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The Doctor &C A ?< /kv * * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Wellcome Library THE DOCTOR, There is a kind of physiognomy in the titles of books no less than in the faces of men, by which a skilful observer will as well know what to expect from the one as the other. Butler's Remains. THE DOCTOR, <Spc. VOL. IV. LONDON: LONGMAN, KEES, ORME, BROWN, GREEN AND LONGMAN. 1837. LONDON : PRINTED BY W. NICOL, 51, PALL-MALL. HISTORICAL MEDICAL PRELUDE OF MOTTOES, TO THE READER IN ORDINARY. The Muses forbid that I should restrain your meddling, whom I see already busy with the title, and tricking over the leaves : it is your own. I departed with my right, when I let it first abroad ; and now so secure an interpreter I am of my chance, that neither praise nor dispraise from you can affect me.—The commendation of good things may fall within a many, the approbation but in a few; for the most com¬ mend out of affection, self-tickling, an easiness or imitation ; but men judge only out of knowledge. That is the trying faculty ; and to those works that will bear a judge, nothing is more dangerous than a foolish praise. You will say, I shall not have yours therefore ; but rather the contrary, all vexation of censure. If I were not above &uch molestations now, I had great cause to think unworthily of my studies, or they had so of me. But I leave you to your exercise. Begin. Ben Jonson. VOL. IV. b VI Je n’adresse point ce Livre a un Grand, sur une vaine opinion que faurois de le garantir ou de Venvie, ou de le faire vivre contre les rudes assauts du temps, d’autant que sa prin- cipale recommendation doit deriver de son propre fonds, et non de I’appuy de celuy a qui je le dedierois: car rien ne I’aucto- risera, s’il n’est remply de belles conceptions, et tissu d’un langage href, nerveux, et escrit d’une plume franche, resolue et hardie. La rondeur d’escrire plaist; ces choses sont pour donner prix et pointe a nos escrits, et depiter le temps et la mort. Je prie Dieu que ces Tomes ressemblent a la beaute d’un jar din, duquel I’un cueille une belle rose, 1’autre une violette, ou une giroflee; ainsi souhaitay-je qu’en ceste diver- site de sujects, dont elles sont plaines, chacun tire dequoy resveiller, resjouyr et contenter son esprit. Nicolas Pasquier. Non ego me methodo astringam serviliter ulld, Sed temere Hyblcece more vagabor apis, Quo me spes prcedce., et generandi gloria mellis, Liberaque ingenii quo feret ala mei. Cowley. Take not too much at once, lest thy brain turn edge ; Taste it first as a potion for physic, and by degrees thou shalt drink it as beer for thirst. Fuller. Qui ia fait ? Quiconque il soit, en ce a este prudent, qu’il n’y a point mis son nom. Rabelais. VII Io me n' andro con la barchetta mia, Quanto l’ acqua comporta un picciol legno ; E cio ch’ io penso con la fantasia, Di piacere ad ognuno e ’l mio disegno : Convien che varie cose al mondo sia, Come son varj volti e vario ingegno, E piace a l’ uno il bianco, a V altro il perso, 0 diverse materie in prosa o in verso. Forse coloro ancor che leggeranno, Di questa tanto piccola favilla La mente con poca esca accenderanno De' monti o di Parnaso o di Sibilla : E de’ rniei for come ape piglieranno I dotti, s’ alcun dolce ne distilla ; Il resto a molti pur dara cliletto, E lo autore ancor fa benedetto. Pulci. Most Prefaces are effectually apologies, and neither the Book nor the Author one jot the better for them. If the Book be good, it will not need an apology; if bad it will not bear one : for where a man thinks by calling himself noddy in the epistle, to atone for shewing himself to be one in the text, he does, with respect to the dignity of an author, but bind up two fools in one cover. Sir Roger D’Estrange. Vlll Inter cuncta leges,— Qud ratione queas traducere leniter cevum,; Ne te semper inops agitet vexetque cupido, Ne pavor, et rerum mediocriter utilium spes Quid minuat curas; quid te tibi reddat amicum ; Quid pure tranquillet, honos, an dulce lucellum, An secretum iter, et fallentis semita vitce. Horace. Si ne suis je toutesfois hors d'esperance, que si quelqu’un daigne lire, et Men gouster ces miens escrits, (encores que le langage n’en soit esleve, ny enflej il ne les trouvera du tout vuides de saveur; ny tant desgarniz d’utilite, qu’ils n'en puissent tirer plaisir et profit, pourveu que lews esprits ne soyent auparavant saisiz de mal vueillance, ou imbuz de quelques autres mauvaises opinions. Je prie doncques tous Lecteurs entrer en la lecture des presents