$1 Billion Bond Issue Pictorial Highlights of Annual Council Meeting ’Sl UJA Drive to Begin Cabinet Gives
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No. 83 POSTMASTER— . PERMIT If undsliverabls for ' PAID •njr mnl notify sender, stating ran* * Phoenix, Arizona son on Form 3*47. Sac. 34.44, P.L.UL gostsgs for which is guaranteed. The U. S. POSTAGE Phoenix Jewish News, 828 W. Cra- nada Rd. PHOENIX, ARIZONA, DECEMBER 8, 1950 No. 7 VOL. IV Sto ffittp att& All—- Israel Is Set To Float (Eljanukah (greetings! $1 Billion Bond Issue Pictorial Highlights of Annual Council Meeting ’sl UJA Drive to Begin Cabinet Gives {•> L ' t£SB WtiV"(v.MMhaKi jSSSMSSgOoSpSSwoSoSSSoooqpftSTOojfrflSj^wpSS^SSyKqp^xSgSogvyCyiMgflSa^aSnQaoßffis-:- * . vrc : < ? is w4fsAf ißMßWfflMlOyffWiiiT^^^^^Pi^^W^^MF Okay to Huge f/B Aen Titis^f: At Atlantic City Parley NEW YORK—A national conference to mark the in- Financial Plan auguration of the 1951 United Jewish Appeal campaign JERUSALEM, (JTA) ..iJK will be held in Atlantic City, N. J., Saturday, Dec. 16, and A special Ministerial com- Sunday, Dec. 17, it was announced this week by William mittee will be formed to Mm : W»4 M:mF*mj Rosenwald, Rudolph G. Sonneborn and Rabbi Jonah B. make arrangements for the - k jb|j| iJro Wise, national chairmen of the UJA. floating of the $1,000,000,- 000 Israel bond issue in the WSkm WMi mm. I * One of the objectives of the. : the cabinet conference will be the considera- United States, tion of a goal for the 1951 cam- decided at an extraordinary paign. There also will be discus- Officers Are meeting here last week. sion of plans and techniques to The decision was taken after assure an effective mobilization of hearing a detailed report by Fi- I Ifir American Jewish support for the Elected For nance Minister Eliezer Kaplan of m worldwide programs of the Joint his recent visit to the United Distribution Committee, United States during which he sounded Palestine Appeal and the United BBYO Groups out American government officials Service for New Americans. Jack Waltuck of Tucson was and Jewish community leaders on In to needs of elected regional president of AZA the bond issue. addition the im- also the migration and settlement in Is- and Barbara Goor of Phoenix re- The cabinet decided on of - rael, the conferehce will also re- gional president of BBG at the personnel a special delegation (Photo* by Robert Markow) of for view the needs of Jews in Europe windup the eighth semi-annual which will leave London to region negotiate with the British govern- or a football rally. It’s a demonstration staged by members of the and North Africa and the refu- mountain convention of NO, IT’S not a strike B’nai B’rith Youth Organizations ment for the release of the re- pleading for a new Jewish Community Center in Phoenix. The demonstra- gees arriving in the United States. Young Adult Council maining sterling balances frozen tion a colorful feature of the recent annual meeting of the Phoenix Jewish Community Council in Phoenix Nov. 23-26. was ‘Most Potent Weapon’ Members of the Phoenix in the Bank of England, as well at Beth El Auditorium. and Asserting that the National Tucson chapters of both groups as other financial problems. Planning Conference underscored attended the conclave. The delegation will be headed the importance of the United Jew- Highlights included: by David Horowitz, director-gen- ish Appeal and unanimously de- A basketball game in which eral of the Israel treasury. claring that the UJA “must con- Tucson beat the Stephen S. Wise Potash Pact Due tinue to be American Jewry’s most chapter of AZA in Phoenix 67-to- During his visit to London, potent weapon in the rescue of -33 to win the regional champion- Horowitz is expected to sign for hundreds of thousands of our peo- ship. the Israel government an agrte- ple,” the national chairmen called Siegel Top Arator ment with the Palestine Potash for early planning and prepara- A boys’ oratorical contest won Company which will eventually tion for the launching of local by Dick Siegel of Phoenix over convert the company into an Is- - yjjfcwjf• • *y 7, campaigns in the coming year. Dave Brickman of Tucson and rael enterprise. “The Atlantic City conference Joel Goor of Phoenix. The Israel government will ad- company must serve to bring to the atten- A BBG story-telling contest won vance $2,600,000 to the Jews the high by Lyn of Phoenix. on condition that it raise an addi- tion of American Zendal be record of their achievement in the A skit contest won by the Phoe- tional $5,000,000, the total to replace company’s solution of the problems of Jew- nix-Wise chapter of AZA. used to the plant at end of the \ ish suffering and homelessness. A girls’ volleyball game won by the southern A Achievement has been the corner- Tucson. Dead Sea and to