What’s it like to live in Oxgangs, , Mains? July 2019 Appendix 1: Analysis of the data

Rating: 1 means there is a lot of room for improvement 7 means there is very little room for improvement

Diagram 1: Radar chart of results for each question from all groups


1. Moving Around Can I easily walk and cycle around using good quality routes? Generally respondents felt that there are lots of paths for walking if you knew the area but paths and pavements are uneven, not wide enough, and with potholes. The lack of lighting makes it unsafe at night and in the winter months. Parking and the amount of traffic especially around the schools makes moving around harder and less safe. The topography of the area was raised by most people especially older people and the difficulty of pushing a buggy up hill. More benches and routes to be more accessible for older people and people with disabilities are required. It was strongly felt by all groups interviewed that cars are the priority in respect to walking and cycling. A strong desire for more cycle paths and dedicated lanes was mainly mentioned by the young people interviewed. Positive comments Don’t know, Negative comments neutral or mixed Very easy to get about “There are lots of Not very easy, quality of the area x2 paths around the pavements (uneven, potholes) area, although x16 “I'm a cyclist and attend some areas are a walking group in the badly lit at night.” “Quality of pavement is poor (e.g. area. Excellent walking Oxgangs Road North from routes in area.” bowling club to bridge as not accessible for prams). Makes movement especially difficult of those in wheelchairs or with buggies.”

“I walk a lot with a buggy and the pavements are very uneven with often lots of dropped kerbs or uneven pavements and it can make it quite difficult.” OK x3 Not enough space for people to walk on pavements. Wider “Not a cyclist but as a pavements needed. x4 walker OK” “Easy to walk around.”

Easy to get to school x2 Pot holes on paths x10

“Good in terms of getting around the place but poor in terms of conditions of pathways e.g. potholes and not smooth”

“Dreghorn pathway very bad with lots of pot holes, narrow pathway and uneven. Difficult with a buggy” “ field's dirt path should be


paved.” Lighting has been Lighting and safety x7 updated “Some routes not feeling safe to walk alone at night in Oxgangs, a bit risky.”

“Lighting an issue by the field at / bridge” Overgrown hedges can make walking safely can be an issue. X2 Lack of signage x3 (2+1) in total

“Easy when you know the area; if new to the area - you'll get lost”

“short cuts and dead ends, have to be a local to know them” Topography of area causes issues - hill especially in winter x6

“Where you live in the area makes a difference to how you access services, there are distinct areas especially because of the hill.” Gritter service for pavements/ streets not very good. x2 Public seating to stop and rest is limited. No benches on walking routes and not enough on hills; benches only in parks X8 (6+2) in total Parking on pavements Routes near school not safe at school pick up/ drop offs. X4

“Space on pavement is particularly bad when the schools are emptying” Not enough traffic lights or safe places to cross x4 e.g. Redford Road, by Scotmid Not enough cycle routes x8

“Good for cycling but not enough cycle paths.” Separate cycle paths x3

“Cyclist should have different


paths to walkers; plus cycling too fast.”

“Cyclists riding too fast is also a big problem, there are no walking/cycle lanes. ” “Roads need cycle lanes esp. near school.” Safety of bikes mentioned and issue of bikes being stolen (lock it up and they'll just steal the wheel)

Spread of responses

30 Moving Around Most Negative Most Positive 25



10 % of %respondents 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Even though the comments were mainly negative , the rating s were positive: Ratings of 1-3 by 14% of respondents Rating of 4 by 20% of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 66% of respondents Average rating was 5.

The rating s between age groups were fa irly consistently, average rating s ranged from 4.5 to 5.5 with the lower average ratings being from younger people and older people.

2. Public transport Does public transport meet my needs? Generally people were very positive about public transport meeting their needs. The public transport in the area is a bus service managed by (LRT) . There were comments around frequency of buses particularly the No 400 and a certain area that does not connect with any buses – Firrhill Neuk with the

4 main road of Colinton Mains Drive/ Allermuir Medical Practice. Issues with the bus tracker system were raised in terms of not being available at bus shelters and not being correct if using the App. Some of the young people commented on the cost of the fares and the lack of a young person’s discount. Positive comments Don’t know, Negative comments neutral or mixed Bus routes x11 Limited usage of No link from Oxgangs the service x2 Neighbourhood Centre(ONC)/ “Fantastic bus service “Hardly use public Oxgangs to Colinton Mains/ main with easy access to transport as have road x3 most areas of the city, a mobility card but “No direct transport from Firrhill airport, stations” used to use it.” Neuk end to new medical centre, either 5/16 could have their route “Perfect! amended to include it.”

Lots of buses: No 4, 5, No direct buses to Western 16, 27, 400” General hospital. Frequency of buses x2 Poor frequency of buses: 400/ x11 “Amazing that they run Night buses x2 through the night” school times x1

“Weekends service is “The 400 is the only direct also good; I was connection to the west of the city brought up in villages and should be more frequent” with no buses” “Working night shifts, it would be helpful for more night buses to be available in the area.”

