Title Information in English


Das BUCH der Beweise (The BOOK of Proofs) Aigner, Martin, Ziegler, Günter M. 3rd ed., 2010, VIII, 312 p., 250 ill., 6 in color, hardback ISBN: 978-3-642-02258-6 Store price 39.95 €

About this textbook

A unique collection of elegant mathematical proofs Written in an accessible style by excellent mathematicians Stimulating solutions with an “aha” effect

Two top mathematicians present the most elegant mathematical proofs and lead the reader to several surprising solutions. Exciting and easy-to-follow reading for all those interested in mathematics.

This considerably expanded third German edition of “Das BUCH der Beweise” contains five new chapters dealing with classics such as the “fundamental theorem of algebra” and combinatorial geometric decomposition problems, but also with highly modern proofs, such as the “Kneser conjecture” in graph theory. The new edition also offers a number of improvements and surprises - including a new proof for “Hilbert’s third problem.” Reviews of the previous editions: “A wonderful, extremely carefully and lovingly written book! Erdös had the idea of DAS BUCH, in which God had written the perfect proofs of mathematical theorems. The present work seeks to serve as a “very modest approximation” of this BUCH.... Aigner and Ziegler’s book is a success...” Mathematische Semesterberichte, November 1999 “Paul Erdös travelled tirelessly around the world, establishing new theorems. Now two of his colleagues have completed his greatest work: Das BUCH der Beweise - a firework of mathematical inspirations...... ” Die Weltwoche 18. April 2002 “... Martin Aigner ... and Günter Ziegler convey these brilliant brainstorms in a reader-friendly way. ... The proof itself, its aesthetic, and its punchline all come into the history book of the queen of sciences. Her grace is revealed in this fantastic and skillfully illustrated book on das BUCH. In order to truly enjoy it, it’s worthwhile to freshen up those bits of mathematics we may have forgotten, or those they didn’t show us at school.” , 13. August 1998 “...And so here it is, das BUCH der Beweise in the wonderful version by Martin Aigner and Günter Ziegler .... Those readers who (like myself) have to date tried in vain to sneak a peak at das BUCH, will greedily pore over Aigner and Ziegler’s BUCH der Beweise ... www.mathematik.de, Mai 2002

Fields: Mathematics in general; number theory; geometry

Target groups: Mathematicians and scientists, students and teachers

Contents Foreword.- Number theory.- Geometry.- Analysis.- Combinatorics.- Graph theory.- About the illustrations.- Keyword index

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/mathematik/mathematik+%C3%BCbergreif end/book/978-3-8274-2494-5?changeHeader=true

Mathematik zum Mitnehmen (Mathematics You Can Take With You) Summaries and overviews from “Mathematics” by Arens et al. Arens, T., Hettlich, F., Karpfinger, C., Kockelkorn, U., Lichtenegger, K., Stachel, H. 2010, VIII, 232 p., 34 ill., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-8274-2494-5 Store price 17.95 €

About this book Summaries and overviews from “Mathematics” by Arens et al. Allows you to practice and review contents when you’re on the go For quickly looking up essential facts

“Mathematik zum Mitnehmen” includes all summaries and overviews from the comprehensive textbook “Mathematics” by Arens et al. As such, this compact book offers you essential concepts, important statements, central calculation techniques and formulas in a handy form for when you’re on the go or for review. The contents range from elementary fundamentals to the analysis of a single variable, linear algebra, the analysis of multiple variables, and advanced analysis topics especially important in their application, such as partial differential equations, Fourier series and Laplace transforms. Statistics and calculation probability also receive due consideration.

Fields: Analysis - Higher mathematics - Mathematics for engineers - Statistics - Stochastics - Probability - Applied mathematics - Linear algebra

Target groups: Those studying the engineering sciences, natural science (esp. physics), or mathematics; engineers and scientists

Contents 1 Mathematics in your studies 2 Logic, sets, maps 3 Calculation techniques 4 Elementary functions 5 Complex numbers 6 Sequences 7 Continuous functions 8 Series 9 Power series 10 Differential calculus 11 Integrals 12 Integration techniques 13 Differential equations 14 Linear systems of equations 15 Vector spaces 16 Matrices and determinants 17 Linear maps and matrices 18 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 19 Analytical geometry 20 Euclidean and unitary vector spaces 21 Quadrics 22 Tensors 23 Linear programming 24 Functions with multiple variables 25 Field integrals 26 Curves and surfaces 27 Vector analysis 28 Systems of differential equations 29 Partial differential equations Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

30 Fourier theory 31 Functional analysis 32 Complex analysis 33 Integral transforms 34 Special functions 35 Programming and calculus of variations 36 Descriptive statistics 37 Probability 38 Random variables 39 Particular distributions 40 Estimating and testing theory 41 Linear regression Note pages for your own memory aids and formulas

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Author: Basshuysen, Richard van

Fahrzeugentwicklung im Wandel (Vehicle Development in Change) Thoughts and Visions Throughout From the series: ATZ/MTZ-Fachbuch 2010. XIV, 210 p., with 103 ill., hardback ISBN: 978-3-8348-0797-7 39.95 €

About this book:

The automobile industry is currently changing more than ever. Resources are in short supply and the CO2 emissions can lead to dramatic climate changes. The consumption boom is likely to influence the behavior of the car buyers. The author, a former development manager for Audi and member of the supervisory board accompanies readers in examining the changes of the last 20 years. His editorials and comments in the specialist journals ATZ (Technical Automobile Journal) and MTZ (Technical Motor Journal) are collected in this reader and make it possible for non-experts to evaluate and classify innovative developments of the automobile.

From the contents:

The automobile – Motors and transmissions – Gasoline engines – Diesel engines – Special motors – Engine components – Acoustics – Hybrid drives – Electric drives – Fuel cells – Fuels and lubricants – Renewable energies – The automobile industry – Politics – Brought to the point

Target groups:

Engineers in automobile development and automobile production Automobile and motoring journalists Media experts for the "Automotive" branch Interested non-experts


Dr.-Ing. E. h. Richard van Basshuysen was development manager for comfort class vehicles and for engine and transmission development at Audi. Today, he is an editor of the specialist journals ATZ (Technical Automobile Journal) and MTZ (Technical Motor Journal). He was awarded the Benz- Daimler-Maybach honory medal by the Association of German Engineers (VDI) for the mass production of the direct-injection diesel engine in 2001, after having received the highly renowned Ernst Blickle prize in 2000.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Pi und Co. (Pi and Co.) The Kaleidoscope of Mathematics Behrends, Ehrhard; Gritzmann, Peter; Ziegler, Günter M. (Eds.) 1st ed., 2008. corrected reprint, 2008, X, 391 p., hardback ISBN: 978-3-540-77888-2 Store price 24.95 €

About this book

Mathematics is an extremely diverse and lively discipline. The authors build a bridge between its major themes such as numbers, infinities, dimensions and probabilities, and their topical applications in logistics, the world of finance, cryptography, medicine and other fields. The essays contributed match the field of mathematics in their diversity. Easy-to-read and entertaining texts can be found, as can more complex mathematical challenges. This book extends an invitation to everyone looking to find his or her own way into this exciting and adventurous science.

Target groups: School students (upper level), university students, and all those interested in mathematics


Prologue – The classics: Primary numbers / Infinities / Dimensions / Probabilities – Hard nuts to crack: Fermat / P=NP / The zeta function / Medals for mathematics – Hot topics: Discrete optimization / Google / Financial mathematics / Cryptography / Game theory – Mathematics without limits: Magic / Art / Architecture / Music / Voting / Medicine – A bonus: Curiosities from everyday life Closing remarks

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/psychologie/klinische+psychologie/book/97 8-3-8274-2490-7

Mit Multipler Sklerose mitten im Leben (Leading An Active Life with Multiple Sclerosis) A psychotherapist’s report on self-healing and resilience Bendkower, Jaron 2010, ca. 245 p., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-8274-2490-7 Publication date: March 11, 2010 Store price 19.95 €

About this book

Written in a personal style for a broad non-expert audience Focuses on our own potential for self-healing Exciting findings on confusing aspects of the disease

MS, stroke, Parkinson’s - whenever there is the risk of illnesses putting us in a wheelchair or requiring long-term care, fear and ignorance can often create obstacles on the road to recovery, not only for those directly affected, but also for their relatives, friends and colleagues. As a psychotherapist, Jaron Bendkower has analyzed his own illness from the perspective of finding paths to healing, and in so doing has placed the main focus on mental health - as a complement to medical treatment. Despite conventional assumptions, full-blown MS by no means develops automatically; the majority of cases of MS go unnoticed, as in the disease’s early stages no external symptoms can be seen - and in the most fortunate cases, this is also true of the remaining stages. Jaron Bendkower, Ph. D, psychotherapist, sociologist, cultural scientist and MS sufferer shows examples of how in rare cases MS can actually be healed. These cases of complete resiliency make it clear which factors can help, both individually and socially. A number of surprising “aha” effects await readers, subtly introducing them to life with MS and equipping them to develop and foster self- healing powers - whether as an MS sufferer or as “outsider.”

