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Ilortti ^uvoiina.

.^^loyOiafe— E. M. UZZELL, PRINTER, RALEIGH ^^^r- mttft


E. W. MARTIN, ./. 7'. iJ.

. J. V. LEWIS, 0. r. J., W. W. DAVIES, Jr., A. 8.,


2'. J. F. RHEM, B. 6. 11., JNO. D. BELLAMY, Jr., ./. A'.,

F. H. BATCHELOR, . A'. 2'.

* R. H. HOLLAND, A'. ./., C. D. BENNETT, I. A'.,

N. A CURRIE, -. -V.

BUSINESS manager:

/ J. F. HENDREN, J. A\ A'. Prttt(ittton*

When this AnnuaP s dedicated

I will truly be elated^

As my task is quite gigantic^ doii' t yoic kiioiv.

For you see Pin in a pickle

If yon all I do not tickle

Into cachinnations^ really^ don^ t yott knoiv.

Now my theme is quite ecstatic

And in pressure hydrostatic^

But iV s just as sweet as ^ lasses^ donU you know.

If s the girls of Carolina

'^Et omnis vera regina^''^

And the ^^ Hillians^^ just adore them^ do?t' t you kno7t\

So I pen this dedication

To the fairest of the nation^

To North Carolijia^ s daughters^ don'' t you knoiv. ^nittiaiot^.

x\nd now, as our work draws to a close, we are reminded

of the fact that a sahitatory is necessary, or rather will be

expected. Just why such is the case is not so easily deter-

mined. Of course, like all young editors, we are proud

of our achievement and justly so, we think. We have

encountered all the difficulties incident to issuing the first number of such a publication. Consequently we think we are somewhat wiser than we were before. We know that

we have more patience, and our stock of cheek, too, has been greatly increased. So without any further comment

we wish to present the Hellenian to the college world

• and trust that our labor may meet with the approval of all

who feel a sincere interest in colleo^e work.

The Editors. bc

N , xn o €la00 of *90.

Alexander McIver, Jr., President. Hugh L. M11.1.ER. Secretary.

CLASS DAY OFFICERS; Ralph H. Holland, Orator. W. F. Shaffner, Historian. T. M. Lee, Ex. '90, Poet. Chas. a. Rankin, Marshal.


History of '90.

On August 26th, 1886, glorious old '90 was ushered into existence. Our Freshman class, though a little larger than usual, numbering seventy-four, was not an exception to the

' ' ' ' rule, and ' greenness ' and ' self-conceit ' were the chief characteristics. Shortly after our arrival we were some- what shaken up by the earthquake, but it was not long before we were settled again and each man "began" to do some little studying. On October loth, 1886, our class- negroes, and mate, J. A. Freeze, was brutally murdered by in March, 1887, we lost another member, H. A. Wilson, by pneumonia. Commencement soon came and each one of us pictured in our mind's eye the mighty Soph, of '88. But alas! the great honor which we had been so long look- ing forward to seemed to be almost nothing, and we soon came to the* wise conclusion that the Soph, was not as big a man as the Fresh, imagined him. During this year the monotony was only broken by the withdrawal of the Phi. members. Yes, '88 had come and was fast going awa}'. Vacation came, and after crushing all the damsels' hearts we came back with our Junior dignity on us. The Com- mencemenc of '89 was indeed a glorious one. It being the Centennial Anniversary of the establishment of the Univer- sity, our ahnnni flocked from all parts of the country and some of the old ones said it reminded them of ante-beUinn times. Now we are Seniors. The seventy-four Freshmen, besides additions in the Soph., Junior and Senior years, have dwindled down to twenty. Some have died, some have voluntarily left, the "climate" did not suit others, and the "Faculty deemed it best that others should not return." We are few in number but "still in the ring." We are, as a rule, quite as dignified as the average Senior class, thouo:h sometimes we come off of our hio^h roost and make night hideous with "Where did you get that Hat?" and "Down went McGinty." Our class has contained all specimens of humanity—the Y. M. C. A. man and the sinner, the temperance man and the toper, the man who never "dirties" his lily-white hands with cards, and he that "throws the papers" with a blanket on the table to the "wee hours o' midnight."

We have caused the Faculty little » trouble and have behaved ourselves well during our college course. '90's men stand well in their studies and in June we will show as fine an average as the great majority of our predecessors. During our connection with the University many changes in the Faculty have occurred. Profs. Henry, Phillips and Atkinson have gone to other institutions and in business. Dr. Chas. Phillips, emeritus Professor of Mathematics, died in the spring of '89. Prof Ralph Graves died in the sum-

mer of '89, and Prof. William Cain now fills the chair of Mathematics in the University.

Our time is nearly out and ere long, only a few weeks, we will, most of us, sever our connections with the dear

8 old U. N. C. forever. Sadness is stamped on our brows, for now we trulv realize that our colleg^e davs have been our happiest. We have become attached to these classic walks and halls and we will bid them adieu with tears in our eyes. We are about to put on the true Armor of Life and enter this wide, wide world for ourselves. Let each one of us remember that we are members of '90, and what- soever we do, whether it be good or evil, will reflect credit or discredit upon our class. Aim high if you fall low. Let " Perseverence and Energy" be your motto and watch- word. And in all thy ways think of your Alma Mater and strive to help her in every way. And now to old U. N. C. we bid a lasting farewell, always wishing her a long life and prosperity. Exit '90. J. D. B., Jr.

"^^n : :

€las0 of *9i.

MOTTO ''Ad Astra per Aspera.''


The Spectrum—except Green, which is reserved for the Freshmen.

YELL Rah! Re! Run! Hi! He! Hun!

Hoop ! ! ! Ninety-one ! ! ! ! !


A. H. Patterson, President. F. H. Batchelor, Vice-President. W. W. DaVIES, Jr., Secretary. j. m. morehead, Treasurer. Shepard Bryan, Historian. R. W. Bingham, Orator. P. Dalrymple, Poet. Plato Collins, Essayist. Geo. Ransom, Prophet.

Andrews, W. J., 2. A- E., Raleigh.

Ashe, W. W., 2- A- E., Raleigh. Ball, M. W., Greensboro.

Batchelor, F. H., «l>. K- 2., Raleigh.

Bingham, R. W., A. T- a., Bingham School.

Bryan, S., A- T. a, . New Berne.

Collins, P., Kinston.

Covington, F. L., Wilmington.

CUNINGGIM, J. Iv., Chapel Hill.

10 CURRIE, N. A., 2- X., Clarkton. CURRIE, G. H., Clarktou.

Dalrymple, p., Jonesboro. Kinston. Darden, W. E., S. N., .

Davies, W. W., Jr., ^. A. 0., Drapersville, Va. Eason, R. R., Selma. Raleigh. Fleming, J. M., *•., Hillsboro. Graham, G. M., z- .

Graham, P. C, Z- •*•., Hillsboro.

Green, B. T., Franklinton. Winston. Hendren, J. F., A. K. E., KooNCE, F. D.. Jr., Richlands. Darlington. Lewis, J. V., ^- r. a.,

Mangum, C. S., Z- •*•., Chapel Hill. Leaksville. MOREHEAD, J. M., 2- A. E., Patterson, A. H., 2- A- E., Salem.

Ransom, G., 2- A. E., Weldon.

Spoon, W. L., Hartshorn.

Thompson, S. C, Cedar Cliff.

Mills, \V. H., Greensboro. Worth, G. C, A- T. a, Wilmington.

Hi^^ory of the ©U55 of '91.

It is no easy task to write the history of the class of 1891 of the University of North Carolina. Its history is not a story of brilliant conquests—it is not a story of the achievements of genius, but rather of results attained by hard work and determination. Our cla.ss numbers no eeniuses in its ranks. We have not startled colleo-e bv the hio^h averao^es of our leaders, but we have shown more genuine progressiveness, more class and college spirit than any class that has entered this institution for years. From our birth—which occurred August 25, 1887—we have been animated by a spirit of progressive conservatism.

We have always been ready to take any step forward, if it seemed wise to us.

II —— -

During our Fresh, year—to begin at the beginning nothing of importance happened to disturb the even tenor of our way. At Commencement we were represented by two marshals —Batchelor and Green, B. In the Phi. Society, Bryan won Declaimer's Medal. As Sophomores, we treated the Fresh, with consideration. We brought back the time-honored "water-melon treat" —which degenerate classes had allowed to be forgotten and our hearts were made glad with the hearts of the melons, while the poor Fresh, were given only the rinds, and these, to be rendered eatable, must first be deprived of rapid whirlings and twists through the air. To our class belongs the honor of having awakened in North Carolina the interest in foot-ball, by challenging the Sophomore team of Wake Forest College. A member of our class—DeBerniere Whitaker—was the prime mover in the organization of the Inter-Collegiate Foot-ball Asso- ciation. This year we added two more Declaimer's Medals to our list of honors—Bingham in the Di. and Ball in the Phi. At Commencement of 1889 five of the six Representa- tives were from our class and Crowell ('91) received the medal. "Bus," "Jumbo," "Fritz," "Bat," "Babe," "Mr. Varnes," "Windy," "Gilly," "Tuf," and others failed to respond to roll-call at the beginning of our Junior year. Four of the Representatives for Commencement of '90 are from our class, as are also the Chief Ball Manager Graham—and, by law, the Chief Marshal—Ransom—and his six sub-marshals. Out of the seventv-two men with whom we entered for the four years' siege of faculty for sheep-skin, twenty-two dropped by the wayside after the first year and twenty more

12 were added to these after another year. With the small but mighty band which we now have we can conquer any force which the enemy can send against us in the shape of examinations on Conies, Chemistry, or Geology.

The love that each member of '91 bears for his class is

so strong that he will never forget it, whether he be teacher, preacher, lawyer, doctor, tramp, beggar, or what-

not. In after years when care is bearing heavily upon us

and wasting thought has set its deep imprint upon our brow the turning over of that leaflet of memory on which are inscribed the joys and trials and successes of our col- lege life in '91 will not fail to smooth out the wrinkles and make the heart light and joyous as in the days that are dead and gone. S. B.

13 : ,

Cia00 of '92,

COLORS White, Old Gold and Black.

CI.ASS song:

'' Dozvn Went the Clapper to the Bottom of the Well.''

AlvFRED M. SCAI.ES, JR., President. Fred. L. Wii.i.cox, Vice-President. Geo. W. Connor, Historian.

/^Ipl^G^bet of '92.

A is for Allen, with face blood-red,

' ' B is for Busbee, the ' punkin ' head, Then comes Bennett, Buie and Beall,

What they are, it pains me to tell. C is for Connor of the shambling gait. Also for Cheek, who came a 3'ear late.

D is for Davis, both R. and S. Iv. E is for Edwards, who on Math, does well (?] F for Foust, his nose w^orse for wear. Also for Ferguson, the mountain bear. G is Gatling, the statistics bore, H for Hamlen, who snorted and tore. Next is Harvey, the sweet pet of the Hill, Huggins and Hunter, who need a liver pill. I am the man w^ho has no doubt That J is Johnston, the "knocker out." K is Kernodle of Hiawatha fame.

Whose mission, alas ! is but to declaim. L, is our look of enforced resignation As "what-not " bobs up on every occasion. m is Mebane, the prett}^ little man Who eats all he gets, and gets all he can. Also McDufiQe, with pompadour hair.

14 Who looks mighty sweet, but cannot "get there." X is the nook, near the rippling streams, Where Felix, for hours, of his Jew girl dreams. O is the order from an unseen land That Guyer, at last, must join a string-band. P is Pearsall, in an embrj'O state, A politician both good and great. Q a quotation, " ex pede Herculem,'' Hunter and others, "by the feet know ye them." R is Rheni with cheek of brass. Also Robbins, dude of the class. Then comes poor Rollins, to him be kind. He yearns for the girl that he left behind. " " S is Simmons, the bright light from Hoyde, Also Skinner, whom Cupid destroyed. Next comes Sherrod with his smirk and grin Followed by Scales and his protruding chin. T is the time when, our names to see, We sought the catalogue eagerly. " U is for Urquhart, the "pretty one. Soon to peel herring in Lewiston. V is the voice of a maiden sweet Saying Hacker, dear, you can't be beat. "W is Winborne, tall and thin, And Willcox with eyes turned in.

W^alser and Worth ; can any one say Why they came from their homes away ? X, V and X are the moments spent Bv ye poet on ^-e poem intent.

And it came to pass that after the Battle had raged con- tinually for thirteen years, and the Great Alexander was all covered with Gore, such as flowed Ven-able was struck by Cain, and when happy Holmes and Hume-an lives were swept away like Toys from a Racket Store on Auc- tion Day, there appeared in the Campus of U. N. C. a class, distinguished for learning, noted for beauty, conspicuous for ^race, blessed bv Nature, favored bv the Gods, blacked by the Sophomores, and tenderly cared for by the Faculty.

15 "

The Historian surely has no easy task who undertakes to write a History worthy of such a class. For the class of '92 had hardly set foot upon this classic ground, etc., before its members were hailed as the smartest, cheekiest, best-looking Freshmen ever seen since the flood. The entire order of things was overturned by this class, and before one month had passed we had beaten the Sophs, in the water-melon fight, formed a class organization, blacked the dreaded Sophomores themselves, and w^ere even pre- paring to dictate to. the Faculty how the University should be conducted. However, before we had arrived at this stage of our development many trials and tribulations had confronted us, but owing to the fatherly protection of that Guardian Angel of the innocent Freshman, Prof w^e W , passed safely over all dangers, the fiery ordeal of entrance exami- nations, the horrors of the midnight Blacking party, and zvhat-not. We were gallant Freshmen, bright, witty, irre- pressible, "an honor to our parents and to the old North State." But we w^ere not to continue Freshmen forever, and with the progress of our Republic, and with the advance of civilization, we too felt that we were expanding and grad- ually assuming the necessary qualities for a Sophomore. The last event, which marked the close of the time when we were considered among the lower orders of beings, shows that in us "the elements were so mixed that Nature might stand and say to all the world, these were (Fresh)-men. The renowned "Fresh. Strike" of '89 has already become well known in the annals of the Universitv, and with it will ever be remembered the (Fresh)manly qualities which '92 exhibited on that occasion.

Our first year at college over, we left the Hill with happy recollections and bosoms swelling with pride at the thought that when we returned we would be—not Fresh- men.

16 When '92 gathered on the Hill last September the first roll-call revealed the fact that of the sixty-five who had begun with us only thirty-seven had returned to continue the fight. The class is now composed of thirty-three men, and the following tables show why the Historian feels safe in prophesying success and fame for his class-mates, although now with Conies and Chemistry we can trulv say:

I, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6,

Ain't we in a h—1 of a fix?

Historian of '92.

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fee :

e:i400 of *93.

COLORS Old Gold, Red and Black.

''Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Ree, Hoopla, Hoopla, Ninety-three.'''

F. P. ElIvER, President. V. H. BOYDEN, Vice-President. E. A. Move, Jr., Secretary. R. T. Wyche, Treasurer. E. P. W1LI.ARD, Poet. A. R. Andrews, Jr., Historian.

J. A. Albritton CI Snow Hill.

A. B. Andrews, Jr.. 2- A. K. CI Raleioh. F. H. Argo, *. K. 2-- CI Raleigh.

S. A. Ashe, 't. K. S- Ph Raleigh.

S. F. Austin CI. Clayton.

A. vS. Barnard, B. 0. II Ph Danville, Va.

E. vS. Batttle, «I>. K- 2 CI. Raleigh.

J. H. Bennett Ph Wadesboro.

J. C. Biggs, Z. •^. CI. Oxford.

J. M. Blaukeuship Sc. Pineville. V. H. Boyden. S- N _.Ph Salisbury.

J. H. Brooks Nor lola. H. W. Carter Ph Greensboro.

T. J. Cooper »Sc. -- Murphy. W. C. Couch Ph Durham. A. A. Crater Nor. Snow Creek.

\V. P. M. Currie CI. Pharsala.

20 F. P. Eller Ph Berlin.

C. S. Fuller Sc. Laurens, S. C. 2- Sc. Salisbury. J. F. Gaither, X A. T. Gantt Nor Behvood.

P. H. Gill - Pli- Henderson. ^. K. Ph Greensboro. J. A. Gilmer, Jr., S D. D. Haigh, A- T. Q. Ph Fayetteville. Douglas Hamer, S. N- Ph Laurinburg.

F. C. Harding Ph ...Greenville.

D. C. Hawley Nor Polkton. M. Hoke, *. A. Ph Raleigh.

CI. Gurley's Mills. J. A.Jones K. A. Jones CI. Carbonton.

L. O'B. B. Jones, B. 0. n. Ph Durham.

W. S. Jones, S- A- E. Ph Goldsboro. Bethania. J. L. Kapp-- Ph T. E. Kapp Ph Bethania. A. H. Koonce ---CI. Richlands. D. R. Kornegay, A- K- E- Ph Seven Springs.

