Inside Report September/October 2005

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Inside Report September/October 2005

Inside Report September/October 2005

Page 10 Young Hearts by Anthony Lester very excited about the upcoming ’05 Revive! program in downplaying their innate creativity, curiosity, and intelligence. If we I’m Fort Worth this November. First, the venue is not that far treat them as though they’ll lose interest if the message isn’t framed from where I first heard about Amazing Facts and was baptized into around big productions or isn’t mimicking the latest cultural trends, God’s family. It’s going to be great returning to the place where my won’t they think themselves too shallow to desire for the deeper faith in the God of the Bible began! knowledge of Christ? However, most of my anticipation for ’05 Revive! comes from what One reason advertisers are so anxious to use “worldly” attractions to happened during Oh For Revival! That series touched countless hearts, draw our youth is because they do work so well. But look at what that and I still get letters and e-mails praising God for how it inspired advertising is for! God has something different than what the carnal people to rededicate their lives to the Lord. A friend of mine, Chris, “trendy” world offers, so why advertise His message to young people says Oh For Revival! changed his life. It changed my life too. ’05 like it’s popular culture? Might it send a confusing message? Revive! is only going to be better. This isn’t about worship style or music in church. No, this is about Now I was 27 when evangelist Brian McMahon came to preach how we think of our youth. Why are we ready to discount their in my hometown, the first time Amazing Facts changed my life. ability to perceive God in deeper ways, when God says otherwise? When I walked in the door, I let my skeptical side take front and “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit center, ready to reject anything that was said. I put up a big wall, upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, making fun of everything from the “old people” decorations to the … your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28; see also Acts 2:17). “conservative” music. You merely need to come see the makeup of one of our AFCOE But when Brian picked up his Bible and began to preach, it took less training courses to see how God is already using young people to than 30 minutes for my life to be completely transformed. What is share the gospel in these last-days. remarkable is that I was chin deep in the world, feeding constantly on One of Pastor Doug’s sermons during Oh For Revival! helped me entertainment exploding with sensory overload. A Christian in name to re-evaluate some of the possessions that did little for my spiritual only, my life was covered with a blanket of sin that I didn’t feel com- walk. They might have been entertaining, but I gave them up as a pelled to leave behind. I was young and totally caught up in the world. sacrifice to eternal life. I have no doubt that our youth will do the Then the truth set me free. same, if we trust God enough to give them that opportunity. I can tell you this too: It was nothing but the truth. No special Bring your youth to ’05 Revive! and allow God to speak to their effects, no rhythmic soundtrack, no dimmed lights, nor anything else hearts simply but powerfully. You’ll be amazed how much even your would have added to or aided my life-changing experience that night. youngest will comprehend without the distractions we often think The plain, unaltered, straightforward Word of God was all that it they need to stay awake and involved. took to save my soul. Keep the faith. I bring this up because some people have said that youth, whether they’re 12, 18, or 25, won’t respond to anything if we don’t dress it up for them just so. I disagree, especially when it comes to God’s Word. So long as the subject matter resonates in their lives, they’ll respond enthusiastically to God’s will for them. Think I’m wrong? One of the most poignant moments of Oh For Revival! was when a group of young people gathered around Pastor Doug to ask about their duty to Christ. It was wonderful to see so many youth inspired from sermons presented simply but firmly. And when a pre- teen recently called the ministry about the Final Events DVD, he raved more about the numerous Bible verses used than the special effects. Our young people don’t need something more than the truth to attract them, and we need to avoid

INSIDE2 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 INSIDE REPORT VOL. 23, NO.5 PRESIDENT/SPEAKER Contents DOUG BATCHELOR EDITOR ANTHONY LESTER ART DESIGN/LAYOUT 22Reviving Dry Bones HALEY TRIMMER s No matter how dried up and worthless your faith can feel, COPYEDITORS ARLENE CLARK GodGod ccanan rrestoreestore vibrantvibrant lifelife toto youryour relationshiprelationship withwith Him.Him. LU ANN CREWS STEVEN WINN Find out how in this classic aarticlerticle fromfrom PastorPastor Doug!Doug! Inside Report is a bimonthly t publication of Amazing Facts, Inc. It is provided free of charge to the Feature friends and supporters of Amazing Facts on request. Contributors to 6’05Revive! the ministry will continue to receive Inside Report for six months from ’05 Revive! Drawing Near is just around the the date of their most recent gift.

corner ... are you ready? See what it takes to be P.O. BOX 1058

an effective soldier for the Lord and why the key n ROSEVILLE, CA 95678-8058 PHONE: 916-434-3880 to evangelism and Christ’s return is true revival FAX: 916-434-3889 in His last-day church. The story of Gideon will INTERNET: WWW.AMAZINGFACTS.ORG motivate you and your congregation to receive E-MAIL: [email protected] and be fi lled with God’s Holy Spirit! Amazing Facts is a nonprofi t Christian ministry that utilizes literature, radio, television, the internet, and public evangelism 10The Empowered Church e to bring the saving truths of Jesus Christ to a lost world. For In churches everywhere, God’s light is just barely shining. its operation, Amazing Facts Discover how our new AFCOE program will help churches depends on the gifts and prayers of become soul-winning centers on fi re for the Lord! concerned, likeminded Christians. t FREE FROM 15Bible Answers AMAZING FACTS Amazing Facts offers a free 27-lesson What is acceptable for Christians when it comes to dancing? Bible course. To enroll, log on to and click on “Bible School.” Or to take the course 9Witnessing Corner free through the mail, just send us your name, address, and phone

Learn how others are using Final Events and other n number and specify that you would like to begin the course. (Printed ministry resources to reach people in their commu- lessons are in English and are nities and everywhere else. available only in Canada, the United States, and their territories.) A free, color catalog of materials 20Revival in Indonesia sold by Amazing Facts is available Revival is breaking out all over the world. Heidi on request. It contains information and prices on all books, McMahon reports from Southeast Asia! videotapes, CDs, audiotapes, and o Regular Features other soul-winning materials available through the ministry. 4Mail Bag 30Health Bite For more information, please call 26Meet the Team Amazing Facts Don’t let fall and winter keep Monday through Thursday you from breaking a sweat. 27Evangelism Update 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Pacifi c.

Get good reasons why you need 14Behind the Scenes Inside Report is printed at to keep your heart in shape 28Special Recognition Pacifi c Press in Nampa, Idaho. every day. Contents C

INSIDE REPORT SEPT3/OCT 2005 Canadian Gratitude Oh For Revival! Worldwide Television Thank you! That is really the best thing This series was a blessing from God! I have I am a regular I can say. I found you by accident one day been listening to it the second time around, listener of your when I asked God for help, and He brought and I want to thank you for bringing truth program through me to you. I am at best a to all the people in the world. I am originally FETV, and I baby Christian right now, from Germany, and my heart is overflowing have learned and your Bible teachings with joy that so many people here and in a lot about are indispensable. I have Germany have a chance to hear the whole Christianity, great respect for your truth as it is written in God’s Word! Hawaii which in turn I abilities as a teacher, and I thought the least have taught others I could do was to drop you a line thanking Revival Makes a Difference whenever possible. you for the enormous gift you have given me. We are thirsty to know I am currently following the Bible study I just have to share with you more about God and the Bible. Tanzania course as well, and I am very grateful for it. the exciting things that have I am always amazed at what He brings into happened since the Oh For I bring you warm greetings in the precious my life when I ask with my heart. Canada Revival! My husband gave his name of Jesus our Savior. Very recently, I heart to Jesus after the program. had the privilege to watch Amazing Facts on International Sabbath School We have been praying for him FETV. I was greatly blessed by the lessons Our church follows the Amazing Facts for eight years, and he has had a on baptism and needed to learn them before Central Study Hour on 3ABN every Friday, real struggle due to his Vietnam being baptized. Ethiopia and we record each one on videotape. Your experience. He has been in and program helps us to grow spiritually and out of the church, but this time I am a Filipino Christian working in Qatar, gives great ideas to our own teacher. We all and I thank you for having your programs on want to thank you for this! I wish you every there was a real difference. He threw away all of his worldly CDs here in the Middle East. I have been watching success for your ministry. Madagascar and am so blessed to have the Word of God and he has become a explained. Qatar An Amazing Facts Family real gentleman. I would like to thank this wonderful Indiana Study Hour Power ministry. My wife and I were baptized three- As part of our family and-a-half years ago as a result of studying worship, my family with your ministry and our church family. watches your Sabbath Our daughter was also baptized after school every Saturday studying and learning from your Amazing morning. Each week we Facts geared for look forward to it, and each week we are children. We greatly blessed. But I just had to write all have studied and thank Pastor Doug for the lesson on the Storacles of Editor’s Note: Want more revival? Be sure to repentance. How refreshing! One rarely hears Prophecy as well. watch ’05 Revive! Drawing Near this November! anymore those soul-stirring messages that Thanks once again It’s going to be another great opportunity for put you on your knees for a deeper and richer for sharing the truth genuine soul-searching and reformation with experience in Jesus Christ. Never tone down of the gospel with so our Christian brothers and sisters all around the the message, but keep it going stronger! Keep many. South Carolina world. See page 7 for more details! up the good work. E-mail

Inside Report welcomes all correspondence regarding the magazine and other Amazing Facts ministries. Letters and other materials sent to Amazing Facts may be used—in whole or in part and edited for content, grammar, and readability—in future publications unless otherwise requested. We thank you for your thoughts, suggestions, and financial and prayer support in our endeavor to reach others for Jesus and equip them to do likewise.

