
The Postulates of Quantum

There are six p ostulates of


The state of a quantum mechanical system is completely sp ecied by the function rt that dep ends on

the co ordinates of the particle r and the time t This function is called the wavefunction or state function

and has the prop ertythat rtrtd is the probability that the particle lies in the volume element

d lo cated at r and time t

This is the probabalistic interpretation of the wavefunction As a result the wavefunction must satisfy the

condition that nding the particle somewhere in space is and this gives us the normalisation condition



The other conditions on the wavefunction that arise from the probabilistic interpretation are that it must

be singlevalued continuous and nite We normally write wavefunctions with a normalisation constant



To every observable in there corresp onds a linear Hermitian op erator in quantum


This p ostulate comes from the that the exp ectation value of an op erator that corresp onds to

an observable must b e real and therefore the op erator must b e Hermitian Some examples of Hermitian

op erators are

Observable Classical Symbol Quantum Op erator Op eration

p osition r r multiply by r

j k p p ihi

x y z


kinetic energy T T

m x y z

p otential energy V r V r multiply by V r


V r total energy E H

m x y z

angular momentum l l ihy z

x x

z y

l ihz l x

y y

x z

l ihx y l

z z

y x


In any of the observable asso ciated with op erator A the only values that will ever b e observed

are the eigenvalues a that satisfy the eigenvalue equation


This is the p ostulate that the values of dynamical variables are quantized in quantum mechanics although

it is p ossible to have a continuum of eigenvalues in the case of unbound states If the system is in an

eigenstate of A with eigenvalue a then any measurement of the quantity A will always yield the value a

Although measurementwillalways yield a value the initial state do es not have to b e an eigenstate of A

An arbitrary state can b e expanded in the complete set of eigenvectors of A A a as

i i i




i i


where n maygo to innity In this case measurementof A will yield one of the eigenvalues a but we


dont knowwhichone The probability of observing the eigenvalue a is given by the absolute value of the


square of the co ecient jc j The third p ostulate also implies that after the measurement of yields


some value a the wavefunction col lapses into the eigenstate that corresp onds to a If a is degenerate

i i i i

collapses onto the degenerate subspace Thus the act of measurement aects the state of the system and

this has b een used in many elegant exp erimental explorations of quantum mechanics eg Bells theorem


If a system is in a state describ ed by the normalised wavefunction then the average value of the

observable corresp onding to A is given by


A d A


The wavefunction or state function of a system evolves in time according to the timedep endentSchrodinger


H rtih



The total wavefunction must be antisymmetric with resp ect to the interchange of all co ordinates of one

fermion with those of another Electronic must b e included in this set of co ordinates

The Pauli exclusion principle is a direct result of this antisymmetry p ostulate