User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-07-2013 20:21 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_01

Sunshine Coast Daily

Wednesday, October 9 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:36 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_02

Email us: [email protected] News Flying Coast’s flag on the Big Island All Ironman competitors have a story to tell. Michaella Trigg, Jessica Fleming, Alison and Tony Caiafa, Catherine Thiele, Kacey Willoughby, Robbie Andrews, Joanna Carman Anna Mendes and Nathan Fitzakerley are about to add an unforgettable chapter to their lives when competing at the World Ironman Championships at Kona this weekend.

Where did you qualify for Kona and what was your time? Michaella Trigg: Auckland NZ 70.3 – really not flash. Roll-down was very kind! Jessica Fleming: Auckland 70.3. Times were swim 31:27, bike 2:32, run 1:39, total 4:45. Although I did do a full Ironman this year at Port Macquarie where I made someone’s day as I didn’t need to take my Kona spot when I won the age group. Times in the Ironman were swim 1:00, bike 5.15, run 3:30, total of 9h 50min. Joanna Carman: Qualified at both Auckland 70.3 (fourth, 31:00, 2:39, 1:39, total 4:52) and Melbourne Ironman 27:00, 5:34, 3:28, total 9:34). Unfortunately in both my qualifying races there were distance issues, Auckland Sunshine Coast competitors, from left, Alison Caiafa, Tony Caiafa and Catherine Thiele. run was long (23km) due to a miscalculation and finished third in my age my time was 10:09. The race for me then was Melbourne swim was short group, but first and second Nathan Fitzakerley: Cairns about that one day. (1.9km) due to the weather). did not want to go to Kona. Ironman, 9:20. Jessica: No this will be my But that’s part of the sport, Robbie Andrews: I qualified second trip. Hoping to be not we all raced the same and so at Cairns Ironman in June Will this be your first trip to fully as nervous as last time. I was not going to let it take this year, I did a time of 9:50 Kona? Joanna: Ye s. First time as a anything away from my and was first in my age group Michaella: Ye s, however I visitor and to race. qualification. of 45-49. did qualify at my first Alison: No, this is my fourth Alison Caiafa: Auckland Catherine Thiele: Ironman Ironman race in back trip to Kona to race, and I’ve 70.3 (5:35). It was a last Melbourne, 9:27. in 2009, but didn’t take the had several other trips there minute decision to race Kacey Willoughby: slot. That race was purely to support my husband Tony there, but paid off! Bussleton 2012 in 10:06:51. about seeing what the body and other friends. This will Tony Caiafa: Auckland 70.3 Anna Mendes: I qualified at was capable of. Hell, triathlon be the first year that Tony (5:05). I was very lucky. I Cairns Ironman in June 2013, was still pretty new to me. To Page 5

SPORTY SWIMWEA RFOR WOMEN | CLICK HERETOSHOPONLINE Page 2Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:36 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_03

News Email us: [email protected] Mixed feelings facing the world

From Page 5 positive about where I’m and I are both racing, so I’m positioned at the moment, I looking forward to that. have been training and Tony: No, I competed in racing really well all year. 2011. That year, I qualified at Although, it’s an Ironman Ironman Korea. However, and you can never ever this will be the first time I am underestimate what can competing with my wife happen on the day, that’s why racing as well. It will be a it’s an Ironman. Last attempt very special day for both of in Kona I was very nervous us. leading into it, and it was Robbie: I went to Kona 10 also only my second Ironman years ago when I was 37, distance race. The transition back then I qualified at set up is very different and I Forster in a time of 9.30 and ended up forgetting to put my Kona time was 10.30. my shoes on the bike in Catherine: It will be my transition on race morning... fourth trip – I have been yep, really! twice to watch (2004, 2010) Anyway, coming out of the and it will be my second time water I borrowed a racing (raced 2012). volunteer’s phone and made Kacey: Ye s, it sure is and I a call to Nick (Croft) who was cannot wait. waiting up the road for me to Anna: This will most come by on the bike, instead definitely be my first time to he had to drop everything Kona. and sprint via the car pick up Nathan: Second, 2012 was a my shoes and down to disaster being sick with a transition where I was Anna Mendes with her children Maggie,2, Poppi,3, and hus- recurring virus. waiting. T1 was 22 minutes band Paulo. that day. Longest 22 minutes How are you feeling about of my life, I think. Anyway,I fortunate enough to spend swim was halved, so I don’t the race and what are you was lucky it could have four weeks leading into the really have a true indication expectations? ended there, I’m pretty proud race here in Kona so I am of where I’m at time-wise in Michaella: If you had asked of myself for not giving up. I getting nice and familiar with the past 18 months which is me that six weeks ago, I was finished the day in 10hours everything which is helping when I’ve had my biggest on fire. Now, due to illness, it 33min. So my expectations the nerves a little. improvements. So time-wise I will be a matter of just this year is to ace the I don’t have any major really don’t have finishing. But hey, I’ll make it transition! expectations on myself in expectations out here. I to the start line – so life can’t Joanna: Mainly just terms of position or time. I would absolutely be over the be too bad. A couple of excited, yes I’m scared and have completed three moon with a top 10 finish in “therapy” sessions with my nervous and that will only Ironmans, my goal was to my age group but at the end wonder-coach Toby Coote get worse as it gets closer. crack the 10hrs in Melbourne of the day I will be happy if will see me to the But excitement is which would have been a nothing goes wrong and I start-line…just. outweighing those feelings at 46min PB but unfortunately have the best race I can on Jessica: I am feeling the moment. I’ve been due to the conditions the To Page 4

Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 3 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:36 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_04

