New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Et

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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Et ,M In the Supreme Court of the United States ==================== ,CU7MPI1R?RC0GDJC.GQRMJQQMAG?RGML et al. Petitioners T )CTGL. PSCL GL&GQ-DDGAG?J!?N?AGRW?Q 1SNCPGLRCLBCLRMD,CU7MPI1R?RC.MJGAC et al. Respondents ==================== -L5PGRMD!CPRGMP?PGRMRFC3LGRCB1R?RCQ !MSPRMDNNC?JQDMPRFC1CAMLB!GPASGR ==================== 0'#$-$+'!'!30'# *5#,$-0!#+#,2%0-3.1,"122#," *-!*$'0#0+10'%&21%0-3.1 ',13..-02-$.#2'2'-,#01 +'!'*'12#"-,',1'"#!-4#0 ==================== ",+ .#2#01-, ",+ .#2#01-,.**! !&', 0'"%#0-" 12# $'0$6 4'0%',' B?LB?LNCRCPQMLJ?U AMK (SJW 2FCDMJJMUGLEQCTCLRCCLJ?UCLDMPACKCLREPMSNQ?LB QR?RC ?LB JMA?J DGPC?PKQ PGEFRQ EPMSNQ ?PC ?KGAG ASPG?CGLRFGQA?QC ,?RGML?J1FCPGDDQƃQQMAG?RGML ,CU7MPI1R?RC1FCPGDDQƃQQMAG?RGML ,?RGML?JQQMAG?RGMLMD!FGCDQMD.MJGAC 5CQRCPL1R?RCQ1FCPGDDQƃQQMAG?RGML !?JGDMPLG?1R?RC1FCPGDDQƃQQMAG?RGML 'LRCPL?RGML?J*?U#LDMPACKCLR#BSA?RMPQ?LB 2P?GLCPQQQMAG?RGML *?U#LDMPACKCLR*CE?J"CDCLQC$SLB 'LRCPL?RGML?JQQMAG?RGMLMD*?U#LDMPACKCLR $GPC?PKQ'LQRPSARMPQ 'LA PGBECTGJJC0GDJC?LB.GQRMJ!JS@ *RB "CJ?U?PC1R?RC1NMPRQKCLƃQQQMAG?RGML %SL-ULCPQƃARGML*C?ESC+?QQ?AFSQCRRQ %SL-ULCPQMD!?JGDMPLG? &?U?GG0GDJCQQMAG?RGML +?PWJ?LB1R?RC0GDJC.GQRMJQQMAG?RGML 4CPKMLR$CBCP?RGMLMD1NMPRQKCLƃQ!JS@Q 4CPKMLR1R?RC0GDJC.GQRMJQQMAG?RGML 4GPEGLG?1FMMRGLE1NMPRQQQMAG?RGML G 2 *#-$!-,2#,21 .?EC 2 *#-$32&-0'2'#1 GGG ',2#0#12-$AMICI CURIAE 13++07-$0%3+#,2 0%3+#,2 ' 0#!-%,'8',%2&#1#!-," +#,"+#,20'%&2-$-0"',07 *5 '"',%!'2'8#,12-!007 &,"%3,1$-0*5$3*.30.-1#1 !0#2#1*'22*#-0,-1$#270'1) ,CU7MPIƃQCVRPCKCJWPCQRPGARGTC JGACLQGLEQWQRCKNPCTCLRQKMQR,CU 7MPICPQDPMKCVCPAGQGLERFCGP1CAMLB KCLBKCLRPGEFRQ 2FGPRWWC?PQƃCVNCPGCLACUGRF GLAPC?QCBESLMULCPQFGN?LB JG@CP?JGXCBA?PPWJ?UQF?QLMRJCB RMGLAPC?QCBAPGKC ! !MLAC?JCBA?PPWNCPKGRFMJBCPQ GLƅQF?JJ GQQSCƆ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istrict of Columbia v. Heller 3 1 Kuck v. Danaher $ 1SNN B " !MLL Moore v. Madigan $ B RF!GP NYSRPA v. City of New York 1 !R People v. Aguilar , # B'JJ State v. Rosenthal 4R !-,12'232'-,1,"12232#1 3 1 !-,12 +#," '' passim 3 1 ! dE 3 1 !d 3 1 ! d! !MLL %CL 1R?R dƀ@ $J? 1R?R d GT , 7 .CL?J*?Ud @ , 7 .CL?J*?Ud L , 7 .CL?J*?Ud D -2&#032&-0'2'#1 @SQ?GB 1F?BBG After historically deadly 2020, Atlanta homicides are up nearly 60% in 2021 2*,2(-30,* !-,12'232'-,(SLC 2$# !-++#0!#',3 1 ,,3*122'12'!*3."2# 2$# ,,3*$'0#0+1+,3$!230',% ,"#6.-020#.-027#0$',* ?PRMXXG (MC Taking Stock of Record-Setting 2020 Firearm Year ,11$(?L P?L?Q !F?PJCQ! et al. Investigating the Link Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault K ( .S@ &C?JRF !?JD?Q (CLLGDCP%?H?L?L +?FGR? 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Right-to-Carry Laws and Violent Crime: A Comprehensive Assessment Using Panel Data and a State-Level Synthetic Control Analysis, ( #KNGPGA?J*CE?J1RSB #LEJGQF 5GJJG?K 2021 National Firearms Survey (SJ TG #LEJGQF 5GJJG?K The Right to Carry Has Not Increased Crime: Improving an Old Debate Through Better Data on Permit Growth Over Time(SJ $ '3!02?@JC 'LBCVMD !PGKC3LGRCB1R?RCQ $ '3!02?@JC !PGKCGLRFC 3LGRCB1R?RCQ@W4MJSKC?LB0?RCNCP 'LF?@GR?LRQ $ '3!02?@JC #VN?LBCB &MKGAGBC"?R?+SPBCP4GARGKQ @W5C?NML $ '3!02?