“Buses to airport and hospital but stop at 8.30pm.”

“Good bus services near to the school but timings of buses could be better suited to end of school.” Buses good or very Bus tracker system x11 good x28 (No tracker system at stops x5; issues with App bus tracker “The buses are better working in the area x6) than they used to be and getting to and from “Buses are often not on time, the centre of town is which is a problem if you are not good.” able to use the tracking app. Especially as there are no stops with displays” “Majority of drivers are Bus shelters not all fit for purpose good.” (shelter, seating or vandalised) x4 Price x2 Too expensive x2


“It is also very good Some young people admitted that value, especially if you they buy or try to buy children's use it every day.” tickets (15 years and under) due to costs of adult tickets “Brilliant prices – good” “N ight buses extremely expensive (night tickets after 12midnight) ” Family friendly

“Only complaint is with the new buses No16: limited space for a buggy and wheelchair with obviously the latter taking priority.” Seasonal

“In winter, sometimes buses can't get up the hill (again the gritter service could be better). ”

Spread of responses

50 Public transport 45 Most Negative Most Positive 40 35 30 25 20 15

% of %respondents 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 5% of respondents Rating of 4 by 5% of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 90% of respondents Average rating was 6.

3. Traffic and parking Do traffic and parking arrangements allow people to move around safely and meet the community’s needs? As previously mentioned in moving around the area (section1), parking, safet y and congestion are issues esp ecially around the schools. The latter was a major

6 point raised by nearly all respondents. Firrhill Community Council mentioned that they knew the police (as well as the Head Teachers) are aware of the issues of parking and congestion around the schools at start and finish times and that there has been communication to parents but it’s hard to maintain. A more sustainable plan is required for a change of behaviour on this. Again as previously mentioned (section 1), it was generally felt that there was too much traffic and that cars take priority over people in the area. Traffic-calming measures were mentioned to be not totally effective as some drivers are still speeding. Plus crossing roads was difficult and at times dangerous. The traffic and congestion was also recorded as having a negative impact on health: “The air quality along the main roads is poor.” A class in S6 of raised the issue and link of climate change with the priority given to cars and other traffic in the area. Not surprisingly this was the second main concern with young people. Positive comments Don’t know, Negative comments neutral or mixed “Islands help to cross some “some drivers Parking a problem in area x50 of the busy roads” still drive too (49+1) in total fast; above “Putting the speed bumps 20miles/hr “Need to enforce parking in has been good, as some speed limit. restrictions” drivers have slowed down.” 50:50” Cars and vans parking on Efforts to address parking pavements x7 (6+1) in total and congestion via communications between Traffic and parking around Head Teacher and parents schools x21 (17+4) in total of pupils at schools. Lack of Yellow Lines x4

“Redford Road is a busy road with no yellow lines and difficult to cross.”

“Some bends/ corners should be double yellow lines to ensure no parking”

“Firrhill Drive is ridiculously dangerous. Firrhilll Crescent, the street can be dangerous for traffic due to only space for one car, and many cars parked on the road.”

“Parking in disabled places when no blue badge, this is an issue on the residential streets as well main parking areas.”


“People park in front of their drive and block their access (by ONC).” Too much traffic causing congestion x18

“Emergency services often struggle to get through”

“People use this as a cut through when issues on by-pass or as a short cut” x2 Effective traffic-calming measures

Drivers not driving to 20miles/hr speed limit x8

“Need speed bumps on Oxgangs Terrace; drivers drive at 30miles/hrs and not 20miles/hr”

“Speed bumps and road narrowing can feel quite dangerous at times.” Crossing roads an issue x10 (6+4) in total

E.g. by Scotmid and by Aldi

“By St Mark's church on the corner, there's now an island to aid crossing the road but due to the bend it’s still difficult to see what's coming plus limited space; really needs traffic lights/ pedestrian crossing.”

“T junction at Oxgangs Road North and Oxgangs Avenue is bad - would help if traffic lights there for drivers and pedestrians” People not given the priority over cars and other traffic x9 Air quality x2


Spread of responses Traffic and parking 25 Most Negative Most Positive 20



% of %respondents 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 41 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 18 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 41 % of respondents Average rating was 4.

4. Streets and spaces Do buildings, streets and public places create an attractive place that is easy to get around? This wasn’t a topic that respondents had many comments on unlike some of the other themes . People felt mainly that the attractiveness of the buildings a nd public space was very varied : with some new modern buildings along with old buildings needing renovat ion. However, it was thought to have improved over time along with the fact that there are no high rise flats anymore. Some respondents thought the fencing around the bins had made an improvement. Ox gangs House was mentioned a few times in terms of being r un down. One class at Firrhill High School suggested that the whole area could have more art murals to make it more attractive. Issues of rubbish and vandalism (covered in another section 13 ) were raised as affecting this. A few expressed the need to refurbish the building in the middle of Colinton Mains Park especially the exterior. Another area where there was a perception that it needed to be improved was the area around the library. Positive comments Don’t know, neutral Negative comments or mixed “A mix of nice new and Mixed: Some old/ “There a re very few public civic old buildings. It has some new buildings/ spaces” improved ove r time and some improved x22 is more pleasant now” Lots of positive features “Buildings are not “Oxgangs Crescent and

