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If You Have Issues Viewing Or Accessing This File Contact Us at NCJRS.Gov If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. .. • .... ~ jt~~·~;:·;· , {~.f jt~.. r'"-J,"-' .. .. CONGRESS AND FEDEPAL AGENCIES CAPITOL AREA 1976 DIRECTOHY FOR CHILD ADVOCATE!:' r. #iI." ... ~ ". '·... f ..'" ", 'I.: ; , 1 '; i ~j, " ')~) I'.JI l,,'1\!T1 11t'.es , ·.k: '...... itt) ;P'lp'1')sd"JII:ty f(,~ "l"f.'-'W"'''' Nt ·>,/,'"1 I! '''-''i ,j.f; .' r .... .~'~---.--~' .~>,. t' .,;. \ ...~~?- t: " National Council of Qrg,lIl1Zatlons tOt Children .md Youth 1910 K Street, N. W. Washington. 0 C. 20006 (202) 785·4180 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pdllt: ) 1 P;H.W ~J .. p,,!(. ;, 7 P:I,w)8 I" ':!,' t" ,I, i , ~ .! t . ~'I " p ,1';f~ 41 ".~~:;., 1,'1).'> ,I /~,~" • , 1 t ' .' f J + ~ j C'" P",w 101 NeUey I\~t'rnl'"rs OFFICERS OF THE SENATE \tI! II! 1!, h President ....................•.. Nelson A. Rockefeller II President Pro Tempore ................. James O. Eastland ti Majority Leader ...........•........ Michael J. Mansfield .. Majority Whip .... .......... Robert C. Byrd Minority Leader ......................... Hugh Scott Minority Whip .......................Robert P. Griffin This directory has ~een compiled and edited by: Sheri Kaplan Papish CODE TO SENATE BUILDINGS Carol Payne Gayll~ Rosenthal Beverly Segal RSOB: Russell Senate Office Building (Old Senate Office Build­ ing) - 3-digit room numbers are in Russell DSOB: Dirksen Senate Office Building (New Senate Office Build­ ing) - 4-digit room numbers are in Dirksen The zip code for all Senate buildings is 20510. , , Suite 22- SENATORS SENATORS (Continued) 2104 44343 Ford, Wendell H. (Ky.) ................. 4203 45444 Suite Tele- I Gam, Jake (Utah) . .......•......•.... 204 43353 No. phone 22- Glenn, John (Ohio) ................... 1 427 42235 !I Goldwater, Barry (Ariz.) • ....•.......... Vice President, Rockefeller, Nelson A. (N. Y.J •.. 2203 42424 3317 46665 Abourezk. James (S. Oak.) •....•......... 1105 45842 Graver. Mike (Alaska). ................. \ 353 46221 .Allen, James B. (Ala.) .. , ............. 6205 45744 Griffin, Robert P. (Mich.) ........•.•..•. ! 3229 43424 Baker, Howard H., Jr. (Tenn.) . ...........• 4123 44944 Hansen, Clifford P. (Wyo.) . .•............ 6327 45854 Bart/ett, Dewey F. (Ok/a.) . ......••.••••• 140 44721 ...................... :1 Hart, Gary (Colo.) 253 44822 Bayh, Birch (ind.) ....... ',' .......... 363 45623 Hart, Philip A. (Mich.) ................. 313 44814 8eall, J. G/enn, Jr. (Md.) . ...•........... 362 44524 Hartke, Vance (Ind.) .................. 4104 45941 Bellman, Henry (Ok/a.) ..........••..•. 125 45754 Hasr<ell, Floyd K. (Colo.) .....•.......•. 463 43753 Bentsen, Lloyd (Tex.) ................ 240 45922 Hatfield, Mark O. {Ore,} .........•...•.. 248 42523 Biden, Joseph R., Jr. (Del.) ............. 440 45042 Hathaway, William D. (Maine). ............ 5107 46342 Brock, William E. (Bill) (Tenn.) . .... , ....•. 254 43344 Helms, Jesse (N. Car.) ••••.•........... 437 46121 Brooke, Edward /III. {Mass.} ..•......•••.. 421 42742 Hollings. Ernest F. (S. Car.) .............. 209 46551 Buckley, James L. (N. Y.), Conservative • ..•.•• 304 44451 Hruska, Roman L. (Neb.) ............... 3327 42542 Bumpers, Dale (Ark.) ...............