@JC !PGKCGLRFC 3LGRCB1R?RCQ@W4MJSKC?LB0?RCNCP 'LF?@GR?LRQ $C?PLMU CLH?KGL Texas Allows Guns in Churches, Schools After Firearm Access Laws Expanded, Effective September 1 ,#515##) 1CN $*-0'""#.02+#,2-$%0'!3*230#," !-,13+#01#04'!#1 ..*'!2'-,1," "'1.-1'2'-,1 7!-3,27(3*7 ƀ(3,# $*-0'""#.02+#,2-$%0'!3*230#," !-,13+#01#04'!#1 !-,!#*#"5#.-, -0$'0#0+*'!#,1#13++070#.-02 -!2- #0 (3,# TGG $*-0'""#.02+#,2-$%0'!3*230#," !-,13+#01#04'!#1 ,3+ #0-$4*'"$*-0'" !-,!#*#"5#.-,*'!#,1#110#.-02#"2 2&##,"-$#!&$'1!*7#0(3,# 1',!#.0-%0+',!#.2'-,',-!2- #0 %GLU?JJ? 0?QFL? et al. Repeal of the Concealed Weapons Law and Its Impact on Gun-Related Injuries and Deaths, ( 2P?SK?ASRC !?PC1SPE &?KGJJ +?PI# et al. State Level Firearm Concealed-Carry Legislation and Rates of Homicide and Other Violent Crime ( KCP !MJJCECMD1SPECMLQ &CKCLU?W "?TGB1MJLGAI 1?P?( The Epidemiology of Self-Defense Gun Use: Evidence from the National Crime Victimization Surveys 2007-2011, .PCTCLRGTC+CB (MFLQML (?QML Why violent crime surged after police across America retreated 312-"7NP )JCAI %?PW%CPRX +?PA Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun J. of Crim. Law and Criminology$?JJ TGGG )JCAI %?PW How Hemenway and Solnick Distorted the Effectiveness of Defensive Gun Use )*#!) %07 .-',2 *,) 0MSRJCBECCB )MNCJ "?TGB Arming the right people can save lives * 2'+#1(?L )MNCJ "?TGB .PCRCLB “Gun-Free” School Zones !-,, * 0#4 )MNCJ "?TGB Guns on University Campuses: The Colorado Experience, 2&#51&',%2-,.-12NP *?4?JJC (?KCQ+ “Gun Control” vs. “Self-Protection”: A Case against the Ideological Divide, (SQRGAC .MJGAW(MSPL?J *MRR (MFL0 (P 5?LE 0SHSL !PGKC .PCTCLRGML0CQC?PAF!CLRCP Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2020 +?A"ML?JB &C?RFCP A Year After George Floyd’s Murder, It’s “Open Season” in Minneapolis 5** 120##2(-30,*+?W GV +A#JPMW +?PHMPGC 5?LE .CGAFSL Seemingly Inextricable Dynamic Differences: The Case of Concealed Gun Permit, Violent Crime and State Panel Data(SLC +A%GLRW (M!P?TCL New York Killers, and Those Killed, by Numbers ,#57-0)2'+#1NP +'*53)##&-+'!'"#0#4'#5!-++'11'-, ,,3*0#.-02 &-+'!'"# ,",-, $2*1&--2',%1 +MMBW !?PJGQJC# +?PTCJJ 2FMK?Q The Right-to-Carry Laws: A Critique of the 2014 Version of Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang #AML ( 5?RAF ,2'-,*11-!'2'-,-$!&'#$1-$.-*'!# 12,,3*1304#7 ,2'-,*0#1#0!&!-3,!'* .0'-0'2'#1 $-00#1#0!&2-0#"3!#2&#2&0#2 -$$'0#0+ 0#*2#"4'-*#,!# NSSF Releases Most Recent Firearm Production Figures,MT .?EMLCQ 1RCNF?LGC Murder in LA County jumps over 95% so far this year, concealed carry permits on the rise: sheriff $-6,#51(SL V .?EMLCQ 1RCNF?LGC Over 440 LA County deputies have left this year, as sheriff calls violence, homelessness “existential threats,” $-6,#51(SL .-*'!#"#.02+#,2!'27-$,#57-0) +30"#0',,#57-0)!'27 .-*'!#-,# %3,.-*'!7*5 #,$-0!#+#,21304#7 0CARMP )CTGL Statistical snapshots from Baltimore's deadliest year: suspects, victims, and cops *2'+-0#13,(?L 0#32#01 Texas church shooter wore wig and fake beard, says security head who shot him "CA 1?EG %SW( 20 States Now Have Constitutional Carry ,01&--2',% '**31202#"NP 1FG 5CG*CC *SLE DCG The Effects of Gun Control on Crimes: A Spatial Interactive Fixed Effects Approach #KNGPGA?J#AMLMKGAQ 1GCECJ +GAF?CJ et al. 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