ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL 25: 219–230, 2014 © The Neotropical Ornithological Society


Luis Sandoval1,2 & Daniel J. Mennill1

1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9B3P4, Canada. E-mail: [email protected] 2Current address: Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica, CP 2090.

Resumen. – Descripción cuantitativa de las vocalizaciones y el comportamiento vocal del Cuatro- ojos Gorra Naranja (Melozone kieneri). – Muchas especies de emberízidos (Emberizidae) han servido como modelo para entender el canto y el comportamiento vocal en aves. En contraste, el comporta- miento vocal y los repertorios vocales para la mayoría de especies tropicales de emberízidos son poco conocidos, aunque la diversidad de especies sea mayor. Nosotros presentamos la primera descripción cuantitativa del repertorio y el comportamiento vocal del Cuatro-ojos de Gorra Naranja (Melozone kie- neri), endémico de México. También proveemos información sobre el efecto de la distribución espacial en la similitud de los repertorios, así como la variación diaria de las vocalizaciones, todo esto basado en grabaciones focales, autónomas, y oportunísticas en una población de El Tuito, Jalisco, México. Nues- tros resultados demuestran que el Cuatro-ojos de Gorra Naranja produce tres categorías de vocalizacio- nes - llamadas, cantos solos y duetos - como ocurre en otras especies de Melozone. Encontramos que los cantos solo y los duetos en esta especie presentaron características intermedias a especies de Melozone que se distribuyen más al norte o sur. La similitud de los repertorios entre machos cercanos fue mayor, sugiriendo que el aprendizaje del canto puede ocurrir después del establecimiento territorial. Las llamadas y los cantos presentaron un pico marcado temprano en la mañana indicando que esta especie participa de los coros del amanecer. Este estudio es la primera descripción cuantitativa de las vocalizaciones del Cuatro-ojos de Gorra Naranja, el cual generó importante información descriptiva en esta especie poca estudiada de Melozone Neotropical.

Abstract. – Many of sparrows (Emberizidae) in the temperate zone provide model systems for understanding song and singing behaviour. In contrast, the vocal repertoire and vocal behaviour for most tropical sparrows is poorly understood, in spite of their impressive biodiversity. We present here the first detailed quantitative description of vocal repertoires and vocal behaviour of the Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrow (Melozone kieneri), an endemic Mexican sparrow. We provide information on the effect of territory spacing on song repertoire-use and details of the diel pattern of variation in vocal output, using focal, autonomous, and opportunistic recordings of in El Tuito, Jalisco, Mexico. Our results demon- strate that Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows produce three distinct categories of vocalizations – calls, solo songs, and duets – as in other Melozone ground-sparrows. We found that solo songs and duets in this species showed an acoustic structure intermediate to other northern and southern Melozone ground- sparrows. Patterns of repertoire-use in male solo songs were highly similar between males holding nearby territories, suggesting that song learning may occur after territory establishment. The diel pattern for output of calls and solo songs showed a pronounced peak early in the morning, indicative of dawn- chorus singing behaviour. This study provides the first quantitative investigation of Rusty-crowned


Ground-sparrow vocalizations, providing important descriptive information on this little-studied Neotropi- cal Melozone species. Accepted on 13 August 2014.

Key words: Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrow, Melozone kieneri, bird calls, diel variation, duets, Emberi- zidae, solo songs, sparrows.