INSIDE4 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!’ ” This mighty angel adds a special power, conviction, and impact to the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. Amazing Facts is dedicated to helping share these messages with the world, to vindicate God’s character, which has been smeared in the great controversy between good and evil. Many of our ministry friends have asked how they can assist Amazing Facts in sharing this powerful message of transforming love, beyond regular monthly donations. They want to know how they can support the work of revealing God’s true nature and His message of righteousness by faith, a message that reveals the stunning contrast One of the most awesome and defi nitive chapters in the Bible is between Jesus’ selfl ess love and the self-serving love of sin. An Paul’s great essay on love, 1 Corinthians 13. Amazing Facts gift annuity just might be the perfect solution. A gift annuity will enable you to share God’s message of mercy with “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, a troubled world—while also providing you the security of a lifetime but have not love, I have become as sounding brass or a income. A gift annuity is a cash or stock irrevocable gift that will clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, provide you with: and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, oP A secure, guaranteed, fi xed rate of income for life but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all oP An immediate tax deduction my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to oP An annual income, partially tax-free be burned, but have not love, it profi ts me nothing. Love oP And the fulfi llment of your charitable intent suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, For additional information Single Life Rate of Return does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; on how you can make a does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears lasting impact for the great all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all commission, call our 55 5.5% things. Love never fails” (NKJV). Planned Giving Department 60 5.7% using the toll-free number 65 6.0% Paul goes on by speaking about how temporary and fl eeting our 1-800-436-2695, ext. 3005 70 6.5% talents, knowledge, and gifts are in the breadth of eternity and the for John or ext. 3039 for Judy. 75 7.1% power of our Creator, but that these three things would always 80 8.0% remain—faith, hope, and love. “But the greatest of these is love.” 85 9.5% This kind of love can come only from heaven. It is a power that 90 11.3% brings total submission and obedience to our lives and affects Minimum Gift Amounts our every word and action toward others. It compels us to Single-Life: $5,000 share heaven’s love and God’s saving grace with others in every Two-Life: $10,000 way possible. It is also said that when Jesus’ name is spoken in love and truth, Amazing Facts offers a FREE angels draw near. One inspired writer tells us that angels are always weeklyweekly e-maile-mail a andnd w websiteebsite serviceservice anxiously waiting to cooperate with us in sharing the gospel message. thatthat providesprovides vitalvital informationinformation forfor wisewise estate-estate- Indeed, Revelation 18:1–3 speaks of an angel coming to the earth planning, social security, retirement, fi nancial updates, and much with great power to warn the world of impending doom. “I saw more—all within the framework of good Christian living. Go to another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, to sign up today and get practical advice on and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried mightily being the best steward of God’s precious resources. with a loud voice, saying, ‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and

INSIDE REPORT SEPT5/OCT 2005 Editor’s Note: In November 2004, Amazing Facts and 3ABN presented Oh For Revival!, a stirring series of messages from Pastor Doug Batchelor that led tens of thousands of Christians around the world to genuine revival. The response was me wrong. This ultimate solution is so extraor- overwhelming, with thousands of phone calls, letters, and dinary that it will be our study for all eternity, e-mails sharing stories of changed lives and requesting more but it is also simple enough that none need outreaches to the Christian community. miss the opportunity to take hold of it. Again in partnership with 3ABN, Amazing Facts is heeding Likewise, we find simplicity when God called the call with ’05 Revive! Drawing Near, a revival designed to Gideon. (You can read the detailed story in re-ignite the church with the flame of God’s Spirit and to reach out Judges 6, but for now, please accept my to those who have lost their first love and no longer worship with paraphrase.) God said, “Gideon, come join us. Revival in the church is still desperately needed! We hope you me in my work. I am going to defeat the will join us for 10 days of heartfelt soul-searching and prayer. See armies of my enemy. Will you join me?” the ad on the next page for details on how you can be a part of this After some faith struggles on his part, extraordinary event! Gideon finally agreed to go with God.

By Jim Ayer, N. American Event Coordinator we sat waiting for darkness to fall and the sky to light An Unusual Battle Plan up with a Fourth of July pyrotechnic display, we Gideon gathered thousands of men began people watching. The evening sessions of the for battle, but then God did something General Conference were over, and we finally had a chance to strange. He said, “You have relax. Sitting on the bank of the Mississippi in front of the fa- too many men to accomplish mous St. Louis Arch, we saw a sea of humanity—an estimated the work. If your army is too 350,000 people celebrating Independence Day. Yet doubtless, large, you will take the most of them were spiritually imprisoned and without hope. credit for victory. So Indeed, we could see it in their faces and in their actions. choose those who are ready “How can we reach all of these people?” I asked my wife. to fight without reserve, “How can the work ever be finished?” It seemed as though eager to do battle for me, and send everyone else back home.” this vast army of souls could swallow us up. We had no answers If you were Gideon, what would you be thinking? “Lord, do you know then, and it haunted me through the night. how big the enemy’s army is? I had thousands of men, but now our numbers can’t even compare to theirs! They look like hoards of locust A “Simple” Solution across the entire valley! You can’t see a blade of grass because of the But the next day, it hit me. How could I have been so blind? A simple soldiers. How are we going to accomplish the work, Lord, when my Bible story had all the answers to my questions, and it truly can help fighting force is but 300?” solve the problem as only God can. Then what God did next must have caused Gideon’s faith to work in First, let me explain what I mean by “simple.” People tend toward overdrive, reaching out to grab hold of God with all his strength. For finding complex solutions to big problems. Yet the Bible indicates that weapons to fight an evil horde, God gave Gideon only a horn and a clay God moves in another way. For example, take a look at the sin crisis, pot with a burning lamp of oil inside. the universe’s biggest problem. We try to solve it by works. “Great, Lord! What am I going to do with this?” But how did God ultimately solve it? By sending His Son to the “Simple! You’re going to surround the enemy, and at the right mo- cross, the horrors of sin were exposed to the universe, the price of ment, sound the horn and yell, ‘A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!’ sin was paid, and the power to overcome was provided. Don’t get while breaking the pot and revealing the light inside.” It must have

INSIDE6 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 Fort Worth, Texas

November 4-12 Join usfor dynamic spiritual renewal! Author and evangelist Doug Batchelor will break the bread of life in 10 powerful messages designed to enrich the faith experience of every member of Christ’s family. This life-changing series will be broadcast live via 3ABN and ACN/HopeTV. Don’t miss it ... and bring your friends, family, and everyone else you know!

Nightly at 7:00 P.M. Central/Pacific. Will Rogers Memorial Auditorium • 3401 W. Lancaster Avenue • Fort Worth, TX Register Your Site Today! 916-434-3880 INSIDE REPORT SEPT7/OCT 2005 been the strangest, least plausible battle plan to watch you burn with His love! Gideon could imagine. Leonard Ravenhill said that “the Yet after God’s army surrounded the enemy, tragedy of this late hour is that we have they blasted their horns across the valley of too many dead men in the pulpits giving endless soldiers just as God had commanded, and out too many dead sermons to too many smashed their lamps, which burst forth radiating dead people.” Look around our church light at the enemy. Confused by the assault, and you’ll see people doing all kinds of crazy the enemy’s army was easily things to draw people in the front door, and overcome. It was a for a while, it always appears to work. But the resounding victory ultimate results are depressing. for the Lord! In the past five years, for every 100 brought into the Sabbathkeeping church, 35 have left. Soldiers for That’s 11 more who have gone astray than Christ in 2000. God wants us to finish the work by This story has the “simple” solution multiplication, but somehow we are working to our church members’ collective frustration of by division! finishing the work and proclaiming the message to the vast armies Is there any question that we must have of the lost. A few hours earlier in Gideon’s camp, there might have revival if we are to hasten the return of our Savior? been angry discussions regarding the wisdom of the battle plan. But afterward, God’s simple solution worked perfectly: a small group of An Amazing Fact fully committed people sounded the trumpet and revealed the power In Greek mythology, the wealthy Augeaus possessed 12 white bulls of the Holy Spirit. sacred to Hellos. For years, the stalls of these once perfectly white In our battle, God is looking for the same kind of fully committed animals had gone without cleaning. Eurystheus demanded that the people who will listen to Him and remember that the battle is His hero Heracles clean out all of the stalls in just one day, without any to fight and to win. He wants men and women who will take up the help. How could he do this impossible task? Simple … he turned the trumpet and give it that “certain sound” of truth and salvation. Alpheus and Peneus Rivers so they ran right through the stalls, and Remember that every soldier in Gideon’s battle was given a pitcher the raging waters cleaned out all of the filth in no time! An impos- filled with fire, fueled by a reservoir of oil—two symbols of the Holy sible task made simple. Spirit. Victory was assured through the sword of the Lord (dividing This is like the power of the true God. We are so incurably dirty truth from error), the clear blast of the trumpet (God’s Word), and that we can’t possibly get clean on our own. So the mighty river of the revealed fire (the Holy Spirit). the Holy Spirit flows through us and in a moment, we’re cleaned and revived—purer lives where there was once only the stench of decay! A Call to Arms for Every Christian D. M. Panton wrote, “Revival is the inrush of the Holy Spirit into the Are you willing to be a soldier of the Lord? body that threatens to become a corpse.” A.W. Pink wrote, “O that we were more deeply moved by the lan- Is it “simple” to keep our spiritual body from rotting? It is! But this guishing state of Christ’s cause upon the earth today, by the inroads plan depends on you and me saying, “Yes.” Desire is good, but action of the enemy and the awful desolation he has wrought. … Alas that on our part is also required. We must make a positive effort to gain a spirit of indifference, or at least of fatalistic stoicism, is freezing so victory—and according to James 4:7, 8, that’s a “simple” process too: many of us.” “Therefore submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee Are you frozen? Does your Christian experience seem meaningless, from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (NKJV). yet you still want to attract people for the Lord? Without the fire of J.I. Brice warned, “The church has halted somewhere between the Spirit, you can’t do anything. Are you on fire? How about your Calvary and Pentecost.” Where are you? church? Is it on fire? If you would rise up and say to God, “Here I am, Lord. Use me,” People are always attracted to fire—whether it’s watching firemen make no mistake, God will fill you with the mighty power of the Holy put one out or around a bonfire. That’s why God needs your life and Spirit and His gospel will be preached to the entire world. Then the church to be set on fire by the Holy Spirit, so that people will come end will come, and we will go home. It’s just that simple!