•.. 6313 44843 Huddleston. Walter D. (Ky.) .............. 232 43244 Burdick, Quentin N. (N. Oak.) ........•... 451 42551 Humphrey. Hubert H. (Minn.). ............ 442 43934 Byrd, Harry F., Jr. (Va.), Independent ....... 417 44024 Inouye, Daniel K. (Hawaii) .............. 137 43441 Byrd, Robert C. (W. Va.) ........•....... 105 43954 Jackson. Henry M. (Wash.). ......•....... 321 46542 Cannon, Howard W. (Nev.) ..••.••...•... 259 46244 Javits, Jaaob K. (N. Y.) .....•..........• 432 45824 Case, Clifford P. (N.J.) .•••.•••••.•..... 315 43224 Johnston. J. Bennett (La.) .............•. 431 44543 Chiles, Lawton (Fla.) ................. 2107 45274 Kennedy, Edward M. (Mass.) ............. 326 43542 Church, Frank (Idaho) ................ 245 46142 Laxalt, Paul (Nev.) .•.......•......•.. 1203 44242 Clark, Dick (Iowa) .................. 404 43254 LeahY, Patrick J. Nt.) .........•.••.... 217 44623 Cranston, Alan (Calif.) ................ 452 43553 Long, Russell B. (La.) ....... , ......... 127 42621 Culver, John C. (Iowa) ................ 2327 43744 Magnuson, Warren G. (Wash.) ...•......... 133 42644 Curtis, Carl T. {Neb.} . ........ , ....... 2213 44224 Mansfield, Michael J. (Mike) (Mont.! ......... 358 44654 Dole, Robert J. (Kan.) .............•... 4213 46521 Math ias, Charles MaC., Jr. (Md.J . •..•. 3241 42353 Domenici, Pete V. (N. Mex.) ...•..•...... 4107 46621 McClellan, John L. (Ark.) .....•......... 460 42752 Durkin, John A. (N.H.). ..........•..... 1409 43324 McClure, James A. (Idaho) . ..••..•.. , .... 344 46441 Eagleton, Thomas F. (Mo.) ............. 6235 45721 McGee, Gale W. (Wyo.) ............ , .... 2313 42321 Eastland, James O. (Miss'! .............. 2241 45054 McGovern, George (S. Oak.) .............. 1215 42841 Fannin, Paul J. (Ariz.) . .. 3121 44521 Mcintyre. ThomasJ. (N.H.) .........•.... Fang, Hiram L. (Hawaii) . •.••..........• 2121 46361 Democrats in standard print - RepUblicans in italics. 3 2 I ~==.-==-.=-=.--=.. =~~--____~ .. I SENATORS (Continued) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Suite 22· 322 RSOS 224·2035 Metcalf, Lee (Mont.) •................. 1121 42651 Mondale, Walter F. (Minn.) ............. 443 45641 Montoya, Joseph M. (N. Mex.) ..........•. 5229 45521 Jurisdiction: feeding programs, including child nutrition and Morgan. Robert (N. Car.! •............•. 43154 1251 food stamps. Moss, Frank E. (Utah) ...........•..... 115 45251 MUskie, Edmund S. (Maine) ........•..... 145 45344 Nelson, Gaylord (Wis.) .........•....... 221 45323 Democrats (91 Republicans (5) Nunn, Sam (Ga.) ................... 110 43521 Packwood, Bob (are.) .•...•.••........ 1317 45244 Herman E. Talmadge (Ga.), Robert J. Dole (Kan.) Pastore, John O. (R.Ll ...............•. 3215 42921 Chairman Milton R. Young (N. Oak.) Pearson, James B. (Kan.) . .•.•........... 5313 44774 James O. Eastland (MiSS.) Carl T. Curtis (Neb.) Pell, Claiborne (R.I.) ..•............... 325 44642 George McGovern (S. Oak.1 Henry Bellmon (Okla,) Percy, Charles H. (III.) . , ..••.•......... 4321 42152 James B. Allen (Ala.) Jesse Helms (N. Car'! Proxmire, William (Wis.) ............... 5241 45653 Hubert H. Humphrey (Minn.) Randolph, Jennings (W. Va.l ....•....•.•. 5121 46472 Walter D. Huddleston (Ky.) Ribicoff, Abraham (Conn) ............. 