EEIIGGHHTT BBEELLLLSS Monthly Voice of USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 14-8 Jacksonville, Florida Seventh Coast Guard District Volume XLII No. 2 February 2016 FLOTILLA COMMANDER Whatley Law
[email protected] FLOTILLA VICE COMMANDER Paul Thomas
[email protected] PUBLICATIONS OFFICER Paul Burns
[email protected] FROM YOUR FLOTILLA COMMANDER Shipmates, We had a great change of watch for 2016 , if you missed the COW you missed a great time and fellowship. Bravo Zulu to Paul Burns for orchestrating a wonderful time by all at the Mediterranean restaurant. Staff officers are quite busy planning events for 2016 and several events have already been planned for vessel exams blitzes, public affair events and boater education classes. Paul Thomas, our Vice Flotilla Commander will be holding staff meetings, periodically throughout 2016 prior to Flotilla meetings each month , FSO's please make every effort to attend staff meetings if you can . It would be great if all staff officers would be prepared to briefly discuss planned events for 2016 at the Flotilla meeting. Please be sure to report your time spent working for the Auxiliary. We will have our Monthly Social Dinner at Los Loros on Baymeadows Rd, Tuesday, Feb 16th. What can I do to support your efforts for 2016, please share your thoughts at our next staff meeting or social event. Photos by Sheila Kalil Whatley Law, FC 14-8 2016 1 FLOTILLA VICE COMMANDER’S REPORT I would like to thank everyone that attended our change of watch in January. That is the second time we have held our change of watch at Mediterrania and food was great.