 medical teachers (MT) Method: Purposive sampling was done. and 50 social sciences teachers (SST). The Fifteen post graduate residents of theoretical range of attitude scores was from 0 Obstetrics/Gynecology were assessed to 128; and teachers were divided into three performing caesarean sections; 400 PBAs were categories: positive attitude (score on the provided across 413 operations by two clinical selfdevised scale above or equal to 101), supervisors and four independent assessors. average attitude (score: 86-100), and below The PBA form contains a checklist of

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competencies and a global summary. Three to understand and work effectively with the PBA domains corresponding to preoperative patients belonging to different cultures. preparation, exposure and closure, and Understanding the beliefs and values of intraoperative technique were completed on different culture are as important as check list using a binary scale of satisfactory or understanding biomedical patho- physiology unsatisfactory/development required. The underlying disease process. global summary score (GSS) is an overall Method: The cultural competence in local judgment of the trainee's ability to perform the context was explored in three tiers of health observed parts of the procedure on that system that is primary, secondary and tertiary occasion using a four-level rating scale levels. Phenomenology, constructivism Results: All the PBAs were completed after approach was used. The triangulation was direct observation of trainees' surgical skill. performed for data obtained from different This study generated results providing sources. Thematic analysis was performed. evidence that PBA possesses good construct Manual coding was employed to generate validity. Construct validity was demonstrated themes, and subthemes. Verbatim were by correlation of PBA scores with measures of reported. surgical training and experience. Reliability (G Results: Consisted of themes, subthemes, exceeding 08) of the adjusted total item score categories and subcategories. Verbatim were and global summary score for a given also quoted in results. Cultural themes were procedure was achieved using four and three Parada or veil issues, transgender assessor judgements respectively; assessing a discrimination, aggressive issues, encounters mix o f p ro ced u res req u ired mo re with opposite gender. cases/assessors because performance is Conclusion: The awareness about cultural procedure specific. The acceptability of PBA for competence was satisfactory among public assessment and feedback within surgical sector physicians. Modus operandi was not obstetrics training was predominantly positive uniform and required standardization among clinical supervisors and trainees. Conclusion: PBA demonstrated good overall Title: Association between empathy and validity, acceptability and exceptionally high emotional intelligence of Doctors reliability. The prime purpose of PBA is as an Authors: Muhammad Zeeshan Rana assessment for learning and the emphasis Institute: Riphah International University, should remain on the feedback component. Islamabad Thus, PBA must be integrated into training for Aims: Empathy and emotional intelligence assessing actual surgical performance. strongly influence doctors' performance. It is Trainees should be assessed adequately for also important for patient satisfaction and each procedure. better health outcome. Aim is to study how empathy and emotional intelligence are Title: Cultural Competency in health care; A associated among doctors and their gender qualitative Study differences? Understanding the association Authors: Saira Afzal between EI and empathy can help develop Institute: King Edward Medical University better strategies for training. Lahore Method: Two self-reporting online Aims: Cultural competency in health care questionnaires were emailed to 340 willing implies that health care providers have ability

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participants who were practicing doctors advanced over the years, so usage of evidence utilizing convenience sampling technique: Trait has become dire need in effective and Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short thoughtful clinical decision making.To Form (TEIQue-SF) and Jefferson Scale of determine knowledge, attitudes and practices Physician Empathy -Health professional of Physical therapist towards Evidence Based version (JSPE). Responses to items of both Practice(EBP) and to identify the perceived questionnaires were recorded on Likert scale. barriers for EBP. Permission for use of these questionnaires Method: A descriptive Cross sectional survey have been sought from relevant authorities. was conducted over the period of 6 months. Exclusion criteria includes doctors who did not Physical therapists (n=203) had completed self response to questionnaire invitation email. administered questionnaire. Purposive Anonymity and confidentiality of participants sampling technique was used for data were guaranteed. collection. PT working in public, private and Results: There is positive correlation between personal clinical set ups of twin cities, having at empathy and Emotional intelligence (r=0.775, least 6 months of working experience were p<0.01). There is weak positive correlation included. Whereas those with only academia between empathy and specialty of doctors experience were excluded. Structured (r=0.366, p<0.01). Empathy being stronger in questionnaire used comprised of 38 questions doctors who specialize in people-oriented about demographics of participants, their specialties. No correlation is observed practice setting, knowledge, attitude, between Emotional intelligence and practices and perceived barriers to use EBP. specialties of doctors (r=0.113, p<0.01). There The response was taken on 5 point Likert scale. is no effect of gender on either emotional Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. intelligence and empathy. There was no Results: The response (M±S.D) for EBP significant difference between genders of k n o w l e d g e q u e s t i o n s w a s ; C l e a r TEIQue-SF and JSPE scores using independent understanding (4.1±1), question formulation sample T test. (4.2±.9), Medical search engine familiarities Conclusion: Empathy and EI are strongly (4.2±.9), CPGs available(1.3±.4),CPGs associated. There is no significant difference in accessible(1.2±.4). The response (M±S.D) for EI and empathy between genders. The doctors attitude based questions about EBP was; associated with patient-oriented specialties necessary to apply(4.3±.8), useful in daily have significantly higher empathy. Empathy p r a c t i c e ( 4 ± . 9 ) , u n r e a s o n a b l e and EI should be included in the educational demand(2.9±1.1), interested to improve EBP objectives and be assessed using different skills(4.2±.9), improves quality patient sources such as self, patients, peers and care(4.3±.8), helps in decision making(4.9±.8). teachers. Some PTs have reported that they use CPGs (3.8±.8), implement EBP in daily practice Title: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of (3.8±.8) and have increased patient Physical Therapists Regarding Evidence Based satisfaction (3.9±.9). Insufficient time is most Practice. (63.1%), inability to apply on patients with Authors: Huma Riaz, Zoya Mehmood, Asmar unique characteristics is less (51.2%) and lack Fatima, Bintal Wajeeh of interest (42.9%) is least perceived barrier to Institute: Riphah International University EBP. Aims: The practice of Physical therapy has Conclusion: Majority of Physical therapist have

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good knowledge and complete understanding (OR=23.4, 95% CI= 21.9-24.6). The newly of EBP terms. They showed strongly positive employed motor pump operator at reservoir A attitude for various aspects of evidence based had not received any training in water practice. But implementation in daily clinical disinfection procedure. Chlorine demand of practice is somewhat limited. Some water was not calculated as per guidelines. An highlighted time constraints as most perceived empirically estimated amount of bleach barrier to EBP. solution was occasionally poured in water in reservoir "A" with a mug despite the Title: Application of Community Oriented availability of a functional chlorine dosimeter. Medical Education in controlling outbreak of Conclusion: Outbreak of AWD occurred due to Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) : Abbottabad inadequate disinfection of water at reservoir 2018 “A” due to lack of training of operating staff. Authors: Eisha Mansoor, Muhammed Farooq , This resulted in 3216 cases of AWD and loss of Naila Azam, Tahir Butt Rs 5 million to the government. Situation was Institute: Army Medical College, Rawalpindi effectively controlled utilizing epidemiological Aims: First week of August 2018 saw 3216 skills acquired by community oriented medical cases of AWD in Abbottabad against a usual education. average of 300/week. Masses were advised to use boiled water till outbreak is controlled. As Title: Staging of major mood disorders hospitals got overloaded and using boiled Authors: Ather Muneer water endlessly for the whole city became Institute: Islamic International Medical College difficult, investigating source of contamination Aims: Major psychiatric disorders are found became inevitable. to have staged progression, from early pre Method : We carried a community based study symptomatic state to full blown clinical of water supply system of Abbottabad starting disorder and ending in a residual stage with from Kalapani spring in Thandiani to the point permanent deficits in social and psychological of use. Water samples were collected at each functioning. level. A spot map was made of all the cases and Method: The PubMed electronic data base tallied with the supply zones of each of 4 water was comprehensively scrutinized by using a reservoirs. A case control study was conducted variety of search terms, for example, major to find association of AWD with water depressive disorder and staging, bipolar consumption from any specific reservoir. The disorder and neuroprogression, mood water disinfection process at the suspected disorders and allostatic load, etc. In order to reservoir was studied in detail and key persons incorporate the latest findings the search was were interviewed to determine the cause of limited to the last 10 years. Both original compromise in water quality which articles and review papers were included. precipitated the outbreak of AWD. Abstract of more than a 100 articles were read Results: Spot map showed clustering of cases and those found to specially pertinent were in areas of supplied by water from reservoir read in full and their reference lists were also “A”. Water samples taken from reservoir A consulted. confirmed presence of E.Coli. The odds of Results: An increasing number of papers were consuming water from reservoir A were 23 published in recent years and the notion of times among cases as compared to controls staging major psychiatric disorders, most

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importantly mood disorders was gaining noted. Data was entered and analysed using impetus. Staging formats were found for both SPSS v20. bipolar disorder (BD) and major depressive Results: Overall Mean score of included disorder (MDD), with the caveat that many medical students was 87.70±19.41 for more papers were discovered for BD. There positively structured questions, 32.30±6.29 for was emerging evidence that both principal negatively structured questions. Mean Score mood disorders were characterized by staged of students with Annual System was progression from an early at risk stage to full 78.76±17.96 for positively structured blown clinical syndrome and finally a late stage questions while 31.66±6.27 for negatively with lasting impairments in biopsychosocial structured questions. Mean score of students realms of functioning. with Module system was 97.06±16.26 for Conclusion: Major mood disorders are positively structure questions while classifiable into early, intermediate and late 32.96±6.26 for negatively structured stages. These phases inform the management questions. Difference in mean scores between and prognosis, so that clinicians must Annual and Module system was statistically incorporate the schema into everyday practice significant with p=<0.000 and 0.041 for improved outcome respectively for positively and negatively structured questions. Title: Attitude of Medical Students towards Conclusion: Attitude of medical students Patient Safety – A comparison between studying in Module system towards patients Annual and Module System was better than students studying in Annual Authors: Zuhair Ali Rizvi system. Institute: Rawalpindi Medical University Aims: Patient safety is an essential healthcare Title: Concept assessment about core values discipline that has reduced rate and effects of of professionalism in Doctor of Physical adverse events. The aim of this study was to Therapy students by Exploratory Factor compare attitude towards patient safety of Analysis medical students studying in annual system Authors: Saira Waqqar with module system. Institute: Riphah International University Method: This cross sectional study was Aims: Professionalism is an ethical conducted was conducted for a period of 6 phenomena with a combination of months in Rawalpindi Medical University competence, moral values and standard (RMU) after ethical approval from Institutional practices. A Physical therapist must exhibit Research Forum of RMU. A total of 400 medical core values of professionalism during practice. students of RMU were included in this study The purpose of this study was to determine the using Randomised Stratified Sampling concept of professionalism's core values Technique. Out of total 400 sample size, 200 among Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) (50%) were included from Annual while 200 students (50%) from Module System. A validated Method: The study design was cross sectional questionnaire Attitude towards Patient Safety survey that was completed from September Questionnaire (APSQ-III) was administered. 2017 to January 2018. Total number of final Variables like gender, year of study, mode of year DPT students was 387. Age range of teaching and responses to questions were participants was from 22 to 28 years. Purposive

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non-probability sampling techniques was used position to suggest the upcoming reforms. The to collect the sample. Data was collected from recommendations will be brought to PMDC for multiple private & public sector institute across information and implementation. country offering DPT program. Data was Method: Qualitative Study Semi Structured collected through reliable and valid 22 items Interviews from participants of the committee based questionnaire i.e. professionalism members already notified by PMDC as well as assessment scale. Exploratory factor analysis representation from all four provinces. The was done through SPSS version 21.0 eligible volunteers must be Assistant Professor Results: Eight factors were extracted under or above, with Dental as well as Medical three headings: Empathy & humanism Education background while holding an (Prejudices, Respect, Empathy), Evidence administrative position. Identification of based Practice (follow standard practices, Themes with Data Generation and Analysis will Individual patient care & value patient's be done with the help of NVIVO. interest) and social responsibility (Dedication, Results: The results will help in designing of the Social care). According to the DPT students, new curriculum and will be a guiding block for important components of professionalism all the stakeholders on board. The topics and during practice and their variance were methodologies from people at administrative individual care (3.4%), Equity (3.6%), role positions in different corners of the country model (4.4%), honesty (4.5%), altruism (6.6%), will develop consensus on the implementation respect for others (7.3%) and adjustment rule of suggested reforms. The results will also help abiding (9.3%). Prejudices, confidentiality, designing of the new curriculum at a faster skills, punctuality, patient's appearance, pace.The results will identify key areas for management, commitment & mood were less electives as well. Moreover, the results will important with variance of 51.3 % 48.6%, identify proper assessment patterns in our 35.3%, 29.6%, 15.5%, 13.5% and 12.4 % & local context with representation of Senior as 12.8% respectively. well as Junior Faculty Members. Conclusion: According to DPT students less Conclusion: The research will help all the important core values of professionalism stakeholders in bringing an up to date crisp during practice were following e.g. Prejudices, curriculum at par with International Standards. punctuality, and provision of proper plan of This document will also be focus of attention care, hand-on skills and confidentiality of for the designated committee members. information. There is a need to reform the DPT Moreover, the efforts will bear fruit in curriculum by adding the underdeveloped core generating consensus on the International values of professionalism. Standards in local context.

Title: Changes required for the Contemporary Title: “Cognitive Peer Coaching” A workplace Dental Curriculum based faculty development approach”: A Authors: Gul Muhammad Qualitative study Institute: Riphah International University Authors: Madeeha Rehan, Raheela Yasmeen Aims: PMDC is all set to introduce new Dental Institute: Riphah International University Curriculum at Undergraduate level. The Aims: “Cognitive peer coaching” is an qualified Medical Educationists with academic emerging faculty development approach in background of BDS or equivalent are in better medical education and is significant for its

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potential benefits in problem-based learning significantly contributed to the learning of (PBL). Aim: To explore the factors affecting the facilitation skills from psychological, learning process of novice PBL facilitators emotional, and social perspectives. It should trained through “Cognitive Peer Coaching”- a be implemented in educational institutions. workplace-based faculty development Future research is required to develop approach standardized methods for cognitive peer Method: It was qualitative study of coaching for PBL facilitation. phenomenological design. Participants (15) were given orientation about cognitive peer Title: Gender-wise differences in perceptions coaching through workshop and seminar. of first year MBBS students regarding their Novices were trained by experts following six institutional learning environment in steps of cognitive apprenticeship theory which integrated vs. traditional curriculum by using are modeling, coaching, scaffolding, DREEM articulation, reflection, and exploration Authors: Tatheer Zahra, Mohammad Iqbal provided in different phases of peer coaching Khan cycle including pre-observation, observation Institute: Shifa College of Medicine (SCM); and post-observation phase. Two data Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University (STMU) collection instruments; observation checklist Aims: L e a r n i n g e n v i r o n m e n t h a s and semi-structured interviews were used. considerable impact upon students' learning. Multiple data collection sources comprising of DREEM survey is a valid and reliabe tool for observation notes, reflective journal and measuring the institutional learning audio-recordings of reflections and interviews environment. Our aim was to compare the were used. Semi-structured interviews taken gender-wise distribution of first year MBBS from novice participants were transcribed and students' perception regarding their thematic analysis was done manually. institutional learning environment in Results: During “Cognitive Peer Coaching”, integrated vs. traditional curriculum by using modeling, coaching, scaffolding and DREEM inventory. articulation resulted in conscientization, Method: In this cross-sectional study, after perspective transformation about the role of seeking written informed consent, paper facilitator and identification of the effect of format English version of Dundee Ready body language on student's learning. Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) Experiential learning led personal questionnaire was administered to both male development in generic skills, awareness and female first year medical undergraduates about loops in facilitation skills, enhancement of two different medical institutes A and B of of intellectual capacities and designing of Rawalpindi/ Islamabad region of Pakistan with effective facilitation strategies. During integrated and traditional medical curriculum reflection, facilitators experienced mental respectively. Data was analysed by using SPSS growth spurred from within leading to self version 24. Descriptive and inferential statistics –complacency. Autonomy, effective coaching were applied. Results were considered to be strategies and attitude of coach augmented significant at p-value < 0.05. intrinsic motivation of novices. Results: There was no significant difference in Conclusion: In conclusion “Cognitive Peer mean global DREEM scores and five sub-scales Coaching” is a dynamic and facilitative process perceptions among both males and females of

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institutes A and B. However, the mean global compared to the students. socres, SPOL, SPOT, SASP, SPLA sub-scales Conclusion: Web 2.0 technologies have the scores of the males from the institute A were potential to revolutionize medical education. higher than their counterparts from institute B. However, this potential will only be achieved if Similarly, the mean global scores and all five there is increased training of both students and sub-scale scores of the females of institute A teachers in how to use these technologies to were slightly better than those of institute B. enhance teaching and learning. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference in gender-wise Title: Characteristics of learner's associated distribution of first year MBBS students' with creativity and roles of teachers; Time to perceptions regarding their institutional move from past to future by making present educational environment in integrated vs. creative: A Scoping review traditional curriculum by using the DREEM Authors: Uzma Urooj, Raheela Yasmin, Rehan inventory at 2 separate institutes of Ahmad Khan Rawalpindi/Islamabad region of Pakistan. Institute: Riphah International University Al- However, students in integrated curriculum Mizan campus Rawalpindi perceived their environment more positively. Aims: This scoping review aims to broadly examine the literature about the importance Title: Exploring the digital divide between of creativity in education, its definition, role of medical students and medical teachers teachers and learners in promoting creativity Authors: Mashaal Sabqat, Rehan Ahmed Khan and its implications. The study will help in Institute: Riphah International University, shaping the Teaching & learning methods to Rawalpindi foster creativity in our context and culture. Aims: People from different generations Method: The following research questions approach learning in varied ways. The were derived to answer central question for generational differences between medical scoping review: (1) How is creativity defined? students and teachers of today can result in (2) What is the role of teachers, learners and inefficient knowledge sharing. This study aims universities in creativity? (3) What are the to delve into one aspect of this, i.e. to compare implications of creativity in education? (4) the familiarity and use of Web 2.0 technologies What are the emergent areas for research? The in the aforementioned groups. literature published in last 10 years was Method: Instruments from other similar searched in three databases: PubMed, ERIC studies were used to develop a paper-based and Google scholar. The search terms included; quantitative questionnaire administered to Creativity, Creativity and education/creative 128 students and 63 teachers at Foundation learners/higher education/ innovation/ University Medical College, Rawalpindi. The creativity and Islam/creativity in Asian data was analyzed via SPSS. countries. The research yielded 3506 articles Results: A digital divide of complex nature was from which 27 were selected after applying found to exist between medical students and inclusion and exclusion criteria and following teachers. Both the groups were found PRISMA. reasonably well exposed to Web 2.0 Results: The personality traits of creative technologies. However, the teachers use these learners found in literature were: Risk taking in tools for educational purposes more often as 9 studies(33.3%), self-efficacy (22.2%),

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flexibility (29.6%), self-actualization (14.8%), Elsevier, PubMed and websites such as those motivation (33.3%), autonomy (22.2%), of WFME, Capteonline, Physiocouncil and adaptability (11.1%), self-development (3.7%), WCPT. As per the inclusion criteria full text vision (7.4%), habit breaking and boundary articles, guidelines, editorial paper, short breaking (3.7%), openness (18.5%), critical communications & congress reports related to thinking (25.9%), leadership (18.5%). A teacher accreditation standards of physical therapy can promote creativity by modeling how to education program were included in the tackle problems, asking divergent questions, literature review. Review of accreditation encouraging students to ask questions, giving literature in English version was conducted new problems & inspiring new solutions. from 2010 to 2019. Twenty seven studies Among many constraints regarding application which met the search criteria by empirically of creativity in education one was assessment examining accreditation and educational method. In healthcare, where's creativity? standards were selected 3(11.1%) studies highlighted the need to Results: In Pakistan currently, no educational generate new ideas to improve medical standards exist for accreditation of PT practices. educational program. Consequently, PT Conclusion: A multi-level analysis is needed to profession is facing mushrooming of fully understand the important variables in institutions offering substandard education in creativity especially in in healthcare education. the country. It had also resulted in lack of Academic medicine should explore ways to harmony in professional practices & maximize creativity and innovation in the standardization of degree institutions in curriculum as it is the engine of discovery. Pakistan. The community of PT professionals Creativity is now considered as one of the asserts that a regulatory body must be important skills of 21st century. constituted which shall not only regulate the practitioners but will also standardize entry Title: Necessity of Accreditation Standards for level education in the PT institutions across the Quality Assurance of Doctor of Physical country. WCPT and Govt. of Punjab has Therapy Education Program in Pakistan recommended the stake holders to develop Authors: Saira waqqar appropriate PT entry level education standards Institute: Riphah International University for accreditation Aims: Quality assurance and accreditation of Conclusion: Accreditation is a powerful medical schools is in practice worldwide. advantage for organizational change and Accreditation bodies use Standards to assess improvement. It is the need of hour to the compliance of program for recognition. formulate the Physical Therapy education The purpose of this study is to emphasize upon standards of accreditation. It is important that t h e n e c e s s i t y o f d e v e l o p m e n t & all efforts be joined in this attempt to create implementation of accreditation standards of effective and reliable instrument for quality Physical Therapy (PT) Education program in assurance of PT Education in Pakistan Pakistan Method: The study reviews selected search Title: Different Concepts and Practices of result retrieved from multiple databases using Feedback in Undergraduate Dental Education certain keywords (accreditation, educational in Pakistan standards, physical therapy, education). The Authors: Sadaf Humayoun databases used are Google Scholar, ERIC, Institute: Rawal Institute of Health Sciences

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Aims: Feedback is considered an important Title: Problems faced by female Surgeons aspect of an educational experience. It has during training and Consultancy been found that problems have been Authors: Faryal Azhar, Tausief Fatima encountered to understand and assimilate Institute: Rawalpindi Medical University feedback by the students in undergraduate Aims: The first female British surgeon, dental institutes of Pakistan. They have Margaret Ann Bulkley (1795 – 1865), spent her different perceptions regarding feedback, entire career pretending to be a man named leading to unfavorable educational outcomes. James Barry. King Henry V111 forbade females Method: This cross-sectional, questionnaire- to become surgeons. The purpose of this study based study was conducted in Rawal Institute is to explore the problems faced by females of health Sciences (RIHS). A total of 159 dental during their fellowship training. students composed of 107 females and 52 Method: This study was conducted during the males from different levels of the period of 3 months in different hospitals of undergraduate dentistry (BDS) program Lahore and Rawalpindi/Islamabad. Purposive participated. The data was organized and sampling was done. The data was collected by mean value, standard deviation and in-depth interviews. The female consultant proportion were used to quantify the surgeons with at least 3 years post fellowship quantitative and categorical study and experience was interviewed. The data was outcome variables. triangulated and analyzed using NVivo. Results: Feedback practices were found to be Results: Female surgeons are facing challenges occurring in this traditional environment, during their career. There is obvious femininity although they were not readily identified as discrimination. The barriers are there in 'feedback' by participants. The conceptions of achieving academic excellence. Mistreatment students were varied, and the linguistic at workplace is another challenge. Gender association of the word 'feedback' with prejudice is major component at workplace. educational practices had similarities and Conclusion: The pathway to become a female differences with the western-centric surgeon is full of thorns but if more and more conceptions of feedback. The majority of females will choose the way, it will make life students (80%) realized the importance of easy for female surgeons. We must use feedback and expressed its need during their numerous strategies to reduce the gender bias study. Senior students perceived that they in Surgery. received less formal feedback than their junior colleagues (P < 0.05). Majority of the students Title: EPAs for Radiology Clerkship; A expressed an interest to include a suggested modified Delphi study learning plan for their future learning progress. Authors: Bushra Nayyar Conclusion: It is described that students are Institute: Riphah International University mostly devoid of formally instituted feedback Aims: Standard undergraduate radiology practices. They have understandings and education is essential to prepare graduates for practices, both similar and dissimilar in nature multidisciplinary practice yet literature lacks to often described in western-centric clear guidelines or consensus about learning literature. Formal education about the objectives of an optimal radiology clerkship. phenomenon of feedback and training of its This study aims to define a competency based appropriate use may help streamline the framework for undergraduate radiology educational process. education by using language of Entrustable

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Professional activities. Ahmed Khan Method: A modified Delphi method with three Institute: Riphah International University iterative rounds was used as an expert Aims: Post hoc item analysis includes consensus approach. An online questionnaire evaluation of difficulty index, discrimination with 5 point Likert scale was formulated index and distractor efficiency of individual incorporating EPAs and their components MCQ items. This serves to ensure quality of (competencies, assessment strategies and exam. The aim of the present study was to supervision levels). This was distributed to 45 assess the quality of an examination through consultant radiologists selected via purposive post-hoc item analysis. sampling, following pilot study.Items reaching Method: A post-hoc item analysis was consensus in first round were accepted and conducted for 3rd year MBBS midyear high rest were resend in round 2. In round 3, a stakes assessment. A pre hoc quality check of dichotomous scale was used for final approval the items had been done prior the exam. A of items and to see response stability. total of 181 items were analysed, 106 of them Results: A final set of 6 EPAs with 87 having 5 options to choose from and 75 items competencies and respective assessment with 4 option choices. Descriptive as well as strategies, all aiming for level "3a" of inferential statistics were used to analyse the supervision was identified (performing under data. indirect supervision, supervisor checks all Results: The results showed that the reliability findings). These include recommending cost coefficient of the exam was good (0.88). 80% effective appropriate imaging tests for items were in acceptable range of difficulty common pathologies, obtaining informed level (144/181). The discrimination index of consent for contrast studies, basic 57% items was in acceptable range. 43% interpretation and communication of results of (77/181) had poor discrimination index with common pathologies/emergencies on 1 0 % ( 1 8 / 1 8 1 ) s h o w i n g n e g a t i v e radiographs (chest, abdominal and skeletal) discrimination. A total of 649 distractors were and on CT brain. The study had high response present, 424 from 5 option choice items and rate(71.1, 87.5 and 89.2 percent for respective 225 from 4 option choice items. Distractor rounds) and reliability coefficient (Cronbach's efficiency was high (100%) in 54 item, alpha of 0.98, 0.81 and 0.86 for respective moderate (ranging from 50-75%) in 92 items rounds) along with response stability at end of and less than acceptable (0- 33%) in 35 items. rounds. Conclusion: This study highlights the Conclusion: The EPAs identified from this study importance of post hoc item analysis in can be envisaged as a core component of providing valuable information to assess the undergraduate radiology curriculum and can quality of items. This serves to help modify be linked to current clerkship objectives. By items for banking, future test development designing these EPAs, a step is moved and to detect errors in pre hoc analysis. towards competency based approach to undergraduate radiology training and Title: The Reflection of Mentoring on Dental assessment. Students for Their Personal and Professional Development Title: The importance of Post hoc item Authors: Zain Gulzar, Annam Aziz, Arooj ul analysis in assessing quality of an exam Hassan, Zunaira Arooj Authors: Madiha Sajjad, Samina Iltaf, Rehan Institute: Institute of Advanced Dental

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Sciences and Research Conclusion: This study described the use of Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate group mentoring sessions as a strategy to dental students perceptions of mentor groups facilitate reflective discussions about clinical as an instructional method to facilitate experiences and personal development students' reflection in terms of the strategy's among the students is beneficial. Mentoring learning potential, role of the mentor, group groups sessions were appreciated by the dynamics, and feasibility.Continuity in students along with the role of mentor and is mentorship helps students to reflect on and potentially valuable approach in dental r e c o g n i ze t h e i r o w n p ro fe s s i o n a l education. development. Method: At University Dental Hospital,The Title: Do We Need To Care: Emotional University of Lahore, dental students were Intelligence And Empathy Of Medical And encouraged to reflect on their clinical Dental Students experiences and personal development in Authors: Urooj Saleem, Muhammad Irfan, reflective mentoring session. Sessions were Ayesha Abdullah, Mifrah Rauf Sethi guided by mentors to establish a safe Institute: Peshawar Medical College environment, frame clinical discussions, and Aims: Biomedical knowledge, though pre- stimulate reflection. Students perceptions of requisite, needs to be supported by other the experience were assessed with a 17- important skills, in order to transform medical statement questionnaire followed by four education and healthcare delivery. This study themes (learning potential, role of the mentor, was thus planned to analyze the correlation group dynamics, and feasibility) with response between emotional intelligence (EI) and options on a five-point Likert scale (1=totally empathy in medical and dental undergraduate disagree to 5=totally agree). All the students students. were asked to complete the questionnaire. Method: This cross-sectional correlational Completed questionnaires were collected by study was conducted at public and private the mentors and returned to the principal sector medical and dental institutions of investigator. Peshawar, Pakistan from February 2015 to June Results: A total of 250 students returned 2017. Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale questionnaires, resulting in response rates of (SEiS) & Davis' Interpersonal Reactivity Index 68% respectively. The responses showed that (IRI) were used to assess emotional the students were neutral to positive about the intelligence and empathy. The data was statements related to learning potential with analyzed using SPSS-20. The p-value of <0.05 the result of 73.73 % for all four years. In was considered significant when tests of general, the students agreed on the significance were applied importance of the mentor's role during Results: The mean age of the sample (n=2170) reflective mentoring group sessions with the was 21.02±1.62 years. High level of EI result of 73.87 %. All statements about group (118.60±15.78) was reported in 1191 (54.9%) dynamics aspects were perceived as beneficial while higher empathy (63.24±14.24) was for reflections with 70.37%. The strategy used reported in 1115 (51.4%) students. Female in the Mentoring sessions and the feasibility medical students had significantly higher was perceived as neutral to positive with the empathic behaviour and emotional total of 63.37 %. intelligence than male students (p<0.05), while

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no significant difference was found between use of performance enhancement drugs by male and female dental students. Medical Modified Doping Use Belief (DUB) tool, and students of private sector showed higher level practice of these drugs. of empathy as compared to public sector Results: Among all respondents 46.9% were (p<0.05), whereas dental students of private never studied sports course in neither in sector showed higher level of emotional graduation nor in post-graduation and out of intelligence as compared to public sector them only 35.5% have idea about doping, (p<0.05). EI and Empathy had significant 44.5% have knowledge regarding banned correlation (r=.370, p=0.000). substances and media was the main source of Conclusion: The study showed that EI and this information 84.8%. Majority of empathy have strong correlation. Since higher respondents showed positive belief of non-use levels of both have been reported in only half of doping agents. Among all the respondents of the students, therefore, there is a need to 76.2% and 70.2%, believed that Performance work on EI of students to improve in their enhancements drugs should not be allowed to empathetic behaviour use at top level and at any level for all athletes. 94% had not been offered any doping agent Title: Doping Knowledge, Beliefs and and 85.1% had not any experience of banned Practices among Physiotherapists drugs. Authors: Wajeeha, Ahsan Javed, Hafiz Conclusion: The study concluded that Muhammad Asim physiotherapists have low knowledge Institute: University of Health Sciences, Lahore regarding doping, Despite this limited Aims: As the physiotherapists are involved in knowledge, they agreed that such practices fitness and performance enhancement the of should not be encouraged. Physiotherapists regular athletes and their management is not lack sufficient source of doping information so possible without the proper knowledge of that educational institutes should start sports doping. This study focused on current course as a part of curriculum and develop knowledge of physiotherapists about doping educational programs for doping prevention. and how much attention they pay to this serious issue. Title: Challenges to Medical Education Method: A cross sectional study was Accreditation System affecting quality of conducted among 390 physiotherapists under-graduate medical education in working in different government and private Pakistan hospital, private clinics and teaching Authors: Abdul Waheed Khan universities in Lahore. Data was collected by Aims: Mostly, private medical colleges, in convenient sampling technique; 369 Pakistan, are struggling with inadequate respondents gave completely filled Performa training facilities, adversely affecting clinical resulting in response rate of 94.61 %. A self- training of of future medical graduates. The administered Performa consisted of doping aim of this study was to explore challenges to knowledge like have they studied the sports improving the accreditation system of the course, major source of information and Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC), different aspects related to doping i.e. affecting the quality of undergraduate medical prevention, prohibited list, anti-doping testing education. procedures and rules of violations, beliefs on Method: It was a Qualitative, case study;

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conducted at Islamic International Medical for Health Sciences College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, from March Aims: Team based learning (TBL) is a 2018 to August 2018. Qualitative data was technologically enhanced student centered collected through face to face semi-structured yet teacher guided pedagogical approach, interviews and Focus Group Discussions. associated with improved student Interview questionnaire was formulated after engagement, critical thinking and knowledge thorough deliberation and expert validation. retention in complex courses. The present All interviews and FGD were audio recorded, study reports the effectiveness of an transcribed, coded and analyzed manually, improvised version of TBL with High fidelity followed by thematic analysis. Sampling simulation in postgraduate students in clinical technique was Purposive, Non-probability, pharmacology. Maximum Variation Sampling and sample size Method: The study was carried out in Jeddah comprised of 12 semi-structured interviews of campus of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University senior faculty members, from various for Health Sciences-WR. A within subject disciplines, both from public and private experimental design was used. Postgraduate medical colleges, having previous inspection students enrolled in clinical pharmacology experience for accreditation of medical (two credit hours module) were included in the institutions. study. TBL with high fidelity simulation Results: Thematic analysis revealed 42 codes, (SimMan® and SimBaby® Laerdal) was used for narrowing to 15 sub themes and four major five weeks followed by Test 1(80 test items). themes. Mounting political influence leading TBL with case based application exercise to un-ethical practices in PM&DC, (conventional TBL model) was used for the commercialism in medical education, weak next five weeks, followed by Test 2 (80 test regulatory capacity of the council, violation of items). The scores of Test 1 and Test 2 were rules/SOPs, lack of skilled inspectors, compared for knowledge and cognitive items. inspectors' inspection biases, weak inspection Results: The difference in scores of the standards and lack of objective curricular knowledge based (recall/core concepts) items assessment were few major challenges to the in test 1 and test 2 was not statistically accreditation process of the PM&DC. significant (p=0.075) however the overall score Conclusion: Since credibility and capacity of in test 1 (81.3%) was slightly better than test 2 the PM&DC to function as a robust regulatory (83.57%). There was a significant difference in authority is at stake, therefore, there is utmost test outcome of cognitive (analytical and requirement at PM&DC level for reviewing its application based) items (p=0.021) items in accreditation system/standards in line with test 1 (88.1%) and test 2 (71.45%). credible accreditation systems being practiced Conclusion: Test performance of postgraduate globally. students was better in TBL with high fidelity simulation (used in application phase) Title: Effectiveness of Team based learning compared to the conventional TBL model. with High fidelity simulation on test Student centered and active class learning performance of postgraduate students in methods can be synergistically employed as clinical Pharmacology module TBL with high fidelity simulation with a Authors: Nusrat Bano prospect of improved test performance. Institute: King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University