discours, delivres de toute passion et emulation. Car quand Vamertume d'envie ou mal vueillance, est detrempee en desir de contredire, elle ne laisse jamais le goust que deprave et mal jugeant. Pierre de St. Julien. Here are no forced expressions, no rack’d phrase, No Babel compositions to amaze The tortured reader, no believed defence To strengthen the bold Atheist’s insolence, No obscene syllable that may compel A blush from a chaste maid. Massinger. IX Read, and fear not thine own understanding; this book will create a clear one in thee ; and when thou hast consi¬ dered thy purchase, thou wilt call the price of it a charity to thyself. Shirley. One caveat, good Reader, and then God speed thee !- Do not open it at adventures, and by reading the broken pieces of two or three lines, judge it; but read it through, and then I beg no pardon if thou dislikest it. Farewell. Thomas Adams. Listen while my tongue Reveals what old Harmodius wont to teach My early age ; Harmodius, who had weigh’d Within his learned mind whate’er the schools Of Wisdom, or thy lonely whispering voice, O faithful Nature, dictate of the laws Which govern and support this mighty frame Of universal being. Akenside. Afvp’ i\9’t dirwg dv Kal (Totpcorepog yhvrj. Euripides. XI CONTENTS. CHAPTER CVI.—p. 1. THE AUTHOR APOSTROPHIZES SOME OF HIS FAIR READERS J LOOKS FARTHER THAN THEY ARE LIKELY TO DO, AND GIVES THEM A JUST THOUGH MELANCHOLY EXHORTATION TO BE CHEERFUL WHILE THEY MAY. Hark how the birds do sing, And woods do ring ! All creatures have their joy, and Man hath his : Yet if we rightly measure, Man’s joy and pleasure Rather hereafter, than in present is. Herbert. Xll CHAPTER CVII.—p. 7. THE AUTHOR INTRODUCES HIS READERS TO A RE¬ TIRED DUCHESS, AND SUGGESTS A PARALLEL BETWEEN HER GRACE AND THE RETIRED TO- BACCONIST. In midst of plenty only to embrace Calm patience, is not worthy of your praise ; But he that can look sorrow in the face And not be daunted, he deserves the bays. This is prosperity, where’er we find A heavenly solace in an earthly mind. Hugh Crompton. CHAPTER CVIIL—p. 31. PERCY LODGE. THAXTED GRANGE. RAPIN THE JE¬ SUIT AND SIR THOMAS BROWNE. It seems that you take pleasure in these walks Sir. Cleanthes. Contemplative content I do, my Lord; They bring into my mind oft meditations So sweetly precious, that in the parting I find a shower of grace upon my cheeks, They take their leave so feelingly. Massinger. Sill INTERCHAPTER XIV.—p. 42. e CONCERNING INTERCHAPTERS. If we present a mingle-mangle, our fault is to be excused, because the whole world is become a hodge-podge. Lyly. CHAPTER CIX.—p. 59. INCIDENTAL MENTION OF HAMMOND, SIR EDMUND KING, JOANNA BAILLIE, SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE, AND MR. THOMAS PEREGRINE COURTENAY. PETER COLLINSON AN ACQUAINTANCE OF MR. ALLISON’S. HOLIDAYS AT THAXTED GRANGE. And sure there seem of human kind Some born to shun the solemn strife; Some for amusive tasks design’d To soothe the certain ills of life, Grace its lone vales with many a budding rose, New founts of bliss disclose, Call forth refreshing shades and decorate repose. Shenstone. XIV CHAPTER CX.—p. 74. A TRANSITIONAL CHAPTER, WHEREIN THE AUTHOR COMPARES HIS BOOK TO AN OMNIBUS AND A SHIP, QUOTES SHAKESPEARE, MARCO ANTONIO DE CAMOS, QUARLES, SPENSER, AND SOMEBODY ELSE, AND INTRODUCES HIS READERS TO SOME OF THE HEA¬ THEN GODS, WITH WHOM PERHAPS THEY WERE NOT ACQUAINTED BEFORE. We are not to grudge such interstitial and transitional matter as may promote an easy connection of parts and an elastic separation of them, and keep the reader’s mind upon springs as it were. Henry Taylor’s Statesman. CHAPTER CXI.—p. 81. CONCERNING MAGAZINES, AND THE FORMER AND PRESENT RACE OF ALPHABET-MEN. Altri gli han tnesso name Santa Croce, Altri lo chiaman V As B. C, guastanclo La misura, gV accenti, et la sua voce. Sansovino. XV CHAPTER CXII.—p. 86. HUNTING IN AN EASY CHAIR. THE DOCTOR’S ROOKS. That place that does contain My books, the best companions, is to me A glorious court, where hourly I converse With the old sages and philosophers ; And sometimes for variety I confer With Kings and Emperors, and weigh their counsels, Calling their victories, if unjustly got, Unto a strict account, and in my fancy Deface their ill placed statues. Beaumont and Fletcher. CHAPTER CXIII.—p. 92. THOMAS GENT AND ALICE GUY, A TRUE TALE, SHOWING THAT A WOMAN’S CONSTANCY WILL NOT ALWAYS HOLD OUT LONGER THAN TROY TOWN, AND YET THE WOMAN MAY NOT BE THE PARTY WHO IS MOST IN FAULT.
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