INTRODUCTION research priority because such studies will allow us to conduct comparative studies Decades of investigations of temperate spar- between tropical and temperate species, to rows (family: Emberizidae) have led to the better understand the phylogenetic relation- development of many key principles of avian ships between species (Cadena & Cuervo acoustic communication (e.g., vocalizations, 2010), and may lead to additional important vocal behaviour) (Marler 2004a, Catchpole & insights that will further expand our under- Slater 2008). For example, White-crowned standing of vocal behaviour generally. Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) were the initial In this investigation, we studied the Rusty- species used to examine geographic variation crowned Ground-sparrow (Melozone kieneri). at both broad and local scales (Marler & This endemic Mexican sparrow inhabits both Tamura 1962) which lead to the study of cul- deciduous and dry forest habitat from sea tural transmission in that learn their level to 2000 m a.s.l., with a range extending vocalizations (Marler 1970, 2004b). Song syn- from the south of Sonora to western Oaxaca, tax was first studied in Swamp Sparrows and the interior of Jalisco (Miller et al. 1957, (Melospiza georgiana), providing evidence that Howell & Webb 1995, Rising 2011). Pairs of animals arrange their vocalizations with spe- Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows appear to cies-specific syntactical structure, much like defend territories using vocalizations, as do human language (Marler & Pickert 1984). Our the other tropical species in the genus Melo- understanding of the production of overtones zone (Benedict & McEntee 2009; Sandoval et (Nowicki 1987), the function of graded sig- al. 2013, 2014), although their vocal reper- nals (Beecher & Campbell 2005, Searcy & toires and behaviour has never been Beecher 2009), and the dynamics of conven- described in detail (Howell & Webb 1995, tional signals during aggressive interactions Rising 2011). With this study our goal is to (Vehrencamp 2001) arose from seminal stud- present the first quantitative description of ies of Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia). the vocal repertoire and vocal behaviour of Information on the vocal repertoires and the Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrow. In addi- vocal behaviour for the majority of tropical tion, we investigate the relationship between sparrows, in contrast, is limited or absent. territory spacing and song type sharing, and One exception is the Rufous-collared Spar- describe the diel pattern of variation in vocal row (Zonotrichia capensis); this widely studied output. tropical sparrow has been instrumental in enhancing our understanding of geographic METHODS variation and the relationship between habitat and population divergence in vocalizations Field recordings. We recorded Rusty-crowned (e.g., King 1972, Handford 1988, Handford & Ground-sparrows at Rancho Primavera, El Lougheed 1991, Kopuchian et al. 2004, Dan- Tuito, Jalisco state, Mexico (20°21’N, ner et al. 2011). Further investigations of the 105°20’W, 585 m a.s.l.). We collected record- vocalizations and vocal behaviour of other ings from 27 June to 3 July 2012, during the tropical sparrow species is an important species’ breeding season (Rowley 1962). Our

220 BIOACOUSTICS OF THE RUSTY-CROWNED GROUND-SPARROW field observations confirmed that some of the sun rises at approximately 07:05 h during the study birds were actively breeding during the studied period); each pair was recorded on recording period: we observed adults carrying one day using this technique (N = 13 pairs). nesting material in two of the recorded pairs, Second, we used autonomous digital record- and for two other pairs we observed behav- ers (Wildlife Acoustics Song Meters model iour consistent with incubation (i.e., one SM1) set up inside birds’ territories to record member of the pair disappeared after a period birds for a period that varied from 6 to 15 of foraging early during the day). hours (mean ± SE: 10.33 ± 2.18 h; N = 5 Recorded individuals were not colour- pairs). All of these recordings included a con- banded; we distinguished between territorial tinuous period from 07:00 to 09:00 h, when pairs based on their location (we collected this species is most vocally active (see GPS coordinates of the centre of each identi- Results). Third, we collected opportunistic fied territory). Based on previous field obser- recordings between 08:00 and 19:00 h while vations of this species, and observations of we were walking nearby or inside birds’ terri- colour-banded study populations of a closely tories, when we detected birds vocalizing; we related species (White-eared Ground-sparrow, collected 03:35 h of recordings using this Melozone leucotis; Sandoval et al. 2013, 2014; approach. Focal and opportunistic recordings Sandoval 2014), we considered birds to were collected with a shotgun microphone belong to a distinct pair when they were > 50 (Sennheiser ME66/K6) connected to a digital m away from the centre of the neighbouring recorder (Marantz PMD660 and Marantz pair’s territory. Daily, we monitored and con- PMD661), and with a parabola-mounted firmed the presence of previously recorded omnidirectional microphone (23 in Telinga pairs at the same locations. These observa- parabola with a Sennheiser ME62/K6 micro- tions made us confident that pairs recorded phone) and digital recorder (Zoom H4n). All on different days were distinct and that pairs recordings were collected in WAV format, occupied the same territories throughout our with 16 bit accuracy and a 44.1 kHz sampling recording period. The sexes are monomor- rate. Focal and opportunistic recordings were phic in Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows, so used for collecting fine structural acoustic we were unable to assign sex to the unbanded measurements of the vocalizations (see study individuals. In a sister species, however, below), and to describe the contexts of use our field observations of colour-banded pairs for each vocalization. All recordings – includ- reveals that vocalizations are sex-specific ing focal, opportunistic, and automated (Sandoval 2014). We make the assumption recordings – were used to describe the spe- that the same pattern is true in this species, cies’ vocal repertoire. Only autonomous and our field observations support this recordings were used to describe the species’ assumption (i.e., during specific observation pattern of diel variation. periods, only one member of the pair pro- duced some vocalizations, whereas others Vocal analysis. We classified vocalizations were produced by both members of the based on their appearance on sound spectro- pair). grams, following similar approaches used in We used three recording techniques to other studies (e.g., Franco & Slabbekoorn describe the vocal and repertoire behaviour 2009, Sandoval et al. 2014). We measured fine- for this species. First, we collected focal structural details in Raven Pro 1.4 sound anal- recordings by following a territorial pair for 1 ysis software (Cornell Lab of Ornithology, h period between 07:00 and 08:00 h (at the Ithaca, NY, USA), using a combination of the