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Title: Anatomy & Surgery: A love hate Title: Continuing Medical Education in relationship Cantonment General Hospital: Hurdling the Authors: Sarah Khalid first fence Institute: Shalamar Medical and Dental Authors: Safia Khalil , Saadia Sultana College Institute: Cantonment General Hospital Aims: Anatomy remains an integral Rawalpindi component of medicine, Unprecedent Aims: Background: Medical Education integration, reduction in teaching hours and Department was inaugurated in Cantonment indecorous use of methodologies has had a General Hospital, Rawalpindi in August 2018 to negative impact on anatomical knowledge. meet the PMDC criteria for establishment of a The objective of the study was to analyze the future medical college. Objective: To evaluate perspectives of students, surgeons and the effect of Continuing Medical Education anatomists towards clinical relevance and Activities in Cantonment General Hospital in methodologies in anatomical teaching. the first year of implementation. Method: The descriptive cross-sectional study Method: Materials and methods: This was carried out at anatomy department of descriptive, cross sectional study was Shalamar medical & dental college, Lahore. A conducted in Cantonment General Hospital, total of 700 surgeons, anatomists and MBBS Rawalpindi from 1st August 2018 to 30th students of private and public medical colleges September 2019. It was a census of all workers of Lahore Participated in the study. Written history of post basic training in the period informed consent was taken from the under study. Response target was set at participants, self-administered questionnaire 85%.The analyzed components included venue was distributed, frequencies and percentages of CMEs ,no. of CMEs attended in the last year , were calculated and evaluated. course attendance in internal CMEs, Results: According to the responses of the attendance in internal CMEs by cadre, surgeons (65%) anatomy being taught in the supervisory support, feedback on CME pre-clinical years does not meet the clinical organization , finance and coordination & how n e e d s . 8 0 % o f s u r g e o n s , 3 2 % o f CME could be improved. Data was analyzed undergraduates and 67% anatomists were in manually on microsoft office excel. favor of vertical integration. 72% of Results: House officers were the target respondents selected "cadaveric dissection” as audience of CMEs in Cantonment General the most beneficial method of anatomy Hospital. teaching. Both the surgeons and anatomists Response rate was 68% among house officers were of the opinion that the time allocated to and overall response rate was 50%. A total of anatomy teaching was currently inadequate 14 CME activities were conducted which should be enhanced. included quarterly BLS. There was limited part- Conclusion: It was clearly established that time staff to organize CME and no allocated students, anatomists and surgeons alike budget. Average attendance in CME was 19.7. support guided, continuous and integrated Ninety three percent of house officers anatomy teaching. The dissected cadaver attended at least 3 CMEs. Most of the remains the most powerful teaching resources respondents were well motivated, n=20 and restructuring of the medical curriculum is (66.6%) had plan for further clinical excellence the need of the day as perceived by all the in upcoming year. Respondents believed that participants. CMEs are useful to improve knowledge (21),

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skill (9), and credit hours (2). Most of the processes and have influenced tools that respondents suggested improvements in appear modern, yet have roots in religious organization and process. tradition of education. Conclusion: Cantonment General Hospital has crossed the first barrier towards medical Title: Perceptions of Muslim parents and education. teachers towards sex education in Pakistan Authors: Amina Nadeem, Maryam Khalid Title: De'Javu: Relevance, Feasibility, Cheema, Sheharyar Zameer Reliability and Validity of Islamic Perspectives Institute: Army Medical College, NUMS in Medical Education of Modern Times Aims: First Pakistani study designed to assess Authors: Mowadat Rana the perceptions of Muslim parents and Institute: College of Physicians and Surgeons, teachers towards sex education in Pakistan. Pakistan Method: A comparative cross-sectional, multi- Aims: The paper deals with the origin and centered study was conducted in Rawalpindi/ historical development of educational Islamabad region which extended over a perspectives in Islam and discusses their period of three months, Oct – Dec 2018. A sustainability and relevance in modern day sample of 418 individuals was categorized into medical education. A parallel is drawn two equal groups, parents and teachers, between the scholarly contributions of utilizing uncontrolled quota sampling monotheistic religions towards education and technique. A modified version of a structured, principles adopted by modern day medical pre-tested and validated self-administered education. questionnaire was employed. Method: Drawing from relevance, feasibility, Results: A 273/418 surveys were returned. 160 reliability and validity principles the speaker (58.6%) were categorized as teachers while discusses unique and innovative concepts of 113 (41.4%) were parents. 76.1% (n=86) laying a holy curriculum, introduction of parents and 64.4% (n=103) teachers innovative methods of teaching / modes of responded affirmatively when asked whether information transfer, emphasis on experiential they thought that age appropriate sex learning, maintenance of logs through unseen education should be taught in school. Majority agents of the evaluator, formative and believed that 'bullying prevention' and 'sexual summative assessments regulated by the abuse prevention' should begin being taught at prophets, their progeny, and companions, as Kindergarten – Grade 2 level. 'Pregnancy much as by the guides, internal and external prevention' was least supported topic. Top evaluation in here and hereafter. perceived barrier related to teaching sexuality Results: The use of a system of a fair and education (93.1% teachers; 77.9% parents) efficient system of examination, certification was that some parents did not want it taught in of those who pass and fail, with detailed list of schools. 'Sexual abuse prevention' was long term implications of the training, and identified as the top perceived benefit (85.8% completion of assigned tasks and results parents; 90.6% teachers). achieved is visited. Conclusion: Our study reported existence of Conclusion: The paper highlights how these varied attitudes among Pakistani parents and these apparently theological models have had teachers regarding sex education. Bullying philosophical and cognitive impact on a prevention and sexual abuse prevention were modern day medical educationist's though among the most highly supported sexuality-

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related topics while pregnancy prevention was Title: Pharmacy Students' Perception from least supported. their current Hospital Wards Rotations (HWR) Authors: Najia Rahim Title: How a Journal Club Course Changed Institute: Dow University Learners' Approach in a Medical Doctorate Aims: To investigate the overall pharmacy Program- an Analysis of the PhD Scholars' students' perception about the effectiveness Perspective and utilization of their current hospital ward Authors: Tania Shakoori rotations to improve knowledge and skills of Institute: Center for Research in Molecular clinical pharmacist. Medicine, University of Lahore Method: A cross-sectional study was Aims: Background/Aim: A structured journal conducted from October 2018 to December club course that counts towards the final 2018 using a survey instrument containing 21 assessment was introduced in a medical items that was administered to obtain doctorate program course at King Edward feedback from the final-year clinical pharmacy Medical University, Pakistan. This study aims to students of govt. and private universities. All explore its effects on the learning approach of the final-year pharmacy students who PhD scholars. underwent clerkship training were invited to Method: A qualitative study comprising of a participate in this study. The obtained data focus group discussion, involving eight out of were entered in SPSS V22.0 for analysis. the total of thirteen PhD scholars was Descrip¬tive statistics and one-way ANNOVA conducted in 2017. Focus group discussions were performed. were transcribed verbatim and codes and Results: Of the 200 Pharm D students invited themes were identified using grounded theory. for this survey, 167 (83.5% response rate) The findings were triangulated with data from completed the survey with the mean age of teaching feedback forms of the course from all 22.58± students from private the thirteen PhD scholars from 2015 to 2017. university and 44.9% from government Results: The participants described an overall university. Most of the students responded positive effect of the course on their learning, moderately positive response (approximately including development of critical and scientific mean score of 3.5). Students from different thinking. They also reported improvement in universities have significantly different their clinical and teaching practice. They response to some items of the questionnaire attributed these to the interactive nature of (p<0.05). the course, role playing as author while Conclusion: Majority of Pharm D students who presenting the assigned paper in journal club, completed the survey were “moderately help from the study guide, interdisciplinary satisfied” with their clinical training program. peer learning and the awareness that they Faculty or trainers should take more effort to were being graded on their performance. demonstrate practice-based clinical training Conclusion: A semester long structured and provide patient-centered education to journal club course that contributes to the final PharmD students during their hospital ward assessment may be an effective tool to teach rotations. medical doctorate students about the research process and critical appraisal skills.

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Title: Determinants of Post Graduate Conclusion: After careful consideration, it can Perception of Educational Environment at be concluded that many factors correlate with L i a q u a t U n i v e r s i t y H o s p i t a l , PHEEM scores and may determine student's Hyderabad/Jamshoro perception of educational environment. Authors: Aatir H. Rajput, Muhammad Interestingly, a modifiable determinant Muneeb, Tahir Hanif, Abid Ali, Anam Shaikh, (stress) is come forth in this research and Moin Ahmed Ansari future research needs to be conducted to see Institute: Liaquat University of Medical & how stress alleviation affects perceptions of Health Sciences, Jamshoro educational environment. Aims: The educational environment is an important determinant of students' behavior Title: Design, development & validation of an and is related to their achievements. Various assessment tool for undergraduate medical factors play a determining part in constituting students in Community Health Sciences students perception of educational rotation environment. Aim of the study was to identify Authors: Farhat Malik, Saima Ali these determinants of post-graduate Institute: Peshawar Medical College residents' perception regarding hospital Aims: Medical educational has developed educational environment at Liaquat University steeply and remarkably with the introduction Hospital of many new concepts to its portfolio. Training Method: This cross sectional study was and tutoring have become more logical and conducted at Liaquat University Hospital, meticulous with pedagogical principle and Hyderabad/Jamshoro, in from May, 2018 to problem-based curriculum that enhances October, 2018 on a sample of 210 post effective learning. Instructors have proceeded graduate residents working at the said hospital from problem identifier to problem solver. for more than 6 months. Sample was chosen Tools lack in our part. via convenience sampling and after taking Method: A methodological study was carried informed written consent, an anonymous self- out at Peshawar Medical College from administered questionnaire in English, October- 2017 to March- 2018, to evaluate the consisting of Likert type modified form of Post- validity and reliability of an assessment tool Graduate Hospital Educational Environment through the three-stage process i.e Delphi Measure (PHEEM) and Perceived Stress Scale, technique. Certification from an institutional was used to obtained data. Data was analyzed review board was obtained from Prime via SPSS v. 19.0 and MS Excel 2013. Foundation. The process was initiated by slot Results: The mean score of PHEEM was found regulation, component development, to be 96.32 + 14.67. Male gender, un-married questionnaire generation followed by status, rural dwelling, lower socio-economic judgment and analysis by the public health class and training under male supervisors panel experts. Relevance; representativeness correlated with more positive perception of and transparency of each item were judged educational environment. Female students through Likert scale. Validity and reliability reported more negative perception of calculated in the final steps. Suggestions were educational environment. Higher stress levels incorporated for face validity. Data analyzed by were also negatively associated with the SPSS Version- 21. PHEEM score. Results: The five-public health panel experts

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were postgraduate degree holders with rich questionnaire was administered to 1st, 2nd, experience of 5- 20 years in teaching and 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students (n curriculum development. Mear years of =380) in the academic year of 2013/2014. Data experience (14.2 Years) and SD +5.5 (n=5). were entered and analyzed using SPSS version Three Delphi rounds conducted to generate 20.0. prospective 56 item assessment tool for Results: Out of 400 students, 380 students undergraduate students. Rewording; participated in the study (response rate of elimination; modification, and suggestions 95%). The mean total score for the 4 incorporated reduced the list from 56 to 35 (24 institutions was 120 out of total score of 200. in knowledge domain and 11 in skill) final For institution A, the score was 125.4± 18.6 SD, items. Acceptable values of content validity for institution B, the score was 124.9±21.8 SD, ratio; content validity index with item and scale for institution C, the score was 119±18.9 SD content validity index calculated. Percent and for institution D, the score was 109.7±24.2 agreement; kappa statistics and excellent SD out of a total score of 200. The average Cronbach's alpha determined for knowledge DREEM score of preclinical group was 115 and and skills domains separately. clinical group was 124 out of 200 for all the Conclusion: The findings support the face colleges. validity of the present research tool. Content Conclusion: Students in this study reported a validity and reliability were sufficient enough positive perception of their educational to evaluate the knowledge and skills of environment in all 4 dental institutions and the undergraduate students. Training regarding domain scores were also satisfactory. Certain content validity and process of validation is areas need further exploration and highly recommended for the academic improvements, which should serve as a teachers, researchers and all those involved in decision support mechanism for educationists teaching... in rationalizing their priorities for reforms.

Title: Determining the Quality of Educational Title: Motivation, cognitive and resource Climate across four Undergraduate Dental management skills: Association of self- Colleges in Rawalpindi/Islamabad using The regulated learning domains with gender, Dreem Inventory clinical transition and academic performance Authors: Owais Khalid Durrani of undergraduate medical students Institute: Islamic International Dental Authors: Maryam Khalid Cheema, Amina Hospital, Riphah International University Nadeem, Mahnoor Aleem Aims: To investigate the perception of current Institute: Army Medical College, NUMS educational environment and to compare the Aims: Studies have associated self-regulated learning environments of different dental learning with better medical academic educational institutions. performance. However, limited data depicts Method: It is a cross sectional study in which inter-gender variabilities and differences Dundee Ready Education Environment between pre-clinical students and those Measure (DREEM) Questionnaire; a measure undergoing clinical transition. Our study aims of educational environment is used. It was to bridge this gap. carried out in 4 different dental colleges across Method: In this comparative cross-sectional Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The DREEM study, Motivated Strategies for Learning

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Questionnaire was administered to 550 (WHO) patient safety curriculum into undergraduate students of Army Medical undergraduate medical education in Pakistan. College. Method: A qualitative interpretive case study Results: 339/550 students responded. was conducted at Riphah International Reliability analysis was performed (Cronbach's University, Islamabad, from October 2016 to a = 0.936). Extrinsic motivation was higher June 2017. The study included 9 faculty than intrinsic. Use of cognitive, metacognitive members and 1 expert on patient safety. The and resource management skills was modest. interviews were audio-taped, and a thematic Academic performance was weakly but analysis of the transcripts was performed using significantly correlated with intrinsic goal NVivo software. orientation (p = 0.031), extrinsic goal Results: Four themes were derived based on orientation (p=0.003), elaboration (p = 0.001), the need analysis model. The sub-themes time/study environment (p=0.009) and effort derived from the collected data were arranged regulation (p =0.009). Extrinsic goal under the themes of strengths, weaknesses, orientation mean score was significantly lower opportunities, and threats, in accordance with (p < 0.001) for 3rd year students when the principles of SWOT analysis. The strengths compared with that of pre-clinical students. identified were the need for a formal patient Females had higher task-value scores (p = safety curriculum and its early integration into 0.009) while males had higher self-efficacy (p = the undergraduate program. The weaknesses 0.002) and critical thinking (p = 0.012) scores. were faculty awareness and participation in Conclusion: Study concludes that academic development programs. The opportunities performance and self-regulated learning were an ongoing effort to develop an domains are weakly but significantly appropriate curriculum, to improve current correlated. Students undergoing clinical culture of healthcare, and to use WHO transition have lower extrinsic motivation. curricular resource guide. The threats were Inter-gender variabilities exist in task-value, attitudes towards patient safety in Pakistani critical thinking and self-efficacy domains. This culture. study opens up new vistas for educationists Conclusion: The theme of patient safety needs who should revise curricula, academic reward to be incorporated early into the formal systems and pedagogy forms. medical education curriculum, with the main goals of striving to do no harm and seeing Title: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, mistakes as opportunities to learn. Faculty and Threats Analysis of Integrating the World development activities need to be organized, Health Organization Patient Safety and faculty members should to be encouraged Curriculum into Undergraduate Medical to participate. Education in Pakistan: A Qualitative Case Study Title: Empowering the students in Curriculum Authors: Samreen Misbah development Institute: Army Medical College, Rawalpindi Authors: Isra Khan Aims: The purpose of this study was to Institute: , Abbottabad co n d u c t a st re n gt h s , we a k n e s s e s , Aims: A qualitative case study was done on opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of 1st May, 2019 at Ayub Medical College, integrating the World Health Organization Abbottabad. The main aim was to explore the

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difficulties faced in the current curriculum and available on assessment of professionalism for student empowerment in the development of learning. curriculum. Method: This literature review was performed Method: Total number of participants were following the recommendations of the 100 which comprised of 75 students from preferred reporting items for systematic 3rd,4th and final year and 25 faculty members. reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). The 10 of the faculty members and 10 students focus was to explore studies with key words were a part of the College curriculum planning such as “assessment” and “tools available for committee and the remaining individuals were formative assessment of professionalism” by not. They were selected to hold good opinions employing Haig and dozier approach of and results regarding the topic under Boolean commands “AND” and “OR”. Original consideration. All the 100 individuals were and review article were retrieved from provided with questionnaires comprising of a PubMed, ERIC and Google scholar from 2007 total of 5 questions which were later collected to 2017. The citations of the articles were for evaluation. considered along with exclusion and inclusion Results: The importance of student criteria. Article which were found to be mainly empowerment in curriculum development applicable were read in full and their reference was acknowledged and fully supported by all lists consulted. the 75 students. 19 faculty members were also Results: The review describes the practices in support with the exception of 6 faculty regarding development and validation of members, who had a few reservations and assessment instrument from first-hand certain limitations were put forward by them. research, reviews, quantitative and qualitative Conclusion: The study has accentuated the research studies. A total of 1,184 articles were importance of student empowerment in screened. Out of these 740 articles which were curriculum development to eliminate and full text and peer reviewed were screened. annihilate the difficulties faced by the students After title and abstract screen 454 articles were and has brought forward a concept that can excluded and 286 articles were retrieved. Next revolutionize the notion of curriculum 136 full text articles were studied and 76 were planning. excluded and 45 during data extraction. Finally, only 15 studies met the eligibility criteria and Title: Assessment of professionalism in the were included. Main quality criteria and local context: systematic literature review of standards for developing an instrument of assessment tools assessment of professionalism were identified. Authors: Humaira Fayyaz Khan, Raheela Conclusion: This systematic review revealed a Yasmeen, Shabana Ali, Tahira Sadiq gap in assessment tool development due to Institute: Islamic International Medical unsatisfactory methodologies. Few studies College, Rawalpindi reported “Content validity ratio” ,“Content Aims: A systematic review of the tools validity Index” and “Content validity scale” available for professionalism was undertaken with “confirmatory factor analysis”. Future as it has emerged as a major competency for studies should give priority to improve the the undergraduate medical students to development process of a tool for assessment achieve as they exit medical college. The main in the local context. consideration was to find out studies and tools

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T i t l e : T h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n Aims: Background: During the past decade, undergraduate teaching settings and MRCP there has been a paradigm shift in medical outcomes education from the problem-based learning to Authors: Hassan Baig competency-based training. This has forced a Institute: University of Aberdeen U.K. new way of thinking of the way we evaluate the Aims: British medical education sets high dental graduates and finally give them the right expectations internationally. The University of to handle patients independently. Aberdeen (UoA) is a highly ranking medical Method: A cross-sectional study was school in the UK. This research analysed the conducted at CMH Lahore Institute of relationship between the hours spent within Dentistry. Convenient sampling technique was different clinical teaching settings and the pass used. A questionnaire comprising potential 7 rates of the MRCP (UK) Part 2 Clinical EPAs in Prosthodontics, 4 in operative Examination (PACES). dentistry, 1 in orthodontics, 2 in Endodontics, 7 Method: The total number of hours allocated in Oral surgery, 6 in Periodontology and 4 in for the teaching of clinical skills in UoA were miscellaneous category was used. The coded for the academic year 2015/16. Data questionnaire was circulated among the 30 allocation was based on the year of study and faculty members of CMH Lahore Institute of the clinical setting in which the students were dentistry. The respondents were asked to taught. Three parameters were identified for grade the EPAs on a scale of 0–4 based on the the teaching of clinical skills; Communication importance of that activity as an EPA. (C), Practical (P) and Ward-based (W). Results: Fifteen out of thirty activities had an Results: The cumulative number of hours average score of 3 or above and were spent teaching clinical skills in UoA over the shortlisted as EPAs for the fresh dental five years was 3,353.8 (C: 25.8, P:68, W:3160). graduates. The following procedures were Stratification based on year of study showed considered to be essential by the dental the following hours were spent in each clinical faculty: 1. Partial denture fabrication 2. Crown setting: Year 1 (C:42, P:9, W:9), Year 2 (C:15.5, placement procedures 3. Filling a diseased or P:36.5, W:46), Year 3 (C:20.3, P:22.5, W:41), fractured tooth 4. Sealants 5. Atraumatic Year 4 (C:0, P:0, W:1792) and Year 5 (C:48, P:0, restorative dentistry 6. Tooth extraction 7. W:1272). Scaling 8. History taking 9. Treatment planning Conclusion: The UoA 'integrated' teaching 10. Diagnostic procedures 11. technique reveals that an increased delivery of Conclusion: There is a dire need to teaching hours within wards has resulted in a reconstitute the dental curriculum in line with pass rate of 65.1% for the PACES exam. This the competency based training. This study is score is significantly higher than 'other the first step towards determining the EPAs for candidates' (non-UK trainees), who show a the dental graduates before starting the house pass rate of 38.5%. job.

Title: Determining entrustable professional Title: Learning to construct Case Cluster MCQ activities for Dental graduates: The Treasure through Faculty Development workshop Hunt Authors: Tahira Sadiq, Rahila Yasmeen Authors: Munsara Khalid Khan Institute: Islamic International Medical Institute: CMH Lahore Medical and Dental College, Rawalpindi College Aims: Teaching strategies like problem-based

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learning had better impact on students if This present study was aimed to obtain assessed through Case Cluster MCQs. Gap in feedback of students after teaching them literature was found that faculty was not physiology through video sessions trained enough. Aim is to assess the learning of Method: A total number 153 medical students knowledge and skill as a result of FD workshop with informed consent were included in the on construction of case cluster MCQ. observational study. Out of which 76 belonged Method: It is a quantitative, program to 1st year (group A) were given video session evaluation study with one group pre and post on Musculoskeletal module while 77 students program design. It involves the faculty belonged to 2nd year (group B) were given members of basic and preclinical sciences. The video session on Head and Neck module. intervention used was one day workshop Before the sessions each class had the based on adult learning principles, conducted interactive lectures on their respective on 75 faculty members, sampled through modules. Both group A & B were given census sampling technique. Learning of feedback forms (given in Annexure 1) to fill knowledge was assessed in the form of MCQs after 30 minutes of video session of their and skill was assessed through NBME checklist respective modules. Feedback forms were for Case Cluster MCQs before and after the evaluated by calculating percentages of workshop. Data was analysed through SPSS responses. and Statistical test applied was t test. Results: Feedback response was assessed; the Results: Improvement in learning in terms of results of which are: Content of session (60%** knowledge about construction of Case Cluster 35% *),Concepts reinforcement (50% ** 45% MCQs from pre-test (mean= 3.53/10, p=0.00) *), Organized physical environment (54%** to post test (mean= 7.21/10, p=0.00) was 37% *), Session alignment with module highly significant. Skill was measured through (50%** 44% *), Adequate time allocation hands on activity on construction of Case (40%** 53% *)Sufficient cognitive load Cluster MCQ before and after the workshop, (35%&** 58% *), Understanding of difficult scored by observer on a checklist with 30 topics (38%** 56% *) **Completely agreed parameters. Significant improvement was *Agreed found before (mean= 1/30, p=0.00) and after Conclusion: It was concluded after taking the workshop (mean= 19.3/30, p=0.00). feedback from students that video session Conclusion: Faculty development programs enhanced student's learning and they consider like workshops improves in learning of it as an effective content-delivery tool to knowledge and skill on a relatively new skill of understand difficult concepts. Constructing Case Cluster MCQs. Title: Association of Body Mass Index, Dietary Title: Impact of Video Session in Clarification behaviour And Physical activity on Bone of Concepts of Physiology Health among Undergraduate Students Authors: Shazia Ali Authors: Fouzia Batool, Sidra Ali Naqvi, Institute: Islamic International Medical College Muhammad Ali, Faisal Saeed, Majid Hussain, Aims: Feedback is a method by which one can Hania Faheen judge or analyze the impact. So, the impact of Institute: Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University video sessions on students learning can be Aims: In childhood and puberty, the bone assessed by taking feedback from students. density intensifies but as the person enters in

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young adulthood, the bone mass starts to status and prevention for bone weakness in consolidate under the influence of different undergraduate students. factors. The purpose of this study was to find the association of BMI, dietary behavior and Title: Comparative study of hand hygiene physical activity with BMD in undergraduate behavior between doctor and nurses in students. tertiary care hospital: A survey to know Method: It was a cross-sectional analytical knowledge, attitude and practice of hand study which was conducted by non-probability hygiene behavior in health care workers convenient sampling within the duration of 06 Authors: Mahnoor Aleem, Maryam Khalid, Col months among 157 undergraduate students of Amina Nadeem , Hamra Javed twin cities. Those undergraduate students (18- Institute: Army Medical College, Rawalpindi. 25) who were independent in their ADLs were Aims: On average, health care providers clean included while those who were having any their hands less than half of time they should. diagnosed medical condition or recent history About one in 31 patient has at least one health of fracture were excluded. The data was care associated infection. Aim of study was to collected using International Physical activity compare knowledge, attitude and practice of (short form) and Eat-26 questionnaires, while hand hygiene behavior between doctors and calcaneal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) nurses. Sonost-3000 was used to determine bone Method: Cross sectional study done in tertiary mineral density. Informed consent was signed care hospital (CMH) within span of 4 months by each participant prior to participation. The from March 2018 to June 2018. Data was data was analyzed using SPSS version 21. collected from 56 doctors and 48 nurses (104 in Results: Out of 157, 27(17.20%) were males total). Sample selected by convenient and 130 (82.80%) were females with the mean sampling technique. Three questionnaire were age of 21.22 ±1.80. While the mean values of used, WHO hand hygiene knowledge BMI and dietary behaviour were 21.92 ± 3.89 questionnaire, Hand hygiene belief and and 13.24 ± 9.15 respectively. Majority Practice inventory. Data was analyzed by SPSS participants were having moderate activity version 25. Frequency table drawn for level 84(53.5%) and were osteopenic knowledge questionnaire and t test was run for 95(60.5%).The spearman's correlation showed hand hygiene belief, practice and importance that there is a negative weak but significant scale. relationship (r = -0.238, p= 0.003) between BMI Results: Doctors were able to correctly answer and BMD levels, It also shows that there is a statement about frequent source of germ weak negative relationship (r=-0.002, p= responsible for health associated infection, 0.978) between dietary behavior and BMD that which items should be avoided regarding levels while physical activity and BMD levels increase likelihood of colonization of hand have positive weak relationship (r=+0.002) washing and does hand rubbing should be Conclusion: The result of this study done or handwashing and does hand rubbing concluded that alone physical activity and BMI leads to dryness of skin, the difference in cannot contribute to better bone health unless correct response was statistically significant ( p it is combined with balanced diet rich in value was less than 0.05) . Nurses has higher calcium. A better understanding of all these total mean score than doctors in hand hygiene factors will contribute to positive bone health importance scale the difference is also

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significant ( p value is 0.004). was higher (p = 0.000) than Group II. For Group Conclusion: Our study showed doctors I AKUADS, BDI & BAI scores were inversely performed better in knowledge statements correlated to performance [(rho = -0.469, p = than nurses and nurses has stronger attitude 0.02), (rho = -0.023, p = 0.02), (rho = -0.072, p = towards Hand hygiene behavior than doctors , 0.74) respectively] while, for Group II also, however the total score of knowledge , AKUADS, BDI & BAI scores had inverse attitude and practice of nurses and doctors correlation to performance [(rho = -0.816, p = overall has no statistically significant 0.00), (rho = -0.872, p = 0.00), (rho = -0.871, p = difference. 0.00). Conclusion: Students who opt medicine on Title: Comparison of Depression, Anxiety and their own have low incidence of depression Performance Scales of the Medical Students and/or anxiety and higher academic who Opted Medicine on their Own and those performance as compared to their age, weight who Opted under Parental Pressure and ethnicity matched counterparts who Authors: Ali Mehdi, Shan-E-Zainab, Jalil Abbas, joined medicine forcefully. Moreover, AKUADS, Hamid Hassan BDI and BAI scores are inversely correlated to Institute: Nishtar Medical University, Multan academic performance of medical students Aims: To compare depression, anxiety too. (calculated on AKUADS, BDI and BAI questionnaires) and academic scores (last Title: Establishing Construct Validity of professional examination score) between AMEET Inventory medical students who opted medicine on their Authors: Rizwana Shahid, Rehan Ahmed Khan, own and who chose it under parental pressure. Rahila Yasmeen Also, to correlate AKUADS, BDI and BAI scores Institute: Rawalpindi Medical University to academic performance of medical students. Aims: To establish the construct validity of Method: It was a cross-sectional comparative Assessment of Medical Educational study carried out at Nishtar Medical University Environment by the Teachers inventory. Multan. 46 Male medical students, between Method: The cross-sectional analytical study 18-23 years of age, were selected through was conducted from January to May 2017 and convenience sampling and were divided comprised doctors working as faculty in equally into Group I (opted medicine Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi, themselves) & Group II (didn't opt medicine Pakistan, and its 3 teaching hospitals. Non- themselves). Degree of depression and anxiety probability (purposive) sampling was used to in both groups was calculated on AKUADS, BDI meet the criteria of 5 participants per item of and BAI questionnaires. Students with a BMI > the Assessment of Medical Educational 24.9 and WHR > 0.9 (WHO cutoffs of obesity for Environment by the Teachers inventory. South Asians), with family history of Exploratory factor analysis was done using depression/anxiety, with previous history of SPSS 20 and confirmatory factor analysis was psychiatric illness and/or recreational drug done with version 16 of the Analysis of intake were excluded from the study. Moment Structures software. Results: AKUADS, BDI, BAI scores of Group I Results: Of the 250 subjects, 126(50.4%) were were lower [(p = 0.000), (p = 0.000) and (p = males and 124(49.6%) were females. 0.000) respectively] while their academic score Exploratory factor analysis ended with

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extraction of 11 components. It showed distress coming along with cancer in a strong sufficiency of sample size and no multi- manner. Cancer support groups are one of the collinearity. Three (50%) of the six domains examples. Therefore therapeutic counseling were finalised on the whole and 10(20%) of the should be included in the course of treatment 50 items were debarred from the inventory. All of cancer. three domains had high reliability. Root mean square residual and chi square / degree of Title: Scoping Review/ Connectivism freedom were within acceptable limit. Authors: M. Riaz Shahbaz Janjua However, comparative fit index, goodness of fit Institute: Riphah International University index, normed fit index and root mean square Aims: C o n n e c t i v i s m i s " a c t i o n a b l e error of approximation portrayed not only knowledge, where an understanding of where poor model fit after re-running confirmatory to find knowledge may be is more important factor. than answering how or what that knowledge Conclusion: Construct validity of Assessment encompasses"(Betsy Duke, Ginger Harper, of Medical Educational Environment by the 2013).It provides insight into learning skills and Teachers inventory could not be established, tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital but the tool was found to be reliable. era (Nathaniel Otashewski, n.d.) Method: To do scoping review of connectivism Title: Investigating the satisfaction with life of to identify key concepts (themes) and gaps cancer patients suffering with stress and related to connectivism. METHODS: depression along with the moderating role of Methodological framework of Arksey and counseling O'Malley revised by Levac (2005) was used Authors: Hira Amin which includes five important steps, which are: Institute: Riphah International University Defined research question, ascertain Aims: The purpose of this study is to important studies, choose articles, graph the investigate the satisfaction of life of cancer data, and organise, encapsulate and report the patients suffering from stress and depression, research outcome. Multiple search engines who seek the role of counseling during their were used (PubMed, Google scholar, Eric) to treatment of cancer. And how counseling is find studies related to connectivism. fruitful for them in different ways. Results: Key concepts (themes): 1. Balanced Method :A questionnaire was designed, and online environment promotes communication the sample of (n=100) was collected from the and collaboration among classmates and cancer patients of public sector hospitals and instructors 2. Network structure can represent the data was analyzed through SPSS. the diversity and complexity of knowledge 3. Results: The results showed that the patients Control of learning is shifted from tutor to who adopted counseling during their autonomous learner 4. Educators have treatment of cancer had a far better prognosis important role to play in online network and were having likely more chances of learning 5. Knowledge is distributed across a recovery than the patients who did not avail network of connections formed by actions and counseling as a viable option. experiences Conclusion: Counseling provides a better- Conclusion : Gaps: 1.Connectivist framework guided role in the treatment of cancer and it needs to define the clear role of teacher and allows the individual to cope up with the student 2.Curriculum designing on the bases of

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connectivist theory needs more research 39.7%(±10.7). T-test showed a significant 3.Further work needed to find out strategies difference in the retained knowledge and its for information loading 4.Further research is clinical application (p= .000). needed to find out connectivist role in medical Conclusion: Despite learning through an education. integrated modular curriculum, the students had forgotten significant basic sciences Title: Ability of students to apply basic knowledge over subsequent 2 to 3 years. More sciences in clinical settings importantly, they lacked the competency to Authors: Inamullah Shah, Mehreen Baig, Jamil translate this basic sciences knowledge in Ahmad, Mehvish Noor clinical settings. This has implications in Institute: Foundation University Medical revisiting how we teach basic sciences to our College students. Aims: MBBS students starting their clinical years, were found to struggle in recalling and Title: Attributes of an Effective Speech applying their basic sciences knowledge in Pathology Research Supervisor; A Pakistani clinical situations. While memory decrement Perspective and integrative teaching have been conducted Authors: Ayesha Kamal Butt, Nayab Iftikhar, before, this study compares the retained Humaira Shammim, Rabia Zubair knowledge of basic sciences with its clinical Institute: Riphah International University application by final year MBBS students. Aims: Speech and language as a relatively Method: Study was carried out over a period of new field in Pakistan has limited empirical 3 years. 125 students starting their final year evidence to support the notion of best surgery clerkship in a private medical college in practices and attributes required for effective 2015, 2016 and 2017 enrolled in the study research supervision. The study aims to fill this voluntarily. Students were asked to take a gap and provide evidence for the attributes paper composed of two sets of MCQs. First and qualities of a competent and effective section contained questions from end of year research supervisor. exam of anatomy, physiology and pathology Method: The exploratory study employed a taken by these students from 2012-2015. mixed method approach, 30 question Likert Second section contained clinically relevant scale was designed and employed. The study questions of anatomy, physiology and also conducted two focus groups, one with 8 pathology. Paired samples t-test was applied to students who are currently carrying out compare the re-test score with their end of research and also 8 students who have already year exams scores, as well as their application completed their research. A sample of 115 score. students was employed from both campuses Results: A statistically significant drop in scores of Riphah International University who were was recorded in re-test of basic sciences (p= either currently completing their research or .008). There was 9.6 (±15.2)% drop in anatomy, those who had completed their master level 23.24% (±10.6) in physiology and 26.4% (±8.6) qualification thesis in Speech and Language drop in pathology scores with an overall drop in Pathology. A total of ten supervisors who have the basic sciences score by 19.7% (± 9.2). been involved in research supervision were Clinical application score of this retained included. knowledge was 13% (±9) lesser with a mean of Results: The study tool was evaluated for

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validity and reliability. The results were NVIVO version 11. calculated suggest attributes at two levels, Results: Most of the students considered it intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic qualities effective to have mentoring classes. They include personality of the supervisor and found mentoring supportive for self-grooming student, ethics, respect, hardworking, time and confidence. Third year found no guidance management, setting appropriate goals. in carrier development and emphasized the Extrinsic properties included knowledge of the need for better utilization of time. Final year subject, interest in the topic, links and students reflected that these sessions were prospects for publications, and existing helpful in improving their self-confidence and publications and funding. personality development. They emphasized Conclusion: The study is the first of its kind and that there was effective role of mentors and provides critical student, supervisor centric regular sessions were required for making it perspectives and evidence for the qualities more beneficial. However, these sessions did valued as the most effective for successful and not help them in carrier development but effective research supervision in the field of remained effective for improving behavior speech and language pathology in Pakistan. towards patients. It fostered their professionalism. The religious impact of these Title: Student's perceptions regarding effects classes had also been significant of mentoring program on professional Conclusion: Students perceived mentoring development at Islamic International Medical program as beneficial for them. Mentoring College fosters student's capabilities. It is beneficial for Authors: Shamaila Sharif, Abdul Ghani student's personality development, solving Waseem, Wajeeha Shadaab , Humaira , Rehan their problems, facilitating their performance Ahmed , Saadia Sultana, Kouser Firdous and also for choosing a profession according to Institute: Riphah International University their aptitude and interests. It is also important IIMCT, Pakistan Railway Hospital, Rawalpindi to develop mentors capabilities. Aims: Objectives: To understand students perceptions about mentoring classes. To Title: Incidence of Dementia in Parkinson's identify barriers during mentoring. Study Disease in the Scottish PINE Study design: It is a qualitative phenomenological Authors: Qaisar Khan study. Study settings: This study was Institute: University of Aberdeen, U.K. conducted at Islamic international medical Aims: There is little data on the incidence rate college Rawalpindi. It was completed in 6 of dementia in patients with Parkinson's months i.e., from Feb. 2016 to 31 July 2016. disease (PD) compared to controls in Method: It is a qualitative phenomenological representative samples. This study aimed to study. Total 32 MBBS students were included in find the incidence dementia in patients with the study, 16 from third year and 16 from final PD compared to controls in representative year. Students of each class were divided into samples in the North East of Scotland. two focal groups, one group of male students Method: The PINE study recruited 203 incident and the other of female students. Each focal Parkinsonian's patients along with 260 age- group contained 08 students. These students gender matched community based controls in were interviewed. Interviews were semi Aberdeen. They consented for standardised structured. Results were compiled using annual life-long follow up. Their primary,