INSIDE8 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 I found myself without any real joy in life, even though I had nothing to worry about according to the world’s standards. I was a certified public accountant, owned my own successful business, taci Osterman, a Bible worker in and had a loving, caring wife and four boys. Yet as I became more Michigan, is having phenomenal and more bitter with my life, I began a spiral descent toward self- success with the Final Events of destruction. My wife had prayed endlessly for the first six years of Bible Prophecy DVD. In fact, she our marriage; however, she was exhausted and ready to call it quits. was even asked to teach two classes at the Michigan camp meeting Yet the Holy Spirit spoke clearly to her heart and she made a promise to help others learn how to distribute the 100,000 copies ordered to the Lord to pray and fast until her husband found Jesus! by her conference. There were a lot of people praying for me, especially a guy named Here’s how Staci gets a copy of Final Events into the hands of Dave from Pine Bluff, Arkansas. He worked with my wife, and she told everyday people. First, she goes door-to-door with a simple eight- me about her co-workers who seemed like genuine Christians, but she question survey about the Bible and the end-times. The last question also said there was this one strange thing—they went to church on asks if they would be interested in learning what the Bible says about Saturday. I ignored her invitation, but God had a wonderful plan in the last days. Second, anyone who marks yes is given the opportunity store anyway. Dave made several attempts over a year to contact me, to borrow the DVD for a week, and most accept the offer. but I always managed to avoid him, until one day he drove 30 miles Staci then follows up, revisiting the home with a new questionnaire. to my house. When he asked if I would be interested in Bible studies, She says that the DVD helps people warm up to her, because they love I finally relented. My wife said, “Hallelujah!” We began studying the the program and have questions about what they have seen. After that, Bible in November 2004 and we were baptized earlier this year. it’s easy to sign them up for more in-depth Bible studies. Dave and his wife Lisa became our best friends, and we depended One lady was very distressed after seeing the video, saying, “I’m on them for our newfound spiritual journey. Tragically, Lisa was lost!” Her recognition of the sins in her life helped open the door killed in an auto accident and Dave died shortly after. I knew that I for Bible studies. One time when Staci returned to pick up the DVD, had to pick up the mantle and share the good news of Jesus Christ the borrower had to track it down since it had been passed around with everyone I came in contact with. among different people. And a pastor of a non-Sabbathkeeping Pictured left church got a hold of one and shared it with his church! to right are Staci says that her church group can distribute 15 to 20 DVDs in Dr. Ferdinand just one afternoon! We thank God for teaming up Amazing Facts and Samuel, Dave Staci to help spread His end-time message to the world. Please pray Voth, my wife for Staci’s ongoing ministry, and if you have a story about how you Cindy, myself, or your church is using Final Events or any other ministry resources and Gary Manley. to reach others, please write us today! Dr. Samuel and Gary came with Dave to our house for many Bible Ricky Mercer was recently baptized into the Sabbathkeeping studies. church. He writes in about how God is using Amazing Facts The Lord has delivered me from the power of every besetting sin materials to help in his walk with Christ. that consumed me, thanks in part to Amazing Facts resources. I am e have been richly blessed by Amazing Facts ministry’s on fire for Jesus! My mother has also joined us in fellowship at our books, prophecy meetings on video, magazines, Study Sabbathkeeping church. Praise God! Guides, and evangelist Tyler Long! We have received tremendous support in our church family, and My testimony is of a total conversion from 43 years in darkness, and we are grateful for the encouragement we got from Amazing Facts the Lord has forgiven me of much! My life consisted of pleasing Ricky evangelist Tyler Long and his wife LaVonne. Their meetings really Mercer, and that meant doing whatever I wanted, when I wanted. cemented everything we had learned. We appreciate all that the I always intended to be a good person, but one sin led to another and both of them did to enhance and cultivate our spiritual growth. before I knew it, I had a mountain of them, including drugs, alcohol, Please pray for me as I want to serve the Lord full time, but need His cigarettes, and lust. Each sin captivated my life in various degrees. guidance on what avenue to take.

INSIDE REPORT SEPT9/OCT 2005 By Jëan Ross, Director of AFCOE, and Anthony Lester, Managing Editor

hen Christ came to establish His church, He envisioned a evangelism. (The epitome of this kind of church in Jesus’ time was bulwark of faith so powerful that the “gates of hell [would] the Jewish leaders who sought to stifle Christ and His followers.) not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). His church—His Another mentality of the church is the “resort” church, whose Warmy, armed with the Word of God—was to be proactive and motto can be summed up with “please at any cost.” They’ve come to passionate in breaking through the devil’s strongholds, to shine accept that bigger must be better and adjust their teachings to enable the light of Christ so that the prisoners of sin would be set free. His a broad cross-section of Christians, many in name only, into their church is to “go into all the world,” disrupting Satan’s kingdom and membership. These churches allow the distinct teachings of God’s advancing God’s kingdom, one person at a time. last-day church to fade away, compromising truth and tolerating Yet right now, His church isn’t shining like the sun, lighting up sin for the sake of popularity. Its primary draw seems more about the whole world. Instead, it’s more like little lights of truth that entertaining worship than soul-searching worship. dot the massive darkness of sin in which people remain blind to The third mentality is the “seek-and-save” church, which prefers their eternal peril and in which evangelism is effectively dead. And to “preach at any cost.” This kind of church looks for more than just though He predicted it, it is certainly not what Christ wanted for baptism numbers and growth, but genuine conversion in the truth His representative in earth. of Christ and His righteousness. In this church, most if not all of its That’s a real shame. God’s remnant church should be a members understand the clear message and mission of the church, cooperating network of lighthouses, but in many churches, that and each member is somehow involved in soul-winning. Evangelism light is barely shining and, in some cases, has even gone out. becomes the driving force of the church, training and equipping Amazing Facts is concerned about this because it’s a tragic waste every churchgoer for service, bound by the uniting principle that of a powerful, soul-saving message of hope that is so needed in this God’s church exists to preach Christ and save the lost. world. And because we are about evangelism, we want desperately to help churches shine their evangelistic lights, brighter and stronger than ever before. Church Mentality Most churches across America and the world can be placed into three categories, or mentalities. The first is the “fortress” church, which “protects at any cost.” Tradition is the guiding force behind the fortress church’s activities, allowing the status quo to become paramount. They have the keys to the faith, and that is enough for them, effectively killing the purpose for which they exist—

INSIDE10 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 Which Is Your Church? How Do You Get Your Church Involved? Each of these churches has appeal for different kinds of To enable every church, large or small, to benefit from The Christians. But which church do you think most represents Christ’s Empowered Church program, AFCOE is offering three levels of ideal? Jesus was clear in His displeasure with the limiting traditions involvement—providing the opportunity to reach every soul of His day, and He certainly wasn’t a friend of easy doctrines in a community with better effectiveness and efficiency. simply to draw friends. He sought a bold church practicing evangelism and going to the ends of the earth to rescue the lost. Level One Churches Amazing Facts believes that with the right dedication, During a weeklong intensive training course at the training, and resources, every church can be a part of the beacon 1AFCOE campus, pastors and church leaders get focused, of hope guiding people to heaven—the kind of seek-and-save expert instruction on church regeneration, discipleship, church Christ wants and needs in these last days. We’ve even and evangelism. Church regeneration covers church recently changed the name of our evangelism training program identity and mission, assessing its spiritual health and to better reflect its expanding mission of helping strengths and weaknesses. It provides practical Christians share their faith better and more boldly. principles for enhancing the message of every We’re now called the Amazing Facts Center of participating church. Evangelism (AFCOE). Discipleship training provides the tools Along with the world-class, four-month and knowledge for teaching lay members training course in evangelism, now called to be discipleship leaders in the church, the School of Evangelism, we’re offering while evangelism training focuses on a new local church evangelism training personal and public evangelism, including program that gives congregations of all how to set up an evangelism cycle and sizes exciting resources and support that teaching lay members how to give Bible will take their outreach to the next level. studies, make appeals, handle objections, It’s called The Empowered Church, and we do home visitations, and more. Every Level are really excited about it. One church also receives a proven evangelism implementation plan that can dramatically The Empowered Church Program increase the effectiveness of its evangelistic efforts. Amazing Facts is now working directly with churches and their leaders and lay members to give the training and Level Two Churches resources they need to become vibrant evangelistic centers. In addition to all Level One Church benefits, a Level Two The Empowered Church features an intensive training course that Church receives personalized church growth assessment focuses on church regeneration, discipleship, and evangelism. 2and evangelism implementation plans, two years of expert In this weeklong training, churches get the biblical and practical coaching, a weekend revival at the local church by an Amazing principles behind these pivotal factors in reaching their Facts revivalist, a special, one-on-one training session with communities for Christ. Not only do you learn how to revive your a Center of Evangelism staff member, quarterly assessments church’s outreach and congregation, you’ll also get the tools to of church progress, free consultation with AFCOE within two make disciples out of your church members and train them to years, free tuition to any AFCOE intensive or weekend seminar become the evangelists they want to be. within two years, and notification of Amazing Facts media Even better, churches can also enhance the program by interests in the local area. investing in several options, including a two-year coaching plan, Bible worker, an Amazing Facts Bible seminar, and more. Level Three Churches In addition, interested churches can also receive personalized In addition to all Level Two Church benefits, a Level Three church growth assessment and evangelism implementation plans Church receives a skilled Bible worker for six months who will designed by professional and seasoned evangelists whose hearts’ 3help follow up interests, make new contacts, and help train desire is to win more souls to Christ. lay members. Each Bible worker has been expertly trained in door-to-door work, following up media interests, giving Evangelism Synergy: How AFCOE Bible studies, working with a local church, pre-work for an Empowered Churches for NET ’05 evangelistic campaign, helping in a local evangelist series and follow-up. This enhanced service will help your church Missy Wherly is a 2005 graduate of the Amazing Facts School implement an ongoing evangelism cycle more effectively and of Evangelism four-month course. She conducted pre-work and will greatly enhance the church’s outreach efforts.

INSIDE REPORT S11EPT/OCT 2005 to members who were trained and mentored by Amazing Facts Bible workers. Moreover, many AFCOE Bible workers stayed in the area to help follow up on seminar attendees and the more than 130 souls who requested Bible studies through the mail. “A new door had opened. The Holy Spirit convicted local church members that they needed to share God’s gospel with passion. AFCOE helped organize and present six gospel-worker training classes at local churches. More than 85 lay members attended, receiving expert, practical advice in giving Bible studies, follow-up, neighborhood evangelism, making appeals, and nurturing of new believers. One newly trained church member shared, ‘God called me to do this a long time ago. I knew that I needed to put Him first, so I’m so glad to be here.’ This energized church member committed to giving Bible studies three hours each week, with the prayer that God would use that time for His glory. “The training these lay members received enabled them to hold follow-up to the classes for new believers, but more than that, it brought a new kind of Prophecy Code series in fellowship possible only when the cycle of evangelism is turning at one Washington D.C., helping train of God’s churches. And even better, now these newly trained workers local churches to make the most of their outreach opportunities. are teaching others across the area what they’ve learned from AFCOE. She writes: “God is constantly opening up new doors to church “God’s army can grow exponentially, and we saw that firsthand as growth and revival. What many of us experienced during the new believers are now hungering to share their newfound knowledge Prophecy Code meetings was unforgettable. The Holy Spirit began and as congregations are reviving members to step out in faith and preparing church members in late 2004 as our group of Amazing take hold of the great commission like never before. Facts sponsored and trained Bible workers arrived to train local “Yet there is so much more work to do. Do you hear God calling you congregations and give Bible studies in preparation for the to reach out to others? He wants to use you. Do you hear God calling upcoming Prophecy Code. your church to be a beacon on a hill? He wants to use your church.” “Catching the spirit, churches in the area enthusiastically took an active role, both as individual members and as whole congregations. What Churches Are Saying About AFCOE The following January, more workers made up of students from the “I am so thankful that the Prophecy Code involved so many School of Evangelism arrived, eager to start using their newfound churches in this area. It really woke us up to the need of laborers. knowledge to help in the huge effort. I was greatly blessed by the course ‘How to Give Bible Studies’ “From this team of almost 45 Bible workers, Bible studies in the presented by Kyle and Missy. It was great to do pre-work and surrounding communities were springing up everywhere. Armed follow-up and a great blessing to be involved in the Prophecy Code with the Word of God and the Final Events DVD, interest in the prayer ministry. It gave me a picture of how a whole group can come upcoming seminar began to spark all across the area. together and use their talents in winning souls.” —Dr. Pramod “The end result of our combined effort was spectacular. During Hansdak, from South Asian Church, who will be teaching his own the Prophecy Code, the host site was flooded with truth-seekers, Bible worker training class for his church and other local churches. filling the auditorium and the overflow rooms. Moreover, the local “Our church has received a tremendous blessing from being part churches involved in pre-work were also filled to capacity. It filled of the great Prophecy Code seminar! Every aspect of it, from the pre- our hearts with joy to see our interests return night after night to work through the follow-up, has brought about an excitement to our learn God’s end-time message. The Holy Spirit convicted hearts, church that has not been matched before. We were blessed to have a and many from our efforts were baptized. Praise God!” lot of contact with the Amazing Facts Bible workers and the AFCOE students in the area for the meetings. As our members witnessed AFCOE Prepares Churches for the Long Haul the enthusiasm and dedication of these individuals and worked with Missy continues: “As the seminar concluded, a new phase of them, they were truly uplifted. Our members were brought face- evangelism began. Most of the Bible workers were finishing their to-face with the need to dedicate their lives in sacrificial service as work and ongoing Bible studies were passed on to local churches, these Amazing Facts workers/students were doing. … Many of our

