
Note on Representations, the Adjoint rep, the Killing k form, and antisymmetry of cij Copyright c 2002 by Joel A. Shapiro

A representation of a group, to a physicist1, is a V~ = V ieˆ P i on which elements g of a group G can act as a linear transformation

g : V~ V~ with V = M (g)V , 0 i0 X ij j → j with the requirement that the group multiplication is preserved,

g1((V )) = (g1g2)(V ), which requires M (g g )= M (g )M (g ). ik 1 2 X ij 1 jk 2 j Notice that the active interpretation of the group acting on components can be reinterpreted passively, as taking the elements

g :ˆe M (g)ˆe , i X ij i → i where the contraction is on the first index rather than the second. For a the of infinitesimal generators is itself a repre- sentation, called the with A~ = AbL transform- P b ing under the group by

1 g : A~ A~ 0 = gAg~ − . (1) →

The need for g’sonbothsidesistokeepA~ 0 a member of the Lie algebra, which can be though of as derivatives of group transformations about the identity, ∂ (b) L = i eiθ Lb , b − ∂θb 1To a physicist, the vector space acted upon is called the representation. This is often a space of fields or coordinates. To mathematicians the representation consists of the matrices Mij , or more accurately the mapping from elements of the group into matrices, g M(g). Mathematicians have no interest in what is being acted on. →

1 and (1) follows from the fact that the group itself can be transformed by group elements by similarity,

1 g : g g g g− , 1 2 → 1 2 1 which obeys the requirement g1(g2(g3)) = (g1g2)(g3). Notice that this would 1 not be true if we interchanged the g and g− in (1). A representation of a Lie group generates an associated representation of the Lie algebra, with

∂ b M (L )= i M (eiθ Lb ), ij b − ∂θb ij so differentiating the adjoint representation for a transformation by g = c expiθ Lc: A~ = gAg~ 1 = M adj(g)AbL 0 − X ab a with respect to θc and setting θ to zero gives

[L ,AbL ]= M adj(L )AbL c b X ab c a a b = iccb A La, from which we can derive

adj a Mab (Lc)=iccb . This agrees with the definition of the adjoint representation in Schensted2 but disagrees with the representation Γ below which Georgi3 calls the adjoint representation. In fact, the two are adjoints in another sense: on the group, T 1 M(g)=Γ (g− ), and it is easy to show that any representation has a dual in this sense. Once we normalize our generators, as discussed below, so that the is a multiple of the identity and the are totally antisymmetric, the two become equal anyway, so I proceed with Georgi’s, which I used first. The adjoint representation is defined in terms of the structure constants by adj k Γjk (Li)=icji ,

2Irene Verona Schensted, “A Course on the Application of Group Theory to Quantum Mechanics”, Neo Press, Maine, 1976, P. 283. 3Howard Georgi, “Lie Algebras in Particle ”, Addison-Wesley, 1982.

2 with the structure constants defined by

k [Li,Lj]=icij Lk.

We can check that this is a representation by

Γadj([L ,L ]) = ic kΓadj(L )= c kc b ab i j ij ab k − ij ak k b k b = cai cjk + cja cik () =Γadj(L )Γadj(L ) Γadj(L )Γadj(L ) ak i kb j − ak j kb i adj adj = Γ (Li), Γ (Lj) h iab The Killing form β : R is given by L×L7→ β(L ,L )=Tr Γadj(L )Γadj(L ) = c bc a. i j  i j  − ai bj

Note that β(Li.Lj) is a real symmetric matrix, which can be diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix, which corresponds to a change in basis of the Li’s. Furthermore, the scale of each new Li can be adjusted to make the diagonal elements 0, 1, or 1, but as only real scalings are allowed, and their squares enter, the signs− cannot be undone. It can be shown that for semisimple compact groups the signs are positive. For historical reasons we always normalize such groups so that β(Li,Lj)=2δij. Assume this is done. Consider the in the adjoint representation

adj adj adj ` adj adj k Tr nhΓ (Li), Γ (Lj)i Γ (Lk)o = icij Tr nΓ (L`)Γ (Lk)o =2icij =Tr Γadj(L )Γadj(L )Γadj(L ) Tr Γadj(L )Γadj(L )Γadj(L ) n i j k o − n j i k o =Tr Γadj(L )Γadj(L )Γadj(L ) Tr Γadj(L )Γadj(L )Γadj(L ) n k i j o − n i k j o adj adj adj adj adj j =TrnhΓ (Lk), Γ (Li)i Γ (Lj)o =TrnΓ ([Lk,Li]Γ (Lj)o =2icki = 2ic j − ik k which shows that cij , which we already know is antisymmetric under inter- change of its first two indices, is also antisymmetric under interchanges with the third.