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secondary care and research records were incidence of sudden mortality among doctors reviewed to identify those who developed is observed in our community. This study aims dementia defined by: (1) DSM-IV based clinical to access the attitude and practice of doctors diagnosis by an expert neurologist/ regarding their own health. psychiatrist; (2) the Movement Disorder Method: An observational descriptive cross- Society (MDS) research criteria for PD sectional study using non-probability dementia (applicable to 194 patients). convenient sampling was conducted among Incidence rates were calculated along with the teaching and practicing doctors in Faisalabad. hazard ratio for dementia in patients vs After explaining the purpose of this study and controls using Cox regression. MDS criteria and taking consent from concerned authorities, a clinically diagnoses were compared. pre-tested validated questionnaire was used Results: 89 patients (49 male, 40 female) were as data collection tool. Sample size was 150. diagnosed with dementia compared to 33 (13 Results were analyzed using SPSS 25. male, 20 female) in controls over a median Results: It was observed that greater number follow-up of 8 years. Mean age at the time of of senior doctors (47%) adopt a healthier diagnosis with dementia was 80.2 years in lifestyle than junior doctors (40%) while patients, compared to 85.4 years in controls. majority (68.2%) of them were either not sure The dementia incidence for PD patients per or thought they don't pay enough attention 100 per year was 7.29 (5.86-8.97)(95%CI) towards their own health. 80% of senior against the control incidence of 1.72 (1.18- doctors got their recommended regular 2.41)(95%CI). The hazard ratio was 6.0 for investigations done as compared to 73% of dementia in patients vs controls and was junior doctors. 56% considered limited-time- adjusted for age and gender. The MDS criteria availability as major barrier in assessing regular was highly specific (88%, 95% CI 81-93%) but health services. Doctors who thought they not sensitive (66%, 95%CI 55-75%). were spending enough time with family were Conclusion: People with PD are 6.4 times more less stressed during duty (28%) and vice versa likely to develop dementia over controls. The (53.8%). Employers don't arrange annual research criteria underestimates true health checkups for vast majority (89.2%) of dementia rates which are likely to be much doctors. higher. This study would benefit from further Conclusion: Data indicates, doctors are living research using a multi-locus approach. unhealthy life due to long stressful duty, lack of sleep and exercise and consider limited-time Title: Concern of Doctors about their own major barrier in assessing regular health healthcare services, so duty hours should be relaxed. As Authors: Muhammad Umar Shahzad, Talha doctor don't give enough attention towards Asif, Zaroon bin Sajjad, Usama Ashraf, Faizan their own health, employers should make Javed, Muhammad Zaeem, Sumera Ehsan regular health checkups mandatory. Institute: Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad Title: Effectiveness of Practical Lab Classes of Aims: Doctors work long hours under Basic Sciences for Clinical Practice; Medical stressful conditions and seem to have Doctors' Experiences sedentary lifestyle that affects health and Authors: Muhammad Zaeem, Usama Ashraf, causes various diseases. Recently, an increased Hafiz Muhammad Faizan Javed, Muhammad

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Umar Shahzad, Talha Asif, Zaroon Bin Sajjad, telemedicine and robotic surgery, what is the Sumera Ehsan significance of these obsolete practicals in the Institute: Faisalabad Medical University, modern era. Faisalabad Aims: Medical Curriculum all over the world is Title: Comparative Evaluation of Peer Assisted being avidly revised and brought in Learning with Teacher Assisted Learning using concordance with recent scientific advances. Small Group Discussions The aim of this study is to assess the Authors: Uzma Mussarat, Fatima Ehsan, effectiveness of practical lab classes of basic Abeerah Zainub, Uzma Hassan, Muhammad sciences for clinical practice and to obtain the Humza Bin Saeed, Saira Jahan medical doctors' experiences. Institute: Islamic International Dental College, Method: A cross-sectional study using non- Islamabad probability convenient sampling was Aims: Sharing of knowledge among students conducted among teaching and practicing at the same level, termed as peer assisted doctors in Faisalabad. After explaining the learning (PAL), is an established method of purpose of this study and taking consent from learning. the objective of the present study is concerned authorities, a pre-tested validated to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of questionnaire was used as data collection tool. PAL and teacher assisted learning (TAL) Sample size was 150. Results were analyzed through small group discussion in basic dental using SPSS 23. sciences. Results: 150 questionnaires were distributed Method: In an experimental randomized among doctors practicing in Faisalabad. The controlled trial we divided 67 students of 2nd subjects of this research included H.Os year BDS class into four batches (15 to 20 (29.3%), PGRs (35.3%), SRs (6.0%), Consultants students per batch). Dental material topic was (18%) and GPs (11.3%). A majority of doctors chosen for the study using SGD. Out of the four, agree that practical classes are effective (60%) randomly selected two batches were but not in pace with recent advances (64%), conducted by teacher (TAL) while the other consume more time than required (44%), two used peer assisted learning (PAL). It was a practical curriculum should be revised (94%), two hour interactive session followed by two 3D anatomy models should be used (94%), types of questionnaires. First questionnaire pharmacy practicals are outdated (77.3%), based on Likert scale for evaluation of two amphibian dissection is non-essential (61.4%), methodologies and second consisted of MCQs 11 hours/week on average for practicals is for comparison of learning among batches. For unjustified (42%), interpretation of practicals is data analysis SPSS 23 was used. more important than their performance (96%), Results: Quantitative data of assessment l a b o ra t o r y p ra c t i c a l s fa l l i n l a b - marks was analyzed using paired sample t test technician's/histopathologist's domain and revealed mean value of TAL as 13.72±1.55 (57.4%). while for PAL it was 12.34±2.3 with a p value of Conclusion: The study concludes that there 0.01 which was significant. Analysis of is a pressing requirement for the revision of the qualitative data using Mann-Whitney U-test curriculum for practical classes, which a revealed that in PAL session competency level, majority of practicing doctors believe is out grasping of concepts, student teacher dated. When the world is moving towards interaction and motivation were proved to be

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significant whereas level of interest and intervention of speech sound disorder, Apraxia difficulty, time management, student of Speech and Dysarthria. 7 out of 43 or only participation and clinical correlation of the 16.3% of population did not consider NSOME concerned topic were found to be insignificant. as an intervention in SLP clinical practice. Conclusion: Peer Assisted Learning can be Conclusion: The study revealed that the used as a teaching strategy in Small Group participants claimed to have used NSOME as Discussion for basic dental sciences. Peer an intervention goal for sialorrhea (excessive tutors can be proved as competent teachers drooling), Speech sound disorders, Dysarthria but teachers have their unique role in clinical and Apraxia of speech. Early intervention rely correlation of cognitive knowledge, thus on evidence based interventions which cannot enhancing the learning of students. be ensured if pseudoscience is practised in hopes of rehabilitation and recovery for Title: The pseudoscience of Non Speech Oral speech. Motor Exercise in SLP clinical practice; A fact check at grad school Title: Probing in the complexities of the Authors: Soabah Wasim, Raffa Mubeen integrated undergraduate medical curriculum Institute: Riphah International University Authors: Neelofar Shaheen, Rehan Ahmed Aims: The use of Non speech oral motor Khan exercises has been discredited in Speech Institute: Riphah International University, Language Pathology (SLP) clinical practise by Islamabad the American Speech Language and Hearing Aims: Many medical institutes are struggling Association. However the practise remains to achieve integration possibly because of common in SLPs. The authors present a survey diversity in the definitions of integration. The conducted on SLP graduate student clinicians objectives of our study were to identify the to determine its use in practice. level of integration (as perceived by faculty) in Method: A cross sectional survey with a the undergraduate medical curriculum & to sample size of 43 SLP graduate student explore the processes through which the clinicians working in various urban and rural integration was established. settings, both in paid and unpaid professional Method: A “Qualitative Exploratory Study”, capacity, in supervised or independent setting done in three medical institutes in of Pakistan was done. Purposive sampling and a self with the established curriculum integration for developed dichotomous questionnaire was more than three to five years. The sampling used to collect data. technique was purposive sampling technique Results: The questionnaire was distributed using the criterion sampling strategy. Eighteen among 43 speech and language pathology faculty members (six from each institute) who graduate student clinicians working in w e r e i n v o l v e d i n d e s i g n i n g a n d different settings. The questionnaire implementation of the integrated curriculum comprised of nine main questions to obtain were selected for one to one semi-structured views about the use of Non Speech Oral Motor interviews. The interviews were audio Exercise (NSOME) for the intervention of recorded and later on transcribed followed by various speech disorders. The result of the thematic content analysis using the Computer study showed that 36 out of 43 or 83.7% of the Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDA) total participants had been using NSOME for software.

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Results: The coding process which comprised Results: The preliminary questionnaire of open coding and in vivo coding yielded 136 showed an overall low professional identity codes. These codes were grouped, and progression only 43% of students seemed categories were formed. From categories, four satisfied , lowest being 15 percent in semester themes emerged. The themes included 5. It also identified key factors as being the curriculum planning; an uphill task, dream hidden curriculum ( p=0.02), a lack of versus the ground reality, moving up and down experiential learning (p=o.o1) and low self- the ladder and teamwork in the paradigm shift. realization (p=0.02), the results at the end of Conclusion: Curriculum integration is an phase 2 showed an improvement in overall PSI inherently inconsistent process that does not progression (66%) with greatest satisfaction follow a simple hierarchical continuum of amongst the 3 rd semester students, key integration as proposed by Harden. There were factors positively associated now were varying levels of curriculum integration in experiential learning (p=0.01) and high self- different phases of the curriculum. A tool can realization ( p=0.02) . be developed that can identify the levels of Conclusion: Hence after tweaking the integration in different phases. curriculum and mentoring programs to be aligned with the professional identity Title: “Mirror Mirror on the wall , am I a development of the students, a more positive professional self-identity was established in refractionist is that all ?”: Establishing the the same cohort of Optometry students over a professional identity of Optometry students” short period of time. Recommendations: study Authors: Komal Atta, Fatima Iqbal, Ayesha time may be increased to explore further Kiran, Asma Batool, Ayesha Shafqat, Aamir Ali progression. Chaudhry Institute: The University of Faisalabad Title: I'm no superman: Investigating the Aims: T h e a i m wa s to m o d i f y t h e effects of the hidden curriculum on resilience undergraduate curriculum of Optometry for pre and post the MentorR programme in reinforcing the professional identity of the students of Optometry students and to reduce effects of hidden Authors: Komal Atta, Fatima Iqbal,, Shakila curriculum and negative socialization factors Abbas,Amna Javed, Nimra Gul, ,Ansa Amjad, by focused mentoring. Sadaf Qayyum Method: In the first phase during the fall Institute: The University of Faisalabad session 2017, a validated questionnaire for Aims: Healthcare is a field where failure is Professional Self Identity (PSI) progression was inevitable yet embracing it is taboo. given to all students enrolled in 1 st , 3 rd and 5 developing resilience in health sciences th semesters (n= 150) fThe domains defined students is thus imperative. Aims: to explore for the exploration of PSI were Socialization, how the hidden curriculum effects resilience to self-realization, experiential learning and the counter that effect by addressing the informal hidden curriculum. Data was analyzed at the curriculum via modification of a mentorship start of Fall Semester 2018,descriptive program for optometry students. statistics, chi square was used to analyze the Method: 50 students of 8th semester association of PSI with each subset and open Optometry were divided into focused groups ended questions , phase 2 included alterations and discussed questions on the hidden in course work and mentoring and was curriculum. thematic analysis was done for followed by retake of PSI these questions. the mentoring program was

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modified to establish more connections structured interviews were conducted with ten between faculty and students, to be more final year medical students at Ningbo focused on topics bringing the hidden University in April 2019. Interviews had a curriculum out, inculcate neer peer mentoring, particular focus on experiences within their alumni counselling sessions, reflective writing, clinical placements. Transcripts were analysed constructive feedback and other activities to using inductive thematic analysis. specifically address these themes. After 6 Results: All medical student participants were months, the same cohort was re- administered non-native English speakers and had a very the brief resilience scale. limited grasp of the Chinese language. Their Results: Pre mentor programme the BRS gave a clinical teachers were all fluent in Chinese and mean of 2.8( normal range 2.5-5.0). themes had variable command of the English that emerged form the focused groups were language. The large majority of patients in the professional identitiy formation,ethical teaching hospitals where placements took issues,cultural values, interpersonal place spoke only Chinese. Despite the obvious relationships, negative role modelling, hospital challenges arising from this, students still had environment, leadership or lack thereof and predominantly positive experiences of clinical fear of failure. At the end of the mentoring placements. Supervising doctors often had to programme the BRS now gave a mean of 3.95. act as translators during teaching. Although Conclusion: Study suggests that resilience in the English proficiency of clinical teachers was optometry students increased as a result of variable, the students felt other factors, like interventions to address the hidden enthusiasm and interactivity, were more curriculum via a mentoring program and also important to teaching quality. that the hidden curriculum has maybe a Conclusion: Despite apparently unworkable greater impact on character development of linguistic circumstances, non-native English health sciences students than the formal speaking students were able to navigate the curriculum and hence warrants proper challenges of studying clinical medicine from assessment methods. teachers with limited English language skills, and with patients who spoke no English. The Title: 'Doctor, teacher, translator': challenges were greatest in professionalism International medical students' experiences and communication, and future research of clinical teaching on an English-language should focus on graduates post qualification. undergraduate medical course in China Authors: Ahmed Rashid Title: Exploring the challenges faced by MHPE Institute: University College London g ra d u a te s a t t h e i r w o r k p l a c e b y Aims: Like many Chinese universities, Ningbo implementing theory into practice University (NBU) has two undergraduate Authors: Bilqis Hassan medical programmes – one taught in Chinese Institute: North West School of Medicine for domestic students, and one taught in Aims: Transformation in the medical English for international students. This study education has offered new challenges. More examines the experiences of medical students demanding responsibilities are expected from who recently completed the English taught medical educationists and educators. undergraduate medical programme. Appropriate leadership will thus enhance the Method: In-depth, face-to-face, semi- health system and medical education in terms

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of technology and quality. Aim: To explore the Title: Islamic Medical Education: Indonesia challenges confronted by the medical Experience educators at work place. Authors: Jurnalis Uddin Method: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Institute: Yarsi University School of Medicine qualitative study was carried out. A total of Aims: Islamization of medical education nine in depth interviews were recorded from started by defining Muslim Physician, the end agreeable medical educators, graduated from product of medical education. Muslim five different medical Universities of Pakistan. Physician is those who aside of being a Seven guiding questions were searched from QUALIFIED PHYSICIAN but also put into literature and were authenticated by three practice their professional knowledge and skill medical education experts for interviews. in line to Islam and continuously and Analysis of text was done using an open coding consistently observe and obey all their technique. Data was categorized using axial religious. coding and themes were emerged from this Method: We have 24 blocks and each block has process, which were then reviewed by of 3 to 4 problems. To each scenario we have supervisor, medical education experts till a PBL group discussion, Clinical Skill training, consensus was reached on themes. Data practical, traditional lecture and journal collection and data analysis was done reading assignments. All those activities simultaneously at the same time. should have Islamic and medical discussion. Results: Three themes emerged: 1. Civilization Results: Islam is the foundation, paradigm, in medical culture. Participants illustrated that direction and ultimate goal of the student's civilization in medical culture has deep impact academic and non-academic venture. A on medical community and has improved the Muslim Physician should always adhere the quality of graduates. 2. Editing Educational five principles of Islamic divine law (maqasid trends crave for didactic leaders. Participants as-shari'ah) and the Five legal maxims of the identified multiple challenges in terms of time, Islamic divine law (qawaid as-shari'ah). lack of resources and infrastructure, faculty Conclusion: Islam is the foundation, paradigm, training and issues with evaluating bodies. It direction and ultimate goal of the student's was stressed that joining on one platform, academic and non-academic venture. A giving priority to academics and promoting the Muslim Physician should always adhere the new education culture is a necessity of today. five principles of Islamic divine law (maqasid 3. Smart educators; a key to success. as-shari'ah) and the Five legal maxims of the Participants acknowledged having well- Islamic divine law (qawaid as-shari'ah). informed leader to address issues of resources and training of faculty. Title: Adoption of Dundee Ready Educational Conclusion: Appropriate leadership with an Environment Measure (DREEM) --- A generic effective background of medical education is instrument to assess under graduate medical essential to flourish the new culture of medical students' perceptions of educational education. Acceptance of medical educators is environment a dire need of today as they will cradle the Authors: Khola Noreen, Kausar Aftab, Risat Ali c a p t i va t i n g c a m p a i g n o f b r i n g i n g Nehra transformation and produce noble and Institute: Rawalpindi Medical University virtuous doctors to improve the health system. Aims: Educational environment refers to the

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wide range activities within which learning standard office. The main aim of this research ensue. This comprises of students, faculty, is to highlight the issue of ethnicity harassment teaching learning modalities, monitoring, and how it affects an employee's performance evaluation and feedback. Assessing the at work. medical students perception of educational Method: The method used to collect data was environment not only play significant role in by filling the questionnaires that measures the improving the quality of education intensity of the variables: depression, environment but overall medical education employee performance, ethical leadership, process can. ethnicity harassment. My main focus is the Method: This cross-sectional study was public healthcare sector. As it was difficult to conducted on 281 undergraduate medical obtain enough data from one or two students of Pakistan Red Crescent Medical and healthcare facilities; many healthcare facilities Dental College . DREEM Inventory was used to were visited and the healthcare professionals collect the data. DREEM is validated tool and (doctor, nurses, pharmacists etc) were asked to universally used as diagnostic inventory to fill the questionnaires. The identities of the assess the quality of education environment. healthcare professionals were kept Anonymity and confidentiality of data was anonymous as they were not comfortable maintained. mentioning it but the demographics and other Results: Students' perceptions of learning, details in the questionnaire were recorded. students' perceptions of teachers, students' Results: Although, most of the results are academic self-perceptions, students' recorded, the research is still in progress. perceptions of atmosphere, students' social However, the expected results are that no self-perceptions and total DREEM score were matter what the level of management one is in, 26.5/48, 24.4/44, 18.4/32, 26/48, 15.3/28 and ethnicity harassment does exist and which in 108.5 /200, respectively. Out of total 50 items, turn leads to depression and has an adverse 11 items scored less than 2 which indicate the effect on the employee's performance. To area of significant problem and these issues counteract this issue, Ethical Leadership need to be addressed on urgent basis. should be practiced in workplace and Conclusion: Overall scores suggest the need strategies and workshops should be conducted for improvement of educational environment that teaches love, respect and acceptance .The domains with significant problem areas towards other ethnicities; and also that how include stress and burnout among students working together can increase the productivity due to burdensome course content, emphasis of the organization too. on factual & teacher centred learning, Conclusion: To conclude, in a world where authoritarian style of course organizers. already a lot of hatred exists and certain acts are carried out due to that hate, we must at Title: Exploring Employee Performance least keep our workplaces safe from all of this, through Depression and Ethnicity and make this place a better place to live in. Harassment with Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership in Public Healthcare Sector Title: Association between duration of sleep Authors: Rumaisa Sajid and sleeping in complete darkness with Institute: Riphah International University memory functioning Aims: Ethnicity Harassment is an issue that Authors: Kashmala Safdar exists whether its a top-notch corporation or a Institute: Army medical college Rawalpindi

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Aims: To find out that whether sleeping in Title: Effectiveness of Assisted autogenic complete darkness improves our memory Drainage and Chest Physical Therapy on functioning. children suffering from Pneumonia Method: SAMPLE SIZE:sample size of 272 Authors: Summyia Siddique Malik people was selected by using WHO sample size Institute: Foundation University Institute of calculator. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: non Rehabilitation Sciences, FUI. probability convenient sampling STUDY Aims: Pneumonia being notorious for SETTING: This study was conducted in AMC majority of deaths worldwide in children. Rawalpindi Pakistan STUDY DURATION: This According to reports of Global Burden of study extended for 9 months i.e. from May Disease 2013 and 2015 pneumonia accounts 2018 to January 2019. STUDY DESIGN: This is a for 2.74 million deaths, making it fifth leading cross sectional study. DATA COLLECTION cause of death worldwide. From 2005-2015 PROCEDURE AND ANALYSIS TOOL: Modified the number of deaths caused by LRTI's memory functioning questionnaire was used increases to 3.2% among all age. by permission of its author for collecting data. Method: This study was initiated after Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 22 approval from advanced study and research software. INCLUSION CRITERION: Students of committee Riphah institute of rehabilitation AMC Rawalpindi Pakistan between ages 18-25 sciences, Riphah International University years were included in this research Islamabad. The study was conducted EXCLUSION CRITERION: Students who slept for according to the ethical guidelines of Pakistan less than 3 hours were excluded from this Medical Research Council (PMRC) and the research. Declaration of Helsinki. Anonymity and Results: People who slept in complete or confidentiality of participant's was maintained partial darkness have better memory throughout the research. It was a Quasi functioning because mean score of such Experimental Study. The subjects were people was higher and as compared those conveniently allocated in group A and group B sleeping in light. Obtained results are according to the inclusion and exclusion statistically significant with p value of 0.00 for criteria. The study was conducted after ethical relation memory functioning with sleeping approval from Fauji Foundation Hospital habits. A significant value of 0.04 was obtained ,Rawalpindi for a duration of 06 months. Non when chi square test was applied to assess probability convenient sampling was used. relationship of memory functioning was sleep Sample duration of more than 6 hrs. Results: Shipore-wilk test was used to assess Conclusion: It was found by this research the normality of the data. In current study all that sleeping in complete darkness improves variables were non parametric except Heart short term memory. While people sleeping rate. The continuous variables were assessed with light on have poor short term memory. through mean, frequency and standard Furthermore sleeping for more than 6 hours deviations. Both between group analysis and was improving memory functioning. Further within group analysis was performed on the research needs to be done regarding sleeping basis of Alternate and Null hypothesis, as, both in darkness and memory enhancement. conditions were assessed i.e. overall comparison and specific comparison of both techniques was the objective of the study. For

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between group comparison of Non-parametric countries where no information was available. variables of Group A and Group B Mann- There are three countries in the SEAR and nine Whitney U test was applied, and, for in the EMRO region that have implemented Parametric variable Independent T test was mandatory CME linked to renewal of performed. Within group registration. Of the 12, all six high income Conclusion: Results concluded that both countries and one high middle-income and five treatment protocols are statistically significant low-middle income countries have in treating patients suffering from pneumonia. implemented mandatory CME. Seven other There is no difference between the treatment countries appear to be moving towards protocols while treating patients suffering mandatory CME systems. from pneumonia with assisted autogenic Conclusion: High-income countries clearly drainage and standard chest physical therapy. have resources to implement mandatory CME, but it is not only income status that determines Title: CME status in South-East Asia and if a country can implement mandatory CME. Eastern Mediterranean region – Progress Results of this review may be helpful for towards mandatory CME linked to physician countries in transition toward mandatory CME re-registration linked with physician re-registration. Authors: Farhan Saeed Vakani, Kerry E Uebel, Apo Demirkol, Chinthaka Balasooriya Title: The Participation Assurance Test (Pat): A Institute: & University of new teaching strategy to ensure student New South Wales participation in learning Aims: Efforts to implement mandatory CME Authors: Narmeen Hashim linked with physician re-registration in Institute: developing countries have been slow and met Aims: Introduction: Participation of students with mixed success. The aim of this study is to in learning determines their scholastic conduct a review of CME in countries in the achievements. Current teaching systems do SEAR and EMRO regions to inform efforts to not assess student participation in learning, implement mandatory CME in developing rather provide grades based on knowledge nations. recall. Objective: To develop and evaluate a Method: A narrative review was conducted of teaching strategy that can provide a the information publicly available on the status standardized measure of student engagement of CME in all 11 countries in the South-East Asia in the learning process. (SEAR) & all 22 in Eastern-Mediterranean Method: A quasi-experimental study (EMRO) region. Searches were conducted on undertaken in Rehman Medical College, the websites of the national medical or health Peshawar, KP, Pakistan (March-May 2018) councils and of published literature for each of involved 96 medical students (16 groups) of the countries in the two regions using online third professional MBBS present in Small library resource from MEDLINE/PubMed; Group Format (SGF) session on medical ProQuest Central. Four main criteria from research. Participation Assurance Test (PAT), WHO SEAR guidelines for CME/CPD were used administered after the lesson involved i) to categorize the status of CME in all 33 written iPAT for individual performance, ii) countries. written tPAT for team performance, iii) Results: Voluntary CME is being conducted in perception-based peer evaluation pPAT for all countries in these two regions, except three

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rating team members, and iv) Observer based processing the acquired information deeply in oPAT by facilitator for intra-group and inter- a manner that yields the required learning group dynamics. Scores in numerical and Likert (Tsingos et al., 2015)(Tsingos, 2013). A doctor scales were analyzed by SPSS 22.0 for can't grow professionally if he doesn't have DIP descriptive and comparative analysis and skills. So it is very important to see the effect of correlations, keeping p=<0.05 significant. portfolio development on DIP skills. Results: Mean iPAT was 54.66±12.80 Method: Quantitative, Ex-Post Facto Causal compared to mean tPAT (75.96±19.85, Comparative research design Site: Fatima p=<0.001), mean pPAT was 20.83±5.14 Memorial College of Medicine & Dentistry, compared to mean oPAT of 16.50±4.99 Lahore Study duration: 2 months Sample size: (p<=0.001), and mean Closed Group oPAT was Target population of 150 students of 2nd year 4.19±1.90 compared to Open Group oPAT of MBBS (FMH, CM&D). Data collection tool: DIP 12.31±3.40 (p=<0.001). Significant correlation questionnaire by SCHOUWENBURG et. al Data was obtained for iPAT and tPAT (r=0.564, collection process: 2nd year MBBS students p=0.023). The groups achieving >=60 iPAT received portfolio development training via marks showed significant correlations of iPAT lectures & workshops by DME-dept. FMH,CMD with tPAT (r=0.869, p=0.024) and closed group reinforced by formal mentoring program. oPAT (r= -0.882, p=0.017); groups scoring 89/150 students completed portfolio, while 61 below 60 in iPAT showed significant didn't. After IRB approval students were correlations of iPAT with tPAT (r= 0.749, divided into Group A: developed portfolios. p=0.013), open group oPAT (r=0.636, p=0.048), Group B: didn't develop portfolios. The DIP and total oPAT (r=0.635, p=0.048). questionnaire was distributed to the students Conclusion: Participation Assurance Test in groups. was effective in assessing individual and team- Results: 126/150 students completed the based student participation and supports the questionnaire with a response rate of 84.6%. adoption of Open Group teaching strategy as Out of 126 students, 47 (37.3%) were males more effective for student participation in and 79 (62.7%) were female. 30 out of 47 males learning. and 52 out of 82 females developed portfolio while the rest didn't. Critical reading skills, Title: Portfolio Development: Addressing content understanding and skills to finding Deep Information Processing Skills structure in content were developed “most of Authors: Marium Sohail the times” in students who developed Institute: Riphah international university portfolio with majority of students having Aims: Portfolio development has wide median score of 4 in each domain. Critical application and has numerous strengths if reading skills were “rarely” developed, while used correctly. Portfolios have different content understanding and finding structure in constructs and layouts and are modified and content skills were “sometimes” developed in tailored to meet specific needs (Snadden & students who didn't develop portfolio with Thomas, 1998)(Roberts, Newble, & O'Rourke, majority of students having median score of 2, 2002). Deep information processing skills are 3 & 3 respectively in each domain. There was a very critical for medical students and doctors statistically significant difference in the DIP success. Lifelong learning can only be skills of the students who developed portfolio beneficial if the students are capable of (64.6%) as compared to students who didn't

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develop portfolio (34.1%). undergraduates DPT students of 6th, 8th and Conclusion: DIP skills were developed more in 10th semester at The University of Faisalabad students who had developed portfolio as was kinesthetic learning style. The One way compared to students who didn't. Critical ANOVA test shows that there is no association reading skills & content understanding are between preferred learning styles and 6, 8 and improved more than finding structure in 10 semesters of undergraduate DPT students. content skills by portfolio development. So The only auditory learning style show portfolio development is an effective way of significant result. Comparison of teaching inculcating DIP skills in students. method and perceptual learning style preferences was determined by the Title: Survey on Learning Style Preference application of chi-square. The P value of chi- among Undergraduate DPT Students at The square shows non-significant results except University of Faisalabad Visual learner's preferred Practical based Authors: Sumaiyah Obaid, Sidra Majeed, teaching method. Tanzila Chudary, Amna Chohan Conclusion: The major learning style in Institute: The University Of Faislabad undergraduate DPT students has kinesthetic Aims: Current physiotherapy students face learning styles. The high percentage of doctor huge challenge in navigate their outrigger of physical therapy students have mixed through learning process. Students and learning styles suggests that they can facilitators search for different strategies to accommodate multiple teaching methods. improve the students' academic performance. Significant association between auditory One of the efficient methods is to identify the learning styles and 6,8 and 10 semester except student's learning style preferences.The aim of other learning styles. our study was to determine the learning style preference Title: Employment Status and Income Method: Our study was cross sectional study. It Satisfaction Of DPT Alumni of RCRS was conducted at Health Science campus of (Islamabad) the University of Faisalabad. The duration of Authors: Sumaiyah Obaid, Farkhanda Afzal, this study was between January and April Wagma, Aumbar Shahid, Sania Khawar Kiyani 2017.The participants consist of physiotherapy Institute: Riphah International University students. Perceptual Learning Style Aims: The objective of the study was to Questionnaire was used in this study.A total determine the working status of DPT alumni of number of 145 students participated in this RCRS Islamabad campus and working area study. The sampling procedure employed for (field) and setup of alumni along with level of the selection of the participants was stratified satisfaction with income and satisfaction with sampling.The duration of our study was 4 respect to different medical fields. months (between January and April Method: A cross sectional survey was 2017).Inclusion: All the females of 6th, 8th and conducted in 2017-2018 in Riphah College of 10th semester of physiotherapy at The rehabilitation sciences. The snowball sampling university of Faisalabad were included in this method was used for the study. From batch study. spring 2008 to batch fall 2012 were included in Results: Results were indicated that the most the study. The DPT (Doctor of physical therapy) preferred learning style preferences among alumni were contacted through email and

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phone calls. A self-administered questionnaire reviewers and reviewees characteristics, was used which consist of 6 sections. The data timetable, teaching aspects covered, was then analyzed through SPSS version 21. instruments of 19 Canadian and 27 Australian Results: Out of 363 total numbers of alumni universities. 315 were responded. In these respondents 61 Results: A total of 32 universities had are males and 254 are females. Total number of information on PRT. It was employed as both employed alumni is 140 in which 98 are female summative and formative evaluation in 16 and 42 are male.136 are unemployed in which universities. Fourteen universities identified 11 are males and 125 are females. Out of 140 reviewers' characteristics (academic rank or employed alumni 97 work in clinical field and expertise in education) and number (between 38 worked in academics, 47 alumni work in two to four). Occurrence of PRT was primarily private setup while 28 alumni are in annually or at the time of promotion. government setup, in semi government 17 Conclusion: The synthesis of PRT literature alumni are working , 4 alumni running their using universities websites is an starting point personal clinic and 4 alumni provide home to shed light on the practice of PRT. Further services. research are needed to explore the barriers Conclusion: From this study we conclude that and facilitators during the PRT programs. female are more unemployed then males and the majority of employed alumni working in Title: Interplay of cognitive strategies used by clinical field. Most alumni are unsatisfied with teachers and extraneous load of medical their earned income. students Authors: Shabana Ali Muhammad, Raheela Title: Peer Review of Teaching Process and Yasmeen, Humaira Kamal, Huma Beenish Procedures: A Review of Canadian and Institute: Islamic international Medical College Australian Universities Aims: While preparing a teaching session, Authors: Azim Mirzazadeh, Azadeh medical teachers need to employ appropriate Rooholamini, Roghayeh Gandomkar cognitive strategies to decrease extraneous Institute: Education Development Center, load of students as it makes space for Tehran University of Medical Sciences processing complex information. Objective of Aims: Peer review of teaching (PRT) provides study was to explore the use of cognitive a comprehensive evaluation of faculty strategies in medical teachers with reference teaching performance. In spite of its role in to their teaching sessions. improving teaching, a few literature has been Method: A phenomenological study was published about PRT. This paper aims to review conducted after approval from ethical review the process and procedures of PRT in the board of the Islamic international medical Canadian and Australian (two pioneering college. Pre-clinical and clinical medical countries) Universities. teachers were selected through purposeful Method: We searched each university's sampling without gender discrimination. Data website using the following terms: peer review was collected through semi structured of teaching and teaching evaluation. We interviews and transcribed for “Textural and excluded universities that applied only peer structural analysis” by observing “What" was observation of teaching. We analyzed the said by the respondent and "how" it can be components of PRT including purpose, explained. Each statement was given equal

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value. Coding was done in two cycles. A to improve the teaching strategies. constant comparison among the respondent's Method: A cross sectional observational study responses was done to form categories and was conducted on 100 students of first year themes during second cycle of coding. MBBS.Duration of study was 3 months Inductive thematic analysis was done. conducted after securing permissions from Results: Total seven themes were identified. ethical review committee and consent from All teachers preferred to know the “learning participant students. The students were given objectives” of teaching session. Medical a seven point zero version of VARK teachers preferred to “rehearse by repeating questionnaire and their academic and their topic for better communication” and demographic data were collected. Data believed in “making summaries” to clear their regarding self perceived learning style of the concepts and thinking of “metaphors”. An students was also collected. Learning attempt to find the answers of possible preferences were determine using VARK “questions by students during teaching scores. sessions” was found another footstep of their Results: Out of 100 students invited to learning. For their deep learning, medical participate in the study, 90 participated teachers preferred to organize their content actively. Out of these 30 were males and reset and use “flow charts to split the main concept were females. Mean age of participants was along with pictures” in their presentation. 18.3years. 95 percent from FSC system and 5% “Video and pictures” were preferred as tools were from A level system. the result showed, for better understanding of learners. majority of students ( 64%) preferred multiple Conclusion: Medical teachers apply learning style and only 36% showered a cognitive strategies to reduce extraneous load unimodal style of learning. Most common of learners. They repeat their concept for learning style in order of preferences were as better expression and communication during follows Kinaesthetic 34% Auditory 15% Visual teaching. Making summaries and analogies 12% Read/ write 8%. No gender difference in facilitates their teaching while using pictures preferred learning styles was observed. and videos facilitate learner's complex thinking Conclusion: Most medical students are of learners. They divide difficult concepts into ignorant of their learning styles. There may be smaller chunks through flow charts. more than one learning style co-existing and making students aware of their style facilitates Title: Role of different learning styles their learning. Tailoring the instructional influencing learning of Biochemistry in first techniques according to student preferences, year MBBS students not only gives them a degree of autonomy, but Authors: Atteaya Zaman also enhances learning. Institute: Federal medical and Dental college Aims: Molecular biology is fundamental for Title: Assessing Diabetic Patients health understanding the working of human body at related quality of life and their satisfaction cellular level. However medical students are with treatment always struggling to learn principles of Authors: Muhammad Khaliq biochemistry. This study elucidates the Institute: Army Medical College, Rawalpindi relationship of biochemistry with learning Aims: To determine health related quality of styles of medical students and how it can help life among patients of Diabetes mellitus type 1