E. W. Lehman Ph Bethania.

J. A. Lilly Sc. Norwood. B. F. Long Ph Graham.

W. S. Long, Jr. Sc. Graham.

A. G. Mangum, 4>- A- 0- Ph. Flat River.

C. O. McMicheal Ph Summerfield.

E. A. Moye, Jr., 2- X. Ph Greenville.

J. A. Narron Ph Hare's Store. H. B. Parker, Jr Ph Como. R. L. Patterson, 2- A. E Sc. Salem.

G. L. Peschau A- T- Q. Ph Wilmington, T. G. Poe CI. Gulf. Morrisville. J. T. Pugh CI.

J. B. Sellers, «!>• T- A Ph Haw River. D. Smith Sc. Manson. W. B. Snow, Z. -*• CI. Raleigh. Raleigh. J. B. Stronach, *• A. Ph

F. W. Thornton, Jr., B. O-'II Ph Fayetteville.

C. F. Toms, 2. X. Sc. Hendersonville.

Z. I. Walser Ph Yadkin College. Ph Reidsville. J. F. Watlington

21 V. E. Whitlock Ph. : Asheville. E. P. Willard, A. K. E Ph Wilmington.

Benjamin Wyche Sc. Williamsboro.

R. T. Wyche Sc. Williamsboro.


Howard Alston, A. K. P: Littleton.

T. G. Empie, 2- A. E. Wilmington. M. A. Peacock ..-Goldsboro.

J. S. Thomas, A. K. E ---New Berne. T. D. Toy, Z ^^• Norfolk, Va.

C. I. Wyche Williamsboro.

Hi^^ory of '93..

The class of '93 entered -the University on September

5th, 1889, with fort\'-seven men, and since tlien it has grown to over sixty men. A part of the class stood their examinations in June, 1889, and much to their sorrow some of them had the pleasure of standing a few of them again in September.

During our sta}' here Commencement several of us met some of the professors (?), who informed us that we were not prepared well enough to enter, and upon our getting frightened and turning pale we were greeted with the cry of Fresh., and the entire crowd laughed at our expense.

But with all the jokes and pranks played on us b}' the then rising Sophomore class we had a ver}- pleasant time and looked forward wnth mixed pleasure and apprehension to the time when we should return to the Hill to enter as students of the University and to meet the wise Sophomore in his glory. Soon after college opened we were treated to our share of blacking^ and beino^ whistled as we walked acro.ss the campus, and, last but not least, of being affectionately called " Fresh.," all of which w^as done by the Sophomores

22 and a few who had been Sophomores, but were still in the ring and knew the ropes too well to think of giving up their fun so soon. About two weeks later most of the Freshmen joined the Societies and many, upon the advice of their friends, carried with them their Bibles to be sworn in upon in preference to kissing the Society Bible. In October came the State Fair at Raleigh, which attracted a number of us and a good number of others from their work.

Then came examinations in December, much to the sor- row of many of us, as was after\vards shown, and shortly afterwards came the enjoyable Christmas holidays. After Christmas we were increased by a few who came in, and we grew so bold that four of us undertook to black a Freshman who had lately arrived, but they were run away by some Sophomores, and they were unsuccessful in what they attempted.

On the 2 2d of February came the annual election of medalists, all of whom came from the class of '93, and it is needless to say that those who received medals were ter- ribly bored and twisted. On the 15th of April came the class day of '90, and in the evening was field day, and '93 won the one mile run, ^love beino^ the winner, and her tusr- of-war team, composed of Lilly, McMicheal, Currie and EUer, beat the Senior class team by over two feet. The first meeting of our class was in the chapel, to organize a foot-ball team for the class, only to be beaten by '91. The next meeting was in the Fresh. Math, room, second floor of South Building, when the officers of the class were elected and a yell and colors adopted. We have one man from the extreme West and another from nearly as far East, and two men from outside the State, and add to w^hat has been said, that the class of '93 is the finest in the University, and its history is complete.

Historian of '93.

23 To the ©U55 of '93.

Kalliope, from thy ethereal throne on high, To which ascends the plaintive wail and cry Of feeble poets who seek on earth to find That gift by thee bestowed upon the mind

* • • •

Of him who most endeavors to obtain this thing : Send now thy messenger, and let him bring

The wondrous favor, and it confer on me, Helpless Poet of the Class of 'pj / Pass not, O Muse, this invocation by. Nor give me such a power that I shall lie, In telling to the world the mighty acts

By "93 hereafter to b^done ; but facts Allow me to relate, and them alone,

That Seeds of Truth by this example may be sown ! The}' say that all th' Oh'mpian Gods who live In heavenly regions, to which this Karth can give Of all her toils not one small grief, Once held a mighty Council, of which the chief Athene was. Goddess of Wisdom and of War, She of whom every God, save Jove, should stand in awe. 'Tis recorded that the object of this meeting was To decide where the Seat of Learning, in future years. Should be, praised by many as greatest and the best. And feared, yet held in rev'rence still by all the rest. After great deliberation 'twas found the will

Of every God : the site shall be at Chapel Hill. The question which they now began discerning

Would arise, this was : In that Seat of Learning What Class, of such a num'rous crowd of men. Shall be the noblest, and shall make, when

From its walls the}' go, the highest mark

Upon Fame's Column ? Let people hark And listen while I to them declare

The changeless word of th' assembled Council there : " From man's creation, and his fall, shall roll With ceaseless swing twice thirty centuries whole. Less seven years, when from fair Chapel Hill

Shall march with thunderous step, this land to fill With astounding deeds heroic. The Class of ^gj, " The like of which has never been, nor yet shall be !

24 — —

Thus was the Decree, sent from Minerva's Throne ; Six thousand years, less seven, have nearly flown, And even now that prophecy is being 'filled (For everything shall happen as the Gods have will'd).

Their strength is like the majestic forest oak, Which bends and sways, but cannot then be broke.

The Senior proud is made, in deep disgrace. To hang his head when stationed face to face With '93 at one end of a rope. Each with the other endeav'ring in strength to cope. With '91 and '92 'tis just the same For when to generations yet unborn the fame Of sons of '93 be handed down

Theirs shall be lost ; they'll wear no crown !

Such, then, is the different fate of Man

are born to greatness ; others if they can Some ; And if by Gods ye have been passed by Ye should not be discouraged, but should try To raise yourselves, that ye may be

The equal, but not above young Ninety-three I

E. Payson W1LI.ARD.


> Kjt^tory of tl^e Lg^W (B-la^^.

Law was first taught at the University in 1845 ^^y Hon. Wm. H. Battle, LL. D., son of Joel Battle, of Edgecombe county. He settled in Louisburg to practice his profession and was elected to the House of Commons from Franklin county in 1 833-' 34. From 1834 to 1839 he aided in reporting the decisions of the Supreme Court. In 1835 he was associated with Governor Iredell and Judge Nash in preparing the Revised Statutes. In 1840 he was elected Judge of the Superior Court, which position he held until elected Professor of Law in 1845. ^^^ ^^52 he was called to the Supreme Court bench and continued to preside as Associate Justice until 1868. In 1872-73 the Legislature elected Judge Battle to again revise the Statutes of North Carolina and he did so under the title of Battle's Revisal. L^pon the re-opening of the University in 1876, Judge Battle again took charge of the Law School and filled the chair until his death in 1879. Hon. Samuel F. Phillips, LL. D., son of Rev. Dr. James Phillips, for many }ears Professor of Mathematics in the University, at one time taught law here with Judge Battle. He continued to teach and practice law at Chapel Hill until the close of the w^ar, when he removed to Raleigh and there resided until appointed Solicitor General of the United States by President Grant. He then resided at Washington, and at the close of Arthur's administration he concluded to make Washington his future home. He enjoys a large and lucrative practice. While in North Carolina he frequently represented Orange in the General Assembly and was at one time Speaker of the House. He held the office of Auditor and declined the tender of the Supreme Court judgeship.

28 Hon. Kemp P. Battle, LL. D. , succeeded his father, Hon. Wm. H. Battle, in 1S79, and taught the class until 1881. In 1854, having obtained his license, he located for the practice of law in Raleigh and soon took his place at the head of the bar. He was a member of the Conven-

tion of 1 86 1 and was elected Treasurer of the State in

1 865-' 66 by the General Assembly. He was re-elected to the same position in i866-'67. He practiced law in Raleigh until 1875, when he was elected to take the lead in re-organizing the University. His success in this has w^on for him the respect and admiration of the people.

We now come to a new era in the history of the class. Hitherto there has been no salary attached to the position and the Professor of Law was charged with no part in the government of the institution.

In 1 88 1 the Department of Law was made a constituent part of the University, with a salary attached, and the Pro- fessor a member of the Faculty. Hon. John Manning,

LIv. D., of Pittsboro, was selected to fill the position. Dr. Manning was born at Edenton, N. C. , July 30, 1830. He graduated from the University in 1850, and after spending some time in South x\merica came back to the L^nited States, began the study of law, was licensed in 1853 and the following year settled at Pittsboro. He was a delegate to the Convention of 1861. In 1870 he was elected to the Forty-first Congress from the Fourth District. He was elected to the Constitutional Convention of 1875 and was Chairman of the Committee on Privileees and Elections and also a member of the Judiciarv' Committee. In 1880 he was elected to the General Assembly and ap- pointed Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

In 1 881 he was elected by the General Assembly as one of the three Code Commissioners to codify the public Statutes of the State. This work was completed in 1883 and adopted by the Legislature under the name of "The Code. ' ' 29 Since Dr. Manning came to the University the number of students that have attended is one hundred and forty- three. The class of 1889-^90 is the largest in the historv of the school and numbers thirty-five.

Such is a short history of the Law School and a sketch of the lives of those who have taught it. The pupils have done the school cjreat credit. Without mentionino^ anv names I may be allowed to say that both vSenators in Con- gress, several of the Representatives, two Justices of the Supreme Court, a number of the Superior Court Judges and many of the leading law>'ers throughout the State have read here. The details will be left for a future his- torian and there are auspicious omens that the class of

1 889-' 90 will be found worthy and competent to fill the places now occupied by preceding classes.

30 ft^/\TEl^N(I'^I£'i>-


^dtct XidppA ^pmlon.

Founded at Yai^e, 1844.

f^oll of eh<3^pter5.

Phi Yale College. Theta Bowdoin College. Xi Colby University. Sigma Amherst College. Psi University of Alabama. Upsilon Brown University. Chi -- University of Mississippi. Beta Universit}^ of North Carolina. Ai^pha Harvard College. Eta University of Virginia. Lambda Kenyon College. Pi Dartmouth College. Iota Central University, Alpha Prime Middlebury College. Omicron University of Michigan. EPSII.ON Williams College. Rho Lafayette College. Nu College of the City of New York. Tau Hamilton College.

Mu ' Madison University. Beta Phi University of Rochester. Phi Chi Rutgers College. Psi Phi Indiana Asbury L^niversity. Gamma Phi Wesleyan University. Psi Omega Rensselaer Poh'technic Institute. Beta Chi Adelbert College. DeIvTa Chi ---Cornell University. Phi Gamma Syracuse University. Gamma Beta Columbia College. Theta Zeta University of California. Ai^pha Chi Trinity College. Phi EPSI1.0N Universit}' of Minnesota. Kappa Miami University. Gamma Vanderbilt University.

31 Pdtrt Ea)i)iii ^p&iiotx.

Established iS^i.


F. P. Venabi^e. Ph. D Professor of Chemistry. St. Ci^air Hester, A. B Assistant in English, and Librarian. P. B. Manning, A. B. Assistant in History.


Thomas Mossette Lee.

1891. Joseph Planner Hendren.

1892. Charles Felix Harvey. Bart. Moore Catling.

1893- Edward Pavson Willard. David Robert Kornesav.-ft"-'.'


John Stanly Thomas. Howard Alston.


p. B. Manning, '86. S. M. Blount, '90. ^iitttttti of P^t» &i)npUv,

Rev. Fordyce M. Hubbard. D. D., Raleic^h, N. C.

1851. Hon. John S. Long New Berne. N. C.

Thomas J. Norcum Washington, N. C. Lieut. Wm. H. Wiggins- Halifax Co., X. C.

1852. Lieut. E. Alston* Warren Co., N. C. Geo. A. Brett Como, Hertford Co., N. C. Charles S. Bryan Cassville, Barry Co., Mo

Frederick J. Hill* Wilmington, N. C.

J. Warner Lewis Lawrenceville, Va.

J. Alonzo Manning* Norfolk, Va.

Jas. J. Slade __. -- -Columbus, Ga.

1853. Vine A. Allen* New Berne, N. C. Archibald R. Black* Moore Co., N. C. Lievit. Frederick H. Cobb Montgomery, Ga. Rev. Cyrus Harrington Mansfield, La. Jas. B. Hughes, M. D. New Berne, N. C. Col. Jno. W. Johnston Weldon, N. C.

J. Horace Lacy* --.Raleigh, N. C. Dr. Alexander W. Lawrence* Raleigh, N. C. Hon. John W. Moore - — Hertford Co., N. C. Solomon Pool, D. D. Charlotte, N. C. Frederick C. Shepard* Raleigh, N. C. Col. Henry R. Shorter Eufala, Ala. Wm. M. Spencer* Greene Co., Ala. Col. Jno. D. Taylor Wilmington, N. C. Jas. Woods* Nashville, Tenn. David G. Worth Wilmington, N. C. Dr. Adam E. Wright* Wilmington, N. C.

1854. Col. Wm. L. Alexander* McDowell Co., N. C. Capt. Wm. Badham* Edenton, N. C. Dr. Wm. C. Nichols* Newbern, Ala.

33 Gen. Cha:.. W. Phifer Coffeeville, Miss. Capt. Oscar R. Rand- Wake Co., N. C. Capt. Jas. A. Wright- .Wilmington. N. C. Jos. Hill Wright'^ Wilmington, X. C.


Rev. Jas. Campbell Cumberland Co., N. C. Montgomery Co., N. C. Edmund J. Gaines Dr. Edward W. Gilliam --- -Baltimore, Md. Wm. H. Hall, M. D New York City. Judge Alfred B. Irion Eola, La. Capt. Daniel McDougal^- Cumberland Co.. N. C. ..Alabama. Col. Evander J. Mclver

Maj. Hunter Nicholson* • Knoxville, Tenn. Columbia, Tenn. Gideow J. Pillow* Rev. vSamuel P. Walters Morganton, N. C. Charlton W. Yellowley* Northampton Co., X. C.


John B. Erwiu* . Yorkville, S. C.

Calvin Jones- . ..- Dallas Co., Ark. Adolphus A. Lawrence, M. D.* Memphis, N. C. Col. William A. Owens-" Charlotte. N. C. Raleigh, N. C. Maj. Wm. J. Saunders Thomas B. Slade Columbus, Ga.

Lieut. Jos. W. Stevenson* - - New Berne, N. C. Jas. E. Sumner Oxford, Miss.


Wilmington, N. C. Andrew J. Planner* Maj. Jno. W. Graham Hillsboro, N. C. Leonidas N. B. Haley Franklin Co., Ala. Hubert Harvey* Saline Co., Mo. Lieut. William Jones Lea ..Daphne, Ala. Capt. Jno. C. McLauchliu Wadesboro, N. C. Capt. Henry Mullins* Fayetteville, N. C.

1858. Robert W. Anderson* New Hanover Co., N. C. Sam'l M. Brinson* New Berne, N. C.

Hon. John A. Gilmer, Jr. Greensboro, N. C. Lieut. Robt. T. Harris* Marengo Co., Ala. Col. Hamilton C. Jones, Jr.* Charlotte, N. C. Nathaniel P. Lusher* Memphis, Tenn. Hon. Thos. W. Mason Garysburg, N. C. Alex. C. McAllister Ashboro, N. C.

34 Lieut. C. C. Sellers"- Randolph, Bibb Co., Ala.

Caldwell C. Swayze Opelousal , La. Lieut. Julius W. Wright Wilmington, N. C.


John W. Ballard-^ ---Wake Co., N. C. Edward H. Davis Elizabeth City, N. C. Frederick A. Fetter -. __ Washington, N. C. Lucius M. Frierson — Columbia, Tenn. Capt. N. Collin Hughes New Berne. N. C.

Rev. Alex. Kirkland - Whiteville, N. C. Edwin Knapp — Savannah, Ga.

Hon. Lewis C. Latham^ — . — Greenville, N. C. Capt. Henry C. Lea Talaha, Fla. Capt. Richard F. Lewis Lumberton, N. C. Hon. Chas. W. McClammy^ vScott'sHill,PenderCo.,N.C. Jas. B. Perkins Austin, Texas. Lieut. Geo. M. Pillow- .-- Columbia, Tenn. S^'dney Smith Dallas, Texas. Francis D. Stockton* Memphis, Tenn.


Rev. Robert E. Cooper* Hillsborough, Texas. Lieut. Thos. W. Cooper* Bertie Co., N. C. Louis H. DeRossef"' Wilmington, N. C. Capt. William W. Henry Meridian, Miss. Edward L. Jones* Rowan Co., N. C. Judge Chas. C. Pool Elizabeth City, N. C. Lieut. Samuel P. Weir* Greensboro, N. C. Geo. L. Wilson* New Berne, N. C.


