(October 28, 2010) Invariant differential operators Paul Garrett
[email protected] http:=/www.math.umn.edu/~garrett/ • Derivatives of group actions: Lie algebras • Laplacians and Casimir operators • Descending to G=K • Example computation: SL2(R) • Enveloping algebras and adjoint functors • Appendix: brackets • Appendix: proof of Poincar´e-Birkhoff-Witt We want an intrinsic approach to existence of differential operators invariant under group actions. n n The translation-invariant operators @=@xi on R , and the rotation-invariant Laplacian on R are deceptively- easily proven invariant, as these examples provide few clues about more complicated situations. For example, we expect rotation-invariant Laplacians (second-order operators) on spheres, and we do not want to write a formula in generalized spherical coordinates and verify invariance computationally. Nor do we want to be constrained to imbedding spheres in Euclidean spaces and using the ambient geometry, even though this succeeds for spheres themselves. Another basic example is the operator @2 @2 y2 + @x2 @y2 on the complex upper half-plane H, provably invariant under the linear fractional action of SL2(R), but it is oppressive to verify this directly. Worse, the goal is not merely to verify an expression presented as a deus ex machina, but, rather to systematically generate suitable expressions. An important part of this intention is understanding reasons for the existence of invariant operators, and expressions in coordinates should be a foregone conclusion. (No prior acquaintance with Lie groups or Lie algebras is assumed.) 1. Derivatives of group actions: Lie algebras For example, as usual let > SOn(R) = fk 2 GLn(R): k k = 1n; det k = 1g act on functions f on the sphere Sn−1 ⊂ Rn, by (k · f)(m) = f(mk) with m × k ! mk being right matrix multiplication of the row vector m 2 Rn.