337 42823 Dick CI/irk (Iowa) Roth, William V., Jr. (Del.) •....•••..•.•. 4327 42441 Richard S~one (Fla.) Schweiker, Richard S. (Pa.) ..•......•.... 347 44254 Patrick J. Lebhy tVt.) Scott, Hugh (Pa.) ................... 260 46324 Scott, William L. (Va.) •••••.•...••.•... 3109 42023 Sparkman, John (Ala.) ................ 3203 44124 Key Si.. ff ~ontacts Stafford, Rebert T. (Vt.) . ...........••.. 5219 45141' Stennis, John C. (Miss.) ..............> •• 205 46253 Michael R. McLeod 224·0016 General Counsel/Staff Stevens, Ted (Alaska) . ....•......••.•.• 411 43004 Director Stevenson, Adlai E .. "I WI.!. .••••..•.•..• 456 42854 Carl P. Rose 224·0015 Counsel Stone, Richard (Dick) (Fla.). .......... , . , 1327 43041 Reider J. White 224.6917 Research Assistant (respon· Symington, Stuart (Mo.) ....... , ...•. , .. 229 46154 sible for food stamps and Taft, Robert, Jr. (Ohio) ....•....•.•.•.. 405 42315 school lunch) Talmadge, Herman E. (Ga.) ............. 109 43643 Thurmond, Strom (S. Car.) •••••••••..••. 4241 45972 Tower, John (Tex.) . ..•..•..••••...... 142 42934 Tunney, John V. (Calif.) •....•.......... 6221 43841 Weicker, Lowell P., Jr. (Conn.) ••.•.•...... 342 44041 Williams, Harrison A., Jr. (N.J.) ........... 352 44744 Young, Milton R. (N. Oak.) ••..••....•... 5205 42043 5 4 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS (Continued) 1235 DSOB 224-3471 SUBCOMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND RELATED AGENCIES Democrats (16) Republicans (10) 224·7272 110 DSOB John L. McClellan (Ark.), Milton R. Young (N. Oak.) Chairman Roman L. Hruska (Neb.) Republicans (5) Warren G. Magnuson (Wash.) Clifford P. Case (N. J.) Democrats (8) John C. Stennis (Miss.) Hiram L. Fang (Hawaii) Hiram L. Fang (Hawaii) I.) Gale W. McGee (Wyo.l. John O. Pastore (R. Edward W. Brooke (Mass.) Ramal' L. Hrus~a (Neb.) Chairman Robert C. Byrd (W. Va.) Mark O. Hatfield (Ore.) Milton R. Young (N. Dak.) GaleW. McGee (Wyo.) Ted Stevens (Alaska) Jnhn C. Stennis (Miss.) William Proxmire (Wis.) Mark O. Hatfield (Ore.) Michael J. Mansfield (Mont.) Charles MeC. Mathias, Jr. (Md.) Henrv Bellman (Okla.) William Proxmire (Wis.) Richard S. Schweiker (Pa.) Robert C. Byrd (W. Va .. ) Daniel K. Inouye (Hawaii) Ex officio: Joseph M. Montoya (N. Mex.) Henry Bellman (Okla.) Robert J. Dole (Kan.) Daniel K. Inouye (Hawaii) Birch BC!yh (I nd.) Ernest F. Hollings (S. Car.) Thomas F. Eagleton (Mo.) Birch Bayh (Ind.) Lawton Chiles (Fla.) Thomas F. Eagleton (Mo.) Ex officio: Lawton Chiles (Fla.) John L. McClcllan (Ark.) J. Bennett Johnston (La.) Herman E. Talmadge (Ga.) Walter D. Huddleston (Ky.l James O. Eastland (Miss.) Key Staff Contact Professional Staff Member Richard Kelso 224·7252 , 7 6 .I COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS (Continued) '1 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS (Continued) ,I SUBCOMMITTEE ON LABOR AND SUBCOMMITTEE ON STATE, JUSTICE, HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE COMMERCE, THE JUDICIARY 1108 DSOB 224-7256 I S-128 Capitol 224-7251 1 Democrats (9) I Republicans (5) Democrats (8) Republicans (5) Warren G. Magnuson (Wash.), Edward W. Brooke (Mass.) Roman L. Hruska (Neb.) Chairman Joh nO. Pastore (R. I.), Clifford P. Case (N. J.) Chairman Hiram l. Fang (Hawaii) John C. Stennis
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