Email us: [email protected] News Race is an experience of a lifetime From Page 3 the day. I have heard that your first experience in Kona is just that – an experience. Tough course and I’ve experienced how unpredictable and insane the wind is here out on the Queen K so predicted times go out the window. I will definitely be aiming for a strong finish with a solid run though. Alison: I have had a limited preparation due to injury, so I’m going into the race with no expectations other than enjoying the finish line, as it will be my last time at Kona. The atmosphere is always amazing; this year I’m determined to really absorb that energy from the crowd – I’ll need it to make it to the finish line. Tony: I irritated a disc in Joanne Carman with her husband Matt. Jo has been in Kona for a month after competing in my lower back about eight the 70.3 world championships. weeks ago which has seriously hampered my the hardest Ironman that I gave it my all and nothing committed to Auckland, preparation. Just let me say have participated in apart less, then I will be super Melbourne and Cairns that I have a lot more respect from that I have not set happy, and will hopefully be qualifying races to give now for people who suffer expectations. I am just going crying like a baby. myself plenty of with chronic back pain. I was to take the day as it comes opportunities. If it wasn’t for hoping to finish in the top 20 and enjoy every single What has been your so many people, especially in my age group (55-59) second of it. Believe it or not, greatest challenge getting to my incredible husband, and before this setback. My game the day actually goes really this point? Mum and Dad and family for plan has changed for race fast. Michaella: Working being right behind me and day. Now, I am going to go out Anna: I am starting to get a full-time, single mum of two 100% supportive of me and enjoy this special day little nervous about the race, (guilt associated with time realising my dream then and do the best I can for however I am focused about spent training and not doing there is no way it could of Noosa triathletes, keeping a positive mind things with them as much as happened. Queensland and . frame in the lead up to it and I should), pneumonia six Alison: Staying focused and Robbie: I’m hope to start surround myself with my weeks out, and self-doubt – in positive through the past felling great soon, I had a supportive network. I no particular order. eight months of injury. great race at the Sunny Coast honestly feel honoured to be Jessica: I have enjoyed the Tony: As you start to get a 70.3 coming in first with a racing the Hawaiian Ironman Ironman training a lot more bit older, you tend to get time of 4:22 in my age group. and my expectations are to a) this time around, stronger all injured more easily. The Catherine: I am really stick to my own race plan, around and not hurting as challenge has been to try to looking forward to racing. I b)enjoy the experience with much on the long rides has cope with these injury feel a lot of things towards all its heat and head winds helped. I guess any age setbacks without losing sight racing, but mostly I feel and c) finish the race with a grouper would say the same, of the big picture. In 2010, privileged, respectful and smile. time is a challenge for all of about two weeks before I was awe. It’s Kona, you can Nathan: Great, excited, us. Getting the sufficient going to compete in Ironman “expect” everything and scared! I really do want to try training in around family and China, I tore my plantar anything (both good and and do well and I am aiming work is always a somewhat fascia in my foot. I still bad). for a top 10 in my age group. I difficult balancing act. competed and finished Kacey: I have mixed have been training well with Joanna: Would have to say Ironman China. I did have to emotions. I’m excited but a great crew, but do know I the financial pressure and walk the whole of the scared, mostly excited will need to suffer even more finding the right balance marathon run course – it though. I expect that it’s than I have to date. As long between working and took me more than seven going to be hot, windy and as I cross the line knowing I training. This year I To Page 6 Page 4Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:36 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_05

News Email us: [email protected] Life’s balancing act proves challenging

From Page 2 hours. I made a deal with myself that I would come back to compete and hopefully earn a place for Kona. This was part of my motivation of getting to this point. Robbie: I have had a fairly smooth run with the lead up to Kona. My wife Janene is such a huge support she allows me the time to train and recover so as to get the most out of everything that I do. I get up every morning and train before work and then in the arvo as well, we also have Janene’s sister Kaz live with us and she has also picked up any slack along the way so between them it has made my lead-up a lot easier, and there reward is they get to come to Kona. Catherine: The biggest challenge has been that I’ve Michaella Trigg has battled sickness leading up to her Kona experience. had no real “down time” for the past three months. With What do you love about forces you to dig deep inside the world. working, training and having Ironman? and really push your limits. I Alison: The mental a family there was little time Michaella: The love the ongoing challenge, challenge as well as the to just relax and read a book camaraderie. Everyone has a you tick one box and then physical challenge. Yo u really on the couch. I miss it, but I story, challenges, pushing the there is always another to need to dig deep and block know my books and the body and mind to the limit chase. I also love the training, out the voice in your head couch aren’t going anywhere. and coming out the other with Ironman comes lots of that tells you to stop Kacey: Managing training side – hopefully having long solo riding and running somewhere out on the and working full-time. It’s learned something about the and the places your mind marathon course, when the been tough at times but I spirit of believing. goes and the problems you pain in your legs is guess when you love to do Jessica: I love the solve while you’re out there increasing with each stride. something you just suck it up challenge of a full day of is unlimited. I also absolutely The camaraderie of the and make it work. Sacrificing absolutely giving everything love the people it has brought competitors is amazing. Even a “normal” social life because you’ve got. I love the fact that into our lives, it’s a though it’s a race, at the back you have to get up at 4am is it takes more than just being community like no other. I end of the field where I am in always challenging too. I’m a good athlete to be good at love the lifestyle and the fact Kona, everyone supports extremely lucky to have such this distance, your mind that my husband Matt and I each other and helps you get supportive friends and family. plays a massive role in your enjoy it together is the best to that magic finish line. Anna: My greatest success in training and part. Nothing beats lining up Tony: It is hard to describe challenge is by far the time racing and I have found that on the start line alongside what it feels like to compete spent training and away from this distance really agrees your husband, seeing him out in an Ironman event. I my husband and two with me. there along the way and then remember that in Hawaii daughters. I miss being there Joanna: I love everything the embrace at the finish line Ironman 2011, there were in the mornings when my about Ironman. I will never when you both know exactly three competitors in the male girls wake up. I get up really forget the feeling of finishing what each other has gone 80+ age group. They all early most mornings to train my first one in Bussleton in through. I love nothing more finished within minutes of so I can then spend the rest 2011, I’ve been hooked ever than sharing this with him. each other and within 10 of the day with my girls. It since. I think what I really This will be my first Ironman minutes of the official cut off has been a very hard few love is the journey of self with him on the sideline time of 17 hours. I and months on everyone. discovery, over the past two instead of out there with me thousands others watched Nathan: The fear of getting years through doing Ironman so it will be a new experience them cross over the finishing ill with that virus again. I have learnt so much about – but I’m looking forward to line. These guys were an myself. It challenges you and that to. His support means To Page 3 Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 5 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:36 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_06

