Clinton Independent. WOL XXXIV.—NO 40 8 T
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Clinton Independent. WOL XXXIV.—NO 40 8 T. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY. JULY 19, 1900. WHOLE NO.—1759 BREVITIES. COMPLETE JUSTICE VIEWS OF AN OLD VET. DEWITT VILLAGE BINGHAM CAUCUS. BANCROFT’S SCHOOL Geo. D. Smith ’s condition is slightly In Every Township In Clinton County—A He Believes in the Honoring of the Flag. Crowded With Modern Woodmen and A Rare flrst-Class Opportunity For Defl- i improved, lie rests easier. Appointed Seven Delegates to Attsnd Their Friends. clent Pupils to Catch Up. The Clinton county fair will be held Valuable Reference Table For People. the Sparing of the L<>e< of the Fair the Clinton County Democratic Con -at St. Johns, September 25-28. As may be seen from the following Sons and the Preservation of Our About 50 members of St. Johns camp vention. J. E. Bancroft, an acknowledged of Modern Woodmen of America ac John B. Cross, of Ovid, has had his table every township in Clinton coun American Institutions. The Democratic caucus for Bingham first-class instructor in the eighth pension increased to $10 a month. ty is now fully represented by four companied by their ladies attended grade of our nubile schools, will, on “The Chinese viceroys are In mueh the the great Woodman demonstration at township was held at the Engine Monday next. July 23, 1900, at8 o ’clock Edgar Walker, charged with burg qualified Justices of the Peace. The same pickle as the democrats over the 10 to I House. £t. Johns, July 18th, 1900, to table gives the name of each, postoftlce issue. The IVklu government has notified DeWltt. July 12th at which time 46 a. m., in the eighth grade rooms, open lary, was last week bound over to them to enlist troops to fight the foreigners, candidates secured ny Special Deputy elect seven delegates to the Democratic a summer school for deficient pupils, circuit court. address and date of expiration of term: and that they will be held responsible for County Convention, to be held at the loss of territory. On the other hand they P. A. Ralston were initiated into the who have fallen behind their class Mrs. Jacob Foerch, of this village, stand a good chance of being suddenly mysteries of Woodcraft. Court House, July 21st, 1900. mates in their studies, through sick Justus B. Saxton ....... Bath ...... .July 3. ’81 Caucus called to order by L. D. Parr, Is slowly but surely wasting away amid (Jo thrashed by the foreigners. It’s u ease of The evenings entertainment com ness or other reasons. His charges Isaac M Dryer............. Bath "they will be d—d If they do, and d— d If chairman of township caucus. the ravages of consumption. James Sweeney ......... Hath . do ’ID they don ’t." menced promptly at 8 in the evening, will be reasonable and every agreement Hurry E. Moore... ...... ..Bath ........ do 'IB when the street parade, under tlie Moved and supported that J. Earle fulfilled to tlie letter. A goodly num Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Jack- Editor Independent Through BENGAL. command of neighbor Prosper Sloan, Brown act as chairman. ber have already registered their way in the north part of this town Charles E. Rlakeslee St. Johns do *91 the above article, clipped from the De Moved and supported that E. E. ship, Saturday morning. July 14, 1900, William E. Etdrldge. St. Johns do ’92 troit Tribune of July 5tli, the writer chief marshal, and headed by tlie De names for sucli instructions. witt Maroon andGunnisonville bands, Urie aet as secretary. a nine pound son. Charles H Seibert St,. Johns do *33 is, In a feeble way, trying to cast odi On motion the chairman appointed Orauicl C. Whitaker. St. Johns do ’94 followed by the Lansing degree team, List of Jeff Baines has concluded to put his um upon the constituents of the Unit Joseph Shindorf as teller. Letters. BINGHAM. P. A. Ralston and bis victims, the De. Remaining in the 1 ’ostoffleo at St. Johns brick building up three stories, now in Willard B. Lyon ed States, and is trying to impress it Moved and supported that the rules Mich.. July 17, 1900: the course of construction at the lower St. Johns do •1)1 wltt degree team and several hundred Warren G. Williams St. Johns do ’92 upon tlie intelligent voters that the be suspended, and that tlie delegates Bush. Mrs. M. T. Miller, Mrs. R. J. end of Clinton avenue. Riley J. Woodruff . St. Johns do ’93 Republican party is without a flaw, members of the order. After tlie parade the Woodman re be elected by acclamation. Brown. Miss Kate Patterson. Mrs. I). D. The June term of the Circuit Court George H. Marshall . ..St. Johns. do ’94 ana that the Democratic party is a On motion tlie secretary was in Benhorn. Mr. Krcssie Parker, Mr Ben DALLAS. tired to tlie Masonic hall and witness Ferris, I’rof. C. E. Itohinson, Mr. Matt for Clinton county, entered upon an myth. His sympathy is like that of structed to cast the vote of the caucus Fay. Mrs. E. A. Richardson, II. J. Harrison Sutton ........ Fowler . ... do *81 a small boy, who, while walking along ed the exemplification of tlie Wood Griffin, Mr. Dan other vacation last Saturday to last Charles J. Weltzel___ . Fowler do ’92 man ritual by the officers and degree for each delegate. Schrlver, Mrs. Carl until about the middle of August. Archie S. Parks........ ..Fowler...... do ’93 the road with a large spade under his The following were delegate: John Hill. Mrs. Martin A. Smith, Troy P. team of Lansing camps. During this Kelfer, Jos. Wa I bridge, Mr. F. The association of Michigan Adven Joshua T. Wood._...... Fowler ...... do '94 arm, spied a lone worm crawling in II. Fedewa, Lyman D. Parr, John M. Letter, Mr. James DE WITT. front of him. As he looked at the time the Royal Neighbors gave the tists will hold their annual camp following program at the Baptist DeWitt, Harlan P. Keys, J. Earle WILLi H. BRUNSON P. M. Prosper E Sloan ......... ..Gunnlsonville do '91 worm tears filled his eyes. He was Brown, Eli S. Adams, Emory E. Urie. meeting for 19(H) in Ionia. The date Gottlob Scliray.......... North Lansing do ’92 church. has been fixed for the first week in J. Warren Gunnison. DeWitt .... do •93 full of sympathy for the worm In its Selection —Dewitt and («unnlsonvllle hands. Moved and supported that each del ANNOUNCEMENTS. August. Victor Clavey ............. ..DeWltt..... do •94 lonely condition. As it proceeded on Reading. "An Old Man's Soliloquy ”—Miss egate be empowered to select a substi DUPLAIN. its way he said “a single poor Etta Webb. tute in case any delegate cannot at The M. E. Aid society, of Greenliush. will The supervisors of Gratiot county Solo, "Sing Me a Song of the South ”—Miss Benjamin B. Tucker Duplain .. do ’01 lone little worm, all alone by its lone tend. J. Earle Brown . meet Hiursday afternoon, July 26. Invi have been called to meet Saturday, Minnie Emmons. St. Johns. tation to all. Melvin W. Dunham Elsie........ do •92 self. I’ll just take tills spade and cut Encore —"Way Down on the Ohio. Chairman. Ju'y 21, for the purpose of letting the Peter Hess ............. Duplain do •93 The M. E. Aid society, of Bengal, wil give you in two that your may have some Recitation, "Little May’’—Miss Josephine E. E. Ear ie, Secretary. contractor bullang tne court house. George W. Bates....... .Elsie.......... do ’94 Pearce. t 8 °dftl Wednesday evening, EAGLE. body toJ>)ey with. ” Duet. “Ah Could I Teach the Nightengale" July 25th, Every body come. The sealed b :ds are advertised to be Tlie Tribune ’s sympathy is like the open the 20th. William R. Ilowe ........Eagle. —Misses Emmons and Judd, St. Johns. The Bengal and Riley Baptist Aid society William II. Holmes ......Grand Ledge do boy ’s. He wants to take the gold ax. Recitation, “The Boy of a Family"—Mas LINES will meet with Mrs. Allen Walker. July 2ft. Fred Harvev, a transient, was be Robert W. David......... Eagle............. do and cut our prosperity in two, that ’ the ter Gerry Dills. at one o ’clock. Every body invited. Alpheus W. Borough .Fugle............ do Duet. "Lend a Helping Hand, Speak a The Bengal Union Aid Society will meet fore Justice Lyon Tuesday morning, home and foreign expansionists may Pleasant Word”—Vera and Ira Henderson. ESSEX. Composed by Mrs. Ella S. I’lke, of Riley, with Mrs. Ed. Lyon, Wednesday, July 25. at charged with drunkenness, lie pleaded have somebody to play with. Tlie Recitation, "Snowbound" —Miss Beryle 1 o clock p. tn. A cordial luvitution is ex guilty and was sentenced to pay a tine Richard H. Caruss....... St.Johns do Linn. aiul Read at the Woodman ’* Demon tended to all. James Anderson .........Maple Rapids do Republican fever is not as contagious Instrumental Solo, "Carnation Waltz’’— of $5 and cost, or 30 days in jail. In Noel H. Allen ............. Maple Rapids do as it was in the past. Mark Hanna Miss Edith Stamfly. stration at DeWltt July 13th. On July 22d the Rev. C. C. Conley, of De default of the price he went to Jail to Dennis Wright, Jr.........Maple Rapids do Original Poem —Mrs. Ella S. Pike. troit will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist lias got a dose of Quay preventive that We’re Woodmans ’ wives and daughters, liquidate. OltEESRCSU. Solo, " A Rose In Heaven, ”—Mrs. Dr. San church, St. Johns. All are invited to come will prevent him and his tool, McKin ford.