221 SANDOVAL & MENNILL waveform, spectrogram, and power spec- (version 2.17; Øyvind Hammer, Natural His- trum to obtain the most accurate measure- tory Museum, University of Oslo, Norway). ments (Charif et al. 2004, Redondo et al. 2013). We estimated male solo song repertoire We generated spectrograms with a temporal size for all individuals where we recorded ≥ resolution of 5.8 ms and a frequency resolu- 80 songs, using the Wildenthal equation for tion of 188 Hz using the following settings: curve-fitting (1965). We used a Markov chain Hann window with 50 % overlap and 256 Hz analysis to estimate if the ground-sparrows transform size. delivered song types with a predictable order For each vocalization obtained in the focal using the technique described in Lemon and and opportunistic recordings, we measured Chatfield (1971). This approach analyzes the the following measurements: duration (s), the probability of a bird singing a song type minimum frequency (Hz), the maximum fre- within their repertoire as a function of the quency (Hz), and the frequency of maximum previous song type (Leonardo & Konishi amplitude (Hz). From both the focal and 1999). autonomous recordings, we calculated the We conducted a Mantel test to evaluate number of unique solo song types produced repertoire-use similarity, measured using a per individual. We defined solo song types Morisita index of similarity as described in based on the number of different elements Sandoval et al. (2014), as a function of the (smaller discrete unit of continuous sound) physical distance between individuals’ territo- and the element shape. Each solo song type ries. We defined repertoire-use similarity as was then compared among others included in the production of shared vocalization types in a library of sounds that we developed. similar proportion between males (see San- We annotated manually the number of doval et al. 2014 for details). We predicted that calls, solo songs, and duets produced by each closer individuals would have higher reper- pair from 05:00 to 20:00 h to analyze diel vari- toire-use similarity than would individuals fur- ation in the vocal output, based on data from ther away from each other. the autonomous recorders. To examine patterns of diel variation in vocal output within this species, we calculated Statistical analysis. We evaluated whether the the number of vocalizations per hour (mean fine structural details of two distinct call types ± SE) from 05:00 to 20:00 h. We grouping (see Results) differed significantly from each both types of calls for this analysis, because other using a two sample t-test. We first calcu- the two calls appear to share a similar func- lated an average for each fine acoustic mea- tion (see results); furthermore, one of the surement per call type per pair, and then used calls was produced in a very low proportion. these values as the dependent variable in the We then used Kolmogorov-Smirnov one- analysis, and the call type as the independent sample tests to compare if the average pro- variable. We report exact P-values based on portion of calls, solo songs, and combined Bonferroni corrections for multiple compari- vocalizations (both calls and solo songs) sons; four separate tests were conducted for showed a peak output during the day. The val- each of the four measured acoustic characters. ues of P for Mantel test and Kolmogorov- We conducted Bonfferoni corrections for Smirnov test are reported based on 10,000 multiple comparisons, where we divided the permutations. alpha by the number of comparisons, and For duets, we only reported descriptive then corrected the revised alpha value relative statistics because our sample size for this to 0.05 using the built-in function in PAST vocalization type was too small for statistical