9 e.g. Barracks, Redford particularly attractive Oxgangs H ouse are still very Woods, community however they are all run down areas and the centre, churches, sort of fitting with the outsides of some of the council barracks etc. area” housing e.g. Oxgangs Broadway” x10 “New ones on Oxgangs “Open spaces are Colinton Mains Park – Bank are much better” parks and are good, “buildin g in the middle but urban centre to (changing blo ck) is an eyesore the area does not due to graffiti” exist” “No high rise flats” “Not too much on “Area around library could be derelict properties, improved wit h more green some e.g. old school space and benches” and old children's care home” “Fencing around the “Areas aroun d the shops not bins on Oxgangs very attractive” Avenue is good” “A lot o f empty houses on army barracks ” x2. “Too close together, the new housing”

Spread of responses Streets and spaces 35 Most Negative Most Positive 30




10 % of %respondents 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 22 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 18% of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 60 % of respondents Average rating was 4.6 .


5. Natural space Can I regularly experience good quality natural space? This is a key strength of the area, clearly demonstrated by the high ratings. Raising the awareness of all the natural space and making it accessible for everyone was the main issues raise. Litter, broken glass, dog mess, fly tipping were also raised and this is covered in a later section13. Again a lack of benches and signage was raised. Positive comments Don’t know, neutral or mixed Negative comments “We are surrounded by “I hope this never changes as Lack of seating/ green space e.g. Dell, there are lots of nature walks etc benches x2 , Colinton but there are no bins at all in the Mains Park, Braidburn woodland areas near me and Park, Spylaw Park, that’s not ok.” Colinton Woods, Redford Forest.” “Lots of natural open “Spaces like Colinton Mains Park, Accessibility space, wide variety of City Hospital woods, Dreghorn space, nice walks. Need to woods, Burn/ Water of and raise the awareness of Hope Triangle are very good, but this.” they are hidden from most of the community.” “There are lots of smaller “A lot of spaces are wild due to Signage green spaces – a green living landscapes, and generally space map would be a lot are underutilised.” useful.” Colinton Mains Park issues of broken glass Not enough bins in these green spaces. Fly tipping an issue here too.


Spread of responses

50 Natural space 45 Most Negative Most Positive 40 35 30 25 20 15

% of %respondents 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings 1-3 by 7 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 9 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 84 % of respondents Average rating was 6

6. Play and recreation Can I access a range of space with opportunities for play and recreation? There was a very mixed response to this q uestion: positive and negative , demonstrated in the range of scores and comments. Respondents felt that there was a lot of activities for babies, young children and older people. However it came through strongly that there w asn’t enough for o lder children and young people. Respondents commented on the range of community places for play and recreation available: parks, community centres, library as well as lots going on at churches. Although it was felt that c urrent recreation areas need upgrading ; Colinton Mains Park was specifically mentioned. Safety , poor lighting and accessing facilities all year round were also issues raised. There are also opportunities for all the community places: Oxgangs library, Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre , Colinton Mains Community Centre and P entlands Community Centre to develop more affordable and accessible activities for certain age groups and population groups. Timings of activities i.e. after school, evenings, weekends and school holidays as wel l as being accessible all year round should also be taken into consideration. It was mainly physical activity and sport activities that were suggested e.g. skate park, trampoline, outdoor gym facilities. Maximising the green space, parks and community plac es in the area for a greater amount of play and physical activity all year round for older children and young people should be a priority. Positive comments Don’t know, Negative comments neutral or mixed Parks x3 An observation State of parks x2


said was: “you don't see children “Plenty of parks, though parks need a playing in the revamp as graffiti and smashed glass park” (only in play on grass, bins full, lots of dog mess, park section) and rubbish”

“Could be better with more AstroTurf pitches” So much for Parks are only for young ones/ younger children x6 Nothing for older children (5 years plus) and young people x16

“This area has nothing for kids to do which is terrible! 2 swing parks that are suitable for kids aged around 0 - 7. What on earth are the children 8 and upwards meant to do?”

“Only play area available in the area is outdoor parks, of which aren’t available in bad Scottish weather. Colinton Mains Park could be bigger as not much there for older kids.”

“Not enough for teenagers and young people”

“No place for teenagers: a skate park was discussed but no progress. Ideal for an outdoor gym in Colinton Mains Park. No leisure centre - need better links to a swimming pool as Gracemount is over subscribed. Braidburn school has a hydrotherapy pool but not accessible due to cost. Bowling Club closed in 2018.”

“Poor lighting means facilities cannot be used as much in winter and after dark. Some parts of the area do not have easy access. The area suffers from anti-social behaviour, more youth activities are needed. Using facilities at the schools can be very expensive. No swimming pool - need to travel a distance. Redford pool not accessible and Braidburn just for babies.”