Target group: Those suffering from MS; those indirectly affected (relatives, loved ones, friends, colleagues and therapists); non-experts interested in neuropsychology.


Introduction 1. First journeys: How the journey began * Claudine’s attempts * The stages of love * Raw or cooked? * Claus and his stones * Recognizing the reality * Trying to walk with MS on leash * Brother Johannes and Sister Yvonne 2. Ways in: My disappointments – often admitted, but long downplayed * Suicide by inches * Auto- aggression * Psyche and MS * Hard and yet soft 3. My MS biography – an excerpt: My mother’s biography * My father’s biography * Biography and history * Psyche and politics - Split and balancing act 4. Ways out: MS and the collective systems of faith * Classic approaches * Physiotherapy and weightlifting * Chinese medicine * Cavegn’s advice * The natural medicine approach * Biophoton therapy and radionics 5. Why it’s so hard to get out: When the illness is winning * When the body lags behind the soul * Only the body’s unconscious counts * Healing is not a purely mental act 6. The high road: Sonja’s dream: It doesn’t have to be a fantasy if you don’t want it to * Milton’s canoe * Heinz’s fireworks * Kuby’s seesaw * Terzani’s spinning on the carousel * What helped me most 7. Spirituality and politics: The next world starts in your mind - Sonja’s spirituality * Miraculous healings are real - Kuby’s spirit * The poets’ conspiracy - Tiziano Terzani’s political spirituality 8. The psychotherapy of MS: Change always begins in your mind: Cognitive behavioral therapy * Freeing yourself from unsuccessful attempts at self-healing - the psychoanalytical approach to MS Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


9. Self-healing and resilience: MS as a suicide attempt in disguise * Imperfect attempts to save ourselves * The peculiarities of self-healing in MS 10. Lifestyle diseases: Lifestyle diseases I * Lifestyle diseases II * Lifestyle diseases III 11. Growth and new beginnings: Stations of my journey * Homunculus – or, why is it so hard to recover? * A meta-theory of MS treatment * On the relation between the physically healthy and physically disabled Apologies and thanks

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/mathematik/mathematik+f%C3%BCr+anwe nder/book/978-3-8274-2422-8

Graphen- und Netzwerkoptimierung (Graph and Network Optimization) Büsing, Christina 1st ed., 2010, ca. 270 p., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-8274-2422-8 Publication date: February 18, 2010 Store price 19.95 €

About this book No special prior knowledge of mathematics needed An accessible introduction to essential concepts and methods in algorithmic graph theory With numerous examples, exercises and solutions

“All roads lead to Rome.” But which one is best - how does my GPS even find routes? And what about a round trip through the capitals of Europe? These questions represent only one partial aspect of the issues addressed in this book. Using numerous practical situations, the concepts of graph theory and network optimization are introduced and the problems they present are subsequently solved with the help of algorithms. This book is intended for first-semester Mathematics and Informatics students, and for interested practitioners. It includes various sample applications, as well as algorithms relevant to practical application along with proofs of their optimality. No special prior knowledge of mathematics is needed: All concepts and methods are introduced in an accessible and easy-to-read way. The knowledge thus acquired can then be tested and reinforced by solving the various exercises included.

Target groups: Mathematics and Informatics students; interested practitioners

Contents 1 Initial introduction to graph theory 1.1 The first day of school - 1.2 Connectivity and cuts - 1.3 Trees. - 1.4 Exercises 2 Searching for depth and breadth 2.1 Spanning trees - 2.2 How can we find spanning trees? - 2.3 Applications of BFS and DFS - 2.4 Exercises 3 The minimal spanning tree problem 3.1 The problem and two algorithms - 3.2 Two optimality criteria - 3.3 Exercises 4 Euler tours and paths 4.1 The Konigsberg bridge problem -4.2 Hierholzer and Fleury’s algorithms - 4.3 Euler paths, or the house of Nikolaus - 4.4 Exercises 5 Two more round-trip problems 5.1 Hamilton and the Icosian game - 5.2 The Travelling Salesman problem - 5.3 Computational complexity theory - 5.4 Exercises 6 Planar graphs 6.1 The gas-water flow and planarity - 6.2 Outerplanar graphs - 6.3 The Euler formula - 6.4 The graphs K3,3, K5 and Kuratowski - 6.5 Exercises 7 Vertex coloring 7.1 The chromatic polynomial - 7.2 The four-color problem - 7.3 Exercises 8 Directed graphs and Turniers 8.1 Directed graphs - Digraphs - 8.2 Strong connectivity - 8.3 Directed Eulerian graphs - 8.4 Hamiltonian paths in Turniers - 8.5 Konige in Turniers - 8.6 Exercises 9 The shortest path 9.1 The shortest path tree - 9.2 An optimality criterion and Dijkstra’s algorithm - 9.3 Negative costs - 9.4 Exercises 10 Maximal flows 10.1 Flows and Ford-Fulkerson’s decomposition theorem - 10.2 The maximum flow problem - 10.3 The max flow min cut theorem - 10.4 Exercises 11 Minimum-cost flows 11.1 Stating the problem - 11.2 An optimality criterion - 11.3 Two algorithms - 11.4 Exercises Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

12 Maximal matchings 12.1 Definition and an optimality criterion. - 12.2 Matchings in bipartite graphs - 12.3 Exercises 13 Tips to solving the exercises A Theorems, proofs and definitions A.1 Deductions and equivalencies - A.2 Negations - A.3 Proof through contradiction - A.4 Mathematical induction - A.5 Circularity B Signs and symbols B.1 From set theory - B.2 From arithmetic - B.3 Two quantifiers Bibliography / Index

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/biowissenschaften/biowissenschaften+%C 3%BCbergreifend/book/978-3-8274-1992-7

Wörterbuch der Lebensmittel (Dictionary of Foods) Cole, Theodor C.H. 1st ed., 2010, ca. 580 pages, hardcover ISBN: 978-3-8274-1992-7 Due: February 4, 2010 Store price 74.72 €

About this book

It builds upon the success of the other Cole dictionaries, especially those for biology, chemistry and laboratory work Specialized food terminology: considering the wealth of international foods, a general dictionary is still missing

Everything that we eat – from eel to onion, from basic foods to delicacies: Cole presents the merchandising knowledge of foods in 12,000 terms (English-German, German-English). 2000 scientific names of edible plants and animals are listed next to their Latin names and respective German and English common names. Topic categories (clusters) simplify the search for words. The following thematic priorities are dealt with:

Fruits, Vegetables, Grains Spices, Mushrooms, Algae Meats, Venison & Fowl Dairy Products Seafood (Fish & Shellfish) Bakery Products Sugar & Confectionery Fats & Oils Beverages Ingredients & Additives

This dictionary is especially helpful as a tool or translation aid for students and instructors in the fields of nutrition research and food science, as well as for everyone working in the food industry and food trade, gastronomy and cuisine. The new Cole – established quality and competence!

This Dictionary of Foods is focused on native foods, food products, processed foods, and ingredients – totaling 12,000 terms in English and German, also containing an alphabetical list of 2000 scientific names of food plants and animals, each with its corresponding English and German common names. Word clusters arranged under the according main keywords will facilitate your research. Major topics include: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains Spices, Mushrooms, Algae Meats, Venison & Fowl Dairy Products Seafood (Fish & Shellfish) Bakery Products Sugar & Confectionery Fats & Oils Beverages Ingredients & Additives

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

This dictionary is useful for students and teachers in the food sciences and nutrition, for specialists working in the food trade, in marketing and advertisement, personnel in gastronomy and the culinary sector, as well as for public administrators and translators.

Target groups: Scientists and professionals, students and instructors in the field of nutrition research, food chemistry and food production.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Dueck's Trilogie 2.0 (Dueck’s Trilogy 2.0) Omnisophy - Supramania - Topothesia Dueck, Gunter 2nd ed., expanded with an afterword, 2010, LIII, 1199 p. with 19 color tables, 3 volumes. ISBN: 978-3-642-02698-0 Store price 56.03 €

About this set Dueck’s stimulating and provocative analysis of humankind, of our paths and goals, and of the conditions we live under, has been extremely well-received. The three volumes Omnisophy, Supramania and Topothesia provide readers with a compact overview of the arguments and visions put forward by Gunter Dueck, which serve to make modern developments more transparent.

