Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Satur day Exercise 1 Exercise 2 It’s a Fiesta 3 Exercise 4 Current Events Current Events limbo Current Events Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Burrito Friday Spiritual Moments Bingo $$$ Hangman Participants Social Hour Air Plane Park Music Chairs Deal or No Deal Roses Clothing Store Participant Choice Dollar Tree Charades (Outing) Cartoon Match 21 Questions

Craft Corner Pass the Sombrero May Day

Exercise Spa Day Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Current Events Fancy Nails Current Events Current Events Current Events Mother’s Day Celebration Current Events Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Mother’s Day Luncheon Spiritual Moments Church Name Ten Bingo $$$ Spelling Bee Dollar Tree Flea Market Lunch on You Mother’s Day Pop up Balloon Tennis Mix & Mingle How low can you go! Apples & Oranges Cards Feed the Ducks Group Discussion (Limbo) 21 Black Jack Charades Magic Ball (Self Esteem)

Now & Then Tic Tack Toe Wheel of Fortune Cinco de Mayo Ramadan

Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Volley ball Exercise 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Current Events Current Events Current Events Current Events Men Vs Women Current Events

Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Tie Dye T- Shirt Spiritual Moments Bible Study/ Treena Road Sign Bingo Kings Chair On Minute Game Mock Talk Show Craft Corner Movie Hour Bible Study game Egg Relay Race Random Trivia Bean Bag Toss Garden Club (Build a word) How Many Words Center Closed 1:30pm Wheel of Fortune Kite Flying @ the Park My Personal Collage Short Story Time Over & Under

Mother’s Day Armed Forces Day

Exercise 19 Exercise 20 Exercise 21 Exercise 22 Exercise 23 24 Exercise 25 Current Events Current Events Current Events Current Events Current Events Crab Feast Current Events Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Happy Hour/ w Spiritual Moments Church Craft Corner Celebrity Match Would you Rather Refreshment Feed the Ducks Ice Cream @ Parachute Bean Bag Name That Tune Open Mic McDonald’s Toss Simon Says Gum Tasting Challenge Card Shark Movie & Popcorn 2 Truths one Lie Cup Staking Contest Giant Jingo Hygiene Group

Victoria Day (Canada)

Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Birthday Karaoke 26 27 28 29 30 31 Current Events Center Closed 1:30pm Current Events Current Events Current Events Birthday Jingo Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Spiritual Moments Church Drama Club Bible Study/ Treena Team Scavenger Hunt Parachute Madness Mock Dating Show Picture That Couple Match Free Style Art Freeze Dance (Team Building Activity) Alphabet Game Movie Sit & Relax @ the Park Golf Tournament Spoon Frog Game Hour

Bowling Game Memorial Day

Foundations Medical Adult Day Services 1025 W Nursery Rd suite 112 Linthicum MD 21090. 410.789.7772