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THE CANADIAN BAR REVIEW; VOL. XXXIII MAY 1955 No . 5 The Incidental Question in Anglo- American Conflict of Laws ALLAN ÈZRA GOTLIEB t Oxford 1. Introduction In recent years a new problem in the conflict of laws has been dis- cussed by various writers, a problem in some., ways related to renvoi and characterization, and in -other ways distinct from them, presenting unique features of its own. The late Dr. Martin Wolff has aptly called it the problem of the "incidental question",' though it is more commonly described as that of the "preliminary question". The latter phrase was used by Breslauer in his compara- tive work,on succession in the conflict of laws,' and was adopted by Robertson in 1939 in his well-known book on characteriza- tion.' It appears that the subject was first introduced into Etglish law by Breslauer, but the, first really adequate treatment was by Robertson. The incidental question has been discussed in France ("la question préalable") by Maury 4 and in Germany ("die Vorfrage") by Wengler5 and Melchior.' *Allan Ezra Gotlieb, Fellow, Wadham College, Oxford. -This article is an abbreviated and rewritten version of an essay that won the Addison Browne Prize at the Harvard Law School in 1954. 1 Wolff, Private International Law (2nd ed., 1950) p. 206 ; Dicey, Con- flict of Laws (6th ed., 1949) p. 73. z Private International Law of Succession (1937) p. 18. a Characterization in the Conflict of Laws (1940) p. 137. 4 (1936- III)" Recueil des Cours 558. 5 Die Vorfrage im Kollisionsrecht (1934) Rabels Zeitschrift, p. 148.
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