Fields: Practical management; applications of information systems (incl. the Internet); Acquisitions

Target groups: Managers, decision-makers, computer scientists, mathematicians, psychologists, developers

The books in this set

Omnisophy On real, true and natural human beings Dueck, G., 2004, ISBN 978-3-540-20925-6, hardback Store price 32.66 €

This book experiments with a new and holistic understanding of human beings based on three core units: Analytic thought resides in the computer-like left side of the brain; creativity and intuition, like a naturally developed neural network, are to be found in the right half. And we think in the direction determined by our third system: A hyper-fast stimulus identification system automatically goes on alert, e.g. in dangerous situations. Except for a few lines of mathematical explanation, the entire book consists of fulminant philosophy. Essential views of the world around us are spun and in some cases left stood on their heads. The teachings of Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, Epicurus, Freud & co. are presented as necessary philosophies representing different variants of brain use. This book is a sharp-witted, humorous and highly personal approach to what we commonly call the “meaning of life.”

Supramania From obligation man to score man Dueck, G., 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-30534-7, hardback Store price 32.66 €

Dueck’s cult classic books have always been written with a brightly burning torch: light and passion! This time the razor-sharp aspect of his wit is more prevalent: Supramania is a journey to the darker aspects of humanity, which, according to Dueck, are seeded in us through “turbo” and stimulus-based economic systems as a matter of course. The ceaseless demands in education and the working world constantly tell us: “You aren’t good enough!” We get worn out, or start to blur the facts a bit in our day-to-day work, to embellish, to exaggerate, to show off. In so doing, we secretly manipulate our personal “me inc.” balance. We become copies of the very suprasystems whose financial scandals shock and outrage us. It is striking how readers are led in a gently ironic manner to a state Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

of utter shock. Antiwar films, have shown us so much blood that we can no longer tolerate brutality. This book seeks to sensitize us to the true and the human.

Topothesia Human beings in a humane environment Dueck, G., 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02365-1, hardback Store price 32.66 €

Topothesia can be roughly translated as a “lively depiction of a wonderfully imagined world.” Yes, a “humane environment for humankind,” that’s what we need! Dueck calls upon us to stop oppressing the liveliest spirits among us! Stop the useless education of the well-behaved; they already are well-behaved, we only make them timid conformists! And work to understand the meek, the warm-hearted and the peaceful, so that they’re not forced to flee to cloisters or universities! Anyone who truly treats humans fairly from the outset will learn to admire nearly all of them. And those who have been wounded respond like mussels, which cover injuries with mother of pearl. The pain and the pearl become the center of their lives. And because the pearls look so lovely, we admire them as our outstanding performance or even as the purpose of our lives. But what is life really? This book sets out on a round trip to the unspoken wounds of the human soul, stumbling on the tattered remains of conventional models of our inner workings – and ends in a wonderfully bright place. Yes, that is what we need. Anyone who has read the book will begin to see things in a new light and proclaim: “Everything’s beta!”

The new edition includes an afterword by the author.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Platons grotesker Irrtum (Plato’s Greatest Error) and 98 other brainstorms from the Daily Dueck Dueck, Gunter 1st ed., 2010, ca. 200 p., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-642-04606-3 Publication date: March 2010 Store price 19.95 €

About this book

Pluses: Annotations on our zeitgeist by Gunter Dueck Background information on the financial crisis Insights on the attitudes of today’s society

Since 2005 the bestselling author Gunter Dueck has maintained his homepage www.omnisophie.com, where he posts a new “Daily Dueck” every 2 weeks. Satire, in- depth philosophy, and comments that are at times deliciously droll, at others unflinchingly critical are the standard fare. This free of charge “OpenSource” literature finds new followers every day - the current number of registered users is well over 5,000. This book collects his first 99 parerga for collectors and for those lovers who’d rather hold a good book in their hands. It is fascinating to see how early on Dueck tried to warn readers of the impending financial crisis and offered sharp-witted insights on grasshoppers, painfully loyal returning customers, job stress and the loss of values, while making the case for more mutual trust in the working world. Sometimes sweet, sometimes provocative, often “straight from the heart” and at times on the borderline of good taste: 99 colorful brainstorms.

Fields: Management practice; informatics in general; applications of information systems (incl. the Internet)

Target groups: Managers, designers, computer scientists, psychologists, politicians, philosophers, and consultants

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/spektrum-sachb%C3%BCcher/book/978-3- 8274-2017-6

Bilder der Mathematik (Images of Mathematics) Glaeser, Georg, Polthier, Konrad 2009, XII, 324 p., 1000 color ill., hardback ISBN: 978-3-8274-2017-6 Store price: 32.66 €

About this book

A visual tour through the entire field of mathematics Over 1000 color illustrations Remarkable and surprising facts from arithmetic to topology

What does a curve that entirely fills a plane or space look like? Can a polyhedron be moved flexibly or even be upended? What is the projective plane or four-dimensional space? Are there bubbles that are not round? How can we gain a better understanding of whirls and the complicated structure of flows?

This book will help you to experience mathematics from its visual side and find fascinating and never- before-seen images that provide illustrative answers to all these questions. Each image comes with a short explanatory text, numerous references for further reading, and web links with further information.

The book addresses all those friends of mathematics who want to see more than just dry text and never-ending formulas, from schoolchildren to teachers, from students to professors. The images are meant to inspire them all and encourage them to deal with topics supposedly reserved for insiders. Get to know mathematics from an entirely new and colorful side.

Enjoy the beauty and fascination of mathematics with over 300 richly illustrated pages.

Target group: All those interested in mathematics, students and instructors of Mathematics


Introduction. Table of contents. - 1 Polyhedral models.- Platonic bodies. Duality and symmetry. Archimedean bodies. Johnson and Catalan bodies. Geometry in soccer. Special tetrahedrons. The height rule. The art of unfolding. - 2 Plane geometry.- The theorem of Pythagoras. Feuerbach’s nine-point circle. Concentric circles. Metrical and projective scales. The Fermat point. Morley’s theorem. Fukuta’s and Cerin’s theorem. MacLaurin-Braikenridge problems. The derivation of addition theorems. Inscribed squares and equilateral triangles. Bisection of a triangle’s area. Is every angle a right angle?. - 3 Old and new problems.- Angle trisection. The Delian problem. The Collatz conjecture. Dominos on a chess board. The ham sandwich theorem. Pick’s theorem. Goldbach’s conjecture. The Riemann Zeta function. - 4 Formulas and numbers.- Gauss’ arithmetic progression problem. The square’s sum. Fraction summation. Estimate of the prime numbers distribution. The Ulam spiral. How close are real numbers?. Crazy formulas for the circular constant Pi. - 5 Functions and limits.- Non-differentiable functions. The Taylor series. The Fourier series and periodical signals. Total vs. partial differentiability. The Weierstrass p-function and its derivation. Solitons. The volume of spheres and perforated spheres. Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. Pascal’s triangle. Pascal and Fibonacci. Pascal’s pyramid. - 6 Curves and knots.- Conic sections – defined planimetrically and spatially. Spherical and confocal conic sections. Dandelin’s spheres. Apollonian circles. Cubic curves. Cassini curves. Astroids. Conchoids. Geodesic curves and the most direct lines. The Zoll surface. Geodesics of polyhedrons.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

Knots. Celtic knots. Borromean rings. - 7 Plane geometry and topology.- Hyperboloids and paraboloids. Quadrics and circle sections. The Clebsch surface and singular cubes. Dupin cyclides. Plücker’s conoid. Helixes and spirals. Helispirals. Rotoid helicoids. Collared surfaces and illustratable strips. The pseudosphere. The Kuen surface. The Császár torus. The Möbius strip. The Klein bottle. Models of the projective plane. Seifert surfaces. The Alexander sphere. Upending the sphere. - 8 Minimal surfaces and soap bubbles.- Minimal surfaces and soap films. Classic minimal surfaces. Gergonne’s problem. The catenary to the helicoid. The catenary and its variations. Periodic minimal surfaces. Costa’s minimal surface. Discrete minimal surfaces. Surfaces from circle patterns. Wente surfaces. Closed soap bubbles. The Penta surface. - 9 Tessellations and packings.- Frieze groups. Ornamentation. Non-periodic tessellations. The kissing number. Spatial tessellations. Weaire-Phelan foam and optimal spatial packings. Voronoi diagrams. Spatial Voronoi diagrams. - 10 Spatial forms and dimensions.- The hyperbolic plane. Escher’s hyperbolic plane. Ideal polyhedrons in hyperbolic space. The form of space. The four-dimensional cube and its illustration. The hyperdodecahedron. 120 cells or more!. - 11 Graphs and incidences.- Pascal’s theorem and its dual counterpart. Desargues’ theorem. Touching circles. Evasion in space. Curve systems define regions. The Petersen graph. Hamiltonian and Eulerian paths. Venn diagrams. Schlegel diagrams. Minimal spanning trees. Counting triangulations. - 12 Flexible forms.- Elliptical movement. Flexible polyhedrons. Trajectories and enveloping surfaces. Mandatory spatial movements. Degrees of freedom. Reuleaux’s rolling triangle. The Gömböc. - 13 Fractal sets.- The Pythagoras tree. Filling planes and spaces with closed curves!. Hilbert curves on spheres. Fractal dimension. The Menger sponge. Julia sets and the apple shape. The Feigenbaum diagram. The Lorenz attractor. Curlicue fractals. Random paths. Percolation. - 14 Maps and illustrations.- Isometric maps. Gnomonic or stereographic. Inversion and projection. Sketching a sphere. Möbius transformations from the movements of a sphere. Riemann’s mapping theorem. Schwarz-Christoffel mapping. Parametric equations for surfaces. Space collineation. The zero set for complexes. The Riemann sphere. Shading regions. The Szegö curve. Polynomiography. Roots of polynomials. - 15 Forms and methods in nature and technology.- Numbers in motion. van Kármán’s vortex street. Topology of flows. Streamlines. Lines of electric force. Smoothing 3-D scanner data. Vibrations. The traveling salesman problem. Sorting methods. The DNA double helix. Virtual jaw surgery. Radiolarians. Epipolar geometry. From photo to spatial situation. Reflections. - Image references. Index.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Author: Groß, Jürgen