222 BIOACOUSTICS OF THE RUSTY-CROWNED GROUND-SPARROW analysis. All duets were recorded using focal and a frequency of maximum amplitude of recording approach. We conducted statistical 8050 ± 193 Hz (range = 7373–8958 Hz, CV analyses in PAST (and report means ± SE = 6.3%). We recorded the ground-sparrows throughout the paper. using this vocalization when pair members were far apart from each other (N = 7 pairs). RESULTS We observed only one individual per pair producing solo songs, and we assumed that The vocal repertoire of Rusty-crowned this was the male (an observation which Ground-sparrows at Rancho Primavera, El matches our knowledge of other ground- Tuito, Jalisco state, Mexico includes three sparrow species). As in other ground-sparrow main types of vocalizations: calls, solo songs, species, the male sang from exposed perches and duets. Calls (N = 956 calls recorded from that varied from approximately 1.5 to 3.5 m. 12 pairs, one pair was never recorded produc- Songs recorded using the focal recording ing calls) and solo songs (N = 1906 songs approach were performed in bouts separated recorded from 12 males, one male was never by long silent intervals, with a bout length recorded producing songs) were common of 16.43 ± 3.16 min (based on recordings vocalizations. Duets, in contrast, were rare; we of N = 12 individuals). Male solo songs were recorded only eight duets from three pairs variable and readily classifiable into distinct over 71 h of recordings collected over seven song types (Fig. 1). We detected 29 unique days. song types in our sample of 1482 analyzed We observed two types of calls which we songs. distinguish as “chip” and “tseet” (Fig. 1). These Solo songs had three sections: (1) the two calls were significantly different in their introductory section began with high fre- fine-structural characteristics (two sample t- quency elements similar to chip calls; (2) the test: P < 0.04, df = 18, for all comparisons middle section contained broadband fre- after Bonferroni correction). On average, the quency-modulated elements; and (3) the con- duration of the chip call was 0.07 ± 0.004 s cluding section contained a trill (Fig. 1). Solo (range = 0.06–0.10 s, CV = 18.3%), with a songs showed an average duration of 2.2 ± minimum frequency of 7850 ± 104 Hz (range 0.1 s (range = 1.6–4.1 s, CV = 22.7%), a mini- = 6968–8284 Hz, CV = 4.6%), a maximum mum frequency of 3470 ± 121 Hz (range = frequency of 12,654 ± 169 Hz (range = 2607–4916 Hz, coefficient of variation: CV = 10,867–12,551 Hz, CV = 5.0%), and a fre- 18.8%), a maximum frequency of 11,111 ± quency of maximum amplitude of 8574 ± 79 130 Hz (range = 8949–11918 Hz, CV = Hz (range = 7977–8964 Hz, CV = 3.2%). We 6.3%), and a frequency of maximum ampli- recorded chip calls from both members of the tude of 5635 ± 111 Hz (range = 3728–6388 pair when they were foraging (N = 11 pairs). Hz, CV = 10.7%). For two pairs, we also noted chip calls when Among 10 males for which we recorded ≥ we approached nests that were under con- 80 songs, the repertoire size varied from four struction. to ten song types (average: 6.3 ± 0.7 songs, On average, the duration of the tseet call e.g., Fig. 2). All of the individuals we studied was 0.36 ± 0.026 s (range = 0.26–0.41 s, CV delivered their song types in a predictable = 19.4%), with a minimum frequency of 7204 order that deviated significantly from random ± 232 Hz (range = 6596–8356 Hz, CV = (Markov chain: P < 0.007 for all individuals, 8.5%), a maximum frequency of 9478 ± 245 N = 10). Individuals with nearby territories Hz (range = 8241–10,351Hz, CV = 6.9%), showed more similar patterns of repertoire