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and 2 as well and their satisfaction regarding Aims: Today, the growth of technology and treatment in different aspects. the demand for virtual universities are Method: It was a descriptive cross-sectional increasing. Faculty members play the most study of 6 months duration from Aug 2017 to important role in developing education. The Jan 2018. It was conducted in Military Hospital purpose of this study is to design a and Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, motivational model for the development of Pakistan. A sample size of 200 was calculated virtual education in Medical Universities in using WHO sample size calculator. To Iran. determine health related quality of life among Method: This qualitative study was carried out diabetes mellitus patients, we used a on the basis of conventional content analysis. standardized validated questionnaire that is The research population of faculty members WHO-BREF after obtaining license of interested in the virtual domain, who had version. The WHOQOL-BREF instrument experience working with it, were selected. comprises 26 items, which measure the Sampling was done using purposeful sampling. following broad domains: physical health, Interviews were conducted to achieve data psychological health, social relationships, and saturation. The semi-structured interview was environment. In WHO_BREF, 1 denotes poor used to collect data. To analyze the data, the while 100 represents excellent quality of life. Graneheim, Lundman method 2004 was used. Results: The mean age of participants was 55.2 Results: The results of 28 interviews were 48 ± 8.11.The mean score for Physical Domain of sub categories, 12 categories and 5 themes. 3 quality of life was 57.7 ± 15.05 (out of total themes are included as motivational score of 100) for Psychological Domain was components including "virtual teaching 70.6 ± 10.14 for Social relationships was 64.4 ± feature", "attention to learner needs" and 16.02 for Environmental Domain was 61.9 ± "teachers' professional promotion" and 2 11.53. regarding patients satisfaction the themes of virtual education challenges mean score for General satisfaction of patient (inhibitor factors) and appropriate context was 3 ± 0.24 (out of total score of 5), for (facilitators) Was extracted. The final model Technical quality was 2.5 ± 0.75 for was designed after receiving expert comments Interpersonal manner was 2.8 ± 0.57 for and suggestions . communication was 2.5 ± 0.67 for financial Conclusion: The proposed model showed that aspect was 4 ± 0.65 for time spent the development of virtual education in the Conclusion: The quality of life of patients of university requires the establishment of diabetes was least regarding their physical appropriate context along with the reduction domain while highest for psychological of faculty members' concerns. domain. The diabetic patients were least satisfied with technical quality and Title: Use of portfolio as a tool to improve communication while most satisfied with cognitive learning; Scopic review of literature financial aspect and time spent with doctor. Authors: Lubna Rani Faysal Institute: Islamic international medical Title: Faculty Members Motivation college, Riphah international University Authors: Sholeh Bigdeli, Mohammad Hasan Aims: Portfolio is an organized collection of Keshavarzi past and current accomplishments of learners. Institute: Shiraz University of Medical Sciences It is a useful teaching and learning tool, it deals

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with acquiring of knowledge, skill and attitude basic principles and unavailability of clear through formal, informal, accidental and guidelines can hinder development of incidental learning and helps the students to reflective skills. develop analytical, reflective and critical thinking skills for problem. T i t l e : H e a l t h f o r A l l : C o m p a r i n g Method: This scoping review is supported by Apprenticeship with Traditional Classroom the framework of Arksey and O'Malley that has Learning in Community Oriented Medical following steps: Identifying the initial research Education (COME) questions Identifying relevant studies Study Authors: Ayesha Abbasi, Kinza Rubab, Rameen selection Charting the data Gathering, Malik, Asma Ishaque, Noshaba Shafquat, summarizing and reporting the results Junaid Anwar, Khubaib Ghufran, Ahmad ur Inclusion criteria was based on Language: Rehman, Farhan Khan English, Literature Focus: only medical Institute: King Edward Medical University, education articles. Prisma formation was done Pakistan with initially 27 articles and finally 04 articles Aims: In recent years, there have been were reviewed, rest of the papers were substantial efforts globally to mould medical disregarded because of insufficient & education in accordance with the needs of the irrelevant information in relation to research local community of a region. The objective of question. Following databases were used up to this study was to ascertain whether Dec 2018 for literature search; PubMed, Eric & apprenticeship could substitute the traditional Google scholar. classroom learning in Pakistan in order to Results: The results indicate that; A continuous implement COME in Pakistan. improvement in the cognitive development Method: A cross sectional study spanning 6 from the lower order cognitive skills like months was conducted in a public-sector describing, explaining and understanding to medical university of Pakistan. 300 subjects higher order cognitive skills of analyzing, were recruited in the study with the inclusion evaluating and creating. Portfolio criteria being 4th year MBBS students of King development enhanced the metacognitive Edward Medical University, studying the skills. Critical thinking one of the major subject of Community Medicine and having concepts under consideration in medical prior 1 year experience of apprenticeship in education and it is accepted as one of the the form of clinical rotations in 3rd year MBBS. higher order cognitive skill, is teachable Written informed consent was obtained and through portfolio development. There was a data were collected by a pretested statistically significant difference between the q u e s t i o n n a i r e p r o f o r m a . M e d i c a l experimental and control group in the post apprenticeship: contract between senior critical thinking test in the favor of the doctor and student, combining on-the-job experimental group. training and formal learning. Classroom based Conclusion: Portfolio is an excellent learning: students taught by lectures without pedagogical tool to develop metacognitive skill demonstrating the subject's practicality. of learners. It is an effective strategy to Results: All qualitative variables were enhance higher order cognitive skills through presented in the form of frequency and reflective practices among learners. However, percentages. Chi square test was applied and p several factors such as lack of understanding of values were calculated using SPSS v23. The

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results indicated a preference for the characteristics of professionals. A cross apprenticeship mode of learning; 90% of the sectional survey was conducted on sample size students believed apprenticeship to promote of 103 individuals within the duration of 3 greater knowledge retention, instilling months from July 2018 to September 2018. confidence in the students to apply medical Speech Therapists from different hospitals and knowledge, and to carve their own clinics of Lahore were recruited in the study by professional identity (p value<0.05). However, using convenient sampling technique. A apprenticeship was deemed as more questionnaire containing the statements exhausting (69.0%), prone to favouritism regarding beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and (59.3%) and harassment (79.0%). With behaviors regarding EBP and also demographic reference to Community Medicine, 70.0% information of study participants. endorsed apprenticeship. Only 39.3% students Results: There were 91(88%) females and believed that this change would be easy to 12(11%) males included in study.95(92.2%) implement. Speech Language Pathologist/Therapist Conclusion: Apprenticeship is the preferred belong to age group 20-29 years old and mode for learning the subject of Community 8(7.8%) belongs to age group 30-39. Among Medicine. It would yield a superior learning them 6 (5.8%) of participants have less than 1 outcome for students and help developing year, 72(89.9%) have 1-3 years, 19 (18.4%) countries in achieving the goals of primary have 4-6 years and 6(5.8%) have 7-10 years of health care. Medical students must collaborate experience respectively. Majority of the with public health experts, in order to participants (71%) have bachelor's degree. The materialize the dream of Health-for-All. mean score for knowledge was 15.72+2.7, for practice 18.22+3.1 and for Believe was Title: Beliefs, Attitudes, Knowledge and 16.31+2.7 respectively which showed the B e h a v i o r s o f S p e e c h L a n g u a g e moderate level of Knowledge, practice and Pathologist/Therapist towards Evidence- Believe regarding evidence based practice in Based Practice speech therapists/pathologist. Authors: Fazaila Ehsaan Conclusion: It was concluded that speech Institute: Riphah International University language pathologists/therapists generally Aims: Evidence-based practice evolved from had a positive attitude towards evidence based evidence-based medicine, has been described practice. Due to their limited resources and as the conscientious and explicit usage of less knowledge, they were also interested in recent best evidence in making decisions learning and improving their skills that are about the care of individual patients. Allied essential for the implementation of evidence Health professionals are involved with the based practice in their routine clinical practice. delivery of health services relating to the identification, assessment and prevention of Title: A study to explore Medical student's disorders. perception of Scientific Research in a Public Method : The primary purpose of this study is Sector Medical Institution to explore the attitudes and beliefs of Speech Authors: Hafiza Hafsa Ijaz, Adnan Nasir, Hadia therapists. The secondary purpose is to Nadeem describe associations among the elements like Institute: Faisalabad Medical University, e d u c a t i o n , k n o w l e d g e , s k i l l s a n d Faisalabad

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Aims: Exposure to research training in medical students regarding research. It also medical education plays a crucial role in re ve a l e d m a ny b a r r i e rs re ga rd i n g attaining advancements in medical sciences.In undergraduate research that should be Pakistan, medical students face significant addressed and resolved in order to improve challenges with respect to research activity. In the quality of undergraduate medical this study, we are attempting to enlighten the education by providing proper infrastructure interest, perceptions and practices of research and guidance about research work. work among a group of medical students. Method: A cross-sectional study was Title: Scopic review of connectivism (Virtual conducted at a public sector medical community of practice) institution in Punjab in which non-probability Authors: Shamaila Manzoor convenient sampling technique was used. Institute: Riphah International University After gaining ethical approval, a pretested Aims: Back ground: with the rapidly evolving validated questionnaire was distributed technological landscape and increased among medical students of 3rd, 4th and final accessibilty to information, new development year M.B.B.S. This was sought to identify the in knowledge managment has occured, that level of knowledge about the importance of can not be explained by older theories. The scientific research in medical training. 'Connectivism' has been appeared to be Perceived attitudes regarding the education learning paradigm of digital age. Aim: To benefits and barriers surrounding research highlight the cultural variations which affects activity among this population was also the VCOP. studied. 150 medical students were targeted Method :The study was conducted in January for inclusion. The results were analysed using 2019 .Askery and O'Malley model has been SPSS 20 and presented in the form of tables used for this study. The data was collected by and graphs. four data bases ( Pub med, pschy info and ERIC) Results: 150 students participated in the and grey literature. A total of 31,357 articles survey and response was 100%. 96% were found on these data bases, after participants acknowledged that research is deduplication and filtrtion 24 full text articles important for medical advancements. were selected. The main focus of this study was However, only 56% were able to define to find out the cultural factors responsible research, 50.7% students have not read any hampring the growth of Vcop. Several factors research paper ever, 53% students said that has been identified including society, fear of their university has no proper infrastructure losing face, language, small group with in large for research work. According to our analysis, group, power distance and finally horizontal students who had attended research versus. workshops had better knowledge regarding Results: The study proposed the following research as compared to those who had not. reasons which has significant impact on The major reason behind lack of participation knowledge managment across the in research activities was lack of guidance and international boundaries. Indivisualism versus considering it as a hectic and time consuming collectivism, in group versus out orientation, process. fear of losing face, power distance, horizontal Conclusion: This study helped to explore versus vertical culture, achievement, awareness, interest and perceptions of ascription oriented culture and Language

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barrier. All above stated factors plays a pvitol agreed (69%) or agreed (46%) with all seven role in hampering the growth of virtual questions of the feedback proforma while community of practice. neutral answers (10%), disagreed (3%) or Conclusion: Introduction to knowledge strongly disagreed (0%) were fewer. Other sharing system, websites and online students gave mixed answers. Maximum community web pages should be in students strongly agreed to the questions of accordance of cultural need assessment and usefulness and content validity of the identification to culture specific barrier to examinations (77% and 73%, respectively). knowledge exchange. System should be Content analysis of interviews and FCD themes compliant with member's perception, value related to high students` satisfaction but less and preffered style of communication, so the number of events and shorter duration of time gap can be bridged. was their main concern. Kappa coefficient and Cronbach`s alpha for various TOACS stations Title: Development and Introduction of were 0.72 and 0.81, respectively. Objective and Structured Methods of Conclusion: The objective and structured Assessment in Chemical Pathology: A Case examination format designed for the Study assessment of Chemical Pathology showed Authors: Aamir Ijaz high validity as indicated by students' Institute: Rehman Medical College feedback, in addition to adequate inter-rater Aims: Assessment techniques in Chemical agreement and internal consistency. These Pathology have not been revised for the last assessment tools are now part of FCPS 20-25 years in CPSP and in Universities. Under examination of Chemical Pathology. the auspices of Pakistan Society of Chemical Pathologists (PSCP) modification of the Title: Illness Acceptance, Diabetes Specific assessment tools was carried out to develop Distress and Quality of Life in Adolescents and introduce objective and structured with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus assessment in Chemical Pathology. Authors: Rabab Zahra Method: Structured Assessment of Analytical Institute: Riphah International University, Skills (SAAS), Quick Assessment of Data Lahore Interpretation Skills (QADIS), Task Oriented Aims: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease. Assessment of Clinical Skills (TOACS) and One T1DM can be acquired and inherited during Best Choice Questions (BCQs) were developed the early age. It may affect quality of life of for assessment in Chemical Pathology during people suffering with this disease. Purpose of 2013 to 2019. In 2013 mock TOACS workshops present study was to examine association were facilitated at Karachi, Rawalpindi and between Illness Acceptance, Diabetes Specific Bahawalpur. In 2013 and 2014 two Distance Distress and Quality of Life in Adolscent's with Learning Programmes (DLPs) were conducted T1DM. to develop cognitive domains of knowledge Method: Adolescent's aged 13 to 19 years through BCQs. In 2015 and 2016 DLP3 was already diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes were conducted; 74 students and 33 consultants included. Patients having congenital or from 20 institutes were enrolled. Gamification, acquired disorders were excluded. In this study students` and facilitators` feedback, interviews data was taken from 70 male and female and focus group discussions were also done. adolescent's with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Results: High percentage of students strongly

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Purposive sampling technique was used to conducted in Lahore from march 2018 to July recruit the sample. Acceptance of Illness Scale 2018 and data was collected from Lahore (Revenson et al.,1984) was used to measure general hospital, Ghurki hospital, Jinnah the level of illness acceptance; Diabetes hospital, Mayo hospital. 52 patients suffering Distress Scale (Fisher, et al.,2005) was utilized from acute spinal cord injury were included in to access the level of diabetes specific distress; study by using non random sampling more Quality of Life was accessed by using the technique. We measure the overall status of Quality of Life for Youth (Bujang, et al.,2018). health of patients using functional Results: The results suggest that illness independence measure (FIM). acceptance has significant positive Results: Total 52 patients were assessed in this relationship with Quality of life in adolescents study. Out of which 50% injuries were reported with type 1 Diabetes. The finding of the study at cervical level, 15.4% injuries were reported also showed significant negative relationship at thoracic level and 34.6% were reported at between Diabetes Specific Distress and Quality lumbar level. Percentage of males suffering of Life. Demographic variables (Duration of from traumatic spinal cord injury was 61.5% illness, Control over diabetes, Complete which was higher than female 38.5%. The checkup) have significant association with lowest functional independence level was quality of life. Results also revealed that recorded as 17 and maximal level was 116. Diabetes Specific Distress was the significant Conclusion: Within the studied population, predictor of Quality of Life in chronic and the percentage of cervical injuries was more recent type 1 diabetes adolescents. More over than thoracic and lumbar. Gender proportion significant difference between Duration of in traumatic spinal cord injury showed that illness, Control over diabetes and Quality of life men were more prone to injury as compared to was also found. female. However, functional independence Conclusion: Illness acceptance and Diabetes among cervical injuries is less than thoracic specific distress plays an important role in and lumbar. Quality of life of adolescents with T1DM. There is significant negative relationship between Title: Assessment of pre-requisites for fourth diabetes specific distress and quality of life and year Surgery clerkship significant positive relationship is present Authors: Nismat Javed, Fahad Azam, Abida between illness acceptance and quality of life Shaheen, Hania Naveed in adolescent with T1DM. Institute: Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Shifa College of Medicine Title: Assessment of functional independence Aims: The change in learning environment in Traumatic Spinal cord injury from pre-clinical to clinical years coupled with Authors: Khadija Liaquat students' poor recall of curriculum Institute: Riphah international University components has always been a major problem Aims: The goal of the study was to find the level for delivery of medical curriculum. We aim to of functional independence, gender assess the pre-requisites of surgery clerkship comparison and most commonly affected level and the level to which fourth year students of spinal cord in patients suffering from satisfied those pre-requisites. traumatic spinal cord injury in Lahore. Method: An observational survey followed by Method: A cross sectional survey was a focused group discussion was conducted.

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The faculty of surgery department were invited from three sources; 1) Eye fatigue experiment to participate and the members who gave their 2) focused group discussion 3) Content consent were included as participants of the analysis. There are two major kinds of tests for study. visual fatigue: objective and subjective tests. Results: The participants were ten Surgery Objective tests are based on optometric faculty members consisting of four Assistant measurements. Subjective tests are in-depth Professors, two Senior Registrars, two interviews allowing us to determine if the facilitators and two consultants. The average person is more fatigued, if he/she has eye pain. number of sessions supervised by each faculty Results: 33.3% were normal, 57% were mild member during the eight week clerkship was Fatigue and 9 % were the ones with fatigue 2.30±1.10. Six participants highlighted that hence the findings of this research suggests their students did not have sufficient that blue colour did cause fatigue however, the understanding of Anatomy and Embryology intensity was to mild as the percentages show required for surgery clerkship. Five faculty which are 57% mild fatigue and 33.3% were members identified that their students did not normal and 9 % only fatigue ones hence that have a solid understanding of pathological means the colour did cause mild fatigue it is basis of disease. Furthermore, five faculty this findings that gives a direction to further members believed that overall the students more researches developing link between the had adequate pre-requisite knowledge colour used on screens that are causing needed for Surgery clerkship. The p-value for damage to the viewers. the chi-square test was significant (p=0.019). Conclusion: Blue light also flickers more Conclusion: The variable trend in knowledge frequently on computer screens' LED backlight can be attributed to the fact that, despite controllers, and this flickering causes more eye curricular integration, basic sciences are not fatigue than other colours like red or orange. revisited when clinical subjects are being The study provides a potential mechanism for taught. Academic schedules in pre-clinical developing link between the colour on screen years are flexible but clinical schedules are and eye fatigue. much more focused and are less flexible in terms of study hours. Title: Essential inspiration fulfills human requirements for proficiency, independence, Title: Visual Fatigue through the Colour Blue: and connection It's Utlisation in the News Bulletin Authors: Asia Raza Authors: Mehroz Zohra Institute: Riphah International University Institute: Riphah international university Aims: In this paper theories of learning and its Aims: 1. To investigate the rhetorical effect of implications in teaching and learning will be blue color resulting in visual fatigue in discussed. Moreover this paper will address audience through news bulletin 2. To analyze the ideologies to guide pupils to increase their the role of blue color on psyche of viewers knowledge. This paper would teach self will Method: This study is mainly relied on mixed power abilities to scholars that support them methodology by use of content analysis of in their upcoming development through result after the experiment of tears meniscus various principles. used schirmers test and conduct focused group Method: Stages of Arksey & O'Malley were discussion the data for this study was gathered surveyed in this scoping review.

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Results: The Behaviorist methodology with an impact factor ranging from 0.4 to 0.8. notwithstanding discovering a great deal of Thirty six(51.4%) medical journals were both investigating, inadequacies and neglecting to HEC and PMDC recognized while twenty give answers to certain circumstances, stayed four(34.2%) were only PMDC recognized. Out determined in tending to the requirements of of 46 HEC recognized journals, 12 were the present student with its fundamental category Z, 18were category Y, 2 were category builds alongside some development and X and 4 were ranked in W category. Out of 110 changes. PMDC recognized medical colleges and Conclusion: The worldview might be called universities, only 34 (30.9%) institutions have wiped out or surrendered in theory yet for recognized medical journals while 76 (69.1%) every single down to earth reason, it stays alive do not have their research journals. and remains steadfast to give a solid, complete Conclusion: Researchers prefer high impact and important learning background to the factor journals to publish their valuable students. research. Paucity of quality journals in Pakistan forces researchers to publish in international Title: Pakistani Medical Journals: A despairing journals which is often not feasible due to high situation publication charges. Standards of existing Authors: Hania Naveed journals needs improvement and more quality Institute: Shifa College of Medicine, STMU journals should be established by medical Aims: Researchers prefer to publish their institutions. scientific work in quality journals to help their research reach a wider audience worldwide. Title: Scoping Review of theories of Local journals are preferred due to cognativism accessibility, low cost and other factors. We Authors: Muhammad Waqas Raza analyzed all recognized Pakistani medical Institute: Riphah international University journals for Higher Education Commission Aims: The traditional learning theories have (HEC) ranking, Index Medicus/Medline undergone many changes in modern times. indexation and impact factor. The purpose of this scoping review is to map Method: HEC recognized health sciences the literature on cognativism paradigm to journals and Pakistan Medical and Dental describe the practical implication of theories of council (PMDC) database was searched for all cognativism in undergraduate medical Pakistani health sciences and medical journals. teaching and to disseminate the research Websites of all medical universities and finding to policymakers. colleges were also searched for their scientific Method: The scoping review followed the five journals.Those journals which were not key steps originally described by Arksey and O recognized by both PMDC and HEC were Malley which include 1).Identifying the excluded from the study. All included journals research question.2)Identifying the relevant were analyzed for Index Medicus/Medline studies 3.) Study selection 4.) Charting the indexation on PubMed website, impact factor, data.5.) Collating, summarizing and reporting HEC raking and variation in the HEC ranking in the results. A broad research question was the past five years. defined including the research items and the Results: Out of the seventy recognized medical appropriate databases were decided. The journals, only 4 (5.7%) were Medline indexed review was guided by the question “what are

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the practical implications of cognativism that based on the knowledge attained, a lecture can be applied to improve learner's growth in and field trip on EPI program is designed. undergraduate medical teaching? The related Metacognitive processes of analysis, articles and references in the relevant articles monitoring and evaluation were addressed were also searched to collect further through various strategies. Questions, information and map the literature. prompts and cues were used to assess the Results: A google search of the key words students. Monitoring of learning through clear revealed a total of 38 articles . A thorough objectives, scaffolding and schema formation literature search on three database i,e google was done. One minute papers, reflections and scholar , searchgate and scihub was done wrappers were utilised for evaluation. During .After removing the duplicate studies a total of this lecture and field trip , students develop 22 articles were reviewed. The search was then awareness of their learning process and learn squeezed to last six years and a total of five full to use metacognitive skills for deep learning. text articles were included in the study.Finally With repetition , these skills equip the students five full text articles were included in the to become lifelong learner. review. The primary focus was Cognitive load Results: The whole exercise resulted in clear theory in medical education n= 27 Multiple understanding of various metacognitive theories n= 6 Information processing theory strategies and especially their practical n=2 Social cognitive aspect n= 3. application.Any learning activity ,without a Conclusion: An understanding of core focus on metacognition results only in concepts of cognitive load theory are central to superficial learning , with teacher and student design effective instructional strategies. unable to engage with each other and with the Further research needs to be done in order to process of learning. It was also made clearly identify the best practice guidelines to improve evident that only a teacher trained in medical students' cognitive load level and application of such teaching strategies can overall growth as a learner. install these skills in the students.In short , metacognition actually gives a purpose to each Title: Metacognition - The Mind Connection activity being done by the teacher or the between Medical Teacher & Students student during the learning process. Author: Tayyaba Rehman Conclusion: Metacognition is the road to Institute: Riphah International University self actualisation, it enables one to reach Aims: M e d i c a l s t u d e n t s r e q u i r e beyond the visible horizons and utilise ones full metacognitive proficiency as they are potential.It is an intellectual approach, with expected to be professionals who need to practical strategies and skills ; a must know by assess, monitor and improve their medical teachers and students, for effective performance throughout their medical and life long learning. careers.Aim of this research project is to understand how medical teachers can Title: Optimal number of options in multiple inculcate metacognitive skills in medical choice questions in undergraduate medical students and develop them into life long assessment learners. Authors: Fahad Azam, Abida Shaheen, Hania Method: A literature search about Naveed metacognitive strategies was performed; Institute: Shifa College of Medicine

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Aims: Optimal number of options for writing Naveed multiple choice questions (MCQS) has been an Institute: Shifa College of Medicine area of debate in medical education. Aims: Multidisciplinary researches require a Restricting number of options for questions coordinated effort to bring several disciplines may increase reliability and more concepts c l o s e r t o p ro v i d e c o m p l e m e n ta r y could be tested in limited time. Our study contributions, combine different expertise and aimed to investigate effect of number of offer multiple perspectives on a topic. Our options on Cronbach's alpha. study aimed to investigate ratio of Method: A prospective cross-sectional study multidisciplinary medical research in Pakistan. was conducted in which third year medical Method: We collected data from latest issues students were randomly assigned into three of three Pakistani medical journals indexed in groups each time for five successive formative Medline/ Index Medicus and selected three assessments in two integrated modules. Each journals from Eastern Mediterranean region group was provided with a formative test with similar impact factor for comparison of comprising of three, four and five multiple data. We compared number of studies choice options respectively. Mean scores, published in Pakistani journals and average time taken to complete assessment international medical journals for comparison and Cronbach's alpha for each group of every of multi-disciplinary researches with studies assessment were recorded. conducted by a single department or specialty. Results: A total of ninety students participated Results: Total number of articles in latest issues in the study. The mean score for the students of Pakistani medical journals was 101 out of with three options was 21.30±5.69. Mean w h i c h 3 3 ( 3 2 . 6 % ) s t u d i e s w e r e score of students with four options was multidisciplinary and 68 (67.32) were 17.14±5.07 whereas mean score of students conducted by a single department. A paired t with five options was 15.19±5.76. The test shows p value less than 0.05. On the other Cronbach's alpha for questions with three, four hand 21 (52.5%) out of 41 articles collected and five options were 0.722, 0.79 and 0.657 from three EMR countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, respectively. Mean time taken to complete Oman) were multidisciplinary and 20 (48.78) assessments was shortest with three options. were conducted by a single discipline or With less number of distractors students took department. P value was not significant. less time to complete assessments but highest Conclusion: Collaboration with different reliability of the test was achieved with four departments and specialties to conduct options. researches opens avenues for more researches Conclusion: MCQs with three or four and impact of such studies is higher in terms of options might be a better strategy for application of data. Pakistani authors need to assessments in medical curriculum as by collaborate more to design multi-disciplinary adopting MCQs with three options, more studies. concepts can be tested with good distractors in lesser time. Validity of assessment is highest Title: Use of e-Learning in Integrated Clinical with four options in MCQs and improves Biochemistry quality and discriminatory power. Authors: Saima Saeed, Sumreena Mansoor Institute: Shifa college of Medicine, Shifa Title: Multidisciplinary Research in Pakistan Tameer-e-Millat University Authors: Abida Shaheen, Fahad Azam, Hania Aims: Modern day technology has introduced

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different e-learning tools in medical education. and domains being investigated currently in The impact and usefulness of these e-learning the field of medical education worldwide. tools is the main focus of this study. Method: We conducted a search on Method: The study was carried out on the 1st website to collect data year medical students of Shifa College of about different types of interventions being Medicine shifa tameer-e-millat university, conducted around the world as it is mandatory class of 2023.Students were given to register all types of trials on this website questionnaire to fill after which qualitative and before commencing any intervention. quantitative analysis were performed Results: Total number of medical education Results: Students have shown they are equally interventions being conducted around the comfortable using laptops and mobile phones world was 148 out of which most studies are for studies as shown by the data where in 51% being conducted in the US (32.4%) followed by showed preference for laptops. In regards to Canada (14.86%). Most studies are being the data it is shown that 86% of people have conducted to test new technology in the field stated that they would prefer lectures to be of medical education (37.16%) This is closely videotaped and furthermore 69% have followed by research conducted to improve expressed an interest in a both forms of communication skills and behavioral learning being used to allow for a better modification of medical students (35.13%) leaning experience. A student recommended Other important types of medical education online courses as well as online formative interventions being conducted are leadership assessments including Multiple Choice studies (9.4%) and students' evaluation (6.7%). Questions and quizzes. One of the other Conclusion: Use of technology is becoming suggestions was to have a Dropbox containing increasingly common worldwide as an concept maps etc. intervention in medical education. Studies Conclusion: In essence what the data shows is should also be conducted to observe other that the most effective way for students to aspects of medical education such as the effect learn and understand is a combination of of introduction of humanities, behavioral traditional methods and e-learning tools that sciences and programs to improve patient allows for not only the students to learn safety. effectively but for the teachers to be less burdened as well. Title: Drop in performance of Medical students in summative assessments in the Title: An analysis of current trends of middle of an academic year interventions in the field of Medical Author: Hania Naveed, Fahad Azam, Afrose Education Liaquat Authors: Abida Shaheen, Fahad Azam, Hania Institute: Shifa College of Medicine Naveed, Afrose Liaquat Aims: Medical students need constant Institute: Shifa College Of Medicine, Shifa motivation to perform well as their academic Tameer-E-Millat University performance keeps fluctuating throughout the Aims: The field of Medical education is year. Aim of our study was to investigate the continuously evolving with the use of fluctuation in academic performance of third innovative strategies becoming increasingly year medical students in the beginning and in popular. Our study aimed to examine trends the middle of an academic year.

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Method: We conducted a cross sectional study was prepared, with Likert scale, consisting of at Shifa College of Medicine to assess 16 questions, relevant to issues such as fluctuation of scores in summative infliction of potential harms on real patients assessments in the first module of an academic during clinical teaching, and benefits / year in comparison to summative scores in a strengths of clinical teaching on patient module in the middle of the same academic simulators / manikins. Some questions were year. related to any potential adverse effect of such Results: Ninety two students participated in teaching on humanism, student/patient the study. The mean score for first module was physician and patient relationship. There were 73.17±9.50. Mean scores for the module in the few open-ended questions seeking their views middle of the academic year was 64.60±8.94. to resolve these conflicting issues in medical The drop in the two scores was tested using t- teaching. test which was significant (p-value <0.01). We Results: 1. 23 % Senior faculty favored clinical used our results to create a model with both teaching solely on patient simulators 2. 49% co-efficient being significant (p-value<0.01). Senior faculty suggested clinical teaching using Module 2 score = 0.558*Module 1 score + real patients as well as manikins 3. 28 % of 23.79 The Pearson correlation for the two senior faculty opposed use of patient score was 0.593 which was significant (p- simulators in clinical teaching Among junior value<0.01). faculty: 1. 32% suggested use of patient Conclusion: Performance of medical students simulators as sole method of clinical teaching keeps fluctuating during an academic year. 2. 55% suggested hybrid method for clinical Students need constant encouragement and teaching. 3. Only 13% disliked use of manikins use of innovative strategies to keep them in teaching of medical schools motivated throughout the year. Conclusion: Though there are variable inter- and intra-group views, amongst Senior / Junior Title: Patient Simulator in Medical Teaching: faculty regarding use of real patient and Ethical Challenges manikins, but principle of ethics "Do No Harm", Author: Inayat Ullah Memon necessitates use of manikins in clinical study. Institute: Indus Medical College, TMK, To amicably settle the opposing views and Pakistan follow ethical principles, a hybrid method may Aims: To follow the ethical principle of "Do no be evolved. harm", patient simulators are being used since few years to teach medical students. This mode Title: Healthcare Needs of the Muslim Patient of teaching excludes real patients, with community in the Undergraduate Medical resultant adverse effect on some essential Curriculum training components of training including of Author: Hameed ul Haq humanism, student/physician-patient Institute: Peshawar Medical College relationship. This paper discusses these Aims: Muslim patients have a unique set of conflicting issues. healthcare needs that are related to their faith. Method: A quantitative study was carried on The study aimed to recommend additional faculty members of clinical disciplines of Indus content that would better tailor the medical college. These were grouped in two undergraduate curriculum to cater to these categories, Senior and Junior. A questionnaire needs with the expectation that patients

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would have these queries resolved by officers of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. We healthcare providers themselves. explored career choices of these students and Method: A quantitative descriptive survey their preference for countries to pursue post- design was adopted. A 46-item questionnaire graduation. formulated through a literature review was put Results: Out of 225 medical students and forth to experts using the Delphi Technique. house officers, 65.5% respondents stated that Experts were selected based on having an they would like to go abroad for post- academic rank of associate professor and graduation. 30% students stated that they above or medical education credentials. Three would pursue higher studies in Pakistan iterative rounds were conducted for exploring whereas 5% students were indecisive. Lack of consensus over a period of five months. Panel opportunities, low pay structure and poor agreement of >70% was the criteria for portrayal of doctors' image on media were the inclusion. most common reasons for choosing to go Results: Items were categorized under 7 abroad. UK(40%), US(35%) and Australia (5%) subject themes: Medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery, were the most preferred countries for post- Gynecology, Obstetrics, Medical Ethics, and graduation by medical students. Islamic Studies. Consensus was eventually Conclusion: Medical students perceive post reached for 41 out of 46 items. These topics pursuing post-graduation abroad as a good included but were not limited to “The Muslim choice for their future career. Steps should be patient in Ramadan: to fast or not to fast?” and taken to improve opportunities for medical “Muslim women and decision-making on post-graduation in Pakistan. pregnancy termination”. Conclusion: The study suggested that the Title: Can clinical competencies be learned by topics proposed herein were in fact legitimate behaviorist approach? A Scoping Review faith-related healthcare needs of Muslim Author: Alishba Mukhtar patients. Their inclusion would add value to Institute: Riphah International University, the undergraduate medical curriculum and Islamabad would train practitioners to improve patient Aims: Medical education has undergone a outcomes more holistically. major transformation over the years. Apart from the critique on behaviorism, one of its Title: Career choices for post-graduation by practical implications is in competency/ Pakistani medical students outcome based education, where the behavior Author: Afrose Liaquat, Fahad Azam, Abida change is the desired outcome. The aim of this Shaheen scoping review was to provide a compendious Institute: Shifa College of Medicine overview of relevant research . Aims: There is increasing trend among Method: This scoping review is based on the Pakistani medical students to go abroad to five-stage framework proposed by Arksey and pursue post-graduation. We conducted a cross O'Malley. The initial research question was sectional study to explore the reason for identified. The main focus of my study was to choosing to pursue post-graduation in Pakistan determine the role of behaviorist approach in or going abroad for different reasons. acquiring the clinical competencies. Studies Method: We conducted a cross sectional study relevant to the topic were identified using among 225 medical students and house different electronic databases. Article

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selection was done using the Preferred the focus from passive learning to student- Reporting of Items for Systematic Reviews and centric active learning. The aim of our study Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. In the was to assess the effectiveness of student- next stage, data charting of selected articles centered active learning strategies utilized in a was done. Author, year, location of study and global health course at Weill Cornell Medicine- outcomes of selected articles were Qatar. summarized. In the end all the findings were Method: Interactive class discussions, reported and summarized. audience response systems (clickers), poll Results: The results depicted that outcome everywhere questions and video-facilitated based education is underpinned by learning were introduced during didactic behaviorism. It is valuable when designing sessions in a three-credit global health course. competency-based curricula. Specific We felt that these instructional strategies objectives will make the students aware of would be commensurate with the learning what they are expected to learn and perform. profile and educational background of our What criteria will be used to evaluate them? It students. At the conclusion of the course, implies the formation of checklists and rubrics premedical students completed an for assessment. It has its roots in feedback, anonymous survey to assess teaching simulations, role-modeling and other models effectiveness, student learning, engagement of clinical teaching and learning. The clinical and participation. procedures with strict protocols (Eg, ATLS), Results: Survey results revealed students' psychomotor and some affective skills can be overall satisfaction with active learning acquired using the behaviorist approach. pedagogy. The vast majority of participants Feedback and role modeling involves positive agreed that the use of videos during lecture reinforcement from behaviorism. discussions, interactive class discussions, and Conclusion: We cannot know what goes on clickers during question and answer sessions in people's minds. We can only target on the improved their engagement and learning. Our right (training) inputs and check for the right study demonstrates the usefulness of active (behavioral) outputs. The most important link learning strategies in a high impact between behaviorism and outcome/ undergraduate medical education learning competency based education is that teachers environment. It shows that utilizing the can arrange the external stimuli to bring about integration of interactive class discussion, a desired outcome. clickers and video-facilitated learning along with the traditional method of teaching Title: Assessing Effectiveness of Student- enhances participation, improves learning and Centered Active Learning Classroom students' critical thinking skills, interactivity Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement with peers and provides a collaborative and Learning platform for discussion and engagement. Authors: Sohaila Cheema, Rachid Bendriss, Conclusion: The study establishes that Ravinder Mamtani millennial students favor the utilization of Institute: Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar active educational strategies compared to the Aims: There is increasing utilization of passive teacher-centric methods of teaching to educational strategies like audience response enhance student participation and learning. systems and interactive discussions which shift This also builds a community of learners who