INSIDE12 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 members worked hard, and there is no better way to experience the joy of service than to actually be involved in evangelism. In partnership with ShareHim, formerly Global “The enthusiasm initiated from all this has carried over into the Evangelism, Amazing Facts provides exceptional follow-up. Many who would not have pictured themselves a year training for those interested in conducting their ago knocking on doors or giving Bible studies have been doing it! We own evangelistic campaigns, with conference- have not only had classes taught by Amazing Facts on how to do this, wide evangelism “boot-camps” where churches but since the names were available, we could immediately go out to and lay members can come for expert teaching try it. … The experience brought revival to our church. It is exciting and proven resources to reap a harvest for to see so many members actively involved in the great commission God’s kingdom. work. As we go out seeking lost souls and wrestling with the powers of darkness who are trying to keep souls from accepting Christ, we see the seriousness of the work the Lord has given us. And as the members rise to the task, the work will be finished as the Lord is even now spread the good news, to heal our desperate communities, and to pouring out His Holy Spirit.” —Dan Endres, Burnt Mills Church hasten Christ’s second coming. We have the gospel commission “Truly, the Prophecy Code has been a blessing and an inspiration. and our goal is to convert our entire community so that all can be As powerful a series as it was, though, the follow-up work has saved when Christ calls us home. truly galvanized our group. The message is simple: Take the “I urge everyone to stop sleeping in the aisles, wake up the gospel message to all the world. And that starts right in our local Christian army, and take the battle to the gates of hell, which will not neighborhoods and communities. stand! If He is calling you, don’t be afraid. Answer the call. He will “I had never given a Bible study before. I was always apprehensive see you through.” —Neil Chelliah, Seabrook Church that situations might arise to which I would have no solution or questions for which I didn’t have an immediate answer. I felt I was Become an Empowered Church unworthy and unprepared to teach others of Christ, especially when Amazing Facts is ready to help your church experience revival I personally felt so weak. And I was right. I am unworthy. I am and reformation. We’re ready to help ignite the burning fire of unprepared. And I am weak. But praise God, who strengthens me evangelism in your church and build strong discipleship and and makes all things possible. All I had to do was step out of the way evangelism teams that are bold and passionate. We’re ready to and allow Christ to use me as His instrument. As I’ve been giving empower every member in your church to become a soul-winner Bible studies, never has there been a question in which a Bible verse and show you how to grow your membership and create unity using didn’t immediately come to mind for the answer. What a witness God’s methods. it has been to see new sheep coming to the fold and finding a peace We’re also ready to be there with you every step of the way, and joy they never thought guiding your church into an effective and ongoing evangelism cycle possible! The most powerful that will reap souls for all eternity. thing I learned from the Amazing Are you a “resort” church that needs to grow Facts Bible workers was this: spiritually stronger? Or are you a “fortress” church that Christ doesn’t call the qualified, needs an infusion of evangelism power? Amazing Facts He qualifies the called. I believe provides the training and resources your church needs that He has called me, and to become God’s own seek-and-save church. All you in spite of myself, is need to do is take your desire to God and allow the qualifying me for His Holy Spirit to work wonders through The Empowered work. What a joy it Church training program. has been to study Call Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism today and with those who become the beacon on the hill your church was have been out always meant to be. It’s our passion to do all there diligently we can to build up God’s kingdom. Your seeking the truth! church can make a powerful impact “We now have a team of for the kingdom of God. Call church members who have also now to see how your con- answered the call—new and long-time gregation can become members, male and female, young and old. an Empowered All are people who now have a burning desire to Church!

INSIDE REPORT S13EPT/OCT 2005 Pastor Doug Visits Far East In August, Pastor Doug Batchelor traveled with his wife, Adds Karen, “Home churches, often operating under the Karen, and boys to the Far East for ASI meetings and to inspire government’s radar, are still the biggest way the last-day church is hope in his fellow brothers and sisters working for the gospel in the growing in China, with health and family life as the best avenues ancient country of China. Says Karen, “For years we’ve prayed that to reach people with God’s end-time message. Please pray that God would open the doors to China so we could do our part in helping Amazing Facts materials now circulating in China will touch hearts her more than one billion souls learn about the love that God has for for Christ and help add to the kingdom.” them. This was a life- changing experience Amazing Facts Podcasting for all of us.” Amazing Facts is now podcasting two of our most popular En route to China, programs! Both Bible Answers Live and Central Study Hour are now the family stopped for available as weekly MP3 audio downloads. a few days in Japan just In short, podcasting is the latest on-demand audio technology. in time to experience It’s a simple way for MP3 audio files to be automatically a fierce 6.0 earthquake downloaded to your computer or portable music player for that shook everything later listening. All that’s needed is a special podcasting program around them. Still, that checks the internet from time to time to see if a new audio Pastor Doug was able to share his testimony at the Tokyo Central file is available. When a new program becomes available, it is Church and many were blessed. After that, it was off to Hanghou, automatically downloaded to your hard drive or MP3 player. China, the beautiful host city for ASI. There are free podcasting programs The family was also able to visit the Great Wall, an amazing feat available, some of which of human engineering. While walking along the massive structure, include iTunes 5 several ladies from Perth, Australia, called out excitedly to Pastor and iPodder. Once Doug. It’s an amazingly small world when you run into people who you decide on the know you on the Great Wall! program you want to use, just Largely atheistic, more than 90 percent of the Chinese do not believe follow their instructions on how to in God, but a substantial minority believes in re-incarnation. It is a “subscribe” to the new Amazing very sad society with very little religious freedom under the communist Facts pod casts. Your program government. Under a very pronounced caste system, a person’s place might ask you to enter the following links to access our podcasts: of birth determines the opportunities he or she is given in life. For Bible Answers Live: In addition, government authorities must approve all religious activities. The China ASI meetings included people from Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea, but China did not allow its For Central Study Hour: own citizens to participate in the meetings. Still, the meetings went well and many received the tools they needed to share the gospel in a geographic area in which Christianity has gained little ground. Although Windows Media files of these programs have already Randy and Julie Moeller, the Batchelor’s American contacts been available from the Amazing Facts website, podcast users were responsible for arranging the meetings in China. They’ve now get the added benefit of automatic downloads in the more been working as universally accepted MP3 file format! So whether you own an iPod missionaries there or other music player device, you can take the biblically sound, for five years after soul-winning programs of Amazing Facts anywhere you go! discovering 3ABN New AFCOE Session Begins and leaving their Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism’s current four-month New Age religion. program began in August and has 38 Spirit-led students ranging in They were able to age from 18 to 66, from countries as diverse as Australia, Canada, get approval for South Korean, and South Africa. They will get hands-on experience Doug to preach in a live evangelistic series in Grass Valley, California, later this fall on Sabbath at a under the guidance of seasoned evangelist Brian McMahon. Please local church that hosts several different congregations. It was an pray for our newest students—that the Lord will bless their efforts exciting opportunity to share Jesus in a city where there are only and use them to bring many to Christ. two government-approved churches.

INSIDE14 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 When it comes to dancing, what exactly should be the Christian view? Book of Bible Answers, Vol. 1 Is Christian dancing possible? Get Pastor Doug’s candid, biblical answers Because of the controversial nature of this to difficult Bible questions, straight from question, it’s important to find a scriptural answer. his popular Bible Answers Live radio First, a Christian should always ask, “What would program. It’s one of our most requested Jesus do?” books of all time—find out why today! Of course, the better we know Him, the easier it becomes to answer BK-BOBA ... $10.99 this question and other ones like it. And to know Him better, we See page 18 for ordering info. need to go to the Word of God. In the Bible, we find reference to dancing six times in six different places. The first is in Exodus 15, As a matter of fact, the men dance with the men and the women when the children of Israel celebrate their miraculous freedom from dance with the women. It more closely resembles American square the Egyptians. Moses and the children of Israel offer up a moving dancing. They’re not bumping and rubbing against each other like praise song, and “Miriam … took a timbrel in her hand; and all the some mating ritual, but rather in an innocent celebration. women went out after her with timbrels and with dances” (v. 20). One of the most abused Scriptures to justify any kind of dancing This also happens to be the most common type of dancing identified is found when “And David danced before the LORD with all his in Scripture: women dancing to celebrate a victory of the army. (See might; and David was girded with a linen ephod” (2 Samuel 6:14). 1 Samuel 18:6 and Judges 11:34.) Notice though that David wasn’t dancing with Bathsheba, but rather A different picture of dancing emerges in Exodus 32:19 during dancing by himself in a garment like a priest’s robe. Moreover, his the golden calf scandal, as Moses descends from the mountain with dance wasn’t orchestrated or memorized; rather, he was leaping for God’s Ten Commandments. “And it came to pass, as soon as he joy and shouting praises to God. came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Others like to defend modern dancing as “good exercise.” My Moses’ anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and answer to that would be there are a lot of different ways to exercise brake them beneath the mount.” without being sexually arousing. To exercise in a sexually provocative So right away in the Bible, we have two kinds of dancing—one that is way in public is never necessary with so many other options. apparently appropriate and one that isn’t. In the first example, Miriam So is mixed dancing ever appropriate for a youth group? I can’t see and other women are dancing a victory dance in praise to the Lord, how that could be in these times, first because our youth’s hormones while in the latter, the Jews are caught in the middle of a pagan-like are raging and, second, they have been exposed to a kind of dancing dance with sexual overtones. “Moses saw that the people were naked” I don’t feel the Lord would want them to copy. I think most people (Exodus 32:25). So it’s true that God does not condemn all dancing, would agree that most of the dancing in America would fall in the but I also think that biblical dancing is very rare in today’s culture. category of dirty dancing. And so young Christians should probably Sadly, when we think of dancing in our society, we are more likely to stay away from events where such dancing is possible. conjure up images of paganistic dancing rather than a dance of praise In general terms, we need to stop being defensive when God points before the Lord. For young people today, dancing is infused with a lot out to us that some activity is unacceptable. It’s not fair or safe to hide of sexual suggestion. I’ve never been one to dance, even before I was a behind the label “culture” to justify non-Christian behavior. I know Christian, but when I did dance (forgetting that I have no rhythm), the how hard it is to let go of a cherished activity, but when you learn that dances I participated in tended to shake and gyrate parts of the body God does not approve, put it aside. If you do so willingly, God will give that are likely to arouse the opposite sex. This could be easily applied to you something much greater and enjoyable with which to fill your life. Matthew 5:28, where Jesus teaches, “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Tune in to Bible Answers Live, In this category falls the tempting dance of Herodias’ daughter, Amazing Facts’ live, nationwide call-in radio which ultimately led to the murder of John the Baptist. “And when program, and listen to Pastor Doug give Herodias’ daughter herself came in and danced, and pleased Herod biblical, straightforward answers to difficult … the king said to the girl, ‘Ask me whatever you want, and I will Bible questions. To get times and stations in give it to you’ ” (Mark 6:22). your area, or to listen to answers online, visit In contrast, in Middle East culture, you’ll find many Jewish people You can also request dance in a way you won’t find in the typical American dance hall. a free program guide by phone or mail.