FIG. 1. Sound spectrograms of the three main categories of vocalizations produced by Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows, at Rancho Primavera, El Tuito, Jalisco state, Mexico recorded from 27 June to 3 July 2012 with two examples of the two call types; six common male solo song types produced in the study site; a complete duet (black and grey blocks show the contribution of each individual of the pair); and an incomplete duet featuring a contribution by one individual. use than they did with far-away individuals (range = 1244–1349 Hz, CV = 4.6%), maxi- (Mantel test: r = 0.49, P = 0.002, N = 10). mum frequency of 11,240 ± 539 Hz (range = Duets were produced by both members 10,188–11,971 Hz, CV = 8.3%), and fre- of the pair when they were near one another quency of maximum amplitude of 7763 ± 397 or when one individual arrived next to the Hz (range = 6977–8250 Hz, CV = 8.8%). On other. Duets included elements overlapping in three occasions, we observed just one individ- both time and frequency (Fig. 1). Vocaliza- ual of the pair producing an unanswered duet tions used to construct duets were different contribution, which was shorter in duration from vocalizations used as solo songs (Fig. 1). than a complete duet (Fig. 1). We classified Complete duets showed an average duration these solo vocalizations as “incomplete of 4.3 ± 0.4 s (range = 3.7–5.0 s, CV = duets” (Fig. 1). Incomplete duets showed an 15.8%), minimum frequency of 1314 ± 35 Hz average duration of 3.0 ± 0.4 s (range =


FIG. 2. Repertoire asymptote curves for Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows, at Rancho Primavera, El Tuito, Jalisco state, Mexico recorded from 27 June to 3 July 2012 showing six males chosen to show the full range of variation in our dataset; the remaining four males had repertoire asymptote curves overlapped by the curves shown.

1.9–3.8 s, CV = 26.0%), minimum frequency ries of vocalizations: calls, solo songs, and of 4747 ± 686 Hz (range = 3277–6600 Hz, duets. Prior anecdotal descriptions of this CV = 32.3%), maximum frequency of 10,215 species’ vocalizations mention only solo ± 367 Hz (range = 9327–11,557 Hz, CV = songs (Howell & Webb 1995, Rising 2011). 8.0%), and frequency of maximum amplitude Calls and duets were produced by both of 8219 ± 155 Hz (range = 7666–8625 Hz, individuals of the pair, whereas solo songs CV = 4.2%). were produced only by one individual in the Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrow vocal pair; we assumed that the solo singers were output varied throughout the day, with the males based on knowledge of vocal behaviour highest peak occurring between 07:00 and in related ground-sparrows. Pair members

10:00 h (KS: Dmax = 0.80, P < 0.001; Fig. 3); created duets using vocalizations different 59% of all vocalizations occurred during this from male solo songs, although duets were period of heightened vocal output (Fig. 3). quite rare during our study period. Rusty- The same diel patterns for combined vocal- crowned Ground-sparrows exhibited a diel izations was observed for both calls (Dmax = pattern of variation with one peak of vocal