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learn to negotiate, collaborate in groups and intervention plans would be introduced so that teams, and communicate their thoughts level of distresses due to excluded behaviors effectively and confidently. will be decrease and students become able to perform better in their academic activities. Title: Ostracism and its Effect on Psychological Distress in Students; Gender Differences on Title: Item Analysis of One-Best Type MCQ's the Effects of Ignorance and Exclusion Author: Mubashir Sharif Author: Moafia Dastagir, Rakia Ashraf Institute: Private Institute: Riphah International University Aims: MCQs are commonly used as an Aims: The present study explored the effects assessment tool in medical curriculum. of Ostracism on Psychological Distress in However, if poorly constructed, MCQs can fail Students. Moreover it aimed to evaluate the to serve their purpose. Objective: To assess the effects of Ostracism on gender differences. quality of one best type MCQs used to evaluate Correlation research design was followed to 2 nd year BDS students in the subject of conclude the results of 400 students of age preclinical prosthodontics ranges 15-25, (male=200, female=200) from Method: Forty-eight undergraduate dental different educational institutes of Lahore. students of 2 nd year BDS were subjected to a Method :Selection of participants based on test in the subject of Pre-Clinical previous literature. Ostracism Experience Prosthodontics. The test comprised of 25 'one- Scale for Adolescents (oes-a; ostracism and its best type' MCQs, each with four choices a – d. effect on psychological distress in students; Quality of each MCQ was tested using item gender differences on the effects of ignorance analysis formulas. Data was analyzed using and exclusion Gilman, 2013) and Kessler's SPSS version 24. Difficulty index, Scale for Psychological Distress (K-10; Kessler, discrimination index and distractor efficiency 2002) was used to measure Ignorance, were calculated. Exclusion, and level of Psychological Distress Results: Majority (48%) of items had Respectively. acceptable difficulty index, while 48% had Results: Pearson Product Moment Correlation good discrimination index 0.35). Of the 100 Analysis was used to check, relationship distractors, 29% were non-functional; 44% between Ostracism and Psychological Distress. MCQs had only 01 nonfunctional distractors Independent Sample t-test was used to (NFDs) and 24% had no NFDs. evaluate the effects of Ostracism on gender Conclusion: Questions used in this test difference (male, female) and Psychological should be revised and improved before use in Distress. On the basis of analysis it was future assessments. concluded that Ostracism and Psychological Distress had significant positive relationship. Title: The Need for Implementation of Inter Females experienced higher Ostracism and Professional Education in Undergraduate had more Psychological Distress as compared Health Professions Colleges in Pakistan to males. Author: Attia Sheikh Conclusion: On the basis of this information Institute: CMH Multan future awareness and interventions would be Aims: Interprofessional collaboration and plan for minimizing bullied behaviors at team work is at the backbone for any health educational institutes and advanced professionals' task force in a health care

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setting. Unless teams of doctors, nurses and variables by Mann-Whitney tests. For other paramedical professionals work multivariate analysis we tested for alongside one another in harmony and with independent predictors by binary logistic successful communication and effective regression. collaboration the patient care cannot be Results: Almost 15% of students over a five- optimized. year tenure in a medical college were Method: In order to find out the reasons why identified as strugglers. Significant IPE has not yet been introduced to the independent predictors of students being in mainstream colleges of different health this category were age (2.25, 95% confidence professions in Pakistan, a cross sectional study interval 0.178 to 0.700), gender (2.19, 95% is designed. The purpose of the study is to confidence interval 1.552 to 6.811), foreign assess the status and barriers of IPE student (1.98, 0.024 to 0.873). Male sex was a implementation in different medical, dental, significant risk factor (0.002) as was a nursing, pharmacy and other health Premedical mode of exam (0.008, 1.309 to professions colleges in Pakistan. 3 A Survey will 5.971). be done using a questionnaire. The Conclusion: Gender, age, foreign nationals, questionnaire is planned to be emailed to the class and premedical mode of exam were five faculty (from different health professions) and factors identified as predictors of poor responses collected and analyzed. Those who academic performance. will not be reached via emails will be handed over hard copies Title: Role of supervisors as mentor in the academic performance of post graduate Title: Predicting the strugglers: A case control doctors in a public sector hospital of Karachi study at a private medical college in Authors: Hafeez Ud Din, Ambreen Usmani. Islamabad Institute: AFIP Rawalpindi Author: Faiza Kiran Aims: To identify the role of supervisors as Institute: Riphah International University, mentor in the academic performance of post Islamabad graduate doctors in a public sector hospital of Aims: To identify potential predictors of Karachi undergraduate students who struggle during Method: In this study pre-test scores of their medical training mentees and non mentored trainees (control Method: Design: Case-control study. Cases group) were compared with the post-test were students who had experienced academic scores. A total of 91 post graduate trainees ( or personal difficulties that affected their including 6 x anaesthesia, 8 x dermatology, 12 x progression on the course (“strugglers”). medicine, 15 x paediatrics, 3 x pathology, 8 x Controls were selected at random from the surgery and 39 x radiology) and their corresponding year cohorts, using a ratio of supervisors were enrolled in the study. The two controls for each struggler. Setting: Shifa academic performance of post graduate College of Medicine Duration of study: 2015- trainees was assessed at the start of this study. 2017 Participants: Students who entered the Then the trainees were randomly assigned to 2 MBBS course, over five consecutive years. group labeled as A and B. Group A was given Statistical tests applied for data analysis: For mentoring sessions on fortnightly basis for univariate analysis we compared dichotomous three months. variables with Chi Square tests and continuous Results: There were 21 males and 70 female

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trainees with a male to female ratio of 1:3.3. was developed using grounded theory. The ages of the trainees ranged from 26 to 43 Results: Although formative assessment was years with 69.23 (n 63) of the trainees ranged rightly understood to be for learning purposes, from 29 to 33 years. There was a significant grades were considered necessary. This difference between pre test scores and post appeared to derail initial formative attempt to test scores, both at 3 months and at 6 months, motivate learning. This study suggested in group A where the students were subjected modifications at three levels, early years of to mentoring between baseline and 3 months; school, on entry into medical college and the median score at both 3 month post-test during undergraduate years to ensure that and 6 month post-test was found to be students use feedback effectively to enhance significantly higher than the median score at learning. Using constructivist grounded theory pre-test approach a framework was developed for Conclusion: On the basis of this study it is effective feedback on knowledge based concluded that mentoring by supervisors has a assessment, which included feedback after significant impact on the academic regular and frequent assessment that is performance of the post graduate trainees in detailed, immediate, individual, interactive our set up as well and specific, removes misconceptions and provides guidance. Title: A study of student and teacher Conclusion: Major adjustments in the understanding and experience of feedback on assessment-feedback process are required to knowledge based assessment, and its effects promote self-directed learning and effective on learning, with implications for future utilization of feedback for improved learning design Author: Riffat Shafi Title: Cognitive Processes in Bedside Teaching Institute: Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University that Foster Clinical Reasoning in Medical Aims: The importance of feedback as a key Students component of formative assessment has been Author: Tara Jaffery, Nadia Saeed, Ayesha Rauf, acknowledged by many researchers. This study Ali Tayyab aimed to explore the understanding of faculty Institute: Riphah International University, and students towards the effectiveness of Islamabad feedback on knowledge assessments, and Aims: Clinical Reasoning refers to the design improved methods for providing cognitive processes required by clinicians to effective feedback which will provide diagnose and manage patient's medical substantial knowledge gains. problems. The learning of CR skills is a complex Method: Semi structured interviews were task. Workplace based patient encounters, conducted with 2nd year MBBS students who followed by discussions with clinicians, are had completed their 1st year at Shifa College of crucial part of clinical clerkships Medicine and with basic sciences faculty Method: A naturalistic study design in the real members involved in teaching them, to life inpatient setting was used to explore the determine their views about feedback sessions cognitive processes that facilitate CR in the on knowledge assessments. Interviews were patient encounter of fifth-year medical analyzed qualitatively, and framework for students during BST in medicine, surgery, effective feedback on knowledge assessment pediatrics and obstetrics, and gynecology

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clerkships of Shifa College of Medicine. a key component of high quality patient care. Cognitive processes were identified using Method: A pilot study was designed by Stimulated Recall procedure. The data were including twenty (20) students from each analyzed using qualitative methods of constant school (i.e. medicine, pharmacy and comparative analysis, associated with the biosciences). All the data collected from the grounded theory approach respondent was compiled and analysed by Results: We identified several themes in our using appropriate statistical method. Our analysis which represented cognitive university implemented restructuring of the processes recalled during CR instances in BST. administrative framework in the recent past. Application of students' prior knowledge to One of the changes introduced was merging of patient care, discussion of clinical concepts in various faculties under one cluster. Hence, the context of the patient's case, and giving School of Medicine has been placed under the justification for responses during the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS) discussion were the most frequent themes. together with Schools of Pharmacy and The cognitive processes related to CR were Biosciences. One of the aims of this identified at all stages of the student-teacher restructuring was to promote interaction interaction : while presenting the history and between the students and faculty members. physical examination, formulating a Results: Altogether, 46 students including 25 differential diagnosis, and developing (54.3%) from school of biomedical science, 13 management plans for the patient. The themes (28.3%) from school of medicine and 8 (17.4%) were independent of disciplines students from school of pharmacy participated Conclusion: CR processes start very early in in the survey. Majority of respondents were the student-patient interaction and continue female (n=34, 73.9%) and belonged to 1st year in all subsequent stages of the encounter. of their study (n=35, 76.1%). Of the 10 (21.7%) Implications from our study may be used to respondents that were aware of the term inter- develop BST strategies to foster CR in medical professional education, majority of them were students female respondent (n=8), Chinese ethnicity (n=7), belonged to biomedical science group Title: Awareness of the students towards (n=6), belonged to year 1 (n=8) and had no inter-professional education at the Faculty of family healthcare professional among the Health and Medical Sciences, Taylor's family (n=5). None of the respondent university, Malaysia demographic had any statistical association Author: Farzana Rizwan, Imam Shaik, Raja with respondent awareness of IPE. Of the 10 Ahsan Aftab, Roland Gamini Sirisinghe, Rusli respondents aware of IPE, 3 of them had an Nordin, Sreenivas Patro Sisinthy adequate knowledge of IPE. Our analysis Institute: Taylor’s University, Malaysia suggest that none of the student demographic Aims: The practice of health sciences involves factors had any statistical significant numerous situations where interaction and association with respondent's knowledge of integration of various disciplines play a vital IPE. On the other hand, of the 10 respondents role for optimizing the diagnostic and that were aware of the term IPE, 7 of them had therapeutic benefits to the patients and a positive attitude towards IPE statements. communities. The effectiveness of inter- Respondent's professional course (P 0.049) professional teamwork is widely recognized as and year of study (P 0.016) had a statistical

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significant association with the attitude items of subscale 'communication and mutual towards IPE. No correlation was observed support' differed significantly among groups among respondent's knowledge and attitude (p=0.000). However, students of all professions scores (P 0.71) had similar perception toward subscale 'team Conclusion: Awareness and knowledge of IPE structure and leadership' and 'situation was low however majority of respondents monitoring' (p=0.25 and 0.13, respectively). demonstrated positive attitude towards IPE Conclusion: Team structure and leadership thereby suggesting students' willingness to as well as team monitoring could be developed adapt and learn more about IPE. during the program. However, despites students had been working together, the Title: Students' Self Perceived Teamwork finding indicated that poor interprofessional during Community Based Interprofessional communication and mutual support were Education reported by all groups and conveyed to be the Author: Endang Lestari major barriers to achieving optimal teamwork Institute: Department of Medl Education in community. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang Indonesia Title: Factor Analysis Correlated to Job Aims: The interprofessional healthcare team Satisfaction of Doctors Specialist Obstetrics is an important component of community and Gynecology in Sectio Caesarea Action on based healthcare service, and is most effective the National Health Insurance System if skills of shared understanding and mutually Author: Nasrudin AM, Fridawaty Rivai, Khalid respectful collaboration are developed during Saleh students training. These skills can be learned Institute: Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin through interprofessional community based University Makassar education. Aims: In Indonesia, the National Health Method: A total of 254 students participated in Insurance System (NHIS) is an implementation S u l t a n A g u n g C o m m u n i t y B a s e d of law No 40 of 2004 about the National Social Interprofessional Education (SACBIPE) with Insurance System in health sector with 109 medical students, 61 midwifery students universal health coverage (UHC) concept. NHIS and, 84 nursing students. Students are divided is an Indonesian government program aimed into 30 groups of 7 and were immersed in the to improve the health standard of all people in rural village for two weeks. Each group was Indonesia. responsible for a neighborhood group, which Method: To analyze the factors related to job normally consists of 25-30 families. satisfaction of doctor specialist for obstetrics Furthermore, students run learning activities and gynecology toward Sectio Caesarea in according to the design of the SACBIPE National Health Insurance system.The study program. A survey was conducted to evaluate was conducted in Makassar. The number of sstudent's' self-perceived teamwork samples was 73 doctors specialist for performance during the SACBIPE program obstetrics and gynecology (SpOG). Data were e m p l o y i n g Te a m w o r k P e r c e p t i o n obtained by using questionnaires to measure Questionnaire (TPQ). the factors that affect job satisfaction on Results: Results The Kruskal–Wallis statistical challenging work, appropriate rewards, analyses revealed that the median scores of all working conditions and co-workers by

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adopting and adapting the standard of job assessment of endocrine, gastro-intestinal, Description Index (JDI) developed by Smith in hematology, and reproduction blocks. The Gibson. The result of this research is analyzed analysis was compared with the analysis of the by using Spearman test items before FDP workshops. Results :There is correlation among Results: Significant improvement was found in transparency and remuneration toward job the difficulty index values to be pre- training to satisfaction of the doctor specialist for post-training (p = 0.005). SAQ with the obstetrics and gynecology in NHIS. There is no moderate difficulty and higher discrimination correlation among control over work and were found to be more in the post-training prerogative obtain need service on specialist tests items in all four blocks. Easy questions doctors for obstetrics and gynecology in NHIS. were decreased from pre to post training (31.4 Conclusion: Transparency, remuneration and % to 24.9 %). Significant improvement was also working conditions have a significant reported in the discriminating indices from pre correlation with the satisfaction of doctor to post 91.6 % to 94.7 % after training (p = specialist for obstetrics and gynecology in 0.149). Makassar. While control over work and Conclusion: The SAQ written by the faculties prerogative obtain need service have no without participating in the faculty correlation to job satisfaction of doctor development programs (FDPs) are usually of specialist for obstetrics and gynecology on low quality. This study suggests that newly Sectio Caesarea in NHIS joined faculties need active participation in FDPs as these programs are supportive in the Title: Faculty development programs (FDP) improving the quality of SAQ items writing. improve the quality of Short Answer Questions (SAQ) items' Title: Assessment of research methodology Author: Hamza Mohammad Abdulghani concepts through critical appraisal among Institute: College of Medicine King Saud undergraduate medical students and their University perception: A Single Centre Study Aims: Students learning is driven and Author: Imad ud din Saqib enhanced by assessment, thus development of Institute: STMU Islamabad high quality test is an important skill for Aims: Evidence based medicine is an educators. SAQs are recently introduced to interplay of individual clinical acumen and best assess student's cognitive skills of critical available evidence through scientific thinking and problem solving skills. Review has systematic research. With the advent of shown poor quality items writing by the modern medicine in the last two centuries, faculty. medical education has seen and continues to Method: This was a quasi-experimental study, experience its revolutionary effects. conducted with newly joined faculty members. Method: A mixed method study was Many workshops were conducted to improve conducted in which third year MBBS students the quality of the constructed SAQ items. Post were assessed in a group through power point assessment analysis was carried out for the presentation regarding different concepts of SAQ items for their difficulty and research while critically appraising a research discriminating indices, reliability and Bloom's article. Quantitative and qualitative data were cognitive levels based on the courses collected. Descriptive statistics were

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calculated, as well as thematic analysis was questionnaire will be prepared for questioning done. from patients including following questions. Results: From a total of 102 participants, 58 Who are the doctors that you feel were male and 42 were female. Majority of the uncomfortable with (or unprofessional)? participants (81.4%) achieved an average or a Why? What happened with him/her? What good score and only 18.6% achieved a poor did you expect from him/her? score. Six themes were generated. General Results: I will interview 40-50 patients enthusiasm about the activity was noted individually regarding their perceptions on among participants who considered it unprofessional behaviors they experienced beneficial. However, only a few were in the from physicians ever in their life. Interviewees favor of incorporating this activity as a will recall and the personal experiences or mandatory component in undergraduate observations of misbehaviors that had studies. occurred during their consultation time with Conclusion: Incorporating research in a doctor during treatment or hospital stay (who mandatory longitudinal theme component as said what). I will record the demographic data part of undergraduate medical studies seems a of patients potential method of laying the foundation for Conclusion: The recorded interviews will be future physician scientists transcribed; thematic analysis of quantitative data will be made by generating codes and Title: Unprofessional behaviors of Physicians, themes. Of interviews, field notes and other as perceived by patients relevant documents available (e.g., medical Author: Nighat Majeed records). Data collection and analyses were Institute: Riphah International University, done concurrently to guide the sampling Islamabad process. Aims: The American Medical Association has identified four distinct forms of unprofessional Title: Perception of Plastic Surgery residents conduct by physician's inappropriate behavior, about Reflective practice in their training disruptive behavior, harassment, and sexual Author: Muhammad Mustahsan Bashir harassment. he common unprofessional Institute: Riphah International University, conduct in the workplace are intimidation or Islamabad bullying, sexual harassment, rude and loud Aims: Background: Reflective practice is comments, offensive and abusive language, essential for professional development of persistent lateness in joining activities, residents. Though earlier research has tried to attending meetings explore the interventions to build and improve Method: Study Design: Qualitative Study Type: the reflective aptitude and skills of Qualitative narrative study Study Duration: Six undergraduate students, there appears to be months Sampling Technique/Design: dearth of research pertaining to the Convenient sampling Inclusion Criteria: All understanding of reflection in the post patients who consented to participate graduate training programs. Exclusion Criteria: Very sick and moribund Method: A qualitative study based on patients will be excluded from study p h e n o m e n o l o g i c a l a p p r o a c h a n d Instrumentation :( what instruments you will epistemological stance was used to generate use to collect data?): A semi structured views of residents on the research questions. A

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semi-structured interview pattern was used to education to interested parties. The evaluation get a detailed perspective of the 10 plastic is carried out on students, institutions and surgery residents about the research educational programs on formal and non- questions. The interviews were written down formal channel for all levels, units and types of accurately word for word. The author searched education. for key words and phrases. The data were then Method: This is a descriptive study using cross analyzed using an analytical process which sectional approach. Research subjects are involved a number of interconnected stages to students of semester 1, 3, 5 and 7 of Medical classify and organize data according to key Faculty, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, themes and subthemes. Makassar. They are given questionnaire of Results: Five main themes emerged following evaluation of blocks implementation in the data analysis: reflective practice-difficult to form of a link to the Google document format. perceive, personal development, reflective practice for learning and patient care and &usp=forms_ald All the students have to reflective conversation. Participants had complete the questionnaire after finishing the diversity of thoughts on the concept of blocks. reflective practice but they had similar Results: In general, students show a very good understanding of applications of reflective level of satisfaction, both in the learning practice including role in self development, process and in the learning outcomes patient care and individual and collaborative achieved. Average level percentage of learning; and improvement in practice and semester 1 students are 93.4% for the learning surgical skills. The participants did not limit the process and 88.9% for achieved learning reflective conversation to self but considered outcomes, semester 3 are 95.9% and 93.2% 'conversation with others' as important respectively, semester 5 are 96% and 95.7%, component of reflection. and semester 7 are 97.8% and 89.2%. Conclusion: The concept of reflective practice, Conclusion: Although the questionnaire though, is difficult to perceive but it is essential showed very good results, there were several for professional development of residents. The aspects that had to be studied more deeply to findings also suggest that in communities of get the actual evaluation results. practice, reflecting together and sharing experiences with others is the new face of Title: Could Students' Assess Themselves? reflection. Comparing Students' Self-Assessment and Tutors' Assessment Title: Evaluation of Blocks Implementation: Author: Umatul Khoiriyah Levels of Student Satisfaction on Learning Institute: Department of Medical Education, Processes and achieved Learning Outcomes Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Author: Shulhana Mokhtar, Syamsu Rijal, Indonesia Nesyana Nurmadilla, Berry E. Hasbi Aims: Self-assessment is an essential skill for Institute: Medical Faculty, Universitas Muslim a lifelong learner such as a doctor. By Indonesia, Makassar conducting self-assessment, a doctor is able to Aims: Evaluation is carried out in the context understand the strengths and weakness by of national quality control of education as a which he/ she could conduct improvement. form of accountability in implementing Medical students should be trained how to

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conduct self-assessment. carried out after taking informed consent. Method: First year students (n=90) completed Head and Neck module was taught by s e l f - a s s e s s m e n t i n B l o c k N e u r o interactive lectures, at the end of module a musculoskeletal. The self-assessment scale on pre-test of 25 MCQs was given. After which a active learning and critical thinking (SSACT) video session of 30 minutes was carried out on was used as student self-assessment tool. They same day by showing videos on the topics, filled this assessment at end of tutorial assessed in pre-test. A post-test of same MCQs meeting of learning unit 1, 3 and 4. The was done after session. Data was analyzed by students' self-assessment in these three units SPSS version 25. Marks of pre-test and post- was then correlated with tutors' assessment test were compared by using paired-t test. P- using Pearson correlation value of <= 0.05 was considered statistically Results: The average of students' self- significant. assessment in three learning units correlated Results: A total of 77 medical students took significantly with the average of tutors' part in pre and post-test of video session. The assessment (p<0.01). The students' self- results of post-test responses (54.96 ± 3.06) assessment in unit 1 and 3 also has significant were statistically higher (P value=0.000) as relationship with tutors' assessment in the compared to pre-test responses (49.64 ± 3.37). intended unit (p<0.01). On the other hand, Conclusion: Teaching physiology was effective students 'assessment in unit 2 did not has by using video session as a tool for significant relationship with tutors understanding and clarification of concepts. 'assessment. Therefore, video session along with interactive Conclusion: Students are quite able to conduct lectures are recommended for future self-assessment. Their accuracy to assess Physiology teaching. themselves is relatively good; however, they need more practice to judge their own tutorial Title: Academic stress and menstrual performance. Tutors feedback is also required disorders among female medical students in in order to increase students skill in assessing Lahore themselves and to take learning improvement Author: Misbah Waris using the result of self-assessment. Institute: Riphah University, Islamabad Aims: To find out the frequency of menstrual Title: Evaluation of effectiveness of teaching disorders among female medical students in physiology by video session Lahore. Author: Shazia Ali Method: Data was collected from different Institute: Riphah International University medical universities of Lahore after taking Aims: Educational videos which are a part of ethical consent, i.e King Edward medical visual aids, are used to deliver content of university, superior university, MARS institute various disciplines in medical sciences for the of health sciences , University of Lahore, better performance of students. Therefore, Lahore Campus and University of Sargodha this study aims to determine the effectiveness Lahore Campus. . A Comparative survey was of video sessions in teaching physiology to conducted from January 2015 to June 2015 medical students. and 347 students were recruited for the study. Methods: An experimental study based on 77 All the medical students having age 18 to 25 medical students from second year MBBS was years, the medical students with or without

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history of menstrual disorders were included in Shifa College of Medicine, Islamabad Pakistan the study. Students with history of alcohol, from Nov 2017 to Oct 2018. The smoking, athletics, pregnancy, recent history undergraduate students visited the persons of abortion or miscarriage, poor diet habit with special needs at Care for Special Persons were excluded. Foundation, Islamabad. During three hours Results: Stress is a leading factor towards interaction, Special persons were engaged in menstrual disorders. As found in current study different recreational activities. Following the hostilites students are more prone to stress as visit, focused group discussions were carried 108 hostilites students were strongly agree out using an interview guide and audio with the academic pressure and 79 day recording was done. Then the data was scholars were stressed due to academic transcribed and various codes were generated. pressure. And hence researcher also found Results: Thematic analysis was done by which that dysmenorrhea is found in 38.33% ( four main themes were generated from the hostilites) and 25.07% in day scholars. data; (a) searching for threads of the divine (b) Oligomenorria 10.15% in hostalities,9.80% in connection and bonding (c) accomplishment day scholars and menorrhagia 8.65% in to actualization (d) pool of ideas for future hostilities and 6.92% in day scholars. activities. Conclusion: It was concluded that female Conclusion: Students felt the importance of medical students specially hostilites students interacting and engaging with the persons with were more prone to academic stress that's why special needs through different entertaining menstrual irregularities e.g. dysmenorrhea, activities, which require little effort but can pre-menstrual symptoms, oligomenorrhea, have greater impact on the psychosocial health amenorrhea and menorrhagia were more of this marginalized section of the community. common in them as compare to day scholar students Title: Impact of Chronotype on sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in medical and dental Title: A step towards social inclusion for students persons with special needs- Medical Author: Ayesha Haque, Sadaf Mumtaz, Student's Perspective Ambreen Gul, Humaira Shoaib Author: Saima Rafi, Tahira Jaffar, Mansoor Institute: HITEC-IMS, Taxila Ahmed Qazi Aims: The role of the circadian rhythm in Institute: Shifa College of Medicine determining pedagogic performance is Aims: Social Inclusion is “the process of recognized, but underexplored. Moreover, low improving the terms on which individuals and academic achievement attributed to evening groups take part in society—improving the chronotype may be linked to poor sleep quality ability, opportunity, and dignity of those and excessive daytime sleepiness. disadvantaged on the basis of their identity”. Method: Using non-probability convenience Medical education is in a need to expand the sampling, a total of 215 medical and 47 dental strategies and to create a learning students were included in this cross- sectional environment for teaching. descriptive survey. Chronotype was assessed Method: An exploratory study was conducted by employing a validated, Morningness- among 105 students of year 4 attending the Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ). To gauge clerkship of community and family medicine at the quality of sleep, Pittsburg Sleep Quality

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Index (PSQI) was used. Daytime sleepiness was considered significant. estimated by Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Data Results: Students rated the use of toothbrush was analysed using SPSS version 20. and paste [n = 59(67%)] superior to miswak use Results: Compared to the morning and [n=3(3.4%)], p value <0.05. Forty seven percent intermediate type participants, evening type of students considered the use of toothbrush participants experienced significantly more to be more beneficial while the knowledge of day time sleepiness (p <0.05). Accordingly, use of miswak was seen in [n=26 (30%)] as per there was a positive correlation between cultural reasons. The frequency of toothbrush eveningness and poor sleep quality (r = .53). use was twice a day in 53% (n=47) and Out of a total of 245 respondents, 105 (42.8%) Freshness and whitening of teeth after were boys and 139 were girls (56.7%). The toothbrush use was noticed by 57% (n=56) of mean age was 20.4±0.41 years. Of all the students. Only 43% (n=37) of students knew participants, 39% (n=96) were categorized as the procedure of using miswak. Even though evening type, 27% (n=66) were classified as the use of miswak was only 3% amongst the morning types and 34 % (n= 83) of the students students; however if given the choice, students were placed in-between the two types and preferred to use both methods [n=55(66%)] labelled as intermediates. No significant i.e. tooth brush plus miswak. correlation was found between chronotype Conclusion: Our results show that the and age, gender or field of study. knowledge of use of miswak is minimal due to Conclusion: Students with evening type the lack of awareness of its beneficial chronotype have poor sleep quality and properties. Students preferred to use both experience considerably more daytime miswak and toothbrush if proper education sleepiness. Determinants of poor academic and awareness is provided. performance needs further exploration. Title: Awareness of acquiring clinical Title: Knowledge of use of Miswak (Chewing communication skills in first year Medical and Stick) in Medical and Dental students in Dental students in Private Medical and Dental Private Medical and Dental College of college of Pakistan Pakistan Author: Sadaf Mumtaz, Ayesha Haq, Ambreen Author: Ambreen Gul, Sadaf Mumtaz, Ayesha Gul, Amal Ahmed, Sana Irfan, Urwah Qaseem, Haq, Amal Ahmed, Monal Fatima, Alishba Alishba Iftekhar, Monal Fatima Iftekhar Sana Irfan Institute: National University of Medical Institute: HITEC- Institute of Medical Science Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Aims: The World Health Organization (WHO) Aims: The optimal model of health service recommends and encourages the use of delivery by World health organization requires Miswak sticks as an effective tool for oral the attributes of seven star doctor with hygiene (WHO 1984) due to its anti-fungal, communication skill as one of the attribute anti-microbial activities. Objective: Our study Objective: To identify and correlate awareness aimed to disclose variations in oral hygiene of acquiring communication skills in first year habits among medical and dental students and medical and dental students keeping in view their knowledge of miswak use. their age, gender differences. Method: Data was analyzed using SPSS version Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study 21, where p value is grater than 0.05 was conducted from May-August, 2019 at HITEC-

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IMS. All first year undergraduate medical and professional activities (EPAs) provide solution dental students (n=148) were included. We to such problems. This study will aim to used communication skills attitude scale develop entrustable professional activities for (CSAS) with items representing positive undergraduate nurses. attitude scale (PAS) and negative attitudes Method: EPAs will be developed with three scale (NAS) towards communication skills2,3. step approach. Firstly, identification of critical Pearson correlation of 0.7 was considered care enstrustable professional activities from statistically significant for attitudes (PAS & systematic literature review. Secondly, NAS) and other variables. interviews from critical care experts including Results: PAS items revealed that 98% of educators and practitioners will be conducted. students agreed that communication skills are The purpose of interviews is to contextualize, essential and can assist in respecting patients confirm, expand and it may discover new EPAs. (95%) and colleagues (87%). Bulk of students Thirdly, two rounds of Delphi will be conducted (96%) considered it to facilitate their team to refine the EPAs. The EPAs with aggregated working skills. NAS items showed that only 5% 80% consensus will be finalized for critical care of students believed that communication skills nurses. Permission from research ethics learning is not important for them. One third of committee, informed consent and voluntary students (33%) thought that they can pass participation would be ensured in conduct of examination with poor communication skills. study. Albeit for 29% students, it was hard to admit Results: A list of EPAs following standard h a v i n g s o m e p r o b l e m w i t h t h e i r framework depicting competency, domain of communication skills. There was no significant competency, milestones and level of correlation found between PAS/NAS scores entrustment. Face validity of EPAs will be and gender, age, educational and social obtained. Theme and codes from expert background. interview. Table of EPAs depicting, Conclusion: Majority of students agreed that confirmation, expansion and new EPAs. Delphi they need effective communication skills in approach; result of 1st and 2nd round. Final early years of training. No significant display table of critical care EPAs. correlation was found between PAS/NAS and Conclusion: Critical care enstrustable other variables, possibly due to rise in professional activities are essential to guide awareness and globalization. the practice and assessment of nurses. It would facilitate them to become, competent, Title: Critical Care Entrustable Professional safe, independent and confident practitioners. Activities of Undergraduate Nurses Author: Gideon Victor, Ahsan Sethi Title: The frequency and reasons of burnout Institute: Institute of Health Professions among Public Sector Medical Students of Education & Research; Khyber Medical Faisalabad, Pakistan University Author: Farza Riaz, Fatima Riaz, Freena Qaisar Aims: Competent critical care nurses are Institute: Faisalabad Medical University important for safety and quality of nursing Aims: It's generally perceived that medical care. While, new nurses continue to feel education is psychologically toxic and more unprepared, lack confidence, and lack of stressful than any other professional course. It competence for clinical practice. Entrustable causes students to encounter multiple

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stressors during a long period of five years, better strategies in order to decrease the level resulting in burnout. The aim of this research is of burnout in students, especially boarders. to assess frequency and reasons of burnout among medical students. Title: Burnout during Pathology Residency Method: A cross-sectional study was training: A cross sectional institution wide conducted in a public sector medical college of study Faisalabad. It included all years of medical Author: Helen Mary Robert, Muhammed students. After taking ethical approval from Aamir, Zujaja Hina Haroon, Quratulain Sareer institutional ethical review committee, equal Institute: Department of Hematology, Armed number of questionnaires were distributed in Forces Institute of Pathology, Range Road, each class using convenient non probability Rawalpindi sampling. Copenhagen burnout inventory Aims: Our study aimed to investigate the ( C B I ) q u e st i o n s we re i n c l u d e d i n burnout prevalence in pathology residents at a questionnaire. All three domains of CBI, unique tertiary care diagnostic centre with the personal, work related and client related were largest number of trainees in all subspecialties assessed. Out of 450 questionnaires of the field in Pakistan. distributed, 341 were returned back. A five- Method: Study Design: This was a descriptive point Likerts scale was used. Reverse Scoring cross sectional study. Qualitative reliable and was applied in positively worded questions. valid Likert scale was used to assess burn out Data was analyzed using SPSS 22. syndrome. Setting: Armed Forces Institute of Results: 341 students participated in this Pathology, Rawalpindi Sample size: Convenient study. 66.3% were females and 45.2% were purposive sampling was done in June 2019. boarders. 75 (22%) students experienced high Eighty one pathology post graduate residents level while 188 (55.1%) students experienced belonging to all sub specialties were included. intermediate level of burnout. Personal Inclusion Criteria: All post graduate pathology burnout was the highest (75.7%), followed by program residents currently enrolled for at work-related (70.6%) and peers/patient least six months in the post graduate training related burnout (55.0%). Burnout was higher were included. Exclusion Criteria: All residents in clinical years, in females (81.0%) and in who did not give informed consent to boarders (79.2%). Highest burnout was found participate in the study. in 4th Year (82.5%). Analysis showed significant Results: A total of 81 participants were association between prevalence of burnout included in the study after approval from and whether a medical student is boarder or Institutional review board (IRB) of Armed non-boarder (P=0.046) Lack of education and forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP). The facilities available for mental health care and participants belonged to pathology excessive workload were found most common subspecialties namely virology, immunology, reasons. hematology, chemical pathology and Conclusion: Prevalence of burnout was microbiology. Maslach burnout inventory found very high along with a significant (MBI) questionnaire scale has been used for association between prevalence and whether the assessment of resident's personal a medical student is boarder or non-boarder. accomplishment, depersonalization and This study also identifies several reasons which emotional exhaustion level related to would help the administrations to develop residency training in pathology. Reliability of

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questionnaire has been performed by applying nature of learning while on the visual/verbal Cronbach alpha reliability index and it is proved category the majority of students (77.6%) are that it is reliable tool to check burn out scale in visual and students are balanced on mild and residents. moderate preference for visual nature of Conclusion: Medical residency is a stressful learning and on the sequential/global category time. This study suggests a high prevalence of the majority of students (54.6%) are sequential burn out among various subspecialties of and they had mild preference for global nature pathology during the four years of residency of learning. with early years being most prone. Given the Conclusion: Students were more activist, important personal and professional visual, sensing and sequential. Knowledge of consequences, prevention strategies must be learning style will help to modify the implemented in the residency program. environment of teaching to improve the maximum understanding of knowledge for the Title: Learning Style Preference of DPT students. Undergraduate Students Author: Soyba Nazir, Nazeer Meharvi, Danish Title: How a Journal Club Course Changed Hassan, Rehana Niazi Learners' Approach in a Medical Doctorate Institute: Rashid Latif medical college, Lahore Program- an Analysis of the PhD Scholars' Aims: Learning styles indicate an individual's Perspective preferred way of learning or how the individual Author: Tania Shakoori acquires information. While more recent Institute: Center for Research in Molecular research on learning styles of students in Medicine, University of Lahore specific allied health fields has been Aims: A structured journal club course that performed.Purpose of the study was to counts towards the final assessment was determine the learning style preference of introduced in a medical doctorate program undergraduate physical therapy students. course at King Edward Medical University, Method: Non experimental cross-sectional Pakistan. This study aims to explore its effects study including students who had passed on the learning approach of PhD scholars. previous exam and excluding students who Method: A qualitative study comprising of a were not present on the day of data collection. focus group discussion, involving eight out of Index of Learning style (ILS) had been used and the total of thirteen PhD scholars was data from different medical colleges conducted in 2017. Focus group discussions (University of Lahore, King Edward Medical were transcribed verbatim and codes and University, Rashid Latif Medical College) were themes were identified using grounded theory. gathered and learning style of DPT The findings were triangulated with data from undergraduate students had been analyzed by teaching feedback forms of the course from all using SPSS. the thirteen PhD scholars from 2015 to 2017. Results: On the active/reflective category the Results: The participants described an overall majority of students (54.1%) are activist and positive effect of the course on their learning, they had mild preference for reflective nature including development of critical and scientific of learning. On the sensing/intuitive category thinking. They also reported improvement in the majority of students (64.1%) are sensing their clinical and teaching practice. They and they had mild preference for sensing attributed these to the interactive nature of