Grundlegende Statistik mit R (Fundamental Statistics with R) An Application-Oriented Introduction to the Statistics Software R 2010. XII, 270 p. with 32 ill. and 6 tab. paperback ISBN: 978-3-8348-1039-7 Textbook ca. 22.95 €

About this book:

This book shows how data can be statistically processed and evaluated using the freeware program R. The skills needed to statistically process data even without programming knowledge are conveyed through consecutive learning units. A series of statistical methods are applied, for example empirical and theoretical distributions, simulation, different hypothesis tests, regression analysis and analysis of variance, time series analysis, and multivariate methods. Additional exercises with suggestions for how to solve them deepen the respective topics.

From the contents:

Quick start – Calculating with vectors – Use of records – Empirical distribution – Theoretical distribution – Pseudorandom numbers – Simulations – Statistical hypothesis tests – The different t- tests – Suitability tests – Contingency tables – Correlation – Regression – Analysis of variance – Logistic regression – Time series analysis – Principal component analysis, factor analysis – Linear discriminant analysis, cluster analysis

Target groups:

Student of mathematics, the natural sciences, computer science, business and social sciences, Psychology students starting in the first semester Everyone interested in statistics who wants to conduct their own analyses


Dr. Jürgen Groß works as an instructor at Dortmund Institute of Technology’s Department for Statistics and at the Institute for Mathematics at the Carl of Ossietzky University in Oldenburg. He has substantial experience in teaching methods of theoretical statistics and their application using R.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/mathematik/mathematik+%C3%BCbergreif end/book/978-3-8274-2044-2

Mathematik sehen und verstehen (Seeing and Understanding Mathematics) Keys to the World Haftendorn, Dörte 1st ed., 2010, 292 p., 200 color ill., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-8274-2044-2 Due: March 11, 2010 Store price 23.32 €

About this book

It’s better to understand without doing math than to do math without understanding. Accessible for all those interested in mathematics Insights into diverse mathematical topics with concrete applications, such as cryptography, coding, graph theory, numerical analysis, optimization, etc. With accompanying interactive website www.mathematik-sehen-und-verstehen.de

This book was written for you. You’ve already demonstrated your curiosity by picking it up or by clicking on this text. This book was written especially for people like you, who want to know how mathematics has come to universally pervade the phenomena of our modern day-to-day lives. You will be introduced to the following topics: Cryptography Coding Graph theory Fractals, chaos and order The world of functions Optimization as a goal Computers as mathematical tools Numerical analysis Stochastics Geometry Mathematics’ “self-image”

What sets this book apart: It takes your desire to understand seriously. You will be guided through fundamental principles step by step, most often with the help of illustrations. And at the book’s website you can take the pictures “in your own hands.” For the most part, the book does not focus on calculations or on variations of formulas, its motto being: It’s better to understand without doing math than to do math without understanding. The book’s website: www.mathematik-sehen-und-verstehen.de

Target groups: University students looking for an introductory overview of modern topics; teachers, interested school students; interested non-experts.


1 Introduction 1.1 The goal of this book 1.2 Historical information on teaching mathematics 1.3 The approach used 1.4 The chapters 1.5 A few remarks 2 Cryptography 2.1 Old and new cryptography Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

2.2 Primary numbers 2.3 Modulo n 2.3.1 The module of modulo n 2.3.2 General calculations for modulo n 2.3.3 Multiplying modulo n 2.3.4 Exponentiation for modulo n 2.3.5 Determining the inverse for modulo n 2.3.6 Greatest common divisor and the Euclidean algorithm 2.4 Cryptographic methods 2.4.1 Diffie-Hellman key exchange 2.4.2 RSA cryptography 2.4.4 Certification of public keys 2.5 A retrospective on modern cryptography 3 Coding 3.1 European Article Number: EAN 3.2 ISBN-13 and ISBN-10 3.3 Coding with 0 and 1 is everywhere 3.4 A retrospective on coding 4 Graph theory 4.1 Graphs of all kinds 4.1.1 Euler, Königsberg and graphs 4.1.2 Describing graphs 4.2 Spanning trees 4.2.1 Minimal spanning trees 4.2.2 Spanning trees in undirected graphs 4.3 Shortest path problems 4.4 Coloring 4.5 Graph theory: Retrospective and outlook

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Urknall im Labor (The Big Bang in a Laboratory) How particle accelerators simulate nature Herrmann, Dieter B. 1st ed., 2010, XIV, 250 p., 58 illustrations, hardcover ISBN: 978-3-642-10313-1 Publication date: March 3, 2010 Store Price: 24.95 €

About this book

Key questions of science, discussed in layman’s terms and entertainingly written Deals with historical and scientific aspects The author – an astrophysicist himself – is known for his popular science publications on these topics Offers insights into the latest CERN laboratories projects in Geneva The fear of black holes produced in laboratories is addressed and will be proved to be unsubstantiated The question as to the provenance, evolution and future of the universe as a whole is among the greatest scientific issues at present. It provokes astronomical, as well as philosophical and religious discussions because of its strong impulses. Every study on this problem to date has been based on observations using increasingly large telescopes and theoretical considerations. The development of modern particle accelerators now enables us to perform experimental research, even to mimic extreme cosmic situations. As such, nuclear physicists and astrophysicists hope to get a good deal closer to understanding the universe’s life story. This book describes the scientific adventure that began with Galileo’s first telescopes 400 years ago and has culminated in the Large Hadron Collider today.

Fields: Elementary particle physics and nuclear physics; astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology; specialized book for mathematics, sciences and technology

Target groups: The public at large, students, teachers

Contents Introductions.- Cosmic processes and earthly experiments.- An exhibition in .- Stars and atoms.- Outer space as a whole – cosmological hypotheses.- Fast particles – in the cosmos and on earth.- The cosmos as a laboratory – the laboratory as a cosmos.- When are we going to find the “theory of everything?”

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/spektrum-sachb%C3%BCcher/book/978-3- 8274-2425-9

Die Entdeckung des Unvorstellbaren (The Discovery of the Inconceivable) Insights into physics and its methods Honerkamp, Josef 1st ed., 2010, ca. 355 p., 8 illustrations, hardcover ISBN: 978-3-8274-2425-9 Publication date: March 4, 2010 Store price: 24.95 €

About this book

The most important physical phenomena, terms, prerequisites and principles are explained on the basis of the history of their discovery. A thrilling and easy-to-read introduction to the world of physics, covering mechanics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics and even quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. What led to the most important discoveries in physics? Which obstacles had to be overcome and which ideas had to be abandoned? What does the established physical conception of the world look like at present? The author takes you on an entertaining and stimulating journey through the last several centuries. He shows you the most important milestones of physical progress since Galileo and explains to you the nature of the resultant findings. In the process you will learn how physics “works” and why and in which form reliable knowledge exists in it. You will come to know the power of the natural science method, but also the limitations of physical theories. You will be able to concretely understand the learning process of humankind and at the same time also learn something about physics yourself: the main features of mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics as well as the basic ideas of the most important theories of the 20th century, the “theory of relativity” and quantum mechanics. This book is suitable for all those who simply want to know how physics works, as well as for Physics students who would appreciate an overview of the main issues in their course of studies. And practicing physicists will certainly find a number of things they have never seen before. Back flap: As physics was developing throughout the last several centuries, people were constantly confronted with new concepts. As a result of the accumulation of theories which have to date withstood trial by experiment, the terms that were necessary to explain the world became increasingly confusing; moreover, they were always so new and unpredictable that they couldn’t possibly have been discovered by mere thought. As physicists began to enter the world of the smallest and largest dimensions they were forced to realize that we can only understand nature beyond our human minds if we accept the “inconceivable.” Our imagination is shaped by evolution and thereby limited to the world of our human experience. Mathematics remains as the only language for handling these terms.