INSIDE REPORT S15EPT/OCT 2005 Books for Digging Deeper

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INSIDE16 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 Books for Sharing

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Pop Goes the Music DVD Frank Garlock. A stirring call for Christians to evaluate music by biblical principles and not by preference. Up-to-date material is well documented from com- munication and music experts. DV-PGM … $24.95 The King’s Daughter Audio CD set This audiobook collection of 46 timeless stories Memories DVD especially for girls will help build up strong From mountain majesty characters that will serve them for a lifetime. to dramatic desert; from Excellent narration on 4 CDs that you can take a flower’s intricacy to anywhere! (Companion to Tiger and Tom.) the power of the ocean; CD-KD ... $14.99 this kaleidoscope of nature’s beauty is com- The Lord Is Coming CD bined with the peaceful Derrol Sawyer. More great vocal, , violin, and piano melodies of Heidi Klein’s Memories. sounds that will inspire you to walk in Christ’s footsteps and This breathtaking DVD will take you on a prepare you for His soon return. Features worshipful songs journey of worship through God’s glorious like “O Love Divine,” “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need,” creation. (42 minutes) “Come Unto Jesus,” “It’s About People,” “The Lord Is Com- DV-MEM ... $19.99 ing,” and 10 other great tracks! CD-LIC ... $14.95 INSIDE REPORT S19EPT/OCT 2005 Full Name: Republic of Indonesia Capital: Jakarta with my blonde hair and even gathered around us to get a better Area: 741,100 sq. miles (three times the size of Texas) look, behavior we’re not used to in America. Population: 241,973,879 Yet our hearts were moved by the many kind gestures of the Languages: Bahasa, English, Dutch Indonesian families. Every day, the entire seminar team was taken to Religion: Muslim, 88%; Christian, 8%; Hindu, 2%; Buddhist, 1% various homes where we were served the most delicious local foods Economy: agriculture, 45%; industry, 16%; services, 39% and welcomed with the warmest hospitality. And the fellowship was wonderful, as we sang and worshiped before our meals creating an y heart pounded as we made our final descent into exciting atmosphere for the upcoming event. Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Although my husband, Amazing Facts evangelist Brian McMahon, and I had been flying for an exhausting 20-plus hours, excitement overtook all sleep Brian and I spent the next two days preparing for the revival, during deprivation. Only a few weeks before, we accepted an urgent request which we also had the privilege of meeting with the lay workers and to hold a 10-day revival series in Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia, literature evangelists working hard in the area. By the day the series and we were anxious to see what God had in store for us. started, we could hardly wait to see what God had planned for the Our first few days were to be spent in Bali for a few speaking revival. We left for the meeting facility around 6:00 P.M., and people engagements, and then fly on to Kupang for the Revelation Speaks were already arriving by the hundreds. Eventually the crowd swelled Hope revival. It was late Friday evening when we were met at the to 1,500 souls in need of genuine transformation and hope! airport and taken to a downtown hotel. We held our collective Johanes Kosapilawan, the Department of Information and breath as the driver maneuvered through the bustling streets filled Communication of Nusa Tenggara Timor, was our honored guest with cars, busses, and motorcycles—many of which seemed to from the government. Brian and I were called to the front along with be carrying entire families. On the motorcycles, children were him and other important leaders prior to the meeting to receive the sandwiched between adults, and women in dresses sat sidesaddle on traditional Timor hand-woven shawl of welcome and honor. They the motorcycles on narrow city streets on which everyone acts as if placed it over our shoulders, and we wore it all evening. they have the right of way! Amazingly, we arrived at our hotel in one For religious meetings to take place, many legal sanctions have piece, and we gratefully sank into our bed for a few hours sleep. to be announced, such as the permission to hold the event, to use the building, and more. A letter from the Governor of West was also read, stating that he was glad our church was holding an event By 1:00 A.M., we were wide awake, unable to sleep as our bodies that would bring knowledge and unity to the people of Indonesia. struggled to handle the time difference. Yet we enjoyed the extra time Privately, the governor asked that we would teach about health for Bible study and prayer, and at 5:00 A.M. we listened as Muslim and the harmfulness of drugs, alcohol, and smoking, as well as the prayers began to waft across the city in this nation dominated by the importance of obeying the law due to the violence this country Islamic faith and pock-marked with recent acts of terror. experiences all too often. Then Monday morning, bright and early, we headed for Kupang Soon it was time for Brian and Johnny Lubis, his translator, to with our translator Johnny Lupis. When we arrived in Kupang, the stand and speak a message of renewal to the huge crowd. They began locals at the airport were mesmerized by Brian, who towered over with power, and the Holy Spirit spoke through them with energy and everyone around him. Not used to Americans, they stared at me conviction that first night about the trustworthiness of the Bible.

INSIDE20 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 And it was evident early that the devil was angry as Brian’s voice retired church members was a former chief of police, so he left the began to falter and become hoarse. “Oh God,” I prayed, “these are your auditorium immediately to go work it out and was able to resolve meetings, to bring hope to these precious truth-seekers. Please restore the conflict. Miraculously, all the trucks arrived before Brian got Brian’s voice. Help him through to the end.” The Lord heard my up to speak. desperate plea and sustained him to the end, and the message came We learned later that someone was not in favor of the meetings and through clearly. The meetings carried on for 10 days, and to God’s had complained to the police and caused this unexpected delay. Yet we glory, Brian didn’t have any more trouble with his voice. also knew that God would never allow His message to go unheard by the many in this country lost in spiritual darkness.

The crowd continued to swell nightly until there were more than 2,500 people in attendance. Large trucks brought men, women, and On the final Sabbath, our joy was complete as 175 precious souls children who willingly stood crammed in the back for hours, one way, entered the waters of baptism. It was an unforgettable experience to just to attend. They were all smiles as they tumbled out of the back of see 17 pastors, including Brian, baptizing wave after wave of happy the trucks and entered the meeting hall, and not one complaint could people making their public commitment to Jesus. be heard. Most of these have very little in this world—it’s difficult to We also noticed an unusual number of security and police officers comprehend the level of poverty in which they live. Many subsist on around the meeting hall. Finally, our driver asked one officer why wages of $1 a day or less, yet their sheer joy in the hope they have there was so much security, and he simply answered, “We want to look found in a loving Savior who offers freedom from the enslavement after the Americans the same way we would our government officials.” of sin and the promise of a heavenly home is perhaps more precious So we knew that God had sent an extra measure of His angels to to them than we can dream possible. provide protection for us in this troubled part of the world. As never before, I realized how utterly spoiled and coddled I I also took part in the children’s programs by teaching Christian have been living in a rich and wonderful country. Yet despite these songs in English and telling Bible stories. Working with a staff who temporary comforts, I hunger for that heavenly home, and the spoke only broken English, God still blessed in abundance. More fellowship of my Redeemer with the same insatiable desire that than 300 children attended, even in cramped conditions, and I was I saw in those precious Indonesian people. amazed at how attentively they sat and listened to the presentations, If you’re feeling dead in your spiritual walk with God, I encourage even without pictures or props other than a large sheet of white paper you to find a mission project in which you can involve yourself. If at on which we wrote out the songs they were to learn each night. They all possible, join a group that’s going to build a church, offer medical eagerly listened, and seemed to absorb every word spoken, and they services, or provide evangelistic meetings. If you are unable to go sang out loudly as the songs were presented. yourself, actively choose a mission to support through your prayers On the ninth evening, the crowd was unusually slow in arriving, and financial blessings. In return, your heart will be warmed and and shortly before starting time, we were told that six of the large reignited with the joy of “making a difference” for Jesus’ sake. trucks transporting attendees to the meeting had been stopped We would like to invite you to be a partner in the many evangelistic by the police for questioning. One of the hired drivers apparently mission projects that Amazing Facts sponsors. These sons and got into a dispute with one of the officers, and so all the other daughters of God will give their eternal thanks to you for the part drivers were held up until it was resolved. We all earnestly prayed you contributed when they are ushered into the glorious kingdom that God would intervene, and He answered powerfully. One of the at Christ’s soon coming!