“Nothing for older children especially

13 at Colinton Mains Park (hence the vandalism)”

“Would be good to have something like park or park as there is a lot of space”

“If we had a skate park it would get vandalised. No skate board part in the park; have to go down to Saughton Park.”

“Not enough safe places. Not enough for older pupils. Parks etc for younger children. Need a swimming pool that’s closer. Parks are messy with broken equipment. However Spylaw park is considered good. Trampoline park would be great!”

“Not enough parks and facilities, not enough youth centres / community centres. Not very good! More for teenagers. Designated zones for age groups please. Outdoor gyms?”

“Local swimming pool would be great. or a skate park.”

“Some things e.g. Swing in Gully are destroyed. A lot unused. More sports centres would be nice. Trampoline park, tyre swings, flying fox, all requested”


Play parks x3 Quality of play parks x4

“Play parks in “At Latch park, the play park has Colinton Mains Park rubber, the black from the rubber gets (CMP) and outside onto to the kids' clothing.” Pentlands Community Centre, “The swing parks in the area could all which are well used do with modernisation and it would be at weekends.” useful to have other outside play options available, maybe a bike track or scooter/bike park”

“The play park at Firrhill Park is also very small and limited. Considering the space on the field it would be great if the park had more.” Library x5 “Not enough for men or dads. Not e.g. Lego club in that I have time to do stuff on own but library if I had time, there's not much”

“Library great hub” Pentland Maximising the potential of the local Community Centre community centres x5 (PCC) x3 “PCC has facilities but closed at “A good range of weekends” activities for everyone.” “No idea what the point of community centre is if it’s not open in the “some playgroups” summer. Don’t understand why people think a park is the answer because it’s not.”

“Nicer community centre space needed”

“Only 1 pub and 1 park” ONC x1 What is out there is either not very inspiring or not suitable for all ages and abilities x5

“I am aware many purpose youth clubs such as boxing or art classes etc but this would still only create opportunities for certain age groups and also be less inclusive for disabled.”

“Good parks but not enough all ability


play equipment for everyone.”

“Not enough for blind or partially blind people. I only come to the library”

“One park - no public sporting access for pupils” Barracks Could be more for families x4 Community Centre (wives activities and “Something like a swimming pool children's) would benefit all ages and provide a place for families to spend time together.”

“Poor for parents of young children and for young people generally. Need more around physical activities and exercise” A lot for toddlers x2 Not for babies; no soft play x2 Lots of activities for An issue in the winter x4 older people x2 “Basketball near Scotmid – has no “Yes lots for my age lighting so in winter can't use after group (older 4pm. Generally nothing to do people): Carpet especially at night.” Bowls, Chair exercises, Thursday club, Lunch clubs”

“Don't know about other age groups but lots for older people” Lots going on at “Large grass areas at Firrhill High churches school never/hardly used” Walking paths Maximise the amount of green space in the area “More Pentlands hiking and cycle clubs”


Spread of responses Play and recreation 25 Most Negative Most Positive 20


10 % of %respondents 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Score Spread of responses Average

Scores 1-3 by 41 % of respondents Score of 4 by 16 % of respondents Scores of 5-7 by 43 % of respondents Average score was 4.

7. Facilities and amenities Do facilities and amenities meet my needs? Comments were predominantly around the lack of places to eat or drink along with the lack of lei sure facilities which included general leisure centre, to specifically a pool, gym , and sports facilities. Again certain groups e.g. children and young people, families, working parents, felt that facilities and amenities did not meet their needs. Affordability and access at weekends or holidays were raised as issues. There are lots of opportunities for Oxgangs Neighbour hood Centre, Pentlands Community Centre , Colinton Mains Community Centre and Oxgangs Library to develop thei r facilities and activities using this feedback. Nearly all respondents commented on the choice for food shopping along with listing the range of facilities and amenities available in the area including Allermuir Health Centre and the schools. Positive Don’t know, neutral or Negative comm ents comments mixed Local shops x20 “Not a lot only the No clothing shops not even a t Oxgangs Neighbourhood Tesco or a charity shop x5 Centre and Pentlands (so either in town/ Gyle or Community Centre.” online)

“Would be good to have a shopping/ retail complex ”


“We would like a more central system like a mall” Food shopping Not enough cafes x11 good as got 3 supermarkets: “No places to eat or drink only Tesco, Aldi, Costa in Tesco, which is Morrisons x 11 always busy and Morrison's (But some felt that café. Could benefit from a local this was over café/ informal gathering space. catered for x3) Do have some church cafes but limited hours and not accessible to all” Places to eat OK x2 No places to eat x22

Takeaway options “More lunchtime food and OK x3 coffee shops needed.” x3

Takeaway options poor or unhealthy x2 Library x5 Lack of places to meet friends x2 Lots to do x2 No cinema x2 For leisure: walking “Younger children - lots No leisure facilities in the area and cycling of activities and dance x30 (including no gym x3, etc. Older children have sports facilities x2, pool x15) to travel out with area especially with sport “Swimming pool in barracks activities. Adults - very but not available to the public; little.” school swimming pool only for babies swimming and too expensive. Have to go to WHEC in Wester Hailes or Gracemount” Oxgangs More support for children and Neighbourhood families x5 including child care Centre x5 “Nothing for children especially during the holidays e.g. soft play (have to go to Loanhead). Cost of activities an issue - needs to be free. Not enough support for families.”

