Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes
KAPPA ALPHA . At O.U Since 1905 look some of the boys who have perpet- There had to be a starting place and Kappa Al- four houses . Number two was where the Boomer To at pha was it. It was in 1905 that the fraternity sys- Theater is now on Campus Corner ; three was at uated these traditions in K. A., we find Fletcher S. tem was introduced on the University campus . Nor- the corner of Boyd and Monnett, and the present Riley, l76a, justice of the State Supreme Court; man was pretty spread out, then, and the infant location is at the corner of College and Cruee. Carl Albert, '31ba, Congressman, Third District University wasn't an elaborate thing to look at, but Bob Wagner, student from McAlester, now di- of Oklahoma ; Jack Jacobs, '38-'42, Green Bay chapter people were proud of it . rects the affairs of the fraternity as its Packers backfield star ; Dave Wallace, '43, who is The K. A. house in those early clays over 40 president. Vice-president is Herbert "Buddy" West, back in school and was place-kick specialist on last years ago was located on the plot of ground now Meridian, Mississippi, and Jim McIntosh, Durant, is year's varsity team ; Benton Ferguson, '316a, ad- house manager. occupied by the Episcopal Church on Asp. Charter secretary. Jerry Keen, Norman, is vertising agency, Oklahoma City, and George No- . members were G. B. "Deac" Parker, '08ba, edi- Among the traditions of Beta Eta chapter of K.A lan, '19, First National Bank, Norman . tor-in-chief of Scripps-Howard Newspapers, Wash- is the annual Dixie Dance.
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