Thomas T. Allen* Windsor, N. C. Capt. PVanklin Garrett Monroe, La.

Guilford Nicholson* Halifax Co. , N . C. A. Coburn Stewart* Alexander, N. C. Capt. Elisha E. Wright Memphis, Tenn.


Leonard W. Bartlett* Sumter, S. C. Capt. Octavius H. Blocker Bladen Co., N. C.

Lemuel S. Fletcher* ' Elizabeth City, N. C. Rev. Sylvester Hassell Wilson, N. C.

Andrew J. Moore' .--Pitt Co., N. C.

Capt. Matthew J. Moore --Carpenteria, Cal.

Maj. Samuel W. Smith ' Malvern, Ark. Capt. Henry H. Taylor -- Knoxville, Teiin. Henry Clay Wall Rockingham Co., N. C. Maj. Thomas S. Webb _. .^ Knoxville, Tenn.

1863. George Ferdinand Farrow ---Memphis, Tenn. Capt. Calvin T. Marshall Greensboro, Miss.

Capt. G. Edwards Thurmond - - . Carpenteria. Cal.

Capt. William J. White -Warrenton. N. C.


William T. Hargrove •" Townsville, N. C. F. Douglas Sanford Fayetteville, N. C. E. Henry Graham Webb ' Townsville, N. C. Capt. W. Robert Webb Bellbuckle, Tenn.

Capt. Octavius A. Wiggins - Wilmington, N. C.


36 Smttor Alumni.

Class of '86.

G. S. Patrick. P. B. Manning. C. F. Smith.

Class of '88.

Hester. K. P. Batchelor, Jr. F. M. Harper. St. Clair M. H. Palmer. Benoni Thorpe."'- Class of '89. M. R. Eure. H. G. Wood Class of '90. S. M. Blount. S. C. Bragaw. Class of '91. H. A. Gilliam. J. G. Blount. S. B. Grewrv. J. J. vSlade. Class of '92.

C. O. H. Laughinghouse J. C. Rodman. R. W. Smith.


37 —

|Itrt ^mntna ppltit.

Fraternity Directory

Section \.— Chief, A. F. Foerste. Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.

NAME. INSTITUTION. ADDRESS. r. A. I. M. Mass. Institute of Tech., Boston, Mass. A. E. Goetzmann. N. A. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Fred. W. Grau.

T. College City New York, 305 E. 53d St., N. Y. City. C. H. Timniermann.

Q.- Columbia College, 68 E. 49th St. , N. Y. City, H. I. Brightman. *". 0. Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y., I. D. Moore.

K. N. Cornell Universitv, Ithaca, N. Y., L. E. Ware.

Section \l.— Chief, Meade D. DetweiIvER, 210 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa.

A. Washing. & Jefferson Col. Washington, Pa. Paul D. Gardner.

A. Bucknell University, Lewisburgh, Pa., Foster Starkey.

s. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., C. H. Huber. n. Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. A. G. Fraden burgh.

A. Muhlenberg College, Allen town. Pa., T. L. Rhoads.

A. Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., Frank B. Ellis.

B. X. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., Edwin J. Prindle. r. ^ Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa., Geo. R. Meek.

Section HI. Chief J. A. B. Scherer. Salem, Va.

E. University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C, J. V. Lewis. B. A. Roanoke College, Salem, Va., R. B. Peery. A. A. Hampden-Sidney College, Prince Edw. Co., Va. Morris Christian.

K. A. University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., E. I. Wade. p. X. Richmond College, Richmond Va., M. W. Thomas.

Section IW— Chief John M. Ormond, Toledo, Ohio.

H. Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio, H. G. Blish. S. Wittenberg College. Springfield, Ohio, H. H. Schell. 0. A. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, Ed. A. Roberts.

A. A. Denison University, Granville, Ohio, M. B. Price.

38 £.A. Wrighx Phila. ERRATA.

Page II, Class '91, for Mills read Wills.

'' Page 57, for Alpha Tail Omega Paleiis'" read Alpha Tau Omega Palm.

Page 57, for Prof. U. IViley Thomas read Prof. N. Wiley Thomas. Patje 100, for G. W. Graham read G. M. Graham. Page 118, for C. D. Berrett read C. D. Bennett.

Extra copies of the HfxlEniax may be secured by sending One Dollar to E. W. Martin. Chapel Hill. N. C. or H. W. Miller, Raleigh, N. C. — —

XAMK. INSTITUTION. addrf:ss. r. A. 5- A. Adelbert College, Cleveland, Ohio, Claude Wyant. O. A. Ohio State Universit\-, Columbus, Ohio, Jesse Jones.

p. A. Wooster University, Wooster, Ohio, S. W. Eagleson.

Section W— Chief, A. M. Brown, 408 S. Academy St., Galesburg, 111.

Z. Indiana State University- Bloomington. Ind., J. E. Shepardson.

A. De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind., J. Lee McKee. T- Hanover College, Hanover, Ind., Geo. H. Simonson.

'^. Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. O. L. Houts.

A. A. Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 111., Howard Bowen.

r. A. Knox College, Galesburg, 111., H. F. Downinv

Section \^I. — Chief, Allan Dawson, 206 Superior St., West, Duluth, Minn.

A. 'I>. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, INIich., Walter S. Drew.

Section VII. Chief, Prof. John P. Fruit, Russellville, Kentucky.

X. Bethel College, Russellville, Ky. W. C. Pierce.

Section \lll.— Chief W. Y. Morgan, Strong City, Kansas.

n. A. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan., Chas. Johnson.

Z. 'J>. Wm. Jewell College, Liberty, Mo., H. L. Bright.

Section IX. Chief, John H. Schutte, 29 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal.

A. S. Universit}' of California, Berkeley, Cal., J. B. Palmer.

©raduokte ®!](^p{eT'5.

Delta, Chattanooga, Tenn., R. J. Kirkwood. Epsilon, Columbus, Ohio, Jno. F. McFadden.

Zeta, 1 2 14 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo., Glen Miller.

Eta. P. O. Box 195, Cleveland, Ohio, J. S. Myers. Delta Club, 68 E. 49th St., New York City.

39 ,

Epsilon Chapter of

Siler, Alex. R. Smith and B. M. Thompson. In her first year, Jas. A. Patton, Washington, N. C. , carried off the

Valedictory for

Leonidas F. Siler, of Franklin, N. C. , was Valedictorian; and again in 1853, for the third time in succession, Alex. Mclver, a loyal Delta, won the highest honor of his class. This will suffice to show something of the sterling worth, intellectual ability and real character of the earlier mem-

f/^. bers of I . J. at the University. After ten years of continued prosperity Epsilon Chapter, with the Universit}', was obliged to succumb to the great strain made upon her by the outbreak of the civil war. No effort was made, after the war, to re-establish Epsilon Chapter until 1887, when she was revived with the follow-

ing charter members : Eugene M. Armfield, Robt. L.

Smith, Daniel J. Currie, Walter j\I. Hammond, Willie T.

Whitsett, Paul Chatham and Harry J. Darnall, and of these Daniel J. Currie was Valedictorian of the class of '89. Not at the University alone have Deltas given evidence of their talents, but many of them have won distinction in their various avocations in after-life. Among those w^ho have done honor to themselves and to their professions as lawyers may be mentioned Hon. David Miller Carter, '51, who was also Colonel C. S. A., and Judge Military Court; Hon. Wm. D. Barnes, '52, now residing in Mariana, Fla. and who has from time to time filled the position of Presi- dential Elector, Solicitor-General of Florida, Speaker of the Florida .Senate, Comptroller of Florida, etc., etc.;

40 :

Leonidas F. Siler, '52; James Woods, '53, of Nashville,

Tennessee; Saninel Spencer Jackson, '54, who was a mem- ber of the Constitntion Committee in 1868; Alfred G. Mer- ritt, '53, Nashville, Tennessee; J. M. Spencer, of Alabama;

Wni. L. Scott, '54, Greensboro, N. C. ; Wm. H. Spencer, '54, wdio now resides at Terre Haute, Indiana; Zebulon B.

Vance, whose name is a household word in all North Caro- lina, and whose honors and important offices are too w^ell known to need enumeration. In other professions, among^ those worthy of special mention are, Maj. Jas. W. Wilson,

'52, jNIorganton, N. C. , Civil Engineer and ex-President Western North Carolina Railroad; Prof Alex. Mclver,

'53, so well known among the friends of education in North Carolina as former Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Professor of Mathematics in the University and David- son College. As we have been reorganized only three years we have, of course, but few recent alumni^ and scarcely any of these may be said to have entered upon their life-work, but those who have have not been without success in their various pursuits. We would especially mention Eugene M. Arm- field, '88, cashier of High Point National Bank; Harry J. Darnall, Assistant Professor Modern Languages in the Uni- versity of Tennessee; Willie T. Whitsett, Principal of

Fairview Academy, Gibsonville, N. C. ; R. L. Smith, a successful teacher at Norwood, N. C. We entered on this year with eight active members, viz.

J. I. Foust and G. E. Petty, '90; J. V. Lewis, '91; F. L.

Robbins, T. R. Foust, R. M. Davis and E. J. Keech, '92; and J. B. Sellars, '93. Of these, Keech and Petty failed to return after Christmas, and now we have six loyal "Fijis," five of whom we hope to have return next year.

J. V. Lewis.

'J>. r. A. Place, Utiiversity N^orth Carolina,

April 26, iSgo.

41 Bfta ^l)Hn |li.

Beta Tlieta Pi Fraternity was founded at Miami Univer- sity, Oxford, Ohio, in 1839. John Riley Knox first sng- gested the idea and, having taken eight other gentlemen into his confidence, the first meeting was held on Jnly 4th, 1839. The second Chapter was established at the Ohio University in 1841. From this time the grow^th of the Fraternity w^as very rapid, until the outbreak of the civil war, when a number of the Chapters became extinct. Most of these Chapters, how^ever, have been reviv^ed and many new ones have been established, and the Chapter roll now numbers fiftv-eio;ht. The Universitv of North Caro- lina Chapter was established in 1852 as Eta Prime and lived until 1861. Its initiates numbered forty-eight men. The Chapter was re-established in 1889 by a union of Beta Theta Pi and the Mystic Seven Fraternities. The Mystic Seven Fraternity was founded at Wesleyan in 1837. by Hamilton Brewer, and its membership numbered about four hundred. In 1889 there were but four Chapters, Wesleyan, University of Virginia, University of North Carolina and Davidson College. Other fraternities made her offers of union, which were refused until 1889. After protracted negotiations a union w^as effected with Beta Theta Pi. The '^Star of The South," Chapter of the Mystic Seven, thus became the Eta Beta of Beta Theta Pi. The "Beta" of Eta Beta was substituted for "Prime," there having been adopted a new^ system of naming the Chapters.


\ \

©h^pter l^oll.


Harvard (Eta), Amherst (Beta Iota), Brown (Kappa), Dartmouth (Alpha Omega),

(dis. ). Boston ( Upsilon ) , Wesle3-an Maine State (Beta Eta), DIST. II. Stevens (Sigma), Union (Nu), Cornell (Beta Delta), Columbia (/Vlpha Alpha), St. Lawrence iBeta Zeta' Syracuse (Beta Epsilon. Colgate (Beta Theta), DIST. III.

Dickinson (Alpha Sigma), University of Penns34vania (Phi), Johns Hopkins (Alpha Chi), Pa. State College (Alpha Upsilon).

DIvST. IV. (Mystic Seven Dist).

Hampden-Sidney (Zeta), Richmond (Alpha Kappa), Univ. of North Carolina (Eta Beta), Davidson (Phi Alpha), Virginia (Omicron), Randolph-Macon (Xi).


Centre (Epsilon), Vauderbilt (Beta Lambda),

Cumberland iMu), Texas (Beta Omicron ). Mississippi (Beta Beta), DIST. VI.

Miami (Alpha), Whittenberg (Alpha Gamma), Ohio (Beta Kappa,) Denison (x\lpha Eta), Western Reserve (Beta), Wooster (Alpha Lambda), Wash .-Jefferson (Gamma), Kenyon (Beta Alpha), Ohio Wesleyan (Theta), Ohio State (Theta Delta),

Bethan}^ (Psi), Universit}' of Cincinnati (dis.).


De Pauw (Delta). Wabash (Tau), Indiana (Pi), Hanover (Iota). Michigan (Lambda^ DIST. VIII.

Knox (Alpha Xi), Wisconsin (Alpha Pi), Beloit (Chi\ Northwestern (Rho),

Iowa State (Alpha Beta), Universitv of Minnesota (dis.). Iowa Wesleyan (Alpha Epsilon


Westminster (Alpha Delta Denver (Alpha Zeta), Kansas (Alpha Nu), Nebraska (Alpha Tau). California (Omega), 43 /\citVe rv^ember^t^tp.

LAW. Eugene P. Withers, '88. John F. Mclver, '87.

CivASS OF '90. John W. Graham. Alex. Mclver. J. B. Philbeck.

Class of '92. A. M. Scales, Jr. A. M. McDuffie.

W. E. Rollins. J. F. Rhem.

Class of '93.

L. O'B. B. Jones. F. W. Thornton. Jr. A. S. Barnard.

44 .


yijl riafi)ia Sldinn.

The Fraternity was founded at the University of Penn- sylvania, August 1 6th, 1850. Lambda Chapter was established at Chapel Hill in 1856. When the civil war came on and the last member had left college to join the army the charter and constitution were destroyed, to prevent exposure, and the Chapter became extinct.

On the night of the 26th of April, 1877, it was re- established secretly, and existed sub rosa until the spring of 1885, wdien fraternities came to be recognized by the Trustees and Faculty. Phi Kappa Sigma enjoys the dis- tinction of being the first Fraternity to enter the Univer- sity after the re-opening. The following are some of Lambda's sons, whose worth and attainments bespeak her praise as words cannot, and justify her pride:

Theology—Robert R. Strange. Education—E. A. Alderman, Haywood Parker. Medicine—Julian M. Baker, K. P. Battle, Jr., Jno. M. Manning, Jno. L. Phillips. Chemistry—V. B. Dancy, H. B. Battle, Wm. B. Phillips. Law—R. B. Albertson, Jas. S. Manning, Ernest Ha3-wood, R. W. Win- borne. Manufactures—James H. Ruffin. Business—Frank Wood, F. K. Borden, Arthur Arrington, C. W. Worth, Jno. C. Engelhard. Attainments in Scholarship—George Gordon Battle.

* Hi =H * ^

1877. Joseph Clay Powell. Julian M. Baker.

Wm. Battle Phillips. Richard Dillard, Jr.

45 1878. Arthur Arrington. George McCorkle. "James Mann Nicholson. Duncan M. Williams.

1879. Kemp Plammer Battle, Jr R. B. Henderson. James S. Manning. Jno. M. Manning. Robert Strange. E. B. Engelhard. Frank Wood. Frank K. Borden. Alva Crowell Springs.

1880. Ernest Haywood. B. C. Sharpe. Charles C. Cobb. Jno. L. Phillips. LaFavette Brown Eaton.

18S1. Frank Battle Dancy. Walter E. Philips. Lucian H. Walker. Frank H. Stedman. Robert W. Winborne. James H. Ruffin. *Frank Gordon Hines. Charles W. Worth.

Turner W. Battle, Jr. John M. Walker.

1882. William W. Long. Robert B. Albertson. Edwin A. Alderman. Thomas R. Ransom. Jonathan Worth Jackson. George Gordon Battle.

iSS.v P. E. Hines. Henr\- Horace Williams.

Lewis J. Battle. Isaac H. Manning. Kirkland Huske. Charles T. Haijih.

John Robert Herring, Jr.


Thomas A. Baker. J. H. Baker, Jr. H. C. Parsons. Henr}' W. Rice. Samuel S. Jackson. H. B. Battle. Louis M. Bourne. Haywood Parker.

1885. John C. Engelhard. Henr\- Johnston.

Francis Marion Parker, Jr.

1886. Gaston Battle. Samuel P. Winborne.

Wm. S. Battle, Jr.

1887. Henry Staton. P. P. Winborne. Jas. R. Green. Lucian S. Hadlev.

*t)ecea?*e(J. 46 1889.

Francis Howard Batchelor. J. A. Gilmer, Jr.

Ed. vS. Battle. F. H. Argo.'fe'- vSamuel A. Ashe, Jr.

^ ^ * * 5K Jj:

The active members of the Chapter desire to express to Brother F. B. Dancy their deep sense of gratitude for the active interest he has ever manifested in the advancement and welfare of Lambda. Contact with the world, its cares and its interests, have only served to make in him more binding- and more dear the holiest of college ties.

frig r^^ f \ g^^ ?

47 ^l0ma Mpifa CE^ieUott.

Established 1857.

©h<3^P^er ;

The Sigma i\lpha Epsiloii Fraternity was founded at the University of Alabama on March 9th, 1856. At the out- break of the civil war her Chapters numbered fifteen, of which North Carolina Xi was one. Xi was killed by the war, but was reorganized in 1885, and since that time has had a very prosperous existence.