INSIDE REPORT S21EPT/OCT 2005 An Amazing Fact: More than 160,000 people a year frequent a macabre tourist attraction in Paris—the catacombs. Once used as tunnels for stone mines, it now houses the bones of 6 million in a network of passages 190 miles long. These networks became burial chambers when Paris’ cemeteries became overcrowded and unsanitary in the 18th century, requiring old bones to be dug up and stored in the underground cavern. During the French Revolution, a hospital worker decided to explore the tunnels on his own. His skeleton was found 11 years later. Today, only one mile of catacombs is open to the public and an intercom system has recently been installed to ensure no more visitors get lost and become dry bones.

he prophet Ezekiel, whose name means “God will strengthen,” This image also speaks to this world. Just after the Lord comes, was among the elite of Judah captured by Nebuchadnezzar the broken surface of the earth will be a wilderness strewn with the and carried away to Babylon. A contemporary of Daniel, he corpses of the lost for a thousand years. Cities will be in ruin, and had seen the 10 tribes of Israel scattered so widely among nobody will be there to mourn or bury the dead. “And the slain of the the surrounding nations that they seemed all but gone as a distinct Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other people. Hence, one purpose of his “dry bones” vision found in end” (Jeremiah 25:33). The entire world is going to be a dark valley of Ezekiel 37:1–14 was to infuse in his fellow captives the hope that dry bones. God would someday revive them as a nation. Ezekiel, a prophet and priest, was placed in the midst of this Yet this prophecy also speaks about spiritual Israel, the church valley and says the Lord “caused me to pass by them” (v. 2). Can today. The theme for our time is that God can resurrect dry you imagine walking around ankle-deep in the bones of dead men? bones; He can give new life to an army of believers that has largely Moreover, to touch a dead body would render anybody, but especially grown inanimate. Of course, this vision speaks to us individually a priest, unclean. It is a scene of ugly death and terrible devastation as well. No matter how dried up and worthless we feel, or how without, it seems, any hope. dead in trespass and sin, God can restore to us life through His Word and Spirit. New Life to the Lifeless While excavating an ancient peat bog in England, archaeologists Ankle-Deep in Bones found some very small seeds. They estimated that the seeds had been Ezekiel’s account begins: “The hand of the LORD was upon me, there for thousands of years, yet when planted, they sprouted lilies! and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the Astoundingly, the particular species was believed to be extinct, yet midst of the valley which was full of bones” (Ezekiel 37:1). Picture because life was somehow preserved in that seed, the flower lived again. the scene: The prophet is snapped up in vision and set down in a However, you can’t stick a dry bone in water and expect it to come place where dead men’s bleached bones surrounded him on every back to life. Even if you fertilized and watered it for a hundred years, side. Hardly a pleasant picture! it would never live again. So these “very dry” bones symbolized a When an army was defeated in Bible times, victorious soldiers situation that looked completely hopeless (v. 2). often stripped the valuables from the slain enemy and left the This theme means a lot for us as individuals, because these dry bodies unburied to be ravaged by the beasts of carrion. (See 1 bones represent people. The Bible says, “He that hath the Son hath Samuel 17:44). In especially remote places, skeletons sometimes life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (1 John 5:12). remained exposed for years afterward until they at last surrendered If you don’t have Jesus, your bones are bleached and dry. Spiritually to the elements. This image was not merely an abstract concept for speaking, you have no life. Ezekiel, who lived at a time when one could find literal valleys of However, just as water can bring parched earth to life, the living bones—places where the slain had no one to bury them. water of God’s Spirit and Word will bring dried-out souls new life.

INSIDE22 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 “For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the When Mary asked, “How can this be?” the angel Gabriel told dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing her, “Nothing is impossible with God.” And when the disciples upon thine offspring” (Isaiah 44:3). asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus answered, “With men it is Ephesians 2:1 adds, “And you hath he quickened [revived], who impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” were dead in trespasses and sins.” If sin still reigns in our lives, if God wants us to never lose faith—even if the situation appears we’re still controlled by a life of selfishness, then we’re spiritually hopeless, He can give life abundantly. You’ve heard the proverb that dead. We are like the dry bones surrounding Ezekiel. where there is life there is hope (Ecclesiastes 9:4). With God, there is Thankfully, the hope in this story is that God can revive dry hope even when there is no life! bones. “For this my son was dead,” the father said of the prodigal, God then commands Ezekiel, “Prophesy upon these bones, and “and is alive again; he was lost, and is found” (Luke 15:24). When say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord” (v. 4). If was the rebellious son dead? When he was out living a riotous life. you were to walk down a street and see a preacher standing on a box Spiritually he was dead, but then God brought him to his knees and preaching to a skeleton, what would you think? You might think the restored him to his senses. When God Speaks, Things Happen In the vision, God asks Ezekiel, “Son of man, can these bones live?” God knows everything. He doesn’t ask questions because He’s stumped, but to get us to think. Just as the ancient philosopher Socrates taught by asking questions, so too God asks to arouse our thought processes. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 1:18). If Ezekiel had responded to God’s question based on the evidence of his senses, he would have had to answer no. Dead, dry bones cannot come back to life. That’s why he answered, “O Lord God, thou knowest” (v. 3). At the scene of an accident, if you saw somebody lying motionless on the ground, you might think there was some hope and apply CPR to try to revive the person. But if you saw a skeleton lying in the road, you wouldn’t even consider trying to resuscitate it. You’d think, “It’s just bones. There’s no hope.” God wants us to learn from this story that nothing is too hard for Him. What might appear hopeless and dead to us is a field full of possibilities for the Lord. Have you known people whom you thought were too far lost to be found, someone for whom it seemed useless to pray? The Bible says never give up!

INSIDE REPORT S23EPT/OCT 2005 preacher needed some medical help, because preaching to dry bones praying to have another child with the same rare blood type. They is clearly a waste of time. hoped this second child, after a short time, would be able to provide Yet we often forget the vital power of God’s Word. If God can the bone marrow needed to rescue their daughter. speak matter into existence with just a word, then He can also cause Things were even made more complicated by the fact that the the spiritually dead to hear. So don’t lose hope, especially those of husband had already had a vasectomy. Not only would doctors need you who are pastors, evangelists, and Bible workers! You can preach to reverse that, a very iffy procedure in itself, but their new baby to dry bones and get incredible results. God’s Word is so potent that would also need to have the same rare blood type as the older sister. it infuses new life into that which is dead. It worked! The man’s surgery was a success, the couple was able Whenever the Lord speaks, things happen. When Christ said to the to conceive again, and they gave birth to a second daughter who had leper, “Be cleansed,” he was immediately clean (Mark 1:40–42). When the appropriate blood type. After 14 months, the little girl provided Jesus said, “Get up and walk,” to a man who had not walked in 38 enough bone marrow, from her hip, to give a transplant that saved her years, the man walked (John 5:5–9). There is always inherent power older sister’s life. There is life in the bones! in the Word of God to enable us to do whatever He commands. An Army Reborn Life in the Bones Ezekiel 37:7 says, “As I prophesied, there was a noise, and In Ezekiel 37:5, God says, “Behold, I will cause breath to enter into behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.” you, and ye shall live.” Bones are almost always associated with death, When God’s people preach the truth, it’s going to cause a rattling. yet Scripture tells one story in which bones were a source of life. In Things happen. Sometimes it brings revival; other times it brings 2 Kings 13:20, 21, Elisha the prophet, filled with a double portion of persecution. Sometimes both! When the Word is proclaimed, Elijah’s spirit, was so Spirit-filled that his bones radiated life even after there’s going to be a lot of shaking! he was dead! After months of being ravaged by vultures and other beasts of After Elisha died and was buried, some men in Israel were carrion, this sea of bones had been scattered all over the place. As performing a funeral for one of their friends. As they were carrying Ezekiel began to preach, however, as if drawn by some powerful his remains out to bury him, they caught a glimpse of Moabite unseen magnet, bones began to fly through the air, pulled back to raiders. These land pirates had been ransacking the countryside, their original partners during God’s amazing process of reassembly. and the Israelites knew they needed to get out of there fast or After the bones came together and as Ezekiel continued they’d be the next victims. They didn’t want to be disrespectful preaching, muscles and tendons began to take their places too. toward their deceased friend, but they had to run for their lives. Next the skin was revived. Notice that God did things in a logical So “they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha: and when the order. He didn’t say, “Let’s put all the flesh together and then man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, squeeze the bones inside the skin. Now let’s put the muscle on and stood up on his feet” (v. 21). the outside.” That would have been backwards—and the result There are many modern-day examples of how bones can give hideous. God always accomplishes His will in the proper order— life. In June 1997, Reader’s Digest told about a family in which the whether it’s rebuilding His church or reviving individuals. “Let all daughter contracted a form of leukemia that would ultimately kill things be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). her unless she received a bone marrow transplant. Because she had Peter adds that growing in Christ is an orderly process. “Add an unusual blood type, it was very difficult to find a donor. So her to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge parents did something that was almost unbelievable. They began temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience

INSIDE24 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity” (2 Peter 1:5–7). At this point, even though all the body parts were in their proper place, there was still no life. The brain was in the head, but it wasn’t thinking. The lungs were there, but the body wasn’t breathing. The heart was in place, but it was not beating. Like Adam was before the Lord breathed life into him, each soldier was a lifeless corpse. Now Ezekiel is surrounded not with disconnected bones, but with an army of cold bodies. They were probably very good-looking corpses, but they were dead nonetheless. This condition accurately describes some churches. They might have everything in place, but there is no spiritual life. Jesus says of them: “I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead” (Revelation 3:1). Outwardly, the members look really good. They think they’re rich and Hope for the Hopeless increased with goods and in need of nothing (Revelation 3:17), yet After World War II, tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers and civil- they do not have the breath of life. ians were killed in Saipan. Today, teams of volunteers are still combing Ezekiel 37:10 says, “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the the region searching for the bones of the missing dead. It’s very impor- breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, tant to most of their families, but thus far they have found less than half an exceeding great army.” God gives them life to fight. They become of the people. That would be a very depressing job, don’t you think? an army. In the same way, God gives us spiritual life so we can become How much better then to be involved in bringing life to bones that soldiers in His army. We come to the Lord, He breathes into us, then really can live—to people who can experience new life by virtue of we go for the Lord. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Word of God and the Spirit of God. In verse 11, God says, “These the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6). bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.” Have you ever felt cut off, dried up, or even hopeless? Ezekiel 37:1–14 is a vision of hope. God’s Word and His Spirit can bring life to any situation and to any soul—no matter how utterly dead and hopeless it might be. Likewise, as a church, God can revive us and make us an army that will be part of His end-time remnant. Ezekiel 37:12–14 tells us that God’s people will be raised up and brought into the Promised Land. Someday soon, there will be a resurrection of the righteous to take up residence in the New Jerusalem, but before that, the Lord wants to raise up an army of Spirit-filled people who will expand His kingdom. Some of us do a pretty good job of covering up our dry bones. Maybe our marriages are dry and barren. Or maybe there has been a loss of vitality in our family or work relationships. Some of us have bank accounts that are like dry bones. Others have health problems. Whatever the case, the message is that God can send new life to your dry-bone situation. God can breathe vitality through His Spirit and through His Word into our lives. Pray for that revival today. Do you know some friends or loved ones who have spiritually lost their way? Maybe their condition seems almost hopeless? Have faith, God can breath new life into their dry bones! Plan now to join Amazing Facts and 3ABN for ’05 Revive! Let’s also pray especially for the conversion and salvation of our wandering children, family, and friends. If possible, encourage them to join you—and believe the Word of God will once again revive dry bones! For more information on how to participate, to register your church, and receive the free advertising materials, see page 7.

INSIDE REPORT S25EPT/OCT 2005 You are invited to meet the members of Amazing Facts evangelism team at any one of the following locations—and please invite a friend! This schedule is subject to change without notice, so please call Amazing Facts to confirm appointments or get more information.

