Downloaded from -.. M14TD-188=lal L 15WOVEMER1972 sLFERsEDINe MIL-Sl’D-180-1~ 11 JUNE 1071 s MILITARYSTAIIIDARD I I COIWON10N6HAULANDTACTICAL COMMUNICATIONSYSTEMTECHNICALSTANDARDS .L , 1’ I Downloaded from MIL-STD-188-1OO 16 November 1972 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Washington, D. C. 20301 Common LOng Haul and Tactical Communication 3yetexn Technical Stamlaxxis MIL-STD-188-1OO 1. This MUitary Staodati is approved aod mandatory for uae by all Depa-mie and AgencieEI of tbe Departm~t of Defense, 2, Recommended oorreotiona, additlcma, or doletione @hould be eddremed to Director, Defemw Comxmmicstloma Agenoy, ATTN: Code 330, Wmshbgton, D. C. 20305 and b the Commandtng Gcmeral, US Army Electmmloa Command, ATTN: AMSE L-C E-CS, Fort Monmouh, New Jersey 07703. 11 - Downloaded from MIL-STD-188-lW 1S November 1972 -. FOREWORD 1. In the past * decades MIL-S’f’D-l 86, a Military Standard oovex Miiitary Com - muniodmion system Technical Stsndards, hae evolved from one appl.iuable to all mi~ .ary communications (kIIL-STD-l 88, hflL-STD-188A, and MIL-STD-188B) to cae applicable to taotiofd ccnnmurdcations only (WL-STD-188C). 2. in the past decade, the Defenee Communication Agency (DCA) has published DCA Cimmlara pmmmlgating standards and criteria applicable to the Defemee Communications System and to the technical support of the National Military Command System (Nh9CS). 3. FWure atanda fis for all milihq communications will be published as part of a MIL-STD-188 series of documents. kf.i~tary Communication Syatam Technical Standazxb wilI be eubdfvided into Common f%audarde (MIL-STD-1 88-100 eeries), Tactical Standamfs (MI L-STD-I 88-200 eeriee), and Long Haul Standards (MIL-STD-188-300 series), 4.
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