The Chapters of 1. 1. II. are as follows:

Ppovince a. Beta Univ. of Georgia Athens, Ga. Psi Mercer University Macon, Ga. Epsilon Emory College Oxford, Ga. Alpha Alumnus Atlanta, Ga. Beta Alumnus Albany, Ga. Sigma Alumnus Savannah, Ga. Omega Alumnus Augusta, Ga. Iota Southern University Greensboro, Ala. Mu University of Alabama --.Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alpha Mr A. & M. College Auburn, Ala. Mu Alumnus Montgomery, Ala.

Province B.

Delta South Carolina Univ. Columbia, S. C.

Eta Alumnus - -Honco Path, S. C. Lambda Alumnus Charleston, S. C. Phi Alumnus Greenville, S. C. Theta Davidson College -Davidson College, N. C. Xi Univ. of North Carolina -.Chapel Hill, N. C.

Theta Alumnus - Charlotte, N. C. Omicron University of Virginia University of Virginia. Pi {sub rosa) Sigma Wash. & Lee L^niversit}- --Lexington, Va.


Province C.

Omega - .-University of South Sewanee, Teiin. Zeta S. W. Presbyterian Univ. -Clarksville, Tenn. Lambda Cumberland Univ Lebanon, Tenn. Kappa Univ. of Tennessee. Knoxville, Tenn. Eta S. W. Baptist University -Jackson, Tenn. Nu Vanderbilt Universit}' Nashville, Tenn. Gamma Univ. of Mississippi Oxford, Miss. Theta Alumnus Starkville, Miss. Gamma Alumnus Meriden, Miss. Theta Thatcher Institute Shrieveport, La. Texas Rho University of Texas Austin, Texas.

Province D.

Sigma Mt. Union College Alliance, Ohio. Delta Delaware U^niversity Delaware, Ohio. Alpha Alumnus Alliance, Ohio. Kappa — Central University Richmond, Ky. Iota Bethel College Russellville, Ky. Alpha Beta Alumnus Alpha University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. Alpha Adrian College Adrian, Mich. Iota Beta University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. Omega -.Alleghany College Meadville, Pa. Sigma Simpson College Indian ola, Iowa. Epsilon Cincinnati College Cincinnati, Ohio.

N- <^- P

G. B. Patterson.


William F. ShafFner. John D. Bellamy, Jr.


William J. Andrews. Andrew H. Patterson. William W. Ashe. George Ransom. John Motley Morehead.

'92. George W. Connor.


Alex. B. Andrews, Jr. W. Street Jones. Theodore G. Empie. Rufus L. Patterson.

49 f\. £. Ov^Q^n\zG^{\on^.

2. A. E. Whist Team.

W. F. Shaffner. J- U- Bellamy, Jr.

X- A. K. Tennis Team.

A. H. Patterson. W. F. Shaffner.

S. A. E. Glee Club.

First Tenor. J. M. Morehead, Leader, . . W. F. Shaffner, .... Second Tenor. Baritone. G. B. Patterson, . . . T. G. Empie, .... First Bass.

. Second Bass. W. J. Andrews, . .

2- A- E. Pleasure Club.

Meels every Saturday night in Lodge.

President. G. B. Patterson, . . •

• Vice-President. J. D. Bellamy, Jr., . . . Secretary. W. F. Shaffner, . . • George Ransom, .... Treasurer.

50 I-X'


3tid 1^01.

Founded at University of the City of New York, 1846.

^\lG.p{ev l^oll.

Phi University of New York. Zeta ---Williams College. Dei^TA Rutgers College. Sigma University of Pennsylvania. Chi Colby Universit)'. Rho Harvard Universit}'. Kappa Tufts College. Tau -- Lafayette College. Xi University of Michigan. Pi Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. LamDx\ Bowdoin College. Psi Cornell Universit}^ Iota University of California. Theta Xi University of Toronto. Alpha Columbia College. Alpha Psi McGill University. Nu - Case School of Applied Sciences. Epsilon Brown University. Upsilon -University of North Carolina. Eta Yale University. Zek -p^l.

Founded at University of the City of New York, 1846.


estabwshed 1858. suspended 1868.

Reorganized 1885.


W. J. Battle.


J. J. Philips. H. B. Shaw,

P. C. Graham. C. S. Mangum. G. M. Graham.

'92. F. C. Mebane. Perrin Busbee. R. H. Johnston.


J. C. Biggs. W. B. Snow. T. D. Tov

52 ,

Zets. -p^l


Adams, P. H., West Point, Va.

Bacot. Dr. P. B., . Florence, S. C. Battle, D., Tarboro, N. C. Battle, W.J. Chapel Hill, N. C.

Biggs, J. C, . Oxford, N. C. Broadfoot, Col. C. W., Fayetteville, X. C. Burgwyn, Col. W. H. S., Henderson, N. C. Busbee, P., Raleigh, N. C.

Carr, J. vS., Durham, N. C.

Chalmers, J. W., Mountain Road, Va. Chalmers, W. M., Danville, Va. Cochran, A. W., Birmingham, Ala. Coleman, H. E., News Ferrj', Va. Coleman, N. R., Pace's, Halifax Co., Va. Collins, G. K., Hillsboro, N. C. Davidson, S. M., Charlotte, N. C. Davis, Hayne, Statesville, N. C. Day, W. H., Weldon, N. C. Dortch, W. R., Gadsen, Ala. Evans, T. C, Reidsville, N. C. Ferebee, Dr. N. M. Oxford, N. C.

Fetter, C, . Rural Retreat, Va.

Foster, Hon. W. ; Tuskegee, Ala. Ford, N. P., Koanoke, Va.

Fuller, W. J., . Shannon, Robeson Co., N. C. Graham, A.. Charlotte, N. C. Graham, A. W., Oxford, N. C. Graham, G. M., Hillsboro, N. C. Graham, Dr. G. W. Charlotte, N. C. Graham, P. C, Hillsboro, N. C. Grandy, C. T., Roanoke, Va. Grandy, L. B., Oxford, N. C.

Gray, J. B., . Fredericksburg, Va. Gulick, W. M., Oxford. N. C. Guthrie, W. A., Durham, N. C. Haynes, R. W., Jackson, Tenn. , , ,

Henderson, Hon. J. S., Salisbury, N. C.

Hinsdale, J. W., Raleigh, N. C.

Hobson, J. M., Greensboro, Ala. Holt, W. E., Charlotte, N. C. Howell. G. P., West Point, N. Y. Howell, L. D., Goldsboro, N. C. Jackson, Dr. M., Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y.

Jeiferson, J. W., San Francisco, Cal. Johnston, R. H., Tarboro, N. C. Johnston, Dr. W. H., Birmingham, Ala.

Jones, E. T. . . Raleigh, N. C. Jones, G. A.. Mobile, Ala.

Jones, W. C, . Camden. Ala.

Jones, W. J., Ladonia. Texas.

Jones, W. L. . . Allenton. Ala. Kobb, Hon. R. P., Montgomery. Ala.

Lindsay, E., . St. Joseph, Mo.

Livingstone, J. K., Bennettsville, S. C. Lord, S. F., Salisbury, N. C. McKesson, C. F.. Morganton, N. C. McNider, Dr. V. S. C, Beaumont. Texas.

Mangnni, C. S. Chapel Hill. N. C. Mangum, E. P., Asheville, N. C. Mebane, F. C, Wentworth, N. C. Mebane, W. N., Wentworth, N. C.

Monroe, J. R., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Nixon, Dr. T. F., Raleigh, N. C. Patterson, A. H., Louisville, Ky. Peebles, R. B., Jackson, N. C. Pescud, P. F., New Orleans, La.

Philips. J. J. Tarboro, N. C. Pinnix, M. H., Lexington, N. C. Porter, F. St. Joseph, Mo. Powell. Dr. G. T., Starke, Fla.

Richardson, Dr. C. L., Lake Charles, La. Richmond, C. H., Danville, Va.

Roan, R. L., Reidsville, N. C.

Rogers, B. J.. Bennettsville, S. C. Rogers. W. T. Bennettsville, S. C. Rose. Hon. G. M., Fayetteville, N. C.

Rose, Rev. J. M., Greenville. S. C. Rosenthal, A., Goldsboro, N. C. Scales, E. D., Paris, Texas.

Scales, J. H., . Cascade. Va.

Settle, D., . Reidsville, N. C.

54 Tarboro, N. C. Shaw, H. B., . Slober, Dr. G., New Berne, N. C. Cleburne, Texas. Smith, J. T., . York Cit}-. Snow, S., . New Raleigh, N. C. Snow, W. B., . Stedman, Hon. C. M., Wilmington, N. C. Stevenson, M. DeW., New Berne, N. C. vSutton, Dr. W. T., Norfolk, Va. Charlotte, N. C. Tate, J. T., Taylor, H., Mobile, Ala. N. C. Toms, C. W., . Plymouth, Norfolk, Va. Toy, T. D. . Y. Van Wyck, Hon. A., . Brooklyn, N. Walker, P. D., Charlotte, N. C. Watkins, W. M., Milton, N. C. Hillsboro, N. C. Webb, J. C, Wilmington, N. C. Weill, S. C. . Whitaker, DeB. H., Raleigh, N. C. Wilkins, W. W., Lawrenceville, Va. Wilkinson, W. S., Battleboro, N. C. Wilson, Rev. N. H. D. Greensboro, N. C.

ti) ece0^5e<

1862 Adams, Wm., Greensboro, N. C. N. C. 1862 Benberry, J. C, . Gates Co., Ala. 1862 Broadfoot, J., Coosa, 1863 Burgwjni, H. K., Northampton Co., N. C. Ga. 1864 Butts, J. E., Columbus, 1878 DeRosset, T. C, Wilmington, N. C. Fayetteville, N. C. 1869 Dobbin, J. C, Fayetteville, N. C. 1865 Dobbin, J. H., . N. C. bSg Dunham, J. W., Wilmington, 1889 Ennett, Dr. W. T., Wilmington, N. C. Airy, N. C. 1878 Gilmer, J. C, Mt. 1866 Johnston, Z. M., Cabarrus Co., N. C. Eufala, Ala. 1 861 McNab, J. G., Eufala, Ala. 1884 McNab, J. M., . 1876 Means, R. W., Concord, N. C. Gleunville, Ala. 1875 Mitchell, J. C, . 1889 Morehead, E., Durham, N. C. 1863 Ray, W. E., Franklin Co., N. C.

1 87 1 Reeves, W. H., Lebanon, Tenn.

55 i862 Richmond, S. B., Milton, N. C. 1882 Roan. N. K., Milton, N. C.

1877 Shorter, W. A., . Eufala, Ala.

1866 Sloan, J. A., Greensboro, N. C. C. 1866 Sutton, J. M., . Bertie Co., N. i860 Sutton. S. E.. Lafayette, Ala. 1873 Thompson, Dr. C. A.. Robeson Co., N. C.

1863 Thompson, J. N., Leasburg, N. C.

.^4i^)"ffe-^ ;v9

Jll)it)n ^au ^mr$(t«

The Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity was founded at Rich- mond, Virginia, September ii, 1865, by Messrs. Otis. A. Glazebrook, Alfred Marshal and Erskine M. Ross. The two former were attending the Virginia Military Institute at the time, and the latter had only recently graduated from that college. The closest intimacy had long existed between these gentlemen, to which they now gave expres- sion in the eternal ties of a brotherhood, founded upon the noblest and purest principles. Very naturally, the first Chapter was established at the above-named institution. Through adverse circumstances the fraternity was confined for several years to the leading colleges of Virginia, Ken- tucky and Tennessee. The intention of the founders, however, was that it should be a national organization; and since 1880 it has made rapid strides in the South, North and Northwest. The stronghold of the Fraternit}' is still the South. It has, in all, thirty-eight active Chap- ters and nine State Alumni Associations. Supreme power is vested in the Biennial Congress, while in session, and, at other times, in the High Council. The official organ and most important publication of the Fraternity is the Alpha Tau Omega Paleiis^ a quarterly magazine, established in 1880. The Chapters are in a flourishing condition and the

Fraternity is on a good basis.

Some of the noted names on its register are: Rev. Otis. A. Glazebrook, D. D., of Elizabeth, New Jersey; Hon. Erskine M. Ross, of the California Supreme Court; Rt. Rev. C. T. Quintard, D. D., S. T. D. Bishop, of Tennes- see; Rev. Isaac S. Hopkins, A. M., M. D., D. D., Ph. D., of Emory College; Prof U. Wiley Thomas, Ph. D., Girard

57 College, Philadelphia; Prof. E. J. Shives, Tiffin, Ohio; Prof H. H. Dinwiddie, late of Texas; Rev. T. T. Eaton,

D. D. , of Kentucky; Hon. John Paul, of Virginia; Hon. John W. Childress, of Tennessee; Judge P. F. Smith, of

Georgia; Hon. C. R. Breckinridge, of Arkansas; Hon. J.

W. Marshal, of Virginia; Hon. J. H. Jamison, of Missis- sippi; Walter H. Page, of The Foriiin; Hon. F. M. Sim- mons, of North Carolina. The next Congress will be held in the birthplace of the Fraternity, December 26, 1890.


t^oll of ©hs^pter^.

Ala. Alpha Epsilon 1885 ---A. & M. College, Auburn, Ala. Ala. Beta Beta- 1885 Southern University, Greensboro, Ala. Ala. Beta Delta 1885 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.

Ala. Association- - Jasper; Montgomery, Alabama.

Ark. Association 1888 - --Little Rock, Ark. D. C. Association --- 1886 Washington, D. C. Fla. Alpha Omega 1884 ---University of Florida. Lake City, Fla. Fla. Association- 1885 -Jacksonville; DeFuniak Springs, Fla.

Ga. Alpha Beta 1878 - --University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.

Ga. Alpha Tlieta - - 1881 Emor}' College, Oxford, Ga., Ga. Alpha Zeta 1880 --Mercer University, Mercer, Ga. Ga. Beta Iota 1888 ---Ga. St. Sch. of Technology, Atlanta.

. - Ga. Beta Nu 1888 Middle Ga. M. & A. C. , Mil ledge vill'e, Ga. Ga. Association 1884 Macon; Gainesville, Ga. Iowa Beta Alpha- 1885 Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa. Ky. Zeta 1884 Central University, Richmond, Ky.

Ky. Association - - 1883 Louisville, Ky. La. Beta Epsilon 1887 Tulane Univ^ersity, New Orleans.

Mich. Alpha Mu 1881 - -Adrian College, Adrian, Mich. Mich. Eta Kappa 1888 --Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich. Mich. Beta Lambda- 1888 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Mich. Beta Omicron - --1889 Albion College, Albion, Mich. N. Y. Alpha Omicron — 1882 St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y. N. Y. Beta Theta 1887 Cornell University, Ithaca, X. Y. N. C. Alpha Delta 1879 -University of N. C, Chapel Hill, N. C. N. C. Alpha Eta 1881 Mebane, N. C. N. C. Association 1887 Mebane; Salem, N. C.

*Date Wanted.

5,8 Ohio Alpha Nu 1882 --Mt. Union College, Mt. Union, O.

Ohio Alpha Psi . . 1883 - - - Wittenberg College, vSpringfield, O.

Ohio Beta Eta 1887 . --WeslcN-an University, Delaware, O.

Ohio Beta Mu ^1888 - -University of \\''ooster, Wooster, O.

Association - . 1888 - Ohio Thornville ; New Burlington, O. Pa. Alpha Iota _-i88i - -Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa.

Pa. Alpha Rho 1882 . - Lehigh University, So. Bethlehem, Pa.

Pa. Alpha Upsilou--. 1882 - - Pa. College, Gettysburg, Pa.

S. C. Alpha Chi . 1882 -"Citadel." Charle.ston. S. C.

vS. C. Alpha Phi 1883 . S. C. University, Columbia, S. C.

S. C. Beta Xi 1889 Charleston College, Charleston. S. C.

S. C. Association . 1882 --Charleston; Spartanburg, S. C. Tenn. Omega 1887 - -Univ. of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.

Tenn. Alpha Tau 1882 . --S. P. University. Clarksville, Tenn. Tenn. Lambda --18S9 Cumberland Univers., Lebanon, Tenn. Tenn. Beta Pi --1889 - --Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn.

Vt. BetaZeta 1887 - --University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.

Va. Beta 1889 - -Washington & Lee, Lexington, Va.

Va. Delta 1868 - -University of Virginia.

Va, Epsilon 1869 _ --Roanoke College, Salem. Va.

Va. Association . 1874 -Richmond, Charlottesville. Va.

/\lpl^^ te)eUa (^l^Qpter.

Founded 1879.


Lacy Le Grand Little. N. C, A. H. Edwin Wray Martin, X. C, A. H.


Hugh Lee Miller.


George Clarkson Worth, X. C, A. H. vShepard Bryan. Robert Worth Bingham, A. H.


James Spencer Worth, X. C, A. H. John Ludlow Skinner. William Sloan Huggins, X. C, A. H.


Douglass DeRossett Haigh. George Lewis Peschau.

59 A. T. o. Quartette.

Lacy L. Litti^e, '89, First Tenor. R. W. Bingham, '91, Second Tenor. H. L. Miller, '90, First Bass.