Email us: [email protected] News Pushing the limits of body and mind From Page 4 inspiration to me and to the rest of the competitors on the day. This is what makes Ironman so special. Anyone can do it, no matter what age. I feel so lucky and also very honoured to represent Australia at this year’s world championships. Robbie: I love the freedom of Ironman, it’s just you competing against yourself. I have been out of Ironman racing for the past eight years (doing adventure racing) so I’m feeling very excited about having another go in Kona. Kacey Willoughby. Catherine: The things you discover about yourself when other sport I have come you are at your worst (or so across. I think I have become you think). I also love the a much stronger and “Ironman family” – the other confident person from doing athletes and all the it. supporters. Nathan: The after Kacey: The challenge it party...and the personal throws at me and the challenge. It is all up to me. I satisfaction that I get out of don’t have to worry about a each training session and team mate letting me down. race. I love that it is That happened once and it completely my responsibility, cost me a grand final. no one else is to blame for missing sessions, or takes What is your motivation and charge over how hard I can inspiration? Nathan Fitzakerley is hopeful his return to Hawaii is success- push. Michaella: Chocolate… lots ful this time around, after withdrawing previously with a virus. I love the training that of it and still being able to fit comes with preparing for an into my size 8s. Seriously or leave the training. But across in this sport and the Ironman, the crazy thoughts though, feeling fit, being every time I have a good race stories you here are – the highs and the lows, the healthy and looking healthy I get re-motivated to do it incredible, you are reminded early mornings and the helps keeps me motivated to even better next time. all the time that anything is feeling that you get when you get out there in the wee Joanna: I think something possible. For me personally, cross the finish line knowing hours. Getting up there in the inspires you initially to set a apart from my motivation all your hard work has paid age groups, it’s about beating goal and then it’s motivation within I am continually off. the ticking clock. that keeps you going to motivated by those that Anna: I love a lot about this I am also motivated by achieve that goal. This can support me. My husband, sport. I love being able to showing the kids that the happen many times over family, coach and friends. My push my body to places that best way to achieve is along the journey towards a husband, mum and dad and it has never been before and through sheer hard work and major goal. I have definitely coach Toby Coote have realise just how strong a dogged-determination. (I been inspired over and over invested a lot of time in me, person I can be. I love the think there is a fair bit of that again along the road to Kona. they believe in me and this energy, enthusiasm and the with anybody taking on the So I am motivated by my goal only motivates me more to overall positive spirit that an challenge of Ironman racing.) and that comes from within. achieve my goals not just for Ironman event brings out in If I can be a positive role Yo u have a dream, then you me but for them. everyone whether racing or model to them, and highlight make it a goal and then step One of my biggest not. that it’s not about winning or by step those dreams and inspirations is my dad, he has I also love the mental side losing, but about doing the goals start to become reality followed Matt an I and been of Ironman racing and the best given the situation, then because you become more our number one supporter personal challenges you I’m half way there. and more motivated and since day one in this sport. overcome to complete the Jessica: Racing, I love the driven to make it happen. Eventually after so many event. Ironman is like no race, could sometimes take The people you come To Page 7 Page 6Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:36 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_07

News Email us: [email protected] Strong support for our dedicated crew From Page 6 races on the sidelines he jumped the fence and started competing himself a couple years ago. I have watched him go from a sprint, to his first Olympic and then his first 70.3 this year where he qualified for Vegas and came and raced alongside Matt an I at the world champs. My dad is my inspiration in life, I know how crazy busy he is, how hard he works but always puts his family first and finds time for us. To see him find something that allows him to both support us which I know makes him happy but also to see him find something that he loves, that challenges him and see how motivated and driven he has become inspires me every single day. Alison: The Ironman mantra “Anything is Robbie Andrews. possible”, I have gone from being an inactive child, what makes Ironman so teenager and young adult to special. be able to compete in an Robbie: I’m very amazing race with world self-motivated. I rarely miss a class athletes as an “older” session, I have a passion for adult. I encourage everyone keeping fit and the people I Jessica Fleming has been in good form of late, and this time to take up a new challenge; hang around are all very around won’t forget her shoes in transition! you never know where it will similar so we feed off each lead you. other. my motivation is to get up Anna: My motivation and Tony: I used to think that Catherine: Habit has been and train so we can go for inspiration is definitely my Ironman was a sport for my motivation. Training has coffee afterwards. two daughters and husband. I selfish individuals. However, become a habit and my love There are so many things want to be a great role model when I started to compete, I for it has kept me motivated. out there that inspire me to to my girls and show them found a genuine camaraderie As for inspiration, I’m get up every morning for how much fun exercise and between competitors and inspired almost daily – training, whether it be the sport can be. My husband, spectators, Ironman had the sometimes by a good quality thought of my brother Paulo, inspires me every day. ability to draw different training session, sometimes running solo out in the mines His support has been people together from all by a sunrise and often by in the dark and dodging bulls incredible through the last walks of life. others. while I run along the few months. Paulo has taught This is borne out by Kacey: My main motivation Mooloolaba beaches or the me to believe in myself and spectating at the Ironman is getting up to train to get young boy in my class (Year have confidence in my ability. finishing line close to the that “buzz”. There is no 3) who is getting up at 5am to Nathan: That fear you get official cut off time. The better motivation than that of go swimming training before inside when you want to give feelings that you experience one’s personal drive. The school, it’s people who are up when things get hard or for those competitors location which we live and taking on their own personal taking the easy option. When finishing around this time is the people whom I get to challenges to tackle their you get to this point, and we very precious. train with is enough goals who inspire me to keep all will, when you think you To me it is the recognition motivation to keep me doing going. It really is infectious just can’t go any further, then of man’s desire to succeed, no what I love to do. Plus those to see the inspiration of you suddenly do, that feeling, matter what the odds. This is who know me may also say others. that’s what keeps me going. Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 7 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:37 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_08

