Two Weeks Toward Change.Pdf
CITY OF MELROSE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR City Hall, 562 Main Street Melrose, Massachusetts 02176 PAUL BRODEUR Telephone - (781) 979-4440 Mayor AIL M. INFURNA Dear Melrose Community, I am thinking of you and your families during these very difficult and uncertain times, and I am grateful to be working with you, in partnership, to support every Melrose resident and to build a stronger and more just community. The interconnected crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the long-overdue national reckoning on race and equity, sparked by the killing of George Floyd and other people of color, continue to present challenges to every community in the United States. The nation has begun a necessary and very difficult introspection into racial equity and how to move forward toward a more perfect union, one where every resident is valued and shares equally in the American dream. My administration is committed to the important mission of advancing diversity, equity and inclusion here in our City. We know that this requires a long-term, sustained, intentional effort to make lasting progress. We know that it will require the entire community to meet this challenge. It will mean starting and continuing a dialogue among all our residents, police, firefighters, City Hall staff, educators, students, businesses, and visitors, even when that conversation is challenging. Throughout this process, we will need to trust people of good faith who participate in these conversations, and we all need to listen to their perspectives. Melrose is a great place to live, work, learn, and raise a family, and I am proud to be your mayor.
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