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the course, role playing as author while assisted. 72.5% of residents did not use any presenting the assigned paper in journal club, strategy for time(p=0.000). Majority of both help from the study guide, interdisciplinary groups had more than one learning style (2-3). peer learning and the awareness that they Learning style combination of consultant was were being graded on their performance. Reflector theorist (56.7%), reflector pragmatist Conclusion: A semester long structured (16.7%), activist pragmatist (10%) and activist journal club course that contributes to the final reflector (13.3%) while learning style assessment may be an effective tool to teach combination of residents was activist theorist medical doctorate students about the research and activist reflector 22.5% each, reflector process and critical appraisal skills. theorist 27.5% and reflector pragmatist 12.5% (p=0.023) Title: Comparison of learning styles among Conclusion: Consultants have a much better post graduate residents and full time learning style and better time management specialty Clinicians pursuing higher strategies for improved learning. educational degree Author: Sahibzada Nasir Mansoor Title: Innovation with Integration of different Institute: Armed Forces Institute of Disciplines through Electronic Poster Rehabilitation Medicine (AFIRM) Rawalpindi Author: Fozia Tahir, Sajida Naseem, Syeda Aims: To compare the different learning style Hanaa Fatima preferences among full time specialty Institute: Shifa University, Islamabad clinicians and post graduate residents. Aims: Poster presentation is one of the recent Method: Participants were sampled by modality with visual appeal and compact convenience. Informed consent was obtained. content to transfer knowledge. Electronic Participants were divided into two groups; post poster is new innovation in academic teaching. graduate residents and full time specialty The primary objective was to assess the clinicians currently enrolled in a higher performance of students through electronic education degree program. Self administered poster presentation among undergraduate questionnaire including basic demographic medical students of year 3 while integrating data and Honey and Mumford learning style the disciplines. questionnaire was distributed. Data was Method: In 2019, year 3 undergraduate analyzed using SPSS version 22. medical students of Shifa College of Medicine Results: There were 70 participants, 40 were briefed about the template of an e- residents and 30 consultants. Mean age for poster in GIT module. Students were divided specialist was 46.53 and resident was 27.63. into 7 small groups comprising of 13 each. One There were 45 males and 25 females. Average theme was assigned per group, from which weekly study hours for consultants was 12.67 one pathological condition was selected for and for residents 11.13 (p=0.741). 96.7% presentation. The task was to discuss consultants used internet while 75.7 % pathogenesis, treatment, preventive residents used it. Self study was utilized by 90% measures along with interventions aiming to of consultants and 62.25(p=0.009) of decrease the burden of disease. Five Faculty residents. All the consultants managed time by members were invited to mark the e-posters scheduling, time management, weekends, late according to the checklist carrying 10 marks. nights, leaves, early mornings and peer Mean score was calculated which was added to

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the summative assessment. research while 90 were incognizant about the Results: The themes include: Best among all sample size calculation. Mean number learning modalities so far, can relate to real life publications was 30.5. All (100) of them were health issues, enhanced cognitive skills, interested in conducting and writing integration is healing oriented rather than manuscript. Only 5 were able to write research disease focused, promotes combination of manuscript on their own. mind and body. Conclusion: The importance of understanding Conclusion: Students welcome e-poster as a of research in the present times is well mode of integrating different disciplines in the understood, however its comprehension is learning not only in this module but suggest lacking. Efforts need to be put in in order to a p p l y i n g m o r e o f t e n f o r b e t t e r train individuals at the supervisory role so as to comprehension. improve the quality of research work, building evidence based medicine. Title: Post graduate Research Supervision: Knowledge and Practice among Supervisors Title: Attribution to success and failure among Author: Sajida Naseem, Tayyaba Faisal, Saima Medical students experience Rafi Author: Irfan Ali Mirza Institute: Shifa College of Medicine, Islamabad Institute: Medical and Dental Aims: The primary goal of research College, Karachi supervision in the higher education sector is to Aims: To find out the factors attributed to build quality evidence. Effectiveness of this success and failure by medical students and supervision can be enhanced if the knowledge how have they developed those attributes. management concept is effectively integrated Design: Mixed method sequential research. into the process of training at postgraduate Place and duration of study: Bahria University level. Medical and Dental College Karachi from Mar Method: A cross-sectional study was to Sep 2016. conducted among supervisors of CPSP at the Method: In the first phase, quantitative regional office Islamabad from Jan to March research question addressed the different 2019. Informed consent was taken. A self- attributing factors for success and failure designed questionnaire was used to collect among medical students belonging from data after taking informed consent. Doctors second to final year bachelor of medicine and who had minimum 5 years post fellowship bachelor of surgery (MBBS) course through experience were enrolled in the study. survey questionnaire. A total of three hundred Participants took 10 minutes to fill the and thirty three students participated in questionnaire. Data was analyzed using SPSS survey. In the second phase, focus group version 23. Descriptive statistics were discussions (FGD) and interviews were carried calculated. out from fifteen high and fifteen low achievers Results: Overall 100 participants completed of different participant classes to probe in the questionnaire. Among these 64 were depth significant factors by exploring reasons females, 36 were males. Mean age was 37 0.7 for such attributions. years. Majority (60) of them were working in Results: The quantitative analysis of results the government hospital. Most (72) of them revealed that significantly large percentage of had difficulty in writing the objectives of students passing the professional examination

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in annual examinations attributed their After 10 days of daily reflection they were success to hard work, interest in the medical asked to fill the same questionnaire as posttest subjects, faith in their abilities, lectures and and the results were compared. tutorials, module examinations and studying in Results: There was a significant difference (p < small groups. The students passing in 0.05) for each question. Deepening the supplementary on the contrary were less learning and understanding, reducing the hardworking and regular in their classes and errors, using the time effectively, purposeful faced financial issues. The major themes of communication with colleagues, refining the attribution to success emerging from Focus surgical skills and enhancement of the problem group discussion (FGD) of high achievers were solving ability were the benefits of reflection. effective learning strategies, support from Conclusion: Reflective writing is a powerful parents and family, confidence and tool for metacognition. Critical reflection of the communication skills and hard work. tasks enhances the knowledge of the doctors Conclusion: High achieving medical students as they reflect. attributed their success primarily to internal, controllable and unstable factors like hard Title: Undergraduate Student's Perception of work and specific effort following effective their assessment method; A cross-sectional learning strategies as well as external factor survey like support from parents and family. On the Author: Aiza Yousaf, Hira Iqbal, Danish Hassan, other hand low achieving medical students Anam Ashraf attributed their failures to internal controllable Institute: Riphah International University, factors. Islamabad Aims: Learning is driven by assessment for Title: Does reflection write effects the determining student learning outcomes and knowledge, attitude and skills of house performance. There is currently no use of officers? appropriate tool for reviewing the way, Author: Ahmad Liaquat assessment influences learning on a specific Institute: University of Lahore course, that help students in enhancing their Aims: There is an emerging trend of reflective critical reasoning skills. This study aims to writing in medical education that fosters the determine students' perception about their growth of an individual cognitively, assessment. emotionally and morally. In literature there is Method: A cross sectional survey was no evidence that reflection enhanced the conducted at Riphah International University competence or skills of medical and dental Lahore by using non-Probability Convenience students. sampling technique. An Assessment Method: This study was conducted in Experience Questionnaire (AEQ) administered University college of Medicine and Dentistry, among 150 students enrolled in Physiology University of Lahore in June, 2018. Twenty subject to determine the students' perception house officers were included in this study. A of assessment. Data was analyzed using SPSS questionnaire was filled by them as a pretest. version 21 and interpreted through descriptive They were asked to write reflection by Gibbs statistics. cycle in a word file and send it daily in Results: A negative result was seen in all WhatsApp group. Feedback was given to them. parameters of AEQ. Low scores emphasized

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that students' study effort is allocated year and lowest backwash in first year. narrowly to assessed topics, assessment Backwash effect of formative assessment does demands are perceived as unclear and that change in learning strategies of undergraduate assignments are seen as unchallenging and as dental students. The positive backwash is not requiring understanding. observed in First year student and negative Conclusion: The study concluded that backwash is observed in final year students. students perceive the current assessment's Conclusion: Backwash effect is even more result to be insufficient to support their important for students related to medical learning, and too late to be useful. The where they will have to apply their knowledge. assessment is neither comprehensible nor Where health of patient depends upon their useful, it has little impact on subsequent knowledge and understanding, so it is more studying/learning and perceived exam important to evaluate their backwash effect. demands encouraged memorization and subsequent forgetting. Title: Developing the Core Learning Outcomes of Certificate Programs in Health Professions Title: Backwash effect of formative Education assessment on learning strategies of Authors: Nabeela Naeem Rizwan, Mohamed undergraduate dental students M-Al-Eraki Author: Fatima Iqbal Institute: Riphah International University, Institute: Riphah International University, Islamabad Islamabad Aims: BACKGROUND: Certificate in Health Aims: Backwash effect is impact of Professions Education (CHPE) is a beneficial examination on teaching and learning. It is qualification for health care professionals. negative and positive. Aim of my study is To There should be judicious blend of individual evaluate the level of backwash among as well as societal needs in content of curricula undergratuate dental students To explore the of these programs. AIMS: To agree upon factors responsible for change in learning learning outcomes of curriculum of CHPE strategies To check which year shows more programs developed for multiple health backwash. Method: Delphi consensus study DURATION Method: Mixed method ( Sequential OF STUDY: 06 Months SETTINGS: Riphah explanatory ) First part Quantitative second International University, Islamabad, Qualtitative Sampling technique : Purposive Foundation University Medical College, sampling Sample size : all year dental students Rawalpindi, Khyber Medical University, of Riphah international Inclusion criteria: All Peshawar, Fatima Memorial Medical dental undergraduate students Exclusion University, Lahore SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: criteria : Other fields Data collection: Semi Non-probabilty purposive/Expert sampling structured Questionnaire ( backwash SAMPLE SIZE: 20 Medical educationists having questionnaire) Focus group discussions 2 experience of developing or working CHPE groups (low backwash , high backwash ) For programs DATA COLLECTING TOOL: Online qualitative Data Data Analysis : Spss 21 for q u e s t i o n n a i r e s D ATA C O L L E C T I O N Quantitative Data Atlas-ti for qualitative data PROCEDURE: Online through SMARTSURVEY Results: All the years demonstrate some DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE: Thematic backwash effect with highest backwash in final analysis of qualitative data. Measures of

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central tendency (Mean), level of dispersion professionals' education and bring (Standard deviation) and percentages will be improvement in skills related to teaching, calculated after every round. Items with 80% collaborative work, presentations and or more consensuses will be included in the leadership. The different views gathered from CHPE course learning outcomes. the experts in medical education emphasized Results: Twelve participants responded with on few factors associated with CHPE programs their feedback on questionnaire 1. Out of 37 that have been appreciated in this study were sub-themes, approval of participants was flexibility in content, collaborative learning, achieved on 30 items. While among remaining recruitment of professional tutors, seven items that could not reach experts' comfortable environment and self-direction. agreement, two were associated with All health care professionals should be curriculum, Evaluation and leadership each encouraged for enrolment in these programs. and one was related to Assessment. In the second round a total of eight themes related to Title: Barrier faced by undergraduate medical details of program management were students to become self-regulated learner identified which are “key qualities of students Authors: Aasma Qaiser attending these programs”, “criteria for Institute: Riphah International University application rejection”, “Alarming signs of not Islamabad being able to complete the program”, “reasons Aims: The main principle of self-regulated for success of CHPE program”, “How to learning is that students who regulate their measure success of programs”, “Criteria for learning by awareness of metacognition, recruiting tutors”, “professional identity strategic action and motivation to learn are formation among learners”, “advice for successful in their academic carrier. The aim of establishment of new CHPE program”. this study is to collect viewpoints of students Majority of the experts were in favor of about factors that affect their self-regulation in selecting candidates with teaching experience learning. and induction of faculty who is qualified in Method: this is qualitative, exploratory study medical education. They believed that design with focus group discussion. Mohi-Ud- progression of these programs can be achieved Din Islamic Medical Collage Mirpur, Islamic through appropriate planning prior to International Medical Collage Rawalpindi initiation of these programs. (study site).Duration of study six months. Conclusion: The information related to Sample Size include total number of students logistics and the teaching strategies that 36 (18 from each collage). 6 students from each should be used frequently in these programs year will be participated in FGD (3 FGD from was sought. The study has not only identified each collage). Purposive sampling using self- the topics thus providing a comprehensive regulated learning perception scale(SRLPS). content that can be envisaged in the Students of 3rd year, 4th year and final year will curriculum of CHPE programs but also gives fill the questionnaire. Students with low level brief description of experts' opinions about of self-regulated learning will participate in other aspects of these programs. Research Focus group discussion. Data analysis include findings suggest that certificate programs in audio recording, transcription, coding and health professions education enhance thematic analysis using ATLAS Ti software. students' perspectives about health Results: The major themes that were emerged

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related to Curriculum, metacognitive profession. The process begins with the strategies, issues with the infrastructure and planting of the basic concepts of Islam and its institutional policies. Subthemes pertaining to application in the learning. curriculum were 1) lack of integration, 2) Method: This is a qualitative study that use absence of student-centered approach, 3) reflection case study with interview and active poor enthusiasm in faculty of basic sciences, 4) learning on small group learning. The subject poor constructive feedback on assessments. are students of Medical Faculty, Universities Subthemes for metacognitive strategies were, Muslim Indonesia at clinical phase that already 1) poor internal motivation, 2) habit of rote finished clinical rotation in one department. learning, 3) selective study for passing Small group learning is conducted every week examination, 4) lack of self-efficacy, 5) poor facilitated by an IDIK team lecturer as planning and time management, 6) personal facilitator. The steps of the activity are as issues. Subthemes pertaining to Infrastructure follows: Starting the atmosphere through were 1) lack of internet facilities and 2) variety Quranic “tadabbur”, then students are asked of patients in the hospital. Subthemes for by the facilitator to express their opinions, institutional policies were 1) presence of sharing experiences and feelings about what monitoring cameras 2) enforcement of gender they have experienced and observed during segregation in the college. their rotation clinic in the department. Conclusion: Self-regulated learning in a Results: The study shows that the image of a medical institute is highly context dependent. Muslim doctor who is professional in the view Some of the factors related to curriculum, of students is those who consistently maintain metacognition and infrastructure were already worship (prayer) and show the islamic adab in known from the previous research on medical their activities in performing medical services, education. However, unexpected theme promoting honesty, being able to emerged because of Institutional policies communicate effectively and showing encompassing cameras in campus and empathy. The relevant cases related with enforced gender segregation was very context ethical issue and professionalism in the view of specific. Cameras are probably deployed for Islam that are widely revealed are security concerns, but student's perception immunization, contraception, transfusion, were installed to watch them and control their handling terminal case patients, fraud behavior. diagnosis in case of national health insurance claim, and medical letters. Title: Implementation of Islamic Medical Conclusion: Student can formulate the Discipline (IDIK) for Students in Clinical Phase: concept of moslem doctor, correlate ethical Using Case Reflection in Small Group Learning and professionalism issues in Islamic value and Author: Ida Royani, Shulhana Mokhtar, Nur obtain insight of their selves. Fadhillah Khalid, Syarifuddin Wahid, Nasrudin AM Title: Awareness of Dental Surgeons Institute: Medical Faculty of Universitas regarding management of psychotic patients Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia attending Dental Teachings Hospitals of Aims: One of the learning objectives need to Karachi be achieved by clinical phase student in Islam Author: Talha M Siddiqui, Aisha Wali, Disciplines Medicine (IDIK) is the application of Nasratullah , Abdul Wahid, Sajjad the concepts and values of Islam in the medical Institute: Baqai Dental College, Karachi

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Aims: The aim of the study is to assess psychological aspect but still many of them Awareness of Dental Surgeons regarding preferred referral to General physician or management of psychotic patients attending psychiatrist. Dental teachings Hospitals of Karachi Method: Study type: Cross sectional, Study Title: Knowledge, attitude and perceived duration: 3 months, Sample size: The sample confidence in handling medical emergencies size was calculated by taking 50% prevalence among dental practitioners in Karachi rate and computed using Open Epi version Pakistan 3.03a at 95% confidence interval and α =5%. Author: Ain-ul Haq, Wasif Arsalan, Reham The sample size calculated was 350. Sampling Naseer, Zoya Marium technique: A convenience sampling technique Institute: was employed and General Dental Aims: The aim of this study is to assess the Practitioners registered with Pakistan Medical knowledge, attitude and perception of general and Dental Council working in various Dental dentist to handle medical emergencies in their teaching hospitals from different clusters of practice. Karachi were included in the study. Data will be Method: In this Cross -sectional study a collected by using structured questionnaire questionnaire was distributed to a sample of which will include demographic profile, 384 dentist working in private and government questions designed to assess the role of dentist dental hospitals in Karachi Pakistan. The data in identifying psychotic patients, measures collected was analyzed for frequency and taken for management of psychotic patients, percentages by using SPSS version 22. lack of communication between dental and Results: Over 75.5 dentist have skills and medical practitioners. Data was analyzed for knowledge to manage medical emergencies, frequency and percentages. Chi square test were trained in (BLS) but only 52.1 dentist are was performed for cross tabulations of various confident to perform (BLS). Most of the dentist associations by using IBM SPSS version 22. (74.5) responded they had emergency kit in Results: A total of 272 Dental surgeons from their dental hospitals. More than 85 of the different dental teaching institutes dentist are confident that they can identify and participated in the study. 239(87.9%) of the diagnose the patient at risk of developing dental surgeons reported that they treat medical emergency but only 56.8 were dental patients with psychological problems. confident enough to manage and treat medical 216(79.4%) of the dental surgeons replied that emergencies. dental diseases could be associated with or Conclusion: This study revealed that caused by psychological problems. 175(64.3%) considerable number of dentists had of the dental surgeons replied that they knowledge and skills to manage medical provide basic treatment and also the emergencies, but only few are confident psychological cause of disease. 212(77.9%) of enough to manage and treat medical the dental surgeons reported that they emergencies. allocate extra time to the patients and listen them out. Title: Identification of threshold concepts in Conclusion: The present study concluded that endodontics in undergraduate Dental most of the dental surgeons provide dental education: A Modified Delphi study treatment and give extra time to listen to their Authors: Muhammad

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Institute: Islamic International Dental College, Conclusion: Seventeen endodontic concepts Riphah International University out of seventy-two concepts have been Aims: The aim of this study is to explore identified as threshold concepts (TCs) in threshold concepts in dental curriculum of endodontics in undergraduate dental endodontics that are central to its education. understanding at undergraduate level. This, in turn will help us recommending the Title: The Challenges Faced by International improvements in the undergraduate dental Medical Students curriculum to the dental educators. Authors: Jamilah Riaz Janjua, Mohammed Al- Method: Study Design: Modified Delphi study Eraky (Quantitaive) SETTING: Research will be Institute: Riphah International University conducted in Islamic International Dental Aims: There are a countless number of Hospital. DURATION OF STUDY: 6 months (April students undergoing undergraduate medical 1st to September 30th, 2019) SAMPLE SIZE: 15 studies in Pakistan, who have completed their endodontic teachers will be included in this schooling overseas and have moved here for study. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Purposeful their studies. These students find themselves sampling to include the individuals who are in an unfamiliar environment, struggling to subject specialists. SAMPLE SELECTION: adjust to problems such as isolation, Inclusion criteria: Endodontic teachers with a loneliness, homesickness, accommodation minimum qualification of FCPS or MDS in and other issues. operative dentistry. Exclusion criteria: Method: A qualitative study, using Endodontic teachers who have less than 2 phenomenology to explore the lived years undergraduate teaching experience. experiences of international medical students. DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE: After taking Data will be collected by conducting semi- ethical review from ethical review board (ERB), structured interviews to the point of modified delphi will be done. saturation. The interviews will be recorded and Results. : In the first phase of Delphi, these transcripted. It will then be categorised into seventeen endodontic concepts (17) out of emergent themes and codes. seventy-two concepts (72) have been Results: The majority of students had to deal identified as threshold concepts (TCs) in with cultural shock in one form or another. A endodontics in undergraduate dental few of them recounted their surprise at the education. gender segregation seen in the daily Tactile feedback, manual Dexterity, making an interactions. One of the students felt there was e n d o d o nt i c d i a g n o s i s , e n d o d o nt i c a social stigma attached to talking to females. radiographic interpretation, achieving straight He felt that people here tend to be too line access, management of a ledge, coronal disparaging. One of the students expressed his flaring, recognizing the pulp chamber, disappointment at finding the teachers to be knowledge of the confines of the root canal, different from how he'd found them back tug back of a master apical GP cone, patency home. He felt that teachers here tend to be filing, recognizing pulpal status, establishment over critical and discouraging. And of appropriate working length, history taking unnecessarily strict. While he was used to of an endodontic patient, exploration for extra teachers being helpful and friendly. Another of canals, procedural errors in endodontics and the students related her experience of culture endo-perio lesions. shock. A couple of the female students

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expressed their unease in not knowing what time. At the end of both sessions the groups dress was culturally acceptable. Most of the learning will be assessed via a short test students felt they had some initial difficulties comprising MCQs on the same topic. results with language. The students felt that in the will be collected and analyzed through SPSS. beginning they had language issues, especially Results: Results after first session showed the colloquial Urdu. A few of the students felt Mean of Group-1 “Reflectors “was found to be like they were being unnecessarily judged, or 23.9355 with standard deviation of 4.80233 even being discriminated against. Just because and mean of group-2 was found to be 23.7742 people saw them as different, they put them to with standard deviation of 3.80096.P value judgement and even tried to take advantage of was 0. 8 which revealed Non significant result. them. Most of the students had to deal with Results of session 2 revealed Mean of Group-1 feelings of isolation and loneliness. Mostly it “Reflectors “was found to be 20.1935 with was due to the cultural barriers that they standard deviation of 5.40629 and mean of struggled to find company or make friends. group-2 was found to be 23.4516 with Conclusion: The challenges which standard deviation of 4.44851.P value was .018 international students face are multifactorial, which revealed significance of result. and which factors outweigh the others will vary Conclusion: Reflective practices on teaching from student to student as has been seen in sessions at the end of lectures can be proved as the results of my study. an effective strategy to achieve the goal of outcome based learning. Title: Efficacy of Reflection as a Tool for Outcome Based Learning in Basic Medical Title: Standards for the Accreditation of Sciences Physical Therapy Education Program in Authors: Uzma Musarrat, Abeerah Zainub, Pakistan Rabia Hanif, Saddaf Ayyub, Fakhra Noureen, Authors: Saira Waqqar Saira Jahan Institute: Riphah University, Islamabad Institute: Islamic International Dental College, Aims: In Pakistan, currently no educational Islamabad standards exist for accreditation of Physical Aims: Guided reflection provides the ability Therapy educational program. Since, to critically analyze an experience and learn standards are required by Accreditation bodies through it. To test its efficacy in basic medical to assess the compliance of program for sciences we designed a randomized control recognition. The purpose of this study is to trial to evaluate and assess the role of Guided develop standards for accreditation of Doctor Reflection for achievement of learning of Physical Therapy (DPT) education program outcomes in basic medical sciences. in Pakistan. Method: A topic will be chosen to be delivered Method :A two iterative round of online Delphi in lecture while the class of 75 will be randomly survey is in process since January 2019 with 60 divided into two groups. One group will be Physical Therapy experts via email. The explained the process of reflection before the questionnaire will be developed on Should and lecture and at the end of lecture they will be Must basis. The purposive sampling technique given time to reflect upon it. While the other is used to select the experts panel. The study is group will be given lecture on the same topic conducted with the experts from Institutes by the same teacher without any reflection offering DPT program in Pakistan. Panel

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members will be asked to rate their agreement Title: Evaluation of self-awareness of teaching with each proposal on a five-point scale. skills of medical teachers: Development and Consensus will considered to be reached at >= Validation of "SATS" 80% agreement of the panel. Members will be Authors: Seema Gul provided with summative results and Institute: Riphah International University Al- anonymised comments at the commencement Mizan campus Rawalpindi of Rounds. Aims: Self-awareness is insight into one's Results: Eight themes emerged as educational own thought and emotional processes and standards of accreditation i.e. Program their effect on others. Self-aware teachers will Mission, curriculum philosophy, Research, produce doctors who are life long and self- Program Monitoring & Evaluation directed learners. The purpose of this study is ,Students, Student Assessment, Faculty and to develop and validate a tool for evaluation of Patient safety .Finally, 52 standards statements self-awareness of teaching skills "SATS" of under eight areas achieved panelist agreement medical teachers. greater than 80%. Content validity index of 52 Method: Study was conducted in Riphah item scales was 0.97 and universal agreement International University Rawalpindi. It is a was 0.65 that indicate excellent content mixed method study design. Data was validity. Internal consistency of 52 items collected from twenty medical educationists standards tool was 0.94 and internal and fifty medical teachers through non consistency according to Cronbach's alpha of probability purposive sampling technique. eight domains ranged from 0.63 to 0.90. Following four stage process was used for Conclusion: The Eight broad areas with 52 developing and validating questionnaire. Stage standards document is valid and reliable that 1 was reviewed of literature and focus group can be used to measure any institutional discussion to develop preliminar y quality of undergraduate level Physical questionnaire items. Stage 2 was modified Therapy education program. Delphi technique for consensus development and expert validation. Stage 3 was cognitive Title: Exploring the journey of educational interviews to check for faculty understanding. leaders as a change agent in bringing Stage 4 was pilot testing to establish reliability curricular reform in medical education in of the tool. Pakistan Results: Phase 1 (Step 1-4) Items and domains Authors: Sana Javed were established during phase 1. For self- Institute: Riphah International University reflection 8 items, communication with Aims: The aim of this study is to explore the students 8 items, student's feedback 6 items process by which educational leaders and for peers' review 4 items were extracted. successfully bought change in their workplace. Researcher evaluated items in each domain The experiences of the hurdles and problems and any repeated or similar items were they faced and how they successfully managed combined, excluded or replaced based on to overcome all the barriers is the scope of this suggestions. Finally a closed ended survey of study 26-items using the response options on five Method: Mixed method study phase 1 : MLQ point Likert scale (5=always, 4=often, 3= Questionnaire Phase 2 : Interviews sometimes, 2= rarely, 1= never) was developed Results: Awaited and entered to phase 2.

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Phase 2 (Step 5 &6) Results of content Method: This is a longitudinal study conducted validity analysis. In round one of modified from 2015 to 2019 and compares data Delphi technique, the values of scale content collected from students of 1st yr to 3rd year validity index/ average (S-CVI/Ave) was MBBS utilizing the DREEM questionnaire. the calculated to be 0.92 and scale content validity study utilizes data collected from the students index/ universal agreement (S-CVI/UA) was in 2015 from the study(Mushtaq et al., n.d.) 0.61. Based on experts' qualitative feedback, 1 when the college was affiliated with University item was added. Items having I- CVI ≤0.78 were of Health Sciences, Lahore and compares it removed (5 items), I-CVI from 0.78 - 0.90 were with the data for students in the same three revised (8 items) and 13 item with I-CVI ≥0.90 years in 2019 with the college currently were included. Delphi studies use certain level affiliated with National university of Medical of agreement and descriptive statistics to Sciences. Sample size was calculated to be 175 quantify consensus amongst an expert panel. and data was collected after random sampling. Median score of ≥ 4 and percentage agreement data analysis is under process. of ≥80% was taken to build consensus among Results: In 2015, the overall DREEM score was expert panel for modified Delphi technique. 122.63/200 (61.3%), indicating that the Phase 3 (Step 7) Results of Factor Analysis. perception of the learning environment was Factor analysis was done to determine more positive. Among the highest scoring construct validity of the instrument. Phase 4 categories were students' participation in (Step 8) Standard setting of the scale. classes, relaxed atmosphere and confidence in Examinee centered, contrasting group method passing the annual exams. In 2019, the overall of standard setting was used to establish cut DREEM score slightly declined 120.40/200 scores for the levels of self-awareness of (60.2%), and although the learning teaching skills of medical teachers. environment at the college is positive, four out Conclusion: Based on data obtained from of five DREEM domains showed a statistically medical teachers, self-awareness of teaching significant difference in student perceptions skills was calculated to be excellent in 35%, about the learning environment. good in 44%, average 18% and poor in 3% of Conclusion: Perception of the learning the participants. environment was more positive.

Title: Comparison of the Educational Title: SLICE effectiveness as a formative environment at a Medical College under two assessment tool in Clinical Clerkship; Medical different Universities: Student perceptions of Student's perspective the paradigm shift Authors: Wajiha Shadab Authors: Ayesha Younas Institute: Riphah International Unuiversity Institute: IIMCT Pakistan Railway Hospital Aims: The DREEM is a standard tool which has Aims: The SLICE was developed at Riphah been used internationally to evaluate International University's medical college to educational environment at medical schools. replace long viva. This study will explore the The study aims to compare if a change of the students' perceptions regarding SLICE as degree awarding university( UHS to NUMS) has assessment tool. This would help identify brought about a change in students acceptance of this tool for formative perceptions of the educational environment at assessment and challenges related to their Wah Medical College. incorporation in the medical curriculum.

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Method: STUDY DESIGN: The proposed study Institute: Khyber Medical University Peshawar is an exploratory, qualitative study. Setting: Aims: No single profession can meet all the Study will be conducted at Islamic patient's needs. Poor collaboration between International Medical College's affiliated health care professionals (HCP) harms patient Railway teaching hospital. Data will be care. The aim of this study is to explore the collected through focus group discussion perceptions of HCPs about IPC and its effect on (FGD). The FGD would be conducted and patient care recorded after two weeks of commencement Method: Qualitative data is collected through of clerkship rotation of final year students in the recording of semi-structured interviews of the department of surgery, medicine, OB/GYN HCP's selected through purposive sampling. and paeds. Duration of Study: Six months. The data will be transcribed verbatim and will be FGD would be conducted after 2 weeks of the analyzed for thematic analysis commencement of clerkship rotations. Sample Size: Four focus groups will be made each Title: Comparison of teaching by conventional having 8 members. Sampling Technique: Non- method and by using cognitive load theory of probability, purposive sampling would be multimedia to post graduate FCPS students, a employed. comparative study Results: Each of the FGD was started with the Authors: Misbah Durrani, Inam ul Haq facilitator introducing herself and describing Institute: BBH Rawalpindi the purpose of the study. Then the facilitator Aims: In my department physics is being asked a series of questions related to the taught to PG FCPS students by didactic lecture. students 'opinion and views regarding the students, in general consider it a difficult purpose, learning and fairness of SLICE as a subject and that reflect in their performance. formative assessment tool. If any point needed By incorporating cognitive load theory of any further explanation, the facilitator asked multimedia, I assume that learning will be more questions to probe the topic. After the improved and students will perform better. discussion reached a saturation point, the Method: Two groups of PG FCPS students of facilitator moved the discussion to the next first and second year comprising ten students question. The FGD varied between a total of 22 each will be formed. two groups will have to 29minutes' duration. The themes at the end similar attributes.Pretest will be taken and one of the third cycle were again re-analyzed. Many group will be taught through didactic lecture of the themes were re- assessed as being and post test will be taken. Second group will subthemes of other themes. be taught by the use of cognitive load theory. Conclusion: SLICE as a formative assessment pretest will be taken as before and after the tool: Fair, Effective, Has an effective feedback learning session post test will be taken. Results component, Supplements students' learning. of both groups will be compared. swap over will be done, group which was taught through Title: Understanding Impact of inter- didactic lecture will be taught through other professional Collaboration on quality of method. Results will be compared. Patient care: A case study from a resource limited Secondary healthcare setup of South Title: Nurturing Grit Among Medical Students Punjab Authors: Tayyeba Iftikhar Mirza Authors: Muhammad Naveed Akhter Rana Institute: Islamic International Medical

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College, Riphah International University structured interviews were conducted with Aims: Grit is defined as “the ability to effort high Grit students to identify the learning fully persist in the face of struggle”. In simple strategies used by them. Interview data were words grit is the passion and determination transcribed, and a thematic analysis was done. toward achieving long-term goals. To identify A total of eight themes were identified. Among the first year medical students' level of GRIT the learning strategies, of utmost importance and its effects on student's performance. To was self-regulation and self-awareness, which explore the strategies helps them to identify their strengths and Method: After IRB approval and consent from weaknesses, and guides them towards growth. the students, Pilot testing on 15-20 students Sustained effort and intrinsic motivation lead will be done, in order to test for feasibility, cost, them better academic performers. A Wilcoxon time, and adverse events and to improve on signed-rank test showed that three months study design. A 12 item grit scale will be used to course (RESET GOALS), did elicit a statistically measure Grit. In grit scale 5 items each, are significant change in Grit score (Z = -2.8, p= used to determine the consistency of interest 0.005). Indeed the median score after the and perseverance of effort. The items will be intervention was greater than the median measured by 5 point likert scale with with 1 score before the intervention. The effect size representing “not like me at all” and 5 calculated was (-0.6), which signifies that the representing “very much like me”. The second mean was greater than the first mean. students with low grit score will be taught Conclusion: There is a difference in the level of different strategies Re assessed for Grit among medical students. Sustained effort improvement in grit level. The students with and intrinsic motivation are the secrets behind high grit level will have focus group discussion, the success of Gritty students. The learning to know what strategies they are using to cope strategies with the name “RESET GOALS” are with failures. effective in enhancing Grit in students having a Results: Out of 133 students, 23(17%) students low level of Grit. It's the duty of a teacher to had a high level of Grit, 100(75%) were with a create such an environment and device moderate level of Grit, while 10(7.5%) had a strategies which will help students maintain low level. Female students dominated in the their interest and engage in the tasks. The high level of Grit; the reason might be the learning environment has a strong impact on higher strength (2/3 rd of class) of female students' mindset, and in turn on behavior and students than males (1/3 rd of class). Semi- academic performance.