Email us: [email protected]

Page 8Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:38 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_09

News Email us: [email protected] Worlds prove a steep learning curve By HELEN TSITOURIS VITAL STATISTICS DANIEL Fitter returns to Junior World school this week, battle worn Championships results 140km road race but not defeated from the 1 Mathieu van Der Poel hard-fought competition at () 3:33:14 the junior world cycling 36 Daniel Fitter (Australia) championships this month. +2:24 “I’m really happy with how 61 Ryan Cavanagh (Australia) I went,” Daniel said. “I +5:48 couldn’t be happier.” 129 Edward Dunbar (Ireland) Daniel showed his huge +17:44 potential for the future by DNF 66 riders did not finish 22km ITT placing 14th from 84 riders in 1 Igor Decraene () the 22km individual time trial 26:56.80 average of title. 48.539kmh “I only saw the course the 13 Thomas Kaesler (Australia) morning of the race so I +01:00.39 didn’t get much preparation 14 Daniel Fitter (Australia) for it but I’m really happy.” +01:01.57 The 140km road race over a 84 Ridion Kopshti (Albania) hard and hilly course into +03:56.55 Florence was won by Dutch rider Mathieu van der Poel, worlds for the first time has 18, in a time of 3 hours and 33 been a great learning minutes. Van der Poel is the experience. son of former professional Daniel and fellow Sunshine and cyclo-cross world Coaster Ryan Cavanagh rode champion Adri van der Poel strong to help West and he is the grandson of Australian Robert Power French legend Raymond finish inside the top-20 of the Daniel Fitter in action during the worlds time trial. Poulidor. road race in . “The road race was very “We were riding for Rob so stage cemented his future He said the competition on tough but that’s what it’s we weren’t worrying about goals. The Ye ar 12 Sunshine their European tour ahead of meant to be,” Daniel said. our places in that race. Coast Grammar student will the World Champs was tough “I really liked the circuit “We were in the breakaway focus on his studies to gain but he rose to the challenge. mainly because how hard it for about 120km. We got entry into university then In the opening race of the 2 was. caught at the top of the climb look at next year’s world Giorni Internazionale “The first climb was 4km on the fourth lap but after the championships. Juniores di Vertova, Daniel but the second climb was long climb on the last lap that His aspirations of winning finished sixth with Ryan about 20% at some parts - was it for me.” a place in the Australia team finishing in 29th position, the maybe more. Robert made a late charge for the 2014 world top two Australians in the “On the really steep climb for a place on the podium but championships motivates field. we were doing about 14kmh was swamped in the dying him the most. The second day saw Daniel that’s how tough it was. We moments. “Next year, I’ll still be claim a podium finish (third) did it five times. “He got caught 300 metres under-19 and I’ll chat to the after a sprint to the line, in “It’s a race of attrition so I from the line. It was really coach and hopefully compete the process claiming the had to focus on getting bad luck,” Daniel said. at the worlds again. white jersey for the best through each lap as it Fitter placed 36th some two “I’m 99% sure I’ll defer uni, young rider in the tour. comes.” minutes behind the winner. then take a gap year for next “They love their trophies He said competing at the His taste on the world year’s racing.” over there. It was huge.”

Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 9 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:39 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_10

Email us: [email protected] Advice Healthy body and a happy mind

By LORNA GARDEN Accredited sports dietician

I RECENTLY read a great article by US sports dietician Nancy Clarke, which started like this… “What do dogs and athletes have in common? Lots! Both love to exercise and love to eat. Both are also created in differing sizes and shapes. What do dogs and athletes NOT have in common? “Dogs are content with their natural physiques, while too many athletes try very hard to change the way they look. These athletes might be better off being like dogs. That is, a massive St bernard has no desire to look Develop a healthy relationship with food. Love the different textures and flavours of fresh like a lanky greyhound. Nor food, and take time to enjoy it, eating in a calm, relaxed environment. does the barrel-chested labrador want to look like a rather than what it can do for day. We see them, we study sleek setter. Each dog is very us in a positive way. them and we can’t see Click here to content and proud to Sport and fitness website anything outside of them. represent his breed. and magazines are filled with Guess what? No one else sees check out “Wouldn't life be easier if “body beautifuls” who have what we see – and ironically, Lorna’swebsite each athlete could be just as quite probably been spray other people are most likely proud of his or her heritage tanned, posed, filtered and focusing on all the things and corresponding photo-shopped to achieve the they admire about you, physique?” ideal look. compared to them, as they Athletes and active people It’s easy to lose focus on focus on their “flaws”. are not exempt from poor self the simple things in life, like As Nancy says, “to esteem and a negative body health and happiness. compare is to despair”. image that currently plagues Popular belief is that by Focus instead on your countless Australians, changing our outside positive attributes and be eating well can maximise females in particular. (weight, body shape), we can grateful for the way your your potential at any weight The surge in social media improve our inside body moves and performs. within your natural weight has resulted in a constant (happiness, self esteem). In ■ We often praise other range. bombardment of images on my experience, it works the athletes’ best assets, but we Strange as it may seem, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr other way. By improving our can’t do that for ourselves. there is no weight that can do and Instagram, resulting in happiness and self esteem, Take some time to try talking the big job of creating many of us becoming even we can change or simply to yourself like you would a happiness. more insecure about the way accept our body, and the friend. ■ Develop a healthy we look as we continually amazing things it does for us. ■ We sometimes forget relationship with food. Love compare ourselves to others. Here are some simple tips that our body does not have the different textures and Being active can help to help achieve a healthy one weight that it stays for a flavours of fresh food, and improve self esteem, but can body and a happy mind. lifetime. It increases as we take time to enjoy it, eating in also exacerbate negative Remember that our own grow, and then as an adult, a calm, relaxed environment. body image for some people, perceived flaws are we will develop a natural Learn to eat when you are with the development of an magnified by us as we focus weight range, which is hungry. Eat slowly and stop unhealthy focus on the on them, bringing attention largely genetically when you are full. Eat to stay aesthetic value of the body, to them in our mind, every determined. Staying fit and To Page 11 Page 10 Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:39 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_11