Front flap: Josef Honerkamp taught theoretical physics as a professor for more than 30 years, first at the University of Bonn, then for many years at the . He is the author of various textbooks and within the course of his research has worked in the following fields: quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, nonlinear systems and stochastic dynamic systems. He is a member of the “Akademie der Wissenschaften” (Academy of Sciences and Humanities) in Heidelberg, Germany.

Target group: Laypersons interested in the natural sciences, school students and teachers, university Physics students

Contents: Preamble.- 1. Prologue. Letter of March 7, 2007. Letter of July 17, 2007.-2. Motion.-2.1 The first law of physics in mathematical form and rectilinear-uniform motion.2.1.-2.2 The law of inertia and ideal relational systems.-2.3 Galilean relativity.-2.4 Forces and the law of gravity.-2.5 Changes in motion and their causes. Letter of September 4, 2007.-2.6 Newton’s second law.-2.7 Newton’s successors, motion of rigid bodies.-2.8 Limited motion.-2.9 Hamilton’s principle.-2.10 Motion in non- inertial systems.-3 On sparks, fields and waves. Letter of October 9, 2007.-3.1 The electrifiers.-3.2 Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

Electrostatic.-3.3 Constant flows.-3.4 The magnetic effect of electrical flows.-3.5 First technological applications, the telegraph and electric motor.-3.6 The law of induction.-3.7 Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism.-3.8 The discovery of electromagnetic waves.-3.9 Theories on light.-3.10 Waves.-4 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Letter of January 8, 2008.-4.1 What is heat?.-4.2 Energy.-4.3 Entropy.-4.4 Thermodynamic circulation processes, refrigerators and heat pumps.-4.5 Behavior of gases and liquids.-4.6 Mixtures and two-phase systems.-4.7 Statistical mechanics.-5 The theories of relativity. Letter of April 2, 2008.-5.1 The light speed constant.-5.2 Space and time: The concept of simultaneity.-.-5.3 Space and time: Time dilation and length contraction.-5.4 Space and time: The paradox of the twins.-5.5 A body’s mass as a measure of its energy.-5.6 Fundamentals of general relativity: The equivalence principle.-5.7 Conclusions from general relativity.-6 Quanta. Letter of July 8, 2008.-6.1 Cathode rays and X-rays.-6.2 Radioactivity.-6.3 Heat rays.-6.4 Light quanta.-6.5 The Bohr model of the atom.-6.6 Structure of atoms and spectral lines.-6.7 The Pauli exclusion principle.-6.8 The birth of quantum mechanics.-6.9 The uncertainty principle.-6.10 Schrödinger’s cat.- 6.11 The thought experiment of Einstein, Podolski and Rosen.-6.12 Bell’s theorems.-6.13 Quantum information science.-7 Epilogue. Letter of February 11, 2009.-Bibliography.-Index

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/spektrum- sachb%C3%BCcher/book/978-3-8274-2058-9

Zukunft Altern (The Future of Aging) Setting the course at the individual and societal levels Kruse, Andreas, Wahl, Hans-Werner 2010, XII, 568 p. 33 ill., hardback ISBN: 978-3-8274-2058-9 27.99 €

About this book - A lively new perspective on aging and age as a construct - For all those who want to grow old while staying young at heart - Top authors Everyone hopes to live a long life; when it comes to actually growing old, we’re not so sure. But what exactly do age and aging mean? Aside from biological factors, what defines our lives in later years? In this clearly written book A. Kruse and H.-W. Wahl, two leading aging researchers, use the findings of modern research to send a message: Depending on individual and social planning, old age can mean fulfilled sunset years and at the same time perform an important social function. And even for those seniors in need of constant care and/or suffering from dementia, there are diverse options for shaping their individual living conditions. We need to set the right course now if we hope to overcome the future challenges of aging, both as a society and as individuals. Written for: Interested non-experts, psychologists, social scientists, politicians, nurses and doctors in geriatrics and gerontopsychology, elderly care nurses

Contents Foreword.- 1. The definition of age / aging – Taking a closer look at age / aging.- 2. Key demographic aspects and consequences.- 3. Navigating through modern aging research using a map of disciplines and constructs. 4. Selected constructs on the biology of aging.- 5. Selected constructs on the psychology of aging.- 6. Selected constructs on the sociology of aging.- 7. Selected constructs on aging interventions.- 8. Interdisciplinary constructs.- 9. Are the messages of aging research getting through?- 10. Knowledge on aging.- 11. Frameworks that promote creativity and productivity.- 12. Commitment and expertise.- 13. An interchange of generations.- 14. People-friendly environments.- 15. Consumer behavior and seniors as an economic force.- 16. Prevention.- 17. Health, illness and care.- 18. The finite nature and limits of life.- 19. A repositioning of aging research.- 20. New demands on social actors.- 21. New demands on seniors – and on all generations.- 22. Final thoughts.- Bibliography

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/psychology/personality+%26+social+psychology/book/978-3-642- 05231-6

Stress, Mobbing und Burn-out am Arbeitsplatz (Stress, Mobbing and Burn-out at Work) Litzcke, Sven Max, Schuh, Horst 5th ed., 2010, VI, 199 p., 14 ill., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-642-05231-6 Store price 19.95 €

About this book

Stress doesn’t have to make you sick! According to the World Health Organization, stress is among the greatest health risks of the 21st century. And our working lives are often the primary source of stress: when workers are under tight deadlines and pressure to perform competition arises, which is in turn conducive to mobbing; overwhelmed workers and those faced with major changes at the workplace suffer from continuous stress. Those workers who become consumed by stress “burn out” to the point that they can’t take any more. At the same time we want to be challenged, we want to test our own abilities - under the right conditions stress can even have positive effects! Sven Litzcke and Horst Schuh offer help in finding your own path, away from destructive stress and towards positive challenges.

With advice … What do you need to know if you are suffering from stress, mobbing or burn-out? Essential knowledge can help to understand: How stress comes about; the consequences of and overcoming stress; mobbing as an extreme social stressor; burn-out syndrome

… and hands-on help Practice-oriented methods show you how to overcome stress, deal with mobbing and avoid burn-out. Daily record sheets, exercises, and worksheets for self-help

Master difficult situations at work - stress, mobbing and burn-out!

Fields: Work psychology & organizational psychology; health psychology; clinical psychology

Target groups: Those suffering from stress, mobbing and burn-out, therapists and consultants who would like to recommend the book as an accompanying aid for their patients and clients; well-suited in teaching as an introduction to the topic

Contents: Foreword: Stress has two faces. - How stress comes about and stress response. - The consequences of stress. - Overcoming stress. - Mobbing: an extreme social stressor. - Burn-out syndrome. - Final thoughts.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Künstliche Hüftgelenke - Wege aus dem Schmerz (Artificial Hips - Ways out of the Pain) A guidebook for patients Lüring, C. 2010, XII, 140 p., 26 color ill., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-7985-1891-9

Store price 24.95 €


Patient-oriented format and style Subjective patient reports as the basis for conveying objective medical facts and relations Essential information on artificial hips and their function Answers to questions on all aspects of your “new hip”

... and what do I do with an artificial hip? Every year, over 150,000 hip surgery patients in Germany alone are confronted with this question when all other treatment options fail. Although most of them will enjoy significantly better quality of life thanks to their artificial hip, fear and lack of information lead many patients to unnecessarily put off the choice for an operation. This guidebook includes a wide range of the latest information on artificial hips and how they work in the body. You will learn details on patient histories and different types of prosthetics, on the anatomy of the hip joint and the occurrence, manifestation and treatment of degenerative arthritis, as well as physiotherapy methods. This information will also help you to better understand why you were advised to have an artificial hip operation. To help you make the decision with as little fear as possible, you will also find numerous reports from patients who describe the reasons for their own decision. These subjective reports are then linked with objective medical commentaries and explanations. In this way you can combine factual medical information with the real-world experiences of other patients. Checklists, overviews and highlighted texts allow you to quickly find your way. Exercise guidelines for patients’ daily exercise.