J. L. Skinner, '92, Second Bass.

A. T. Q. Whist Club.

E. W. Martin. Law. •92. J. L. Skinner, R. W. Bingham, '91- H. L. Miller, •90.


^Hppa Mpiya.

Founded 1865.

Just after the late civil war, when the sunshine of peace began to dawn upon our afflicted country and its sus- pended and impoverished colleges entered upon a new era of life and prosperity, a great number of secret organiza- tions were founded. Among these was the K. A. Begin- ning its life at the Washington College of Virginia, now the Washington and Lee, by the efforts and perseverance of its founders. Prof. S. Z. Ammen, Jas. W. Wood, Rev. W. N. Scott and William A. Walsh, K. A. soon obtained a strono- foothold in the Old Dominion and rapidly spread throughout the South. Chapters of the Fraternity have been founded in nearly all her leading colleges, and it ranks high among the Greek Letter Societies. It is strictly Southern. Its official organ is the Jcnirnal, published by a board of editors elected at the biennial conventions. The management of the Fraternity is in the hands of a supr-eme officer and assistants, elected biennially.

l^oll of ©h^pter^.

Lexington Va. Alpha - - - Washington and Lee , Beta Va. Military Institute Lexington, Va. Gamma Universit}- of Georgia Athens, Ga. Delta Woffard College Spartanburg, S. C. Epsilon Emory College Oxford, Ga. Zeta Randolph-Macon College -Ashland, Va. Eta Richmond College. Richmond, Va. Theta S. C. Military Academy. --Charleston, S. C. Iota Furman University Greenville, S. C. Kappa Mercer University Macon, Ga.

61 Lambda University of Virginia Virginia.

Mu Erskine College Due West. vS. C. Nu A. and M. College Auburn, Ala. Xi Southwestern University- -Georgetown, Texas.

Omicron University of Texas - - -Austin, Texas.

Pi University of Tennessee _ Knoxville, Tenn.

Rho Universit}' of S. Carolina -Columbia, S. C. Sigma -_ Davidson College North Carolina. Tau (sud rosa)-. UpsiIvON University of N. Carolina- Chapel Hill, X. C. Phi -Southern University Greensboro, Ala. Chi Vanderbilt University- --Nashville, Tenn. Psi Tulane University New Orleans, La. Omega Centre College --Centre, Ky. AivPHA Ai^PHA University of South Sewanee, Tenn.

Alpha Beta . University- of Alabama -Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alpha Gamma La. State University Baton Rogue. La. Alpha Delta William Jewel College Liberty, Mo. Alpha Epsilon ---S. W. P. University-- Clarksville, Tenn.

Alpha Zeta - - .. William and Mary College- Virginia. Alpha Eta Centenary College Fulton, Mo.

Up^tlon ©}]G\pter.

Founded i88i.

Upsilon Chapter was founded at the University of North

Carolina in 1881. It was prosperous at the beginning of

its career and has always been one of the first Chapters in the University. vShe has sent out thirty-four enthusiastic Kappa Alphas. LIST OF .\LUMNI.

J. R. Nicholls, Tarboro. J. M. Beall, Salisbury. *Chas. U. Hill, Scotland Neck. R. T. Burwell, Raleigh. M. C. Millender, vSelma. Frank Dixon, Shelby. G. A. Mebane, Mebaneville. W. T. Grimes, Hamilton.

J. L. Borden, Goldsboro. J. F. Schenck, Durham.

J. S. Mann, Middleton. E. L. Gilmer, Greensboro. A. B. Hill, Jr.. Scotland Neck. T. S. Keogh. Greensboro.

62 p. B. Cox. Ralei:

R. G. Grissom, Raleigh. J. W. Wilson, Jr., Morganton. A. E. Wilson, Morganton. Paul Jones, Tarboro. Halifax. J. W. Wood, Scotland Neck. T. X. Hill, Jr., W. S. Micks, Clinton. A. W. Scott. Graham. L. P. McGehee, Raleigh. R. E. Carter, Fairfield.


MemlseT=5 1889-90,

Ix THE Faculty.

J. W. Gore. Ix THE UXIVERSITV. R. H. Holland. H. N. Pharr.

J. R. Parker. Chas. A. Rankin.

6} tN^^ ^^i Ildta ^^tid.


The official oro:an of our Fraternitv is the Scroll, issued bi-monthh" from September to June. A monthly, The

Index published in Alabama, is less national in its influ- ^ ence, being devoted almost entirely to the promotion of the Fraternity work in Alabama. The sixth edition of the

catalogue will appear next fall. The third edition of the song book was issued some time since. Our colors are white and blue. The badge consists of a shield with a sword attached by a chain, and with a scroll bearing the

(-)'' letters " . J. in the lower part of the field. North

Carolina Beta, of the (l>. J. H. Fraternity, was established at Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, in 18S5. The charter members were as follows:

O. D. Batchelor Nashville, N. C. Wm. H. Carroll Burlington, N. C. W. E. Headen -Pittsboro. N. C.


/ Joel Hines Point Caswell, X. C. Thos. A. Marshall Wadesboro, N. C. \V. H. McDonald Raleigh, N. C. Graham McKinnon Plain view, N. C. Richard S. Neal Scotland Neck, N. C.

A. C. vShaw ------Rockingham. N. C. A. M. Simmons ^- Fairfield, X. C.

R. S. White Elizabethtown, X. C.

The following have since been initiated:

G. W. Bethell Danville, Va. Alex. Stronach Raleigh, X. C. A. B. Shaw Rockingham, N. C.

W. H. Grimes - Raleigh. N. C.

J. B. Stronach Raleigh, X. C. Mike Hoke Raleigh. X. C. Van Wyck Hoke Raleigh, X. C. W. W. Davies .-- Drapersville. Va. P. L. Woodard Black Creek, X. C. A. G. Mangum Flat River, X. C.

l^oll of (^h.Q.p{ev^.

Alpha Province.

President—Geo. W. Roberts, M. D.. 258 W. Twenty-second Street. New Vork, X. Y. Maine Alpha—Colby University, W^aterville. Me. New Hampshire Alpha—Dartmouth College. Hanover, N. H. Vermont Alpha—University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. Massachusetts Alpha—Williams College, Williamstowu, Mass. -Massachusetts Beta—Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.

Rhode Island Alpha—Brown University, Providence, R. I. New York Alpha—Cornell University, Ithaca, X. Y. X'ew York Beta—Union University, Schenectady, X. Y. New York Gamma—College of the City of New York, Xew York, N. Y. New York Delta—Columbia College, New York, N. Y. New York Epsilon —S^^racuse University-, Syracuse, N. Y. Pennsylvania Alpha—Lafayette College. Easton, Pa. Penns^dvania Beta—Pennsylvania College, Gett^'sburg, Pa. Pennsvlvania Gamma—Washington and Jefferson College, Washineton Pa. Pennsylvania Delta—Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. Pennsylvania Epsilon—Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Penus3^1vania Zeta—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Eta—Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa. Beta Province.

President—W. A. Bratton, W. & L. Universit}-, Lexington, Va. Virginia Alpha—Roanoke College, vSalem, Va. Virginia Beta—University of Virginia, Albemarle, Co., Va. Virginia Gamma—Randolph-Macon College, •>Ashland, Va. Virginia Delta—Richmond College, Richmond, Va. Virginia Zeta—Washington and Lee L^niversity, Lexington, Va. North Carolina Beta—University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, X. C.

South Carolina Beta —South Carolina College, Columbia, vS. C. Kentucky Alpha—Centre College, Danville, K}-. Kentucky Delta—Central University, Richmond, K\-. Gamma Province.

President—Fred. S. Ball, Box 525, Montgomery, Ala. Georgia Alpha—University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Georgia Beta^Emory College, Oxford, Ga. Georgia Gamma—Mercer University, Macon, Ga. Tennessee Alpha—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.

Tennessee Beta—University of the vSouth, P. O. Box 9, Sewanee, Tenn. Alabama Alpha—University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alabama Beta—Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Alabama Gamma—Southern Universit3\ Greensboro, Ala. Delta Province.

President—Henry T. Cottam, Jr., 856 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. Mississippi Alpha—University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss. Louisiana Alpha—Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans. La. Texas Beta—University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Texas Gamma—Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas.

EpsiIvOn Province. President—James L. Mitchell, Bloomington, Ind. Ohio Alpha—Miami University, Oxford, O. Ohio Beta—Ohio Wesleyan LTniversit3% Delaware. O. Ohio Gamma — Ohio University, Athens, O. Ohio Delta— University of Wooster, Wooster, O. Ohio Epsilon -Buchtel College, Akron, O. Ohio Zeta—Ohio vState University, Columbus, O. Indiana Alpha—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. Indiana Beta —Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. Indiana Gamma -Butler University, Irvington, Ind. Indiana Delta —Franklin College, Franklin, Ind. Indiana Epsilon —Hanover College, Hanover, Ind.

66 Indiana Zeta—De Pauvv University, Greencastle, Ind. Michigan Alpha— University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan Beta—State College of Michigan. Agricnltnral College (Lan- sing), Mich. Michigan Ganima — Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich. Zeta Province.

. President —Isaac R. Hitt. Jr", 142 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111.

Illinois Alpha - Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.

Illinois Delta—Knox College, Galesburg, 111.

Illinois Epsilon— Illinois Wesleyan University, Eloomington, 111.

Illinois Zeta— Lombard University, Galesburg, 111.

Wisconsin Alpha— University of Wisconsin, Madison, W^i.s. Missouri Alpha— Universit}- of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Missouri Beta—Westminster College, Fulton, Mo. Iowa Alpha—Iowa Wesleyan L^niversity, Mount Pleasant, la. Iowa Beta—State University of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Kansas Alpha—L^niversity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Nebraska Alpha—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. California Alpha —University- of California, Berkeley, Cal. Alumni Chapter Addresses.

New York, N. Y.—Alpha. Akron, O. — Beta. Pittsburgh, Pa. — Alpha. Louisville, Ky. —Alpha. Philadelphia, Pa. —Beta. Franklin. Ind. —Alpha. Baltimore, Md. — Alpha. Indianapolis, Ind. —Beta. Washington, D. C. —Alpha. Chicago, 111.— Alpha. Richmond, Va. — Alpha. Galesburg, 111.— Beta. Columbus, Ga. — Alpha. Kansas City, Mo.—Alpha. Atlanta. Ga. — Beta. Minneapolis, Minn. —Alpha. Nashville, Tenn. — Alpha. St. Paul, Minn.— Beta. Montgomery, Ala. —Alpha. San Francisco. Cal. —Alpha. Selnia, Ala. — Beta. Los Angeles, Cal. —Beta, Cincinnati, O. — Alpha.

67 Slfitttii Jttt.


1869 Alpha Virginia Military Institute. 1870 Beta Universit}- of Virginia. 1871 Gamma Bailey Law vSchool. 1874 Delta University of South Carolina. 1883 Epsilon Bethany College. 1882 Lambda Washington and Lee. 1886 Tau South Carolina Military Institute. 1888 Psi University of North Carolina.


1884 Eta Mercer University. 1874 Theta University of Alabama. 1881 Kappa North Georgia College. 1873 Mu ^--University of Georgia. 1884 Xi Emory College. 1887 Pi University of Louisiana. 1888 Beta Phi Tulane University.


1883 Zeta Central University. 1886 Sigma Vanderbilt Universit}-. 1884 Omicron Bethel College. (1888) Beta Omicron Universitv of the South.

DIVISION IV. 1884 Nu University of Kansas. 1886 Rho University of Missouri. 1886 Upsilon University of Texas. 1888 Chi Cornell College.


1885 Pi Lehigh University. 1889 Beta Alpha Yale University.

( ) Omega Columbia College.

Birmingham Alumni Association. Louisiana Alumni Association. Georgia Alumni Association. Texas Alumni Association.


Durine the vears immediately followino^ the late civil war, while a general feeling of apprehension pervaded the institntions of the Sonth, there sprang np at the Virginia Militar}' Institute many local organizations, to one of which the Sigma Nu Fraternity owes its origin. This local Society w^as known as the "Whitefeet," in contra- distinction to the "Blackfeet" (Alpha Tan Omega), their sworn enemies, and w^as founded in the year 1869 ^y Cadet John F. Hopkins, of Mabelvale, Arkansas, aided by Cadets Greenfield Qnarles, J. W. Hopson, Memphis, Tenn. ;

Helena, Ark., and J. M. Riley, St. Louis, Mo. The main object of this organization was to defeat the schemes of the said " Blackfeet " which had for a long time monopolized the chief honors and offices of the insti- tution. The new oro^anization was eminentlv successful

in its undertakings, having secured over forty active and energetic men before the following commencement, with a representation from twelve different Southern and Western States, and a liberal recognition in the offices of the Cadet

' corps. It is not to be supposed, how^ever, that the ' Black- feet" yielded their place as regulator of politics and as heir prospective to the more honorable positions without a

struo^o^le, but orave back inch bv inch before the more

ao;ori-essi\^e movements of the new org^anization. The feel- ing of jealous rivalry between the two Societies ripened into a spirit of open and avowed antagonism, which

finally culminated in a collision between them ; but the continued success of the ''Whitefeet" gave to them a sio^nal victory, and from this time on thev have been known as the Sigma Nu Fraternity and the "Whitefeet" at V.

M. I. as Alpha Chapter. By reference to Alpha's records

it is shown that she was represented at every commence- ment from her founding in '69 until her extinction by anti- fraternity laws in '88 and that at all except two won honors.

69 -

Earlv in 1870, emboldened by success hitherto, exten- sion schemes were discussed and set on foot ; this move- ment was greatly facilitated by reason of a strong repre- sentation from twelve or fourteen States. Meanwhile efforts to perfect the organization were being taken, a con- stitution, badge and code of signs and signals were adopted. This organization which, at its founding, was intended only as a local Society, was destined to be the source of a o-reat and strono^ brotherhood whose boundaries should widen out and expand until, regardless of the dividing lines of States or kingdoms, every civilized nation may witness the loyalty of her sons. Even now, at the end of only two decades of her existence, her sons approach thou- sands in number and are scattered over every State in the Union.

State Alumni Associations have been established in sev- eral different States, and nothing can contribute more to the oreneral interest and stabilitv of the Fraternitv. On one occasion the Chapter at University of Texas seemed doomed to speedy death, since only two of her members returned, and these belonged to the Senior class. These two appealed to the alumni. Immediately there arose from all parts of the Lone Star State true and faithful support- ers of their order; met in convention, at which steps were taken by which the Chapter was again placed in a flourish ine condition. This is onlv an instance of the invaluable and timely aid furnished weak and needy Chapters by the State Associations. CONVENTIONS.

Annual Conventions are held at such places as may be decided upon by the Grand Chapter. Here it is that the

70 great bulk of the work is accomplished. Each Subordi-

nate Chapter is allowed two delegates, and by these is enacted all the work pertaining to the interests of the Fra- ternity at large and the establishment and support of indi- vidual Chapters; also all revisions and amendments, changes in the mode of procedure and changes relating to the secret work of the Order are under their immediate supervision and control. The most prominent conventions in the history of the Fraternity were those held at Nash- ville, 1884; Lexington, 1886, and Birmingham, 1887.


The Sigma Nu Fraternity is ably represented by its organ, the Delta^ a neat, spicy, bi-monthly magazine, edited 'by Grant W. Harrington, A. B., LL. D., of Law- rence, Kansas. Bro. Harrington is a man of unquestion- able talent and perseverence. The Delta^ under his guidance, has secured a wide circulation among the exchanges, and is peculiarly free from sarcastic thrusts and unpleasant controversies which render some magazines decidedlv disaoreeable. Although established at a Southern institution, founded and fostered by Southern men, and although the majority of her Chapters are situated in Southern territory, still, by no means is the Sigma Nu Fraternity a strictly Southern organization. She has long since recognized the desirable territory in the North and Northwest and now supports some of her strongest and most active Chapters at Yale,

Lehigh, Columbia and Cornell College. Her policy is and ever has been to know no North, no East, no South, no West, but with persevering and persistent effort to stretch this band of loyal men until it extends over the entire

Union. , A Fraternity so young as Sigma Nu could not expect to exhibit on its rolls the names of great and illustrious men.

71 Her founders are scarce past the noontide of life while the great majority of her sons are just entering on man's estate. Still, a glance at her catalogue reveals vast num- bers of young Sigs. who are rising fast into prominence and who bid fair to win places of renown among America's statesmen and scholars. In many States her sons easily take the lead in medicine, journalism, and in the arts and sciences, while the legal profession fairly teems with a host of bright young fellows who are winning more than State reputation at the bar.

Signia Nu, th}- knights devoted, Pledging lasting faith,

Plight to thee our lo^-al knighthood, Stainless until death.

P5I ©^G^pier University of N}oHl| ©arollna.

Several attempts have been made to secure a foothold at the University of North Carolina; without success, how- ever, until the fall of 1888, when the Vice Regent secured a dispensation, and by aid of W. Murphy established Psi Chapter with the following as charter members:

Walter Murphy, CI. '92. . . Salisbury, N. C.