Advice Email us: [email protected] Be grateful of life’s wonderful things

From Page 10 and recovery and colourful will always find someone we look like, how well you healthy and perform well, not fruits and vegetables for believe is perform at sport or how to be thin. good health. Focus on fresh, leaner/smaller/more ripped smart you are. ■ Eat without guilt. There local produce wherever etc. than us. Don’t play the ■ Celebrate uniqueness, are no “bad” foods, just some possible. game. difference and diversity. foods that we need more of ■ Participate in sport for ■ Choose not to log on and Accept everyone regardless than others. Be grateful for fun, personal development gaze for long periods of time of gender, race, age, ethnicity, the wonderful selection of and the love of movement, at other people’s filtered body size, ability, or sexual fresh, healthy food we have rather than simply a way to photos, awesome status orientation. Acknowledge available here and take time control weight/body shape. updates and “having too that each individual is to think about the people and ■ Believe that the value of much fun” check-ins, which different and being unique is processes involved in people comes from within (usually falsely) make it wonderful, special and bringing your food to your and compliment attitudes, seem like they have it all. normal. There is no one table. actions and efforts in other Follow people or perfect body weight, or ■ In fact, be grateful for all people, rather than organisations that offer shape. the wonderful things in your appearance. positive health and body ■ Understand what is in life right now, whatever they ■ Measure yourself against image messages that inspire and out of your control. may be. yourself, not against others. you. Add a few that make you There are some things that ■ Choose foods that help Comparing ourselves to laugh too. affect performance and your you do the things you want to others is a trap where we ■ Build self-esteem and life that are not in your do each day, including choose to feel bad about assertiveness. Discover who control – accept this and training and competing – ourselves because we believe you are inside and outside of move forward. nutritious carbohydrate rich our body is “worse” than sport, work and family. Learn Choose to be the best you foods for energy, quality someone else’s. This is a that self worth is based upon that you can be right now, protein rich foods for growth game we can never win as we who you are, not what you and choose to be happy.

Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 11 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 16:01 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_12

Advice Email us: [email protected] Triathlon inspires new active life By PETER BRAD’S TIPS SLATTERY ■ Join a triathlon training club Former – not only do you meet and professional network with new people you rugby player, soon discover the differing now born range of abilities within the again athlete group and there truly is something for everyone whether you want to train once YOU’RE in your mid-to-late a week or 12 times a week 20s, 194cm and 140kgs, with ■ Invest into a good road bike dodgy knees. Yo u’re to start. You can find a good relationship with food bike for around $1k which is what mine was. It gets you revolves around lots of it, started but if not a flat bar road often, and preferably of the bike will get you through. fast kind. ■ Do some of the QTS races, Yo u requiring rigging, the the first of the series was just tuck ’n’ roll manoeuvre and a two weekends ago at Kawana. crew of five to get out of bed. There is seven or eight races Bending down is impossible. of varying distances and are And you’ve lost your held at Kawana, Raby Bay, girlfriend. Robina and Caloundra. ■ It is an amazing way to lose That’s the life Brad unwanted kilos within a fun Longfield lived. At worst a environment. painful death. At the least a ■ There truly is something for less than stellar quality of life everyone. You can start in a and a total knee replacement, team event and build from not reconstruction. there. Race day is amazing to He hated who he had be part of. become. ■ You will need to develop Today, he’s a triathlete and some form of love for lycra cause you will spend a lot of Half Ironman having just time in it. completed the recent Mooloolaba 70.3 – a 1.9km swim, 90km bike and 21.1km shoved, abruptly, into action run. through a single eureka The first (and hardest) step moment. He had to attend a in lifestyle transformation is black-tie do, but did not have realising you need to change. a suit that fitted his bulbous Us porkers (I confess to frame. having an issue with weight a “It was the most few years back), we know we embarrassing moment of my need to change. But it takes life,” Brad said. “The only time. Yo u can be on the place that had suits was Big Brad Longfield has gone from being more than 140kg to a precipice of change for years, and Tall. I’d never before had born-again triathlete. as our denial, inertia or to shop at such a place. It was whatever is holding us back very confronting. I waited in soccer before my knee issues. long-distanced, multisport forms a “can’t see the forest the car park for 20 minutes I used to be a fit and active. athlete? from the trees-type thinking deeply about what Although I hadn’t swum a lap Bloody hard work, passion, scenario”. I’d become – those 20 minutes in a pool for about 10 years, focus, restraint, Eating breakfast in a cafe quite possibly saved my life.” my bike was in serious need determination, will power, a in Mooloolaba, Brad tells me Why triathlon? of a tune up and I hate strong support network, a family and friends mentioned “I started by a mate running, I thought I could do massive pain threshold, and, his need for lifestyle change. pestering me to join him in that, albeit with hesitation.” most importantly, a change in He also saw a photo of the Luke Harrop Memorial The result? He competed, mindset. himself that had him close to race, an enticer-length tri on and “That’s triathlon. It only But let’s slow this tears. These were all building the Gold Coast. It’s a 300m takes one to love it”. roller-coaster ride of up inside. He was close, but swim, 10km bike, and 2.5km So how has this former personal transformation he still couldn’t see those run,” Brad said. porker reduced his girth to down a little. We need to bloody trees. “I used to swim a lot as a resemble, well, a tall, slender, cover the elephant in the And then he was literally kid and played plenty of yet muscular-ish To Page 13 Page 12 Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 16:01 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_13