“Oxgangs after school club does not have enough space to cover all the schools in the area to help parents who work. All childminders are full for after school pickups so after more school clubs are


desperately needed.”

“More child friendly options for meeting would be ideal. Most places don’t have space for lots of parents with buggies to meet up.” Pentlands “Nothing at the weekends Community Centre (Pentland Community Centre x4 shut at weekends).” Schools good x3 Lack of common or recreation space at school x3 Health: doctors - 2 “Mum & Baby classes aren't surgeries, dentist, time convenient if a working pharmacy x2, not mum.” sure about an optician. Allermuir Health Difficulty to get an appointment Centre – cited and x 4 good/ very good x14 “Over 2 weeks to get an appointment at Firrhill practice. No well men clinic/screening unlike other areas of ” Mostly church run Need an indoor play area x2 activities Affordability x3

“Priced out of activities at the community centre because we’re surrounded by areas of affluence.”


Spread of responses

40 Facilities and amenities Most Positive 35 Most Negative 30 25 20 15 10 % of %respondents 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 28.5 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 12.5 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 59 % of respondents Average rating was 4.

8. Work and local economy Is there an active local economy and the opportunity to access good quality work? The amount of g ood quality work in the area was seen as an issue by some respondents. The only local opportunities stated were in food retailing, health/ care and schools. Two respondents interviewed were currently looking for work . In terms of support for employment, CH AI was mentioned as well as having to commute to the Job Centre in Wester Hailes. A round half interviewed were not sure how to comment on this theme and hence the high percentage that scored this question 4. The majority of adults interviewed were unemploy ed, retired, on maternity leave or couldn’t work due to illness or a disability. The length of time to commute to work was raised by a few respondents. Young people were concerned about the lack of opportunities generally and locally, out of school times. This was more of an issue with the older students. There was confusion and lack of knowledge of volunteering op portunities in the area. This highlights an opportu nity for Oxgangs to develop and promote volunteering opportunities for all ages. Positive comments Don’t know, Negative comments neutral or mixed Work only in retail/ supermarkets, Don’t know x9 There are very little job health/ care homes and schools. opportunities in Oxgangs x12 “There are local jobs if not too choosey and if not bothered about Not a mix of jobs

20 a certain type/ grade of job. Lots of available x5 jobs within the barracks i tself then out with there's jobs at takeaways “Low pay an issue too ” and supermarkets - childcare an issue though” “Some local job opportunities for Mixed: some Need to go outside of teenagers (retail and more people have to Oxgangs area for work Saturday jobs or summer work ) travel for work, x10. but no local apprenticeship some work in schemes” Oxgangs. “have to travel 40 - 50mins one way. ” “The Dreghorn crèche is affordable Unsure about “No local services of and good. Harder in military as no affordable support such as childcare support currently childcare. jobcentre, recruitment especially if partner away. ” agencies, affordable childcare. Only help is from CHAI. ” Some volunteer opportunities - “Don't know about “No work spaces. unsure on detail (Oxgangs Care volunteering in the No social enterprise. and ONC) x4 area, but never Low on local seen it being businesses. advertised.” Turnover of local shops not good ”

Spread of responses

45 Work and local economy 40 Most Negative Most Positive 35 30 25 20 15 10 % of %respondents 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 35 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 39 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 26 % of respondents Average rating was 3.5


9. Housing and community Do the homes in my area support the needs of the community? The wide range of housing options from council to large private detached was clearly described with respondents’ scoring and comments being very dependent on their own circumstances and hence the range of scores and comments. As for the previous question, there was a high response of don’t knows and scores of 4. Respondents who commented felt that there are a lack of affordable housing especially for families. Some also stated that private rents were expensive for poor quality housing. People expressed that they wanted to stay in the area but found it hard due to amount of available and affordable housing. Potentially there is an opportunity to support Residents Associations. Positive Don’t know, neutral Negative comments comments or mixed There is a good Don't know x11 Limited amount of affordable mix of housing housing x16 options: rent, “as I own my own private and social property” “Not enough social housing” housing. in the area x5 “As in army “The army estate is being rented accommodation, so out but the rent and criteria are so it’s OK.” out of most people's needs.”