Geo. E. Butler, CI. '91, . . . Huntley, N. C.

Jno. T. Bennett, CI. '90, . . Norwood, N. C.

W. E. Darden, CI. '91, . . . Kinston, N. C.

" Frank H. Beall, CI. '92, . . Linwood, N. C.

Jno. M. Covington, CI. '92, . . . Laurinburg, N. C. Wm. H. White, .... Salisbury, X. C.

Early in the fall Crawford D. Bennett, CI. -92, Nor-

wood, N. C. , was initiated, and in the following spring T.

Calvin Everitt, CI. '92, Laurinburg, N. C.

In the fall of 1889 were initiated the following:

Jas. F. Gaither, CI. '93. . . . Salisbury, N. C.

E. Alfred Moye, CI. '93, . . . Greenville, N. C.

Douglas Hamer, CI. '93, . . . Laurinburg, N. C.

Ellis C. Williams. Law Student, . . Monroe, N. C.

And in the spring of '90 Victor H. Bo3den, CI. '93, vSalisbury, N. C.

72 "

Situated on Cameron Avenue, in a grassy plot, amid flow- ers and tall forest oaks, is the home of Psi Chapter; a close inspection reveals a cozy little Chapter house, freshly painted and secure from publicity. A glance at the inte- rior might not fail to reveal an elegant little apartment tastefully furnished in Fraternity colors (white, black, old gold). Here many pleasant evenings have been spent by the Sigs. with an occasional banquet, not indeed a "feast of reason and flow of the soul," but a few hours spent in the genial company of the '^boys. Psi did not enter the University of North Carolina with the sanguine hope of reaching at a bound that prosperity to which the old antc-beUuni Chapters had attained, but still, as ''nothing succeeds like succeess, " it is safe to say that she will soon win a place and name for herself which will be a sufficient guarantee that the Sigs. are true to themselves, true to their Order, and that the principles upon which they operate are broad, liberal and legitimate.

'S 6)

73 Jftoittrt CljU

Founded 1855.

t^oU of (B\iG.p{ev^.

• Beta Wooster University. Gamma Ohio Wesleyan Uiiiversit}-. Zeta Washington and Lee University.

Bta . University of Mississippi.

Theta - -Pennsylvania College. Kappa --Bucknell Universit^^ Lambda Indiana State University. Mu Dennison University. Xi De Pauw University. Omicron Dickinson University. Rho Butler University. Tau Roanoke College. Chi Hanover College. Psi University of Virginia. Omega Northwestern l^niversity. Gamma Gamma Randolph-Macon College. DeIvTa Delta Purdue L^niversity. DEI.TA Chi Wabash College. Zeta Zeta -- Centre College. Zeta Psi University of Cincinnati. Theta Theta University of Michigan. A1.PHA Beta University of California. Alpha Gamma Ohio State University. Alpha Delta Stevens Institute of Technology. Alpha Epsilon University of Nebraska. Alpha ZeTa Beloit College. Alpha Theta Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alpha Iota _- . Illinois Wesleyan University. Alpha Lambda University of Wisconsin.

Alpha Nu -- University of Texas. Alpha Xi ^-- University of Kansas. Alpha Omicron Tulane University.

Alpha Pi - - Albion College.

74 .

J3 ^'cH:*^. I*/Ula

AivPHA Rho ---Lehigh University. Alpha Sigma University of Minnesota. Alpha Tau University of North Carolina. Alpha Upsilon .-- Universitv of vSouth California.

/\lp}]© TaU ©l]G\p!er.

Established 1889.


W. B. Ricks. H. F. Murphy.


N. A. Currie.


R. A. Urquhart. F. M. Shannonhouse. FRESHMEN.

Charles F. Toms.

"poVindtn^ of (§)t^m0k (^\\\.

During the decade immediately following 1850 Miami University was in her prime. Two hundred students annually answered to her rolls and filled her halls with busy college-life. Enjoying the prestige of educational leadership in the State, and with a fame that spread throughout the West, Miami was attracting to herself a brilliant company of youth, whose names have since made hers illustrious. As elsewhere, the Greek Letter Fraterni- ties naturallv formed the centres of her under-eraduate life. There were four Fraternities in the institution at that time, and among them Delta Kappa Epsilon. This organ- ization at the time numbered twelve of the most brilliant and aggressive students in the University; but it also con- tained a radical divergence of opinion as to the ideal and

/O objects of a college fraternity. Delta Kappa Epsilon is said to have taken off more honors from the college than any other Fraternity. They elected all the presidents, orators, poets, etc. There had been initiated in the Chap- ter certain younger members equally as able and ambitious, but whose tastes were somewhat different. They despised not honor, but wanted a more genuine and good fellowship. All was harmonious until the election of poet for the Erodelphian Literary Society. There was then a rebellion indeed. The Delta Kappa Epsilon Chapter was equally divided on the caucus candidate. The six who opposed the man afterwards formed Sigma Chi. The ''rebels,'^ as the founders of Sigma Chi were called, could not be expelled from the Delta Kappa Epsilon, for the Chapter was equally divided, but the charter, records, etc., were in the possession of the others. The disruption, however, did not immediately take place. Several stormy meetings were held to effect a reunion, but they were of no avail, and after another attempt to expel the six members had proved unsuccessful, some sort of a bill of excommunica- tion w^as gotten from the parent Chapter. The uncon- querable six then proceeded to organize Sigma Phi. They drew up a constitution and adopted a grand seal. The Chapter at Delaware was established during the following winter, and the Fraternity was so successful that intense envy and jealousy was excited among its ri\als. One even- ing, on assembling, the Sigmas found that their room had been broken into, their strong box rifled, and constitution, seal and all carried off. The perpetrators of this act were never positively known. However, the Fraternity won favor out of the incident. The loss w^as taken very phil- osophically. Charles Reynolds came as a delegate from Gamma to Oxford, and SigJJia Chi was organized with a new constitution, grand seal, name, badge and all. The old jealousies and bickerings ceased, and the Chapter soon

76 '

had the respect and friendship of all the students. Some- time during the war, after several of the "original six" had, in some degree, distinguished themselves in battle, the general convention of Delta Kappa Epsilon, on motion, it is stated, of ^Ir. Whitelaw Ried, and at the request of the Oxford Chapter, voted them all back into the Delta Kappa Epsilon. Since the founding of the Chapter at Delaware Sigma Chi has steadily grown, having entered fifty-nine colleges and universities, thirty-seven Chapters of which are now livino- In 1884, Hon. I. M. Jordan said: "In my judgment our Fra- ternity has grown to be what it is by adhering to the prin- ciple with which we started in the beginnino-, of admittino- no man to membership in it who is not believed to be a man of good character, of fair ability, of ambitious pur- poses, and of congenial disposition; in a word, bv the admission of none but gentlemen. It is much more impor- tant that w^e should have but few Chapters and have them good ones; that we should have but few members and have them honorable ones, than to have many Chapters or many members. '

77 ^^t ^tbtv of @ittt0ljoul0.


Thomarth Keinorophet pliossou velloresson totolo gorth bresomo cerres- sibanio fersutu danhebo. Mermona carphalo bringasco lellaphu arsoniina?; homenta corabalaniasiiteiiti.


H. H. H.. Henry Johnston, '90. K. B. T., H. L. Mii^LER. '90. M. S. R., W. W. Davies,

T. J. O.. A. H. Patterson, 'qi.


G. Battle, 90. R. W. BinCxHam, '91.

J. D. Bellamy, Jr., '90. Shepard Bryan, '91. R. H. Holland, '90. George M. Graham, 91. '90. J. J. Philips, J. L. Skinner, '92. E. W. Martin, Law.

78 N



T^l^ird ploor, (§)OVitl2 tButldln^.


W. J. Andrews, President. F. H. Argo, First Vice-President.

Wm. B. Snow, . Second Vice President.

Matt. J. Pearsall, Secretary. A. M. Scales, Jr., Treasurer.

J. F. Rhem, Chaplain. H. L. Miller, Boss.

Committee orf Credentials—Bingham. Chairman; Scales. Empie. Win- borne.

Committee to Examine Materials for Jf^<9;-^ — Graham. Chairman; Bellamy, Miller, Argo, Andrews.

Committee to Decide on Sizes and Weights—^Johnston, Chairman ; Gil- mer, Willard, Biggs, Pearsall.

Committee on Prices — Bryant, Chairman; vShaw, Boydeu, Graham, Miller.


fleeting called to order. Jones, Barnard, Boyden, absent on account of looks. Journal of previous meeting read,

and it was ordered that "eight teeth'' be inserted in place of ''three toe-nails" in Mr. Brvant's motion. An order

79 from King Heavyheaven foi a Prime Minister for the Dominion of Hackbellieyack was considered. A stick of RJiems was rejected on account of looks and deformity. It was ordered that a good heavy piece of JoJinston be made to order. Mr. Bingham moved that this piece of material be soaked in a strong'& carbolic solution of "Blair BilT^ for eight hours and dried according to "Reed's Rule." Carried. The order of last meeting for a "Leader of Tammany" was considered. Mr. Shaw brought a fine specimen of Bryant^ 5x4 feet, as a good piece of material. Mr. Empie objected, on account of its color. Mr. Argo rose to a point of order. Point not sustained. Mr. Empie' s objection overruled. It was then ordered that a yellow piece of

Bryant^ ^Y^^ -^4^ f'^^t, be treated by "Blaine's Improved Diplomatic Regulator," and steamed three days in "Wana- maker's 40,000 Self-feeder," and shipped by express C. O. D. Mr. Clarkston's order for 900 second-class post- masters was rejected on account of such small prices offered. Mr. Bellamy asked unanimous consent to bring forth the order of Faculty for an Assistant Professor of Domestic Relations. A very handso'me piece of the genus BiiigJiani was exhibited by Boss Miller, as a very suitable piece. Mr.

Graham, who had previously examined it, asked consent to report on his objections, as follows : First. We have no machine to skin such a tough piece. Second. We will not be able to get a saw that can saw off the knots of conceit.

Third. There is not sufficiently strong acid to dissolve up the sap. Fourth. The toughness of its hcaj't. Fifth. Its looks wall not satisfy any save himself Mr. Johnston moved that the objections be accepted. Mr. Winborne objected. Objections overruled. It was then ordered that this piece be carried and soaked in "Harrison's Family Provider" for two months. Mr. Gilmer then moved that a "Block-head" of Empie be worked on. Mr. Snow^ objected, also Mr. Scales, as there were too many dog-knots

80 on sucli trees. Mr. Bryant and Mr. Rhem brought forward a large scantling of Graham wood, which was accepted on account of its smoothness, sweetness and slickness. Mr. Bie^^s moved that a Tudo^e be manufactured to give awav the Ball Managers' rosettes. Tabled. A special order that had been received from Princeton, Yale and Harvard for a duplicate Alot. Morehead was then considered. A petition from ^'Poss" Ransom, signed by Eli, Tom Kapp and Ed. Battle, in which they woefully objected to having but the only one, original Mot., sweet and lovely. Mr. Bingham also presented an objection from the Faculty. Mr. Miller wished to know if any one present could tell of what this trick Mot. was made, and how. Mr. Graham thought such questions were sacrilegious. A committee consisting of Bingham, Willard and Jones, who were sent to confer with Dr. Venable and Prof. Holmes, made the

following report : "That after a thorough examination and analysis of that wonderful wonder named Mot. that they thouofht another one could not be manufactured with less cost than $300,000, not counting the loss of time, religion and repu tation. " A notice was at this time received from

Shaflf., "little Pat'' and "P. Busbee, Jr.," who are Attor- neys for Tom Kapp, Walser, Koonce and Kernodle, claim- ing the patent on Mot. and that any infringement would be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Further con-

sideration was postponed till next meeting. An order for a Chief Editor of our College Annual was received. A A motion to consider this in secret session was carried. The proceedings being secret, the results can only be seen by referring to the list of Editors, and judges by crediting

the success (if any) of this Annual to the Chief then manu- factured.

Matt. J. Pearsall, Secretary.

81 Attitnnl (£oixttvU

Gymnasium Hali^, April 22, 1890.


Of Personf and Partef of ye Sightef, Revelles, and Worldlye Musick cnnningly pleyed on

Sagbnttef, Spinnettef, and all Stringed Instrnnients.

To be attended at ye MUSCLE GROWING HOUSE yclept ye Gymnasinni of ye

Vnuefitie Bokealis Carolixiensis,

on ye night of ye 'iid day of april, in ye yeare of oure lorde, mdcccxc.

Item : —Ye dooref will be unbolted at 7 '/, and ye curtainef, loaned of Parson Jeremiah Tubal-Cain's good dame, will be pulled back at 8 by ve clocke workef.

Item : —Ye wimniin will be showed goode placef to sit and heare by certain discreet youthef, if so be such can be founde.

Item : —Ye price to come in will be a sugar shilling or ten and five centef for 3'e nienne and wimmin.

N. B. —All ye who get handf on this Rolle wall be pleased to keep ye same till ye night when ye great Concerte takef place.


I. Snatches of ve Old Songs (no disguisin of facef ).

Time Beater Josiah How-do-you-do. Pee Annas and Spinnet Pi^ayere Katurah Shulemite.

Wimmin Singers : —Jemimah Stick-in-the-mud, who receives ye com-

panye ; Kate Plymouth Rock, in a new pettycoat ; Samantha

82 )

Soap-grease, fair, fat and forty ; Susan Spiniiing-jynney, if she

feels peart ; Dolly Dumpling, a goodly lass of bewte ; Hope

Always, she that leads in meetin ; ^laheritable Skreemer, the

troth of Jonah Faithful ; Sheba Tongue-whanger, whose former

husband was Jude Purple-top ; Orthodox Propriety.

Menne Singers : —Amos Topheavy, Ebernezer Plawell, he that's lately wed Jimmie Zeberdee, Jonathan Green, nephew to Uncle ;

Sam ; Malechai Amazing Grace, he that's been scalpied ; Methu-

saleh Herring, Josh's brother ; Nebucadnezzer Singletree, Pren- chen's slave dealer; Obediah Nosegay.

2. I'm Dreaming of Thee, Margueritte, Master Muncher Twirlstick, if there is no objection.*

3. Courtship of Mii^es Standish (a very fancyful piece for love-herf in which Miles does not appear),

Jennye Wrenne, a flower of beauty ; and Tommy Titwillow, if he's not afraid.

4. NoN E Ver (a prettye foreign tune), Flint Purity, if he can with his mouthe.

5. Coming Through the Rye (no kissing). Betsy Trotwood and Moses Corn-dodger, if he's looking well enough.

6. The Owl (a no wyse song), Abednego Tarrydidle, who will do so again if asked.

7. Ye Two Jail-Birdes of .\ FeaTherye (a worldlye 2 parte piece), Meshack Kingdom-come and Iscariot Hereafter-dreader.

8. Ye Sun Flower Chorus (a madrigal of mysterie), Moses Meekness, Adam Ablebody, Decon Hezekiah Huggins (he that's sparkin), Timothy Tugmutton, Xichodemus Rountree (who wants to marry Deborah Doolittle), Ecclesiasticus Have-mercy-on-

us (he can't help it), First Corinthians Always (brother of Faith), James Scott-free (son of Zeberdee).

9. Ye Mournful Melodie of Peter Grave i by leave of ye college Glee Clubbe, with Uncle Whitcomber bellowse accompanying). Three Boyes from Singing Skule.

10. Japanese Wedding—Ye missionary's pleasente foolery. (All ye are asked not 'to get skeered or go out before this is donne.

PLAYING actors :

1. Father of 'em all—Decon Judas Skiu-her-alive.

2. Mother (because she's obliged to) —Dorcas Purifyer.

3. Bride—Humility Hotchkiss (she won't have a fit).

4. Groom—Zebulon Jeems 'on account of experience).

*Master Twirlstick did not sing.

8o 5- Go-Between—Little Sweetness Tarbox ( a most fayre and tender budde). Attending Winimin Actors—Orthodox Propriety, Deborah Doolittle (who does a good deal), Aunt Polly Basket (who makes good soap). Patience Peabody. N- B. —Ye Funny Scenef and Faire Conceitef are shown ye for to help ye Younge Menne's Xian Association. Therefore no moneyef will be paid back to him who likef not ye showe.

Final Item of Greate Weight :—Ye faire and bewteous company of Dame and Spinsters will serve ye with lusciouf refreshmentf at ye close of curtainf with sweete smilef thrown in gratiss. Oh hurry not awaye

From such a chance I pra\-e

To eat your fill of creame And see she facef beame.

84 '

rl^eir pOkVorite ©riuK^, ©i^ar^ o^n^ /\m\i^emen{^.

I^'av. Drink. Fav. Cisdr- Fav. Aniusefnent.

Battle—Pres Snake Root and Cheroots—6 for 5c. Laughing at his own Cheap Corn. jokes.

Manning—Law Gin Cocktail. Will kill himself Talkins: railroads. smoking cigarettes.

Gore— Physics Takes it straight. Jones' penny-a-piece Electrifying.

Alexander—Greek - Mountain Dew. ILive Indian. Raising colts.