Advice Email us: [email protected] There is an iron-will hiding within From Page 12 management. “I have to be room - Brad’s dodgy knees. smart. My race and training “I have discoid meniscus in strategy focuses on the swim one knee, and damaged the and bike and simply getting other numerous times as a through the run. I have a youngen,” Brad said. “I’ve modified schedule which had two operations, and was involves weights and deep recently told by a water running, and limiting highly-respected knee the number and distance of surgeon that’d it’s time to runs,” he said. take up chess. I’ll more than “I use weights to likely need a knee strengthen the joint and replacement before too long.” surrounding muscles and run Speaking with Brad, it’s on the treadmill, which not long before you know he places less stress on the doesn’t like being told he knees. I also do a lot of deep can’t do something. I can see water running.” him lacing up the joggers and As for fuel, “commonsense defiantly saying to himself, drives my relationship with Brad Longfield back in 2007 and then going on to compete in “Take up chess? Be food now”. the Noosa Triathlon. buggered!”, as he ties the last “Within reason you can put knot tightly and embarks on in whatever you want, but He’d also like to give back to of fast food and exits his bed an early morning run. you got to be prepared to the sport that has provided with ease. He’s a local, just Okay, there’s obviously burn it off. Everything in him with so much via a like you and me, who turned more to it than simple moderation.” mentoring-type role. triathlon into a tool for defiance and indignation. And for the future? If Brad Brad believes he’s “a personal and professional How does he train, let alone can get under 90kg (he’s terribly average growth to achieve the compete in such an arduous currently 95) he wants to bloke-nothing special”. remarkable. There’s sport? have a go at an Ironman, Not too sure about that. something in this story and Brad explains it’s all about knees permitting, of course. He’s ditched the mountains Brad’s journey for us all. Perform at your Peak don’t leaveyour performance to the luck of the irish athletes looking for the best results from the training incorporate chiropractic. Just like you would tune your bike to keep in running fast, your body is the same. when your spine is out of place, performance and results suffer. especially in training and sport, your body can take aserious beating. Chiropractic helps in multiple ways. 1. injury management 2. injury prevention 3. Sports performance Chiropractic reduces Maintaining astrong spine Chiropractic improves stress in the body, prevents serious injuries function of your muscles, allowing quicker healing your heart, and your lungs. times. ChiroPraCtiC: Dr. DaviD henDrey anD Dr. Simon morgan naturoPath: JoeL CoughLan maSSage: Sean & Penne dr david in 2013 MooLooLaba triatHLon

Hendrey CHiropraCtiC on Lake kawana Suite 13. 5innovation Parkway kawana waterS QLD, 4575. 075 437 7222 Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 13 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 15:52 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_14

Email us: [email protected] News Teenager finds passion for pedal power

By HELEN TSITOURIS helmets and all my other gear.” CLAIRE Winterbourne, 13, is She said her love of cycling one of the star riders in the is more than just a passing Sunshine Coast Push Peddle fancy. Cycle Education and “I have been riding six days Coaching club who has a week and I would do about excelled in cycling despite a 220km per week,” she said. short timeframe. “I like all aspects of racing Claire, who has only be for different reasons. riding 18 months, impressed “I like time trials because in her first under-15 National you are by yourself and Road Championships in whether or not you win is Wagga Wagga, NSW, based on your own September 6-8. performance not on tactics or The Sunshine Coast position, I am in control. Cycling Club rider placed “My absolute favourite third in the 8km individual would be the road race time trial and 30km road race because I’m an endurance and fifth in the criterium. athlete. I prefer longer races “My goal was to place in and they usually have hills the top five, but realistically I which you don’t get in crits expected to be in the top 10 and time trials.” so I did a lot better than I Her performance at the expected,” Claire said. nationals is surely testament The teenager has fallen to a bright future. under the wheels of a cycling “I would like to become a crush after a stint in professional rider and ride triathlons. for a top team but I want to “I did the Luke Harrop have a good future so I think triathlon and got second but I it would be wiser to have a realised I enjoyed the bike proper career,” Claire said. much more so I decided to “A future in women’s focus on cycling and drop cycling is so uncertain. They Photo: Kevin Farmer swimming and running. I don’t have financial security. Claire Winterbourne competes in the hill climb stage of the absolutely love my “The sponsors for the team Toowoomba Junior Two- Day Tour cycling event. Specialized Venge bike. It’s don’t last very long and then my baby. the women have to find women don’t get enough “You will hardly see “I keep it in my bedroom another team. publicity. Cycling is all about anything about women in with my track bike, my “I think it’s because the men not the women. magazines or TV.”

The Sunshine Coast Push Peddle Cycle Education squad training on the Caboolture track. Page 14 Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 06:24 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_15

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Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 15 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 16:41 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_16