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POSTER revision of the curriculum related to the teaching of general medical students and other PRESENTATIONS disciplines should be necessary and the topics T i t l e : D ete r m i n e t h e h e a l t h ca re such as non-communicable diseases and requirements of small towns for moving prevention of health would be considered in toward accountable educational system Curriculum and curriculum planning, as well as Author: Ghadir Pourbairamian, Ghobad policies adopted by policy makers. Ramazani, Marayam Aalaa, Eshagh Moradi, Azam Norouzi Title: Student Engagement and Leadership Institute: Medical Education Group, School of roles inside medical college: The Students' Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences Perspective Aims: This study aims to determine the main Authors: Saadia Sultana , Muhammad Nadim needs of society in the field of health care from Akbar Khan the point of view of general practitioners based Institute: Riphah International University . in the outpatient centers in which the first Islamabad information was provided in this field. Aims: Student engagement ensues when Method: This study was conducted using students enthusiastically put forth their qualitative (structural phenomenology) and efforts, exertions and commitment to the semi-structured interviews with 19 general learning environment. When they invest their practitioners in three small towns. Sampling energies both within and outside the was done purposefully and until data classroom.They care about their peers' saturation was achieved. After recording and successes around them. They contribute implementing the interviews accurately, the eloquently to the school climate and feel text of the interviews was analyzed using a themselves important for the system content analysis method using a conventional Method: From January to October 2017, 38 approach. Finally, 279 Primary code, 43 sub- students who aided different management categories and 7 main themes were extracted. roles in various College organizations/ Results: The themes of interviews in 7 main committees were enquired through open- categories were the most frequent, as follows: ended questionnaire about their experience. increased non-communicable diseases ( Qualitative analysis of the students' responses including cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and was autonomously carried out by two diabetes), More attention needs to be paid on researchers; who had compared their coding prevention (consist of public education), for agreement. Themes were identified changes in the patterns of nutrition (such as through content analysis. Our study was increasing consumption of high-calorie foods, designed to make out the perceptions of less consumption of dairy products and students who were enthusiastically engaged in seafood), increasing mental and psychological the opportunity/full authority designated to illnesses (like the prevalence of depression), them in the form of student engagement. reducing household purchasing power, Results: For students the motivations that changing lifestyles (such as Increased emerged for getting involved were: mobility), and increased maladaptive enthusiasm of being part; ratifying the behaviors (likes drug addiction and hookahs). necessity for the program; alliance with Conclusion: Findings of the review and brilliant peers and talented faculty, desire to

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return-back to the system; obligation to assessed by using non probability convenient institutional excellence etc. Benefits perceived sampling technique. Bothgroups were given by the students were: gaining knowledge of standard medical and nursing care.The innovative skills and attitudes; recognition by experimental group was given single peers and seniors, better linking with medical treatment regimen i.e.Deep breathing fraternity; learning behaviorism and attitudes exercises (with 5-10 repetitions of each DBE of a leader and being educated about being possible onto patient for 15-30 minutes mentoring etc. The most commonly twice daily).The members of control group acknowledged drawbacks were: the time were given 10-15 management, balance between different Results: The overall results for Experimental commitments specially between academics group was significant for pH and pO2 with and extracurricular, peer and teacher p<0.05. Control group was showing significant pressures and maintaining the position. results for pCO2 factor of blood gases with Conclusion: Students are now more drawn p<0.05. Hence deep breathing exercises and towards different leadership roles by engaging incentive spirometer both are effective but themselves in variety of activities. This data is deep breathing exercises along with standard an example of satisfying and positive medical care is significantly effective in perception of students about their preventing pulmonary complications in second involvement and it may be helpful to other degree inhalation Burn patients. medical colleges who are hoping to involve Conclusion: The current research was to their learners as leaders. check the effectiveness of deep breathing exercises and incentive spirometry on Arterial Title: The effectiveness of deep breathing blood gases in second degree inhalation burn exercises and incentive spirometry on arterial p a t i e n t s o p e n s g a t e w a y f o r n e w blood gases of inhalation burn patients researchers.The experimental group results Author: Summyia Siddique Malik were significantly improving pulmonary Institute: Foundation University Institute of complications i.e. Deep breathing exercises are Rehabilitation Sciences, FUI significantly effective in improving post burn Aims: It is a randomized control trial with complications sample size of 30 collected from Burn Centre of PIMS hospitalIslamabad. The aim of the study Title: Anxiety among Nursing Students is to find out the effectiveness of the Deep Regarding Clinical Experiences Breathing Exercises and Incentive Spirometry Authors: Noorul Haq, Sajid Iqbal on arterial blood gases in second degree Institute: Rehman Medical Institute Peshawar inhalation burn patients. Aims: The aim of the study was to identify the Method: The data was collected on self- level of anxiety among nursing students structured Questionnaire, RDS and objective regarding clinical practice, experience and tools of ABG'S and vitals signs with signed learning at a private teaching organization at consent.The subjects selected were randomly Peshawar, KP allocated in experimental and control Method: A Cross sectional quantitative study groups.The baseline data was collected on Day approach was used. The study population 0 of the treatment session and then after 14 included students of Bachelor of Science in sessions (Day 7) data was re-collected. It was Nursing (BSN) and License Practical Nursing

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(LPN) of private sectors nursing institution in Aims Background: The National Nutrition Peshawar, Pakistan. Only Semester-I, BSN and Survey of Pakistan conducted in the year 2011 post RN students was excluded. Random has shown that Calcium deficiency is on a rise sampling technique was used for data in Pakistan. collection. Self-adopted, structured, and Method: The present study was carried out at validated questionnaire was distributed the Department of Diet and Nutritional among sample of 53 nursing students. Data Sciences, The University of Lahore, Islamabad were analyzed by using SPSS version 22. For Campus. It was a cross sectional study, which data analysis in descriptive statistic, involved 104 students, enrolled at the percentages and frequencies were calculated aforementioned department of the University. for nominal and ordinal data, while in All the willing students were included in the inferential statistics, chi-square Test was study while those with chronic diseases were applied for continuous variables. excluded. The nutritional status of the study Results: Results are given in the form of participants was determined using Body Mass descriptive, and inferential statistics. It is very Index. Twenty four dietary recall of the alarming to note that for students, practical or students was taken which was used to psychomotor aspect of learning is far difficult calculate daily Calcium intake using food than just attending class rooms' session. composition tables. Current study identified that, due to clinical Results: According to the results, out of n = 104 training and practices, 11.3% students had subjects, only n = 4 were taking Calcium as per sever anxiety. The male students were mostly their RDAs, while n = 11 were taking more affected. calcium compared to their respective RDAs. Conclusion: This study signifies that further Shockingly, n = 89 subjects were taking less study should be conducted to elaborate the than the recommended daily intake of causes of anxiety related to clinical practices. Calcium. There is an immense need for ongoing follow- Conclusion: This study revealed that only 3.8% up of students' psychosocial health and students enrolled at the Department of Diet development of effective coping abilities in and Nutritional Sciences, The University of them. Students must be taught effective stress Lahore, Islamabad Campus were having a daily coping strategies. calcium intake as per their respective RDAs.

Title: Prevalence of Calcium Deficiency Title: The effectiveness of applying for Among Students Enrolled In A Private Sector formative Assessment Objective Structured University In Islamabad; A Cross Sectional C l i n i c a l E x a m i n a t i o n ( O S C E ) f o r Study Undergraduate students in Faculty of Authors: A Momin, I Arif, A Fauz, Amama, N Medicine Fiaz, S Arooj, I Majeed, S Khan, F Amjad, N Authors: Rajaa Allhiani, Sumaiah Abdulwahab Shah, A Irfan, S Uzma, A Jabbar, T Khan, I Aslam, Institute: University of Jeddah, Saudia Arabia S Zafar, A Masood, H Idrees, M Ali, S Ejaz, T Aims: The aim of this study is to measure the Chaudhary, I Huma, A Aqeel, R Noor, M Shafi, Q effectiveness of formative OSCE for Shah, T Sultana undergraduate 5th year medical students in Institute: The University of Lahore, Islamabad clinical skills module and also to meaures the Campus effectiveness of selft directed study SDL

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Method: Check list of 10 questions survey was Institute: Riphah International University developed and distributed to the students who IIMCT Pakistan Railway Hospital Rawalpindi had volunteered to participate in the formative Aims: Literature lacks evidence regarding the OSCE to meausre their competency and requirement of formally training peer proficieny.The formative OSCE was conducted examiners and whether the provision of before the summative OSCE at the end of the training improves the accuracy of the global clinical skills module. This method was applied markings scores. The aim was to find out if in 2014 and residents were retained as there is difference in the consensus of examiners. In 2015& 2016 there was drop in untrained /trained peer examiners with participation since Formative OSCE was not teaching faculty scores in Obs /Gyn compulsory. In 2018 this method was Method: Final year MBBS students were amended and accepted more challenges in chosen at random to assess fourth year inviting house officers (interns) to become as students at 4 OSCE stations Using checklist and exminers since they were utlized as global rating. The OSCE stations were marked standardized patients and retained inactive simultaneously by faculty examiner, an stations. untrained final year student acting as a peer Results: The analysis was done thru cross examiner and a second final year student tabulation by NCSS similar to SPSS. In 2014, acting as a peer examiner but who has 208 students who had participated in the attended a formal two hours training session in formative OSCE had reported there is not which they were briefed about their role, enough time since the designated time was 5 shown OSCE stations, trained on the marking minutes and was suppose to be 10 minutes criteria, the use of the checklist and the instead Also had experinced difficulties with marking system. The inter rater agreement was the residents as examiners since they were not calculated by kappa values and paired t- tests trained to provide feedback. In 2015 & 2016 Results :The study demonstrated that training there was drop in students participation in the has a statistically significant effect on the formative OSCE since it is not complusory. In accuracy of marking. Student examiners found 2018 we have accepted more challenges and peer assessment a useful learning activity. It invited house officers (interns) as extaminers provided them with insight into exam and since they were SP technique and opportunity to review their own Conclusion: Overall the 5th year medical knowledge and clinical skills, and is a useful students were infavor of the formative OSCE way to revise knowledge in an active learning since it has assisted in learning and to environment. Peer markers who underwent overcome their weakness. Faculty had the formal training session demonstrated the diversity decision of the formative OSCE had capacity to assess fourth year students with reported time consuming and budget acceptable consistency and reliability. Hence consumption. On the other hand students training helped to improve peer marker were satisfaction of this form of assesstment consensus with faculty. Conclusion: The results of the study showed Title: Comparing the assessment quality of that appropriately trained students can trained versus untrained peer examiners in reliably asses their peers clinical and Obstetrics /Gynecology OSCE communication skills in an OSCE. Students Authors: Fareesa Waqar, Wajiha Shadab need to be trained in how to globally asses

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their peers overall performance objectively Conclusion: The Behaviourist approach and to provide accurate feedback. Provision of despite stumbling upon a lot of critique more intense training improves the accuracy. remained persistent in addressing the needs of today's learner with its basic constructs along Title: Is behaviourism really dead? A scoping with some modifications. The paradigm may review to document the presence of be called extinct or abandoned in theory but Behaviourism in current medical education for all practical purposes it remains alive to Authors: Ambreen Ansar provide meaningful learning experience. Institute: Riphah international university Aims: The purpose of this review is to find the Title: Coping strategies to combat literature available on Behaviourist Theories procrastination in undergraduate medical using scoping review methodology to prove students the existence of BA as a live and practical Authors: Manya Tahir approach towards T&L and see what Institute: Riphah International University modifications have been made in original Aims: Procrastination is an act or a habit of theories of Behaviourism, to address today's putting off or delaying especially something learners' needs. that requires immediate attention. Method: The five step approach of Arksy and Procrastinators fail in accomplishing self O'Malley was followed in this scoping review. regulation. AIMS: To identify the level of After identifying the research Question, the procrastination in undergraduate medical first step, three data bases were searched students? To explore the coping strategies using the chosen Key words. The Question was used by low procrastinators to combat revised and edited in the light of literature procrastination? searched and those articles were selected Method::Mixed method study Duration: 6 which had discussion on basics of months Site: Riphah International University. Behaviourism, critique on it, differences Sample Size: 300 students.6 to 12 students for between types of Behaviourism clearly given FGDs(total 3) Sampling Technique: Purposive and/or its implications in education. Search sampling Sample selection:(inclusion generated 38 articles from ERIC (5 selected), 14 criteria):students of first second and third year in Pubmed (2 selected) & 15700 (15 selected) MBBS. (Exclusion criteria):students of 4th and in Google scholar. Data was charted, collated & final year MBBS. Data Collection Instrument: summarised in microsoft excel. Filling of Academic Procrastination Scale Results: Five publications appeared in Questionnaire,Focus Group Discussions. Data literature before 2000, 5 were printed Analysis : SPSS version 21 for quantitative data between year 2000-2010 and 12 were and Thematic analysis using Atlas Ti for published between the years 2011-2018. The qualitative data Control of Bias:Confidentiality publications originated largely from USA i.e.12 of students will be maintained strictly. (57.1%). Of 21 Publications, 16(76.2%) were Budgeting:Own resources will be used and no original articles. There were two main themes; external funding will be used. Overview & Critique of Behaviourist theories & Results: Results showed that out of 100 Implications in medical education and five sub- questionnaires administered to each class themes; Motivation, Feedback, learning comprising of 100 students, only 85 students objectives, instructional design and (85%) from each class (1 st ,2 nd ,3 rd year) reinforcement theory.

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re s p o n d e d . 4 8 % st u d e nt s ( 5 2 % f i rst Title: Developmental assignments shaping year+55%second year+36% third year) were experience-driven acquisition of leadership found to be low procrastinators ( in negative competencies in clinicians questions) and 37% students(36%first Authors: Mashaal Sabqat, Rehan Ahmed Khan year+38% second year+35% third year)were Institute: Riphah International University, found to be low procrastinators (in positive Rawalpindi questions),whereas 23.33% students (27%first Aims: Despite being a core competency for year+15%second year+28%third year) were clinicians, leadership development is not found to be medium procrastinators ( in addressed in undergraduate and post- negative questions) and 28% students graduate levels. This study aims to identify the (33%first year+21% second year+29%third job assignments and their characteristics that y e a r ) w e r e fo u n d t o b e m e d i u m can make an everyday job task developmental. procrastinators ( in positive questions) and This can allow structuring of job tasks for lastly 28.33% students (21% first year+29% leadership development in young doctors. second year+35% third year) were labelled as Method: Semi-structured in-depth interviews high procrastinators respectively ( in negative will be taken. questions) and 35.66% (31% first year+41% Results: awaited second year+35% third year) students were labelled as high procrastinators (in positive Title: Perceptions of fourth year medical questions). On analysing the data obtained Students regarding Temporal Integration from interviews, ten themes were identified as Authors: Rameen Shahid, Sumera Ehsan strategies which the low procrastinators used Institute: Faisalabad Medical University to combat procrastination which are time Aims: Rapid innovations in medical science management, self-regulation, establishment have necessitated the development of an of priorities, self-reward, goal setting, advanced medical curriculum. Taking a step conducive learning environment, self- towards this, a temporal integrated system and reminders, task management, self-evaluation clinic-pathological conferences themes were and self- monitoring. introduced in a public sector medical university Conclusion: Procrastination is a behavioural for fourth year MBBS. This study aims to assess misconduct and is prevalent in undergraduate students' perceptions regarding the change. medical students, but it can be effectively Method :Ethical approval was taken from treated by practicing the identified coping institutional ethical review committee. After strategies which are time management, self- the completion of two terms, a 17 item pre- regulation, and establishment of priorities, validated questionnaire was distributed self-reward, goal setting, conducive learning among all students present in ophthalmology e nv i ro n m e nt , s e l f - re m i n d e rs , ta s k class on that day. Permission was taken from management, self-evaluation and self- lecturer. A five point Likert scale was used monitoring. Medical teachers can help their assess their responses. Out of the 270 students in developing these effective coping questionnaires distributed, 265 were returned strategies mostly which are metacognitive to back. Data was analyzed using SPSS. achieve better grades. Results: 174 females and 81 males participated in the survey. The mean score of temporal integrated teaching, CPC and

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assessment weeks were 3.22, 2.85 and 1.90 and critical while learning, taking responsibility respectively. Two third students felt it was for one's own education and the ability to add easier grasp a topic when it is taught to the growing sources of information online. simultaneously in different subjects. 40.2 % of While a lot of the articles supported the use of the respondents felt that temporal integration this theory as a viable learning model in was better than the traditional method of educational institutes in order to promote teaching while 20.3% were neutral and 36.5% higher order thinking and self learning, a few did not prefer it. 15 percent students stated articles revealed that it is not a valid learning that the system was beneficial but they found it theory on its own and must not be considered difficult to adapt to change. as such. Conclusion: A small step was taken to make Conclusion: The use of connectivism in improvements in a 46 year old traditional educational institutes promotes collaborative method. In this first phase, students are learning and problem solving. It enables adapting to this change as their overall students to be more proactive in their response was between neutral to positive. A education by choosing what and how they second phase should be run after the want to learn. Using connectivism to augment completion of academic year. already existing models in place will allow for more efficient learning. Title: What is the role of connectivism in medical education? Title: Effect of BMI and body fat ratio on Authors: Shahmain Shahzad, Rahila Yasmeen summative assessment of medical students Institute: Riphah International University, Authors: Arham Javed, Afrose Liaquat, Abida Islamabad Shaheen, Fahad Azam Aims: Connectivism is a relatively new Institute: Shifa College Of Medicine learning theory which incorporates learning Aims: Body mass index (BMI) is associated through a vast pool of information online, with physical and psychological health. which is ever growing. This study aims to Academic performance of students is believed provide a review of the application, to be a function of memory and cognitive skills advantages and challenges of connectivism in but obesity may affect cognitive and academic health education. performance. Given these reasons, we Method: Thirty articles were selected in order evaluated the effect of BMI on academic to gain enough data for this research. These performance of medical students articles were then carefully read and analyzed Method: BMI and body fat ratio using bio by the author who then extracted relevant electric impedance device was recorded for information from each article to include into eighty students of Year 2 medical students at the research. Articles dated before the year Shifa College of Medicine during Nutrition and 2000 were excluded and those after it were Metabolism module. At the end of the module included in the research. Articles written in summative scores of the students were English were included in the research. compared with BMI and body fat ratio Results :It was observed that the theory has Results: Twenty two students scored more numerous advantages cited throughout the than 75% marks in modular summative review articles, which included the assessment whereas fifty eight students development of an ability to be more analytical scored less than 75% marks. Mean BMI of

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students scoring less than 75% marks was Results: The results indicate that MOOC 24.20±4.49 which was significantly higher than complements the teaching in the classroom BMI of those students (21.58±4.06) who Students attitude shifts from passive learner to scored less than 75% (p = 0.19). Mean body fat active learner who is self-directed There is ratio of students scoring less than 75% marks increased teaching effectiveness and was 23.44±7.73 and was significantly higher efficiency Innovations and reforms in teaching than mean body fat ratio of students scoring have been incorporated due to MOOC MOOC more than 75% marks. (p = 0.035) supports the revision of content and its Conclusion: BMI and body fat ratio affect consolidation by the student Students do not academic performance of medical students. want MOOC to replace campus based teaching Awareness about this issue, counseling, experience Integration of virtual patients with emphasis on health in medical curriculum and MOOC builds clinical reasoning of students promotion of physical activities should be The flexibility of time and space provided by encouraged. These studies can be conducted MOOC enables the students to achieve the on a large scale in different age groups to learning objectives explore the generalizability of present findings Conclusion: MOOC has great potential in the world of today and medical education can Title: How students learn in medical by immensely benefit from it. However, there are MOOC? a scoping review various issues that need to be addressed in Authors: Rafia Minhas order to make it reach its full potential. The Institute: Riphah International University dearth of trainers in medical field can be Aims: MOOC has gained immense popularity compensated by MOOC. in the recent years and its utilization in medical education is addressing the challenges met by Title: Identification of Entrustable the learners of this century. The generation Y Professional Activities for undergraduate students at the medical colleges of today are endodontics well-versed with the internet and MOOC has Authors: Alia Ahmed opened a new dimension for them. Institute: Islamic International Dental College, Method: This scoping review is supported by Riphah International University the framework of Arksey and O'Malley that has Aims: Entrustable Professional activities are following steps: Identifying the initial research groups of competencies which are necessary questions Identifying relevant studies Study to perform certain professional activities in the selection Charting the data Gathering, clinical area. They can be used for feedback and summarizing and reporting the results. The assessment in the clinical area. The aim of this search engines used were: ERIC PubMed study is to identify the EPAs for undergraduate Google Scholar Psych Info Exclusion inclusion clinical endodontics. criteria was made on the basis of TIME PERIOD: Method: The study design was qualitative, 2014-2019 LANGUAGE: English, LITERATURE Delphi method. The study was carried out at FOCUS: only medical education articles, with the Islamic International Dental College. no ethical issues and non-funded were Participants were chosen by purposive selected. Prisma formation was done with sampling and the criteria was teaching faculty initially 1440 articles being identified and with major postgraduate degree and at least finally 11 articles were reviewed. three years' teaching experience. In the first

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Phase, EPAs were drafted i the form of a Student satisfaction (8 survey items) were questionnaire according to the literature statistically assessed and evaluated. review, subject content and clinical procedures Results: The difference in test performance of encountered by undergraduate students. students across the two groups in test items These were e-mailed to 15 experts who gave based on core cognitive concepts of TDM was their initial input. Consensus items were highly significant in application (p<0.013), identified by mean of 3.5 or more and standard analyzing (p<0.024) as well as evaluating deviation of less than 1. This was repeated (p<0.032) domains in favor of the experimental twice. group. Student's satisfaction scores in 'class Results: awaited organization' (p<0.01) and 'enhancement of learning experience' (p<0.05) was significantly Title: Flipped class with online dose different across the two groups, satisfaction calculation: Health sciences student's item mean value (satisfaction survey-5-point achievements and satisfaction in Clinical Likert scale) was greater for experimental pharmacology module group. Student's satisfaction scores in 'amount Authors: Nusrat Bano of required effort/work' was also significantly Institute: King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University different (p<0.05), mean value was lower for for Health Sciences experimental group (3.23 compared to 3.98). Aims: Flipped Class (FC) is an inclusive and engaging student centered pedagogical Title: A cross-sectional study of the approach which can be optimized further by satisfaction level of students and house innovative techniques to improve student's officers with the learning environment of a learning and satisfaction. This study was private dental college in Islamabad using the designed to assess student's achievements European Dental Clinical Learning and satisfaction associated with Flipped class Environment Instrument (DECLEI) learning with online dose calculation for Author: Salman Ahmad narrow therapeutic index drugs. Institute: Islamic International Dental College, Method: The study had a pretest-posttest Islamabad nonequivalent control group quasi- Aims: International standards require all experimental design. Students (n=270) were health care professional institutes to provide a divided in control (didactic lectures) and humanistic culture and learning environment experimental group (FC) with same instructor for its students, faculty, staff and patients, and and similar learning outcomes regarding 20 to periodically evaluate that environment. The narrow therapeutic index drugs. Pre class DECLEI has been developed and validated for learning assignment (downloadable handouts use in a dental undergraduate learning and video tutorials) for experimental group environment. were uploaded on Black board system ©1997- Method: Cross -sectional survey among 3rd 2016 Inc. Face to face class activity comprised and final year students and house officers of of case study solving application exercise Faculty of Dentistry, Riphah International employing online therapeutic drug monitoring University. DECLEI forms were circulated (TDM) dose calculator for narrow therapeutic among the participants. Only the duly and index drugs (TDM Calculator APK 1.1). completely filled forms were accepted. Each of Comparative test performance (15 MCQ) and the 24-items on DECLEI were to be graded on 5-

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point Likert scale: from strongly agree (given 5 it's cause and it's treatment with IVF was points) to strongly disagree (given 1 point). assessed. Later on, the points were calculated into a Method: It is a descriptive cross sectional score, which was used to grade the satisfaction study. A hundred and twenty people were level into 6 categories: from extremely given an 11 item pre-validated questionnaire satisfied, moderately satisfied, borderline at local gynaecologists' clinics in Faisalabad, satisfied, borderline unsatisfied, moderately within a span of two months (February- March) unsatisfied and extremely unsatisfied. . It included eligible couples, fertile or infertile, Results: The study is still ongoing. So far, 90 present at the gynaecologists' clinics at the forms have been received: 40 from final year time. The data was analysed using SPSS. and 50 from the house officers. Among them, Results: 67% of the people were from urban 15 (16.7%) were males and 75 (83.3%) were areas and 33% were from rural areas.71.6% of females. The total score ranged from 35 upto the people believe that infertility is a disease. 107 with a mean score of 81.82, which 94.17% of the people think infertility should be corresponded to the borderline satisfactory treated medically. Infertility as a ground for category. The same category of satisfaction divorce is supported more in rural areas. 34.4% was observed for 57 (63.3%) cases, followed in of the people were in favour of husband opting frequency by the moderately satisfied for 19 for second marriage. 79.17% of the eligible (21.1%) and borderline unsatisfied for 12 couples chose adoption as an option. In rural (13.3%) participants. Chi-square test resulted areas, 17 out of 33 were aware of IVF, whereas in significant association for lack of clinical 78 people knew about IVF in urban areas. infrastructure (P=0.011) and good clinical 23.3% of the people disagreed with IVF as a exposure (P=0.009) treatment. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the Conclusion: Married couples are facing present study, the following conclusions can be infertility more increasingly these days. They drawn: 1) Both students and house officers are aware that it is a disease that can be treated were only borderline satisfied with the medically and they know the repercussions learning environment of this college campus. otherwise. Adoption and second marriage are 2) Study participants felt the clinical the considered options. More awareness infrastructure of the campus to be inadequate, about IVF and the stigmas related with it yet they had good clinical exposure should be considered.

Title: Perceptions of infertility and its Title: To access diabetes patient health treatment among married couples related quality of life and satisfaction with Authors: Maha Tariq treatment Institute: University Medical and Dental Authors: Muhammad Khaliq Afzal, Aisha College, Faisalabad Amani Aims: Infertility is an escalating problem in Institute: Army medical college (NUMS) our country.It can be defined as an inability to Aims: The term diabetes mellitus describes a conceive after reasonable time of sexual metabolic disorder characterized by chronic intercourse without the use of any hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin contraceptives. Taking that into note, the secretion, insulin action or a fasting glucose perception of married couples about infertility, level of 126mg/dl or higher. The objectives are

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to determine health related quality of life Immediate response will be supported by among patients of diabetes and their compassion, love and respect in person. satisfaction regarding treatment. Defense mechanism in mature person Method: It was a descriptive cross sectional compose of Altruism, Anticipation, Asceticism, study of 6 months duration from Aug 2017 to Suppression, Sublimation, Humor, Affiliation. Jan 2018.It was conducted in Military hospital Mirroring neuron cells in the brain may have and Combined Military hospital, Rawalpindi, important role in human empathy. Pakistan.A sample of 200 was calculated using Method: "Study of empathy was done in fifth WHO sample size calculator. To determine year medical students (9) in clinical psychiatric health related quality of life among diabetes study. This study was done in Talang hospital in mellitus patients, we used a standardized Phuket. Medical students were evaluated validated questionnaire that is WHO-BREF empathy expression or empathetic after obtaining license of Urdu version. understanding by clients and their caretakers. Results: The mean age of participants was (Five Linkert's scale) Interesting and sincerity 55.2+/-8.11.The mean score for Physical of performance, Understanding and opened domain of quality of life was 57.7+/-15.05(out minded listening, Acceptance to help and of total score of 100)for Psychological domain problem solving, Comfortable and relaxation was 70.6+/-10.14 for social relationships was with performance, Comfortable and relaxation 64.4+/-16.02 for environmental domain was with tone of voice, Comfortable and relaxation 61.9+/-11.53 regarding patients satisfaction with speech word, Enthusiasm to help by all the mean score for general satisfaction of physical and mind" “Goodness” It has a patient was 3+/-0.24(out of total score of 5)for scientific reason in it. It can influence you on technical quality was 2.5+/-0.75 for your decision and judgement. interpersonal manner was 2.8+/-0.57 for Results: "Total points = 35 (5*7) MS1 = 28, 23, communication was 2.5+/-0.67 for financial MS2 = 35, 26, MS3 = 34, 30, MS4 = 35, 28, MS5 aspect was 4+/-0.65 for time spent with doctor = 35, 32, MS6 = 35, MS7 = 35, MS8 = 34, MS9= was 4+/-0.9 for accessibility and convenience 25 Average (mean) = 31.07" Total points of was 3+/-0.82. empathy evaluated by clients and their Conclusion: The quality of life of patients of caretakers are quite good to excellent. Average diabetes was least regarding their physical score in this group of medical students is good domain while highest for psychological to excellent. It may be better to test it again and domain.The diabetic patients were least again. Clients and caretakers will help our satisfied with technical quality and medical students to be fulfill more than the communication while most satisfied with doctors, and also with a spirit of our mankind. financial aspect and time spent with doctor. Conclusion: We hope that clients and caregivers may be a new group for evaluating Title: The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It empathy in our medical students. Empathy droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven may be correctly by two way communicate Authors: Tappana Sumpatanarax response and learning with mirroring of each Institute: Vachira Phuket Hospital, Thailand other feelings and thinkings also. "Empathy Aims: Empathetic understanding had written can be endogenous and may be incorporated in WFME in communication skill 1.3, 2.4-2.5. in every learning setting.”

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Title: To be a good doctor! blame themselves" A few speech from our Authors: Matinee Konkaew teacher's mouth can create a new superstar or Institute: Vachira Phuket Hospital, Thailand can remove a large superhero power from Aims: G o o d d o c t o r s u n d e r s t a n d their medical student's mind! Teacher's responsibility better than privilege and attitude may sent to medical students. practice accountability better than business. One of basic Neuro-linguistic programming Title: A Multicentre Comparative Study of the (NLP) is a message that is sent to our Management and Outcomes of Patients with subconscious by meaning of words. One point Sepsis we noticed that messaging from teachers to Authors: Hassan Baig students may be encouraging or discouraging Institute: University of Aberdeen United to their feelings. Kingdom Method: Survey (15) was done in internists Aims: Sepsis is an extremely devastating who are graduated from Vachira medical condition world-over. In the United Kingdom education. Focus group (10) was done in who (UK), medical education has sought urgent accept to be interviewed. In-depth interview means for improving the identification, (5) was done in selected group. Mindset of our management and outcomes of the condition. teachers can increase and decrease self- This study focused on the aforementioned esteem of our medical students. Both of parameters at a centre in Aberdeen, UK in positive and negative words may have an origin comparison to a similar-sized hospital in from the same mouth. Increase self-esteem Lahore, Pakistan. sentences and decrease self-esteem sentences Method: Data was collected using inpatient were explored. From our paper that presented notes for identifying the patients' time of in poster at Ottawa-ICME 2018 conference arrival, time of consultation by medical staff, about NLP can help our medical students from and the time of administration of any their exhaustion with stress. We noticed that subsequent interventions. This was carried out messages may be encouraging or discouraging in both Aberdeen and Lahore. This was Results: "Increase self-esteem" One more day tabulated and aligned with the outcome of support enough to get party! Let you go back to each patient 3 days post-admission. The data read the book! It's cool! Your answer is looked was stored in a database and analysed by smart! Your answer might not hit to the point comparison of each centre. and it presents that you did your good Results: The study was based on a total of 104 homework! "Decrease self-esteem" Diligence patients across both hospitals in Aberdeen and to read can make yours better than your L a h o r e . T h e r e s u l t s s h o w e d t h a t senior! You study medicine at this period, not comparatively, the average waiting time for the superstition! Would you like to wear your consultation by medical staff was much higher junior gown form instead! Don't answer with in Lahore at 3.54 hours compared to 0.24 hours stupid brain! Can you please answer the in Aberdeen. The average time of antibiotic question with your brain, not your spinal cord! administration in Lahore was 9.23 hours post- You study in the hospital, not in the farm. admission, significantly higher than the target Conclusion: "Good - energetic, enthusiasm, treatment time in Aberdeen. Subsequently, gain self-confidence and self-esteem Less good patients in Lahore showed a 3-day mortality - destroy their dream, wear off self-esteem, rate of 50.0% compared to 2.1% in Aberdeen.

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Conclusion: This comparative study advantages of eLearning as reported by the provided initial insight into the management of students are learning flexibility (48%) and septic patients in Lahore. It is evident that various learning strategies (26%). The most further changes must be implemented to common disadvantage of eLearning was decrease patient mortality. This study could aid distracted learning (40%). The difficulty faced recommendations and improvement by the students in the organisation are the measures to improve outcomes, however, technical barriers. further research is required to gain clearer Conclusion: B e f o r e w e a d a p t a n d insight of the situation. incorporate eLearning in medical education, we need to address the barriers and careful Title: e learning in IIMC - the state of affairs considerations to be placed on these issues Authors: Nayyab Junaid Malik, Komal faced by the medical students. Kalsoom, Amen Shahid Institute: Islamic International Medical College Title: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Aims: The integration of information regarding premenstrual syndrome among 1st technology in medical education has made and 2nd year medical students learners to become increasingly computer Authors: Sidra Inam, Sana Malik, Pakeeza Tahir literate. There're certain influential factors that Institute: Faisalabad Medical University, motivate medical students to use technology. Faisalabad In this research we intend to explore the status Aims: 4 out every 10 women experience pms of eLearning in students of IIMC and identify that can affect their home and work activities the barriers to use of technology. significantly. Pms symptoms can be managed Method: A descriptive study was conducted by lifestyle changes and professional help. Aim among the students of Islamic International of this study was to access knowledge and Medical College. The duration of study was 2 attitude of college girls regarding pms and months. A questionnaire consisting of 22 practices of those suffering from pms. questions, was to be filled by the students. Method: A descriptive observational study Stratified random sampling was done, sample was conducted from 1st April,2019 to 1st size was 220 and the response rate was 209. May,2019. A three sectioned prevalidated Data collected was regarding the use of questionnaire was used. In 1st two parts computers, preference of study, advantages knowledge and attitude were accessed. In 3rd and disadvantages of eLearning, sources of part students were screened for pms using eLearning, and use of certain social media PSST-A and then their practices were accessed. platforms and medical applications for Females having irregular cycles, hormonal learning. Data was analyzed using SPSS-21 and abnormalities or hormonal medications were MS Excel. Descriptive statistics were calculated excluded from screening test. 5 pilot in terms of frequencies and percentages. questionnaires were distributed and changes Results: 33% of the students were able to were made accordingly. Questionnaire was define the concept of eLearning. 81% have validated by 2 gynaecologists. Informed done eLearning and the most common source consent was taken. Questionnaires were is online lectures (57%). However, 67% of distributed among 1st and 2nd year medical students prefer books for learning. Amongst students during lectures. Sample size was 292. the social media platforms used, the most Data was analyzed using SPSS. frequently used one is Youtube (69%). The Results: Only 36.3% of study population ever

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heard the word pms. After excluding girls with that post evaluation forms were given and depression, gynaecological problems or other filled. Pamphlets were distributed . Data was hormonal abnormalities, 36.87% (80) girls analyzed using spss version 22. were found to have pms. And out of them 15% Results: Attitude and intention of college were having pdd. Out of 80 only 42 practiced students was positive before intervention. something to relieve symptoms and only 8 ( After intervention , there was increase in mean 10%) had ever sought medical advice for it. scores of attitude and intention. The difference Pms was seen to affect college work efficacy was statistically significant ( p value < 0.05 ) . severely in 17% and moderately in 42.5% of The practice of college students was not up to pms positive sample. It also affected their mark. There was gender difference on impact social life activities moderately in 57% and of intervention , female mean score were severely in 13% of them. increased more than males and difference was Conclusion: Considerable number of statistically significant. students had pms and most of them had never Conclusion: In study it was found that heard the word pms. Ninety percent had never college students has positive attitude and sought any medical advice for it. Students intention in conserving water before should be properly educated about this intervention . On intervention , the attitude condition and they should have easy access to and intention towards water conservation was medical facilities. significantly increased, it can be inferred that awareness session can play role in raising Title: Attitude, Intention and practice of awareness and motivation for water college students towards water conservation; conservation. slow the flow save H20: a baseline intervention study Title: The Relationship Between Poverty and Authors: Mahnoor Aleem , Saima Parveen , Late-life Intelligence and Widening Amina Zawar , Aisha Aman Participation for Higher-Education Institute: Army medical college , Rawalpindi Author: Qaisar Khan Aims: Water conservation is need of hour and Institute: University of Aberdeen, UK only way out of vicious cycle of water crisis. The Aims: Early-life socioeconomic circumstances study aim to know college students attitude (elSEC) have profound effects on late-life brain and practice and intention of water health. Improving its measurement and conservation on prevailing water shortage in uncovering its mechanism will help inform Pakistan and impact of intervention on it. As social health policy and interventions into well as gender difference in response. brain ageing and health. This study focused on Method: A baseline intervention study was understanding the relationship between conducted in three schools of Rawalpindi over poverty and late-life intelligence to widen span of 5 months from Nov 2018 to March participation in higher-education. 2019. Sample size was 132 . Pre evaluation Method: This project studied children born in forms were filled and then intervention done. Aberdeen in 1950-1956. 273 particpants (m= It consist of lecture on current water crisis 124, f=129) were recruited (2015-17) into the situation globally and in Pakistan, it s impact on STRADL project when they underwent a brain future and ways to conserve water . It was MRI and various cognitive tests. Data was given by two fourth year MBBS students. After linked to socioeconomic status (SES) data

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gathered in 1962 during the Aberdeen Children reinforcement of concepts of Physiology via Development Survey (ACDS) as part of the enabling students to reverse engineer OSPEs Aberdeen Children of the Nineteen Fifties for critical thinking. project.The individual cognition tests were of Method: The core syllabus was divided into 5 verbal and 'crystalised' intelligence, verbal units and one grand review for OSPE purposes. fluency, processing speed, memory and 2 OSPEs were conductedevery three months , visuospatial logic.Then either ANOVA (Analysis followed by one R-OSPE . the R-OSPEs of variance) or correlation analysis was comprised of 6 stations, students were given performed to investigate the relationship standardized patients, instruments, hints etc between derived variables of childhood SES on every station from which they were to and adult cognition. generate a suitable question for that station, Results: The result of using Principle supervisor feedback was provided after every Component Analysis (PCA) on four different 2 stations. at the end they wrote reflections, ways of assessing the status of the father's analysed qualitatively. descriptive statistics occupation shows most of the variance was were used to compare the scores on OSPES explained by a single factor on its scree plot. before and after R-OSPE administration and The results show that higher elSEC is ANOVA was applied to compare progress associated with reduced intelligence in later between different classes from 3 years. life. Results: the results showed a marked Conclusion: Having a poorer childhood, improvement in mean passing scores in OSPEs indicated by parents' higher poverty score was taken after the ROSPE than before in all 3 a significant predictor of lower late-life batches. ANOVA testing showed that class of intelligence. This may be due to the direct 2018 had superior scores to the class of 2017 programming of poverty on late-life and 10 respectively (p=0.03). the annual OSPEs intelligence, or an indirect effect of poverty of batches having undergone R-OSPES proved leading to poor education and life choices to have higher scores than previous years also. thereby reducing higher-education thematic analysis of the reflections of students participation. from all three batches showed that students thought this was an effective way of revision, Title: ROSPE-Reverse engineering of the OSPE confidence building, initiated critical to facilitate critical thinking and reinforcing thought,most had problems with time core concepts in undergraduate physiology management and many thought this exercise for dental students enhanced their own teaching skills. Authors: Komal Atta, Zehra Niazi, Mutayyaba Conclusion: Making the students construct Majeed, Hamna Najeeb, Sehar Kainat, Sara their own stations from clues provided proved Mehmood to be a good exercise for enhancing deeper Institute: The University of Faisalabad learning and critical thinking. this can be used Aims: Background: The OSCE is part of the as an effective tool for reinforcement and end of year summative evaluation of revision in subjects with greater cognitive load physiology for bds students, however due to like physiology however some constraints such limited time and excessive content, students as time occur. are unable to grasp many concepts . Aims:

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Title: Oral Health Disparities in 6-9 years old Aims: University of Aberdeen requires its Pakistani School Going Children students to plan and execute an elective Author: Sarah Hamid research project to promote evidence-based Institute: Riphah International university, medicine. One such project compares the Islamabad. outcomes of aortic valve replacement (AVR) Aims: Pakistan, a developing Asian country, using sutureless (Perceval) and sutured tissue faces many challenges in delivering oral health valves in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. The needs. The main problem of Pakistani outcomes included thrombocytopenia, post- population especially in rural area, where op echo results and in-hospital mortality. majority of population resides, is lack of Method: Patients that have underwent AVR education, of which children constitute were searched in the patient database and significant percentage. Objectives: The theatre logbooks. Their names and community purpose of this study was to assess the oral health index (CHI) numbers were noted down health status and oral hygiene habits of 6- 9 and used to extract patient data through the years old school going children who belonged hospital patient data access application to posh and less posh areas and those who (TRAKcare). The data was tabulated in were residing in Rawalpindi but belonged to Microsoft Excel and the relevant statistical rural areas. analysis was calculated using the in-built Method: Study Design: The study design of the functions. An independent t-test with a two- research was case control study design. tailed distribution assuming unequal variances Methods: The study population consisted of 30 was used to compare numerical results. A Chi school going children of both sexes which were Square X2 analysis was used to compare selected by convenience sampling technique. categorical results. The survey was based on WHO, oral Results: The lowest mean drop in platelet assessment form for children 2015. count for the sutureless vs sutured group was Results: Evaluation of the oral health status 38.42% ± 13.59 vs 52.74% ± 10.64, (p < 0.01). revealed that poor oral hygiene habits were The mean AV peak and mean gradient of the more prevalent in those schoolchildren whose sutureless vs sutured group was 25.74 ± 9.70 vs parents had no or little educational 24.46 ± 13.50, (p = 0.612) and 14.20 ± 6.01 vs background. 12.58 ± 7.37, (p = 0.318) respectively. Conclusion: It may be concluded that at an Paravalvular leaks in sutureless group were early age, greatest need of dental health mild or better, while there was 1 moderate and education including proper instruction of oral 1 severe leak in the sutured group. In-hospital hygiene practices and school based preventive mortality for the sutureless vs sutured group programs, would help children in improving was at 0% vs 10.87%, (p = 0.0145). preventive dental behaviour and attitude Conclusion: There were no statistical which is beneficial for their life time. differences in the performance of the sutureless and sutured valve. The sutureless Title: Comparison of Outcomes of Aortic Valve group had a significantly larger fall in platelet Replacement between Sutureless and counts but significantly lower in-hospital Sutured Valves mortality rates than the sutured group. From Author: Munir Khan Suratee these results, the sutureless valve is as good as Institute: University of Aberdeen,UK the already proven sutured valves.