“Yes ok on barracks “Big problem with local people But couldn't afford to being priced out by private live in this area if landlords inflating sales and rents – didn't live on the desirable area to incomers wanting barracks” cheaper rents but good connection to university and town. What is “Live in a retirement considered affordable is unrealistic.” complex, which is very good” “Not enough housing and not enough affordable housing. You “yes an issue in the have to move out of the area if you future but not an issue want to get a 2-bed house. at moment as living at Lots of privately owned housing. home”. Can only stay in the area if in sheltered accommodation or can afford your own home/ private.” “Dunedin “Not enough housing There is a lack of affordable rented Canmore is available x3 versus no housing for families x8 excellent” Michelle more housing x2 mentioned by “There are not enough 3 bedrooms name. “They sort “Don’t want more in Oxgangs. I currently am in a two out anything houses” bed top flat with a six year old son straight away” and four year old daughter with disabilities and have had no help to find a more suitable home and when trying to bid 3 beds are almost nonexistent.”


Too many one-bed (Expensive in terms of rental and ) properties versus too poor quality x3 few one -bed properties “Quality of housing poor and expensive”

“Council houses poor quality and not enough space”

Spread of responses

30 Housing and community Most Negative Most Positive 25




% of %respondents 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 30.5 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 23 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 46.5 % of respondents Average rating was 4.5

10. Social contact Is there a range of spaces and opportunities to meet people? There was a mixed response to this question but this could be due to most of the in terviews/ group discussions taking place in loca l community places . There is an opportunity to review all the local community places to ensure that they are being used to their full potential i.e. their reach and offer meets the needs of the whole community by creating opportunities for connections and are seen as ‘welcoming places’ by the community. Creating youth friendly places for young people to socialise was one of the dominant issues. Again the re were feelings that there wasn’t enough for families, adults especially men and young people. The lack of places to eat or drink was raised again; this was the pupils ’ main concern . People knowing what was going on was also raised; this could be resolved by improving online and hard copy communications.


Positive comments Don’t know, neutral Negative comments or mixed Several community Mixed views from Few places to socialise, could centres e.g. Pentland respondents about do with more variety in the Community Centre, whether the current area x6 Oxgangs Neighbourhood community places Centre and Colinton were used to their “Lacking places to meet Mains Community potential or even friends. Have a library and Centre and church halls welcoming: park (but seasonal).” offering a wide range of activities for all x12 Some members of the group felt the local community centres “were not managed well or welcoming.”

“Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre the most unwelcoming place ever for the community.” X2 Versus “Give Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre a score of 7: free soup on a Friday is brilliant!”

The library mentioned “Oxgangs “Again there is very little for x10 Neighbourhood families to do therefore less Centre: not that chance to meet anyone” “but is at the top of the much for us; needs hill which limits access.” to improve (hopefully with recent “is amazing” managerial changes it will)

Pentland Community Centre: good and lots of activities during the week.

Library: only good for a certain age.”

Pub x3 More for men x2

“More needed for adults


especially dads (lots for mums in the morning with toddlers/ children). Be good to have activities for dads to do with kids in evening and weekends” Costa café in Tesco x3 Very little for children and Cafe in Morrisons young people.

“Children of high school age are classed as pests for hanging around and get shouted at by residents to move on (but where to?) or the police arrive after complaints that the kids (who are just being kids) need moved along.”

“There is no safe place in the area that kids can go on evenings to socialise and keep active at the same time. When I was younger both Pentland Community Centre and Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre welcomed teenagers as did the church at the end of Oxgangs Avenue. We also used to have access to the swimming pool at the barracks up the road and the gym at the other barracks which we could access via a gate at Adams Well/Latch Park.”

“Get kicked out the library and Tesco. Only got the Pentland Community Centre, parks & woods and Scotmid steps”

Youth group at Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre: "We used to have a pool table, table tennis and sofa to sit but now nothing." “Generally nothing to do especially at night “

From the young people’s



Rather go into town x3

A need for indoor places to meet friends x9

Free or affordable x3

A strong desire for a leisure centre, and places to eat and drink , with a few requesting a cinema “Lots to do (for my age Nothing for older people. group - older people) x2 and occasions to meet plenty of people e.g. Tues, Thurs, Fri at Pentland Community Centre” Breast feeding group run “But not much information on by the Practice Nurses at this; mainly get to know about the health centre this du e to word of mouth. Previously the H ealth Visitor gave out information on local groups and activities ” “There are not many opportunities for interactions e.g. don’t run an annual gala day anymore”

Spread of responses

25 Social contact Most Negative Most Positive 20



% of %respondents 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 36 % of respondents


Rating of 4 by 14% of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 50% of respondents Average rating was 4.5

11. Identity and belonging Does this place have a positive identity and do I feel I belong? The majority of responses were positive although there were mixed views about the perceived reputation of the area. People strongly wished to remain or return to this area, which was seen also in the housing section through the frustrations of not being able to afford bigger, family housing in the area. One issue felt was the integration of army families into the community and is potentially an opportunity to continue to encourage the integration of army families into the community and change perception of this. Positive Don’t know, neutral or Ne gative comments comments mixed Never moved away Mixed views of reputation x6 “Oxgangs doesn't have a from the area x9 good reputation” “Used to but not in the last 5- “For me yes as I 10 years” have grew up here.” “Sense of pride to be from Oxgangs, even though “Family from outside perceptions seem not Oxgangs and live to be positive.” here too.” Versus “Lived here for 30 years.” “Improved over the years!” x2

“Out with Oxgangs - perceived as a bad area but within Oxgangs locals are positive. I believe that this stems from the 60's & 70's. Folk are loyal and remain in Oxgangs.”