Email us: [email protected] News Toughest of mountain bike journeys BATTLES to be faced by Bli Bli’s Isaac Tonello over 900km of the world’s most gruelling mountain bike race are nothing compared to the daily challenges faced by four-year-old Miele Dale. She is the inspiration for Isaac’s epic journey. He is competing in the Crocodile Trophy, a nine-stage 900km race in North Queensland from Cairns to Cooktown, to help raise money and awareness of mitochondrial disease. The daughter of a friend, Miele was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease about one year ago and has headed The Crocodile Trophy mountain bike race runs from October 19-27, and covers 900km over to the USA for a trial nine days. treatment in the hope to overcome this disease. VITAL STATISTICS “This trial is a 12 month process and means that Isaac’s training regime: ■ Miele has had to travel to the Six weeks before an Ironman race it will be every morning during the week except Monday when he does a clinical pilates session at USA with her mother leaving Sports and Spinal Physio. the remaining family in ■ This involves one-two swims, two bikes in the Hub 105 and one Australia,” Isaac said. run. “Very few people know ■ On weekends in the last six weeks he runs twice on one day and about mitochondrial disease then rides long the other with another run in the afternoon if the and that included us until body feels like it. Miele was diagnosed. ■ Swim would be 2-4km max for the week (first session is Mitochondrial disease is technique on Monday to recover from the weekend and second on debilitating and potentially Friday is some efforts). ■ Ride 240km (long 120km and then 60km x 2 in the Hub 105) and fatal, it does not discriminate, run 45-50km. (One track session, 800s or miles at threshold and it drains your energy the rest is trail running). producing cells until whole ■ Secret is quality sessions, plus technique and then recover. organ systems fail.” Favourite training places: Hub 105 for the bike and Parklands for Isaac is happy to suffer for MTB and running. “I have also made a 100k loop I ride on my road this worthy cause. Although Isaac Tonello. bike that takes in about 40k of dirt roads and 2k of vertical climbing it won’t be the 36-year-old’s in an effort to get away from traffic and see a bit more of the Coast.” first attempt at the Crocodile physiotherapy. He has been Trophy. He won the masters Sunshine Coast based since Queensland before tackling “A friend, Dave Stallon, one category and finished 2008 after a stint in Cairns the Cairns Ironman in 2012. who is a former Sunshine eighth overall in 2009, and and the United Kingdom. It was there that Coast local, was riding the also finished it in 2008. His love for swimming and decade-old calf injuries again Croc for his 30th birthday so I And he comes into the riding started in high school, came to the fore, but he still suggested we ride it for mountain bike challenge with and it was during his time in managed to finish in a charity and so we put the strong fitness. Isaac finished Cairns in the late ’90s that his credible 10:17 despite an feelers out,” Isaac said. fifth in the 35-40 age group in biking stepped up and he extremely painful final 25km. “SALSA bikes have the inaugural Mooloolaba spent time working and Through pilates and sponsored me to ride one of 70.3 with a time of 4 hours riding with Adam Hansen – extensive massage he has their bikes, the FARGO, an and 16 minutes – an who is now a pro with Lotto overcome the injury, and is off road racing bike and BHP, outstanding effort given Belisol. Hansen has provided looking forward to his return who Dave works for, will chronic recent calf injuries. a signed jersey to auction as to North Queensland for the double any funds he raises.” Born in Mareeba, Far part of the fundraising. Crocodile Trophy – where he Together, the pair hope to North Queensland, Isaac Since making his home on will battle 900km of varying raise more than $5000. later moved to the Gold Coast the Coast, Isaac has conditions with more than Visit the support page to undertake a Bachelor of progressed into A-grade and 15km of vertical climbing https://croctrophy4mito.every Exercise Science and then elite road racing in from October 19. Page 16 Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 05:53 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_17

Email us: [email protected]

Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 17 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-08-2013 16:14 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_18

Email us: [email protected] All the gear The latest and greatest...

The first true women’s specific aero road bike. Built on years of research, development and testing by riders including the fastest female pro on the planet, multi-time world champion Marianne Vos, Envie Advanced redefines the meaning of fast. Liv/giant’s 3F design philosophy is paired with cutting-edge aerodynamic innovations including AeroSystem Shaping technology and the SpeedControl SLR brake system. The Advanced-grade composite frame is handcrafted with the OverDrive 2 steerer tube for razor-sharp handling. It all adds up to the Time to update your riding wardrobe? 50% off these ultimate aero machine for sprints, short-distance triathlons female specific light-weight, breathable Spin City Cycles and everyday training on the road. Ladies, this bike really riding kits. Jerseys, bib knicks and knicks starting at can do it all – road riding yet great for triathlons. Now in $39.99. Limited sizes available. store at Spin City Cycles RRP $2999.

The brand new Fuelcell for the Specialized Shiv arrives this week at Cyclezone Mooloolaba. There will be limited numbers available. This is essentially a “Bento” box to hold food and tools. They retail for $99.95.

The new Zealous Adventure Island Spring Collection features women’s racer and sports bikinis that are inspired by some of the world’s most beautiful holiday destinations. Chlorine- and fade-resistant available in girls 10-14 ($69.95) and women’s 8-14 ($89.95). From left, Puerto Rico bikini, Santorini one piece and Mykonos bikini. Visit

Page 18 Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-07-2013 08:32 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_19

Email us: [email protected] Planner

Click on the links for more information Upcoming events... Got an event? Email us at: [email protected]

Date Event Distance Location Website

October 13 Swisse Colour Run The“happiest” 5kmfun run around will see Stockland participants of all ages andfitness levels covered in Park,Kawana colourbythe timethey’vecompleted the course. Waters

October 13 Sunshine Coast Cycling Club 40km ride. Nth Arm State NorthArm Road Race School, Nth Arm

October19‐20 Bribie Tri Series race one Saturday :Active Kids and Active First Timers – Bribie 100m swim/3km cycle/500m,200mswim/5km cycle/1kmrun, 250mswim/6kmcycle/2km run. Sunday:Short ‐300m swim/10km cycle/3km run; Long ‐ 750m swim/20m cycle/5km run.

October 20 Caloundra Community Bank Short: 300mswim/10km ride /3km run. KeithHill Park Just Tri It Series Long: 600m swim/20kmride/6kmrun. Golden Beach, Caloundra

October20 XtremeOCR League race Intermediate:1.5km 25 obstacles (125melevation). Landsborough two Open: 3.0km50obstacles(250m elevation). Masters:3.0km 50 obstacles (250melevation). Elite: 4.5km 75 obstacles (375melevation).

October27 Zoo Run 5kmor2km fun runthrough AustraliaZoo to raise Beerwah money for Wildlife Warriors.

October 30‐ Noosa Triathlon Multi Sport Olympic distance triathlon,aswell as a1km ocean Noosa Heads November3 Festival swim,and arun/swim/run event.