Winston—Latin Cherrj' Bounce. "What-not." Sarcastic "s:et-offs. "'

Venable—Chemistr} H2SO, Rabbit Tobacco and Reedism on classes.

Brown Paper. :

Hume—English Mint Julep. Anything he can get. Running etymologies

1 over his classes.

Toy—German _ Diluted Water. None—makes him Twisting his cain and sick to smoke. classes,

' ' - ' Cain—Math. - 1 Extra Dry Sherry' Two-fors. j Waltzineand flirtinsf.

Holmes—Geology — Red Eye and Stumps discarded by Telling how to find Svkes' Corn. pre-historic man. the "condition of things."

85 % rule of Ulor.

And it came to pass that in the month called January, and on the 15th day of the month, the half-\-ears did me^t, and one of them whose name was Gilmer stood in their midst and said: "Brethren, behold last fall the fury of the Sophomores did wax hot against us, and behold they did black us, yea, they did black us even to the color of the Quern of Sheba, who did visit Solomon. Behold it was a gi"eat grief unto us, for it made it necessary for us to wash (a thing which we had never done since the time when the memorv of man runneth not to the contrar\'). And behold now our cheek has waxed great since we have grown to be half-years, yea, even half-years, except such of us as are not conditioned on examinations. Verily, there is now in college certain of the race of after Christ-

86 mas Freshmen. Now it seemeth good unto me to lead a band into the room of these men that we may apply black- ing unto their skins, that they may have to wash, even as

' at we have had to w^ash. ' And all the half-years laughed this and said, verily it is a good scheme. So certain ones of these half-years did arise and go to the room of the after Christmas Freshmen, that the>' might oppress them heavily. Now, the word of Lord came unto the Sophomores in a dream, saying, "Arise and go unto the room of the after Christmas Freshmen, for the half-years are upon them." And thev arose in great haste and did come unto the room of the verdant after Christmas Freshmen and did conceal themselves in the room, for it w^as dark. And immediately the half-years, who had made themselves even more ugly than they are by nature, did grope their way up the steps, and did open the door, and did stealthily enter. And the Sophomores did rush from the place where they lay hid and did say, get out half-}'ears, for it is written thou shalt not black the after Christmas Freshmen. Then the half- vears leaveth suddenly, yea, even so suddenly that they did suffer from sundr}' bruises which they did receive in falling down three flights of stairs, and legions of Sophomores did come unto the after Christmas men and blacked them.

f\. "T. li). "proiternity.

Founded — ——— — — —— ———

" I am so fresh that the grass turns pale with envy as I pass." Cartef. " Not pretty but massive." McMichaeIv. " There is a deal of deviltry beneath his mild exterior." Worth, J.

" A man who has red hair will have red hair till he dyes." Motley. " A handsome man by acclamation." Move. " Nature has framed strange fellows in her time." —Fuiyi^ER. " A man who loves to hear himself talk." Batchei^or.

"So he standeth next to none In getting off a beasth' pun." — Harvev.

" Full big he was of brawn and eek of bones." Lii^i^y.

" Behold the child, by Nature's kindly law Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw." —Mebaxe.

" Poor babe, what can it know of evil?" —BciE. " " What a fine man ! Hath your tailor made you ? Bingham.

"He is far gone, far gone! And truly in my youth I suffered much — extremity for love ; very real this." Pete Winborne. " He sings well —the devil hath a pleasant pipe," —WiEivS.

" Man wants but little here below, But wants that little long." —Hendren.

" Eternal smiles his emptiness betray." Toy.

" In simplicity and freshness he is a perfect child." Rankin.

"The soul of this man is his clothes." HoIvLAND.

88 — — ——— ———— — ' — —" '

" Would he were fatter." Cooper.

" Dislike me not for ni}- complexion." Stronach.

" Art thou a type of beauty? " PearsaiJv.

"Then he will talk good gods, how he will talk." — ; Darden.

" Let me have men about me that are fat,

Sleek-headed and such as sleep o' nights." —"Punch" Clrrie.

' ' Whose hoarse, heroic bass Drowns the loud clarion of the braying ass." — vSnipes.

*' Wouldst thou then counsel me to fall in love?" Victor Bryant.

" His first and last love is self-love."— Snow.

"Trust him not who seems a saint." FIvEming.

" Hush, my dear, lie still in slumbers. Holy angels guard thy bed. ' —Gatling.

" Let me tangle my hand in your hair, Janet, 'Tis a silken and golden snare, my pet." —Scales.

"Art thou a thing of mortal birth.

Whose happy home is on this earth ? ' — Parker. " His face like a benediction." Hunter. " Not to know me argues yourself unknown." Bellamy.

" All things I thought I knew. "—Class of '93.

"And still the}- gazed, and still the wonder grew. That one small head should carry all he knew^" —WOODLEY.

" Could I love self less I should be happier." -Thomas.

" They most assume who know the least." Biggs. " I'm o'er young ; 'twad be a sin

To take me frae ni}- mamni}- A-et. —TiLLEY. "A gang unmixed, incessant gall." Collins.

"A little man, but oh, how great when measured with his own eyes! " — Burroughs. "They always talk Vvho never think." Argo.

" Brain him with a lady's fan. " MillER. " Can one desire too much of a good thing?"— Koonce. "A very merry, dancing, drinking, laughing, quaffing and unthinking time. " Commencement. 89 |t. ®. ^t0t0ni'Hl Sorirttj*

Hon. Kemp P. Battle, . . President.

W. J. Andrews, . . . . Sec. and Treas. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

Hon. Kemp P. Battle. Dr. A. W. Mangum. Shepard Bryan.

Prof. G. T. Winston. W. J. Andrews. MEMBERS.

Hon. Kemp P. Battle. Wm. Jas. Battle.

Dr. A. W. Mangum. . St. Clair Hester. Dr. F. P. Venable. L. L. Little.

Dr. Thos. Hume. ' Gaston Battle. Dr. Eben Alexander. Henry Johnston.

Prof. J. W. Gore. \V. F. Shaffner.

Prof. J. A. Holmes. , W. W. Dayies, Jr. Prof. Walter D. Toy. Shepard Bryan. Prof. G. T. Winston. P. C. Graham.

W. T.- Patterson. W. J. Andrews.

T^l^e NIorili (^^rollnG\ 1*^1510^10(^1 §oolety.

The object of this Society is to stimulate the study of our State history. Meetings as a rule are held monthly. At these meetings historical papers are read and discussions

had. The following list will show the character of the work.

The Objection to the Federal Constitution in the North Carolina Con- vention of 1788; by President Battle. The Characters of John Dunn and Benjamin Boothe, the Tory Lawyers

of Rowan ; by Prof. Mangum. A Sketch of Dueling in North Carolina, and between North Caro-

linians ; by Mr. Stephen B. Weeks. A Discussion of the Characters of Governor Gabriel Johnston and of

his Opponents ; by Prof. Winston.

90 A Criticism of the Accepted Historical Opinions of Governor John-

ston : by Mr. Claudius Dockery. A Discussion of the Conduct and Motives of the Regulators; by Presi- dent Battle. Capt. \Vm. Moore's Expedition against the Cherokees, with Explana- tion of the Route and Localities; by Maj. J. \V. Wilson. [The original report of Capt. Moore was contributed by ^Irs. M. M. Chalmers, of Mor- ganton, from the papers of her ancestor, Col. Waightstill Avery.] Humorous Account of his Election and Experience as Major of the Battalion of Home Guards in 1864; by Major Wm. A. Smith.

History of the State of Franklin ; by Prof Alexander. The Reasons for the Postponement by North Carolina of the Ratifica- tion of the Constitution of the United States ; by President Battle. The Pirates of North Carolina, especially Teach (Black-beard); by Dr. Stephen B. Weeks.

History of the Salisbury Confederate Prison ; by Prof. Mangum. A Discussion of the Relative Advantages of Education of the Whites and Colored in North Carolina ; by Dr. Venable. History of the Portrait of George IH., on the back of which Gen. Greene wrote the words, "Oh, George, hide thy face and mourn"; by

Mr. W. J. Andrews. Sketches of Ralph Lane and John White, early Governors of North Carolina; by Stephen B. Weeks, Ph. D.

History of the Supreme Court of North Carolina ; by President Battle.

91 ^l)e (fliolja piitdjrU JSrirntific 5?orictij,

This Society was founded in the month of October, 1883. Its establishment had been considered as early as at organ- 1 88 1, but the determination to make the attempt izino- the scientific workers of the State was first reached at a meeting in the fall of 1883, where certain of the pro- fessors of the University and some two or three of its alumni were gathered. The circular sent out explaining the objects of the Society and calling for members met with a gratifying response. Many letters of encourage- ment were received and a large roll of members secured. The Society began its work under most favorable auspices.

The first meeting was held on November 10, 1883. Since that time more than fifty meetings have been held. The Society has issued regularly a Journal, at first as an annual, but for the last three years semi-annually. It has pub- lished in this way betw^een eight and nine hundred pages."

It can boast that it has done, by this means, a good work for the State, and for scientific development in the South.

The Journal is now in its seventh volume. The meetings of the Society are monthly, and at them papers are presented both by students and professors. To all participating they form an incentive to research work and the careful reading of scientific literature. It has always been the aim of the Society, by carefulh- prepared reports, to keep the members informed of the progress in the various branches of science. An important feature of the Society is its library, now numbering something more than four thousand books and pamphlets. The larger part of these have been received in exchange for the Society's Journal. A majority of the

92 important scientific societies of the world are in correspond- ence with the Society and a regular exchange of publications is kept up. The scientific litera-

ture thus collected is already of o-reat value and increasino; monthly. It was the object of the founders of the Society to make it wortliy of the earnest, devoted man of science whose name it bears and their hopes are being fulfilled. Such a name should inspire the members with a like devotion and perseverance in the pursuit of science.

The present officers of the Society are :

Dr. H. T. Bahnson, President, . . Salem.

Dr. H. B. Battle, Vice-President, . . Raleigh.

Prof. J. A. Holmes, Resident Vice-President, Chapel Hill.

Dr. F. p. VenablE, Secretary and Treasurer, . Chapel Hill.

Prof. J. W. Gore, Librarian, . . Chapel Hill.


RALPH henry graves, C. AND M. E.

Prof. R. H. Graves was born at Hillsboro, April i, 185 1. He received his collegiate training at the University of North Carolina and the Univer- sity of Virginia. He was elected to a professorship in the former institu- tion in 1875 at the age of twenty-four and was connected with it down to the date of his earh- death. His specialty was mathematics, and he con- tributed many papers on this subject to the mathematical journals. He was one of the founders of the Mitchell Society, and, as its records show, was an active supporter and friend, holding several of the more prominent offices in the Society's gift. He died in Raleigh, N. C. at the early age of thirty-eight, July loth, 1889.


Eugene L. Morehead, Esq., was born in 1845. He graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1868. He was a Confederate soldier. Settling in Durham he successfull}- followed the business of a banker and was ver\' helpful in the building up of that town. He died in the early spring of 1889.


Dr. Charles Phillips was born at Chapel Hill in 1822. He graduated at the University- of North Carolina in 1841 and was tutor there from 1844 to

93 1 854- In 1854 he was elected to the Professorship of Engineering, and in

1 861 to that of Mathematics. He was a professor in Davidson College from 1869 to 1875, when he returned to the University. He was Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the time of his death. The stud}' of his life was mathematics, and he was widely known as a mathematician and a preacher of the Gospel of Christ. The Journal of the vSociety shows mau}^ articles from his pen. and he was one of its most loved and respected members. He died May loth. 1889, at the age of sixty-seven.


Benoni Thorp was born June 9th, 1868, in Granville county, N. C. He graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1888. Immediately after his graduation he was elected Assistant Chemist in the State Experiment Station. He contributed several papers to the Journal of the Society. He died of typhoid fever in Raleigh, July 23d, 1889, when only twenty- one vears old.


94 :

^l)t ^^^d^^pn't €i«ii.

This society was organized at the instance of Prof. Thos. Hume, seconded by a committee of Senior students, Mr. Lucius P. McGehee and Air. Robert G. Grissom. A constitution was adopted Octobter 20th, 1886. The criti- cal study of Shakspere and other dramatic authors in the class-room has been happily supplemented by this volun- teer Club and the interest has been sustained by the intelligent and generous enthusiasm of students, officers and members, aided by Professors Hume, Winston, Alex- ander and Toy. Mr. St. Clair Hester's contributions have been specially helpful. The outlines of the scheme of work for each session are published in advance and fuller suggestions are given from month to month as to sources of plots, date of composition, difficulties of text, method of treating historical subjects, comparison of classic and foreign dramatic forms, delineation of character, ethica\ philosophy and rendering of select passages. The regular meetings are held once a month, on the third Thursday night, and the results of work are presented in carefully prepared papers, addresses and free discussions. Lectures are delivered on special subjects. Some of these, with a report of proceedings, have been printed. The nucleus of a Shakspere Library has been formed. During this session the follow^ing scheme of work has been carried out

I. Henry the Sixth. T/ie Contention of York and Lancaster and other chronicle-plays studied as sources.

The views of Knight, Grant, White, Miss Lee, etc., on

• 95 the disputed authorship. This play is part of a tetralogy or wider scheme. The self-distinctiou of feudalism. The picture of the Jack Cade Insurrectiou. Does it iuclude the characteristics of other rebellions? The representative character of Margaret. The relation of Gloster here to the fuller character in Richard the Third.

2. All's Well That Ends Well. Shakspere's addi- tions to the Italian form of the story.' The Mi/cs Glorwsjis in Plautus, in Beaumont and Fletcher, Ben Jonson and Shakspere. A Defence of Helena. A Defence of Ber- tram. Beautiful Old Age. Differences of style and metre in different parts.

3. As You Like It. Lodge : Novel of Rosalynd and The Tale of Gamelyn as Sources; a study in Shakspere's artistic methods of using his materials. Touchstone and Jaques compared. Shakspere's Fools. Rosalind and simi- lar characters in other plays. The Ethical Philosophy.

4. CORIOLANUS. Dramatic Method of Treating Roman Subjects. Social and Political Views and Representation of Class Spirit in Shakspere. The Roman Matron; Volu- ninia, Vergilia, Veturia, ]Menenuis and Common Sense.

5. Troilus and CrESSIDA. Is it Shakspere's? The Date of Composition and Unity of Parts. Readings from Homer in illustration of Thersites. The Relation of Chapman's Version and Chaucer's Troilus to this Play. Its Motive and Method. Tennyson's Pelleas and Ettawe compared.

6. Massinger's A New Way to Pay Odd Debts.

7. Henry the Eighth. Fletcher's Relation to the authorship. The Development of the King's Character. The Two Queens. Katherine and Anne Boleyn. Wolsey, or The Ecclesiastic in Politics. The Duke of Buckingham as a type of the later Nobleman. Has the play dramatic unity? The ethical or political motive?

96 A list of the officers for this session is given below.


Prof. Thos. Hume, D. D., . . President.

Prof. Geo. T. Winston, . . - Vice-President.

. . Secretary. Henry Johnston, . . A. McIvER, ..... Treasurer. Prof. E. Ai^exander. St. CivAir Hester. V. S. Bryant.

97 :

2)0ung |ttcn'0 ^(jnattan 5l00onati0tt.

In the spring of i860 the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation was organized at the University, being one of the

first college associations in the United States. Its growth

was very slow for many years, but when it became con- nected with the Intercollegiate Y. M. C. A. movement in

1885 a brighter day dawned for it. Since that time its growth has been rapid. The officers at present are


G. C. Worth, . . . President.

L. L. Little, . . . Vice-President.

W. E. Rollins, . ... Secretar}'. V. Lewis, Treasurer. J. .... J. J Philips, . . . Corresponding Secretary.

Reoular devotional meeting-s are held the first four nights of every w^eek: the attendance is good, averaging fifty. During the past session the Association has been unusually fortunate in having a number of excellent speakers from abroad. One of the probabilities of the near future is a handsome and suitable building for the use of the x\ssociation. Feeling the need for such a building, steps are being taken to raise the necessary funds for its erection. One year ago the Y. M. C. A. took charge of the University Gymnasium, and since then regular instruc- tion has been given to the students by a gymnasium director trained for the purpose. This management has proven very successful and entirely satisfactory to both the University authorities and the Young Men's Christian Association.

98 ; ! ;

OexoiBEK 12xH, 1SS9.

XOASXS. The University. The Alma Mater of many illustrious Americans. With pride she points to her alunmi as they go forth to add new names to the list of sus- o-reat men. Mav she never decline, but only increase in her old age. tained by her sons.—Frank H. Batchelor.

The FacuIvTy.

"Joke of Battle, bow of Toy, Smell of Ven. when in his joy Curl of Tommie, smile of Josh, Joe Holmes' w^alk, the best, by Gosh Pain of Alex., Wince's pride. all beside To show him smarter than ; Cain's old boast; the new professor's mark, To load with woes each proud Soph.'s heart Philosophic Prof, and by-gone Love Endowed with gifts as from above." —M. R. EurE. The Fraternities. Noble in their conception, grand in their achievements, glorious in their prospects. —W. W. Davies, Jr.