“Increasingly transient community inhibits community spirit, but people are proud to be from the area, despite/because of, its reputation.” Good community Only just moved into the area “Army families get a bad feeling x9 x2 reputation. Local community are resentful against us. On “People talk to Facebook there are regular each other and posting regarding negative

27 there are discrimination e.g. military opportunities for family moving in... ” people to be involved if they “It feels very much like a want” "them v us" (army v local community) ” “This is a strength of the area.” “Don't feel that I belong to the area, though it is a good area to live ”

Spread of responses Identity and belonging 35 Most Negative Most Positive 30




% of %respondents 10


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Ratings Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 21 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 7 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 72 % of respondents Average rating was 5

12. Feeling safe Do I feel safe here? Generally respondents felt safe but this did depend on where and when i.e. at night or in the winter, darker months. Improved lighting (previously mentioned in section 1) was requested by all age groups. Majority of young people mentioned the issue of safe ty at night. More activities and places for young people to socialise were again raised. The issues of anti-social behaviour and drug dealing were also raised.


Positive Don’t know, neutral Negative comments comments or mixed Yes x 12 Mainly yes but with Young people x6 pockets where it's not “Generally feel safe and odd incidents “The reason why some crime is safe as cameras e.g. petty crime or the done is boredom children and in the area and occasional house young adults have nothing to do” also the pub has a break ins. X5 camera.” “teenagers drinking and making a lot of noise late at night” "safe as anywhere"

“Stick to the main roads and then OK. Know everyone and know who to avoid.”

“As a male, I feel really safe. No gangs. Go running at night throughout the year and feel safe” People mostly feel There are problems with antisocial safe, but there are behaviour, and drug dealing x4 places especially at night where they do “Drugs being sold and used in the not x16 (8+1+7) in stairwells” total

“This often is because areas are not lit. Park unsafe, more lighting is required. Some areas the lighting on pathways needs improved (by the school).”

“During the day it's OK but not at night”

“At night, walking don't feel so safe due to the dim lighting. Street lighting needs to be


better ” “Think this depends “NO - Get rubbish tipped into our on where you stay ” gardens; eggs thrown at our windows; Break-ins (houses and garages)”

“Car windows smashed . Break ins. Don't feel safe especially when the lads are away - Its mainly teenagers” No as “been followed home ” “There continues to be issues with regards to anti-social and criminal behaviour in the area. The people responsible for the issues are brazen and have little regard for those who live here . The culprits are known to most people in the area. Despite numerous complaints very little seems to be done and they continue to bring down the area with their parties, drinking and fighting in the streets.”

Spread of responses

35 Feeling safe Most Negative Most Positive 30 25 20 15 10 % of %respondents 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 19 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 12.5 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 48.5 % of respondents Average rating was 4.5


13. Care and maintenance Are buildings and spaces well cared for? Dog mess, not enough bins and fly tipping in public areas were the main issues mentioned. General care and maintenance of social housing as well as the green space around this housing was also raised. The issue of broken glass on grass in the parks was previously highlighted in section 6. Positive Don’t Negative comments comments know, neutral or mixed Maintenance at Dog mess x14 (13+1) in total the schools is good “Removed dog mess bins and now normal bins get regularly overfilled especially in Woods” Fencing good Litter/ not enough bins x11 (8+2+1) in total

“Litter an issue from the school children on Oxgangs Road North” x3

“More bins needed especially in green spaces/ parks” x6 (3+2+1) in total

“Bins around bus stops” Not much Vandalism x7 (5+1+1) in total vandalism as gets painted over Fly tipping x6 (5+1) in total

“Fly tipping an issue by communal bins e.g. sofas etc”

“Amnesty/ skips days are good, but there are not enough, they need to be better advertised, and last longer.” Recycling at Not enough facilities for recycling x3 Tesco and Morrisons x3 “No charity shops to recycle clothes. Can recycle sunglasses at library” Good refuse Refuse collections x2 collection “Bins not lifted enough”

“Councillor Scott Arthur excellent at getting the council to empty bins, uplift refuse/ recycling and maintenance” Cleaning and maintenance of housing and stairwells x2


“Stairwell cleaning: we pay for it but not a good quality job is done.”

“The roads are horrendous and houses are only fixed if they are death traps and even then sometimes they are not.” Green space maintenance around the area x8 Including broken glass on grass in parks x3

“Football pitch is an issue and not looked after by the council. When the council cut the grass, they don't pick up the litter e.g. bottles and cans - so broken glass just gets scattered.”

“Seats in the park need cleaned”

“But maintenance of green space e.g. frequency of grass cutting by houses not so good - give it over to the house owner or community”

“Lots of mess in stream and rubbish”

“The maintenance of the pond is part of my rent, yet is not kept well.”

