Tokong vs PAS ulama - who will win in court? .com Aug 10, 2014

YOURSAY ‘Save for an apology, Lim is going to win this defamation suit.’

CM's charge 'baseless', Nasrudin won't apologise

Multi Racial: I would like to see CM sue MP Nasrudin Hassan since he is adamant he is right.

Funny thing is I don't see Nasrudin criticising non-tender projects by the BN government. Regardless, the Penang tunnel is a tender project.

There is nothing wrong in having pre-qualification as you do not want every Tom, Dick and Harry participating in the tender.

Nasrudin should instead point out the problems with pre-qualification rather that making a sweeping statement that pre-qualification was wrong. In that case, those tenders from BN were worse but I don't hear Nasrudin raising this issue in the media.

I’m beginning to see PAS with BN, or rather with Umno, instead of with Pakatan Rakyat. Maybe this explains Nasrudin’s behaviour.

PAS must not forget many of their representatives were voted into office because they are with Pakatan. If they are on their own or with BN, certainly we will not vote PAS, including candidates like Nasrudin.

It’s time for PAS to make their stand clear on whether they are in with Pakatan or out.

Spinnot: "Nasrudin replied claiming that the tender process for the Penang tunnel had a pre-qualification process and screening, and hence was more akin to a managed tender, rather than an open tender."

This MP does not even know what an "open tender" is. And this is the first time in my life I come across the term "managed tender".

Lim (Lim Guan Eng) should not waste any more time and sue him.

Quigonbond: Nasrudin has just admitted to a whole slew of defamatory statements. His starting point was direct negotiations and budget deficit, period.

Those were assertions, not questions thrown at Lim. Now he has to justify and qualify them. Aspersions of wrongdoing, biased conduct, etc, have already been cast.

Save for an apology, Lim is going to win this defamation suit.

Aries46: Nasrudin shamelessly admits that all his lies are based on conjectures but he is too ‘sombong’ (proud) to apologise.

Signing an MOU (memorandum of understanding) amounts to negotiated tender. He concocts the Penang tunnel project cost as RM4.63 billion simply because Lim did not disclose it.

And as for his lie on the budget deficit, he claims to have based it on estimated budget and not the audited one.

How did a liar of such proportions get to be an MP and more so an Islamist on a PAS ticket? Lim should go ahead and expose him to the voters in Temerloh for what he is.

ACR: The truth easily surfaces in this day and age.

Lim had pointed out in November 2013 that he expected 2014 to record a surplus though he had tabled a deficit budget like in the previous years.

The reason being they are unable to estimate the cost savings that could be made in the course of the year.

He said, "We hope people will understand that a deficit budget, based on estimations, is different from the actual expenditure recorded at the end of the year."

The auditor-general certifies the actual surplus subsequently. Nasrudin is not interested in the fact that Penang does indeed return a surplus every year.

He plays with words and circumstances at the tabling of the budget - a real disgrace for a federal legislator.

Malaccan: While PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz Aziz Mat may have advised MB Khalid Ibrahim there are ‘munafiks’ (hypocrites) in politics, he might need to go no further than his own syura council.

Is this the action and behaviour of someone to be held in high esteem? Saying something clearly untrue about someone else and now defending it. Guan Eng must sue this MP so that he may not be in Parliament even if BN wins back Selangor as they plan.

Indeed the wrong man won in Temerloh, even if the right party did. The people of Temerloh must do what is right and restore Saifuddin Abdullah in the place of Nasrudin who has proven he is not the man he made himself out to be.

During the election, he happily accepted the help of PKR and DAP, along with the votes of their supporters.

No matter what the outcome of the MB issue, this MP must never be allowed to be one again. So that true ‘munafiks’ will not dare to dirty politics.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Nasrudin is actually an Umno member in PAS. In GE14, he will lose his Temerloh seat where he won entirely due to the Chinese voters rejecting Umno's Saifuddin, a moderate, simply because everyone thought that Pakatan would take over .

No doubt, his statement in its entirety was not only defamatory of the Penang CM but also of the state government.

Nasrudin should instead explain the achievements thus far of the PAS government, or better still the former PAS government which was soundly defeated by the BN due to the stupidity of the PAS ulama and people like Nasrudin in supporting Azizan Abdul Razak as MB despite his non-performance.

But mark my words, if Pakatan breaks up, Nasrudin will be the first to run away from Temerloh and return to his safe cocoon in Kelantan because that is the only state in which PAS can survive with its absurd views on religion and politics.

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