November 10 Caloundra Community Bank Short: 300mswim/10km ride /3km run. KeithHill Park, Just Tri It Series Long: 600m swim/20kmride/6kmrun. Caloundra

November 15‐16 18 hour Dark Side Champs Startsatmidnight Friday and finishes at 6pm on Novotel Twin Saturday. Hardcore adventure raceformat Waters includingnavigation, up to 70km mountain biking, 40km trail running, up to 10km kayaking and challenges covering up to 120kmcross country.

November 15‐16 MountainDesigns 12hr Novices, newcomers and thosewho prefer their Novotel Twin Dawn Attack adventure in thelight to come along and takeona Waters 70km,including up to 40km mountain biking, up to 20km trail running, up to 8kmpaddling, with up to 12 hourstofinish thedistance

November 17 HerveyBay 100 2kmswim,80kmride, 18kmrun. Scarness Foreshore

November 24 Rainbow BeachTrail Runs 43km,25kmand 11km trailruns. Rainbow Beach

November 24 XtremeOCR League race Intermediate:1.5km 25 obstacles (125melevation). Landsborough three. Open: 3.0km50obstacles(250m elevation). Masters:3.0km 50 obstacles (250melevation). Elite: 4.5km 75 obstacles (375melevation).

Events planner continued next page. Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013 Page 19 User: Grant.Edwards Time: 10-07-2013 08:32 Product: SMM PubDate: 09-10-2013 Page: EDITORIAL_20

Planner Email us: [email protected]

Click on the links for more information Upcoming events... Got an event? Email us at: [email protected]

Date Event Distance Location Website

November 29 Coast Crusade Mooloolaba Ultimateurban adventure race,three hours. Teams Mooloolaba of two navigatetheir way throughthe Sunshine Coast suburbs collecting “Checkpoints” using the maps provided. They can run, walk or use public transportand there is no setcourse. November 30‐ Bribie Tri Series race two Saturday: Active Kids and ActiveFirst Timers: 100m Bribie Island December1 swim/3km cycle/500m run;200mswim/5km cycle/1kmrun, 250mswim/6kmcycle/2km run. Ocean swim,500m or 2km. Sunday: Short ‐ 300m swim/10km cycle/3kmrun or Long ‐ 1000m swim/29km cycle/8kmrun. December 22 XtremeOCR League race Intermediate: 1.5km25obstacles (125melevation). Landsborough four. Open: 3.0km50obstacles(250m elevation). Masters: 3.0km50obstacles (250melevation). Elite: 4.5km75obstacles(375m elevation). January 26,2014 XtremeOCR League race Intermediate: 1.5km25obstacles (125melevation). Landsborough five Open: 3.0km50obstacles(250m elevation). Masters: 3.0km50obstacles (250melevation). Elite: 4.5km75obstacles(375m elevation). February 1‐2, Tre‐XCrossTriathlon Series Long: 500m swim ‐ 15km MTB ‐ 6kmtrail run. Twin Waters 2014 Short: 350mswim ‐ 10km MTB ‐ 4kmtrail run. Teaser: 150m swim ‐ 5kmMTB ‐ 1kmtrail run. February 2, 2014 Gatorade Queensland Tri QTS ‐ 400m swim, 15km cycle, 4km run. Caloundra Series Round 6 ENTICER ‐ 200m swim,5km cycle, 2kmrun. KOOL KIDS ‐ 100m swim, 2kmcycle, 400m run. February 8‐9, Bribie Tri Series race three Saturday: Active Kids and Active First Timers: 100m Bribie 2014 swim/3km cycle/500m run;200mswim/5km cycle/1kmrun, 250mswim/6kmcycle/2km run. Oceanswim:500m or 2km. Sunday: 300m swim/10km cycle/3kmrun. February 16, Mooloolaba Mile Ocean 1.6km, 800m or 300mocean swim. Mooloolaba 2014 swim Main Beach

February 23, XtremeOCR League racesix Intermediate: 1.5km25obstacles (125melevation). Landsborough 2014 Open: 3.0km50obstacles(250m elevation). Masters: 3.0km50obstacles (250melevation). Elite: 4.5km75obstacles(375m elevation). March1‐2, 2014 Bribie Tri Series race four Saturday: Active Kids and Active First Timers:100m Bribie Island swim/3km cycle/500m run;200mswim/5km cycle/1kmrun, 250mswim/6kmcycle/2km run. Oceanswim:500m or 2km. Sunday: Short ‐ 300m swim/10km cycle/3kmrun or Long –750mswim, 20km cycle, 5km run. March 9, 2014 Kings of the Coast Oceanswimover3.8km,2km,1km or 300m kids Kings Beach dash. March 14‐16, Mooloolaba Triathlon Friday night: 5kmrun. Saturday:oceanswim, Mooloolaba 2014 Festival Superkiz Triathlonand Mooloolaba Special Triathlon. Sunday: Olympic‐distance triathlon. March 15,2014 Kathmandu Adventure Mountainbiking,kayaking, trailrunning andsimple Sunshine Series navigation. Coast

April20, 2014 Wild Horse Criterium 70km,50km, 30km,20km, 10km trailruns. Glasshouse Mountains

April26‐27,2014 Noosa UltimateSports Fest Ocean swim: 3.8km, 2km, 1km, and 500m. Noosa Cycle: 160km and 85km. Run: 21.1km,10km or 5km. April26‐27,2014 QueenslandCrossTriathlon Long: 1000mswim ‐ 28km mountain bike ‐ 10.5km Landsborough Champions andQueensland run. Short: 350m swim ‐ 10km MTB ‐ 3.5kmrun. Dirt Fest Teaser: 150m swim ‐ 4kmMTB ‐ 1kmtrail run. Dirt Kids: 50mswim ‐ 3kmMTB ‐ 500m trail run.

Page 20 Sunshine Coast Multisport Mecca, October 9, 2013