Doug Batchelor Eric Flickinger Jason Morgan Doug September 23 / 8:00 P.M. September 9 – October 15 September 9 – October 15 Batchelor Southwest Adventist University Church Auditorium Hastings, Nebraska

September 24 / 3:00 P.M. 1010 Old Joppa Road Call 402-463-1066 for details. Joppa, Maryland ’05 Revive! Rally October 21 – November 26 Will Rogers Memorial October 21 – November 26 Sutter Creek, California Auditorium Hayden, Idaho Call 209-267-1456 for details. 3401 W. Lancaster Avenue Call 208-762-5718 for details. Emanuel John Baek Bradshaw Fort Worth, Texas September 28 – 30 Jack Pefley 3ABN Camp Meeting September 6 – October 8 Lowell Hargreaves The Advent Autorium November 4 – 12 September 9 – October 15 3605 Advent Lane ’05 Revive! Drawing Near Budapest, Hungary Florence, South Carolina Will Rogers Memorial October 30 – December 10 Byron Eric Auditorium October 17 - November 19 Corbett Flickinger 3401 W. Lancaster Avenue Nikolaev, Ukraine Truckee, California Fort Worth, Texas Call 530-587-5067 for details.

Emanuel Baek Tyler Long Adam Ramdin September 9 – October 15 September 9 - October 15 September 9 – October 15 Boone Mill, Virginia Mercer County Commission on Yellowstone Motor Inn Lowell Tyler Call 540-632-9329 for details. Aging Senior Center 1515 West Park Street Hargreaves Long 600 Trent Street Livingston, Montana October 21 – November 26 Princeton, West Virginia Russellville, Arkansas October 21 – November 26 Call 501-967-3191 for details. October 21 – November 26 The Wharfinger Building Church Auditorium 1 Marina Way John Bradshaw 2120 South Stimson Avenue Eureka, California Hacienda Heights, California Brian Jason September 12 – October 8 McMahon Morgan Clark Center Jason Sliger 487 Fair Oaks Ave September 9 – October 15 Arroyo Grande, California Brian McMahon Red Coach Inn Banquet Hall October 21 – November 26 October 15 – November 19 2111 East Kansas Avenue Abbotsford, British Columbia Church Auditorium McPherson, Kansas Call 604-854-5400 for details. 12889 Osborne Hill Road October 21 – November 26 Jack Dennis Grass Valley, California Pefley Priebe Menominee, Wisconsin Byron Corbett Call 715-235-3791 for details. September 9 – October 16 Andover YMCA Community Center PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to schedule 15200 Hanson Boulevard an Amazing Facts evangelistic series or a week- Andover, Minnesota end of revival meetings in your church, please Adam Jason October 21 – November 26 contact the evangelism department at Amazing Ramdin Sliger Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Facts by phone at 916-434-3880 or by mail. Call 218-847-8961 for details. INSIDE26 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 Amazing Facts in work just this one Sabbath and perhaps another test wouldn’t rise again in the by Jason Morgan future. But then she said to herself, “If Jesus didn’t hesitate to give up everything for me, surely I can give up anything for Him. Besides, This report was written before Hurricane Katrina struck this past August. Jesus says, ‘What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, Our hearts and prayers go out to all those affected by this tragedy. and lose his own soul’ ” (Mark 8:36). Sheila met with her employer and shared her conviction, asking to be excused from working on the there is ever a time that the threefold message of Revelation 14 Sabbath. She was so nervous her knees were shaking! Yet to her great “If is to be proclaimed in New Orleans, it is now!” exclaimed Pastor surprise, she was granted her request without any reservation from her Glenn Farinola as he gave me the invitation to unite with him in the employer! Surely the Red Sea did not open until God’s people put their proclamation of God’s last-day message to his community. Both feet in the water first! What a lesson for us all: “O taste and see that the being natives of New Orleans, we share the same burden for the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him” (Psalm 34:8). many precious souls there that have not known “the exceeding riches of his grace … through Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7). Amazingly Blessed On my way to the Lake Pontchartrain Center, I was tuning the radio During the series, we conducted two live radio programs to when I heard the seminar being advertised. Immediately I had an summarize the many prophecies that we were studying in the seminar. overwhelming conviction that we would need more room for guests Many people listening came out to the church to hear more truths of the than what we had booked. We had enough seats for 240 people, but a Bible. Ida Barnes from Mississippi barely received few hours before the opening presentation, we rented a radio signal, but as she listened, her soul was a second room that pushed capacity to 480. God truly stirred by God’s Word. She came through the blessed! Before I church doors one night and said to Pastor got up to speak, Glenn and me, “ I want to be re-baptized we had more than and join this church family!” 300 guests; in Marvin and Claudia Solorzano were addition, 150 newlyweds when they received an invitation church members to the seminar. Raised in a faith that didn’t came from the encourage much Bible study, they had no idea surrounding what was in store for them. Yet as God’s will for area to support their lives became clearer and clearer each night, the meetings! they decided to unite their lives together to Jesus in the waters of baptism. Just before they were submersed in the water, Test of Faith they announced to their new church family that they were expecting Sheila Savoy and her mother Beverly had been attending another their first child! What a joy it is to know that another child will be Sabbathkeeping church in search for truth. But after that church raised for the Master’s kingdom! turned from the Bible Sabbath, Sheila got discouraged and doubted Many more miracles hap- whether God really had a true church. She cried out to the Lord, “Is pened in Louisiana, of how there a church that teaches your truth?” God lovingly drew people to Not long after, to her great joy and surprise, she received an Amazing decision. Indeed, He blessed Facts handbill in the mail and decided to go so she could understand us with 52 baptisms, with more about Revelation. Sheila says her joy intensified each night as more than 20 others study- the many prophetic truths from God’s Word were presented, and she ing and searching in prepa- slowly began to believe that God was answering her prayer. ration for baptism. The Yet when the Sabbath message was presented, Sheila and her mother What greater joy than to see whole church family in New Or- Beverly shed tears of joy. As I shared from God’s Word about His holy families committing their lives to the Lord! leans worked hard in prepa- day, Sheila felt as never before that Jesus was Lord of the Sabbath! ration for the series and did Amazingly, Sheila’s employer was requiring her to work on the an outstanding job in cultivation and nurturing of their new members! upcoming Sabbath—and even sent a memo to all employees that it Of course, we give God all the glory for what He has done in my home- was mandatory to work or risk being fired! Sheila thought she could town: “Not by power nor by might, but by My Spirit saith the Lord”!

INSIDE REPORT S27EPT/OCT 2005 Jerry Freeman from Hazel Freeman, his wife Bill Fulton from Edith Fulton, his wife G Charles Gall from Beryl Gall, his wife Malcolm Gibbs from Bernie Gibbs; from Elaine Cantrell Betty Gilreath from Hank and Lori Steensma Forest Givens from Euna Givens, his wife

Pastor Elmer Hagele from LLoyd Austin; from Ralph and Velma Libby Alex Hall from Alyce Hall, his wife H Charles Hall from Stephen and Gail Hall; from Rose and Carol Good Chase Hall from Alyce Hall, his grandmother Ardery Hardt from Ellen Hardt Rowena Hastaron from Evelyn Neal, her mother Mr. and Mrs. John Hayward from Jim and Jan Hayward Charles Hemingway from Ila Genton Kenneth Henderson from Enid Henderson, his wife William Henry from Patricia Pardee Joseph Herberg from Michael and Debra Fechik Stella Hess from Ralph Hess Mary Anne Hickok from Iris Fincher, her sister-in-law Joseph Hillebert Sr. from Mildred Hillebert, his wife Raymond Hoffman from Carol Hoffmann; from Lucille Bush In Loving Memory of … Ted and Marge Hoffman from Steve Dickie Dr. William Merle Allen from Patricia Pardee Betty Rees Coy from Jack Coy Robert Holt from Loren Sutherland Buck Alvarez from Ila Genton Joe Crews from LuAnn Crews, his wife; from Homer and Teresa Constance Eileen Hopper from Jasper and Tammy Hice Fern Anderson from Donald Hunt A Lynd; from Catherine Ritchie Everett and Connie Hopper from Mildred, Paul, Jerry, Elma Mae Currie from Ralph and Velma Libby and Ruth Anderson Reggie Ballard from Katy Kimbrow B Irene Curtis from Evelyn Neal, her daughter Dr. Merritt Horning from Helen Lee Warren Becker from Frank and Ruth Waxter Ellen and James Howell from Frank and Gayle Tyroff, Cal Bitzer from Marilyn Bitzer, his wife; from Zackary Daddy from Frank and Gayle Tyroff; from Ann Simpkins, his sister their grandchildren and Nickolas, his grandsons Tor Dahlberg from Don Kirkwood; from Homer and Teresa Lynd Ray Huffman from Donald Hunt Dorothy Black from Jim and Jan Hayward J.D. Davis from Wanda Davis Donald Stephen Hunt from Donald Hunt, his grandson Milford O. Brown from Milford and Millie Brown Donald DeVries from Elaine DeVries Joe Hunt from Donald Hunt, his brother Barbara Bryon from Dennis and Carla Ballou Marjorie Dickinson from Kent and Dee Dickinson Shannon Burton from Emanuel and Cathy Pavlik, Roberta Dillon-Chaffee from Stanley Chaffee D Jonny Jackson from Patricia Pardee her parents; from Spurgeon Lail Adeline Dockter from John Dockter, her husband Ben Johnson from Steve and Donna Dickie Ada Lee Butler from C. Cecil Wilkinson Earlena Dudney from Ed and Esther Brummett Blaine Johnson from Evelyn Neal, his mother Bruce Bush from Lucille Bush Dr. Robert Dunn from Nadine Clarke; Jack Johnson from Evelyn Neal, his mother J Glen Byers from Bonnie Byers from Doug and Carol Dietrich Junius Johnson from Jim McFarland David Byrd from Enid Henderson, his aunt Robert Dunton from Esther Dunton Dr. Milton Johnson from Kent and Dee Dickinson; from Dorothy Fisher Andy Carey from Donald Hunt Robert Edwards from Kent and Dee Dickinson Donna Just from City View Funeral Home Louisa Chaffee from Stanley Chaffee Berniece Elijah from Jim and Judy Blackwood Phyllis Chaffee from Stanley Chaffee C E Samuel Klasing from Richard Hood, his brother Dr. Stankey Chartier from Helen Chartier Ethel Feldt from Jean Eggert Clarence Kreiter from Loretta Kreiter Agnes Christensen from Dr. George Gamboa; from Bob Gunther Fischer from Albert and Patricia Marion Leila Kriigel from Lucille Bush and Dottie Rice; from Selmer and Helen Torkelson William Fisher from Dorothy Fisher, his wife F Horst Kunze from Laurie Kunze James Kirby Clark from Edith Clark K Edward Flower from M. Florence Flower, his wife Charlene Clemets from Dagmar Jorgensen Jewel Foutch from Frank and Gayle Tyroff, her children Ann Cofmann Langston from Margaret, Josephine Clough from Everett and Yvonne Dickerson Lynn Fox from Drusilla Fox George Coffen from Jim and Jan Hayward Connie, Heather, and Andrew Langston L Adrian Lauritzen from Kent and Dee Dickinson Amazing Facts recognizes contributions made as a tribute to the deceased or as an honorarium Edward Lechleitner from Clark Willison Audrey Lehman from Harvey Lehman celebrating significant milestones in the lives of loved ones. Please type or print legibly to ensure Emlee Lester from Anthony and C.K. Lester, her sons correct spelling; we are unable to verify confusing spellings due to volume.