Target groups: Patients, orthopedists, trauma surgeons, physiotherapists


... and what do I do with an artificial hip?: Pain–When nothing helps anymore; Checklists–When an artificial hip can help Why an artificial hip is necessary: Anatomy–How a healthy hip joint works; Arthritis–What causes pain in the joint; Causes–Why arthritis develops; stages Ways out of the pain–An artificial hip: Endoprosthetics for the hip – Types, materials and methods; overview; Longevity–Long, but not unlimited; Complications–Rare but possible; Concerns–When it’s better not to operate The operation: Decisions, preparations, progression: In advance; The timetable; Waiting in line; At the family doctor; At the hospital; The anesthetic; The method; The operation; After the operation; The first few days. Subsequent treatment: Rehabilitation–Why it works better at the hospital; Physiotherapy–Methods The next few weeks: What you can and can’t do in everyday life The next few years: Sports–Which types are a good idea; Follow-up examinations–When and how often? Keeping moving: Exercises for the hip–Improving muscle tone and stability

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/informatik/software- entwicklung+und+datenbanken/book/978-3-8274-2549-2

Service-orientierte Architekturen mit Web Services (Service-oriented Architectures with Web Services) Concepts - Standards - Practice Melzer, Ingo (Ed.) 4th ed., 2010, 382 p., 84 ill., hardback ISBN: 978-3-8274-2549-2 Publication date: May 6, 2010

Store price 39.95 €

About this book

An easy-to-read conceptual overview of all aspects surrounding service-oriented architectures (SOA) Also takes into account non-technical requirements and service-oriented organization The latest information with an outlook on future developments Well-suited for everyone from beginners to managers

Service- oriented architectures: Just a buzzword, or a legitimate development? This book seeks to demystify the concept by explaining the fundamental aspects and characteristics behind SOA and web services. This book was written with the needs of architects and developers in mind. It offers a well-founded basis for IT experts, managers and students alike. The goal is to convey solid essentials - as such, this is not a programming book. But if you want to better understand what constitutes an SOA, this book will serve you well. We first examine the fundamental considerations and organizational framework conditions associated with architectures. The basis for the following section is the abstract depiction of an SOA. This in turn is followed by an implementation on the basis of web services. In the second part of the book, basic web services techniques such as the platform-independent description of interfaces are discussed in depth. Yet it takes more than this to put web services to effective use. As such, topics such as security, performance, processes, semantics, transactions and quality of service are examined in the third part of the book.

Target groups: Software developers; software architects; project heads; Informatics and Business Informatics students


Foreword.- Acknowledgments.- Mario.- Preface.- 1 Introduction.- 1.1 The history of web services and SOA. 1.2 Intention. 1.3 The structure of this book.- 2 Service-oriented architectures.- 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Characteristics of an SOA. 2.3 Definition of an SOA. 2.4 Roles and actions in an SOA. 2.5 Services. 2.6 A new programming concept. 2.7 Enterprise Service Bus. 2.8 Outlook. 2.9 Summary.- 3 Service-oriented organization.- 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 IT organization: From pillars to columns. 3.3 The next component model. 3.4 Flexibility vs. standardization. 3.5 The SOA lifecycle. 3.6 Organizational structures. 3.7 Challenges for the organization. 3.8 Theses. 3.9 Summary.- 4 Web services architecture.- 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 The basic concept. 4.3 Architecture. 4.4 Standardization councils. 4.5 CORBA. 4.6 Myths and legends. 4.7 Summary.- 5 SOAP.- 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 The SOAP specifications. 5.3 Just a touch of communication theory. 5.4 Structure of a SOAP message. 5.5 Remote Procedure Call with SOAP. 5.6 Coding and types of data. 5.7 Transport protocols. 5.8 Service endpoints. 5.9 Synchronous and asynchronous message transmission. 5.10 WS addressing. 5.11 SOAP-similars. 5.12 Summary.- 6 Web Services Description Language.- 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 An abstract description of the service functions. 6.3 A concrete description of the endpoint. 6.4 Exchange pattern for messages. 6.5 Modularization of WSDL descriptions. 6.6 Expansion mechanism. 6.7 The WSDL component model. 6.8 Summary.- 7 Directory services.- 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Web Services Inspection Language. 7.3 UDDI. 7.4 Utilization scenarios for UDDI. 7.5 The success of directory services. 7.6 Summary.- 8 Performance aspects of web services.- 8.1 Preliminary remarks. 8.2 Introduction. 8.3 Essentials. 8.4 Quantitative requirements. 8.5 Architecture of the prototype. 8.6 Measurements. 8.7 Analyzing the measurements. 8.8 Scalability. 8.9 Summary.- 9 Web services and security.- 9.1 Introduction. 9.2 Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

Security aspects. 9.3 Characteristics of cryptographic methods. 9.4 Message security. 9.5 XML Digital Signatures. 9.6 XML Encryption. 9.7 WS-Security. 9.8 WS-Security expansions. 9.9 Security Assertion Markup Language. 9.10 A proxy for web services security. 9.11 Summary.- 10 Business process modelling and management.- 10.1 Business process modelling. 10.2 BPEL4WS as a programming language. 10.3 WS-BBEL 2.0. 10.4 Summary.- 11 Web services and transactions.- 11.1 Motivation. 11.2 Existent concepts. 11.3 Existent specifications. 11.4 Web Services Transaction Framework. 11.5 Conclusions and outlook.- 12 Non-technical requirements.- 12.1 Legal framework conditions for SOA. 12.2 Ensuring service equality. 12.3 Payment models. 12.4 Summary.- 13 Web services – Not just for programmers.- 13.1 Introduction. 13.2 Experienced users. 13.3 Application scenarios. 13.4 From parsing websites to standardized web services. 13.5 Requirements for non- service-specific applications. 13.6 Forms of implementation. 13.7 Semantics. 13.8 Popular examples. 13.9 The WIDE example. 13.10 Summary.- 14 Semantic web services and grid computing.- 14.1 Semantic web services. 14.2 Grid computing.- 15 Outlook.- Bibliography.- Abbreviations used.- Index

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Körperliche Bewegung - dem Herzen zuliebe (Physical Exercise - For Your Heart’s Sake) A guidebook for heart patients Meyer, Katharina th 5 ed., 2010, VIII, 108 p., 10 color ill., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-7985-1895-7 Store price 16.95 €

ABOUT THIS BOOK - Comprehensive, clear and easy-to-follow patient information on the importance of physical exercise for those suffering from heart problems - A systematic guide to help you create your own individual exercise therapy program - The trusted patient guide, now in an updated fifth edition

This guidebook provides patients with practical recommendations for exercise therapy to accompany their doctor’s advice. Physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand - which is why this book informs you how and to what extent behavior-based risk factors should be changed, as well as the importance of these changes for the future health of heart patients. Patients are supported in creating their own tailor-made exercise program based on their own state of health. With this guidebook, the author answers those questions most important to heart patients in language understandable to everyone.

Target group: Patients, their relatives and loved ones


Physical exercise for heart patients Problem situations of the heart What can you achieve through exercise therapy? Practical exercise therapy On the types of movement Exercise therapy for high blood pressure Exercise therapy following a balloon catheter Exercise therapy following a bypass operation Exercise therapy following a heart valve operation Exercise therapy for heart failure Exercise therapy following a heart transplant Exercise therapy for peripheral vascular disease Women with heart problems Exercise therapy for older and elderly heart patients Heart patients receiving outpatient treatment Sauna When should you not use exercise therapy? Factors that can overwhelm the heart and which should be avoided How to keep a training diary Subject index

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

Not yet on the website.

Geologisches Wörterbuch (Geological Dictionary) Murawski, Hans, Meyer, Wilhelm 12th ed., 2010, 270 p., 82. ill., hardback ISBN: 978-3-8274-1810-4 Store price 24.95 €

About this book

- Top quality at a student’s book price - Already in its 12th edition!

Aa lava, air-fall deposit, cap rock, desert varnish, event, fulgurite, greisen, nunatak: These are just a handful of the over 4000 terms explained in this book. The 12th edition has once again been expanded to include numerous new specialist terms, and the text and tables have been updated. All areas of the geosciences are covered, ensuring that also in the future the Geologische Wörterbuch will serve as a trusted companion to geoscientists, while also offering a first step into specialized literature for geology lovers and those with a geoscience as their minor subject.

Target groups: Students; professionals and geology / geosciences lovers

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Author: Poguntke, Werner

Keine Angst vor Mathe (No More Fear of Math) University Mathematics for Beginners rd 3 , revised ed. 2009. 258 p. with 110 ill. paperback ISBN: 978-3-8348-0608-6 24.90 €

About this book:

There’s no such thing as enthusiasm for math? Let us convince you otherwise. This introduction to mathematics will fascinate you: exciting topics with numerous examples and exercises impart the fundamental skills for starting your studies. We wish you fun and success with this book!