“I have to pay for communal garden to be maintained by the pond but I can't use it (it's £10/15 on top of my rent - Dunedin Canmore Housing Ass).” Lighting issues x1 “Reported a broken street light on Firrhill Drive to the ECC, and still not working.”


Spread of responses

25 Care and maintenance Most Negative Most Positive 20



% of %respondents 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 29 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 21 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 50 % of respondents Average rating was 4

14. Influence and sense of control Do I feel able to take part in decisions and help change things for the better? There was a mixed response to this question with a few examples of how respondents got involved. Majority of respondents weren ’t sure how they could get involved and whether they had time. Local councillors were known with some being named as well as how to get in contact with them. Communications again was raised as to how to know what’s going on and opportunities of getting involved. Respondents may have been dispassionate due to the amount of consultation that occurs locally and Edinburgh wide. Young people felt that it is important for them to be involved and felt a sense of involvement and control at school but not locally within their community to date. Positive comments Don’t know, Neg ative comments neutral or mixed Getting involved x3 Lack of No t knowing how to get involvement or involved x4 “I have got involved with the barriers x11 Oxgangs Football Team, as “Not able to take part in wanted to make sure it “I don't get involved decisions – no networks remained a community team as I keep myself to through which to and make it more fun as well myself.” influence. ” as ensure that my kids have a team to play for.” “Limited input what “Not really - it's adults who with my disability do this. We haven't really


“Yes as part of the ONC and also need thought about it.” Committee” someone to accompany me.” “Can have an influence “Chair of PTA at St Marks about barrack stuff but not School” “Don't know as I out with the barracks” haven't got involved (as don't “Feel listened to in school, have the time)” but not sure where to go outside. This is important “Never tried to get to us.” involved full time working mum though” Use of social media e.g. Communication channels: Facebook page x4 “Cannot rely on social Local councillor mentioned media for communication “used his Facebook page to in the community, contact him.” X2 facebook pages work but do not reach everyone.” Respondent had seen details of a PST drop in session “Lacking community notice planned for the Saturday on boards: there are notice FB page. boards in PCC, ONC, Oxgangs library.”

Served well by local Why get involved as don’t councillors x8 feel being listened to or being treated fairly x4 “Council work with people but not sure if they listen to us.”

“Would like to think our opinions will be taken into account.”

“Very little sense of our opinion mattering.”

“residents here at Oxgangs, Colinton Mains, Firrhill must be treated the same as residents in other underprivileged areas”


Taking action x1 Used to get involved but not anymore “Need to phone the council but when you do they do respond “Don't get involved e.g. emptying the bins but do anymore as there was need to be prompted.” some internal arguing at ONC and a residents meeting” Vote regularly Not been asked before

“NO! wanted to score 0 This is the first time someone has asked for my option ”

Spread of responses

35 Influence and sense of control Most Negative Most Positive 30 25 20 15 10

% of %respondents 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place Standard Rating Spread of responses Average

Ratings of 1-3 by 32 % of respondents Rating of 4 by 32 % of respondents Ratings of 5-7 by 36 % of respondents Average rating was 4

Comparison between groups For each question, there were no significant differences between male and female ratings. However there were differences between age groups particularly young people, adults and older people. There was also a difference between living in the community compared to living on the army barracks. The priorities (i.e. lowest rating) vary between the groups and these were: • Young people’s priorities (16 -24years old): traffic and parking; play & recreation/ facilities & amenities/ social interaction; Identity and belonging


• Older People (65years plus): traffic and parking; influence and sense of control • Adult’s priorities: work and local economy being the lowest scoring; social interaction, influence & sense of control, traffic and parking • Army families had very different priorities: identity and belonging, feeling safe, care & maintenance, influence and sense of control.

Question / Rating (1 -7) From all Adults Young people Families groups from the (average from army Firrhill High barracks School & Youth Group) Moving around 5 5 5 4 Can I easily walk and cycle around using good quality routes? Public Transport 6 6 5 6 Does public transport meet my needs? Traffic and parking 4 4 2 3.5 Do traffic and parking arrangements allow people to move around safely and meet the community’s needs? Streets and spaces 4.6 5 4 4 Do buildings, streets and public spaces create an attractive place that is easy to get around? Natural space 6 6 4.5 7 Can I regularly experience good quality natural space? Play and recreation 4 5 2.5 3.5 Can I access a range of space with opportunities for play and recreation? Facilities and amenities 4.5 5 3 4 Do facilities and amenities meet my needs? Work and local economy 3.5 4 3.5 4.5 Is there an active local economy and the opportunity to access good quality work? Housing and community 4.5 5 4 4.5 Do the homes in my area support the needs of the

36 community? Social contact 4.5 5 3 4.5 Is there a range of space and opportunities to meet people? Identity and belonging 5 5 2.5 2 Does this place have a positive identity and do I feel I belong? Feeling safe 4.5 5 3 2 Do I feel safe here? Care and maintenance 4 4 3 2 Are buildings and spaces well cared for? Influence and sense of 4 4 2 1.5 control Do I feel able to take part in decisions and help change things for the better?