INSIDE28 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 Paul Lester from Anthony and C.K. Lester, his brothers Dr. Ralph and Fern Prout from Patricia Pardee Sidney Mae Folkenberg from Frank and Ruth Waxter, Martin Lewis from Helen Marlin her great-grandparents James and Pearl Livingston from Mel and Jean Dury, Max and Lorin Qualley from Vern and Lorene Libby Don Reiber from Joan Reiber, his wife their children Max Qualley from Barbara Qualley, his wife Patrick and Lenore Lobo from Margaret Mishima Q Happy Anniversary to … Evelyn Lockwood from Robert Lockwood, her son; Mr. and Mrs. Enswert Binns from Esther Ball from Carol Swart, her daughter Richard Rader from Helen Marlin Earl and Hazel Griffin (72nd) Alan Dean Long from Pauline Long, his mother Dolores Reppel from Joan and Dennis Reppel Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers (70th) from Arlene Goertz J. Murray Long from Pauline Long, his wife Earl and Grace Reuss from Barbara Qualley, their daughter Willard and Jean Miller (22nd) from Will and Jean Miller Loved ones from Dr. Oma Kattenhorn Myrle Rich from Ina Schneider, his sister Happy Birthday to … Helen Lowry from F. W. Lowry, her husband H.M.S Richards Jr. from Patricia Pardee Frank Barker (100th) from Bonnie Lorenz Morris Lukens from Demas and Verna Borba H.M.S Richards Sr. from Don Park R Helen Haase (99th) Dorothy Lund from L. W. and Roberta Botimer, Pastor Estel Richardson from Patricia Pardee Sandra Alain Kennedy from Loella Kennedy her neighbors Max Ritchie from Catherine Ritchie Artie Robinson-Derting from Catherine Ritchie Mary Krysowaty (90th) Hilda McClure from Warner and Leah McClure, her stepson Earl and Edna Marlin from Helen Marlin and daughter-in-law Hugh Marlin from Helen Marlin, his wife Gene Sackett from Ruth Sackett, his mother M Annabel Sevison from Stanley Chaffee Warner H. McClure (40th) from Leah McClure, his wife Julie Marlin from Helen Marlin, her grandmother S Warner M. McClure (65th) from Warner and Leah McClure, Evelyn Marson from Carmen Jepsen Gerald Silvestri from John and Anita Silvestri, his parents his son and daughter-in-law John Mason Jr. from Iris Mason, his wife Mother from Don Park James and Minerva Masters from Viola Skala, Ann Simpkins from Frank and Gayle Tyroff Edie Sines from Jennie Tattrie Evelyn Neal from Evelyn Neal their daughter Joan Standish (40th) from Warner and Leah McClure, William May from Kent and Dee Dickinson George and Rugh Sisson from Don Sisson Doris Smith from Minnie Grace Allen her brother-in-law and sister Jamice McAllister from Sy Fasnacht Ray Van Dolson from Leo Van Dolson Edward Walker McCants from Carl and Virginia Mundy Lila Smith from Margaret and William Hafner Mr. and Mrs. J.G. McConnell from Marissa and Evan and Elsie Sumner from Russell Sumner, their son Charles McConnell Isaac and Alice Meier from Everett and Yvonne Dickerson Art Tappen from Betty Tappen Charles Melvin from Celia Melvin Allen Tattrie from Jennie Tattrie, his grandmother Cynthia Joan Melvin from Celia Melvin Duane Tattrie from Jennie Tattrie, his mother John and Harriet Meyers from Helen Marlin George Tattrie from Allene Tattrie, his wife Rachel Atkins Millard from John Millard Roy Tattrie from Jennie Tattrie, J.D. Miller from Homer and Teresa Lynd; from Edwina Miller his wife Willis Mohr from Everett Mohr Edna Taylor from Nancy Taylor Cart Moore from Mable Moore, his wife Dr. Francis Thiel Dee Moore from Donald Hunt from Dorothy Hughes Leonard Moore from Stanley Chaffee Bertha Bender Travis T Mother from Lova McLeod from Esther Dunton Paul Muffo from Ellen Groves Robert and Bertha Twomley William Murphy from Beulah Keeler, his sister; from Russell Sumner from Eula Collins; from Gary and Kathy Osborne Johann Myburgh from Fred and Kathy Christiansen George Vannay from Thelma Rice Pastor and Mrs. Gerald Nash from Catherine Krauss V Alma Nephew from Iris Fincher N Virginia Wantz from Robert Wand Jacquelin Kegel; from Allen Otey William Opincar from Marilynn Opincar, his wife Vernon Whitcomb from Eugene and Sharon Peppard Jack Orr from Homer and Teresa Lynd O Florence Wildfong from Herb and Elaine Dunham Kenneth Will from Enid Henderson, his aunt Beverly Penden from Merle and Margaret Rouse, her parents; Edna and Leonard Wright from Patricia Pardee from George and Marie Dortch; from Wilma Gromer; from Enita Letellier; from Florence Morse; Bill Zima Jr. from Patricia Zima, his mother and Jon Stenbergh; from Roger Verla P Bill Zima Sr. from Patricia Zima, his wife Z Annie and Isaac Pierce from Frank and Gayle Tyroff, N. Dale Zumwalt from Barbara Zumwalt, his wife their grandchildren Aaron Pinkney Polston from Milcah and Peter Donton; In Honor of … from Sal Ramos; from Rolando Tamayo; from Warren Owen Braunecker from Frank and Ruth Waxter, Werner; from Dorothy Wilson his great-grandparents

INSIDE REPORT S29EPT/OCT 2005 GuardYourHeart by Emily Thomsen bove all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do” your heart does indeed affect “A (Proverbs 4:23 NLT). everything you do! Solomon doesn’t clarify in this proverb whether he means the entity George McGlynn, Ed.D., that controls our emotional and moral activities or the actual physical chairman of the department heart, but either way it applies! Christians have long been careful to of sports and exercise at the avoid things that might corrupt their morality, their figurative hearts. University of San Francisco, However, research today also reveals the importance of avoiding calls exercise a miracle drug.2 things that corrupt our physical, literal hearts. One study showed that re- gardless of your physical condition, simply becoming fit reduces your Muscling Up Your Heart •••• risk of death from all causes.3 It has even been said that not exercis- Possibly the most important way to guard your physical heart is to ing is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day! exercise. That might be completely obvious, but while studying exercise physiology, I was amazed at how extensively aerobic exercise affects Longer and Better Living •••• the body. Down to the cellular level, the body functions more efficient- Do fit people live longer? Covert Bailey, fitness lecturer and ly when regularly pushed to its healthy limits. author, says that to argue that question misses the point. Fit people Exercise lowers blood pressure and total cholesterol and raises good live fuller lives and are less likely to be sick. When they do experience cholesterol, decreasing your risk of heart disease—America’s number- illness or injury, they recover faster.4 Even most conditions associated one killer. Your heart grows larger, stronger, and more efficient with with aging can be offset, delayed, or even prevented with regular regular exercise. It pumps more blood with each heartbeat, beating exercise. As one of my professors always said, “Our bodies rust out; slower and stronger. This means your fit they don’t wear out.” heart has more opportunity to rest than “I think we have been too hung up on an unfit heart. In fact, you can rest while how many minutes you have to work out, being active, because it requires more how many days per week, what your heart strenuous activity to raise your heart rate. rate ought to be,” says Russell R. Pate, Ph.D., Exercise also promotes better circula- professor and chairman of the department tion, not only because it simply gets your of exercise science at the University of South blood pumping, but also because the Carolina in Columbia. “You need to take a number of tiny blood vessels feeding your broader view of what exercise is. It’s simply muscles increases! Moreover, your lungs physical activity.”5 become more efficient at exchanging An ideal physical fitness program includes oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood three elements: aerobic activity, strength and your muscles become more efficient at using that oxygen. Thus it training, and stretching. Strength training lowers your overall risk of requires more strenuous activity for you to become out of breath. injury and positively impacts your ability to perform work, your over- all physique, and your metabolism.6 Stretching reduces tension and The Best Medicine •••• maintains your flexibility, further lowering your risk of injury. How- Besides heart disease, exercise protects against many illnesses, in- ever, aerobic activity is the most important in order to sustain basic cluding some cancers. In fact, exercise is essential in treating diabetes fitness and build a foundation for the other components. “Above all and depression. Exercise acts somewhat like insulin, by bringing sugar else,” Solomon states. out of the blood and into the muscles.1 It produces endorphins, those So get out there and be active—guard your heart! “feel-good” chemicals in your brain, elevating your mood and sooth- ing anxiety and tension—and over time, practically eliminating depres- 1. Nedley, Neil M.D. Proof Positive. Neil Nedley, M.D.: Ardmore, OK. 1998. p. 178. sion. Exercise is also one of the best stress management techniques. 2. Ibid., p. 92. Regular exercise results in stronger muscles, bones, tendons, 3. Nedley, p. 7. 4. Bailey, Covert. Smart Exercise: Burning Fat, Getting Fit. Houghton Mifflin and ligaments, reducing your risk of injury. Even at rest, muscle Company, Boston, New York. 1994. p. 4, 5. burns more calories than fat, so more muscle mass means a higher 5. Claflin, Edward, Ed. Age Protectors: Your Guide to Perpetual Youth. Rodale metabolism—thus helping to regulate body weight. Even if your Press, Inc.: Emmaus, PA. 1998. p. 96. exercise does not result in weight loss, your body image will likely 6. Cotton, Richard T. Ed. Personal Trainer Manual: The Resource for Fitness improve simply because you are caring for your body. Taking care of Professionals. American Council on Exercise: San Diego, CA. 1996, 1997. p. 242.

INSIDE30 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2005 totally vegetarian Amazing Facts’ brand-new, full-color cookbook has over 220 pages of tasty, easy-to-make vegan recipes from one of the best health programs in the nation! It’s your trouble-free resource to better living. Foreword by Dr. Neil Nedley. BK-TV ... $24.95 Barbara Watson Director of the StepFast Lifestyle Program Only $ 95 Featured Recipes Include: 24 Cappuccino • Stuffed French Toast Maple Walnut Granola • Orange Cranberry Bread Jack Cheese • Beets & Baby Greens • Ruby Raspberry Dressing French Onion Soup • Linguine with Artichoke Hearts Baked Tofu • Stuffed Mushrooms • Garden Burgers Pita Pizza • Roasted Root Vegetables • Green Beans Amandine Onion Rings • German Carob Cake • Tiramisu Coconut Whipped Cream • Carob Mocha Mousse Pecan Pie • Vanilla Ice Cream • & More!

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