Minutes of the May 23, 2019 Business Meeting
Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women Monthly Business Meeting May 23, 2019 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Will Rogers Building – Room #216 2401 N. Lincoln, OK 73105 Commission Members Present: Kathy Banks-Monroe, Jan Barrick, Sarah Brown, Linda Haneborg, Estela Hernandez, Nyla Khan, Denise Kinzie, Lou Kohlman, Mary Larson, Jean Lehr, Shondra McCage, Delores Runnels, Karen Sneary, Riki Snyder, Gloria Torres, Maria Trapp Braly, Molly Wehrenberg, Victoria Woods, and Adeline Yerkes Commission Members Excused: Brenda Jones-Barwick Commission Members Absent: Rhonda Barker, Carol Bush, Denise Castelli, Elise Hall, Alice Kelsey, Cyndi Munson, and Tammy West, Staff Present: Kitti Asberry Advisory Council Members Present: Nora Pugh-Seemster and Deanna Williams Call to Order and Determination of Quorum: Chair Maria Trapp Braly called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. There was a quorum declared. Minutes: Presented April 25, 2019 minutes – Motion to accept. MSP: Karen Sneary/Nyla Khan. Minutes approved unanimously. Officer Reports: Chair –Maria Trapp Braly Thanked all Commissioners and Advisory Council members for their support during her tenure as Chair. Annual Commission retreat will be August 22 at the Chickasaw Nation Community and Senior Center, 4001 NW 39th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73112. Time to be announced. National Association of Commissions on Women (NACW) Annual Meeting is July 22- 24, 2019, Chicago, IL. In past, the Commission has sent representatives to the Annual Meeting and Oklahoma has had a presence with both Executive Director Kitti Asberry and former Commissioner Bernice Mitchell holding national offices. A general discussion reflected that Oklahoma needs to continue with this presence and that we should fund travel and registration for Executive Director Kitti Asberry to attend.
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