0.72, P < 0.001; Fig. 3), and solo songs (Dmax output, coincident with dawn. This is the = 0.73, P < 0.001; Fig. 3). Birds produced too first quantitative description of the vocaliza- few duets to conduct a meaningful analysis of tions of this little-studied endemic Mexican diel variation (N = 8 duets from 3 pairs) sparrow. although all duets were recorded in the first Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows pro- part of the day (range: 07:05–12:16 h). duced two types of calls, which we distinguish as chip and tseet calls. Two similar call types DISCUSSION have been reported in other ground-sparrow species (Sandoval 2014), sharing similarity in The vocal repertoire of Rusty-crowned both acoustic structure and context of use. Ground-sparrows includes three main catego- Our observations revealed that the chip call


FIG. 3. Diel variation in vocal output in Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows at Rancho Primavera, El Tuito, Jalisco state, Mexico recorded from 27 June to 3 July 2012 according to calls, solo songs, and both vocal- izations together, recording exclusively in autonomous digital recorders (Wildlife Acoustics Song Meters model SM1). Dots show means and the whiskers show standard error for N = 5 pairs recorded for a 52 hour period. was used mainly in the context of contact doval et al. 2013). The tseet calls also appear to between the pair members while foraging. We be used to initiate or maintain contact, but also observed birds producing this call at less frequently than chip calls. The chip call highest rate when we approached to the nest occurs at a higher frequency, with a broad site during the nest construction stage, which bandwidth, and short duration, making it easy suggests this vocalization may also be used as to localize the position of the sender (Marler an alarm signal, as has been suggested for 2004b), but these properties may reduce the White-eared Ground-sparrow chip calls (San- distance that the call can travel through the

226 BIOACOUSTICS OF THE RUSTY-CROWNED GROUND-SPARROW birds’ habitat (Wiley 1991, Bradbury & Veh- White-eared Ground-sparrow (Sandoval et al. rencamp 2011). In comparison, the tseet call 2014). This pattern may indicate that males showed narrow bandwidth, with a longer tend to learn their songs during the territory duration, suggesting that this vocalization can establishment period, or that they preferen- transmit over longer distances, but may be tially use shared components of their reper- harder for potential receivers to localize as a toires learned earlier in life (McGregor & result (Wiley 1991, Bradbury & Vehrencamp Krebs 1989). One advantage to repertoire 2011). The acoustic properties of chip calls sharing between immediate neighbours is the may help other individuals to localize poten- use of similar song types during male-male tial predators, initiating a mobbing response, interactions, especially if matched song types thereby better deterring potential predators are important signals of escalation during (Marler 2004b, Sandoval & Wilson 2012). interactions (Krebs et al. 1981, Beecher et al. Solo song was the most variable vocaliza- 2000, Todt & Naguib 2000). To further evalu- tion in terms of structure, because it included ate these possible hypotheses for solo song several types of elements in different combi- function, future playback studies and record- nations and frequency of occurrence, a pat- ings of color marked birds will be helpful. tern found widely among sparrows (Searcy In general, song structure in Rusty- 1992, Beecher et al. 2000). These high levels of crowned Ground-sparrows (i.e., male solo variability are believed to be the result of sex- songs with several trill elements) showed an ual selection on this vocalization, by female intermediate pattern between the song struc- selection or male-male competition (Searcy tures observed among northern and southern 1992, Gil & Gahr 2002). In the Rusty- species in the genus Melozone (Tweit & crowned Ground-sparrow, only a single indi- 1994, Johnson & Haight 1996, Benedict et al. vidual within a pair produced this vocaliza- 2011; Sandoval et al. 2013, 2014). In northern tion; this was likely the male, based on studies Melozone species, solo songs contain longer in other species within this genus (Sandoval et trills (Tweit & Finch 1994, Johnson & Haight al. 2013, 2014). In some sparrows, females 1996, Benedict et al. 2011), while in southern prefer males with larger vocal repertoires Melozone species songs are a combination of (Searcy 1984, Reid et al. 2004). If this is true in several elements including frequency-modu- Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows, this may be lated elements and trills (Sandoval et al. 2013, a force driving the elaboration of male vocal 2014). Duets of Rusty-crowned Ground-spar- repertoires. In other sparrows, males use solo rows included introductory elements similar song repertoires as a signal during male-male to elements observed in the duets of Prevost’s interactions (Beecher et al. 1994, Vehrencamp (M. biarcuata) and White-eared Ground-spar- 2001). If this holds true in Rusty-crowned rows (Sandoval et al. 2013, Sandoval 2014). Ground-sparrows, then shared song types The elements of the middle part of the duet between neighbouring males may be an were similar to the elements observed in the important social force that selects for vocal duets of the California (M. crissalis, repertoires in solo song types. Benedict & McEntee 2009). We observed a relationship between rep- The habitat structure that birds inhabit ertoire-use similarity and distance between may influence the characteristics of vocaliza- territories, where nearby males share and use tions (Boncoraglio & Saino 2007). Rusty- their repertoires more similarly than with crowned Ground-sparrows inhabit both males located at further distances; this pattern deciduous and dry forests (Howell & Webb has also been observed in a sister taxon, the 1995, Rising 2011), which are more open hab-