99 — The Literary Societies. Their influence speaks best for them.—A. McIvER, Jr.

The Goat. per Dread guardian of the nn-steries ; the embodiment of pluck and

uninitiated ! May evolution let him alone. severance ; the terror of the vShepard Bryan.


' ' To doubt her fairness were to want an eye, To doubt her pureness were to want a heart." —Ralph H. Holland.

&nxnan fflub.

{April 15, /Sgo]

Henry Johnston, President. W. F. Shaffner, Vice-President. R. W. Bingham, Sec. and Treas. G. W. Graham, Leader.

100 R. W. Bingham, First Tenor.

vST. CIvAIR HESTKR, Chas. S. Mangum, Second Tenor. Gaston Battle,

Hugh L. Miller, \ Basso.

H. H. Covington, j

Pinjrle CClub.

j. m. morehead, President.

Henry Johnston, Vice-President.

Michael Hoke, Secretary.

Treasurer. J. V. Lewis, .

lOI W. H. W11.LS, President. Chas. a. Rankin, Vice-President.

J. J. Philips, Sec. and Treas.

MEMBERS. Henry Johnston. H. B. Shaw. E. W. Martin. Perrin Busbee. A. H. Patterson. F. C. Mebane. H. J. Herrick.

102 "after-dinner" club.

E. W. Martin. Perrin Busbee. R. J. L. Skinner. W. Bingham. SCORE

Skinner and Bingham Martin and Busbee —

west-end" club.

John D. Bellamy, Jr. Hugh L. Miller. R. W. Bingham. Henry Johnston.

"rip-rap" club.

Frank H. Batchelor. F. W. Thornton. Joe F. Rhem. Archie McDuffie.


Johnnie B. Stronach. JiMMiE C. Biggs. Eddie Battle. Georgie Peschau.

103 Ralph H. Holland, President.

J. M. MOREHEAD, Vice-President.

J. S. Thomas, Second Vice-President.

J. h. Skinner, . Third Vice-President.

®atiua ffUtb*

Johnnie Stronach, . . President. (Record, 31 bananas in 1334; minutes).

Perrin Busbee, . . • Vice-President. (Record, 24 bananas in I4>^ minutes).

F. C. Mebane, . . . Second Vice-President.

(P.ecord, 7 plates 03'sters in 21 h< minutes).

Walter Murphy, . . . Third Vice-President and Janitor.

(Record is unrecorded).

104 :

2tta0l)tn0 Club.

PresideJit :

R. W. Bingham.

(13 hearts iu three days).

Vice-President :

JNO. D. Bellamy.

(I heart in four years).

Second I Ice-President : Ralph Holland.

(13 attempts in three daj's; one success in two 3-ears).

Th ird J ^ice-President

W. W. Davies, Jr.

(Many attempts, but no success heard of as vet).

105 ^^V\HC

Ghuri- i



No one is eligible to membership in this Club whose "Governor" does not owe a livery bill of ^5,000, and who has not successfully avoided pay- ment of same for at least three vears and six months. MEMBERS. Hayne Davis. Lacy L. Little. Prof. \Vm. Cain. Jno. D. Bellamy. Shepard Bryan. W. W. Davies, Jr. Ralph H. Holland. H. L. Miller.

R, W. Bingham. J. L. Skinner.

Panring ®Uib*

Chas. a. Rankin, President. W. W. Davies, Jr., Vice-President.

j. m. morehead, Leader, George Ransom, Assistant Leader.

106 poker fflub*

Organization sub rasa.


T. M. Lee. Gastox Battle R. W. Bingham. R. H. Holland.

©uitniuQ (fhtli.

Prof. Wm. Cain. (Record, four birds in 187 shots). Paul Lee Woodard. (Record, 217 birds in one shot). Jno. Stronach. (Record, birds roost on his gun-barrel Michael Hoke. (Record, hasn't learned to shoot). Perrin Busbee.

(Record, is gun-shv).

107 :

Jttntbat fflub.

C. Laughinghouse, . . . Founder of Club.

R. A. UrouharT, . . . Magnus Mendax.

F. H. BaTCHELOR, . . . Major Mendax. C. S. Fuller, .... Maximus Mendax.

i^arfiina Club.

Chief Hacker

F. C. Mebane.

Assistants : Peter Winborne. J. :m. Morehead. Joe F. Rhem.

1 08 Jltljlrtir0^

N]. ©. Intercolle^iG^te poot-lsx^U /^550ci(atlon,

Organized 1888.


. President. W. C. RiDDiCK, .

. Treasurer. T. C. DAXIEI.S, . .

• Secretary. H. L. M11.LER, . Record of Games for 1888-1889. TEAMS. WINNERS. score.

. University, 33—0 University vs. Wake Forest, . Trinity, 25—17 Trinity vs. University. . . . Forest, 32—0 Wake Forest vs. Trinity, . . Wake . University, Forest, ; 50. Total score—Trinity, 25 ; Wake 32

109 8

Record of Gamks for 1889- 1890. teams. winner^. score.

Forest vs. Wake Universit}-, . Wake Forest, . iS—

Trinity vs. . . Wake Forest, . Trinity, . . 8—4 vs. University Trinity, . . University, . Forfeited.

Total score Trinity, 8 ; Wake Forest, 22 8. — ; Universitv.


W. F. Shaffner, President. H. L. M11.1.ER, Vice-President. P. C. Graham, Secretary and Treasurer.

G. M. Graham, . Business Manager. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. F. Shaffner. R. W. Bingham. H. L. Miller. G. S. Ransom. G. M. Graham.


L. L. Little, Unlv^er^lty Tennl^ ©lub.


OFFICERS. A. H. Patterson, President. G. M. Graham, Sec. and Treas.


Lac}- L. Little.


J. D. Bellamy. J. J. Philips. Henry Johnston. W. F. ShafFner.


F. H. Batchelor. G. M. Graham.

R. W. Bingham. J. M. Morehead. G. H. Currie. A. H. Patterson. N. A. Currie. G. C. Worth.

CLASS OF '92. w. s. Huggiiis. J. L. Skinner. F. C. Mebane.

J. S. Worth.


S. A. Ashe. R. L. Patterson. C. F. Toms. Mike Hoke. G. L. Peschau. T. D. Toy. V. E. Whitlock. E. P. Willard.


Organized 1888.

OFFICERS. Henry Johnston, President. G. M. Graham, Vice-President. H. L. Miller, Secretary and Treasurer. MEMBERS.

'90. E. S. Battle, '93. J. A. Gilmer, '93. H. L. Miller,

Gaston Battle, '90. G. M. Graham, '91. J. J. Philips, '90.

R. W. Bingham, 91. Henry Johnston, '90. J. F. Rhem, '92.

Perrin Bushee, '92. Lacy L. Little, L S. J. L. Skinner, '92.



OFFICERS. W. W. Davies, President.

J. F. Hendren, Vice-President. W. E. R01.LINS, Secretary-. Perrtn Busbee, Treasurer. MEMBERS.

Perriu Busbee. C. F. Harvey. C. A. Rankin.

W. W. Davies. J. F. Hendren. W. E. Rollins. B. M. Galling. R. H. Holland. R. A. Urquhart.

t;^ ^ (ag- / 3l3

112 pield ti)^y E^Kerci^e^.

At University Foot-ball Grounds,

April 15TH, 1890.



Master of Ceremonies.

L. L. Little, '89.

Judges and Time-keepers.

'92. W. F. Shaffner, '90. J. F. Rhem,


G. M. Graham, '91.



1. 100 yards dash Dalrymple, '91 10 3-5 s.

2. Sack race -- G. C. Worth. '91 14 s.

ft. in. 3. Running high jump Edwards, '92 4 io>^

4. 3-legged race- Worth and Johnston 10 4-5 s.

'92 s. 5. Knapsack race Edwards and Busbee, 15 3-5 134' 6. Pole vaulting C. S. Mangum, '91 8 ft. in.

s. 7. Mile run Moye, '93 5 m. 51 1-4

8. Barrel race Busbee, '92 7 s. Eller, McMichael, Tug-of-War _ '93 I yard. 9. Currv,

I Lily,'

»• 10. Potato race - . -*Willard, '93 47 3-5

Gymnasium Medal won by C. S. Mangum, '91. Best Class Record, '91.

113 'V ^

r CDTO^S, > ;

W. W. Davies, Mashing Editor.

Theoretically this name fits this gentleman. Practically it does not, for while he has a great many plausible theo- ries about making mashes, none of them have produced any practical effect, unless being kicked out of a half dozen houses, having the dogs set on him several times and being chased by an enraged father with a shot-gun may be termed practical results. It is a matter of great wonder why this gentleman has been so unsuccessful, for he has man\' thino-s in his favor. He is rather handsome. He would be very handsome if he did not have grreen eves, with a slioht squint. He has splendid manners, so splendid that they w^ould reflect credit upon a ''heathen Chinee'' of the lower order. No trained bear could dance more gracefully, and his voice is beautiful, as beautiful as a braying jackass. His latest mashing scheme is to go to Africa, make a mash on a dusky princess and become chief of a tribe. He is a clever fellow, however, and we wish him success.

E. W. Martin, Fighting Editor.

Had Swift seen this gentleman he would have made him the unconquerable chief of the pygmies in his battle of

114 the pygmies and cranes. He is rather a small man, being

only five feet tall, bnt he tries to add to the ferocity of his appearance b}* wearing a very formidable looking pompa-

donr. This is the only ferocions thing about him. But

he is recklessly brave, and probably an instance of his dar- ing bravery ma}' not be out of place here. Once he called to see a girl. Suddenly she jumped upon the table in the utmost terror. You who are acquainted with women know what was the matter. She had seen a rat. The mio-htv man of valor was not frig^htened hv this terrible dano;er.

He said, "Fear not, fair maiden, I will rescue you.'' With the fleetness of an Achilles and the couraoe of a knioht he rushed to the conflict. The fio:ht was longr and blood v, but at last the mighty Martin laid the rat dead at his feet. The young lady rushed into his arms and fainted. Her weight was more than the diminutive hero could stand, so he fell with his fair burden and came near being mashed to death before (unfortunately) help arrived.

R. H. Holland, Susceptible Editor.

Woman has a peculiar fascination for this man. Some- times when he is studying he is seen to get up and rush out at break-neck speed in search of something which he sees in the distance—a calico rag hanging on a bush. He mistakes the object for a girl and advances towards it wnth one of his winning smiles and a glowing compliment.

Walking down the street one day he saw a kite with a tail composed of muslin fragments from female attire; he imme- diately attempted to climb the string in the hope of say- ing a few sweet things. He came near dying from a case of pneumonia which he contracted bv sitting all niMit kissing a gate-post with a fragment of an old shawl tied around it. He recovered from this attack much to the joy of his room-mate, wdio did not want to pay his funeral

"5 expenses. He is not at all affected by the young lady's opinion of him so long as he has a high opinion of her beauty. He has made love to more girls and been "kicked" more times than any of the editors, but we are

sure that if he continues in his efforts he will one day find

some one who is unsophisticated enough to believe what he savs.

J. D. Bellamy, Jr., Tzvisting Editor.

This gentleman entered upon life thinking that he was a genius. He entered school thinking that he was a genius. He entered college thinking that he was a genius, and he

still thinks that he is a genius. It is needless to say that he

is sliehtlv eccentric; in fact, no one has been able to discover just why he could have gotten this mistaken idea about his genius. He thinks that he is handsome. He is not. He

thinks that he is charming. He is not. He thinks that

he is destined to move the world, but the only part of it will be stones which he may beat on the chain-gang.

Editor. J. F. Hendren, Embezzling

This eentleman was forced to enter the Universitv, for he had become so obnoxious to the Faculty at Bingham's School that he (or they) decided that his presence at their educational institution was not absolutely necessary. He quit his meanness soon after entering college and announced his intention of becoming a preacher, but his sinister motives were soon discovered. He had noticed that young ministerial students had the rare gift of being able to kiss

all the pretty girls and to get plenty of good things to eat, so that this pleasure, combined with the advantage he hoped to orain from beings treasurer of the Y. M. C. A. and embez- zling the funds, induced him to make this misrepresenta- tion. Alas, for him! he was too ugly to induce but one

ii6 girl to kiss him, and she was cross-eyed, red-headed, freckle-faced and was excessively fond of onions. He w^as invited to one dinner and ate so mnch that he came near creating a famine in the land, and the Y. M. C. A. did not have enongh boodle to enable him to make a trip to Canada. He will probably not return next year, as the Faculty have earnestly requested that they may be deprived of the lioht of the countenance of this grenius.

F. H. Batchelor, ^' Cussifig'' Editor. When he entered college he was a very green Freshman and conceived the absurd notion that he would be a popular fellow^ if he became proficient in the art of cussing. He was successful in his endeavors to become proficient in this art, but was most deplorably unsuccessful in his efforts to become popular by this or any other art. Whenever he ofoes to the drug^ store evervbodv leaves in disoust. He seems very proud of his success in this direction! No one need wonder at this; some men are even proud of being a hog. Many preachers have tried to convert him, but the>' have very wisely come to the conclusion that God did not make such a specimen. The Faculty would be ver\' glad to get rid of him, and it is to be hoped that he will not be in college very much longer. He is only useful when the boys have tried to get up a dance and find that all the girls have decided not to come.

G. M. Graham, Lying Editor.

The chief difference between this gentleman and George

Washington is that Washington could not tell a lie, while

Graham can't tell the truth. It is very doubtful whether he will ever graduate, for, although he is a hard student and gets his lessons up very well, he is so fond of lying that he is sure to say that he is unprepared. W^hen some of the

117 boys were arrested for painting- the town red they got Graham to go to the Mayor's conrt and swear that they had broken every town ordinance, wherenpon the ^Nlavor imme- diately decided they were not guilty.

J. V. Lewis, Reporting Editor.

This department was given this gentleman b}- acclama- tion. He is peculiarly fitted for its burdensome duties, as he delights to report his fellow-students to such an extent that he has been known to fast for three days in order to be able to catch a member of the Di Societ\- with his foot on a chair. He has even been known to walk to Raleio:h in order to report some misconduct for the Di Society. He thinks he will graduate. He* won't. He will fall on '' bugs." When he leaves college he will enter the service of the Comanche Indians as a red-skin spy. The Indians will not be able to stand him, though, and will soon take his scalp. The following will be the inscription on his tomb :

Here lies J. V. Lewis, A man of wonderful brain ; He reported our chief for stealing a beef, But he won't do so again.

C. D. Berrett, Mathematical Editor,

Has charge of this department because he has shown himself utterly incapable of understanding the simplest problems in ''Math." Behold he falleth upon "Trig." "and when he falls he falls like Lucifer, never to rise again."

Joseph Rhem, Political Editor.

The highest ambition of this gentleman was to become a college politician. In his Freshman year he heard the

ii8 "

mighty "Sprunf talking about ''quills/' so when he returned to college in his Sophomore year he brought two geese for the purpose of having plenty of quills. He told one of his friencls that if these quills gave out he was him- self a goose and would pick himself. So great was his enthusiasm for the success of his party that he actually treated ONE man to "twofors.

N. A. CuRRiE, Red Editor.

This gentleman lias charge of this department on account

of the color of his hair. He is onlv useful as a head-lieht

to an engine. A short horse is soon curried.

119 p^ D V/



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Hon. KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. D., Professor of Political Economy, Constitutional and International Law. (VACANCY).

Professor of Mental and floral Science.

GEORGE TAYLOE WINSTON, A. M., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature.

FRANCIS PRESTON VENABLE, Ph. D., F. C. S., Professor of Gejieral and Analytical Chemistry.

JOvSEPH AUSTIN HOLMES, B. S., F. G. vS. A.. Professor of Geology and Natural History.

JOSHUA WALKER GORE, C. E., Professor of Natural Philosophy.

Hon. JOHN MANNING, LL. D., Professor of Law.

Rev. THOMAS HUME, Jr., A. M., D. D., Professor of the English Laiiguage and Literature.

WALTER D. TOY, M. A., Professor of Modern Languages.

EBEN ALEXANDER, Ph. D., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature.

WILLIAM CAIN, C. E., Professor of Mathematics and Eftgineering.

RICHARD H. WHITEHEAD, M. D., Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Materia Medica. :


WILLIAM JAMES BATTLE, A. M., Instructor in Latin.


Assistant ift Chemical Labcn^atory.


Instructoi's in Biology.


Instructor i^i Ejiglish. HOWARD BURTON SHAW, Instructor in Mathematics.

To be Elected

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WALTER n. TOY, Secretary. J. W. GORE, Registrar.

ST. CLAIR HESTER, Librarian. W. T. PATTERSON, Bursar.

Instruction is offered in four regular courses of study. Special and optional courses are provided in Mineralogy, Chemistry and other sciences relating to Agriculture. School of Law, also Medicine and Pharmac3% fully organized. The sessions begin the first Thursday in September and end the first Thursday in June, with a vacation of about one week at

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Hon. KEMP P. BATTLE, President,





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