build a road from stone of the programs of the agen- A boys’ debate won by the Tuc- the property to Beersheba. Israel Sought cies of the United Jewish Appeal son team of Jack Lefkowitz and Control must take Sheff. The majority of the shares of and all contributors Leonard sold either pride in that fact,” Rosenwald, Other officers elected at the the company must be Sonneborn and Rabbi Wise said. convention: to Israel citizens or Israel nation- al institutions under the agree- Challenge in 1951 AZA Sanford Brown of Phoenix, vice president; Milton ment, thus guaranteeing Israel SILVERMAN (right), outgoing president of the Jewish Community Council, delivers “However, we must not lose control of this vital chemical and NAT G. pressing Liebhaber of Phoenix, secretary; final report at the annual council meeting. Others shown are, left to right, Executive Director sight of the large and Fishman Tucson, fertilizer industry. his still us Larry of treas- Hirsh Kaplan, Mrs. Joseph Ehrlich, vice chairman of the Jewish Social Service, and Norman Men- tasks that will confront urer; Morris Phoenix, The agreement also specifies Many of Jews Shaffer of delsohn, who presided at the meeting as chairman of arrangements and elections. in 1951. thousands reporter; of Tuc- that upon notice from the Israel Europe Af- Simon Lacritz in Eastern and North sergeant-at-arms; government the company must by physical son, Mel Arthur rica are being driven of Phoenix, assistant, negotiate the sale of the property to seek a home and Joel need and distress Goor of Phoenix, outgoing presi- to the government within a period New Directors Are Named; of events in New Synagogue's in Israel. The march dent, chaplain. of five years after notice. the Moslem countries as well as in Project Is Debated certain parts of Europe make de- Seminar Held Inaugural Sunday Center lay both costly and dangerous. BBG Harriet Goodman of Cantata Will Be Given of the Phoenix Jewish Community Council were elected Tucson, president; Lynn Directors the work of vice Tur- Sunday At Beth Israel The new Beth Hebree syna- at the group’s annual meeting Nov. 29 at Beth El Auditorium. “At the same time Phoenix, secretary; Gayla receiving integrating the new ken of gogue at 333 E. Portland will be and of Phoenix, treasurer; A Chanukah cantata entitled Chosen for three-year terms.;, for- Copland dedicated at 3 p.m. next Sunday, immigrants in Israel must go of Phoenix, his- “Ein Bereirah No Alternative” were Nat G. Silverman, Edgar speed liquidation Annette Engle presented by I>ec. 9. services, Kaplan, execu- ward to the of torian; will be Cantor Mau- Korrick, Mrs. Edward Friedman, and Hirsh the Joan Lee Sternfield of Siegel, president, tive of tent cities and place newcom- rice Chesler and an augmented Charles said Saul Mintz, Morris Gerst, Dr. director the council. road of self-support and Phoenix, reporter, and Zita Lee- Temple Israel’s the entire Jewish community is in- ers on the son of Tucson, adviser. choir at Beth Joseph Bank, Eli Gorodezky, Jer- Norman Mendelsohn, chairman happiness. In addition, continued Chanukah festival service next vited. Officers will be installed at ry Smith, Joseph Fuchs, Jack J. of arrangements and elections, Other events included a semi- Levy, support must be provided for the by Manny Barney Sunday, Dec. 10. the same time. John attor- Kempner, Dr. Jack J. Hausman presided. and adjust- nar conducted ney, installing program of welcoming District The cantata is taken from an wilt be officer. and Dr. A. .Ramenofsky. Members of the Young Adult displaced Jews who will of Los Angeles, 4 field Rabbis from Phoenix and Tuc- ing those worker; a civic luncheon attend- original script written by Rabbi Named to-two year terms were Council put on a program of music the United son find a haven in and Louis I. Newman and depicts the will be guest speakers. The Goldman and and dancing, with Schotz ed by city state officials and Leonard Samuel Harriet States.” community leaders; a Maccabean struggle and its mod- sisterhood of Beth Hebree will Langerman. Dr. Meyer Spitalny leading a community sing. Jewish din- at Superior ern-day counterpart in the re-es- serve refreshments and Chanukah Multer were elected ner-dance which Court latkes. and Herman A panel discussion of the need was princi- tablishment of the Jewish home- for one-year terms. Judge Renz Jennings It was erroneously stated in the for a Jewish Community Center News Segregation pal speaker, and a variety of social land. The melodies are almost en- last issue of the News that the The following were elected to was conducted by Herman A. Mil- functions. tirely modern Israeli music. name “Hebree” was chosen partly the Jewish Social Service board: ler, chairman of the Center com- Stand Is Applauded ; Samuel in honor of the memory of Han- Mrs.