227 SANDOVAL & MENNILL itats than of the southern Melozone species other species in this genus where diel patterns (e.g., thickets and young successional forest), have been studied. but closely resemble the habitats of northern In conclusion, Rusty-crowned Ground- species (e.g., desert vegetation and grass- sparrows showed a vocal repertoire similar to lands). Alternatively, the presence of the that observed in other ground-sparrow spe- observed intermediate properties of solo cies and the vocalizations (solo songs and songs in the Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrow duets) shared acoustic structural characteris- may be the result of phylogenetic relation- tics with both northern and southern species ships, given that this species shows similar in this genus. The function of each vocaliza- relatedness with both ground-sparrow phylo- tion is also similar to those reported previ- genetic groups (DaCosta et al. 2009). A close ously for closely related species. Solo song evaluation of habitat structure and phylogeny repertoire-use similarity was higher in nearby effect is necessary to understand better the individuals, suggesting that song vocal learn- influence of habitat on vocalizations in these ing may occur after territory establishment. animals. The description of bird vocal repertoire and Duets were produced with a different diel pattern is highly recommended because it vocalization than those used for solo songs, a is the basic information required to conduct pattern that appears to be widespread in Melo- comparative studies and address experimental zone species (Benedict & McEntee 2009, San- questions. doval et al. 2013, 2014), but rare in many other duetting species where birds use the same ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vocalizations for solos and duets (e.g., Mann et al. 2003, Mennill & Vehrencamp 2005, We thank the Rancho Primavera and Bonnie Logue 2006). Although we recorded very few Jáuregui for logistical support and access to duets during our field study, our observations study area. We also thank Melania Fernández suggest that duets in this species are used in a and Sandra Gallo by all the help during the similar way that has been observed for the field work. LS was supported by scholarships White-eared Ground-sparrow: territory and grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia y defence and maintaining acoustic contact Tecnología (MICIT) and the Consejo Nacio- (Sandoval et al. 2013). For example, when we nal para Investigaciones Científicas y Tec- played back duets to previous recorded pairs nológicas (CONICIT) of Costa Rica, the to corroborate their presence on their terri- Government of Ontario, and the University tory, both individuals approached quickly to of Windsor. Additional funding was provided the playback loudspeaker. Future playback by the Natural Sciences and Engineering studies of color-marked birds will allow for Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the careful tests of these hypotheses. Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Rusty-crowned Ground-sparrows showed Government of Ontario, and the University significant variation in vocal output over the of Windsor to DJM. course of the day. The primary peak in vocal output occurred from 07:00 to 10:00 h, just REFERENCES after sunrise, coinciding with the dawn chorus in the study area. Calls and solo songs showed Beecher, M. D., & S. E. Campbell. 2005. The role the same pattern throughout the day, similar of unshared songs in singing interactions to patterns observed in the White-eared between neighbouring Song Sparrows. Anim. Ground-sparrow (Sandoval 2014), the only Behav. 70: 1297–1304.


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