From the contents:

Numbers – Calculating – Equations and inequalities – Functions and their derivations – Systems of equations – Geometry – Counting – Measuring – Guessing – Finite and infinite: new problems of finitude

Target groups:

First-year students with Mathematics as their major or minor course of study Readers looking for an exciting introduction to mathematics

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Werner Heisenberg - Die Sprache der Atome (Werner Heisenberg - The language of atoms) Life and achievements – A scientific biography – “Happy science” (Youth to receiving the Nobel prize) Rechenberg, Helmut 1st ed., 2010, ca. 745 p., 32 ill., 12 in color, hardcover

ISBN: 978-3-540-69221-8 Publication date: March 2010 Store price: 199.95 €

About this biography

 This scientific biography of Heisenberg stands out due to its thematic and chronological completeness (up to Heisenberg’s Nobel prize in 1933), as well as its systematic approach owing to the factual and personal knowledge and memories of the author  The author: was a doctoral student of Heisenberg’s and has managed his estate since 1977 With his discovery that measured values of complementary readings cannot be defined randomly in the microscopic world Werner Heisenberg cut the Gordian knot of how to complete the quantum theory developed by Planck, Einstein and others and introduced a new “golden age” of physics in the 20th century. This systematic biography of Heisenberg was developed on the basis of documents relating to his life and achievements, i.e. certificates, letters and reports from his contemporaries as well as published and unpublished papers, books and articles written by Heisenberg – even the publications and manuscripts found much later, most of which come from Heisenberg’s estate. The author, Heisenberg’s last doctoral student, relies on his factual and personal knowledge, especially on his own memories of his doctoral advisor and Heisenberg’s teachers, colleagues and students. In the interest of providing an authentic biography of Heisenberg as a theoretical physicist, mathematical proposals and their respective deductions cannot be completely left out. Accordingly, this biography is intended for a scientifically educated audience as well as a broader, scientifically interested readership and covers the first part of Heisenberg’s life, up to his receiving the Nobel prize in 1933.

Fields: History and philosophical foundations of physics; quantum physics; general physics

Target groups: Historians and interested laypeople

Contents: Preliminary remarks.- Prologue : Heading for modern physics 1895-1921-Radiation and atoms, quanta and relativity.- First part: Youth and years of study.- Introduction.- Chapter I Werner Heisenberg’s youth.- Chapter II Sommerfeld’s optimism and Heisenberg’s studies in .- Chapter III The Göttingen lessons: Hilbert’s mathematics and Born’s physics.- Chapter IV On the trail of Niels Bohr’s physics and philosophy.- Second part: The birth of quantum mechanics and its physical interpretation.- Dramatic prelude.- Chapter V. The “sunrise in Helgoland” and the “big quantum egg”.- Chapter VI. The first quantum mechanic formulations: matrix mechanics, quantum algebra and operatorial mechanics. Chapter VII. Wave mechanics, quantum mechanics and observation.- Chapter VIII. “Indeterminability” and “complementarity”: The arduous path to the physical interpretation of quantum mechanics.- Third part: The triumph of quantum mechanics.- Prelude: The development of the “Copenhagen spirit of quantum theory” (1927 -1929).- Chapter IX. , the new center of atomic physics.- Chapter X. The introduction of new quantum mechanical theories in Leipzig.- Chapter XI. Global travel and global fame.- Chapter XII. From standstill to new expansions of quantum mechanics.- Epilogue 1933 The conference and the Nobel prize.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

Not yet on the website

Biochemie der Ernährung (Biochemistry of Nutrition) Rehner, Gertrud, Daniel, Hannelore 3rd ed., 2010, 612 p., 219 ill., hardback ISBN: 978-3-8274-2041-1 Store price 54.95 €

About this book

This successful and clearly structured book is now available in a new third edition and is well-suited as a textbook for Nutrition students, or as a reference work for nutritional scientists, doctors, biologists and chemists. In this excellently organized book, the emphasis is clearly on cellular and organ functions. The authors succeed in bridging the gaps between pure biochemical facts and the processes of nutritional physiology. The texts are accompanied by two-color illustrations.

Target groups: Nutrition students; nutritional scientists, doctors, biologists and chemists


Part I Fundamentals of metabolic regulation at the cellular level. - 1. The levels of metabolic regulation in the higher eukaryotes. Part II The metabolic regulation of nutrients at the level of the organism - 2. Regulation of nutrient absorption. - 3. Perception of the taste and smell of food. - 4. The nutrients. - 5. Converting nutrients into biological energy. - 6. The development of organs as evolutionary progress. - 7. The gastrointestinal tract – The negotiator between the organism’s inner and outer worlds. - 8. The bloodstream – transport system and agent of homeostasis. - 9. The liver as a multifunctional organ. - 10. Fatty tissue as energy reserve and hub of lipid metabolism. - 11. Muscle tissue – energy convertor and protein reserve. - 12. The kidneys as excretory organs.

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/biowissenschaften/biowissenschaften+%C 3%BCbergreifend/book/978-3-8274-2563-8

Ein Löffelchen voll Biotechnologie (A Spoonful of Biotechnology) Renneberg, Reinhard 2010, XII, 148 p., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-8274-2563-8 Publication date: June 15, 2010 Store price 9.95 €

About this book

50 new “Biolumne” articles A fun read that nevertheless examines biological phenomena on a sound scientific basis Science is fun! 50 biotechnological phenomena - served up in a competent and entertaining way. Green tea to boost your career. Checking your fitness using lactic acid sensors. Or would you like to hear what kind of pregnancy test the (male) author took in Hong Kong? “Science is fun!” is the motto of Reinhard Renneberg, who reports on the progress and wrong turns of biotechnology in this exciting book on the latest and most interesting scientific findings. The author’s easygoing writing style, sense of humor and surprise-packed “Biolumne” articles make this successor to “Cat Clone, Cat Clone” (Katzenklon, Katzenklon) guaranteed first-class reading fun. Cartoons by the well-known Chinese artist Ming Fai Chow complement the charming book. Reinhard Renneberg has been a professor for Analytic Biotechnology at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology since 1995 and has authored the highly successful “Biotechnology for Beginners” (Biotechnologie für Einsteiger) and “Bioanalytics for Beginners” (Bioanalytik für Einsteiger). He is a coauthor of the Roempp Biotechnology Lexicon, has published four monographs and over 250 publications, and holds over 20 patents. He is also involved in two biotechnology companies in Germany and China.

Target group: Laypeople interested in the natural sciences; Renneberg book fans, such as the 10,000 who read Biotechnology for Beginners”

Contents: The shoelace caps of DNA - Do you take used ones? - Mozart’s star as a composer? - Quite a bit of fog around the heart - From retirement to the WHO - “West Gelman eggs” in red - DNA and my ancestors - The Chinese came from Africa, too - Put the maize in the gas tank? - Competition is good for business - Amino acids, not from Japan! - Busy as a bee - it’s all in the genes! - Leeuwenhoek’s little animals - genetics in the wash machine Yams and cortisone - Xylophagy in the bookcase - Shotgunning in water - The genetic fingerprint - Has bio-gasoline taken a wrong turn? - Micro(be)soft? - A modern Pasteur - Back when Japan was number two ... - Who is the murderer? - You can’t see them in the dark - The race against the microbes ... - The poodle’s (cellular) core - Mouse and elephant - Curry to boost your memory - Artificial olfactory cells? - Is Cora Crippen still alive? - The worm with five Nobel prizes - DNA under the mistletoe? - DNA-the bar code for Noah’s ark - Some like it cold - The year of the rats and the P450 - The Bill Gates of evolution - Mammoths and mammon - The mountain as prophet - How I became a biotechnologist - Call me Jim Watson! - Is our Prof. pregnant? - The tricks of the milk counterfeiters - Karl Marx and the ants - How biotech can change lives - Fit or sour? - Mr. Green Genes, the glowing cat - The diesel fungus - Nobel prize for the “Biolumne?” - Long fingers for the stock market? - Dim sum and enzyme kinetics - Horses, too? - The hat makes the man! - Hong Kong as a beehive? - A crafty start in life - Heidelberger’s immuno-curve - Fleeced inventors - Plastics and elastics from the cornfield - Glowing marmosets - Asparagus’ long goodbye - The lure of magnetosomes - My DANN family tree - Red wine and red meat - A pill to live longer? - Heraldic animals with retrogenes?

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

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Pflanzenphysiologie (Plant Physiology) Schopfer, Peter, Brennicke, Axel 7th ed., 2010, 708 p., hardback ISBN: 978-3-8274-2351-1 Store price 49.95 €

About this book

- Covers the entire spectrum of plant physiology - Tailored to today’s studying conditions This classic textbook on plant physiology is characterized by its clear graphics and precise texts. The successful book by the two German authors Peter Schopfer and Axel Brennicke is now available in its 7th edition. The entire spectrum of plant physiology is examined, clearly and competently, together with the latest findings in molecular biology: a work equally well-suited as textbook and reference work.