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Title: Pharmacy Students' Perception From Institute: CMH RWP Their Current Hospital Wards Rotations (Hwr) Aims: Cell Phones have become ubiquitous. Author: Najia Rahim Shagufta Nesar Sadia The aim of this study is to find out the Shakeel, Sarah Jameel Khan prevalence of mobile phone usage in learning Institute: Dow University of Health Sciences sessions and the level of distraction they Aims: To investigate the overall pharmacy cause.The perception of the students about students' perception about the effectiveness advantages and disadvantages of mobile and utilization of their current hospital ward phone usage will also gauged rotations to improve knowledge and skills of Method: Focus group discussions were clinical pharmacist. conducted to develop themes for the Method: A cross-sectional study was questionnaires. The questionnaire was conducted from October 2018 to December validated by medical educationists. The survey 2018 using a survey instru¬ment containing 21 was conducted by distributing self answering items that was administered to obtain questionnaires among medical students. feedback from the final-year clinical pharmacy Descriptive statistics were employed to students of govt. and private universities. All analyze the cross sectional data using SPSS the final-year pharmacy students who version 20 underwent clerkship training were invited to Results: 53% students used mobiles 21-30 participate in this study. The obtained data times/day in class. 54% texted and 17% played were entered in SPSS V22.0 for analysis. games. 50% spent 25-50% class time on Descrip¬tive statistics and one-way ANNOVA mobiles. 30% said they use mobiles to fight were performed. boredom in class. 52% are distracted with their Results: Of the 200 Pharm D students invited own mobiles but only 10% by mobiles of for this survey, 167 (83.5% response rate) others. 41% said it would be good to have completed the survey with the mean age of explicit policy about mobile usage in class and 22.58± students from private 17% think that phones should be banned in university and 44.9% from government class. 22% claimed that need to use their university. Most of the students responded mobiles in class outweighs learning in class. moderately positive response (approximately Conclusion: The prevalence of mobile mean score of 3.5). Students from different phone usage is very high in class rooms and it universities have significantly different causes significant distraction. Students response to some items of the questionnaire consider that their right to use mobile phone in (p<0.05). class outweighs the distraction caused by it. Conclusion: Majority of Pharm D students who Students believe that there should be no completed the survey were “moderately penalties for use of mobile phone in class. satisfied” with their clinical training program. Faculty or trainers should take more effort to Title: Do adolescents who overuse mobile demonstrate practice-based clinical training phones suffer more from anxiety and and provide patient-centered education to depression? PharmD students during their hospital ward Author: Samabia Javed, Mahnoor Arif, Rehan rotations. Khalil, Hassan Ashfaq Institute: Faisalabad Medical University Title: Survey Aims: Surveys suggest that people spending Author: Jawad Jalil more time on mobile phones are more likely to

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report mental-health issues. Negative social Institute: University of Lahore interactions and addiction are related to higher Aims: Professionalism holds vital position in levels of depression and anxiety. The the field of medicine.It's significance leads to objectives of study are to assess the its incorporation in undergraduate curricula. prevalence of mobile phone overuse and, A s s e s s m e n t o f a t t i t u d e t o w a r d s anxiety and depression among adolescents. Professionalism is equally important. The Aim Method: An observational study was of our study is to Measure the Professionalism conducted in public sector college in April at undergraduate level of Dentistry in 2019. Ethical approval was taken by University of Lahore using Arabian Lamps instituitional ethical review committee. A two Scale. section pre tested modified questionnaire was Method: Arabian learner's attitude on Medical distributed using non probability convenient Professionalism Scale (LAMPS) has been sampling. Sample size was 248. Data was developed according to Arabic perspective. analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results were Pakistan being a Muslim country holds interpreted by using descriptive statistics in the numerous similarities regarding culture and form of percentage and chi square test. religion. Therefore in our study, LAMPS is used Results: The results showed that, based on the to measure Undergraduates attitude towards 4 categories of mobile phone overuse, 73%of Medical Professionalism. Study will be individuals were overusing mobile phone. Out conducted on final year B.D.S students and of 28% people with usage time of 2-4 hours, house officers of University college of 16% were suffering from mental health Dentistry, University of Lahore. The target problems. Out of 23% people with usage time population is 150. it will be a cross sectional of 4-6 hours, 36% were suffering from mental questionnaire based study. The results will be health problems. Out of 21% people with complied and analyzed using IBM SPSS version usage time of 6-8 hours, 48% were suffering 23 from mental health problems. A p value of .007 Results: Ethical approval has been obtained indicates that there is a statistically significant and data is being collected from the association between mobile phone overuse participants and is in the process of analysis. and mental health issues. Conclusion: Professionalism is essential to Conclusion: Research evidence shows that be taught at undergraduate level to eliminate mobile phone overuse related anxiety and the unprofessional attitude of graduated depression is an escalating problem. Teenagers medical professionals and to establish the need adequate time away from media for correctness of attitude, measurement of sleep, physical activity, and academic attitudes of medical professionals is necessary. activities. So, smart phone usage needs to be monitored. This study will help reveal this Title: Prevalence of methylphenidate misuse relationship alongside necessitating further in medical colleges of Pakistan studies. Authors: Nismat Javed, Fatimah Ahmed, Sikandar Saeed, Raham Amir, Hadia Yaqub Title: Measurement of Professionalism at Khan Undergraduate level of Dentistry in University Institute: Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, of Lahore using Arabian LAMPS Scale Shifa College of Medicine Author: Zakia Saleem , Ayesha Hafeez , Aims: There is a lack of awareness about Sumayya Tariq , Muhammad Hassan methylphenidate for non-therapeutic use

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among medical students in Pakistan. This Malik, Sohail Aziz misuse has serious adverse effects on the Institute: Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology students and the community. The objective of & National Institute of Heart Diseases, this study was to determine the prevalence of Rawalpindi non-therapeutic use of methylphenidate and Aims: To compare the clinical characteristics any factors associated with its use. a n d o u tc o m e o f c a rd i o p u l m o n a r y Method: A cross-sectional study was resuscitation (CPR) in patients with out-of- conducted in medical colleges of Pakistan. hospital cardiac arrest and witnessed-cardiac Students had been informed about the study arrest in Emergency Department of AFIC & and all those who gave their consent were NIHD. included as participants of the study. Method: All the patients, presented with out- Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the of-hospital cardiac arrest and witnessed- internal consistency of the questionnaire, and cardiac arrest, in emergency department it was 0.80. during our study time period were included. Results: Out of 239 participants, 117 (48.95%) Center of Disease Studies (CDC) registry for were male and 122 (51.04%) were female. The CPR was modified and used as a data collection mean age of the participants was 20.71±1.61. tool. Most of the participants (83.55%) studied 1 to Results: Total 163 patients were recruited in 3 hours a day and 88 participants (36.82%) our study, upon which CPR were performed in reported a score ranging from 70% to 80% in the emergency department. Mean duration of exams. Methylphenidate was used by 24 CPR was 22.1±2.6 minutes. Total number of participants. Out of these 24 participants, only CPR performed for witnessed cardiac arrest 2 had a diagnosis of Attention Deficit were 61(37.4%) while CPR performed upon the Hyperactivity Disorder, which was significant patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (p-value=0.024). Out of these 24 participants, were 102(62.5%). The most common 20 participants used the drug due to underlying disease was acute myocardial dissatisfaction with their exam score and this infarction, in 59(36.1%) patients. 54(88.5%) w a s s i g n i f i c a n t ( p - v a l u e = 0 . 0 1 5 ) . patients revived out of 63 patients, who were Methylphenidate was mostly acquired from given CPR after witnessed-cardiac arrest while peers. 67(65.6%) patients revived out of 102 patients, Conclusion: Students tend to misuse the who were given CPR after out-of-hospital drug in order to cope with their lower scores or cardiac arrest and the result was statistically because of low self-esteem. The benefits of significant (p< 0.01). methylphenidate in treating attention deficit Conclusion: Our study results yielded that hyperactivity disorder can also be one of the witnessed-cardiac arrest patients have more reasons for misuse. The problem is aggravated survival as compared to out-of-hospital cardiac due to social influence of other students. arrest patients. Title: Outcomes of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in Emergency Title: A student-initiated formative Objective Department of AFIC & NIHD. Out-of-Hospital Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) in Cardiac Arrest Vs Witnessed-Cardiac Arrest: A preparation for Clerkship OSCE Comparative Study Authors: Farhat Fatima, Ayad Al-Moslih, Authors: Rehana Khadim, Urooj Alam, Sheeba Sharfudheen, Maha Desouki, Suvarna Mubarra Nasir,Farhan Tuyyab, Shazia Fatima Prakash, Alison Carr

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Institute: College of Medicine, Qatar medical students. Its resource effectiveness, University coupled with being an enriched learning Aims: OSCE is long proven as a reliable and experience makes it a feasible and acceptable valid measure for assessing clinical skills of means of preparing 4th year medical students medical students. However, they are resource for higher-stakes clerkship OSCEs. intensive in terms of faculty time, logistics and expenses. Fourth-year Medical students were Title: Knowledge, attitude and practices offered an opportunity to initiate a formative among diabetic patients regarding foot care OSCE to overcome some of the above Authors: Muhammad Qasim, Usama Rashid, limitations. Hamza Islam, Danyal Amjad Method: Fourth year medical students under Institute: Faisalabad Medical University, faculty supervision initiated a ten-station Faisalabad formative OSCE. Six student representatives Aims: Diabetic patients are at a high risk of from the batch met the clinical skills team. developing diabetic foot disease. The global They had an in-depth discussion on the various prevalence of diabetic foot ulcer is 6.3% with Entrustable professional activities and the many cases of amputations. This condition is clinical presentations that they are expected to preventable by proper foot care practices. This cover during this semester. Based on the study aims to access knowledge, attitude and curriculum map, students then generated practices of diabetics regarding foot care. OSCE stations, which were then subjected to Method: This descriptive cross sectional faculty review. Students further contributed survey is carried out among diabetic patients towards simulated patient (SP) training and reporting to a public sector hospital. Approval acted as peer examiners. At the end of the was taken from the institutional ethical review OSCE feedback was collected through committee before conducting the survey. After questionnaires comprising of both closed and explaining the purpose of the study and taking open ended questions and focus group consent, 150 pre-tested and validated interviews. questionnaires were distributed and data was Results: Forty students and ten faculty collected by using non probability convenient examiners participated in the FOSCE. Twenty- sampling technique and results were analyzed nine students (72.5%) and all examiners using SPSS 20. responded to the questionnaire. Most Results: The mean age of the respondents was examines and faculty/peer examiners agreed 52.49±11.87 years. 47.3% of the patients had that FOSCE was well organized and a positive good knowledge, 36.7% had moderate learning experience. Qualitative feedback knowledge and 16.0% had poor knowledge revealed that learners found the pre-OSCE regarding foot care. 67.6% of the patients had meeting with faculty useful, though they felt it moderate practice, 17.3% had poor practice took quite long and planning could have been and 15.1% had good practice. Patients done earlier to provide ample time. Learners belonging to urban areas scored better on both found both receiving and providing feedback knowledge and practice scales. There was as peer examiners useful. They however felt found significant statistical association of the number of stations could be less. education with knowledge and practice of Conclusion: This student-initiated FOSCE patients regarding foot care (P<.05 for both). served as a unique learning experience for Sex and socioeconomic status had no

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significant association with knowledge and students. Strategies to adopt to enhance Meta practice. The patients compliant with cognition Knowledge in classroom lectures as medications also observed better foot care well in bedside ward teachings include: practices. P R O M P T S , C U E S , Q U E S T I O N I N G , Conclusion: Most of our subjects had good SCAFFOLDING, SCHEMA FORMATION and knowledge but moderate practices regarding THINKING OUT LOUD. Strategies to adopt Meta foot care. Education had a significant role in cognition Regulation include: PLANNING, positively influencing the behavior of the REGULATION and EVALUATION. Implications patients. Patients should be more actively for Medical Education: Higher Order Critical engaged in their health care plan with more Thinking and Problem Solving,Becoming emphasis on changing their behavior. Mindful Of Mistakes,Reducing self- study errors and Medical errors In Clinical Title: Developing Meta Cognitive Skills In practice,Lifelong Self- directed learning,Active Medical Students S t r a t e g i c L e a r n e r a n d a b e t t e r Authors: Ayesha Abubakar Mitha Clinician,Facilitator role of teachers,Student Institute: Riphah International University, Centered Learning Process and Guides Islamabad Learning Strategies and Improves Student Aims: Meta cognition is thinking about one's Study Skills. own thinking whereby an individual selects, Conclusion: Meta cognition strategies for monitors and evaluates cognitive processes. gaining knowledge and regulating processes in Medical accreditation standards emphasize on gaining knowledge develops a student's meta cognitive skills as a critical part of health abilities to regulate thinking and learning. professional training. Aim is to highlight These skills are lacking in present day learners different meta cognitive strategies for better and must be taught. It teaches medical learning and their implications for Medical students what to learn, when to learn and how Education. to learn. Method: I have identified related articles regarding various techniques and strategies Title: Scoping Review on Cognitive Paradigm using 2 literature databases and Google Authors: Muhammad Faisal Murad Scholar.Different strategies have been divided Institute: Rawalpindi Medical University in two domains of Meta cognition Knowledge Aims: The study of learning processes allows and Meta cognition Regulation. I have applied researchers to understand individual these strategies on two aspects of student differences in intelligence, cognitive learning including Classroom Lectures and development, affect, motivation, self- Practical Bed side teaching in Cardiology Ward regulation, and self-concept, as well as their by examples. For examples I have used role in learning. Our aim is to look at the teaching of “HEART FAILURE - PATHO outcomes of applied cognitive teaching PHYSIOLOGY AND CLINICAL PRESENTATION TO methodologies on undergraduate medical 3rd YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTS” as a theme on education in a classroom environment. which to apply different meta cognitive skills Method: The methodology for this scoping for understanding of the concepts involved. review was based on the framework outlined Results: There is teacher's as well as student's by Arksey and O'Malley. The framework role in developing Meta cognition skills in focuses on six key stages: (1) Identifying the

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research question; (2) Identifying the relevant Method: Emergency Medicine's Faculties studies; (3) Study selection; (4) Charting the (n=10) and Residents (n=67) evaluated in data; and (5) Collating, summarizing, and clinical reasoning by 9 written clinical cases. A reporting the data in the form of results (6) definitive correct diagnosis and the most Consultation. common incorrect diagnosis were identified Results: The majority of studies took place in a for each case. Cases consisted of a short classical classroom setting (N= 5), whereas two description of patient's medical history, occurred in non-simulated workplace settings, Physical Examination, Laboratory and Imaging and one took place as a small group learning tests results that were presented in three session in a workshop based study. Most pages based on the process of receiving studies employed quantitative approaches information in real situations. Participants that were non-experimental (N=3), or wrote diagnoses at the end of every page, by experimental (N=2). Two studies utilized a data that revealed. Then participants qualitative, non-experimental methodology. determined their level of direct clinical Median sample size was 49 subjects. experience with 18 diagnoses on a 7-point Psychometric approaches were utilized, with Likert scale. Total time for exam was 50 min. the most commonly used scale being the Likert Results: ANOVA showed Faculties were scale. Studies particularly showed that significantly higher in writing correct students remained engaged, participated diagnoses than residents (66% vs 41%), but the eagerly and performed better and learned anchoring error ratio was significantly lower in faster with the use of multimedia. residents (33% vs 75%). Also residents and Conclusion: In this scoping review, we found faculties' differences in reported experience strong support for established tenets of with diagnoses presented as correct diagnoses cognitive load theory, new information to be were not significant, but there was a significant further studied, and guidance for applying difference in incorrect diagnoses, so that cognitive load theory in undergraduate faculties had more direct clinical exposure with medical education in the present and in the incorrect diagnoses. future. We argue that cognitive load theory is Conclusion: B a s e d o n d u a l p ro c e s s highly applicable to undergraduates. theory(DPT), medical errors in each mode of thinking process are different. As more Title: Anchoring error in emergency medicine experience in some area lead to using more of residents and faculties intuitive thinking in that situation and Authors: Helen Dargahi, Alireza Monajemi, anchoring error that can be result of using Hooman Hossein Nejad, Ali Labaf more intuitive thinking, in faculties was Institute: Tehran University of Medical significantly higher than residences. Sciences Aims: Studies have shown underlay the most Title: Restricted access medical journals as a diagnostic errors that are made in emergency barrier for learning environment in medical wards, are cognitive errors and anchoring error institutions of Pakistan was identified as the most common cognitive Authors: Fahad Azam, Hania Naveed, Afrose error in clinical setting. This research intends to Liaquat, Abida Shaheen determine and to compare the percentage of Institute: Shifa College of Medicine anchoring errors in faculty members and Aims: Doctors and researchers constantly residents. need to be updated about findings of latest

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research being conducted worldwide. Most of gained attention for framing teaching the latest research is not open access and strategies that can complement them. We academic institutions and clinical consultants aimed to explore the styles of learning among in developing countries like Pakistan cannot medical students at FM&DC and their access restricted access journals due to high association with academic performance. of subscription fee. educational environment among first year Method: We conducted a cross sectional study medical students in FM&DC. and interviewed 35 medical consultants, 63 Method: A total of 100 first year medical senior medical faculty and 114 medical students of Federal Mediacl and Dental College students in cities of Karachi, Islamabad, were included in the study. Kolb's Learning Lahore, Sialkot and Gujranwala about style inventory and Dundee Ready Education problems faced due to restricted access of Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire medical articles. We also interviewed about were administered to the students after how they try to access restricted access consent. Demographic data was obtained on a articles. self structured questionnaire. Total DREEM Results: Majority of the interviewed students scores and subscales were calculated were (92%) reported difficulties in accessing calculated by frequency and percentages. The international research. Most of the clinical Chi-Square Test of Independence was carried consultants (85%) reported inability to access out to determines the association between latest data on rare diseases and new academic performance and learning styles innovations. Doctors and students used among the first year medical students of different methods to access restricted access Federal Medical and Dental College. articles including use of research sharing Results: Table shows that most popular websites such as Researchgate (13%) and learning style for students with academic requesting data by emailing authors (9%). scores from 60-70% is assimilative, whilst for Conclusion: Dearth of open access journals students with academic scores from 70-80% it are a barrier to access quality research and is Convergent. For high scorers it is latest updates in developing countries. The accommodative.The overall score of Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan educational environment as perceived by and Pakistan medical students was found to be “More Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) should positive than Negative” (Fig.1) The survey ensure access to more research to all public showed that the students have a positive sector and private academic institutions and perception of learning (Fig.2). Students hospitals across Pakistan. perceive that teachers are moving in right direction (Fig.3). Assessment of Academic self- Title: Impact of learnig styles and the perceptions revealed that students believe perception of Educational environment that there are many negative aspects (Fig.4) among first year medical students of Federal and they find atmosphere of educational Medical and Dental College, Islamabad environment as not bad. Author: Shemaila Saleem Conclusion: Participant learning style was Institute: Federal Medical and Dental College found to be associated with academic Aims: Educational environment and performance. We should devise teaching individualized learning styles have recently strategies that may be effective in increasing

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academic performance. Moreover students are aware that it is a disease that can be treated were satisfied with their learning environment medically and they know the repercussions but they had some negative thoughts about otherwise. Adoption and second marriage are academic self-perception which should be the considered options. More awareness addressed by counseling and training for self- about IVF and the stigmas related with it control. should be considered.

Title: Perceptions of infertility and its Title: The effect of positive thinking training treatment among married couples on resilience and social adjustment of Author: Maha Tariq students Institute: University Medical and Dental Author: Ghadir Pourbairamian, Ghobad College, Faislabad Ramazani Aims: Infertility is an escalating problem in Institute: Medical Education Group, School of our country.It can be defined as an inability to Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences conceive after reasonable time of sexual Aims: The purpose of this study was to intercourse without the use of any investigate the effect of positive thinking contraceptives. Taking that into note, the education on resilience and social adjustment perception of married couples about infertility, in students of Golestan University of Medical it's cause and it's treatment with IVF was Sciences. assessed Method: Quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest Method: It is a descriptive cross sectional with two groups (one experimental group and study. A hundred and twenty people were one control group). This study is in the field of given an 11 item pre-validated questionnaire applied research. The instrument of the study: at local gynaecologists' clinics in Faisalabad, two questionnaires of the California social within a span of two months (February- March) adjustment standard and the Conner and . It included eligible couples, fertile or infertile, Davidson resiliency questionnaire. A multi- present at the gynaecologists' clinics at the stage cluster randomized sampling method time. The data was analysed using SPSS. will be used and students randomly assigned to Results: 67% of the people were from urban two groups. The content of positive thinking areas and 33% were from rural areas.71.6% of training sessions was presented to the the people believe that infertility is a disease. students during the course of eight 1-hour 94.17% of the people think infertility should be sessions. For data analysis, SPSS software and treated medically. Infertility as a ground for inferential statistics including appropriate divorce is supported more in rural areas. 34.4% statistical tests (Normality, independent t-test of the people were in favour of husband opting and co-variance) were used. for second marriage. 79.17% of the eligible Results: The findings of this study indicate that couples chose adoption as an option. In rural positive thinking teaching method is effective areas, 17 out of 33 were aware of IVF, whereas on increasing the level of resiliency and also 78 people knew about IVF in urban areas. student compatibility. The assumptions of this 23.3% of the people disagreed with IVF as a research were confirmed at 95% confidence treatment. level. (P> 0.001). Conclusion: Married couples are facing Conclusion: The cognitive view emphasizes infertility more increasingly these days. They the usefulness of thoughts and cognition that

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guides the person's excitement and mood. should be 10 minutes. About 43% reported Well, there are plans to increase student that formative OSCE had highlighted their resilience and social adjustment. One of the weaknesses in some clinical areas, 48% had effective ways of using it is the use of positive experienced safe to make error without thinking education. accountability and in confidential environment but they experienced difficulty with residents Title: The effectiveness of apply formative as examiners . In 2015& 2016 we noticed drop assessment objective structured clinical in students participate in the formative OSCE. examination(OSCE) for undergraduate in Conclusion: Overall,5th year medical Faculty of medicine students were in favor of this form of Author: Sumaiah Abdulwahab Assessment since it revels their weakness and Institute: King Abdulaziz University- Faculty of prepare them for the summative OSCE as Medicine- Clinical Skills Center result had reduced repetition of clinical skills Aims: To determine the effectiveness of module. Faculty had diversity opinion reported applying formative OSCE for 5th year medical time consuming and budget consumption. On students in the clinical skills module also to the other hand students reported satisfaction. measure the effectiveness of self directed learning sessions. This monitoring study of Title: Prevalence of Calcium Deficiency appropriate formative OSCE had started on among Students enrolled in a Private Sector 2014 until 2018 this report was developed on University in Islamabad; A Cross Sectional going monitoring 2019. Study Method: Checklist of 10 questions survey was Author: A Momin, I Arif, A Fauz, Amama, N Fiaz, developed and distributed to all 5th year S Arooj, I Majeed, S Khan, F Amjad, N Shah, A medical students who had volunteered to Irfan, S Uzma, A Jabbar, T Khan, I Aslam, S Zafar, participate in the formative OSCE .This to A Masood, H Idrees, M Ali, S Ejaz, T Chaudhary, measure their competency and proficiency. I Huma, A Aqeel, R Noor, M Shafi, Q Shah, T The formative OSCE conducted before the Sultana cumulative OSCE at the end of module. This Institute: The University of Lahore, Islamabad method was applied in 2014 and residents Campus were involved as examiners. In 2018 this Aims: To determine calcium deficiency method was amended and accepted more among students challenges to invited house officers ( interns) to Method: The present study was carried out at participate as examiners since they were the Department of Diet and Nutritional utilized as standardized patients(SP) during the Sciences, The University of Lahore, Islamabad formative OSCE and were retained in the Campus. It was a cross sectional study, which inactive stations and had finished their clinical involved 104 students, enrolled at the rotations. aforementioned department of the University. Results: The analysis of the questionnaire was All the willing students were included in the done by cross tabulation thru NCSS similar to study while those with chronic diseases were SPSS. The result in 2014 number of students excluded. The nutritional status of the study who had participated were 208 had reported participants was determined using Body Mass there was not enough time designated for each Index. Twenty four dietary recall of the station since the time was 5 minutes and students was taken which was used to

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calculate daily Calcium intake using food than the recommended daily intake of composition tables. Calcium. Results: According to the results, out of n = 104 Conclusion: This study revealed that only subjects, only n = 4 were taking Calcium as per 3.8% students enrolled at the Department of their RDAs, while n = 11 were taking more Diet and Nutritional Sciences, The University of calcium compared to their respective RDAs. Lahore, Islamabad Campus were having a daily Shockingly, n = 89 subjects were taking less calcium intake as per their respective RDAs.

154 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS The 'JIIMC' agrees to accept manuscripts prepared in accordance with the “Uniform Requirements submitted to the Biomedical Journals” published in the British Medical Journal 1991; 302: 334-41.

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available evidence themselves or after INTRODUCTION consultation with one or two experts. Write this section with references as per following · Sufficient opportunity will be provided to the instructions: accused author to explain their view point a. Give background information about the about the accusations of serious misconduct. subject matter and the issues your study · Following steps may be taken depending upon intends to address. Only strictly pertinent the nature and severity of a misconduct: references should be cited and the subject ü A letter will be issued to the author or should not be extensively reviewed. reviewer in case of a misunderstanding or b. Describe what is known (in the literature) and misapplication of acceptable standards. what is not clear about the subject with ü A warning letter will be issued to the author reference to relevant literature thus identifying or reviewer covering the misconduct and the literature gap. as a warning to future behaviour. c. You write the rationale (justification) of your ü Publication of a formal notice detailing the study. misconduct. d. Finally you mention the objective of your study ü A formal letter to the head of the author's MATERIALS AND METHODS or reviewer's department and Institution. Methodology is written in past tense. ü Formal retraction or withdrawal of a Follow this sequence without headings: publication from the journal. · Study design ü Debarment of the authors(s) from · Place and Duration of Study further publication in the JIIMC for one · Sample size year or permanent depending upon the · Sampling technique nature of offence. · Mention about permission of ethical review TEXT ORGANIZATION board and other ethical issues addressed. All manuscripts except Short Communication and · Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Letter to the Editor should be divided into the · Data collection procedure- following sections. · Type of data: parametric or nonparametric ABSTRACT · Data analysis; including Statistical Software Abstracts of original article should be in structured used, and statistical test applied for the with following sub-headings: i. Objective, ii. Study calculation of p value and to determine the Design, iii. Place & Duration of Study iv. Materials & statistical significance. Exact p-values and 95% Methods, v. Results, vi. Conclusion. Four elements confidence interval (CI) limits must be should be addressed: why did you start, why did mentioned instead of only stating greater or you do, what did you find and what does it mean. less than level of significance. All percentages Why did you start in the objective. What did you do must be accompanied with actual numbers. constitutes the methodology and could include RESULTS design, setting, patients or other participants, These should be presented in logical sequence in interventions, and outcome measures. What did the text, tables and illustrations. All the data in the you find is the results, and what does it mean tables or illustrations should not be repeated in the would constitute; our conclusions. Please label text; only important observations should be each section clearly with the appropriate sub- emphasized or summarized. No opinion should be headings. Structured abstract for an original given in this portion of the text. article, should not be more than 250 words. At least DISCUSSION 3 key words should be written at the end of This section should include author's comment on abstract. Review article, case report and other the results. Write in present tense, active voice- require a short, unstructured abstract. except for results, which are written in past tense. It Commentaries do not require abstract. should be written in following sequence:

158 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan a. First of all very briefly summarize, Interpret and the text. Page number should be in the upper right discuss main results and don't merely repeat corner. If abbreviations are used, they should be the results. explained in foot notes and when they first appear b. Discuss key studies relevant to your study. in text. When graphs, scattergrams, or histogram c. Compare your work with other`s work. are submitted, the numerical data on which they d. Describe limitations of your study. are based should be supplied. All graphs should be e. Suggest future work if necessary. made with MS Excel and be sent as a separate Excel CONCLUSION file even if merged in the manuscript. For scanned Conclusion should be provided under separate photographs highest resolution should be used. heading. It should be in congruence with the S.I. UNITS objectives. No recommendations are needed System International (SI) Unit measurements under this heading. should be used. All drugs must be mentioned in REFERENCES their generic form. The commercial name may References must be given in the Vancouver Style however be mentioned within brackets, if only. References should be numbered in the order necessary. in which they are superscripted in the text. At the PHOTOGRAPHS AND FIGURES end of the article, the full list of references should Figures and Photographs should only be included give the names and initials of all authors (unless when data cannot be expressed in any other form. there are more than six when only the first six Figures and photographs must be cited in the text should be given followed by et al). The author's in consecutive order. Legends must be typed on the names are followed by the title of the article; title same paper. Legends for photomicrographs should of the journal abbreviated according to the style of indicate the magnifications, internal scale and the Index Medicus (see “List of Journals Indexed”, method of staining. printed yearly in the January issue of Index PLAGIARISM POLICY Medicus); year, volume and page number; e.g. Hall, JIIMC follows the guidelines of ICMJE, PMDC and RR. The healing of tissues by C02 laser. Br J. Surg: HEC for any kind of plagiarism. These guidelines can 1970; 58:222-225. References to books should give be accessed at, the names of editors, place of publication, and . Author is advised to go publisher and year. The author must verify the through these guidelines before submitting their references against the original documents before manuscript with JIIMC. The cases of plagiarism will the article. References to papers accepted but not b e d e a l t a c c o r d i n g t o r u l e s a n d yet published should be designated as “in regulations/recommendation of the ICMJE, PMDC press” or “forthcoming”; authors should obtain and HEC. The disciplinary committee of JIIMC written permission to cite such papers as well as comprises of the staff, Managing editors and Editor verification that they have been accepted for in Chief to deal with cases of plagiarism. publication. All articles submitted to JIIMC are checked by TABLE AND ILLUSTRATIONS antiplagiarism software TURNITIN. JIIMC follows Tables and illustrations should be merged within the standard definition and description of the text of the paper, and legends to illustrations plagiarism and follow the recommendations by should be typed on the same sheet. Table should be Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), simple, and should supplement rather than ICMJE, Pakistan Association of Medical Editors duplicate information in the text; tables repeating (PAME), Higher Education Commission (HEC) information will be omitted. Each table should have of Pakistan policies about plagiarism available on a title and be typed in double space without horizontal and vertical lines on an 8 ½” x 11ʹ paper. ! Logical contribution and originality of Tables should be numbered consecutively with every manuscript is to be defined by the Roman numeral in the order they are mentioned in authors and it is the responsibility of authors

159 JIIMC ICME 2019 Journal of Islamic Internaonal Conference on Medical Educaon Internaonal Medical College October 19 - 22, 2019 - Islamabad, Pakistan

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