Target groups: Students, instructors and scientists in the fields of Biology and Biochemistry specializing in Botany, Agricultural Sciences and Forestry; teachers and higher-level school students

Contents 1 Theoretical fundamentals and objectives of physiology 1.1 How physiology views itself 1.2 Biological laws1.3 Systems theory 1.4 Principles of scientific work 1.5 The principle of causality in physiology 1.6 The problem of complexity 1.7 Formulating theorems 1.8 Traits and variability 1.9 Measuring system and reference parameters 1.10 Presenting data 2 The cell as a morphological system 2.1 The meristematic plant cell 2.2 Cell division 2.3 Cell differentiation 2.4 Cell and organ polarity 2.5 The evolution of the plant cell 2.6 From single-celled to multiple celled organisms 3 The cell as an energetic system 3.1 The first law of thermodynamics 3.2 The second law of thermodynamics 3.3 The cell as an open system, “flowing balance” 3.4. Chemical potential 3.5 Chemical potential of water 3.6 Applying the water potential concept to the water in the cell 3.7 Chemical potential of ions 3.8 Membrane potential 3.9 Energetic biochemical reactions 3.10 Phosphate transport and phosphorylation potential 3.11 Redox systems and redox potential 4 The cell as a metabolic system 4.1 Biological catalysis 4.2 Metabolic compartmentalization of the cell 4.3 Transport mechanisms an biomembranes 4.4 ATP synthesis on energy-transforming biomembranes 4.5 Absorption of substances in cells 4.6 Principles of metabolic regulation 5 The cell as a system capable of growth 5.1 Biophysical fundamentals of cell growth 5.2 Growth and formation of the cell wall 5.3 Integration of cell growth in multiple-cell systems 5.4 On the relation between cell growth and cell division 5.5 Regulation of elongation growth 6 The cell as a gene-controlled system 6. 1 The gene -- the unit of genetic information 6.2 The organization of the genome 6.3 Transcription -- promoters, RNA-polymerase and RNA maturation 6.4 Protein synthesis (translation) and protein turnover 6.5 The cell as a regulatory network of gene expression 7 Intracellular protein distribution and the development of organelles 7.1 Protein sorting in plant cells 7.2 Morphogenesis of mitochondria 7.3 Morphogenesis of plastids 7.4 Morphogenesis of peroxisomes 8 Photosynthesis as a function of the chloroplast 8.1 Photosynthesis as energy conversion 8.2 Energy conversion in the chloroplast 8.3 The pigment systems of rot and blue algae 8.4 Photosynthetic electron transport 8.5 Mechanism of photophosphorylation 8.6 The biochemical area 8.7 Regulation of photosynthetic sub- processes 8.8 A brief look at anoxygenic photosynthesis in phototrophic bacteria 9 Dissimilation 9.1 Harnessing energy through dissimilation 9.2 Dissimilation of carbohydrates 9.3 Photorespiration 9.4. Mobilization of storage substances in storage tissues 9.5 Regulation of dissimilatory gas exchange 9.6 Regulatory interplay between the production and breaking down of carbohydrates 10 The leaf as a photosynthetic system 10.1 Efficacy spectrum and quantum yield 10.2 Gross and net photosynthesis10.3 Limiting factors of apparent photosynthesis 10.4 Ecological adaptation of photosynthesis 10.5 Temperature dependency of apparent photosynthesis 10.6 The influence of oxygen on apparent photosynthesis 10.7 The regulation of CO2 exchange through the stomata 11 C4 plants, C3 - C4 plants und CAM plants 11.1. Systematic distribution of C4, C3 - C4 and CAM plants 11.2 The C4 syndrome 11.3 The C4 dicarboxylate cycle 11.4 Ecological aspects of C4 syndrome 11.5 Gene physiology aspects of C4 syndrome 11.6 C3 - C4 plants, a precursor of C4 plants? 11.7 CAM, an alternative to C4 photosynthesis 11.8 Isotope discrimination in CO2 fixation 12 Metabolism of water and inorganic ions 12.1 Water 12.2 Mineral nutrients for plants 12.3 Essential microelements 12.4 Function of nutrients in metabolism Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English


Vom Urknall zum Durchknall (From the Big Bang to Big Nonsense) The absurd hunt for the “theory of everything” Unzicker, Alexander 1st ed., 2010, XII, 210 p., 15 ill., hardcover Publication date: February 10, 2010 Store price: € 24.95

About this book

Funny and entertaining critique of contemporary physics Speculative theories are satirized in a well-founded way Easy-to-understand approach, aimed at both interested laypersons and academics The author himself researches related questions in astrophysics

Physics has come to a dead end in its hunt for the “theory of everything.” Time and again, it is announced that the formula has nearly been discovered. But: Where is it? The author explains how theoretical science lost its way and is currently drifting into the esoteric with ever-larger bubbles of speculation. Funny, cutting, and with entertaining anecdotes, but substantiated in every detail, he satirizes the present fashion in physics and reminds readers of the unanswered questions that moved the “real” greats of physics. In spite of or precisely because of its critical tones, this book is a fascinating and thought-provoking plea for the merits of science.

Fields: Physics in general; specialized books for mathematics/sciences/technology; textbooks for astronomy

Target groups: Laypersons interested in the natural sciences, scientists, students

Contents Foreword: Relaxing, exciting and overstretched physics Part I: A shortcut.- 1. Quite nice, Homo sapiens ...- 2.Galileo would go nuts!.- 3. Quick digestion.- Part II: Crossroads.- 4. Root canal.- 5. A sphinx up to the present day.- 6. The riddle of the small accelerations.- 7. Darkening.- 8. Precision in reading tea leaves.- Part III: Dead end.- 9. Murky water.- 10. The rise of the speculation bubbles.- 11. At the meeting place of the ignorant.- 12. The eternally betrothed.- 13. In other dimensions.- 14. Farewell to science. - Part IV: Traffic circle.- 15. Clear water.- 16. Foundations and additions.- 17. A wrong turn.- 18. The earth is a disc. Period. - Epilogue: Should we get upset?

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

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Study Guide: Biology Biology – Biochemistry – Biotechnology – Biomedicine German Life Sciences Association (Ed.) 5th ed., 2010, 388 p., soft cover ISBN: 978-3-8274-244-5 Publication date: June 2010 Store price: € 24.95

About this book

This up-to-date study guide presents the basic Bachelor’s degree courses in the biosciences (Biology – Biochemistry – Biomedicine – Biotechnology), covering every German university, university of applied sciences and college of education, and describes the studying conditions and application procedures at each. In addition to detailed information regarding the progression of the degree program, valuable tips are provided, including the following topics: admission, selection criteria / changing universities / changing degree programs / studying abroad, internships / careers in the biosciences. In short: Everything that current and potential students in the biosciences have to know!

Target groups: High-school graduates intending to study the biosciences; students in all associated Bachelor’s degree programs, associations; job centers; deans

Contents German Life Sciences Association, as well as student associations, student representatives and the BuFaTa (Convention of German Student Associations) Introductory part 1. On the history and development of biology in research and education 2. The course of studies: Biology 2.1. Characteristics of and prerequisites for Biology studies 2.2. Applying to study at a university 2.3. Structure of the degree program 2.4. How to organize your studies 2.5. Doctoral studies, post-graduate programs 2.6. University preparatory courses and continuing education 2.7. Biology at universities of applied sciences 3. Related courses of study: 3.1. Biochemistry 3.2. Biotechnology 3.3. Biomedicine 3.4. Other courses of study 3.5. International courses of study – Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs 4. Requirements for studies and examinations for teacher education programs 5. Occupational fields in biology 6. Training opportunities Central information part: 7. Overview of colleges and universities offering teacher education programs up to the middle level Overview of the German specialist associations for biology

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]

Title Information in English

http://www.springer.com/spektrum+akademischer+verlag/biowissenschaften/zoologie/book /978-3-8274-2406-8

Vorratsschädlinge und Hausungeziefer (Stored-product Pests and Domestic Vermin) Classification tables for Central Europe Weidner, Herbert, Sellenschlo, Udo 7th ed., 2010, 326 p., 260 ill. , hardback ISBN 978-3-8274-2406-8 Store price 64.05 €

About this book

- For decades, the trusted classification book on domestic vermin and stored-product pests

With the help of this book, all stored-product and materials pests, domestic vermin and the ectoparasites afflicting humans and animals can be classified down to the species level. No previous specialized knowledge is needed. Dichotomous recognition patterns and numerous illustrations of special characteristics allow readers to develop the knowledge of the species they need for practical work. For the 7th edition, the tables have been updated to reflect the latest findings and expanded to include those species that have been introduced to the region over the last decade.

Target groups: Those working in extermination and pest control, whether in training or on the job; government bureaus (e.g. customs offices) and offices (civil code enforcement); scientists working in food technology and parasitology

Contents Introduction Guidelines for creating a pest collection I. Preparing insects and other arthropods II. Examining insects and other arthropods III. Storing and preserving your collection Selected bibliography Read before using the classification tables Classification tables for stored-product pests and domestic vermin I. Mammals, Mammalia II. Birds, Aves III. Snails, Gastropoda IV. Arthropods, Arthropoda V. Arachnids, Chelicerata (Arachnida) Appendix / Subject index / List of scientific names / List of German names / List of the most important English and French common names

Contact: Springer | Rights and Permissions | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | Germany [email protected]